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Name: __________________________________________Date:_________________

I. Write in the gaps the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis. (20 points)
Example: A dwarf ____is____ (to be) a demi human. He is short, standing about 4 feet
tall. He ___has___ (have) a great love of gold.

A dwarf (1) _______________ (have) infravision. Because of it he can see up to 60 feet

away in the dark. When he (2) _______________ (use) his infravision, he (3)
_______________ (see) heat (or the lack of heat). Warm things (4) _______________
(appear) to be red, and cold things (5) _______________ (appear) to be blue. Even
objects such as tables and doors (6) _______________ (have) a temperature of their
own, so they can also be seen by a dwarf. When a dwarf is in a brightly lit area, he (7)
_______________ (use) his normal vision.

A dwarf (8) _______________ (to be) really good at speaking different languages, but
just because he can speak a language (9) _______________ (not mean) he can read it
or write it, though. Yesterday I (10) _______________ (dream) about one.

School trip
Last week our class (11)_______________ (go) to Washington, D.C. for two days. I (12)
_______________ (get) up early. Mom (13)_______________ (make) some
sandwiches for the train trip. Dad (14)_______________ (take) me to the station by car.
When we (15) _______________ (arrive) at the station, the teacher (16)
_______________ (ask), “Do you have all your suitcases?”. I (17) _______________
(look) for my suitcase, but it (18) _______________ (not be) there. Dad (19)
_______________ (take) me home again but I (20) _______________ (can’t) find my
II.Use the following sentences to make questions as in the example (10 points)
Example: Tom plays tennis.
Does Tom play tennis?

I get up early in the mornings.

Do you get up early in the mornings?

1. Ann watches television after doing her homework.



2. I email my parents every day.



3. I have finished my homework.



4. Tom works in his office on week days.



5. I went to the movies yesterday.


III. Now turn these same sentences into negative statements as in the example.
(10 points)

Example: Tom plays tennis.

Tom doesn’t play tennis.

I get up early in the mornings.

I don’t get up early in the mornings.

1. Ann watches television after doing her homework.



2. I email my parents every day.



3. I have finished my homework.



4. Tom works in his office on week days.



5. I went to the movies yesterday.


IV. READING COMPREHENSION. Read the following questions before reading the
article, and then answer them. (21 points)

1. Which horse was Mary’s favorite?



2. How old was it?



3. What was she planning to do with Midnight?



4. What was Midnight trying to do?



5. How did Mary twist her neck?



6. How did she get rid of the problem?



7. What does Mary wonder at the end of the article?


A Horse Called Amber
By Mary D Wilson

My husband and I owned two horses that were as different as night and day. One a jet-
black mare called Midnight—some would call her a "devil horse"—and the other, my
favorite, a gentle six-year-old palomino called Amber.

Shortly after my husband, John, had bought Midnight, I went out to work with her. I led
her out, bolted closed the stable door behind me, and proceeded to saddle and mount

Midnight was nervous. She skittered. Within seconds she became violent. She reared
and threw me to the ground, then went berserk, rushing wildly about the yard. Suddenly
she headed back to me at full gallop, teeth bared. Already in great pain from a shattered
neck joint, unable to move, I knew she was trying to kill me, to stomp me to death. "Lord,
Lord" I screamed, but there was no one near to hear.

Suddenly, Amber came charging out of the stable. She hurled herself at Midnight,
savaging her with her teeth. Midnight retreated, charged again, retreated again and
came back again. Amber stood her ground, defending me until Midnight gave up.

And to think that I'd last seen Amber in her stall, a restraining chain across its entrance.
And the stable door — it was locked. I myself had carefully slipped the metal bolt.

Yet my gentle Amber had rescued me. She had overcome the barriers between me and
her. She had done that with crucial and uncanny speed.


V. Choose the sentence that best fits the given situation. (10 points)

1. Who does your sister live with?

a) ‘I live with my parents’
b) ‘He lives with my grandfather’
c) ‘She lives with my grandfather’
d) ‘My mother is fine, thank you.’

2. I didn’t know this movie was so boring…

a) What time it finishes?
b) When did you meet your girlfriend?
c) My sister often goes to Peru on vacation.
d) What time does it finish?

3. My brother is in the United States now.

a) Where he lives?
b) Yeah? I didn’t know. Where does he live’
c) I know you has a sister.
d) Sonia likes to fly.
4. Does Ben like computer games?
a) Yes, he does
b) Yes, he likes
c) Yes, he do.
d) No, he liken’t.

5. Sonia is a pilot.
a) She really like to fly.
b) She really liked cooking.
c) She really likes to fly.
d) No, she doesn’t.

VI. Put “a” – “an” or “the” into each gap. (4 points)

I bought (1)_____________ pair of shoes last night. Unfortunately (2)

___________ shoes are too small. I’ll take them back to the store tomorrow.

My dad is (3)___________ architect and he is building (4) ____________ huge

mall in Medellin.

VII. 7. You will be asked to answer the following questions orally. (25 points)

- Who do you live with?

- Describe your room (Everything that is in it)
- Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are they like?
- What did you do on your last vacation’
- Have you ever had a pet?

Oral Examiner’s Observations: _____________________________________________


Final score /100

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