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History Assignment: Reconstruction of the Homonhon

Episode of the Magellan Expedition

Submitted by Marwin Joyce Odita DM 40th

1. What are the basic facts of the Homonhon landing of the Magellan expedition that
can be established by the Pigafetta Account as well as other primary sources?

As per Pigafetta’s account and other primary sources, basic facts of the Homonon landing
of the Magellan expeditions include the following:
 March 16, 1521 was when the Samar island was seen.
 The next day, March 17 was when they landed in Homonhon.
 On March 18, they met the locals from Suluan island and exchanged gifts with them.

2. What existing rituals and practices related to the Homonhon anniversaries that can
be corrected by these facts?

With the facts from Pigafetta’s account and other primary sources, there are some
practices of Homonhon anniversaries which can be corrected. These practices include the
 March 16 celebration of Magellan’s landing.
 Celebrating the first mass.

3. Write an outline of the day-to-day activities of the Homonhon presence (March 17-
25, 1521) of the Magellan expedition that can be reconstructed and imagined from
existing sources (Pigafetta Account; the NQC lecture on the Visayan food that
Magellan possibly ate; the paper on the 1521 Landing on Homonhon).

March 17: Magellan and his crew landed in Homonhon island and set up two tents on the
shore for the sick and had a sow killed for them.

March 18: Afternoon that day, Magellan and his crew saw a boat coming towards them
with nine men. The chief when immediately to Magellan and showed signs of joy for
their arrival. Magellan offered them food and gave them red caps, mirrors, combs, bells,
ivory, bocasine, and other things. In return, the natives presented them fish, a jar of palm
wine, figs, and others which are smaller and more delicate, and two coconuts. The natives
had nothing else after that, but they made a sign that they would bring rice, coconuts, and
many other types of food within four days.

The natives from Suluan became very familiar with Magellan and his crew. They had
great pleasure with them as they were very pleasant and conversable. To show them great
honor, Magellan tour them to his ship and showed them all his merchandise, including
cloves, cinnamon, pepper, ginger, nutmeg, mace, gold, and all the things inside the ship.
The natives leave saying that they would return according to their promise. Magellan and
his crew had known that the island they they’re in is called Humunu, but when they
found two springs of the clearest water, they called it Acquada da li buoni Segnialli (The
Watering-place of good signs), because that was their first signs of gold that they found
on those districts.

March 22: At noon that day, the natives from Suluan came back in two boats with
coconuts, sweet oranges (which might be a pomelo), a jar of palm wine, and a cock , to
show them that there were fowls on that district. The natives showed signs of pleasure
from seeing them. They purchased all their goods.

At a week of staying there, Magellan always went ashore to visit the sick and gave them
coconut water from his own hand, which comforted them greatly.

March 25: On the afternoon that Holy Monday, Pigafetta nearly drowned at the sea when
he fell while he was fishing. But luckily, he catches a hold on to the clew-garnet of the
main-sail. He lustily cried that he was rescued by a small boat. That same day shaped
their course towards west southwest.

4. Discuss the “Humanity” shown by the visiting residents of Suluan to the members of
the Magellan expedition in Homonhon in 1521. Why should this be highlighted in
the theme (Victory and Humanity) of next year’s 500th anniversary celebrations?

The next day after Magellan and his men landed in Homonhon, they were immediately
welcomed by the men from Suluan. As we see in our community these days, newcomers
at our places are considered taboos and aren’t shown much appreciation (like what we
experienced on our first exposure at our community assignment). These were totally
different as what the people from Suluan treated the foreigners. They didn’t had any
violent reactions, instead, they gave them food articles upon meeting, and brought other
more when they returned. The natives showed compassion to people they just met.

These event should be highlighted in the theme of 500 th anniversary celebrations next
year because it showed pure intentions of compassion to others. And it is how the
Spaniards were welcomed to our country.

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