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Remember, the Fete Opens To-morrow. Friday

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, tin.lelY contribution, and will enable offering to make the supreme sacrl-
'OUR TOWN I the' managers to turn over a much fice for his coulltry and the great
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I larger sum to war objects than would Icause, we who remain safely at home
E~llerlD1cnt. jll. co.opcratIVClotherwise be possible. We understand. surely should

give ,them every sup-

JOllrnallSlIl-No PRill "orkcrs. that they wll1 not only play at in- ~ port, shoul(l makc every sacrillce tu Is Doing a Man's Job "Oyer There." He Will Appreciate
-" -_·~:-·--·----Th·-- tervals during the fete, but accompany: strengthen them. If we cannot light
arid Welcome These Comforts:'
Owned and Published ~~ery u~'s- the Liberty Sings, and furnish music! ourselves we can ma);:e our dollars
day by the Narberth CIVlC AssoCla- for the dances, and take part In thc light. I
tion. children's pageant and baby parade. It Is a gl'eat cause for which SHAVING SUPPLIES BRUSHES
. America Is engaged In this war; it is
Subscription price one dollar l er
yea I' in advance.
All of the committees in charge of a great struggle in wlJ.ich the very FOUNTAIN PENS COMFORT KITS
the }<'ete have been actively and faith- hope or the worl<l is bound up that
~.\]tn}:1l1'n CIViC ASSOCIATIO~ fully at work In prepanltion o[ th,,: is heing waged in Europe and on the FOOT POWDERS STATIONERY
great event, and the present outloo!, high seas. It is an honol' to 'have a
President-Joseph H. Nash. is that it wil1 he a great success in part in it and all ~\mericans, all of
or course. Wtj

\,ice-presidents-A. C. Shand, James every sense of the word. Those who their lives. will he proUd of the part Telephones,
Artman, ~\ J. Loos. arc working so hard with this end they had in it or ashamell of their 1267
deliver - any
Secreta n·-Treasnrer·-Geo. :\I. Coles- in view deserve the highest com- failure to do their part. place- any
worthy. mendation. It now remains for the The fourth Loan i~ ·t lighting loan.
1268 . time.
Direct~rs--\V. Arthur Cole, Mrs. C general puhlic, who have not had time I~n~ry suhscriber to till' Loan strilies;
1'. FowleI', Henry C. Gara, \V. R, D, to llevote to these preparations, to a hlow for liherty, 1'01' victory.
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Hall, George:'l1. Henry, H. R. Hillegas, give the Fete their hearty support hv --.- - - . - - - - - A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Charles E. Humphreys, Daniel Leitch, purchases o[ goods offered, anll To the Edit or of Our Town: I
l~. A. i\luschamp, Mrs. A. Perry Redi- patronage of the various amusement As a citizen of :'>arberth, I regret! ,.,.=~-_.------------..",.---------..,..,,.......,,...,.,,..-------
fer, :'III'S. A. 13. Ross, Fletcher W features presented. There will he very much to state that the request i CUB'S WEEKLY LETTER way some of it has climbed np 011
Lew's path ways.
Slites. "Calton :'II. \Ventz, A. E. Woh- gallles and dances, a good supper, made b~' the Government that <luto· I
lert. :'Ilrs_ Charles 'V. Young. calICs, candies, eigars, fancy an,; mohiles arc not to be llsed on Sunda\',
_ . _ usefUl articles of all kinds. Go tJ' has been complied with in our b[)J:- '1'0 the }<JdiLor o[ Our Town: Xarhel'th bOYH seem to he holding
HARRY A. JACOBS, Ihe Vete prepared to buy. and remelJl- ough. with one excelltion. The local War Chest Committee is Iheir own in the army anll navY.
:Ellitor. her that 7;' per cent. of the net pro-: It docs not seem to me that ridinr" in anything bnt a pleasant [ramI' of Here's J<'ddie :\Iiller. who enlisted as
---- .- --.----.----- ceells go to war objects. I to chureh is an excuse. I eannOl. mind. in view of the numher of pledge private ahont nine months ago and hy
:'I[rs. Hoy E. Clark A. J. Loos . help hut thinli that it' the family in hl'eakers on its list. What's:1 Illedgc: dint of hard work, has Hnlllly re-
}Irs. C'. T, :'Iloore He11l')' Rosc II is very encouraging. as well as question does ha\'c to ride to church. Well. apllarently with somp it's:t ech'ell a Hrst lien tenant's commis-
G. :'II. Heury '1'. Melchior
AssociateW.}:Ilitors gratifying, that Our Town has snc- tIe)' I cou II( use t I '
lelr IlOrse an,1 mere "snap 0 t' paper, " to rcca II \' Oll sion. That's Ill'elly raphl pronlotioll
__.______ lOeeded ill lll'ocuring the services of ea1'l'iage and not eausethe citizens Bethman I-Iollweg's historical 1'1'- for a fellow \\'110 had ne\'er hefore
~IIAl7,IE J. SDIPSO~, .\11'. C. L. Clegg. of :'>arherth, us ad- who are complying with the Govern- lilaI'lL It lIlust he a sad awalICning done any a rmy service.
Cas111er vert ising manager o[ Dill' Town. jment's requcst. to feel disgraced at Lh~ to ·the commitlee which receiveJ
.'_. ." At u I'ecent meeling o[ the Civil': aetions of people who do not want to these III edges, which were a\l11Rrently
Send all letters and news items to .\ssodation, aL whieh .\11'. Clegg at-: do as the Government asks them. If, lIlade in good faith, to lind tlmt there \)on't forget the Patriotic Fete to be
P. O. Bo:x 966. tended. it was plainly shown to the I ever)' hody wa,s as ineonsiderate as are so manv fourflllshers in the world, held at :'>arbrook Park on !<'riday and
Send all advertising COllY to P. O. :lireetors that onr paper was incur-I this. the (JovernmelH could not he· -so many 'getting "by" witll a great Satlll'day, the 27th and 28th.
Box. I'ing a delicil eaeh weeli in J'(~gard to' ~)lallled for sh Ull ing off llleasllre cars big bluff. and incidentally playing 'I "Cu":'
:'Ilake all remittances to P. O. Box the pl'inting of the same. When the: entirely. . "heap triek on the boys at the front
118. faet is (,onsi,lered that all who ure ~ \ think this matter has been han· 11his doesn't go 1'01' ·Ihe [cllow \dlo PEAI'll S'I'O\ ..:S An ..: WA\'I'EH
Our Town is on sale at the depot instl'lllllental in getting out Our Town: !lIed in a vel'y jUllicions nHlIlIJ('r hy' been cOlllpelled to renig fo,'
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. weel, hv weel, volunteer their service.' the Government and aH an American I'easons heyond his control. 1'(\;I('h stOIlI'S 111'1' wlmte(1 hr' t hI'
Davis. I such a' l'Ollllition as a delil'it should' dtizen I am proud to see tile way l\ie . ., . ~OH,rlllllelll. 'rill'se pits 1JI1Ik;' flit,
Entered ,IS second-class matter i uot he. i majority of peollle have heeded this . lI.a1'1' Y !'arliCr II1Iluiges In Just onl: hest chlu'('olll for Ule Roldlel"s g-IlS
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at i :'>0 douht ~Ir. Clegg will help solve: request. Surely il is not ignorance hshlllg 'tl'lp ~ year. He .does that ~Ill- ,mllsks IIl1d they are needed. lilll'dh
:'>arberth. Pennsylvania, under the act this condition of affairs in his new I in this case. and no doubt. if this had lIel' compnlslO.n and wIlh anytllln,r~ lelt'I1I1 them Illld ICIll'e them ill hox 11'1
of :;\[arclI. 1879. undertaking, and with the active worl,: happened in olher communities. it hnt a pleaSIllg . . grace. He doesn . .I , l'll('k
' Cll' II') ~c
_ }'.s~.x llyenUl" I101111' 0 f
-.---------- ..---- I
... -.---- _.---.. of the suhscription department at the wo~tld have hl'ought forth results care for hslllng. at least he dllin t JII·s. lV. lV. ('Ilnwron.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1918 \~e.te whkh opens LOmo1'1'OW (Frida~ .. ) I whIch wonld not have heen very until ahout two weeks ago, when. hI: A Ilrlze will he gil'ell to thc Iw\' 01'
____. ._ at :'>arhrook Parli:. we hope Our Town I pleasant for the Ileople who \\'ere 1'1'- hallpened to he on. on~ end 0.1' a line. girl who collects the hU'gest nl1l;.hpr
E:'IIERGE:'>CY PHO~g CALLS will be placed on a hasis where it 's I sponsihle. . 10 the other enll 01 Willcii a SiX pound of these stones
wealoish had aceidently caught it- • _
Fire. 350 at lea~.~ self-su"laining. I l'he least we cau do is to he\jl the
Police. 1250 We helieve the residents o[ OUI': GO\'ernmeut and the hoys "ovel' self. Harry now thinli:s lishing is the
====================: borough al'e dpsirons of having
Town continne its weekly visit. This:
Oil"! thel'e."
An AuloHlOhlle (holl'r.
Hnest sport in the world and has giv-
en np golf. He has alsn appliell for
__________ memhership in the :'I[ain Line l~ishlng Acc()l'(ling tIl plans. the I·lalian
('an he \lrOVen h\' VOUI' support Wll£~'l:
tile solicitol's call:Jll ;·on. Langhorne. 'ra .. Sl'P1. 19, l!IIS.
I To the r',"itor o[ Our Town:
Clnh. an organization which he 1'01'- hOOe:l at the P.tLriotic Fete next week
merly sni[fell at. By all means keep promises to be one of the best and
I hare jnst sl'en [or the first time out of his way for a while. or you 1110st interesting in the whole celehra-
a "Oll~' of Onr T,)\vn for Angnst 22. will heal' [lbont that hig Hsh-'-it's tion. Itwi·ll he· elHil'ely in the hanlls
HI'lI1h Unh- iu Arm" .'III1'h J.ll\H'!' which· containe,l an aecounL o[ "In. g-rowing hl1'g-er with the telling. of the Italians of ~arberth, who lire
'I'hllll ill ('1l'1I ],)ff' Bye's death. As the h!<une for th" working nnder Ihe direction o[ :'IIr.
aeddeut is there. made Lo rest npon Wa t l'h out for t he "Belgian: Ligrest, of \Vayne avenue, the chair-
(By ASSOCiated Press.) ~Iiss Esherid" who was Idlled with widow" when ::ou go to the !<'ete. I r l11I1I1. In additron to other features,
Wa~hington, Sept. lB.-Healt.h at :\In. Bye. out of justiee to her familr the Belgians arc all of the same this hooth will have 'a fine exhibit Ot
.\meriean· troops at home and ove,'- I would appreciate it if, you would, ample proportious as this yonng lady, frnits and flowers.
Jupiter- Pluyius is politely requested ~eas' l'ontinues remarkably good. lluhItis:j the 1'0ilO\I'ill~ eonect state- it's not difficult to understand whal! _

