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Light Therapy
How you can tap the energy of light

The light produced by the sun is vital to life on earth. It provides energy for nearly all organisms on earth.
Green food chains begin with photosynthesis that uses the energy of absorbed sunlight. Then herbivores eat the
plants, carnivores eat the herbivores, and the cycle of life moves forward.

The oil we use for gasoline is derived from stored sunlight. Light therapy has been valued throughout history as
a remarkable source of healing. Variations of light used for therapy include:

 Full-spectrum
 Ultraviolet
 Colors
 Lasers

The oldest form of light therapy is natural sunlight which is the ultimate source of full spectrum light. The first
color therapy was used 2,500 years ago by Pythagoras. Color chambers were used for restoring balance and
healing in ancient Egypt, China, and India.

Splitting the Light

Then Sir Isaac Newton who invented the color wheel which split white light into red, orange, yellow, green, cyan
and blue. Newton went a step further and associated the colors with a sound.

Goethe’s Contribution

About a century later Johann Wolfgang Goethe added the psychological effects of color on the human psyche.
After that Niels Finson of Denmark discovered light treatment to assist wound healing. In 1932 two California
psychologists established the physiological effect in humans.


 Blue light is calming

 Red light stimulates

Life Enrichment Series
Babbitt and Dinshah

Beginning in 1878 Dr. Edwin Babbitt used light for a variety of ailments with a principle he called Rainbow
Healing outlined in his book: Principles of Light and Color in the Material and Spiritual Universe.

Dinshah Ghadiali, PhD, MD was inspired by Babbitt’s work. In 1897 after saving the life of a dying woman with
indigo light Dinshah began 23 years of research and clinical observation to verify light therapy as a valid
therapeutic tool he named “Spectro Chrome”. His work is published in: “ The Triumph of Spectro-Chrome.” In
1985 Dinshah’s son Darius published, “Let There Be Light” based on his father’s work. The Dinshah Health
Society formed in 1975 still exists.

Quack? Maybe Not

In the early 1900’s Dinshah was labeled a quack by the American Medical association. His publications reflected
great antagonism toward the medical profession in general as he depicted them as “The Medical Octopus” with
tentacles that stretch across the land. He lamented about the privileges extended to medical practice and
pharmacy including what he called the “curse” of vaccination.

Antagonism Caused Demise

Dinshah ridiculed the very core of 20 th century medicine. as he angered doctors with his slogan, “No diagnosis,
No drugs, No surgery” Dinshah’s ideas and therapy must have been successful in many cases as the application
continues today.

The Spectro-Chrome Instrument

Dinshah’s Spectro-Chrome color therapy includes a box with a 1000 watt light bulb and an opening fitted with
five color filters called (Attuned Color Wave Slides). These slides are mixed to produce twelve different colors.
For example:

 Green: A pituitary stimulant and germicide

 Scarlet: A genital stimulant

Colors as Frequency is Energy Source

Every element according to Dinshah exhibit a frequency of one of the seven prismatic colors and that balancing
color eliminates disease. The therapy is simple: to cure a disease administer the colors that are lacking or reduce
the colors that have become too brilliant.

The alternative health care model of light provides a low cost opportunity to discover harmony and balance.

Life Enrichment Series
Life Enrichment Series

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