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Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Master of Education in Secondary Education

PROGRAM: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SEC-590 9/10/2020 12/23/2020

COURSE: _____________________________________________________ START DATE: ____________________________ END DATE: _____________________

Port Susan Middle School

COOPERATING SCHOOL NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SCHOOL STATE: ___________________________________

Crystal Titus
COOPERATING TEACHER/MENTOR NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Judith Holliday
GCU FACULTY SUPERVISOR NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


POINTS 90.6 points 90.6 %
10.00 1000 906 100
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

High Expectations Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should believe that all students could learn and should set and support realistic expectations for student success. 1.00
These expectations should be communicated in positive ways. 85
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
In the observed lesson, Brooklynn did a pre assessment of student knowledge of the 5 components of Fitness. She ended the lesson with a quick assessment of student learning. Future lessons
will build on the information that was presented in today’s lesson. At the beginning of the lesson she demonstrated positivity in my introduction and asked the students to name the number of
components of fitness they thought they knew. She made it clear that it was ok if they didn’t know. She then followed with "...we were going to learn all of them together during the lesson with a
positive approach."
Respect for the Diversity of Others Score No Evidence
Teacher candidates should be sensitive to individual learning and the social needs of students and embrace the cultural diversity of
the community. They should develop and maintain educational communities marked by respect for others. They should interact
with their students, fellow educators, administrators, parents, and other community members with courtesy and civility and 90 1.00
establish relationships characterized by respect and rapport.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn presented the lesson to meet diverse student learning. She included video and pictures as visual airs for visual learners, and she also talked through the information in the Powerpoint.
Students were encouraged to respond in the chat but could also talk out loud if they preferred. Brooklynn added a “Kahoot” game to engage studentsl. Brooklynn handled the spontaneous nature
of excitement of a student in a great way. Broklynn shared, " I understand students engage differently and I believe I helped all different learners with this lesson. She has worked with EL students
and helped advocate for them. She is aware of different cultures and abilities. and the need to accept and to meet all students where they are.

Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Fairness Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should promote social justice and equity, maintain appropriate standards of confidentiality, and exercise
fairness in all areas including assessment. 90 1.00
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn provides equal learning opportunities for all students. Her simple assessment strategy is not intimidating and encourages all students to participate. Brooklynn is professional when
speaking about or referring to students. She has asked about Individual Learning Plans and wants to teach in a way that meets the needs of all students.An example of this was when we did the
formative assessment (Kahoot) game. Brooklyn expounded on this, "I made it fair by having it be a game for fun and including everyone. If someone did not have the game set up on their computer,
they were able to watch in the Google meet still as it was on the screen and read aloud by me. I ensured everyone had a chance to participate and learn in this game."
Professional Conduct Score No Evidence
Teacher candidates should exercise sound judgment and ethical behavior. They should be a positive role model within their
community. 94
Evidence 1.00
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn interacts with the students in a positive way. She thoughtfully encourages and compliments them.She models professionalism by by being on timet, dressing appropriately, and speaking
in professional manner., using proper English. Her Cooperating Teacher also shared that Brooklynn is aware; asks great questions to learn about the profession; and interacts well with her, other
staff, and the students. "She is wonderful!."

Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this 1.00
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Reflection Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should recognize that reflection combined with experience leads to growth as a professional. Educators should
be thoughtful about their professional practice, critically examine it, and seek continual improvement. 92
((The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
CT watched Brooklynn improve with each period that she taught the observed lesson. After each, they discussed what went well and what could be done differently. Brooklynn even added a
engagemIent activity in order to assess student engagement.CT shared, " I appreciated that Brooklynn asks what I thought she could do better after each lesson. There were minor adjustments
each time. I felt the lesson went smoothly and the information was shared in a fun manner."
Brooklyn stated. "I understand it is important to receive feedback, use collaboration and continue to learn as an educator." She wants to grow and to be better.She seeks feedback from everyone
with whom she works. She self-reflects continually, "Should I have?" "Was this okay? How do we build on this?' etc.
Curiosity Score No Evidence 1.00
Teacher candidates should promote and support curiosity and encourage active inquiry.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn questioned the students about how this would pertain to real life. How would you use this in your own fitness workout? Brooklyn shared that she supported this by making it clear that she
wanted each student to find what physical activities they enjoy and how they would use the 5 components of fitness in their own life or workout plan. She also shared that it is difficult with the virtual
platform, but she wants to get better at instilling higher level thinking and active engagement in her students.

Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Honesty Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates should model integrity by their words and actions.
93 1.00

(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn communicates with students in a positive and fun manner.Her CT stated, " You can tell she cares and sets a good example of kindness when interacting with students. She is truthful when
she says she is there to help them in any way she can. I know she will become someone the students can trust and rely on." She told the students that she cared about their learning and was here
to answer questions about anything..

