Renewable Energy: Ottavio Mattia Mazzaretto, Felipe Lucero, Giovanni Besio, Rodrigo Cienfuegos

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Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505

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Perspectives for harnessing the energetic persistent high swells

reaching the coast of Chile
Ottavio Mattia Mazzaretto a, *, Felipe Lucero b, Giovanni Besio a, Rodrigo Cienfuegos b, c, d
DICCA, University of Genoa, Via Montallegro 1, 16145, Genova, Italy
MERIC - Marine Energy Research & Innovation Center, Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería Hidra ulica y Ambiental, Pontificia Universidad Cato
lica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
d n para la Gestio
Centro de Investigacio n Integrada del Riesgo de Desastres, ANID/FONDAP/1511007, Santiago, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The wave climate along the Pacific Chilean coast and its possible exploitation for marine energy gen-
Received 11 February 2019 eration between latitudes 33.00 S and 40.50 S are evaluated. A database of hindcast wave spectra in
Received in revised form coastal waters between 1989 and 2013 is used to perform the analysis at four different depths: 15m, 20m,
15 April 2020
50m, and 100m. Monthly wave power and mean wave direction statistics between deep and shallower
Accepted 6 May 2020
Available online 7 June 2020
water (20m) are analyzed. Furthermore, the variability of wave statistics is compared for the four
different shallow-to-intermediate water depths and latitudes. The performance of five wave energy
devices is assessed under their best operating conditions in terms of water depth: SeaPower, OEBuoy,
Wave energy converters
Wavestar, CETO, and Seabased. Median Produced Electrical Power, Capacity Factor and Capture Width
Chile Ratio are computed for the 24 years of the database. These devices are divided in two categories, the
Wave energy assessment and exploitation WECs with higher rated power (1200kW) and the lower rated power devices ( < 1200kW). These de-
WEC performance vices are compared considering an average performance along the coast during the whole period. Among
the formers OEBuoy stood out for Cf and CWR (on average: PE :318.02 kW, Cf:12.7% and CWR:19.96%),
while among the last group CETO 50m highlighted for PE and CWR (on average: PE :15.39 kW, Cf:6.70%
and CWR:7.74%).
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction production of energy from renewable sources, up to 43%, where

traditional hydroelectricity production supplies 31%, and only 12%
Global energy demand rocketed in recent decades, and it is comes from NCRE as biomass, solar, and wind [5e8].
expected to increase about 48% between 2012 and 2040 [1]. Indeed, Renewable energies have experienced a remarkable increase
the global electric consumption has shown a mean annual growth since the 2000s, specially for wind and solar exploitations [1].
rate of 4.38% between 2001 and 2011. In 2001 it reached 1220 Among renewable energy sources, wave power appears as a
(MToe1) and in 2011, 1754 (MToe) [2]. Moreover, the increasing promising alternative [9], thank to its density (2e3 kW=m2 ), which
evidence of climate change and supply security concerns have is higher than wind (0.4e0.6 kW=m2 ) and solar (0.1e0.2 kW=m2 )
urged governments to foster the development of the renewable [10]. Furthermore, the world wave energy resource is quoted to be
energy sector. “1e10 TW” [11e15], whereby entire continents could meet their
Many countries are facing this challenge and also has done Chile energy demand only with wave energy as [12] shows.
by issuing the Law 20.698 (2013): it is stated that the 20% of the Even if the efforts to develop wave energy converter technolo-
national energy generation should be based on Non-Conventional gies started by the end of the XVIIIth Century, it was not until the
Renewable Energy (NCRE) by 2025 [3,4]. Chile has already a high 1970s that systematic Research and Development (R & D) programs
fostered substantive advancements [9,15]; nonetheless, the tech-
nology has not yet converged to define the best device in terms of
an industrial production and cost-efficiency. The wave energy
* Corresponding author. resource along the 4000 km of the Chilean Pacific coast, can reach
E-mail addresses: (O.M. Mazzaretto),
(F. Lucero), (G. Besio), (R. Cienfuegos).
high values  100 kW=m [12,16,17]. This condition together with
MToe:Tonne of oil equivalent, 1 MToe ¼ 11 630 kWh the existence of tidal streams with high power potential in the
0960-1481/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505 495