to l\'ithl101<1 all rain ~Iouds on Fri- The Surgeon General announced ment o[ the facts, although they al'(' is beeoming of all of ,the food stuf[s:
llay and Saturday o[ this week, in the that for the two months' period end- somewhate late in reaching yon.
interests of Ihe :,>arherth Patriotie ing August 31 the death rate o[ t!\ ~ I
this country is seuding ·to the land of.
On Aligust . 20, ;\liss . Eshericli, :l King Alhert. I
Why Go T c1ety ? 0
1"ete. entire army was 2.IS. compared with eousin. invited ;\1rs. Dye for a short
the death .rate o[ men in civilian Ijfi? pleasure trip in }\liss Esherick's car.' . --_.- . I or Buy Your
One of Lhe most important battles of military age of 6.17. ':'lIn. Bye and T'~ were visiting my I Le~v, Hes.s IS ~nucI.I ,(hsturbe'.I.,t~Ve~: inC
amon.~ ~tl e~t C?nll~~lsslOn..

o[ t1~e great Armageddon' has been Health conditions are better Imothel' in Langhorne at the time.: th.e . f,let .. Ihat t:Ie.
fought OJI the oW field of that name, soldiers overseas than among -Ih03C Upon a pproa eh ing Woodbourne cross- el.. IS USlll~. t1.1e ,I o~d \\ a .. I~l f1 O,IlI' e ~~ I · ,-. anti
and the ullspeakahle Turk has IJe"en at home. T!Jif; is due, the Surgeon ing- they stopped to let a local train IllS house <is ,1 sto~age ),11d I'm s \ I . .
eomplete I)' abolished fr0111 that part General said. to the fact that only pass. As the gateman then raised the: eral carloads o[ tine broken stone' i RECORDS
of PalestIne. That he may never re- men of the best 11hysical ('01lllil iln gates. they started to cross and were' Just take a look at the southeast y
turn is tile devout wish of all lover~ are sent to France. . strtll'k by an express speeding- to-, corner. o[ \Vindsor. and Dud.le ll.nd At
uf liberty.
________ i ward P,hiladel\)hla on the insid~ you \\~tll see the 11lle of stutf wll1ch AZPELL'S
I track. l'wo coroners' juries .have IHis hloel,ed the street all summer, at
-------- found the watchinan negligent. and he. least. so Lew says. It flows all over MUSIC STORE
It is a.. signifjcant coincidence that
the name o[ the British general com-
manding in Palestine is Allenby

middle of October.
has been held without bail to await the sidewalks on one side and across
:'lIen from 19 to 20 and :12 to ;i6 will the action of the Grand Jurv. "'eith- the road 10 Ray .Iones' residence on, 32 E. LANCASTER AVE.
This is taken as Ihe fullillment of an be called as soon as classified, begin- er of ,t.)le ladies appears to ill1ve heen the other. In some unaccountahle I
ning ahout the in any way at fault, as they observe(l
old llrOI)llee~' t hal the Turks woul"" " . '.' " ..
he ovel'come hy a great general i I~le 19-.0-.y eal ~I:~ses .\~11l I~e c:111. due precautions in approaching the
named Allah-En-Bcr. The powers of' ed ,1h~ad .ot the ;i.-36 el'ls~es. rhe tracli:, ~llld did 110t go aheall until in-
evil are lJein!; slowly hut surely ovcr-! hull, ot th~ IS-year classes WIll not h~ \-ited to do ISO hy the raising of th'~
, • ! caliI'll un\ll the 37-4;' classes aI'': gates. T,he crossing is an extremely
i called. That llrOhllhly will not hall- dangerous one, it being im]IOSsihle ~()
1.•••••.•• ···r~~:~~-I Qme l).S Announcement to My
- - - - - - - .- - - - . i pen ulltil early next Rlu·ing. see a train approaching from eithCl' \1.... ..! . Pleases. RZ>..rmenls OCTOBER 1st. 1918, I will
\Ve tal.. e pleasure 111 expresslllg' our: ,\11 21-\'ear men have all'eadl' heell dil'ection until within lR feet of the remove to my own property
thorough .aJlprel·i:ltion of ;h? splenlli'~ I eallell. e~l'e(lllhose who al'1'i~ed at ra ils. : ' DeclouseU made from
234 Woodland Ave.
~j, ~~nIBriiner
l'o-operatIOn ot the h.nlghts n,: their ::1s1 birlhda\' .Jllne " last. anI!
Colllmbu s wit h the Civic Assocla tion Iregisl ('rell August' 24, These will hI' Narberth, Pa.
in conn(,l'tion with the :'>arherth 1'a-, eallell as soon as thev can he elassi- WiJJ J:i\'e my custonars
AU'JI\I 1'1,.\ Y
Their committee ,has i Iil'll. alltl will he il;ducted into the
~ . ,~I Woolens
ll'iolic FI'le. ever}' nuention in e\'cry re-
beell 1110,,1 entl~usiastie at :\'lWIc rh'~: arm~' ahead of the new registral1ts.
nHHIfc'l kittleslllp was the hrst strue' .\Il'n of 1S-20 who are IlI'e\Hl1'etl !O
Reserve Saturday e\'en:ng, Odober
12, for the alumni play. The Jlro-
eeells are for installing a telephone
. . .
~~:~~~nb%~rk good; prices
Frenc,h Dry Cleaning,
\lll'l' cOlllpletell in :,>arl~rook Pa~l" an.'1 enter college will he inducted illto th,.' '\.' . ' . ',! ILLuminaled Broadway D) emg and Pressing
thl'ir full llllge allVel'tlsement III th~" al'lll~' Oetoher 1, and'sent to their 1'01-
igslll' Lpaill for at regular rates) 'IS leg('s. where they will he organized' ,
hf'tween the two blliltlings.
Ilii.... .' ...: . Novelty Suilinf)s
NarberthTailoring Co,
addit.ional cvi\lenee 01" their ae.tive anti into stndents' lr;ining eorlls. ; ......•. If made to your measure by 227 Haverford Ave,
!lean~' '1Ip!10rt of I he enterprISe, '111le eolleges can take onl~' 1(HLIIIW' lun ('UEC1i:S Narberlh. Pa,
-.-------- - - - of theHe lllell. Any SUrllluR \\~ill IH1\'P

