Oct 19-23

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Monday, October 19th

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Please forgive Miss Bourassa as she teaches from home today without her beloved document
camera! #quarantineproblems I’ll be back in the classroom tomorrow!!
✓ It’s time to start collecting materials for our final boat project we will be completing at the end
of October. Boats will need to float, be stable, be made of waterproof materials, have waterproof
joints, carry a load, and move through the water. This is a great project for families to engage
in together, but please allow your child to be the mastermind behind the project and you can take
on the role of coach/building assistant.
✓ I’ve been doing LOTS of professional learning lately and have some exciting ideas of things I’d
like to try out in an effort to make our online learning experience more engaging and driven by
the interests and learning preferences of your children! Bear with me as we try out some new
things over the next few weeks As always, any and all feedback is appreciated!
✓ INTRODUCING HOMEWORK HOUR! Homework ‘hour’ will take place Monday through Wednesday
from 2:35 to 3:25. If your child is struggling with some work and would like assistance, they
are welcome to join in on our new “Homework Hour.” This is time when I will be on TEAMs to
provide direct assistance and support to students. If your child has work from yesterday/last
week that they have not completed, they are strongly encouraged to attend Homework Hour!

Extra Materials/Resources Needed Today:

 Upcycled boat building materials! Anything and everything you’ve collected to build some awesome
 A jar or container to use as your “Idea Jar”
 Strips of paper to write down your ideas
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort during this time.
Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely be wrapped
up by 8:45.
9:00-9:20 Language Arts: Writing – The Idea Jar!
Sometimes authors find it tricky to come up with ideas for their stories. One way we
can help with that (and have some fun) is by making an idea jar!! I will introduce the
activity, then we will watch a video of the book “Idea Jar” by Adam Lehrhaupt. VIDEO
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGzUOicC1Jo

When students come back on, we will begin brainstorming some ideas for our idea jars.
Our ideas could be characters, settings, or trouble! We will review earlier lessons about
using our imagination to come up with characters and trouble.
NOTE: The ideas that go into your child’s idea jar do not need to be their own!
Everyone in your family can contribute to your idea jar! AND contributions can be
made at ANY time! If you’re having supper and come up with an idea for the idea jar,
add it! If you’re watching TV and come up with a trouble for the idea jar, add it! Idea
jars are a great way to bring fun and excitement to writing for the whole family!
9:20-9:35 Independent Work Time
Families will take this time to add to their idea jars! Make a goal of adding at least 10
ideas to your idea jar! Remember, this is something the whole family can contribute to!
9:35-9:45 Share
Students will share some of their favourite, most unique ideas that have been added to
their idea jar! This is a great time to be inspired by the ideas of other students! Listen
carefully, because you may want to borrow someone else’s idea and that’s okay to do!!
9:45-10:15 Independent Work Time:
Students can continue to add to their idea jar until they are ready to give the idea jar
a try! Here’s how the idea jar works! Pull two or three ideas from the idea jar and pick
one (or combine a couple) for the premise of a story! Students will use the remaining
time to work on their story!
10:15-10:30 Share
Students may share with their peers their most recent writing work!
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:10 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
11:10-12:10 Independent Work Time Reading Small Groups
Suggested allotment: 11:10-11:25: Group 1 (Domeiko, Zachery,
✓ 15-20 minutes of reading to self, Andreas) – Letter/Sound BINGO! You will
reading to someone, or listening to need a piece of paper (with a 5x5 grid on
reading (could be on RAZ Kids) it) and a pencil!
*Please don’t forget to fill out your 11:30-11:45: Group 2 (Eloise, Macey, Ursula,
child’s reading log! Kaavi) – Sight word BINGO! You will need
✓ 10-15 minutes of practicing reading a piece of paper (with a 5x5 grid on it)
snap words and a pencil!
✓ 10-15 minutes of practicing writing
snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based 11:50-12:05: Group 3 (Corvus, Harper,
games (Teach Your Monster to Mason, Holden): Fluency strategy: Reading
Read, Dreamscape, etc.) texts that are a good fit
12:10-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:30 Science: Culminating Activity: Building Our Boats!
The time has come! We are finishing up our boats and buoyancy unit and it’s time to
put our learning to the test! Soon, we will be going through the process of designing
blueprints and constructing boats, but before we begin, we need to decide what qualities
are important for our boats to have! Some questions to consider include:
- How much mass should our boats be able to hold?
- How important is the stability of our boats?
- Should our boats be required to move on their own?
- Do our boats need to be waterproof?
- Should our boats need to look nice?
At this time, we will be coming up with a checklist/rubric that we will be using to assess
the boats we will be building!
1:30-1:40 Science: Boat Blueprints
Much like any architect or designer, we are going to create “blueprints” of our boats
before we set out to build them. It would be handy if your child knows what materials
are available for them to build with before beginning on their blueprint. Anything and
everything that you are wanting to use (upcycled materials are definitely the easiest
and cheapest to work with) is usable!
Students MUST submit their blueprint to me BEFORE they are allowed to begin
1:40-2:25 Science: Blueprint Time!
Begin this time working on your blueprint design. Blueprints must be drawn neatly,
labelled with materials, and demonstrate thought towards the qualities outlined in the
rubric. Once you have completed your blueprint, please send it in to Miss Bourassa and
wait for approval BEFORE beginning to build your boat! Once you have received
approval, you can continue to use this time for construction!
2:35-3:25 Homework ‘Hour’ with Miss Bourassa
If your child is struggling with some work and would like assistance, they are welcome
to join in on our new “Homework Hour.” This is time when I will be on TEAMs to provide
direct assistance and support to students. If your child has work from yesterday that
they have not completed, they are strongly encouraged to attend Homework Hour!
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of your child’s writing today.
 A picture of your idea jar.
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been achieved).
 Your child’s boat blueprint.
 A picture of the progress made on your boat (if progress happened).

