Rfid-Rc-522 Reader Raspberry Pi: Er. Manoj S. Kavedia

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RFID-RC-522 Reader

RaspBerry Pi
Er. Manoj S. Kavedia
9324258878 / 8329988738
Raspberry Pi Pin Out
RFID Reader
The RFID RC522 is a very low-cost RFID (Radio-frequency identification) reader and
writer that is based on the MFRC522 microcontroller.

This microcontroller provides its data through the SPI protocol and works by creating a
13.56MHz electromagnetic field that it uses to communicate with the RFID tags.
 In a computer, a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is an interface that enables the
serial (one bit at a time) exchange of data between two devices, one called a
master and the other called a slave .

 An SPI operates in full duplex mode. This means that data can be transferred in
both directions at the same time.

 The SPI is most often employed in systems for communication between the
central processing unit ( CPU ) and peripheral devices.

 It is also possible to connect two microprocessors by means of SPI.

 The term was originally coined by Motorola. National Semiconductor has an

equivalent interface called Microwire.
Circuit Diagram
PIN Details
RFID RC522 there are 8 possible connections on it, these being
 SDA (Serial Data Signal) (24),
 SCK (Serial Clock) (23),
 MOSI (Master Out Slave In) (19),
 MISO (Master In Slave Out) (21),
 IRQ (Interrupt Request) (Not Used),

 GND (Ground Power) (6),

 RST (Reset-Circuit) (22) and
 3.3v (3.3v Power In) (1).

Note : wire all of these but the IRQ to our Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins

MOSI (Master Output/Slave Input) – Line for the master to send data to the slave.
MISO (Master Input/Slave Output) – Line for the slave to send data to the master
Setting up Raspbian for the RFID RC522
 sudo raspi-config

 sudo reboot

 lsmod | grep spi

see spi_bcm2835

 sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Getting Python ready for the
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

 Install python3-dev, python-pip and git packages

sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip

 Install the Python Library spidev to our Raspberry Pi using the python “pip” tool
 The spidev library helps handle interactions with the SPI

sudo pip3 install spidev

pip is a package-management system used to install and manage software packages

written in Python. Many packages can be found in the default source for packages
and their dependencies — Python Package Index (PyPI). pip is a recursive acronym
for "Pip Installs Packages".
After Installing the spidev library to our Raspberry Pi we can now now proceed to
installing the MFRC522 library using pip

There are two files that are included within our MFRC522 library that we make
use of:

 MFRC522.py which is an implementation of the RFID RC522 interface, this

library handles all the heavy lifting for talking with the RFID over the Pi’s
SPI Interface.

 SimpleMFRC522.py that takes the MFRC522.py file and greatly simplifies it

by making you only have to deal with a couple of functions instead of

sudo pip3 install mfrc522

Writing with the RFID RC522
mkdir ~/pi-rfid
cd ~/pi-rfid
sudo nano Write.py or any such text Editor

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522

reader = SimpleMFRC522()

text = input('New data:')
print("Now place your tag to write")
Wiring the RFID RC522
sudo python3 Write.py

pi@raspberrypi:~/pi-rfid $ sudo python3 Write.py

New data:Manoj Kavedia
Now place your tag to write
Reading the RFID RC522
cd ~/pi-rfid
sudo nano Read.py import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from mfrc522 import SimpleMFRC522

reader = SimpleMFRC522()

id, text = reader.read()

sudo python3 Read.py

pi@raspberrypi:~/pi-rfid $ sudo python3

Appliction of RFID
Appliction of RFID
Enjoy Security
Er. Manoj S. Kavedia

Contact on Watsapp to join Students Forum : 9324258878

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