Through the untiring activity o[ j\Ir . to enler the army as they are call!'l!.
S. A. Ru dolph, 2d, the services o[ the II' H mitis 011 Fl'iilllr lIud SaInI'· Essex Ave. abo Haverford
Sl. Fraucis lie Sales hand of GO pieces 'I'll E 1"OI'H'I'1l l,oA" IS 1'IIE dar-hoth 1111"s-lhe }'etll will be Avenue Na~~05Ih
have been secured for both evening"
of the rete. and Saturday afternoon.
FH;Il'l'I"('; 1.0.\:\ hl'ltl un suecee,Ung }'rillllr lIud
_~ ' ) ' , ()et 0 I' l'I' ,.• lUI(1·
Overland Sales and Service Agency
without cost other t1Hln that o[ trans' .\s the eampaign for the fourth REPAIHS, STORAGE, GASOLINE AND OILS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT
. I' I I' I Ii It raius 011 }'rh111r, Selltember
pOl'tation. In VIew 0 t Ie llg I co;;' I,iherty Loan approaches the Amcri-
o[ hands. this is a most important ami C,lll army in Franee moves on to- 2i. til(' }'ete wiII be held ou SRtur. L .. C. SHAHAN
ward Berlin. VIlllel' our own leaders dar, Selllelllher .28, lIIul "{Ollila", -----------_. -~--_._--------
...- ---- - ..-- -- ---I the great American army has won a no.
. .
! notable victory.
The fourth Loan must be a great

If H ruius 011 Slthu'clllr, Septem.

A borough ordlllancc prohibits the success. The foul'UI Liberty Loan is
riding oE bicycles on the sidewalks, It a fighting loan. .
her 28, the }'ete wHI be heIll 011
)o'l'lllur, September 2i, filltl :I{ou.
i~ dangel'llUS to pedestrians. Parents When our soldiers on the hattie dar, Sl'lltcmber :10.
Will Reopen September 18th, 1918
instrnct rour children accordingly. front are braving death, each one I;,.-. . 1 125 'W'INDSOR AVENUE


I When you want automobile trips, furniture

Big League Boys to Star in Benefit Game to Be Played at Ardmore! moved, packages carried, freight hauled.
I automobiles stored, etc.
Narberth Boys to Play in Game
On Saturday afternoon of this week. an unusual treat is in ! lIAUY PAUAm:
store for those who are desirous of seeing a good game of base-' All entries for the baby parade for
:ball, which will, no doubt, remain long in their memory. I Saturday afternoon, September 2S.: OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
Manager Walzer has arranged a game between Narberth will I<indly be at Dr. Hoffman's! UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
and the Autocar team at Ardmore, for the benefit of the boys of ('orner Forrest. and Windsor avc-
I 1

the Main Line imd neighborhood who are in the various German nue~, at 2.30. 0 clod: sharp. as thc Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
. f babIes have to be classed and the Orynciovis Certilled WEST PHILA
camps, h eld as prIsoners 0 war. parade starts promptly at 3 o'docl' Milk •
The following men have promised to play for the Narberth It will march along Windsor a;enu~ (PedrlaUc society) OVERBROOK
. " Special .. G er .. MERION
t '~am . ~ to :-':arhrook Parle where the judges Mil:: nsey YN
Eddie Collins of the White Sox, : (strangers fmm out o[ town) will ri!-: W NEFIELD
Amos Strunk of the World's Champions, view them. and after the awardini-\' (Robe~:~~I~:jrpless' BALA-CYNWY
,of the prizes the children will he: NARBERTH
George Burns of the Athletics, 'handed over 'to the parents or CllS-' Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE
Hans Lobert of ·the New York Giants, todians of thcm who will he aSkclll Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD

Ralph Mattis of the Pittsburgh Feds.

! 10
Jack Jefferies catching, Bob Hood pitching, Vernon haVe the intersceting streets ropell/
made to I SCOTcTreopmO' :)rer:::::~n:l~t~h~I;~~~SI;;een WElL DAIRIES
Fleck left field and John Dickie, short stop, Narberth will be well. otT so that tramc may he ,"nspeIHlerl -
represented in this game as to our local boys. : during the time it will tal,\' the
No admission to the game will be charged, but all donations! par,:ule to pass. , ' 45th and Parrish Sts.
will be gratefully received as all of the receipts go to a worthy i 1 he HOllle C.u:Jl"(h ~Hlv.e kllldly
... ttl '
C:luse, as s a ec.
,al';r€e,1 to look aller tillS Important
. Donations will be received .by the Red Cross members, who! . ~l~ere he foul' cl~sse.s from
~EATS of
:\IA:\'AGER FHEll WALZER, 01" THE IIWIll be on the grounds at the tIme of the game. i "llIch to choose the prettiest.
i Class A from 1 VQ years down.
Class B from l1;2-y~ars to :J.
Class C from 3 years to 4~-2. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
i hy pastor. "Christ's Standard of S 1'1-: ('J.\I, ~(ITJ('I-: 'r(l TWI\S Juvenile class from 41/:, to 5 in-
I Grelltness." dusive (all under Gl.
Epworth League. 7 P,M. I.,ealler. There is to he a special elass hring A prize for the youngesl. Miss Fanny H. Loos
mmlOX JIEE'l'I:\G HOUSE .John Schaffer. ing up thc real' of the hahy parade, A prize for the fattest. Will Reopen Her

:\Ierion Meeting lIouse is opened for

E,vening service. 7.45 p. 1\1., will be f,or twins of alI ages. A prize for the most physically at- PIANO STUDIO
a union, patriotic and temperance There will he a prize [01' the most! tl·a('tive. In the Arcade 01 the Barris
worship every First-day at 11 A, rally at the :'\arberth Preshyterian attractive pair. Will all mothers of i A prize for the 11Iost attractive Building
~\1. Visitors are eordiully welcome. ehureh. twins kindly call up Mrs. C. 1'. Moore. ' t wins of any age. On September 23, 1918
A regl&try book is kept for visitors. \Vednesday. Septemher 25. S P. 'M, :'\'arherth 67 Ei-:\'I, and give their names:' A prize for the most artistically I Telephone, Nnrberlh 316 J
. ~\!l are asked to reg'ister their !II'ame's. ,prayer meeting. I"ourth talk by pas- ,
to hel'. as this is to he a special, decorated vehiele. including coaehe'i'l I
:O;'f. JL\.UC;.\m:T'S em'uell
1 10 1' on subjeet, "About .Jesus." Let-
, tel's to he read from Sergeaut Russell'
feature. i I';o-carts. wagons,
:,\ovelty class. including floats. et.~ I