Tuesday, October 20th

Today’s Announcements:
✓ It’s time to start collecting materials for our final boat project we will be completing at the end
of October. Boats will need to float, be stable, be made of waterproof materials, have waterproof
joints, carry a load, and move through the water. This is a great project for families to engage
in together, but please allow your child to be the mastermind behind the project and you can take
on the role of coach/building assistant.
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort during this time.
Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely be wrapped
up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:00 Independent Work Time Reading Small Groups
Suggested allotment: 9:05-9:20: Group 4 (Alec, Callen, Ishika,
✓ 10-15 minutes of reading to self, Linnea, Mara-Jade, Paulinda, Olivia) –
reading to someone, or listening to Comprehension strategy: making
reading (could be on RAZ Kids) predictions
*Please fill out their reading log for 9:25-9:40: Group 1 (Domeiko, Andreas,
any reading time they complete. Zachery) – We will play letter/sound
✓ 10-15 minutes of practicing reading BINGO!
snap words 9:45-10:00: Group 2 (Eloise, Macey, Ursula,
✓ 10-15 minutes of practicing writing Kaavi) – We will play sight word BINGO
snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based
games (Teach Your Monster to
Read, Dreamscape, etc.)
10:00-10:20 Whole Class Reading Activity: Books as Windows or Mirrors
Today we are going to discuss how we can use books as windows and mirrors. This
means, that books either reflect our lives (they are easy for us to relate to and find
similarities to) or they provide us an opportunity to see how other people live their lives.
As teachers, we aim to have diverse classroom libraries that reflect the diversity we
have within our classrooms. Books are a great way to teach kids empathy and
understanding of diversity. We will read the book “Positively Norman” and discuss if it
was a mirror or a window and in what ways.
10:20-10:30 Independent Work Time:
Students will respond to the book “Positively Norman” by explaining in what way(s) it was
a mirror or a window for them. With extra time, students can reflect on a book they
have at home and tell whether it is a window or mirror book.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:20 Math Mini-Lesson: Determining a Survey Question
It is almost time for our final graphing assignment! For this assignment, students will
be posing their own question to the class (and anyone else they’re wanting to send it
to). We will brainstorm appropriate questions and selected responses that can then be
11:20-11:40 Math Independent Work Time
During this time, students will need to create a question and decide on the select
responses they are wanting to give their respondents.
11:40-11:55 Math Mini-Lesson: Creating a Poll using Microsoft Forms
Students will be creating a poll using Microsoft Forms! I will demonstrate how to do
11:55-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Students will create their poll in Microsoft Forms.
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:25 Science Check-In
Reminder to those who have not yet submitted a blueprint that it needs to be done
before boat building can commence!
1:25-2:35 Boat Building Time!
This is time designated for you to be working on building your boat! Remember, you are
always welcome to “revise” your blueprints as you go! If you are in need of support or
materials, please let me know and I can support as best I can. There will be ONE
more boat-building period (Oct 26th) before boat testing day!

