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31 Lomba says that he later discovered that Peju

A was older than he had first thought.

B frequently asked people surprising questions.
C was already preparing for her future career.
D quickly made progress in her career.

32 When Lomba answered Peju’s question,

A she tried to stop her father from giving Lomba the answer.
B she indicated that she was glad that Lomba did not know the answer
C Lomba knew that Bola would not have been able to give him the answer.
D she supplied him with information he did not know.

33 What does Lomba say about Lola?

A She was pleased that he didn’t know the answer to her question.
B She seemed younger than she really was.
C She made him feel much more comfortable than Peju did.
D He thought at first that she was playing a trick on him.

34 Lomba says that he found out that he was wrong about

A how the father spent most of his time.

B what the children thought of their father.
C the father’s priorities in life.
D the father’s sense of humour.

35 When describing Ma Bola, Lomba makes it clear that

A he got on better with her than with his own mother.

B he was not familiar with being addressed with the words she used.
C her physical appearance made him feel comfortable with her.
O he was envious of her children’s relationship with her.

36 When she was talking to Lomba in the kitchen, Ma Bola said that

A she thought he would be a good influence on Bola.

B she was becoming increasingly worried about Bola.
C she wanted him to take on a role he might not want.
D she realised that a certain tradition was dying out.


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