southern part of Chile [18], have boosted the R & D efforts for devices are selected according to the following criteria: 1. opera-
harnessing marine energy in Chile [3,4,7,17,19e22]. tional data have been made publicly available; 2. the devices are
The present work has three major goals: the first one consists in under active development; 3. the devices have been tested under
characterizing the wave climate along the central-south part of the real sea conditions.
Chilean coast to analyze how the wave climate is modified as it Using the classification proposed by Bozzi et al. [24] and EMEC
propagates from open waters towards the shore. The second goal is based on the mechanical type of wave energy extraction, three of
to assess wave statistics in shallow-to-intermediate waters where the selected WECs correspond to point absorbers, one is a multiple
detailed bathymetric data is available, at water depths of 100 m, point absorber, and one is an attenuator (see Table 2) [9,24]. The
50 m, 20 m, and 15 m. Using this information, we then provide for devices also differ for their Power Take Off systems (PTOs); the
the first time, realistic estimates of wave power extraction from five PTOs of the selected devices are described in Table 2. Another
Wave Energy Converter (WECs) technologies (CETO, OEBuoy, Sea- distinctive key of the different devices is the Power Matrix; this
based, SeaPower, and Wavestar) at the studied locations. Energy allows to calculate the potential energy production as a function of
production for the WECs is assessed taking into account the rec- wave heights and wave periods occurring at a certain location.
ommendations and performance levels declared by the developers. Combining the Power Matrix with the local sea state conditions it is
The analysis provides operational statistics derived from time se- possible to estimate the potential energy production of each WEC.
ries of energy production. Furthermore, in order to develop a The maximum power that each device can produce by the best
comparative analysis, the devices are divided according to their combination of wave heights and wave periods is called Rated
rated power ( 1200 kW and < 1200 kW). Extracted Power, Ca- Power (i.e the maximum value reported in the Power Matrix); for
pacity Factors, and Capture Width Ratios are used to compare the the selected WECs the Rated Power varies from a minimum of 15
different performances and to rank WECs’ operation along Chilean kW (Seabased) to a maximum of 3587 kW (SeaPower).
coastal waters. Finally, we compare these results with similar Owing to significant differences in the nominal Rated Power of
analysis performed in other parts of the world [17], to discuss about the selected WECs, the devices have been divided in two groups.
the potentialities of wave energy production in Chile. During this The first group includes devices with a Rated Power  1200 kW,
study it was decided to use the median instead of the mean due to while the second one contains WECs with Rated Power < 1200 kW
the positive asymmetry of the wave energy. In this type of asym- (Table 3).
metry the most appropriate parameter to represent the central
tendency of the distribution of the data is not the mean but it is the 2.3. Wave data
median, since the latter reflects better the existence of a bias.
The wave climate analysis is performed considering the near-
2. Materials and methods shore hindcast data published in Lucero et al. [3]. Lucero et al. [3]
present a preliminary wave energy resource assessment for the
2.1. Study area and location of wave hindcast nodes study area, combining hindcast and measured data. The database
has been validated in both nearshore and offshore nodes, using
The study area is located in the central-south coast of Chile and wave observations from ADCPs and buoys (Fig. 1 left image). The
it is enclosed between latitudes 33 and 42 (Fig. 1). This area is offshore wave data is obtained from a FUGRO Oceanor AS reanalysis
selected because of its strategic importance since 76% of the pop- using the WAM model [34]. The resulting hindcast consist of
ulation of Chile lives there, and it concentrates important industrial directional wave spectra, intensity and direction of the wind, at
and economic activities [23]. intervals of 3 hrs, divided in two periods of time (1989e1991;
Typically, wave resource assessment studies are intended to 1993e2013). These data are used as the offshore boundary condi-
provide average wave conditions, energy distribution, annual and tion for the coastal wave propagation model that is implemented
monthly variability, and statistic data on the occurrence of extreme here to produce wave climates in shallow-to-intermediate water
waves. However, this information should be integrated with the nodes.
device characteristics to address wave energy extraction projects. Wave propagation towards coastal points is carried out
For example, locations with lower energy content could be more employing the SWAN model v41.01AB [27]. After the calibration
productive than others with higher energy potential owing to ef- process, consisting in comparing hindcast data with measured
ficiency factors since the produced power and the operational time wave climates at ADCPs and buoys, the optimal configuration for
of each WEC depend jointly on the distribution of wave height and model parameters is specified: active whitecapping is set with a
period [24e26]. fixed value for the dissipation rate of 2.36e  5 while delta is set to
The locations of deep water hindcast nodes, and the locations of 1; the bottom friction coefficient is set to 0.038 m2 s3 ; and triadic
the coastal nodes where wave energy is numerically propagated are wave-wave interactions is set with a proportionality coefficient of
shown in Fig. 1; the nodes denoted by the letter F, are those of the 0.8 (local wind data have not been included in the wave propaga-
database of FUGRO Oceanor AS, whereas the nodes denoted with tion process). Nearshore wave climates produced by the SWAN
the letter N, represent the locations where the waves are propa- model are obtained using a set of three nested grids discretized
gated onshore using the numerical wave model SWAN [27]. We uniformly in the alongshore and cross-shore directions, with sizes
thus produce shallow-to-intermediate wave climates at four of 500 m, 100 m, and 25 m, respectively. All hindcast data shown in
different limited depths to span the range of operational conditions the present paper refer to the highest resolution grid (25 m).
of the studied WECs. Wave propagation is conducted to shallow-to- In the present study, wave statistics for monthly variations,
intermediate water depths of 15 m, 20 m, 50 m, and 100 m, but only median annual power and wave direction are generated to compare
the 20 m locations (N nodes) are shown in Fig. 1 (right panel) and in the results from deep and shallower water wave climates (F and N
Table 1. nodes in Fig. 1). Specific analysis of propagated sea states are con-
ducted for 100 m, 50 m, 20 m, and 15 m water depths, since the
2.2. Selected wave energy converters selected WECs are expected to perform better over these ranges.
The shallower water nodes where the energy production is
In this work five wave energy converters are considered: CETO, analyzed are chosen near headlands to enhance the concentration
OE Buoy, Seabased, SeaPower, and Wavestar (Table 2). These of wave energy by refraction. The described methodology allows a
496 O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505

