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IoT Device For Sewage Gas Monitoring And Alert

Nitin Asthana, 2Ridhima Bahl
Undergraduate student,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Potheri, Tamilnadu, INDIA

Abstract— This project aims at providing smart slurries which leads to the production of toxic wastes that
solutions to monitor poisonous sewage gases and works on release hazardous gases. These gases can be lethal if inhaled
a system of live sewage level detection and monitoring. in high concentrations or for a prolonged period of time.
Whenever, a certain threshold is crossed, an alert is sent Septic tank gases are primarily constituted of methane, subtle
to the observer who is examining the conditions from a traces of carbon dioxide, some parts of sulphur dioxide,
remote location. The information is then forwarded along ammonia, hints of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), nitrogen dioxide
with different gas ppm values indicating whether it is safe and traces of carbon monoxide.
for the worker to clean or work in that environment or In order to evaluate the gases which are present in sewage
not. The remotely placed IoT monitoring equipment and environment, sensors have been used to analyse the amount of
IoT platform are integrated to create proposed system. hazardous gas and send an alert. The hazardous gases like
This requires calibration of gas sensors for industrial hydrogen sulphide, methane and carbon monoxide emitted
purposes and determining the correct threshold levels for from sewage are sensed by gas sensors every moment and
septic plants and facilities. The hardware is designed such updated when it surpasses the normal grade. The project aims
that it shall send a prior alert to the sewage worker to at designing a prototype for monitoring a sewage plant or
ensure their safety, if damaging gaseous constituents septic tank in real-time for keeping a check on concentration
increase in concentration over time. Various types of levels of gases. The designed system can be installed in
sensors are utilized to monitor parameters present in various sewage facilities, both rural and urban. The system
sewage like gas, temperature etc. When the threshold can be made to work properly in both domestic as well as
value is lesser than the sensed values, this system alerts industrial plants, by changing small specifications of design.
For remote access of concentration or ppm levels, ThingSpeak
the sewage worker/cleaner by sending SMS and call alerts
IoT platform can be accessed from anywhere in the world via
by analyzing concentrations of different toxic gases and internet. This project constituted development of an IOT
graphing out their results for real-time monitoring platform as its major part as well as the hardware to monitor
thereby aiding in protection from hazardous diseases and the setup.
hence serves a social cause as well. In the proposed
system, sample values for sensors have been recorded and As compared to pre-existing systems, which lacked real-
plotted on ThingSpeak analysis tool. Carbon monoxide time monitoring and online updating of status of gas
and methane sensors charted values up-to 2.3 and 60 ppm concentrations in the air, this system provides as solution to
respectively, and this breached threshold and GSM the dynamically changing sewer environment. This happens
module was utilized for sending alert to mobile number because flow of sewage water varies substantially with time
fed in the code. and depends on a number of factors, like water pump
condition, gas retention and damage to facility. This system
Keywords—Internet of Things, Global System for checks on these factors as minute by minute analysis is
Mobile communication, Sewage Gas monitoring system accessible from remote locations, thanks to online
monitoring. This enables accurate understanding of CH4, CO
I. INTRODUCTION and other sewer gases and their emission from sewers and
Sewage environment IoT device and IoT platform to aids in quantifying and dynamically altering municipal
monitor poisonous gas has been proposed as a solution to help planning, a feature that was missing in previous proposals.
the sewer workers who put their lives at jeopardy, and ensure
minimal health risk. Because of these poisonous gases, the II. RELATED WORKS
death rate of sewer workers has increased in the recent years. The utilization of a sewage monitoring system sets in
The lack of treatment of sewage after crossing dangerous place a useful approach to remind individuals or facilities
levels leads to the deaths of thousands of sewage cleaners employing these workers, to evacuate areas when ppm levels
throughout the year from accidents and various diseases such of certain gases goes higher than recommended. This saves
as hepatitis and typhoid that occur due to sudden or sustained lives of the employees working in harmful environments and
exposure to hazardous gases. Septic tanks are devices which
saves them from hazards. Organisations often employ septic
are found commonly in different types of localities, ranging
tanks and chemical treatment of sewage sites in industries
from residential areas to largely developed industrial areas to
provide solutions for treatment of sewage wastes. prior to sending in manual workers on site, however no
system is in place to check on hazardous levels. A smart
Sewage gases generally arise from the natural system is defined as a cyber-physical system or an embedded
decomposition of sewage and their mixtures formed by


