The Lost Land Chapter 2, A Lord of The Rings Fanfic - FanFiction

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Books ( Lord of the Rings

The Lost Land

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By: Ianeth $
My take on the lost Numenoreans idea. OC's.
Rated: Fiction K - English - Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 8,159 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 3 - Updated: Sep 26 - Published: May 24 - id: 13594602

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Chapter 2

Lauriel stood immobile on deck in the half light of dawn and took in the sights and sounds around her. Now at last the moment had come and the long wait and endless preparations were finally over. She turned
to her first mate Amado and gave the order to set the topsails and cast off, for there was a favourable morning breeze blowing down from the mountains and they would be able to sail their way out of port. He
nodded, strode forward to the rail and bellowed the instruction enthusiastically in his booming voice to the crewmen gathered below in anticipation, shattering the morning quiet. A ragged cheer went up from the
crew and the small group of relatives and wellwishers on the quay joined in. The ship became a hive of activity as men busied themselves with ropes on deck and scaled the masts to reach the sails overhead.
Lauriel took a moment to raise her hat in salute to those on the shore and then turned away to give her full attention to the task in hand.

These were the moments Lauriel lived for, for the beginning of every journey was filled with a strange and heady mix of possibility, uncertainty and the anticipation of danger. This journey had more than most of
all three, and she had considered long and hard before accepting Lord Methendir of Caras Eden's challenge. But as was her way, once she had done so she had prepared for what lay ahead with single minded

There was a crack and rattle and the sails caught the wind, followed by a familiar symphony of creaking rope and timber and the shouts of the crew as the ship slowly got under way. Lauriel observed intently for
a few minutes as they drifted from the quay and began to make progress and then confirmed with the helmsman, a big taciturn man named Adanor that he was happy with the amount of sail for it would not do
to pick up too much speed in a crowded harbour with so many obstacles in their path. Further out another ship was also taking advantage of the favourable conditions and leaving the harbour along with a
number of smaller fishing craft, so they would still need to remain vigilant even when they had left the confines of the harbour.

As well as the tall powerfully built first mate and the helmsman, the navigator and quartermaster we also both present alongside Lauriel on the poop deck. Both had been sailing with her for many years, and
both had played a key part in her success, though the two could not have been more different in character. The quartermaster Norumir was a large jovial man with a sunny and optimistic disposition. He was also
an excellent book keeper and skilled seaman, acting as second mate or helmsman when needed. Not only was he good company but also a wise counsellor and adviser, particularly when it came to negotiating
and striking a bargain, and Lauriel valued him highly.

The navigator Ataji on the other hand was a small intense man who said little but who was utterly devoted to his craft. A good navigator who could guide a ship across open ocean and arrive close to the intended
destination was literally worth his weight in gold to any trader, and there were none better at this than he. Of all her crew it was Ataji that had contributed most to her success, for together they had dared
voyages that any other captain would have declared to be impossible, to great advantage. He had approached her in a tavern in one of the harbours in the great bay begging for work, and where his strange
manner and appearance had gained him many refusals and scorn from other ship masters Lauriel saw something in him and had taken a chance on him. Both had become very wealthy as a result but Ataji
seemed to care little for anything other than his work and his service to 'his Lady'. If Ataji couldn't get them to where they were going, Lauriel thought to herself, then no one could, but if he was excited or
nervous about the challenge that lay ahead of them his blank expression did not reveal it.

At last they were clear of the harbour and out in the open waters of the bay. The bigger trading ship had stolen a march on them and was already under full sail, pulling away. Catching her eye and reading her
thoughts Amodo grinned and she nodded. "All hands, full sail" he bellowed and once again a cheer went up and was followed by another burst of feverish activity. On the poop deck too captain, mate and
common seamen alike pitched in and hauled on ropes to raise the large triangular spanker sail which flapped furiously overhead at first before catching the wind and filling and swinging out on its yard. The
Gwael quickly picked up speed and her timbers and rigging strained like a living thing as her sails filled and her wake whitened and spread.

By the time they overhauled the other ship the Gwael was travelling at least half as fast again as they were and their captain raised his hat to them in salute as they passed. Lauriel returned the courtesy, but
wondered dryly whether her rival was secretly hoping it would be the last he would see of her. If she did not return he might be able to pick up some of her trade.

With an ideal wind at their stern it was not long before they left the shelter of the bay and the ship began to rise and fall rhythmically on the swell, spray erupting regularly at her bow. The other trader had soon
turned south off their course and apart from the sails of a few distant fishing boats they were alone. The land began to recede into their wake, and soon only the tops of the mountains could be clearly discerned.

Lauriel thought it was good to feel the rise and fall of the deck beneath her feet again and smell the salt air. A pod of dolphins had now appeared at their bow and raced the Gwael, leaping from the water and
arrowing ahead of them, and the sailors saw it as a good omen. The flag of Caras Eden which flew at their stern displayed three leaping white dolphins on a dark blue field and they were the city's symbol,
revered as bringers of fortune to all sailors.

The mountain tops astern gradually disappeared into the sea until there was nothing visible in any direction other than white capped waves and the wide sky above. They were finally totally alone, a small self
contained island in a boundless and indifferent wilderness of water. Who knew now what lay ahead of them? Lauriel thought of her ageing father, and their bittersweet farewell only a few hours previously, their
fear they might never see each other again mingled with love and pride that she had been chosen to attempt such a momentous journey on behalf of their people. For a brief moment she felt small and lost and
afraid and wanted to go back to him, but she quickly mastered herself. For she was one of the best captains in the city and certainly had the finest ship and a crew to match. They needed her and she needed
them, and together they would seek and find the lost land of her forefathers.

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