Fig. 1. Study area and location of deep and shallow water nodes, buoys, and ADCPs where measurements are available. F, B, A, and N denote: hindcast data, buoys, ADCPs, and
synthetic shallow water nodes, respectively. Left panel: location of deep water hindcast data and measuring devices. Right panel: location of synthetic nodes where shallow water
wave climates are generated (based on [3]).

Table 1
Selected site locations for wave hindcast analysis and their corresponding longitude (Lon.), latitude (Lat.), and water depths.

Location FUGRO Oceanor AS - Offshore SWAN - Nearshore

Lat.[ ] Lon.[ ] Depth [m] Lat.[ ] Lon.[ ] Depth [m]

F1 33.000 73.500 3570 N1 33.087 71.746 20

F2 34.500 73.500 5260 N2 34.412 72.055 20
F3 36.000 73.500 596 N3 35.588 72.657 20
F4 36.000 75.000 4300
F5 37.500 75.000 4550 N4 37.273 73.677 20
F6 39.000 75.000 4412 N5 38.643 73.511 20
F7 40.500 75.000 2985 N6 39.994 73.707 20

detailed characterization of the energy production of the selected power in deep (FUGRO Oceanor AS data) and shallow-to-
WECs under realistic sea state conditions in intermediate-to- intermediate water nodes (wave propagation using the SWAN
shallow waters along the Chilean coast. model to 20 m water depths).
In general terms, the wave power increases with the latitude
from North to South, but some overlaps among nodes exist.
3. Results Regarding deep water nodes, this trend can be seen specially during
spring and summer seasons (between September and March). For
3.1. Comparison between deep and shallow-to-intermediate water shallow-to-intermediate water nodes, from N1 to N4, there is an
nodes overlapping during the whole year, but N5 and N6 stay clearly
above the others, on the exception of the spring and summer
In Fig. 2 we present the monthly variability of the median wave
O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505 497

Table 2
Main features of the studied wave energy converters.

Picture Name PTO Classification Energy mode Depth [m] Rated Power Ref

CETO Submerged buoy single tension mooring; Point absorber Heave; Surge; 20e50 260 Babarit et al.
Sway. [28]
Single acting hydraulic pump; [29]
Fluid pressure;
Hydraulic motor;
Electric generator.