Itel·. U. I,'. ('o",It·~·. Ucctor
!:\1. Lul<ens. Batt. D. 10StIt Field Artil-:
ler~·. 2Sth Division. A. Eo F.; Stanley'
IIt'I'I"~ l\ ('hulI(.t. I-'or ~urht'rth Bon, Each ehild will please bring a flag.:
IIUd WI'ls to }'1Il 1'helr Tlll'lit' i Please send all entries as soon a;; i Real Estate
Early Mass on Hunday from April M. Lukens, U. S. S. Drechterlanrl. StullIll ('IIl'lls ! possihle to any member of the Bah\' Insurance
1 to October 31 at 7 A, M. From These two brothers are sons of ~1:r~. i Parade COJllmHtee publisherl in this I
.'\oH'nVboer 1 to 1\Iarl'It :]1 at 7 A. M. 'IlIa E. Lukens anll are both members InsteuII of 11ad for a quar- : paper. NARBERTH, PA. ISO~~t~~d~talion
I ------------------
Late Mass. 9.30 A. i\l. throughout the
.~.::O \\'cl'i"la~'s
Masses on holydays. 6.30 allll
A. M. at 8. l<;vening
of our church.
?ctober G. Rally Day.
~pecllll servl~es
all day. Full notice'
ter. gel out anll hustle f'or snbscrip- !
tions to "anI' Town."
I"or cach ~1.00
suhscl'iption to ~ar-
X ,\RIU:II1'H WE.\'I'IU:n m:I'OR1'
FUll ",I-:I-:I( sEI'· };\I))~H
New Houses
,levolions and other sl'rviees at regn- ,ill next week s paper. herth's hright little paper given to· 'l't:.UIJEII 21 •
lar timCoS. ' Our church has eltarge of the Miss 1\I11izie Simpson at the Civic As- I Hi h I Are Becommg Scarce
countr\" store at the Patriotie ' .Fete . t·IOn B 00 tl I. F",I,l~ Ia~· 01' S a t ur(1ay. I Barometer. sea level .10.0"
g _. ~ow, I have remaimng
2~.S3 • for sale a
~ Saturda~.. F~\er~ ~S.
'. ',"" . " socia
.\ LL SAIYI'S' I'. 1-:.Clluucn
thIS nda) and Septemher 27 and during the Kar-·. TherJllometel' . . . S2 43 t' very
hod\" IS nrged to make thIS fete a '. ,
herth P'll riotic Fete 'one Thrift Stal1ll) I H 1IIIIII
' l't I
I y. pereen t age . 100 6~
0 a tractive
Ht'v. Al1t1l'('''' S. Uurkt', Uector
great success. will he the. prize. C. n. HOUSE ON ANTHWYN ROAD
The services at All
('hurch, Montgomery lIlIll \Vynnewood
Saints' P. E 'I'IIE l'ltl-:SUY'rEUlAX cm-fif'l[

~t·NN. )r1I1I~tel'
b th e

,'l~·~."l~I~)lo:lesA'. fl\0Ir.~I elxO·tl\.Hl :,Oul(1 Ial )1·\laI1rl.Oe1 a. s fol- :\Ieeting~ h~~t.e~~~~~~~i~home.

nt'\'••Tohn Yau
I for next Sunday: I g IS e r
Two Lines, JOe per issue; Se for each aclJitionalline
II Don't

!1.45 A. M.~Sunday school. 10.00 A. M.--Sunday school. All de-: --;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;::;;;;:;;;:;;;:;::;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;:~

11.00 A. 1\1._:\ I() I'll in g prayer and: pa r t 111 e n ts. I.:.:=:;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;=:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;=:;;:;:;;;;;;;;;=::;;;:;:;=::;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;=!.I i
, 11.00 A. "'I.-Public worship. Ser- ""couS'r,\STS ~IIUi
"ern,lOn. Kel"" n. C. CertiOed Public Accountant. Seolt-I'oWl'U UalrIe". I'hone. Pre.ton 23h
The Sundav school ~essiolls have' man 011 the theme. ",,"'h)' America," 202 Dullley ave. Phone, l"arberth 300-'V. See display advertisement In this Issue SCHOOL SUPPLIES
lle'ell resumetl' al1tl tIle' rector desires: 7.4:;
'l tell '11
P. M.-Union temperance , I ,
a (I scl10lar on: meeting under the auspices of the, (0 ". \". ,·\rthllr. I'hOI!~. Spruce 1G3S.
AU\'Y.RTISISt; T. Stuart Cowin. :!Ot; MUSIC :\[PloI011 :\\"(l.
See dis!)!;,,' a,lvP"llse'll""t I" tl,I." I...... ··U(·.
'I 111' I Idea•. Pia "'. Com'. 'Art. 'I'ypography.
t o Ila V e eel
a c cr.• n
hand ,at 9.45 next Sunday morn.lng'l III
and if possible have 'lI friend with
. I . ' .
Dr) t t FederatIOn
l 11
us ra el a( (ress I)
1Of, D p. el1l,l.S),
" l l va M
I tam
a. . AU,T, O~lonll ...;s
,Ce.~...,re, SI~I~~e 10 "~llre.
. Studio.Fanny
" " ",
Arcaden. Ptallo
Bldg. teaeher.
Pholle. 3IG-.T.
SJohollll. MI"h 1';l>hll. ~llJ8lc 'I'eacher anll Ac,
\Voodfln ! I hone. 12x9 or 6_.1. cOillpalllst, ~2s JOlla ave.. Narbert.h. CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
}'0\1. i ' . Lee'" Gan'll'c-Hepalrlng. gle. Phone, IG05. SOT.\Itl' runLIC
Dr. Burke is home from his vaca-' Church Notes . ! See Lllsplny adl·erti.emenl In (his Issue. delfl·rlc•. ,J. II. 111 Narhel'th ave.
I ion and will officiate at all of the: Last. Sunday Mr. Edward U. SmIth i nASKS Phone. G66-M.
~ervices next S\I1~d;\'. : was elected president of the Men's' )1~~~"d~~~~~/:nr~~;:ls~~;e~~ol~e. tt.I~~~~:. 3. T);~~~;1e~\·~;~~~Vt. 2O<J Woodhlne ave.
You are most co;diaIl)- invited to i Bible Class.
. .tl tl 'Preparations are being made for I'.. wdley, \\'11I. II. Phone. 600.
nUiUlEUS Ol'TI(:U~!'I
.·.·"ton. Carll'". [,06 I"s.ex ave. Phon•. "~.-"
('ollle and worshIp WI I us, Ie pews: , • a the See ollve,·tisemen( In this Issue. I'hlla. ad,ll'os•. Bo,; Chestnut sl. I.OCtlst "2S.
are all free, and ,.·on will be most ft he celebratIon ~ 11 0of t Rally
b Da~ n CASUY. ETC. Cult·. .h"n(l" n.
weil'ome. 11r~t ~::::i:; ~;lri~ti~nerEndeavor 80-: Jh~~I:.d:~;'II~: ~:~~'~~is;,~~~~~'n thl.
Is.u.. W:l~. I~~;~I~~I';,'~~I ~~~,';;n;:h~~~~i2s~~'tlce 163S.

:In:'I'1I0DIS1' EPISI'UI'AL ('uru('u;

! det\.
i •
was organized last Snnday:
evening and the follo\\'inl'; officers' 103 Dudley ave.. Phone. 3R2-1II.
Jrl1klnM. Ch...",. I...
"Illzer. lirt'd.
117 Wln.or :"';. ,.Phone..1~H-.~.
I .210 !~iJ~""()')(1 ave.. Narberth..

'were elected: President.. Martha A, CO:'\TU,\CTOUS J AI Lit 1I,\:'\t,F.H:-<

I .. '. . ' . ~ 8huJld. ,\. C••Jr. Commercial 'rrul"t Bldg"j Denver. ItI~hllrd J\. Arcade Building.
';'I'he Lltt!t> (,hm'eh the JlIW· : Martin: vice-presIdent. ,Joseph Sn~ -! Ph Ii a, Ph"ne, Spruce 5263; l'arherth 121l-J Phone Narherth 1G93-W.

Rev. }'. )1. Cll'llr, Pastor

,ller: secretary. Elizabeth M. Metzgar::
treasurer. Lois D. Smith. .
to n \ J
,r;illl;': JPI:~·ne. !"~:~~;tU~2:'~':' Kef~~'BiJ~~~' ..
d Ph 3~
..' "110'1'0 1"J.,\\:s '"
'I w:tt,..
t;.,~, .•\. FI~I~'~'I,,\\'
(\'n\\'\'cl IIS-.r
1,lrst-l'I'l'_S wor],

There will bc a special meet.lng; of I .

