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Spring &

Summer *  Rosalind Creasy Comes to Brookside Gardens! Page 7

2011 * Landscape for Life Series, page 13

Garden Party Benefit for Brookside Gardens, page 6
Letter from the Director
Table of Contents Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which,
in prosperous circumstances, would have lain
dormant. — Horace

1.  How Did Our Gardens Grow?

2.  Wings of Fancy: Success with The creativity and resourcefulness of the
Wings and Six Legs staff at Brookside Gardens has certainly
been tested by a very challenging 2010. The
3.  Were You There? fickle weather has thrown every extreme:
with punishing snows and cold drying winds
4.  Volunteer Update
in February that required hours of snow
5.  Thank You, Donors! removal to reopen the Gardens; a summer
with a record-breaking number of days above
90 degrees that forced the closing of Wings
of Fancy; the rapid, violent windstorm in
Special Events July that felled dozens of trees; and an early
Group Tours morning thunderstorm in August that cast
3.3 inches of rain in less than half an hour,
Spring Lecture Series & which scoured the creek and surrounding
Art Xhibits gardens with a flash flood six feet or more above its regular level.
10. Horticultural Talks &
Workshops Clean up and restoration after each weather event has taken countless hours
and is ongoing, as Gardens staff coordinates with other skilled trades in
13. Garden Photography &
Montgomery Parks to repair the damage. In addition to replacing damaged
Writing Workshops plants, other restoration includes significant work by the arborist crews to
14. Cooking Demonstrations & remove and prune hazardous trees, fence replacement and repair, asphalt
Xcursions repair, and cleaning out clogged storm drains. All these reparations divert
resources earmarked for daily operations from our already lean budget. As
15. Adult Programs by Date
you may know, this fiscal year the budget for Montgomery Parks was cut by 15
16. Brookside Gardens School of percent. Next year looks to be similarly harsh. And despite this, staff continues
Botanical Art & Illustration to be optimistic about what we can accomplish and resourceful in ways to
continue providing the high quality garden and programs our visitors expect.
18.  Children’s Programs
I am very grateful to the staff for their commitment and ingenious solutions,
21. Registration and to the volunteers and donors who support our operations through the gift
of their time and money. Brookside Gardens is a special place, and it takes
many special people to keep it that way.

Best regards,

Stephanie Oberle
Editor: Ellen S. Bennett, 301-962-1402
Director, Brookside Gardens
Cover Photo: Leslie McDermott

Brookside Gardens Horticultural Reference Library

General Information, 301-962-1400 1800 Glenallan Avenue 10:00am–3:00pm Monday
Adult Education, 301-962-1470 Wheaton, Maryland 20902 through Friday, except holidays
Children’s Education, 301-962-1408 301-962-1476
The Shop at
Library, 301-962-1476
Brookside Gardens
School of Botanical Art & Illustration, Hours: Brookside Gardens is open Master Gardeners—Plant
301-962-1470 or 1474 every day except December 25. Clinic at Brookside Gardens Monday-Saturday
Gardens: Sunrise–Sunset Saturday 10:00am–2:00pm 10:00am–4:00pm
Volunteer Office, 301-962-1429
Conservatories: 10:00am–5:00pm Sunday 1:00–4:00pm Sunday Noon–4:00pm
Gift Shop, 301-962-1448 or 1479
Visitors Center: 9:00am–5:00pm Open Year Round 301-962-1448
Facility Rental, 301-962-1404
(closed some holidays) Wed. & Thurs. (May–October)
McCrillis Gardens, 301-962-1455
Media Relations, 301-962-1427
Sponsorships/donations, 301-962-1402 McCrillis Gardens | 6910 Greentree Road, Bethesda, MD 20817
Food Theme: How did
our Gardens Grow?