OEbuoy Floating platform slack moored; Oscillating Water Surge; Sway. 50-100þ 2880 Babarit et al.
Column (OWC) [28]
Oscillating water column;
Self-rectifying air turbine;
Electric generator.

Seabased Floating buoy single tension mooring; Attenuator Surge; Sway; 40e100 15 Dahlsten [30]
Linear generator; Rusu [26]
Self-rectifying air turbine.

SeaPowerb Two floating, slack moored, hinged rafts; Point absorber Pitch 50-100þ 3587 Sea Power Ltd
Mechanical direct drive;
Electric generator. Bozzi et al.

Wavestar Multiple row of heaving buoys connected to a Multiple Point Absorber Heave from 6-8a to 2709 Babarit et al.
fixed platform; 30-40 [28]
Mechanical direct drive; Hansen et al.
Electric generator. [33]

(Depend on fixed platform characteristics). Tests at Hanstholm were between 5 and 8m depth. With present technology water depth could reach to around 10e20 m.
The double acting hydraulic pump is developed for freshwater production or for storage in reservoir.

Table 3 move from deep to shallower water, wave directions change and
Classification of WECs by rated power. the directional spreading is narrowed. The refraction produces a
Rated Power ½kW Devices shift towards the west; this effect also exists in the other nodes (not
shown) and can be explained by the bathymetric configuration of
 1200 SeaPower
OE Buoy
the selected intermediate-to-shallow water nodes. In the case of N1
Wavestar the refraction shifts the principal wave direction form SW to WSW.
< 1200 CETO
3.2. Wave power parameters in intermediate-to-shallow waters

seasons. Results also show that June is the most energetic month of The characterization of wave energy power in intermediate-to-
the year for all the considered latitudes and water depths. shallow waters is performed by defining several wave statistics for
Conversely, December appears to be the less energetic month the different nodes and water depths (summarized in Table 4). All
within the year. the parameters (except the Peak Period) are extracted directly from
An example of wave directional rose is reported in Fig. 3 where the directional wave spectrum, which is obtained from the propa-
results for the first node, F1 (deep water) and N1 (at 20 m depth), gation using the SWAN model. The peak period is estimated from
near to Valparaíso, are shown. Due to the refraction, as the waves the energetic period using the relationship proposed in previous
works [21,35,36]:
498 O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505

Fig. 2. Monthly variations of the median wave power. Upper panel: deep water nodes from FUGRO Oceanor AS. Lowe panel: shallow-intermediate water nodes propagated to 20m
water depths using the SWAN model.

Fig. 3. Wave Rose directions for the northernmost nodes near Valparaíso. Left panel: deep water wave conditions. Right panel: shallower water wave conditions at 20m.

 median wave power of the most energetic month, while PMmin is the
Tp ¼ Te 0:9 : (1) median power of the less energetic month.
Results presented in Table 4 show that the significant wave
In addition, Seasonality Variability (SV) and Monthly Variability height does not change significantly for the different water depths,
(MV) indexes are calculated. These indexes describe the inter- but it slightly increases from North to South. Conversely, the peak
seasonal and inter-annual variability. Lower values of these pa- period and the energetic period show only slight variations with
rameters suggest a more appropriate location for the energy latitudes and water depths. More significant changes are observed
extraction. They are defined as follows [3,21,37,38]: for the median wave direction since this parameter is very sensitive
to local bathymetry. It is worth noting that at several locations,
PSmax  PSmin wave energy power increases as the water depth decreases. This
SV ¼ (2)
Pyear trend is explained by the fact that the shallower water nodes are
placed near headlands to enhance wave energy focusing by
PMmax  PMmin refraction.
MV ¼ (3) The parameters in Table 4 are essential to understand the
possible electricity production of the devices, however, as the Po-
where PSmax is the median wave power for the most energetic sea- wer Matrix of the WECs is a function of certain distribution of wave
son, PSmin is the median wave power for the less energetic season, heights and periods, it is essential to study the bi-variate distri-
and Pyear is the yearly median wave power. Similarly, PMmax is the bution of the latter. Fig. 4 illustrates the bi-variate distribution (for
O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505 499

Table 4
Wave power statistics in shallow-intermediate waters: median yearly significant wave height (Hs ), median yearly peak period (Tp ), median energetic period (calculated with
the approximated formula) (Te), median yearly wave direction (q), maximum significant wave height (Hmax ), median yearly wave power (P), maximum wave power (Pmax ),
Seasonality variability index (SV), Monthly variability index (MV).