, '\~(·II(III1. 16th alld Clle.tllut "Is.. Phlla
:-::t~(~ IItHJllay nl!\'l'l'tl:-;PIllf>rll In thl~ I
1·1.I·~IIII:'\t;. l;T('. ,.sue,

HUllday, Septelllher 2!l: . the deacons at the chureh next S\III' III1.wllrd·". Phone. 121...
1\Ien' day afternoon at 4 o·cInek. 1 ~l'e dl:lplay '~d\'~rl1s('llIent ,ill UIl! ~!'l!!H1e. 811 1.'1('(.' 0 ....... U. PhtllW, J:!S9, " Amos-The Prophet 01
Sunday schoo!. !lAil A. M. 'te". . I 1'.J..I'.~1'HH':I ..\:\S ,:--"e dlfllplllY nd\'('!"tlsr>J1lf'nt tn tht~ t~!!'ue.
class taught by the HOII, I". \V. Stl o ! l'uJ.:'h. "("rl ~~5 )nl1n ave, \\ull. II. B. P1H'IlI'. 319-.1. Social Justice"
10,00 A. 1\1.
~ . \I"I'IS."I' ('I11'U('U
I ,
I';lIr. Phone. I;:,O-W. ArLl, Phone. 163-.1.
FISII '\:'\1) O\'STlmS
! See display ncl,"'rtls","ellt In thl. IMU.
UK' .. I'ST.\"'~;
Morning seryIce. 11 A. M.; sermon 0 ..... 'rIll,: }:Y.\~f:EIJ Jl11lH'rinl (;r~)(·.'r,' (~o. Pholle, !'\arlll~rth 606. CnlcIwl'li & (:n. Phonf'. 12il-'\'. CLJ\SSU'IEn AnTERTlSE~IE~T~
~ee di:olpla:... ad\'l'rlISl'llI('nt In tlJl~ !Hsue, :-::"'-' db.:play lul\'I'rl1:'t~II)f'nt In thl~ 1!!'!!IU8
------- ._----_._---- (,/\unl';~ XUnSI·~nl.;~ J-·rit!'Oc,lJ. II. C. Phone, ~;12-'\',
Pri111 fm.;t' 1"lu\\Tr ~hnll. •\1'11111111'1". Pao t 'lit ~~t'(' dl~Flay ad,oer'tIHt>ment III thl!! t!'l!lue Two cents per wurd t"ac:t~--;,~:;;:~~-~~-:a~l
.\ \'I'l'r )). llt'l1I III r. l'astol' 1111\\"t'.I':4 alld JJ1;"lt.~, f\lllt'!'al l!t':.:jgll:':, C;lHlfr.
)', "·m. H. In ntlvance. 1':0 ad \'eI'tIHt~mel1t uCceIHed un-
. 8 I f II J~. h~db cash accolllpaflle:'l copy.
SHORT SerV1CCH .. Un( ay as
!l 45 A. l\I.--Bible schoo!.
0 OWS:
"'"lIh'rt, 1\'
:\lfltltgoUier,\' a \'('. Phonf', lilJli ='arhenh.
11-1 "'ooc!Hldro n,,(*, PhOfltl. G85-\\'"
:\"11 "'h. Itnluott IJ. Phone, ';0;',
C ; U O C E U S " ~lnlle~' ror 10'l'st. al~'1 Se"on,l ~lortgage.,
()(,E.\ X tTry l'nt:'\ISII-I~I~-C-O;"I'.\GI, l'Olt
... • • • ~1r"lJ"UII • •'aln.'s C. ~,::! )':lo:'-lt-"X 3 "f:" s.\1.1': ('III·;~\"-"·lthln fc'w feet. of oceall.
11.00 A. 1\'1.-1\'101'n ing "'orsh ip, 8\1 h - JIIl!H~rInl (.rUl't·f'· tu. Phone. :SarlH'rth 60li. PhOIIf'. 1;31i, llr 1,I:!fl (·il~o.:~ n:lt ~l

Patriotic Rally ie"t of the serlllon. "Human Hespon-

7.00 P. l\I.-Baptist YOlln~ People's
See ,lisp In)' aol\'.ertl~e,lIle'~.t, In lhl. I.slle.
' II \.
\\ n nil .,......
111~-\ll'J~I:\!~•., J~1C.
1011", ti'_.
~l'e dl~t)lay all \'£>rt iReJnpnt in tht!! 1!I!ue.
. . . ,
' !\Jill
1I()(n·I:,\(;. ETI'.
(;lIrn-:\I,,(;illlt',\' ('41. '·hon .... l"r.s-'v
~"" ,1I,ph,' ·"IVl"[I,,' . t -I
J O " ' . r ,,111('0
,:'111' I' _
11 t ') ~ 1~!!ltle,
t\. 213 lona al·e. Phllne, 61i1-J
tIlI'fOP, :.:tor!pl-l, !l~l:.:'~ml'nt, tflll rnollu,:;. bath
t'!f'c'll'l" IIg-ht, \-jl'W of ()('P:lll tronl c\"f'n~
!'Oll III , l:lr~l' pnr('hl'~, Prif'f', $~:inf).
~\\\1~IU~:;4:11 "a:.:1L n'lllilrt'd from f1ull'k lJuyer.

Between the Acts 01 Union. Heport of the :'\ominating II.. W',II an. Sal1111<'1 I'. tLlfe.)
I:"tSUn.t\~CI... 'Shrn Hn\'prfortl A\'P, Phnnp 1':?25-J
S('1I00.. A~II 1i1:,\llJo:lU'.\nTE;I;
COl111uittee. 1111 Eln\\\·oo.d ave.... Phone, 653-W. TIU" )Ii"~t'''' Zc'ntmn,'.'r·", :"C'lwul nnd lihult'r-

~1.4'.-) p, l\1.-lTI11·011 T t- Jlu·ldlnrdt. l\lIlIcr. llenp.r?-.l Insurance.
I "nrh·lI. 1~:I "'Iuds!)!' B\'f'" Will 1'('11111'11
emperance mee 100 ~llIplo Il"e. Phone. G.,9-M. S,·pl,·mio".. l'1h, l:liS,
in~ in the Presbyterian Chnrch. 'June.., ChUM. It. Sll(H';~I"J";HS
1 :W'-J~, Narhel·th ave. Phone. 682-.1. (;lHul "'.'ur Sill.., Ib'IUllr Shup
\Vednesdar. 8.00 P. :M.- 8 ong anI! 1 Jur,leM. Will.•1. 103 S. l"arherth ave. Phone. run_tnntl,,,,. 11. t;. Y. ~1. C.' A. Bl<l".
prayer service. ,GSO-J, Phlla. n~JdresA, Penn :Mutual Bldg. 'I'he ,nho\'(' tlppnrtntpnt !Ilhoultl heo or th,
',11 "".'-tltt'~,' I lJl~)tftt'r, Uro~. (lol,re, etc,) ~rf'nt{"t UHI~ to the cmnrnunlty. th(' lI~t con,
On Saturday,Oct. 12th I C1111rt . ."
The church and Bible sellOol [lrc'
. , .. 09 \\ oodsiue a\ e. Phone, 1 .. 6 .. -R.
... IJ
talns thp nnme or p\'ery protp!'f~lonn.1 man IIIt·chanlc.•hopl,eeper. elc.. wht
IN THE i,' planl11'ng to 110111 Ralh.' Day Sund'j\'
.... [ • '
I Gllru,'. Juhn ZII Bs.ex live. Phone. 1245-R. <I"".
Phtla. atldreRs. Lincoln Bleig.
or ellll In 1I1l)' Wn)' .orvo hi. fellow·
tf)wn~ll1n n, anu who l!'f prngr(>~!'l"'e enougt
October 13. One of the special !'tlte.. .....·td...r \\'. 4q Hllverford avo, to a,l,l name to list of lIe"I"ler.
High School Auditorium features of the day will be a patriotic Phono. 37Z-W Phlla. nLldress. Crozer Bid!:. As It Is LlIOlcult for those contrlhutln~ 11'1l liPl 10111'1', C, .. rmull ~II\'(>J'
. LlGHTISG FIXTUltJo'S their time nnd erfort. to the prodllNlon 01 1.0S·I'-I,at'g"I' hllntllt· ('ulltHiliS twu hladf'l-l. SC'l'cwtlf'l\'er
exercise in the evenin~ at which time &leDnnuld John. l'nrberth PhO';•. 1288. "Our Town" to per.onlllly either know 01 ('orli SC'I'P\\'. awl and Cltll 0pl'lIt'r. 1(t'\\'al'l1 if
the pictures of the boys .. ~ from the 1533 Chest. s(.. Phlla. Phone, Sprue. 3138 • If"tlen'le'h'" ali not
'ueh. It tound
would In he the
help· ~l'lIl to p, Cl, Hux :-i~O.
Shorl Address by MR STITES ',I It t oBe now
chul'ch ill ' the country's . service
1 will~
C 0
tt H'
er. 0\\ or :I~A~S. ETC~
, hone, 1...98. list would send In n memo or their nam.s
oddress. phone number!' and bU~lne~!I!Je8 01 J·'OI{ _K\LE-\\'hlte t'llallll'1 hed. complete-
Solo by MISS FRIEDA SCHNEBEL Se. ".I"OhlY ",nver.li8P~ent In this Issue.
.... IJe tIro"
I 11 upon the SCI eeu au( mes-
sages from them will be reall
('rl.t. J·mnk. I hom. ~"s.
See display ad\'erlt~enu~nt In this hume,
professions for IIstlnl\" Thl. will cost lU 1'01·
low.: 10 cents each IMue for 2 lines; 5 eontr \I' '\\" "." ;.~ ';';' :11
tor each additional line.
,') lif I
i hl'~'lh. J'iJ~.I' ,I
I 1001 I
eN' ,1ft'S. fU1'l1l. :lh·•.
• olllg-oJllf'!'Y lI\'l'nUl', ;\llr-

