2011 TLE Winter Edition

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News and Views

w w w. T L E l i t e r a c y. c o m
Editor/Layout: Darlene Brown

Excellence in Literacy Downtown Library Visits

We went to the Grande Bibliothèque- library in
Inside this issue: downtown Montreal for the past 4 months. We Attentio
President’s Message 2 had fun. I learned and found books, DVD’s and Tutors,
comic books to borrow. ~ Armen ers, Frie
nds &
From the ED Desk 2 Libraria
The best thing for me at the library was being ns!!
Join Mona
Karen’s Office News 2 able to pick different types of music in different at the Nat
& co. Tuesd
ional Libra
languages from unusual and unknown artists. and Archiv
es of Que
in downtow bec
Volunteer Voice 2 ~ Michelle n Montrea
475 du M
I took several language labs. I tried Arabic, Can- Est
Author’s Visit 3 Call Karen
tonese, Chinese, and a little English grammar. for more
~ Kosal
Margo’s Corner 3
We contact each other through an agenda on e-mail and attend once a
Thank You Indigo & 3 week on Tuesdays. Usually we reserve a room to discuss books or the
Orca! entertainment materials we borrow. We all go by ourselves by Metro
Family Literacy Activi- 3 and meet on the main floor. Everyone is welcome! ~ Mona
Join us for Craft Lunch!!
CDC Governing Board 4
Monday February 7th in room 222, 11:50 to 12:40
Contact Us 4
Craft Lunches
Dates to Remember 4 National
Craft activities are being held
several lunch periods this year Volunteer Week
with the help of some of our dedi- April 10th to 16th
cated volunteers.
Join us to make something for
yourself, a friend, or to help us Join us for cake and coffee

show others how to make a new to honor our volunteers!

April 13th 12:00 to 3:00
Message from the President
“Doorway to the stars. If we close documents, housed on TLE Board of Directors
our eyes and release imaginations, Scribd.com, has had over
all things are possible.” 360,000 visits to-date! As
~ Josephine 2010/2011
well, Darlene continues to build
The term started with a huge Learning Links, an incredible President: Mona Arsenault
bang! Lots of volunteers and tool for our learners and tu-
students have joined us and tors with everything under the Vice-President: Lazar Jevremovic
we’re busier than ever! We sun! Thank you Darlene for
Secretary: Christiane Dabbagh
held our annual election for helping us all, with every detail
the Board of Directors, and a of our great organization! An Treasurer: Valerie Sauriol
large number of activities, extra thanks to Karen for
classes, and board meetings. catching all the loose ends! Director: Enza Ciampanelli
Our website has over 650 hits Mona Arsenault
on average per month and our TLE President

TLE Literacy Supporters

From: Executive Director’s Desk
It’s been a busy few months and we still have so much more to come!!
 CHAPTERS.INDIGO We’re preparing for family literacy visits to elementary schools thanks
to our volunteer team of readers, Penny Draper’s visit during Canadian
Children’s Book Week, by-law reviews with help from our McGill Law stu-
dents Eric and Julia, craft lunches, workshops for Adult Learner’s
 SCHOLASTIC BOOKS CANADA Week, library & class outings, coffee/cake get-together to show appre-
ciation to our volunteers….the list goes on...our new web site is coming
and I continue to make new additions to Learning Links every week...and
on!!! We hope you will join us in making this year a great success!

Karen’s News Author’s Visit D. Brown

Happy New Year, TD Canadian Children’s Book Week will run from Saturday, April
30 to Saturday, May 7, 2011. Thirty English-speaking authors,
Valentine’s Day,
illustrators and storytellers will visit schools, libraries, book-
Spring Break, Easter, stores and community centres in every province and territory
etc. to everyone!!!! So across the country. TLE is proud to be chosen to host an event
many holidays and cele- featuring children's author Penny Draper, from BC! Her visit
brations in just one news- starts with a story. Audiences are invited to sit back, relax, and
be drawn into the tale. The chosen story will come from one of
her award winning/nominated books such as Terror at Turtle Mountain or Grave-
yard of the Sea leading to a discussion of the differences between the oral and
Please don't forget to hand in literary traditions. Join us Friday May 6th 6-7 p.m. for a great evening with
your volunteer hours!! Penny Draper!


Margo’s Corner Thank You Indigo & Orca!

