Brewsy Partnership Guide PDF

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your brewsy


becoming a brewsy
about brewsy
brewsy is the easiest winemaking kit ever! and in just 5 days you can turn any

juice into wine or cider

brewsy was started in August of 2020 in New Orleans

brewsy was designed to simplify the strenuous winemaking process while ensuring

the final product is of Napa Valley standards

brewsy was made by wine lovers for wine lovers. with brewsy the possibilities are

endless and we encourage everyone who tries brewsy to be creative, push the

boundaries, and try something new!

thousands of people are already in love with brewsy and continue to wow us

every day with their different creations. brewsy is for the spirited and creative

individual looking to take on a boozy new hobby and (we hope) you'll help us

grow to share our mission 😊

brewsy and you
We are so excited to send you your first brewsy box!

as a brewsy partner, we expect from you:

to document the process of making brewsy (beginning, middle, and end)

on your instagram while using the #brewsypartner

to make atleast (you can do more 😉) two story IG posts and one main

share your promo code and encourage people to go and try brewsy 😊

as a brewsy partner, you can expect from us:

to provide you with all the brewsy product you need to get started and

make your own wines, ciders, and other boozy drinks

24/7 service + support to help you with any questions or concerns you

have about making wine with brewsy

help your page grow by sharing the content you tag @getbrewsy in
how it works
Step 1. grab any sweet juice

pick any juice or sweet drink - or make your own!

Step 2. make it a little sweeter

wine grapes are twice as sweet as regular grapes, so add sugar.

Step 3. add a brewsy bag

tear open the bag, pour it into the juice, then shake.

Step 4. add the airlock

our airlock seals off the juice but still lets the bubbles escape

Step 5. the brewsy blend eats sugar.

the yeast in the brewsy blend will wake up, eat some of the sugar, and in

three days your wine is 15% ABV.

Step 6. seperate the yeast

leave your juice in the fridge for 2 more days so the sediment falls to the


Step 7. enjoy the taste of natural wine!

you're ready to enjoy your, or you can let it age in the fridge longer for a an

even better taste.

some awesome ideas
• a selfie video with the box talking about why you love brewsy

• an unboxing video encouraging people to try it

• a reaction video after you completed your batch telling people how tasty

and boozy brewsy is

• a top-down video of you making the wine showing everyone how easy it is

to make

• a selfie video of you drinking your own creation

• whatever else you can think of that will encourage people to try brewsy!

For videos or pictures that we absolutely love we will ask you to email them

to us so that we can share it with the whole brewsy community.

we want you to be creative, unique, and honest with how you share
brewsy with the intention of inspiring your friends, family and followers
to try brewsy themselves!
phrasing we love
we have found out that there are a few phrases to describe and advertise

brewsy that sound especially awesome.

you don't need to use any of these phrases in your photos or videos, but feel free to use as many of

them as you'd like:

intro phrases:

"if you're looking for your next quarantine hobby..."

"if you're always running out of wine..."

"if you love cooking (or making bread)..."

"if you're looking for your next date night activity"

"if you love wine...then you must get boozy with brewsy"

we really are attracted to phrasing that describes brewsy as a hobby (as opposed to a product)

describing the product:

one packet (or brewsy bag) makes 4-6 bottles of wine

one packet works on any size juice container

one packet makes 4-6 bottles of 15% ABV wine (or "super boozy" wine) in 5 days!

be sure to download the brewsy fonts/flyers/logos here:

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