system, that can process sensor data and assure a wireless nodal locations is provided to a single receiver end. The
communication to the server. sensor produces a wide range of values which are emitted
from sewage to the controlling kit. The calibration of these
Different systems have been proposed earlier by scientists sensors is done by defining resistor networks to make them
researching the environmental pollution and air hazards due usable for industrial and domestic utilisation. Depending on a
to industrial sewage. For example, IoT might be used to set predefined condition, the output is transmitted via the
address the air pollution problem, as proposed in pollunio [2] GSM module to the cloud. Here we have used Things Speak
to check Ground-level ozone and particulate matter that gives IoT platform for this project.
rise to respiratory diseases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen The prototype is deployed at strategic locations by
oxides or airborne particles caused by emission of polluting analysing the sewer map and forming a basis such as
gases from vehicles that degrade air quality. inspection demands to find the most accessible location.
Normally, they are placed at a sewer entry location. The
In survey [9] a design is proposed that brings in Wireless dispensing schedule can be organized based on the application
Sensor Networks (WSN) for air pollution monitoring system, which is to be fulfilled. For instance, if the operators want to
called Wireless Sensor Network Air Pollution Monitoring understand how in-sewer gas level changes over time, they
System (WAPMS). This utilizes Air Quality Index (AQI) as can analyse the graph plotted by the system on the ThingSpeak
the main parameter and employs data aggregation algorithm IoT platform.
to merge data to remove duplicates and filter out invalid B. Hardware Description
readings. Proposal [5], the authors have designed an
Arduino UNO and GSM module are the primary
intelligent residential security alarm and remote-control
components which make up this project model. Arduino
system on the basis of single chip computer to check on toxic
UNO enables it to read sensor data such as the ppm values
gas leakage in homes.
collected from Methane sensor (MQ-4) and Carbon Mono-
oxide sensor (MQ-7) of respective gases from wastes and
The Internet of Things (IoT) [6-9] is broadly being
sewage. Further, these realtime ppm values are
perceived by analysts as a standout amongst the most modern
advancements with the plan to significantly change wellbeing, simultaneously updated to the cloud using ThingSpeak IoT
security and security and addresses real effects inside the platform. The graphical representation of ppm values of
general public. This breakthrough in technology can be used these gases is plotted using the analytics tools in ThingSpeak.
in collaboration with sensors, and a smart system is designed Finally the status or an alert is send to the mobile of the user
for industrial purposes. when the values reach the threshold value using the GSM
module. The data of the ppm values of the sensors can be
III. HARDWARE DESIGN stored and monitored by user so as to avoid any accident that
A. Introduction might occur with the labour working at the sewage tanks and
rescue them from health issues caused because of these
harmful gases.

Figure 2. Block diagram representation

The hardware components used in this paper for

implementation are listed below:
1) Arduino Uno:- The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller
Figure 1. Flowchart for system design board based on the ATmega328P. It comprises of 14 digital
input/output pins from which 6 can be utilised as PWM
In the proposed system we use various gas sensors outputs. Apart from that, it contains 6 analog inputs, , a USB
inclusive of MQ4 (Methane sensor) and MQ7(Carbon connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and reset buttons
Monoxide sensor) for detecting the presence of hazardous which allow externally controlled hardware reset option.
gases in sewage. The control of the setup present at different
2) Methane gas sensor:- MQ-4 sensors are used to sense can be transformed using an ADC. The transformed value
Methane gas. It has digital input signals Low and High. If can be used in designs to get the ppm value of the sensed gas.
the input signal is Low there is no gas affected and vice-versa Connecting GSM Module to Arduino – Serial
for signal High. It can be configured for three states- low, communication occurs between Arduino and GSM module.
medium and high . Hence, the use of serial pins of Arduino (Rx and Tx) and
3) Carbon Monoxide sensor:- CO sensors are used to GSM is done by connecting the Tx pin of GSM module to Rx
sense carbon monoxide gas and has operation similar to that pin of Arduino and Rx pin of GSM module to Tx pin of
of MQ-4. Normally it is used to measure heat and motion of Arduino. So, there is a need to disconnect wiring in Rx and
an object. Tx each time we burn the program to Arduino.
4) GSM module: A GSM module is also known as GPRS
module stands for Global System for Mobile module. It is Connecting GSM Module to ThingSpeak-
ThingSpeak is an IoT platform that uses channels to store data
basically a device that is utilised to establish communication
sent from devices. By altering the settings in Channel
between a GSM or GPRS system and a mobile device.
configuration, creation of a channel is done, and then data is
sent to and from the channel and retrieved in the same way.
IV. METHODOLOGY Channels are made public to share data. There is use of the
REST API calls such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.
Figure 3 shows the system methodology which includes
Arduino UNO as a microcontroller board. The simulation of MQTT Publish method can also be used to update a
sensors, Software based SMS generation, and calling is done
channel feed and MQTT Subscribe to receive messages
on this microcontroller.
whenever there is a channel update.

