To Be Going To Future ( THE NEAR FUTURE")

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To Be Going To Future („THE NEAR FUTURE”)


EX: I’m going to eat my meal peacefully.


1. When we want to express the fullfilment in the future of the plans made in
EX: I’m going to cook something delicious tonight. (planning in the present what is
going to happen in the near future „tonight”)
I’m going to do my math homework this evening.

OBS!!! When we use the „going to future” structure is slightly diff than the „will”
one, in regards the the value added to the sentence. When I use „will” the decision
of the future action implies volition and is made on the spot but when using „going
to future” we are planning things ahead. We are thinking about the actions and
what it requires in order to be fulfilled at a certain time in the future.

2. PREDICTION – when we know for a fact that something is going to happen.

Ex: Denisa is going to graduate highschool next year, in 2021.
Kevin is going to win the race.

3. Planned action
EX: I’m going to buy an apartment next year.
I’m going to get tickets for my holiday, today.

The Future Perfect Simple


AFF: WILL +HAVE + MAIN VERB to CONJUGATE (on past participle)

Ex: I will have gone = voi fi plecat.
NEG: WILL + NOT+HAVE + MAIN VERB to CONJUGATE (on past participle)
EX: I will not / won’t have talked = nu voi fi vorbit

INT: WILL + SUJECT +HAVE + MAIN VERB to CONJUGATE (on past participle)
EX: Will you have watched? = vei fi urmarit/privit?


1. We use this tense when an actions begins & ends before a certain time or action
in the future. With this tense we will have magic words that will contain the
preposition „BY”.
EX: I will have travelled to Bucharest by next week. = Voi fi calatorit la Bucuresti
pana saptamana viitoare.

I will have finished my assignment by next Friday. = Voi fi terminat indatorire

pana vinerea viitoare.

2. When we want to express an action’s duration up to a certain moment in the


EX: By next week I will have been on holiday for three years.
By Saturday I will have worked for this company for five years.

EX: I will translate this difficult text only after/when I will have learnt all the words/
have learnt all the words.

3. Possibility or assumption

Ex: If Jack has taken a taxi he will have arrived on time at the train station.
If Heather has stopped procrastinating she will have finished all her work on



AFF : Will + Have + BEEN main verb to conjugate + ing

EX: She will have been eating = ea va fi mancat
NEG: Will + NOT + have + been + main verb to conjugate + ing
EX: I will not / won’t have been skating = Nu voi fi patinat.

INT: Will + SUBJECT + have + been + main verb to conjugate + ing

EX: Will you have been studying = Vei fi studiat?


1. It is used to express the duration of an action up to a certain

moment in the future (hour included)+ for how long exactly.

EX: By the lunch time she will have already been studying piano for
two hours.

The Future in the PAST – SIMPLE


AFF: would + short infinitive

EX: I would sleep = va fi fost dormind
NEG: would + not / wouldn’t + short infinitive
Ex: I wouldn’t sleep = nu voi fi fost dormind
INT: Would + SUBJECT + short infinitive
EX: Would I eat = voi fi fost mancand

USAGE: It is used to state from a past point of view the future

actions. It is used frequently in indirect speech.
EX: She told me she would be here. = Mi-a spus ca va fost aici.
He told me he would like to talk with you. = Mi-a spus ca i-ar place sa
vorbeasca cu tine.
The future in the PAST – CONTINUOUS


AFF: would + be + short infinitive + ing

EX: I would have sleeping = As fi dormit

NEG: would + NOT + be + short infinitive + ing

EX: I would not / wouldn’t be stealing = Nu as fi furat.

INT: WOULD + SUBJECT + be + short infinitive + ing

EX: Would I be competing? = As fi concurat?


1. To express a FUTURE CONTINUOUS from a past point of view. (INDIRECT


EX: She told us that in at most half an hour her baby would be sleeping.
Arthur told us that he would be leaving in an hour.

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