F or the 2010 growing season Brookside

Gardens focused on the theme of
food: what is it?; where does it come
chard tolerated the record heat surprisingly
well.  ✲  Rice is beautiful.  ✲  Stevia leaves
are incredibly sweet when chewed.
from?; what, in fact, do food-producing ✲  Little animal damage occurred to our
plants even look like (ever seen rice plants “crops” except from chipmunks (and some
in bloom?). Our displays approached this wayward visitors). ✲  It was quite gratifying
universal topic from several directions. There was a large that all beds overall looked quite showy even past
“Victory-type” vegetable garden that featured a succession September.
of crops, companion plants that repel insect pests, and
that was intentionally NOT planted in traditional rows Based on this season, we plan to continue the food theme
but rather more artistically. There were beds devoted to in 2011 and 2012.
plants producing sweeteners; that showcased grain crops
like corn, sorghum, wheat and rice; that featured edible What did we learn that we can take forward?
flowers; and some that were specifically designed to show ✲ We showed a wide range of plants to which visitors
that vegetable beds can be beautiful in their own right. from many different cultures could relate. It was
We chose time-tested commercial varieties as well as fascinating to the staff that the sight of some of these
newer ones geared toward smaller spaces and with more plants appeared to spark an emotional response and
ornamental appeal. We wondered (nervously) what our copious memories. There was a great deal of interest
efforts would look like by August. overall, as evidenced by the common exclamations, “I’ve
never seen this grow” and “Is THAT where that comes
With the season at an end, we took some moments to from?”
✲ We were successful in showing that food displays
Which plants worked? can be surprisingly beautiful and long-lasting, almost
Red okra produced massive crops, with the shortest without the use of pesticides or unusual care. Visitors
cultivar (‘Little Lucy’) being the best.  ✲  ‘Ruby Perfection’ responded to these food crops equally as well as to our
cabbage was showy and insect-resistant.  ✲ Cardoons traditional floral displays of the past.
were dramatic all season.  ✲  Notable eye-catchers: lush
hyacinth-beans (on a dramatic new arbor); rice in bloom, ✲ We were successful enough to be able to donate
especially the red-leafed forms (Oryza sativa ‘Red Dragon’ significant amounts of produce to a local food bank.
and ‘Nigrescens’); Swiss chard with its beautifully colored
leaf stalks; and the enigmatic, menacingly beautiful spiny- ✲ We’ll modify the composition of the beds based on
bastard (naranjanilla). performance, appeal, and even the harvest rate.

Which did not? ✲ We’ll change our vegetable garden around a bit to
The tall okras (‘Red Spray’) proved to be too spindly for show types of backyard-sized gardens with plants from
an ornamental display.  ✲  Since we chose not to spray four broad geographic areas: Central America/Mexico,
pesticides except in extreme cases, insect pests decimated Southern Asia/India, Asia, and the Mediterranean (Italy
the rapeseed crop as well as lima and scarlet runner beans, and Greece).
all eggplants, and Brussels sprouts.
How do YOU think we did?
What surprised us?
Bananas flowered!  ✲  Pineapples produced small but —Phil Normandy
exquisite fruits, even though they hated the excessive Plant Collections Manager
summer heat and our slow draining clay soils.  ✲ Swiss

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    1

Wings of Fancy: Success with
Wings and Six Legs

A pproaching its fifteenth season of flight, the Wings

of Fancy Live Caterpillar and Butterfly Exhibit has
grown and changed every year, with the goal of creating an
exceptional, enjoyable and educational experience. Nearly
50,000 visitors come to the exhibit and more than 200
volunteers participate in its operation annually, so we must
be doing things well enough to keep people coming back
for more!

In order to import butterflies across state lines, Brookside

Gardens is required to secure a permit from the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA). Non-local butterflies
and caterpillars are considered to be potential pests, and
the USDA regulates their movement and use. The permit
states that no butterfly life stages may leave the exhibit,
which means that our greenhouse must be “butterfly- throughout the season, but especially before opening day,
proofed” every spring. The permit also requires that a when we don’t have any caterpillars of our own. They
person be stationed at each of three exits during all hours have given us a number of different species, including
of operation, to check for hitch hikers on anyone leaving native giant silk moth and Baltimore Checkerspot butterfly
the flight house, which is why a robust volunteer program caterpillars. Our exhibit is greatly enriched as a result of
is necessary and crucial to the exhibit’s success. their generous support.

