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Subject(s) Of Type Of Elements Used Description

The Shot Shot

1 My Bed Eye level Patterns This picture is inside my bed comforter.
The reason why I find comfort in this
photo is because I have bamboo sheets
and I could lay in bed all day and never
want to leave.
2 Cupcakes Close up Patterns This is a picture of cupcakes in a store
called Crave. The reason why I find
comfort in this photo is because I
absolutely love sweets and these cupcakes
are my favorite cupcakes.
3 Cupcakes Long Shot Depth This picture is of the store Crave, but it
shows more of the selection of cupcakes.
The reason I find comfort in this picture is
because it makes me think of life, and how
we have many decisions in life and if we
make a good decision, we end up happy.
4 My Sister Cowboy Live subject This picture is of my sister and me at city
Shot perks in Saskatoon. I found comfort in this
because city perks are one my mom’s
favorite places in the city and getting to go
there just made me happy, because I’m
see what makes her happy.
5 My Sister Cowboy Live subject This is a picture of my sister drinking her
Drinking Shot maple chai latte. I find comfort in this
because I know that my sister will really
enjoy her drink and it reminds me of that
6 Drink Extreme Balance This picture is of the maple chai latte
Close Up design and my sister is holding it. I find
comfort in this photo because it reminds
me of winter and being cold and then
drinking a hot drink like this just is one of
the best feelings ever.
7 Drink Extreme Balance This picture is of the design of the
Close Up pumpkin spice latte that my sister is
holding it. I find comfort in this photo
because of the design, the design is just so
perfect it’s a hot drink, so it reminds me of
8 Me Medium Symmetry This picture is of me sitting on my sister’s
Long Shot bed. I find comfort in this photo because it
reminds me of the fun I had setting up and
taking this photo and I liked how the
sweater looked on me.
9 Me Medium Symmetry This is a picture of me under the blankets
Long Shot in my sister’s bed. I find comfort in this
photo because I remember how
comfortable I was in my sister’s bed.
10 Mug Choker Patterns This picture is of my dad’s mug, I put white
milk and I crumbled a little bit of the
chocolate stick in there and then placed
the rest of the stick in there. I find comfort
in this photo because it reminds me of a
latte or a white-hot chocolate.
11 Me Medium Symmetry This is another picture of me on my sister’s
Long Shot bed. I find comfort in this photo because I
was so surprised that the photo actually
looked good.
12 Flowers Close up Pattern This is a picture of sun flowers that my
sister had gotten for a gift, I find comfort
in this because the flowers just look so
beautiful and it was a very kind gesture.
13 Bed Long Shot Background This picture is of my sister Arielle’s bed. I
find comfort in this photo because her bed
is just so so comfortable
14 Desktop Point-Of- Background This picture is of my sister’s Arielle’s desk.
View I find comfort in this photo because
everything is just so neatly organized, and
it makes me calm.
15 Coco and My Close up Balance This picture is of my sister and coco my
Sister uncle, Scott’s horse. I find comfort in this
photo because it looks like both are
16 My Sister and Full Shot Symmetry This picture is of my sister and coco my
Coco uncle’s ex racehorse. I find comfort in this
photo because they both like they were
having a special moment.
17 Soup Close up Symmetry This picture is of my soup, specifically Tim
Horton’s, chicken noodle soup. I find
comfort in this photo because I always say
that soup is my comfort food and
whenever I feel stuffy or sick or tired, it
helps me feel like 100% again.
18 Boy Live Tilt This picture is of my boyfriend Brody,
Subject although he is newer in my life, he still
means a lot to me. I find comfort in this
photo because it reminds me of all the
thing we have done, and this photo was
from our first date.
19 Coco Close up Tilt This picture is of my sister, Arielle, my
cousin, Avery, Coco my uncle’s horse and
me. I find comfort in this photo because I
have known Coco for all my life, and she is
an important horse in my life.
20 Computer Point-Of- background This picture is of. I find comfort in this
View photo because it reminds me of watching
scary movies and this photo is perfect
because it is October and it’s the spooky
21 Arielle And Close up Eye-Level This picture is of my sister smiling and
Coco coco sticking her tongue out. I find
comfort in this photo because Coco Puffs
is in her teenage years and most
teenager’s stick their tongues out when
they are taking a photo.
22 Coco Close up Eye-Level This picture is of my sister and coco both
smiling. I find comfort in this photo
because it looks like Coco Puffs is smiling
or laughing at Arielle.
23 Coco And Close up This picture is of my sister and coco both
Arielle smiling but coco is definitely smiling
bigger. I find comfort in this photo
because coco is just smiling so big in this
photo and I smile when people are smiling
so when I see this photo I start laughing.

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