Location Hs [m] Tp [s] Te [s] q [+] Hmax [m] P [kW=m] Pmax SV MV

SWAN 15 m
N1 2.32 12.3 11.1 239.2 6.64 28.79 354.5 0.15 0.27
N2 2.32 12.6 11.3 254.1 7.06 29.18 390.44 0.15 0.29
N3 2.19 12.6 11.3 249.6 8.17 26.31 497.48 0.19 0.36
N4 2.28 12.3 11.1 253.4 7.89 27.83 414.54 0.26 0.49
N5 2.41 12.2 10.9 246.3 7.8 30.78 494.68 0.3 0.49
N6 2.62 12.4 11.2 250.9 9.26 37.4 637.67 0.35 0.56
SWAN 20 m
N1 2.27 12.1 10.9 237.6 6.27 26.89 313.8 0.14 0.26
N2 2.26 12.3 11.1 251.6 6.67 27.31 341.22 0.14 0.27
N3 2.2 12.4 11.2 246.3 7.85 26.15 466.11 0.2 0.39
N4 2.23 12 10.8 250.8 7.72 25.91 376.09 0.25 0.48
N5 2.37 11.9 10.8 243.9 7.5 29.08 454.5 0.29 0.48
N6 2.54 12.1 10.9 255.5 8.61 34.39 528.85 0.36 0.55
SWAN 50 m
N1 2.26 11.6 10.5 233.9 5.6 25.83 242.07 0.11 0.23
N2 2.2 11.7 10.5 243.6 5.74 24.54 226.65 0.11 0.24
N3 2.34 12.1 10.9 237.2 7.19 28.81 367.76 0.23 0.44
N4 2.37 11.6 10.5 241.9 7.75 28.34 330.95 0.23 0.44
N5 2.5 11.8 10.6 236.7 7.45 31.98 407.92 0.31 0.52
N6 2.46 11.6 10.4 254.4 8.69 31.14 466.63 0.35 0.55
SWAN 100 m
N1 2.34 11.7 10.6 232.6 5.66 28.04 234.77 0.11 0.21
N2 2.3 11.7 10.5 239.3 5.97 27 248.23 0.11 0.24
N3 2.4 11.9 10.7 237.3 7.2 30.03 299.63 0.2 0.4
N4 2.54 11.8 10.7 237.6 8.21 33.05 373.94 0.24 0.44
N5 2.61 11.9 10.7 238.4 7.79 35.19 392.22 0.31 0.5
N6 2.71 11.8 10.7 245.6 9.22 38.16 489.23 0.35 0.55

Fig. 4. Hs -Te bi-variate distributions for nodes 1, 3, and 6, considering the whole wave database at 20 m water depth. Color indicates annual power; the numbers show the yearly
average hours where each bin of sea states is present. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

the whole database) for N1, N3, and N6 at 20 m depth. Together shift when moving to southern latitudes.
with Hs and Te , isolines of wave power are shown as well; the most
frequent sea states are within the range of Hs ¼ 1.5e3.5 m and Te ¼
9e13 s, and the associated wave energy power ranges from 10 kW= 3.3. Potential energy production from wave energy converters
m to 78 kW=m. It can be observed that the wave power, as expected,
increases from North to South, as the distribution of N6 is shifted up The wave climate that has been propagated to intermediate-to-
compared to N1. shallow waters are now used in combination with the Power
Operational conditions for WECs also require to assess the Matrices of the selected WECs to produce time series of potential
principal wave directions. Fig. 5 depicts the rose of the wave power energy production. The wave conditions obtained at water depths
for nodes N1, N3, and N6 at 20 m depth. For all the nodes the most that are within the operational limits recommended by the de-
energetic sea states are characterized by a direction of origin be- velopers are used. CETO is thus tested at 20 m and 50 m water
tween W and SW. The direction of origin shows a slightly western depths; the performance of OEBuoy is assessed at a water depth of
100 m; Sebased AB at 50 m and 100 m water depths; SeaPower is
500 O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505

Fig. 5. Wave rose corresponding to node 1, 3 and 6, concerning the total time, at 20 m of depth.