Figure 3. Block diagram depicting methodology

Calibrating the sensors- MQ series sensors use a small Sending the readings to ThingSpeak server and
heater inside with an electro-chemical sensor in order to analyzing graphs using MATLAB in ThingSpeak-
measure different kind of gases combinations. It is ThingSpeak is an open source IoT platform with incorporated
recommended to calibrate the detector for 5000 ppm of CH4 Wi-Fi chip. In the proposed design, it is used to take readings
concentration in air and use value of Load resistance (RL) from sensors and upload the value of ppm concentration of
about 20KΩ. The sensor itself yields a analog voltage that gas on the cloud using GSM that uses HTTP protocol for
Figure 5. Real time implementation of system
Figure 4. Design flow
1. Sensors are calibrated.
Further in the proposed design, use of software-based 2. Sensors are exposed to atmospheric containing
SMS module allows users to send/receive information over harmful sewage gases.
GPRS, send/receive Short message service and make/receive 3. The readings are updated in real-time over
voice calls. It communicates consecutively with the devices ThingSpeak IoT platform.
like microcontroller, PC using AT commands. On pressing 4. Readings are continuously checked to see if they
the emergency button, LED glows and sends message to the exceed threshold.
concerned. 5. As soon as threshold is breached, SMS alert is sent
via GSM module.
The real time implementation of the system is show in Sample testing of system is done and the values are
figure 5 and corresponding cloud output is shown in figure 6. recorded. As observed from the graphs plotted by

Figure 6. Graphical analysis of result

We use ThingSpeak IoT platform to update the ppm values ThingSpeak analysis tool, the data charted by sensors, shows
of the gases information and send SMS to the worker, agency a peak increase around 17.45 where CH4 level rises to 2.2
or any user. The hardware setup is first made with coding ppm sharply. This indicates, threshold was breached, and
simulation. automatically, SMS alert is sent to mobile via GSM module
at 17.45.
The code is run after GSM module is set up. The
following steps are initiated to precise work with the Next graph it can be observed that Carbon monoxide
proposed system- levels rise steadily, to 60 ppm at 18.08 pm and as soon as
threshold for CO is breached, alert is done and levels are other toxic gases like sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide
again brought down after this point. As it can be seen, data (H2S), methane etc. we can improve design further.
from sensors is charted in real time and can be observed on Moreover, by introducing new functionalities like location
a minute by minute basis. services, tracking and modified alert system, this design can
serve a great social cause. Hence, this project will be able to
aid the department of health and sanitation, and help fulfil a
social cause for the country.
Septic tanks are a method to check on hazardous release
of gaseous components into the environment in areas VIII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
inclusive of both residential and industrial premises. Sewage, We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our
on natural decomposition, often leads to production of toxic guide, Mr. Manigandan M. for his enriching insights,
gases. These gases can be poisonous if inhaled for a long immovable faith and encouragement throughout our project
period of time and may lead to chronic illnesses in work work. He provided with a stimulating atmosphere for doing
force, if it is introduced in the body in high concentrations. research and despite of his busy schedule, provided timely
Septic tank gases contain sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide help and genial support for completion of this research work.
(H2S), methane, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide
and traces of carbon monoxide. These toxic gases thus
become dangerous especially for sewage workers and IX. REFERENCES
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