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Alex Fairly Interview Ignores Key Aspect of Proposed Plan

Current Proposal Provides Answers to Concerns Raised

Amarillo, TX---Build Amarillo PAC calls on Alex Fairly to take a second look at the plan currently being
presented to Amarillo voters following a recently released interview that makes it clear he does not fully
understand the current proposal.

“In the interview, it seems there is confusion between total seating capacity, seating configurations, and the
number of fixed seats,” Build Amarillo PAC Board Member Jason Herrick said. “But any examination of the
plan reveals the arena would be able to be sized anywhere from 5,100 to just over 10,000 seats through the
various configurations. Alex proposes to build a smaller venue, something barely bigger than our current
coliseum, which does not meet the overall needs of a growing community. Most importantly, he is only focused
on a singular use arena – hockey.”

“The design includes a 5,153 seating arrangement for hockey, and other smaller events which would actually
be right in line with what Alex confirms would work to attract an anchor tenant,” says Herrick. Fairly said in his
interview, "An amazing night of hockey would be 5,000 people."

Build Amarillo believes it’s important to build a venue that has multiple seating configurations to allow the
community to host more event styles like sports, youth tournaments, concerts, graduations and rodeos.

Herrick, along with many business owners from across the community have spent hours with Fairly, listening to
his concerns. In multiple meetings, Fairly has been unable to provide any detail or basis for his wildly low cost
estimates. He further refused to meet with the design team or Populous to validate his capital estimates.

“We respect Alex’s ideas and we actually never felt what’s proposed was very far from what he wanted,”
Herrick explained. “Furthermore, Alex made it sound like this issue was thrown together when in fact it was
developed over a two-year period by a diverse group of Amarillo citizens with the help of Populus, a design
firm that builds these things across the world.” Populus has designed more than 3,000 projects worth $40
billion across emerging and established markets, including multiple Olympic venues.

Build Amarillo PAC emphasizes that Fairly misrepresented the tax increase issue multiple times throughout the
interview. “This is an increase of $0.131 to the city’s property tax rate and can easily be taken out of context as
a percentage due to our extremely low tax rate,” Herrick said. “The bottom line is that if you have a $140,000
home, you’ll pay about $15 dollars extra per month, which will amount to a 5-6% raise to your overall tax bill,
depending on where you live.”

An investment that Build Amarillo feels will bring numerous benefits to our community. These include an
additional $28 million in revenue to the city, a number developed by HVS, who has a forty year history of
providing economic studies to cities like Amarillo on venues like this. It would also allow more people to attend
graduations and provide a venue for area youth to host sporting tournaments. It would also help retain major
events like the WRCA, which bring $6 million into our economy every year.

“After meeting with Alex several times, and then watching this, it’s clear to me that he hasn’t studied the
proposal,” Herrick added. “It’s a shame that he’s decided that his opinion is the only one that matters and now
he’s going to spend a lot of money pushing out bad information.”

Build Amarillo PAC hopes that voters will look at the facts and study the benefits before heading to the voters
box. Early voting continues until Oct. 30, Election Day is Nov. 3.

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