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Science fiction films have promised us many exciting gadgets. WE have seen hover boards,
domestic robots and flying cars, to _______ just a few, but most of these predictions have not
come _______ yet. For example, this morning I didn’t _______ to the office on a hover board. I
came _________ bike instead.

The bicycle was invented in the nineteenth century. Almost the whole ________ was on a form
of Tarmac, also invented that same century. Instead of a pill for breakfast. I had a bacon roll.
Also, ________ some people’s surprise, robots haven’t taken _______ either the home or the
workplace yet.

On the other hand, in 1987, Start Trek predicted we would be using touch screen technology.
So perhaps fiction doesn’t always _________ it wrong after all.

Maybe the most astonishing development has been the microchip and its place in computers.
The ______ on our lives has been amazing and this was never really predicted.

0 a) say b) call c) tell d) name

1 a) true b) right c) exact d) correct
2 a) get b) arrive c) reach d) appear
3 a) on b) by c) with d) at
4 a) drive b) travel c) voyage d) journey
5 a) for b) to c) in d) against
6 a) up b) off c) over d) down
7 a) make b) do c) get d) take
8 a) end b) effect c) result d) solution

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