THE FIRESIDE Theatre, Ardmore, on next Wednes-

day afternoon and evening. Spies,
love, intrigue und a.dventure, all
Continued From Seventh Page;· blended iii 'gripping episodes of thrillR
'on' ill Wlll'cl 'he 1 e' 01 t '
T,he last meeting of t.he Narberth
The Suffrage lJarty "'1'11 have tIle
Illld eillotl , 1 u .1 ro 1 - Building and "Loan Association will I "
triotic Rerm,on in the Presbyt.erian wits' tlle German spieR. This play Br tlsh booth at the Narberth fet"
Church next Sunday lIlorniug on t.he I was one of the lirst st.age war plays be remembered' for a long time to All entries for the baby parade and hope that all friends of, Suffrage
theme, "WIlY America." shown on Broad way und a notable come, as ,the firehouse had a good will kindly be on hand Satnrday at will patronize it.
success in :\'ew York and elsewhere. many callers during the evening' II 2.3.0 ? ?II., Forrest avenue, north ot Oal>tain Frank Schwab, late Rova I
The Britis;l hooth want.s a good, some c. 1 t . . ' Wlllds'llr, ItS the babies have t.o lIe ArtHlery, who sel'ved in France rOl'
large picture of the King and Queen Owing to the shortage of labor dur,. . ,1I1e 0 receive then' checks I classed, and the parad(' starts at a five and one-half months with the
of England, anti any British genera!R! ing the sumlllel' some of t.he lots in cov.erm g t.he payment of the fir;.t I o'clock p~omptly. Twelfth division (Kitchener's fil'st
01' officers. Phone ?Ill'S. C. W. 'Young, Xarberth Park, 'Where t.ile Pat.riotic senes, but others call1!:' t.o start t.he! All babies who for varlons reasons I ]00,000). was 111 EgyptaMached to
ehairman, Xarberth 375. Fete will be held next week, Glave new series. Those who were for-I have not been reached by any II1Cal- Australian army (j<~gyptian EXlledi-
not. received the aHeution which t..unate enough to lIave started ,in the: bel' o.f the .commlttee and have no~ tionary Force). Invalided home from
their owners would doubiIes& like to hrst 3eries ;111 had a smile when if.! ~ent 111 then' nan!es, may do so n:, j<'rance with rheumatic fever, invalill-
The }(lIights of Columhus repre-
have given them. But in view of the came to receiving their checks and ~.30 ~lJ1 the day of ,the parade at tll!! ed from Bgypt. with heat strolw '11111
sentation will he t.aken care of by
parishioners of St. Margaret.'s
coming celebration, and tlle fact that. some of t.hose checks w!:'re good'sized starling point. Dr. Hoffl1lan'~ come\'. heart attack fl'OIll which he is ~tiil
there w,iII be a good many visitors in ones, -too. :\[ost of the Old Guard I When the children are brought to suffering. will he at this booth to
Church. anl! excellent llisplays can
lllwn during t.he .two days, it is hoped thought it. would be so queer not t.o the meeting point, m,ot.hers will make addresses allli tell us some yen'
aecorlling,ly be expect.ed.
t.hat all lot owners in Narberth Pari" have t.o I1<1Y as much ItS usual at. the please deliver t.hem to the Ilerson in int.eresting truths. .
For artillery. automatic r:tles, and will Illal,e a special effort between monthly meetings t.hat nearly all charge of the class in which they This booth will also have dlar.'~e
S;mall anns, and for ammunition for now and next. week to clean lip the tool, out the same numher of shares belong. as follows: the Thrift Stamps and \Var Sal' ..
them, we ~lIave spent over $3,700,000,- ground and put everyt.hing in good in the newsel'ies that. matured in t.he Ch15S ':' ]% years :',nd lIuder, ill, ings Stamps. :\IaIlY other article'"
000. Every Uherty I~oan suhscriber, condition. old one, so they would feel at homp.. eharge or :\Irs. G. :\1. Coleswort.hy. i will also he on i"ale.
helps to arm our soldiers. I
, You may not he able to l1ght "
: Xow that new se1'ies, the twenty- . CJ:~~s B. ]106 years to :1, in chargt'
hut;'fsixth, was some husl,y .youngster be- of CI\ :\Ilss ,Jeanette
(' ') Turner. I
H 1 ('"
, ,\t the :-;'Irhel'lh
. r(l~~
e4 fet tl R d e '
, ,
an,s f 01' lIse in .Ia I,ing i"uhserip- i you can save and buy War Stamps. : ore the evening was over. 'I~he t i n a l ' 15S -" .) years to 4%. in charge: . , e Ie eros,,;
Will IHl\:e chal'l~e of the I~renclt
131 I
tions for Our Town are ready for t.he I ,returns showed t.hat foul' hundred and of :\Irs. !'J. C. 'fawn.
use of the girls and boys of :\'arherlh.l Some are on the tramp, ; seventy-one shares had been sold, . Jnvenile class, ,p;~ years to fi indll- ,I~?oth, Y wlth an l'xhihit of 1'elic~
]lemember, for every $1 subscription I Some are in the air, : maldng it the second largest series sll;e, .in charge of ?III'S. R. ,I. Hunt. !]k.JIltll J~~:led, ~Ir. ~orton,
h)' who
tal,en, a Thrift Stamp is v;iH'n to th~ I Patriots huy War StampR, ~ that has been issued, and as it iSi~t rWIJIR. in charge of :\liss Jean Chal- i lold ehalge of the I'rench exhibit at
"gette~':' I But slacl,ers don't. care. . too late to huy stock in this series fant. the Earle stores, and also some relics
I I we have no d~lIbt that there will l;~ There will be i"ign boards to llesig- loaned by some of onr town foil,s.
:\11'. Lloyd H. Daily and :\[is" Ruth i Stop, 1001" listen! • enough 1U0re sold at the next. meet- nate Ihe llifferent elas~es. and it wi!! \Ve hOlle that. eyery one will re-
_"'. Ojerholm were married at the' To help the canse, I ing, October :1, to mak;l it t1~e hanncr simplify malleI'S if tlie babies will he member to resen'e some cash for thb
Pre~byterian :\Ianse laRt Saturda:.! Buy War S:lvinp; Stamps : series of the association taken right to the point on Forre~, b?o.t.h and also enjoy the tiling" ex-
evening. :\11'. Daly is an enlisted I F'rom Leitch 01' lIaw". ' )t's a good ,sized jobio Imy off one avenne. north of Windsor. marked for hlblled.
sailor and at present stationell at : series, open a new series and collect I their class. where the lady in chal'g.~ ----,---,----
League Island. I While our boys are in the camps : the dues all in one evening wit.h the of that class will give them their R\Hl:' J'.\R.\HE
, We are growing wiser, 'husiness meeting afterward, but t.hat number and place in the liue.
Lieutenant George O. Smith, or I B)' buying War Savings Stamps . was all accomplished wilhout a hitch I<Jach child will please ,earry a flag The hahy paralle will he on Satur-
Windsor avenue, who has recentlv i To help lick the Kaiser. : at the Septembel' meeting. The en- The parent.s may assume the re- l[ay afternoon Septemher 28, to form
returned from I,'rance, where he, __ : tire hoard of directors attended the sponsihility of the child as soon a" at. Forrest avenue north of \Vindsor.
spent two months in the front. line: ])1'. William :\1. Woodfin will give· meeting. The president, )Ir. ,r.! the prizes are awarded at. the jUdgeS" and march along Windsor to :'\ar-
trenehei". will be one of -the speal\Crs: an address in I
the Presbyterian I Howard Wilson, hurried home from Rtand at the ent.rance of XarhJ'l)ok b:ook ParI" where the judges will re-
at the Fete in Xarhrool\ Parle : Chnreh Sabbath evening at 8 o'cloc);.: his :\Iain!:' vacation in order t.o be' I'ark "VIew them and dist.rihut.e the prizes.
__ : This will he a union i"ervice of ali ~ there and was kept. busy t.elling his As we were unable t.o get. the com- T!le committee: ?III'S. C. T. ?lIoorc,
The Sorority Girls are aiming t.o Ithe churches of the towu. His suh- i mauy fl'iends what a Hne trip he had. I plete list of names of the entries by, chaIrman; :\lrs. G. ?IT. Colesworth)',
have t.he FEATURE of the Fete with i ject will be. "How the Huns Wage I The vice-Ilresident, :\Ir.' William D. Thursday of Jast week wheu the 111'0- ;!rs. Ro):den Hnnt, :\Irs. Edwin C.
their Japanese Tea Garden and Dahlia: War." 111'. Woodfiu was sent as :1: Smeilley, acted as Santa Claus and gram went t.o the printers, there will Iown, l\Itss Jeanette Turner.
and Chrysant.hemum decorations.; representative of the Federal C0l11l- i presented the ehecks in payment. of he a I:evised list. print.ed.
These decorations will be for sale.: eil of Clll~rehe:.; to I.'rance to make :l i the first. series, and it iR hard t.o de- BaInes may he entered right np nn-
Gifts and, flower$ are sollcitel], Phone; suney of army conditions. While i eide who had t.he .largest smile, our til 2,:lO Sat.urday afternoon if
Xew or Wllrll ('IlIthillg of ~trHII~
:\IiSR Wipf for particulars. ~ I here he met Pershing, gained access: genial vice-president or the ones to hrought to the starting point. of the lIIat<~rial fm' JII('II, WHlllen alltl ('\Ii!·
: to the hattIe fronl. ohtained almost a! whom he handed t.he checks.
The P. S. ,\1"my Cant.een Booth i hundrell stereopticon .views. which .ljl~' The secret.ary. ?Ill'. Thomas C.
haby )larade.
th'('11 thils W('pli, S('lttl'lnber2,. to :W.
Committee promis~s a 50-cent )llattc"1 g-ivEs with this lecture
supper worth gomg aft~r.
He has a I Trotter, commonly known as "the
. If ),OU mes,sage dire('t from the hattie front. ,Judge," was the busiest mau there,
I THE REGISTRAyr.',1ON npliH'r to Hl'd ('ross room, Y. JI. C.
A. Hui!dhll~. Ill' )lIlSt H)·riee.