Remember, while these boats are a fun family project, please allow your child to be the
mastermind behind the boats. This is their opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge
of what they’ve learned over the course of this unit.
2:35-3:25 Homework ‘Hour’ with Miss Bourassa
If your child is struggling with some work and would like assistance, they are welcome
to join in on our new “Homework Hour.” This is time when I will be on TEAMs to provide
direct assistance and support to students. If your child has work from yesterday that
they have not completed, they are strongly encouraged to attend Homework Hour!
Work to be Submitted
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been achieved).
 A picture of the progress made on your boat today.
 A picture of your child’s response to “Positively Norman”
 A link to your child’s survey on Microsoft Forms

Wednesday, October 21st

Today’s Announcements:
✓ It’s time to start collecting materials for our final boat project we will be completing at the end
of October. Boats will need to float, be stable, be made of waterproof materials, have waterproof
joints, carry a load, and move through the water. This is a great project for families to engage
in together, but please allow your child to be the mastermind behind the project and you can take
on the role of coach/building assistant.
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort during this time.
Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely be wrapped
up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading Mini-Lesson:
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:00 Independent Work Time Reading Small Groups
Suggested allotment: 9:05-9:20: Group 2 (Eloise, Macey, Ursula,
✓ 10-15 minutes of reading to self, Kaavi) – we will play sight word BINGO
reading to someone, or listening to 9:25-9:40 Group 3: (Corvus, Harper,
reading (could be on RAZ Kids) Holden, Mason) Accuracy strategy: skip
*Please don’t forget to fill out your the word then come back
child’s reading log!
✓ 10-15 minutes of practicing reading 9:45-10:00: Group 1 (Domeiko, Andreas,
snap words Zachery) – We will play letter/sound
✓ 10-15 minutes of practicing writing BINGO
snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based
games (Teach Your Monster to
Read, etc.)
10:00-10:15 Whole Class Reading Activity – The Day the Crayons Quit: Mirror or Window?
Together, we will read the story “The Day the Crayons Quit” and revisit the ideas of
books as mirrors and windows. Students will pick one crayon as a mirror crayon (I
can relate/I’ve experienced similar because…) and one as a window crayon (now I can
understand/I can see how someone else feels).
10:15-10:30 Independent Work Time
Students will respond to the following prompts:
___________ crayon was a mirror for me because…. (explaining how they can relate
to that crayon, discussing past experiences, etc.).
___________ crayon was a window crayon because…. (explaining how it has helped
them understand/see another perspective).
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:20 Language Arts: Writing Mini-Lesson:
STRATEGY TBA (#quarantineproblems)
11:20-11:55 Independent Work Time
Students are expected to use this time to write. They can revise their writing for
realistic fiction elements, or begin a new story with the idea of making it realistic
fiction. They may also:
✓ Continue a story they have previously started.
✓ Write a new story in a series they have already started.
✓ Add illustrations to their stories.
✓ Add labels to their illustrations.
✓ Begin a new stories or series altogether.
11:55-12:10 Share
Students are invited to share their most recent pieces of writing.
12:10-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:30 Social Studies:
Reflection on landforms – what is the most common landform in Saskatchewan? It’s
the plains! What industry takes place on the plains? Farming! We will have a brief
discussion about the importance of farming to Saskatchewan and surrounding areas.
Then, we will talk about grain elevators. Have you ever seen a grain elevator before?
Students will check out the following links:
- A video showing how trucks unload wheat at the elevator:
- Take a peek into a restored 1913 grain elevator:
- See how the mechanics of a grain elevator work on this model:
- Pictures of grain elevators across Saskatchewan:
- Aerial video of a grain elevator in Peterson, Saskatchewan:
1:30-1:55 Independent Work Time:
Students can explore the links and videos above.
1:55-2:05 Social Studies: Reflection
We will reflect on what we have learned about grain elevators and consider some
questions including:
- Why were grain elevators so important to small communities?
- Why were there so many grain elevators in the past and fewer now?
- Do you think these old grain elevators should be preserved or destroyed?
2:05-2:10 Social Studies: Design Your Grain Elevator
TASK: A historical society has commissioned you to create a mural on the side of an
old grain elevator to illustrate the importance and history of the grain elevator to the
town. Your job is to draw a picture on your elevator that will help the townspeople
understand the history and importance of grain elevators.
2:10-2:35 Social Studies – Independent Work Time
Students will work on their “mural” for their grain elevator.
2:35-3:25 Homework ‘Hour’ with Miss Bourassa
If your child is struggling with some work and would like assistance, they are welcome
to join in on our new “Homework Hour.” This is time when I will be on TEAMs to provide
direct assistance and support to students. If your child has work from yesterday that
they have not completed, they are strongly encouraged to attend Homework Hour!
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been achieved).
 The Day the Crayons Quit response
 A picture of the mural they have designed for their grain elevator