Fig. 6. Median Produced Electric Power kW for each device and at different nodes. Left Panel: considering the whole wave database. Right panel: considering only the winter period
(from June to September).

tested at 100 m water depth; finally Wavestar is evaluated at 15 m 3.4. Capacity factor
water depth. Each device is studied at every location (from N1 to
N6). In Fig. 6 the Median Produced Electric Power is evaluated over An important parameter, closely related with the Produced
the whole studied period (left panel), and when considering only Power, is the Capacity Factor (Cf ), which is the ratio between the
winter months (June to September on the right panel). power production and the Rated Power. It is computed from the
The overall energy production increases for all the devices from following equation [17,39]:
North to South, indeed for almost all the WECs the maximum
production is obtained in N6, except for CETO 50m (N5) and Sea-
based 50m (N5). It is also observed that the energy production is PE
Cf ¼ ,100½% (4)
higher when only the winter season is considered. The least pro- Np
duction is achieved, for almost all devices, in N2, except for CETO
20m (N3) and Wavestar (N3). These two devices are simulated in where Np is the Rated Power, and PE is the mean electric power
shallower waters and present bigger oscillations of Median Pro- produced by the WEC. This parameter is important to assess
duced Electric Power from North to South. A similar trend is fol- whether the device is running close to the maximum of its design
lowed by CETO 50m, whereas Seabased seems to have an almost capacities. Bozzi et al. [24] have shown that with a correct scaling
constant production along the Chilean coast for both depths (50 m the Cf may be importantly increased.
and 100 m). From the general trends, SeaPower has the highest Overall, the Capacity Factors stay under 30% (Fig. 7); the highest
production, among the devices with higher rated power and CETO values are reached by SeaBased (around 20%), while CETO shows
50m, among the WECs with lower rated power. the smallest values. As noted for the Median Produced Electric
O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505 501

Fig. 7. Capacity factor for each device at different nodes. Left panel: considering the whole wave database. Right panel: considering only the winter period (from June to September).

Power, also the Cf increases with the latitude. For the devices with present study are summarize in Table 5. In Fig. 8 the median values
higher Rated Power OEBuoy has the highest values of Cf , followed of CWR for the different WECs at the different nodes N1eN6 are
closely by Wavestar and SeaPower. The Capacity Factor of the latter shown. The highest CWR, among the devices with higher Rated
devices is very similar being around 12%, while for the former is Power, is achieved by OEBuoy (around 20%), while SeaPower and
around 13%. Conversely, significant differences are shown for the WaveStar CWR are characterized by values around 17% and 13%
WECs with lower Rated Power, Seabased at 50 m performed simi- respectively. Whereas, for the devices with lower Rated Power, the
larly to 100 m, as CETO 20m with CETO 50m. However, the differ- CWR of CETO is almost the double of SeaBased, being around 7%
ence between the two is notable, Seabased has almost four times and 3% respectively.
the Cf of CETO.
4. Discussion
3.5. Capture Width Ratio
Among the devices with Rated Power 1200 kW, the Capacity
Factors are rather similar (around 12%). For the WECs with Rated
Another important parameter to evaluate is the Capture Width
Power < 1200 kW, SeaBased technology shows the highest Ca-
(CW) [40,41] that accounts for the energy harnessing efficiency of
pacity Factor (nearly 20%) compared with CETO (nearly 6%); the
the WEC. This parameter has dimensions of m, and represents the
results are the opposite for the Capture Width Ratio (nearly 7% for
width of the wave crest that is captured and absorbed by the device.
CETO and 3% for SeaBased). The CWRs of the devices with higher
This parameter can be made dimensionless and expressed in per-
Rated Power are between 13% and 20% (Table 6). While these
centage for more useful comparison among different devices. The
criteria are important for selecting the best technology under
non-dimensional index, the Capture Width Ratio (CWR), is
specific wave conditions, another variable that should be consid-
computed by dividing the Capture Width by the largest dimension
ered is the distance to the coast where the WECs shall be installed
of the device [40]:
since investment and operational costs would largely depend on
CW P this. In the results presented herein, we have not included this
CWR ¼ ¼ E ,100 ½% (5) variable but it is worth evaluating the distances associated to the
different water depths at each node. In Table 7 these distances are
where PE is the power potentially produced by the device in kW, P summarized, while in Fig. 9 it is shown an example of the bathy-
is the wave incident power in kW=m, and B is the largest dimension metric profile for N2. The higher the water depth, the farther the
of the WEC. The dimensions for the devices considered in the node position is from the shore, so the local seabed slope could be a

Table 5
Dimensions of the studied devices.

