Carey Student Led Conferences - Letter 2020

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Kristina Stevens/Todd Sanders    Tamara Schuman 

Interim Principals  Academic Advisor  
Announcing our 22nd Annual 
Student Led Conferences
October 26-November 20, 2020 

Parents and guardians are cordially invited to attend their high school student’s fall conference. These 
conferences are Student Led, meaning your young adult will communicate with you about their learning 
processes and strategies looking beyond just the grades, to an audience that has a genuine interest in their 
education. By participating in your young adult’s conference you will be able to share in and actively support 
their learning process.  

Students will prepare their own conferences with their Seminar Advisors. On the afternoon or evening of their 
conference each student will have twenty-five minutes to present to his/her parents and Seminar Advisor. Each 
student MUST complete a Fall conference. Please sign-up with your young adult’s advisor and by which 
method you prefer; in-person or video conference.  

When you attend your young adult’s conference you can expect that they will: 
★ Take the lead role in their conference 
★ Self-assess their 1st quarter strengths and areas of progress 
★ Look at and discuss 1st quarter work samples to demonstrate evidence of learning 
★ Self-assess areas which need improvement(s) 
★ Set one or two learning goals for next term;  
○ Juniors and seniors will also share their post-secondary goals they have been developing during 
★ Identify ways to help meet those goals for second quarter 

Host: Your young adult’s Seminar Advisor

Date: October 26-November 20, 2020
When: A time slot between 2:30pm and 7:00pm

Attached you will find your young adult’s Seminar Advisor’s Schedule with their availability. Please select your 
top three choices and return it to your young adult’s advisor by Friday, October 23rd. Your young adult’s 
advisor will confirm your conference time and date.   

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school office or your student’s advisor at 


Kristina L. Stevens
Mt. Abram Student Led Conference Schedule 
Advisors Name: Mr. Carey Grade: 12 
Please mark your first three choices for time slots with a 1, 2, and 3. 
Times will be assigned in the order Student Led Conference Schedule forms are received by the advisor. 

Conference  Date  Date  Date  Date  Comments: 

Time  11/9  11/10  11/12  11/13  In person or virtual? If virtual, 
please provide an email that I 
can send a google meet link to 

2:30 – 2:55 

3:00 – 3:25 

3:30 – 3:55 

4:00 – 4:25 

4:30 – 4:55 

5:00 – 5:25 

5:30 – 5:55 

6:00 – 6:25 

6:30 – 6:55 

7:00 – 7:25 
Student Name: ______________________________________ 
Parent / Guardian Signature:  
If none of the above times work for you please contact your young adult’s advisor to set up an alternate 
date and time as soon as possible. Thank you! 

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