As I listen to one of my A special thanks to

clients tell me her story, I Karolyn Lachapelle
find myself struggling to and the staff at In-
digo Books Quartier Laval for their donations of
take notes. Not only is it
gift bags which will be distributed to children at
difficult for me to write
Crestview and JFK Elementary Schools.
neatly and quickly, but I am
also having a hard time remembering how to Success is only attainable through outstanding people
working together in an open environment that promotes
spell certain words. As I start to panic, ques-
knowledge and growth. ~ Indigo Value Statement
tions begin to flood my mind. When did I lose
my penmanship (handwriting) skills? Why
can’t I recall if “approval” takes two P’s, or
As well, we’d also like to thank Orca Book Pub-
one? As I catch a glance of my computer
lishers for once again sending us a great selec-
screen, I suddenly have the answer. It is the
tion of books for our family literacy program!
fault of modern day technology! No thanks to
predictive text and automatic spell check, I Orca is a publisher of high quality, award-winning
books for children and teens and reluctant readers of all
have lost all those hours spent on practicing ages. Orca is dedicated to bringing the best possible
writing the alphabet between two lines and books to young readers. ~ Orca Book Publishers
preparing for dictations. In the New Year, I
invite you to pay more attention to the spell-
ing of words and to try to use a pen more of-
Attention Book Lovers!
ten before we all start writing like doctors! We are looking for new
members. Anyone interested? We
meet the first Wednesday of each
Family Literacy Activities month at the Multi-Cultural
V. Sauriol Library. Call Karen for more info!

The Family Literacy Committee of The Learning Exchange has planned its annual
winter visits to two different elementary schools. Volunteers go into the schools,
read interactive stories to the children in their classes and give out free liter-
acy materials, including a book to take home. Also, in the spring, the committee
will be organizing its annual Storytime Festival, an evening event where young
school children and their parents are invited to the school to participate in different fun literacy

Both of these events have become very popular and are enjoyed by all!


Dates to Remember
Go to TLE online under EVENTS to view our

How to Contact Us Google calendar for details of all dates/events

Excellence in Literacy

Book Club Get-Togethers

*Multicultural Library/Call TLE for info.
THE LEARNING EXCHANGE STAFF  Feb. 2:Sunshine Sketches of a Little
Town by Stephen Leacock
Darlene Brown  March 2: Half Broken Horses by
Executive Director Jeannette Wall
 April 6: Heart of Darkness by Joseph
Karen Mockler 2100 Blvd. des Laurentides
Administrative Assistant Vimont, Laval, Quebec. NPI Partners meetings
*CLC Laval 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Library Resource
 Feb. 10/ April 7/ June 16
Phone: 450-688-2933 ext. 3126
Diane Richard Skype: TLETLE1 CDC Vimont Governing Board meetings
*Conference Room 4:00 PM
Financial Officer Fax: 450-663-1290
 Feb. 28/ March 28/ May 30
Email: TLE_literacy@yahoo.ca
Margo Legault Family Literacy

Communications Consultant  Jan. 27: JFK Elementary visit/Feb. 3:

WEBMASTER Crestview Elementary visit

Errol Pinto  Feb. 16: Family Literacy committee plan-

ning meeting 3 PM

 April 12: Storytime: Souvenir Elementary

6:30 PM to 8 PM

Important Dates/Events
 Jan. 27: Family Literacy Day

 Feb. 7: Craft Lunch (Sign-up to make a

craft) room 222, 11:50 to 12:40 PM

 Feb. 9: TLE BOD meeting 1:00 PM

CDC Vimont Governing Board  Feb. 14: Tutoring Cancelled/School

M. Arsenault closed to students for Ped Day / *Office
FAMILY LITERACY remains open

The CDC Laurier Vimont Cen- DAY  Feb. 23/24: QELA's General Members

ter has grown by 54% in the January 27, 2011

Meeting Novotel Montreal Hotel

past 3 years! It boasts of  March 7 to 11: Spring Break: *TLE/

School closed
our organization, TLE, as an Make reading a part
important part of the com-  April 2 to 10: Adult Learner’s Week
of your family life!
munity center. I am proud to  April 10 to 16: Volunteer Appreciation
have been appointed as the chair of its
Governing Board, November 22, 2010.  April 13: TLE Volunteer coffee 12 to 3 PM

 May 6: Author’s visit/Penny Draper 6 PM

Location TBA

Call Karen at:

“A dream becomes a goal when action is 450-688-2933 ext. 3126
taken toward its achievement.” ~ Bo Bennett or see our website for more details:
www. TLE l i t e r a c y . c o m


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