want t.o be sure of gett mg ll. sellll lhat is worth hearing. ])0 not mj,;s' and we sometimes wonder how he
quickly to t.ite treasurer of the com-I hearing this noted speal,er. ('an check all the aecounts as they Local Board "'0. 1 of this COUllt):, J1nH' YIIU Allr ,J1lltan('se Lallt('rll~:
mittee. l\lrs. Chambll~y. 106 Gra)-lin?; I are ('ailed ofr. answer questions and which takes in Lower :\Iel'ion anI
avenue, for tiel,ets-good for either! :\11'. anll :\Irs_ .John 10'. Smith enter- yet always ]lll\'e a )lleasant greeting Cheltenham townships and Narberth How about. those Jall<!nese lantel'lls
Friday or Saturday evening_ Tickel~;,· lained on Satul"llay evening, Sept em- ,for all the stocldlolders. : borough, reports that. 4358 men regis- that you have hall around your hous"
fiO cents each. . her 21. iu honor of their son Earl F.: Our treasurer, ::\11'. \Villiam B. God- t.ered on September 12 under the uew for several Years, wondering just.
I Smith. who was 110me from Buffalo,· frey. halHlled the eash as usual awl, draft law that included all meu fro!il What you would do with them-hesi ..
The Fete Committee is delighted to, X. Y., on a five-day furlough. The was about even with ,Judge Trotter' 18 ,to 45 years of age. lating ahoul keeping them becaus{'
announce that the Ited Cross booth, house was heautifully deeorated wil1l, iu g'rel:'liug his many friends among Of this number about :lOOO were you didn't know wilen yon might eve,'
which is in charge of :\Irs. I~letche.. !lowers and flags. Theil' g-ue~ts in-' the sloellhohlers. from Lower Mel'ion, 900 from Che!- lise them, anl! hesitating to lhro\\'
Stites, chairman, and :\Irs. Dr. Hoff-. ('hlliell the :\[jsses Dorothv .lane· .\nll when we say the entire boanl ten ham and 450 from Xarberth. them away be~'aui"e yon fearell that
man. is arranging 10 have a fine ex-", Youn',". "" :\Iilllrell Donallisoll. (~el'll'lllIC of directors were Ilresent, we mean There were 3317 native horn "iii- ' •Y0 II or ~onte ot. )'onr friends mig-ht
hihit of war relics which will he weli 'JO]lllslon . .lean Chalfont. :\Iildrell S . that they were not only present, but. I zens, 264 naturalized eitizens, 59 citi- have some IInexpectl'll use for them
worth seeing. This information Smilh; :\Iessrs, Roy E. \'-'('hh, Roy H,'! :JS hus)' as they eould be with the, zens hy father's naturalizing before one of these (lays'? How a.hollt. ·e~n.
reached liS .too lat,e for llllhlieatioll in \Vehh, from U. S. Xav)' Yard; Earl, wor!, of the ass~ciation. :\[1'. C.
tbe Book of the ]'ete.
: :\Iueller. Hussell J-i:needler. John H. ~ :\[e( artel' lays aSllle the cares of t.he I,W40 Citizens.
,they l~~I:ame d age, maIling a total 01 we say?
\\rell, tile time has al'1'i"ed: they are