Compassion Score No Evidence 1.00

Teacher candidates should demonstrate professional friendliness, warmth, and genuine caring in their relationships with others
while providing intellectual, emotional, and spiritual support. 95
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn offers to help in any way she can. She communicates that with student throughout the lesson. She lets them know that this information to help them. She states we want you to be able to
set up your own Fitness plan for a healthy life. She also speaks with a soft, kind voice and often told them they were doing a good job. She thanked them for their engagement throughout the lesson.
She has a naturally friendly disposition. The students like her!

Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

GCU Professional Dispositions of Learners Scoring Guide

No Evidence Ineffective Foundational Emerging Proficient Distinguished
(The GCU Faculty (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Teacher Candidates within (Target level for Teacher (Usually reserved for master
Supervisor should create a this range require a this range require a this range may benefit from a Candidates) Teacher Candidates)
plan with the Teacher Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan) Professional Growth Plan)
Candidate to determine how
the Teacher Candidate will
meet this disposition in
future evaluations)
No Evidence 1 to 49 50 to 69 70 to 79 80 to 92 93 to 100
There is no evidence that the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the The performance of the
performance of the Teacher Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate is Teacher Candidate meets Teacher Candidate
Candidate met this insufficient in meeting this underdeveloped in meeting developing in meeting this this disposition and consistently exceeds this
disposition or expectations disposition and expectations this disposition and disposition and expectations for expectations for a Teacher disposition and all
for a Teacher Candidate for a Teacher Candidate expectations for a Teacher a Teacher Candidate during Candidate during student expectations for a Teacher
during student teaching. during student teaching. Candidate during student student teaching. teaching. Candidate during student
teaching. teaching.

Advocacy Score No Evidence

Teacher candidates understand the impact of community involvement and servant leadership as it applies to the welfare of others in
the educational setting. 90 1.00

(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn is teaching with a platform that serves all students as they are unable to be together in person. She is doing whatever is asked as requirements and expectations are constantly
changing. Brooklyn said, "Although this was not the student teaching experience I planned for last year, I believe I have been positive and willing to help the students and teachers in any way
possible. I truly care for my community and want to learn, as well a,s help the students learn, gain confidence, and grow during these hard times. She would like to volunteer her time to coach if
sports and activities open up. She would like to be a role model for her students. This community and school are a part of her life and important to her.
Dedication Score No Evidence
Teacher candidates should be committed to the profession of teaching and learning.
(The GCU Faculty Supervisor should detail the evidence or lack of evidence from the Teacher Candidate in meeting this disposition. For lack of evidence, please provide suggestions for
improvement and the actionable steps for growth. )
Brooklynn is a great student. She is open to hearing feedback and quick to make adjustments based on suggestionsgiven. When not on Google meets with students, the professional conversation
with Brooklynn is one of inquiry and curiosity of the profession. Ct shared, "I am impressed with her desire to speak with me about my years of teaching." She asks the big questions, is dedicated,
hard-woring and committed to wanting to be an educator. Brooklyn's feedback included, "I believe I am very dedicated. I spent a lot of time on my lesson and have been on campus at the school
every day working on lesson ideas and strategies." She feels good about everything that has occurred so far. She is trying to get everytthing possible out of this experience. "I am excited for the
future. It is only going to get better!".

Brooklynn Roberts 20669891

TEACHER CANDIDATE NAME______________________________ STUDENT NUMBER____________________

Please review the "Total Scored Percentage" for accuracy and add any attachments before completing the "Agreement and Signature" section.

Total Scored Percentage:

90.6 %
Attachment 1:

Attachment 2:


This evaluation reflects the results of a collaborative conference including feedback from the Cooperating / Mentor Teacher. The GCU Faculty
Supervisor and Cooperating /Mentor Teacher should collaboratively review the performance in each category prior to the evaluation meeting.

I attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.

GCU Faculty Supervisor E-Signature Date

Judy Holliday
Judy Holliday (Sep 29, 2020 23:08 PDT) Sep 29, 2020
Brooklynn Roberts:
Additional Feedback for Observation #1:

Communication skills
Naturalness of her teaching
Open to feedback

Opportunities for Growth

Maybe more interaction with the students to check for engagement
Possible ending activity that really explains to the students where “we are going with this new
Letting them know why we taught them the stuff we did. How we will build on this learning

Suggestions/Ideas to Implement
Build in more engagement checks
Make them fun for kids to interact
Try to get kids to talk or share their thinking at times throughout the lesson/ More student talk and less
teacher talk/Include more active inquiry

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