HKK January 2011

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Healthy Kansas Kids
Bedtime A Program of Child Care Aware® of Kansas
 getting a Volume 3 Issue 1 January 2011
hug and kiss

 reading
Children and Sleep
Sleep is a necessity for Newborns need 16-17 According to the National
 getting all living creatures. hours of sleep per day. Sleep Foundation, the ma-
tucked in Helping your child get Awake time will be 1-2 jority of young children to-
enough sleep at night hour stretches. Sleep day get far less sleep than
 talking with
a parent and establishing a regu- doesn’t follow any particu-recommended. Some signs
lar bedtime routine is lar pattern yet. that your child may be
 singing lulla- important for their physi- sleep-deprived include diffi-
Infants (two to twelve
bies cal and mental develop- culty staying awake in the
months) need 9-12 hours
ment. Getting enough afternoon, routinely falling
of sleep per night, plus 2-4
 drinking a shuteye is also important asleep, even on short car
warm glass naps lasting 30 minutes to
to maintaining a healthy rides, and having to prod
of milk two hours.
immune system, reduc- the child awake every
ing behavior problems One to three year olds morning.
and better performance need 12-13 hours of sleep
You can help your child be-
at school. per night, plus 1-2 naps
come a better sleeper by
ranging from 1-3 hours.
Research by the National sticking to a regular bed-
At 15-18 months, the
Sleep Foundation found time schedule and estab-
bumpy transition to one
that by age two, young lishing a relaxing bedtime
nap begins. Consider ear-
children have spent more routine. Read a picture
lier naps so they don’t in-
time asleep than awake, book or sing a lullaby while
terfere with bedtime.
and overall a child will giving a backrub. We’ve
spend about 40 percent Three to five year olds included a list of children’s
of his or her childhood need 9-12 hours of sleep favorite bedtime rituals in
This Issue:
asleep. There’s a range per night, plus one nap the top left corner of this
Children and 1 in how much sleep each that lasts from 30 minutes newsletter. Also, be sure to
Sleep child needs, and his or to two hours. Even if your check out the article about
her needs may change as child seems ready to ditch safe sleep for infants on the
Fit Family 2
they go through growth the nap, give them the back page.
spurts or changes to chance to nap or rest each
their routine. The Pedi- day by encouraging
Fruityli- 2 atric Sleep Disorders quiet time.
cious Clinic in Providence, By age 5, 70-80 percent
Smoothies Rhode Island, developed of children outgrow
some guidelines regard- naps. This makes get-
Safe Sleep 2
ing sleep needs at vari- ting a good night’s sleep
for Infants
ous ages. even more important.
Page 2
January is Fit Family Lifestyle Month
For adults, January is volvement. Children  Set health goals for
often filled with opti- look to the adults in yourself and share
mism and New Year’s their lives for examples them with your child.
resolutions. We re- of day-to-day decision Encourage your child to
solve to eat better, making. Here are set a goal, too. Start
move more, and help some ways to model small. Eat an apple a
our families be health- good health habits: day or cut back on TV
ier and happier. When  Choose active hob- time by an hour each
it comes to teaching bies as often as you night.
young children how to can. Include your kids.  Celebrate each suc-
live and take care of  Make physical activ- cess and make getting
themselves, nothing ity a reward for good fit fun for the whole
compares to family in- behavior. family!

Fruitylicious Smoothies
Smoothies are a recipe out on your kids. 1 1/2 c. orange juice
healthy alternative to Vary the color and fla- 1 1/2 c. plain yogurt
milk shakes. They can vor by using your 16-18 ice cubes
be a fun way to add child’s favorite fruits or 1/4 c. honey
servings of fruit to your fruits that are in sea-
child’s snacking, and son. You will need: Put all ingredients in
they make a great blender and process
breakfast beverage as 3 large ripe bananas until smooth. Now
well. Try this simple 1 1/2 c. pineapple that’s Fruitylicious!

Safe Sleep for Infants

Safe Sleep of Kansas Back: Always place your sleeping.”
has developed resources baby on his/her back to
geared toward helping sleep. Placing babies on Crib: Use a safety-
parents and caregivers their backs to sleep is the approved crib with a
provide safe sleep envi- number one way to re- firm mattress covered
ronments for infants. duce the risk of sudden only with a fitted sheet.
Just remember the infant death syndrome Consider using a sleep
ABC’s of Safe Sleep: (SIDS). One in five SIDS sack instead of a blan-
A baby should always deaths occur while an in- ket. If you use a blan-
sleep alone, on his/ fant is in the care of ket, place the baby’s
her back and in a someone other than a feet at the end of the
crib. parent. Many of these crib. The blanket should
deaths occur when babies reach no higher than
Alone: Babies should who are used to sleeping the baby’s chest. Tuck
always sleep in a safety on their backs at home the ends of the blanket
– approved crib for naps are placed to sleep on under the crib mattress.
or nighttime. Cribs their tummies by another For more information,
should be free from caregiver. This is called visit the website: www.
toys, soft bedding, blan- “unaccustomed tummy
kets and pillows.

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