Dr. Wayne Wheling is the USDA entomologist who oversees Wings of Fancy initially exhibited only butterflies that live
Wings of Fancy’s import permit. Dr. Wheling’s support of in North America, but with guidance from Dr. Wheling,
the exhibit has been a key element in its ongoing success. our permit has expanded over the years to include
In its earliest years, he helped find solutions to the species that live in other parts of the Americas. With
challenges of bringing a thirty year old greenhouse facility further modifications to our facility, we were able to get
up to current standards of containment. Our containment approval to import butterflies from Asia and, most recently,
director, Cheryl Beagle, and carpenters from the Parks Africa. Dr. Wheling has also helped exhibit staff modify
Department’s Facilities Management Division have figured our techniques and methods to improve the health and
out how to complete the required structural modifications longevity of the butterflies.
quickly and efficiently every spring when display change
begins. The flight house is inspected by a representative A willingness to change and try new things is at the heart
from either the USDA or Maryland Department of the of making Wings of Fancy fresh and interesting each
Environment (MDE) before any butterflies may be released year. We try to pay attention to what our visitors respond
into it. Containment must be assured before the exhibit to, as well as listen to our volunteers’ observations and
components and interpretive materials are installed. experiences. Our volunteers are passionate and curious
The interpretive panels are a cooperative creative effort about butterflies and are always bringing us questions
between the Parks Department’s Exhibit Shop designers and new information to incorporate into the exhibit. We
and Brookside Gardens staff. continue to be fascinated by the complex life cycle and
life story of butterflies, always finding compelling ways to
The exhibit’s most interesting components, the caterpillars share our passion with our volunteers and visitors.
and butterflies, must be flying or crawling in sufficient
numbers on opening day. Several devoted butterfly and —Kathy Stevens
moth fanciers (lepidopterists) share caterpillars with us Conservatory Manager

2  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Were You There?

Brookside Gardens School of Botanical Art & In addition to the fun hands-on activities, families
Illustration Awards Ceremony listened to the sounds of the Richmond Indigenous Gourd
Students and teachers from Brookside Gardens School of Orchestra and explored a “gourd-petting zoo” that the
Botanical Art & Illustration gathered on Sunday, September band shared with the public. What’s a gourd orchestra?
19 to celebrate the achievements of several of the School’s The orchestra is made up of five band members who wear
finest students. Director Margaret Saul, in town from Italy stylish gourd hats and flashy costumes accessorized with
to attend the American Society of Botanical Artists’ annual gourd buttons. Their lively music comes from a variety of
conference in Pittsburgh, presented Certificates to five homemade gourd instruments. It is described as Paleolithic
individuals who this year completed their final certificate lounge music – mixing past with present, rhythm with
projects. Jeanne Benson, Karen Coleman, melody, and chaos with order. Whatever it
Joan Maps Ducore, Berit Robertson was, it was lots of fun for everyone!
and Denise Swayne each received this
prestigious award after several years of As children participated in several hands-
meticulous work and dedication to this on activities spread throughout the
unique art form. Each of them now joins gardens, they were on a mission to stamp a
a very elite group of just eight individuals “Passport” detailing their accomplishments.
to complete all the requirements of the Kids travelled from the Plant a Mini Salad
School’s Certificate Program. Bowl activity to Fruit and Veggie Bingo, on to
Fruit and Veggie Beach Ball, and to the other
Margaret also presented Achievement displays including Pollinators and Food, Fruit
Awards to several students whose work and Veggie Scavenger Hunt, Fruit and Veggie
was accepted for the first time to be Painting Cornucopia, Face Painting, Fruit and
displayed in the Botanica exhibition Veggie Printing, and an actual Kids Farmers’
of student and teacher artwork. Market (a favorite activity, as it turns out!).
Congratulations to Marydean Floyd, Harriet Weiner,
Christine Rollins and Arden Brady for their exceptional At the Kids Farmers’ Market, children chose a recipe and
progress through this specialized curriculum. Interested then shopped with play money to obtain the produce
in learning more about the Brookside Gardens School of needed to make their “dish.” Many thanks to Rocklands
Botanical Art & Illustration? Visit www.brooksideartschool. Farm whose support made for a smooth-running Market.
org – here, you’ll find a link to the School’s Online Gallery, Additionally, Rocklands set-up their own Farmers’ Market
where you can view images of the Certificate students’ as an extra bonus for the adult crowd. We are pleased that
final projects. several volunteers from the Botanical Art Society of the
—Mark Richardson National Capital Region have come annually to support
Adult Education Programs Manager Children’s Day to teach children watercolor painting
Adventures With Food – Children’s Day 2010
Brookside Gardens’ largest special event, Children’s Day, Feedback from the public was especially complimentary
had a picture perfect day this past September. Ninety this year. And our visitors were generous in bringing food
volunteers helped make it a successful, exciting event for donations, accumulating two large boxes of food that
our estimated 4,000 visitors. All Children’s Day activities Brookside Gardens donated to Martha’s Table. Brookside
are planned especially for elementary–age children and Gardens is grateful to the Friends of Brookside Gardens for
relate to an assigned theme – this year being, “Adventures their support of this popular special event allowing free
With Food” and stemming from Brookside Gardens’ overall admission for the public. A great time was had by all!
theme, “Food For Thought.” —Lynn Richard
Children’s Program Horticulturist