Dimension of the WECs [m] Reference

CETO 7 Rusu [41]

OEBuoy 50 Rusu [41]
Seabased 3 Rusu [41]
Seapower 67 Rusu [41]
WaveStar 70 Rusu [41]
502 O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505

Fig. 8. Median Capture Width Ratio (CWR) for each device at different nodes. Left panel: considering the whole wave database. Right panel: considering only the winter period
(from June to September).

Table 6
Final comparison between the studied devices. MPEP is the Median Produced
Electric Power (spatial average), expressed in kW, while Cf is the Capacity factor
expressed in %, the CWR is the Capture Width Ratio, which also is dimensionless and
expressed in %, both also spatial averaged.

DEVICE MPEP [kW] Cf [%] CWR [%]

Rated Power 1200 kW

OEBuoy 318.02 12.70 19.96
SeaPower 357.12 11.54 16.72 Fig. 9. Bathymetric profile to the coast for Node 2.
WaveStar 274.57 11.81 13.04
Rated Power < 1200 kW
CETO 20m 13.73 5.88 6.94
CETO 50m 15.39 6.70 7.74 bear the wave breaking. Filtering extreme events would signifi-
SeaBased 50m 2.96 20.18 3.47 cantly reduce production and operational costs while increasing
SeaBased 100m 3.16 21.37 3.32 the survivability of the devices [9]. These arguments would favor
the use of CETO, Seabased, or WaveStar technologies along the
Chilean coast, since they can be installed in water depths smaller
critical variable to define the best cost-efficient technology for than 50 m.
Chile. CETO and SeaBased technologies, studied at two different
Installing the devices in limited water depths has different ad- depths, shown no significant differences in Produced Power, Ca-
vantages as the narrowing of the directional wave spreading and pacity Factors, and Capture Width Ratio. These findings suggest to
the filtering of extreme waves conditions [42]. In shallow water the select the installation point that is closer to the coast (i.e. 20 m
filtering of extreme events is also due to the bathymetric-controlled water depth for CETO and 50 m for SeaBased).
breaking, despite it is a problem for some WECs, for others it is not Among the high-rated power WECs (Np  1200 kW), SeaPower
an issue. Such as, the WaveStar can rise the floats out of the water is the best ranked (Table 8) considering the Median Produced Po-
during heavy storms. In addition, submerged devices (CETO) can wer, whereas OEBuoy performs better in terms of the Capture

Table 7
Distance from the shore of the nodes along the coast of Chile for every depth.

Distance from the shore [m]

Depth [m] 15 20 50 100

N1 600 650 780 1160

N2 438 585 1650 3619
N3 1300 1956 9877 19957
N4 575 664 1395 2978
N5 167 2396 16703 25889
N6 1090 1213 2820 9534
O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505 503

Table 8
Ranking of the best operating devices with Rated Power  1200 kW: PE , produced median electric power, Cf , Capacity Factor and CWR, Capture Width Ratio.

