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Name: __________________________________________Date:_________________

Read the exam and follow the instructions for each question. The exam has a total
of 76 questions.

1. Complete the following text using the verb in parenthesis in the correct tense.
(24 points)


One day a husband and wife (a) ______________ (drive) to the countryside to visit their

friends when they realised they needed to stop for petrol.

The man (b) ______________ (fill) the car with gas when he (c) ______________ (see)

a penguin standing by a pump. He (d) ______________ (think) it was very strange and

when he went to the cashier to pay, he asked, “Why is there a penguin standing next to

the pump?”

The cashier replied, “'I don't know. It (e) ______________ (be) there all morning.” The

man replied, “Well, we can't leave it there, it's too dangerous. He might have an

accident. What should I do?”

The cashier suggested, “You should take it to the zoo.”

“That's a good idea,” the man said. “I (f)______________ (take) him now.”

So the man and his wife (g)______________ (put) the penguin in the car and

(h)______________ (drive) away.

One week later, the man and his wife (i)______________ (return) to the same garage

to fill up the car and the penguin was still in the car. When the man (j)______________

(go) to pay, the cashier said to him, “I thought you (k)______________ (take) the

penguin to the zoo.

“The man replied, “We did. It had really good time so tonight, we (l)______________

(take) him to a fish restaurant.”

Read the following sentences about an internet café. Circle the best word (A,B or

C) to fill in each space. (12 points)

a. Last month an internet café ___________ near Ivan’s house.

a) Opened
b) Began
c) Arrived

b. The internet café quickly became ___________ with Ivan and his friends.
a) Favorite
b) Popular
c) Excellent
c. It only ___________ Ivan five minutes to get to the café.
a) Takes
b) Has
c) Gets
d. Ivan often ________________ his friends there after school.
a) Waits
b) Meets
c) Goes
e. The café has different ___________ of computer games that they can play.
a) Things
b) Ways
c) Kinds
f. Ivan thinks there is a lot of ___________ information on the internet.
a) Certain
b) Sure
c) Useful

2. Complete the five conversations by circling the right option. (10 points – 2
points each)

a. Why didn’t you come to the pool yesterday?

a) I didn’t see them there.
b) It was a great time.
c) I was doing something else.

b. I have to go home now.

a) Have you been before?
b) It’s still quite early.
c) How long was it for?
c. Whose phone is that?
a) It’s not there.
b) Wasn’t it?
c) I’m not sure.

d. There weren’t any more tickets for the match.

a) That’s a pity.
b) It isn’t enough.
c) I hope so.

e. Shall we play that new computer game?

a) It’s all right.
b) Yes it is.
c) If you’d like to.

3. Read the article about Ana Johnson. Choose the best answer for each
question. (24 points – 3 points each)
a. Ana’s home is in Melbourne.
a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

b. Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

c. Ana knows that she is better at short races than long ones.
a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

d. Ana has won a lot of swimming competitions.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

e. It is difficult for Ana to make friends with other people who swim.
a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

f. Ana likes doing the same things as other teenagers.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

g. Ana has met people from different countries at swimming competitions.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say

h. Ana prefers speaking to journalists to being on television.

a) Right
b) Wrong
c) Doesn’t say
4. Choose the correct verb form for each sentence. (12 points)

1 My car ________ down.

a) have broke
b) have broken
c) has broke
d) has broken

2 We ________ across the Pacific.

a) have sailed
b) have sail
c) has sailed
d) has sail

3 She ________ three pieces of pizza already.

a) have ate
b) have eaten
c) has ate
d) has eaten

Oral Examiner’s Observations: _____________________________________________


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