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Unit 3 Grammar (page 25) Cities are top choice ‘According to a survey published in the press today, it would appear that most people under the age of thirty would much prefer to live in a large city if given the choice. By far the most important factor given in their answers would seem to be the fact that it is far easier to find work in larger cities. However, the results show that there is zno doubt that the range of leisure facilites is also an important factor in the decision to leave families and homes in rural areas. Unit 3 Reading (page 27) Clue The texts describe four cities from the list below: Bangkok, Budapest, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York, Paris, Prague, Rome, Tokyo WW? = World War Il Unit 3 reading & Vocabulary (page 30) Student A 1. Below are four words from the article. Check their meanings in a dictionary if necessary, and explain the words to your partner. Your partner must listen and identify the words from the article. a) ditty b) check out c) eyeball d) gorge 2 When you are finished, listen to your partner's description of four more words from the article and identify the words being described. Unit 3 Reading & Vocabulary (page 30) Student B 1 Below are four words from the article. Check their meanings in a dictionary if necessary, and prepare to explain the words to your partner. a) ballad b) gawkat c) handily) eateries 2 Your partner will explain four more words from the article. You must listen and identify the words being, described. When your partner is finished, explain your four words for your partner to identify. 3 Grammar Tale of two cities seen I metropolis have seldom this find you no city in will. other ona 5 such a list of the most attractive cities in the world, but _mix of cultures living side by side. what the city lacks in natural beauty, it makes up for in cultural attractions. Oi ieee rot ees 6 the the only city. does not world’s third-largest population of Italians boast outside Italy, but it also has the largest some of the finest museums in the southern population of Japanese people outside Japan. hemisphere, but it also hosts around 90,000 cultural events each year. e account should city the no on you leave experienced you've after_only without going to the top of the Italia building in the the downtown area - the view is spectacular. amazing nightlife and multicultural vibe of the : : city willyou understand the attraction ofthis iota rab vommieae oi residan es concrete jungle. you should no under try circumstances to go to a nightclub in your jeans and sneakers ~ people dress up before heading out into the chic bars and trendy dance locations. been before I never have Paulista, who would dream of living anywhere else, should pay no on account you the of such so 5 blown away by the sheer beauty of a city. asking price for purchases made in any of the The skyline is unforgettable with its forest of huge bustling markets - youl be expected to minarets and domes. bargain, and vendors will be offended if you city other no in move world you can ae in the experienced before I a never have city 6 from one continent to another when you cross a Contrasts: ancient and modern, religious and bridge from one side of the city to the other. secular, Asia and Europe, mystical and earthly. ty only the monuments ancient do get account leave city on you no should this you visiting vi a true understanding of the rich and varied history of this city. find rarely you will a major City where the local people are so welcoming. without watching the sunset over the Bosphorus. 3 Communication City of dreams 1 Look at some words and phrases to do with cities. Put them under the headings according to your personal preferences. Compare your ideas with a partner. street performers bustling markets crowded downtown _ elegant parks family-run restaurants fashionable nightclubs _ haphazard modern development historic buildings hordes of tourists + narrowcobbledstreets noise pollution overhead expressways pavement cafés pedestrianizedareas quaint backstreets quiet residential areas soaring office blocks sprawling suburbs street vendors traffic congestion tree-lined avenues _ trendy stores | City of my dreams i 2. You're going to tell your partner about the best (or worst) city you have ever visited. * Ask yourself the questions below. * Think about what to say and how to say it. * Tell your partner about the best (or worst) city you have ever visited. a) What's the name of the city and where is it? _g) How long did you stay there and what did b) When did you first go there and why? you do? c) How did you get there? h) How many times have you visited the city? d) Who did you go with? i) When was the last time? ) What did you know about the city before j) What do you most (least) like about it? you went? k) Would you like to live there? Why? Why not? f) What was your first impression?

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