Devices with Rated Power  1200 kW


1+ 2+ 3+

PE ½kW SeaPower OEBuoy Wavestar

Cf ½% OEBuoy Wavestar SeaPower
CWR½% OEBuoy SeaPower Wavestar

Width Ratio and Capacity Factor. Wavestar shows poorer perfor- analysis to date of potential wave energy power extraction under
mances in terms of Median Produced Power and Cf but it can be realistic conditions for the central-south coast of Chile. This wave
installed on shallower waters (15 m) than OEBuoy (100 m) and resource analysis provides better grounds for assessing the wave
SeaPower (100 m). The difference in Median Produced Electric climate variability both for different intermediate-to-shallow water
Power between these and SeaPower is around 40 kW for CETO and depths and for wider ranges of latitudinal spots. The nearshore
80 kW for Wavestar. However the Capture Width Ratio and the wave energy resource shows mild monthly variations, with the
Median Produced Electric Power of SeaPower are higher than maximum wave power in June (winter) and the minimum in
Wavestar. The performance between OEBuoy and SeaPower is very December (summer). The average yearly wave power is among the
similar, but OEBuoy performs better when concerning the Capacity highest in the world (ranging from 10 kW=m to 78 kW=m), with
Factor and the Capture Width Ratio. Therefore, this device should energy concentrated in the W-SW directions, and increasing from
be considered as the best device for the coast of Chile for the WECs northern to southern latitudes.
with rated power  1200 kW. The performance of five Wave Energy Converters is assessed
For lower rated power WECs (Np < 1200 kW), CETO 50m shows using the generated nearshore wave database at different water
the best performance regarding the Median Produced Power and depths (each device at its optimal depth, as recommended by the
the Capture Width Ratio (Table 9), whereas its capacity factor is developers) and latitudes. Simulating the devices at their optimal
lesser than Seabased 100m. Nonetheless, CETO has two other po- depth allows to generate accurate outputs of Produced Power,
tential advantages over SeaBased: it has been enhanced for the Capture Width Ratios, and Capacity Factors. These parameters
production of freshwater [43], and it can be installed at 20 m. It where used to compare the performance of the WECs along the
appears then that CETO can be considered as the best option for Chilean coast. Among the devices with higher Rated Power 1200
lower rated power devices along the Chilean coast. kW, both the Capacity Factors and Capture Width Ratios show only
The devices performed differently along the Chilean coast, in mild differences (between 11% and 13%, and 13% and 20%, respec-
this regard the performance of the two selected devices was ranked tively). For WECs with lower Rated Power ( < 1200 kW), we found
as a function of the nodes, the result was that for OEBuoy the best more differences in the performance of the devices. SeaBased
node in which it performed better is N6. Whereas, for CETO 50m technology shows the highest Capacity Factor (nearly 20%)
the best node seems to be N4 and for CETO 20m the best node compared with CETO (nearly 6%), but the performance in terms of
seems to be again N6. the Capture Width Ratio is higher for CETO (nearly 7%) than for
Nevertheless, various aspects might be more important to SeaBased (3%).
define the best spots. Among them, extreme wave recurrence Rusu and Onea [17] have studied the behaviour of different
studies will certainly be key to assess the survivability of the WECs WECs along the world, therefore it is useful to take into account this
and the mooring system. Similarly, the distance to ports and the work to compare the potential of the Chilean coast with the rest of
analysis of installation and maintenance logistics (e.g. access win- the world. In this work the median was used as central tendency
dow), might also play an important role for the definition of the indicator instead of the mean, however, in order to compare our
best spots for WECs operation. For example the access window results to the ones obtained by Rusu and Onea [17] it is necessary to
depends on the vehicle used to reach the devices [44]. Generally use the mean. Starting with the comparison of A5-N6 (Fig. 10), the
speaking, different kind of vessels can bear up different wave first thing that attract attention is that, although the nodes are very
conditions usually characterized by wave height comprised be- close, the PE are very different. The under-estimation of this value
tween 1.5 and 3 m. Harsher wave climate results in more frequent in the paper of Rusu and Onea [17] can be explained with different
occurrence of extreme events that can damage the installed devices reasons, as for example that N6 is further south than A5 and that
and reduces the access window. the latter one is situated near a bay, while the former is close to a
It is confirmed that the long coastal border of Chile offers
5. Conclusions
excellent conditions for producing wave energy, with a fairly uni-
form wave climate and only a mild seasonal variability.
The results presented herein constitute the most thorough

Table 9
Ranking of the best operating devices with Rated Power < 1200 kW: PE , produced median electric power, Cf , Capacity Factor and CWR, Capture Width Ratio.

Devices with Rated Power < 1200 kW


1+ 2+ 3+ 4+

PE ½kW CETO 50m CETO 20m Seabased 100m Seabased 50m

Cf ½% Seabased 100m Seabased 50m CETO 50m CETO 20m
CWR½% CETO 50m CETO 20m Seabased 50m Sebased 100m
504 O.M. Mazzaretto et al. / Renewable Energy 159 (2020) 494e505

Fig. 10. Comparison of Mean Produced Power (Mega Watts [MW]) between three WECs (SeaPower, OEBuoy, Wavestar) among various locations around the world, taken from
Ref. [17]. The colors in the colorbar represents the devices. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

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