Thursday, October 22nd

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Miss Bourassa will be unavailable from 2:45-3:15ish this afternoon as she participates in an online
teachers collaboration! Woohoo—learning new things!
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort during this time.
Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely be wrapped
up by 8:45.
9:00-9:15 Language Arts: Writing Mini-Lesson:
STRATEGY TBA (#quarantineproblems)
9:15-9:40 Independent Work Time
Students are expected to use this time to write, taking note of the strategy we just
learned and trying to incorporate it into their writing. Students may also:
✓ Continue a story they have previously started.
✓ Write a new story in a series they have already started.
✓ Add illustrations to their stories.
✓ Add labels to their illustrations.
✓ Begin a new stories or series altogether.
9:40-9:50 Share
Students are invited to participate in our mid-write share. Priority will be given to
students who have not yet had an opportunity to share their work this week.
9:50-10:15 Independent Writing Time (continued from above)
10:15-10:30 Share
In our final writing share of the week, students are invited to share something
they’ve worked on this week. Priority will be given to students who have not yet had an
opportunity to share their work this week.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:10 Math Mini-Lesson: Responding to Surveys
Using the links I have compiled, students will spend time responding to the surveys
created by their classmates

11:10-11:40 Math Independent Work Time
Time to respond to surveys. I will be sending out a document with the links to
everyone’s survey.
11:40-11:55 Math Mini-Lesson: Compiling Data
Now that people have responded to your survey! It’s time to construct our graphs!
Using the graph outline sent home, fill in the title, X-axis, Y-axis, scale, and data!
11:55-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Time for students to construct their graphs
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:40 Social Studies: What crops do we eat?
We will first brainstorm different crops that we eat, then review a presentation
showcasing examples of different crops that we eat. Then, we will take a look at the
page of foods that was sent home. We will determine what crop(s) went in to make the
foods we eat.
1:40-2:35 Social Studies – Independent Work Time
Students will sort/label the foods with the crop(s) that went into producing each food
item. Crop categories include: grains (wheat, oats, canola, mustard), fruits & vegetables,
meat & poultry, and dairy. Hmmmm… those kind of sound like our food groups . Once
students have finished sorting/labelling their food items, they can colour them. Any
remaining time can be used to colour the landforms booklet from a couple of weeks
2:35-2:45, Miss Bourassa’s Office Hours
3:15-3:25 Feel free to connect with me if you have any questions or concerns! I will be busy
from about 2:45-3:15 but will respond as soon as I can once I am available!
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 A picture of your child’s completed graph!
 Labelled and coloured food cards

Friday, October 23rd

Today’s Announcements:
✓ Happy birthday Alec!!
8:30-8:45 Math Mini-Lesson: Asking and Answering Questions based on our Graphs

Now that we have our graphs made, we need to practice asking and answering
questions using the data on our graph. Students will need to come up with at least 5
questions that can be answered using the data on their graph. Questions may include
(but aren’t limited to):
- Questions about least/greatest (i.e., What flavour of ice cream was the most
popular? What kind of video game do the least number of people like to play?)
- Questions about what the graph is about
- Questions requiring additional steps like addition and subtraction (i.e., How many
more people liked 7-Up than Orange pop? How many people liked both pink and
8:45-9:15 Math Independent Work Time
Time to continue working on compiling questions and creating an answer key.
9:15-10:00 Fact Friday
Suggested allotment:
✓ 10-15 minutes practicing facts (flashcards, XtraMath, etc.)
✓ 10-15 minutes practicing tricky facts using a strategy (manipulatives, fingers,
number line, etc.)
✓ 10-15 minutes returning to practice facts (flashcards, XtraMath, fact-focused
game, etc.) to help consolidate practice
✓ 0-15 minutes playing Prodigy or another math game (not necessarily focused on
10:00-10:15 Snack and Physical Activity Break
10:15-11:35 Art & Resource Exchange
Stay tuned to our ClassDojo for what our art project will be this week!
At some point during this time, please make your way to your child’s home school to
pick up their package of supplies for next week!
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of your child’s reading log for the week.
 A picture of the questions your child has created for their graph PLUS the answer key!
 Evidence of completing Fact Friday activities.
 A picture of your child’s completed art project.


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