___ I S\di"ber.])r. Gordon \V. Sehurch, I sl:llllO] hoard on building and loan There were 269 aliens that hall not needeJ in the :'\:l1'herth Patriotic' ],'pt,-,
\\'onl has heen received from Pitts-: Earl l~. Smith, :\11'. aud ?III'S. c.: nights nnll is very seldom abscnt.1 tallen out their lirst pallers for and this is YOUI' opportunity to pu:
hnrgh of th!:' sudden deat.h 01 :\Irs. HalT)' Sehurch, :\[1'. and :\IrR. Thomas: from, a l~leeting. Onr friend, A. 1'./ n~t,lIr:1~jzing . an.d 449. that have not them to good URe. Get in touch wit'l
Hohert H. Brown, mother of :\[rs. i G. Condron, :\11'. and :'III'S. Frell .T. i Hedlt~r. torgetR the many perplexln~ i llel.lal e~1 thel~' .mtenlIon to hecome :'III'S. Edward Odell. l'ltairll1an of tllt·
\\'illiam ,I. Loughlin, of Chestnm i l-lipl,iRS, questIOns that bot.her him as a Coun- naturalIzed cll1zens, making a total of Canteen Committee: :'III'S. Charles \\".
avenue. :\Irs. Brown is suryived hy: ,___ l'ilman and lives in purely a huilding 71S aliens. Yonng, chairman of tlte British Boot 11
a sister, :\Irs. Silmuel l~llis, and broth-I BABY l'AlL\111; I and loan atmosphere at our meetings. Of tlte ahove number 40:l~ were Committee, and :\Iiss :\Iaude \Villf.
er, Justice Robert. S. I,'razer, of Pitts-: : :\fr. Carden \Varner is also H director white, :131 negroes, one Oriental and ehairman of the Japaues!:' Booth Com-
hurgh, and, :\Irs. William .1_: One of the most. important eventi'" that seldom misses a meeting and has one ]ndian. mittel', ani! tell them jlist how man\"
Loughlin, . or the Pat.riotic I"ete will he the I a pleasant worll and a smile for his The ages were divided as follows: Japanese lant.erns you 11(Jve. Thes~
___ : Bahy Parade on Sat.urday afteruoon I nllln)' friends. Our Cynwyd director, 234 were 18: 212 were 19; 210 were ladies need 'Iuite a number to use in
The baby p:ll'ade will be on Sat.ur- Septemher 28. ' :\11'. William B. Kra.ft, is anot.her ,20: 17 were 21; one was 24: one WH,i ma.ld'ng the decorations for the cele-
Ilay afte,rnoon, September 28, to form All mothers are asl,ell to memher of the sunshine ,type whose 27: two were :W; lfi4 were :12: :11 ~ hration and will appreciate every as-
at Forrest. avenue north of Windsor, t.heir babies as soon as possible. As ~udgmen~, is of much benetit to his ~vere 33; 2~0 were 34: 380 were 35: sistanee yOll can give t11em. \\'rite
alIll llJarch along Windsor to ::\ar- there are many lovely hahies in Nar- tellow dlreet.ors. , 2 6 0 were :16: 300 were :17; 327 were your name on ~1 small piece of ll'l[ler
hrook Pa rk, where t.he judges will re- herth. we want. to have them ALL in . :\11'. C. S. Powell comes faithfully :l8; 261 we_re 39: 239 were 40; 252 and paste it. 011 the of ~aeh
view them and distrihut.e the prizes. the parade. All ehildren four years ~r()111 .,\rdnlllre to attend every meet- we,re 41: 2,,7 were 42: 254 were 4:J: lant.ern and it will be returned t.o vou.
'l'he committ.l:e: Mrs. C. T. Moore, alHI under are considered b~bies. IIlg or the hoard and. his advice is 122h, were 44. and 26~ were 45. ! Even if you only have two or tllree
chairman; Mrs. G. M. Colesworthy, Mrs. :nlC:e will he prizes in t.he form of :lIS.O much sought. hy IllS fellow mel~- .. '1 he d~~~arant ~hens . we.r e divided or four lant.erns, don't hesitate to I
Royden Hunt, Mrs, Edwin C. Town, rhl'lft St.amps.
l\liss Jeanette Turner. Kindly phone any 0, f the following
bel s.
I as follo" s. Belglum,],]l eland, 61: loffer t.hem. :\Irs. Odell, 1\lrs Youn'"
C. :F'ritRch, one of our ",ar- England, 51; Scotland, 9; Wales, 2;! and -Miss \Villf will allPreci~te von7-
Committee for part,iculars: Ml':s. E. h:rth dlrector~, handled t.he opening, C.anad"a, 12: France, 1; Italy, 69: RUS-' Idndness and can nse every lm;tern

their thrift. in the large payment of Jellnnetle Turnel', Mrs. G. M. Coles- manner. The borough treasurer, ;\Ir. S,~eden, 4; Cent.ral Amel'lca, 1; Aus·
Lower :l1erion t.axpayers showed C. Towu, Mrs. Royden Hunt. Miss of the new senes ,in llis usual efficient. ~H:, !.J: Denmark, 1; Net~lerlands, 1:' they can get.
taxes received at the office of Town- wort.h)", MrR. C. T. Moore, Chairman 1'-:. P. Dolll. is also a faithful atten.l- t.rI~-HUngary, 17; Germany, 15. TIll: l,O:Wa:s'.r NOVEl,
shill Treasurer Gane during the week ' :lnt and always ]ms a pleasant word I' 'I he non-declarn nt aliens were dl-
ending lust. Sat.urday, which was the ~o ('O~DW~ITY JU RK WI' , ,for his man)' ~rlends. And last come vided as, follows: Belgiulll, 2; ]re- The longest novel in the WO"rlil he-
OX SA'I'UUnA Y' the t.wo new (IJrect.ors, MI'. C. B. Metz- ~~nd. 69: England. :J2; Scotland, 7: longs t.o Japan.
last day to save the discount 0;1
t.ownship taxes and the penalty on
county t.axes. The receil>ts on Friday I. Owinv; to the importance of tile oeen on .the board only part of the
~er and ?Ill'. \V. S. Howard, who have ~ al~s, I, Canada, 7: Italy, 241; Rus- Te Bakin. It was commenced in 18fi2
30: N~therlands,
1; I
Its author i" Kiong

1: ?n d published volume by volume aR

passed $82,000 and on Saturday :'I:arbel'th Pat.riotic Fete. will past yeal, Imt. both of these have :\01. wa), 2, Spall1, ], Sweden, 1; It came out, over a period of fiftv
$76,000 and for the weelt about $500,- be no Community :Market in t.own shown an int.erest in H1e Narbert.h] SWHzerlallll, 3: :\Iexlco. 10; Austria- years. Three are lOG volumes 106--
000 was received. this weelc A "san~ple" COllllllunity Building and ~oan Association equal Hungary, 23; Turkey, 4, and Ger- 000 pages, 3,180,000 lines and' abol;t
Marl,et will be held at. t.he food con- to tile oloer ~hrectors and when the many, 1. , 38,000,000 words. A complete copv
Everyone should note tile appeal servation booth next Friday afternoon entire board ~s compared and judged I The members of Local Board !\'O. 1 weigh 130 pounds, .
for new and cast-off cloUling for HI,. at the Narberth fete. The committee by other building and loan boaI'di;, !l,aye been rushing the work of get-
000,000 suffering Belgians. Outel' ,,'1Iich has conduct.ed Hlis market is Narbert.h m~y feel certain that theltln~. regist.ratlo~
the cards made in
"See here, you swindler!" ex-
clot.hlng, under garments, shoes, ask;ing for small but select donations comparison IS a favorable one and duphcates and the hst.s l})'epared for claimed a suburban property owner.
coats, gloves, et.c., for men, women from the people whose produce has ~hat the affairs of the asso?lation are t.he mailing out of the questionnaires. "When you sold me this house ,"on
said that in t.hree months I woul;ln't
and children. Take everything you been sold at the market during the III good safe hands and WII! he ably ,part with it for $10,000!"
can spare to Red, Cross rooms in the summer. The proceeds on Frida' conducted. Huve JOu a surplus sllllilly of vege·
"Well, yoU haven't, have :you ?" de-
Y. 1\1. C. A. or leave at the post. office will all go into the Fete treasur.': . tnbles in Jour gnrdent If so, tlley
will b~ greatly appreciated at the
manded the real estate man.
this weelt, Septembel' 23 to 29. Do. Donations can be left at the apart- UXf'J,ADIEH I.}:T'l'EUS A'r
It at once! Carpet and burlap are meat.s, 104 Forrest avenue. I XAn.UEIt'l'H pos'r OF}'IC}; Uolldll) House. No amount Is too
being used for shoes and clothing by
the Belgians. TrUE n, naT ert
I" h G
:\11'. L. W. Duckett
'1' L" G t
smull to send, Plellse leave them be-
: fore nOO!I, any day, ~Q till! back porell
nt 110 'N. Essex aVelluo, tile home of
Red Cross wool distributed
at Red Cross Workroom in Y.
'lls ""'h J !l ISS IZZle a es Jlr" II r ~V D b
A tense drama ofpat.riotic insplra- d rl. every .I, ursaay :\Irs. Paul Kellog • ,,, Ilr y , . er y.
Uon, sweetened by true love, is th~ evening in the Fire House :\Irs. Harry Skinner 'A. M. C. A., Monday, Wednesday
greatest of ,Spy plays, "Inside the I 7.45 to 8.45 ' }:d"'8r«1 S. lIalWs, man Is foolish to borrow t.rouble
Lines," to be shown at the Palac/) Post.master. if he can 1I'nd another man foolish and Friday.
er.ough 10 lend him money,

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