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    3

Volunteer Update:
Student Service Learning

M ost students in Montgomery County must perform

volunteer service in order to fulfill graduation
requirements. Montgomery County Public Schools require
students to complete 75 hours of Student Service Learning
(SSL) hours and many local private schools have similar
community service requirements. In the last fiscal year
at Brookside Gardens, 118 student volunteers from 26
area middle and high schools volunteered more than
2,500 hours. Students volunteer at our seasonal Wings of
Fancy Live Butterfly Exhibit, Garden of Lights Holiday Light
Display, and one day events such as Children’s Day, Earth Student Volunteer Highlight
Day and the Garlic Mustard Challenge. Phanna Lamlek of Sherwood High School is our top
student volunteer for the 2010 fiscal year. Phanna
Providing an opportunity for young people to volunteer completed 116 hours at the Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly
outside in a public garden is imperative, because it Exhibit and at the Garden of Lights Holiday Light Display.
introduces them at an early age not only to the great Phanna started volunteering with Wings of Fancy at age 14,
outdoors, but also to one of the wonderful free resources and over the past several years has volunteered more than
of Montgomery County: Brookside Gardens, as a part of the 300 hours at Brookside Gardens!
Montgomery Parks system. Staff and volunteer mentoring
of our student volunteers further ensures that no matter Jeff Kimm from the Bullis School is the runner up for
what field they choose to work in as adults, students FY2010 with 96 hours. Jeff worked as a Wings of Fancy
will have developed an appreciation for horticulture and Flight Attendant.
gardening. In addition, many of our student volunteers
benefit from learning for the very first time important job Jonathan Mallory from the Washington Christian
readiness skills, such as punctuality, appropriate workplace Academy completed 72 hours as a Gardener’s Assistant.
dress and basic workplace communication skills. Jonathan liked volunteering here so much that even after
he completed his graduation requirement, he returned
throughout the summer to help out.

Vishal Hemnani from John F. Kennedy High School

completed 70 hours as a Wings of Fancy volunteer. Vishal
started out in Wings of Fancy in 2009 and returned as a
volunteer in 2010 with three of his classmates through his
school’s Leadership Training Initiative program.

Brookside Gardens benefits greatly from the energy and

enthusiasm that our student volunteers bring to the job.
Thank you to our many student volunteers, and thank you
to all of our volunteers, for all that you do for Brookside

—Jared Ashling
Volunteer Coordinator & Library Horticulturist

4  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Thank You, Donors!
Donations received between June 1, 2010 and
December 15, 2010

ANNUAL APPEAL Johanna and ViAnn Lyskawa GENERAL DONATIONS 2010 Garden of Lights
Eleven Anonymous Donors Dwight and Sue Mason Four Anonymous Donors Silver Spring Garden Club
Anne Ambler Carmen Maymi Paxton and Rachel Baker
Michael Audet Susan McCall June Bland Garden Renovations
Ivy Baer and Marc Rothenburg Leslie and Jim McDermott The Blumenstock Family Friends of Brookside Gardens
Jane Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Flynn McLean Ruth and Mark Bortz
Bernice Bartlett Tim McNellis Friends of Brookside Gardens 2011 Green Matters
Josephine Bennett Barbara Meiselman John Gunn Anne Ambler
Marian Bellama Helen Meyers Magdy Mansour Friends of Brookside Gardens
Ellen Bennett and Ric Gratz Bob and Jo Ann Mueller Maryland Nursery and Honest Tea
Sally Boasberg Ed Murtagh Landscape Association Silver Spring Garden Club
Bette Bowman The Mycological Assn of Elena Paoli Takoma Horticultural Club
Marney Bruce Washington Potomac Home & Garden Club David and Marilynn Vismara
Marlene and Salvatore Cianci Norma Nichols Harriet Saxe University of Maryland
Catherine Conly Marjorie and Stephen Gaia Vasiliver Shamis and Extension—Home & Garden
Tina Coplan Nordlinger Yackov Shamis Info. Center
James and Susan David Cynthia Nye Thanh Quoc Truong and Anh Winding Orchard Citizens
Lorraine Davis Stephanie and Brian Oberle Kim Ngo Association
Lewis and Barbara Dennis Stephen Oliner Elizabeth Vitchock
Linda and John Derrick Charles Ossola Martin Wiese TRIBUTE GIFTS
John and Ruth Doak Celeste Park Helen Wirsch To celebrate the life of Nina
Barbara Dunn and Susan Lingan Harriet Peck Linda Adler
Ann and Don English Martin and Marcia Postman IN KIND GIFTS Alan and Carole Kuritzky
Kurt and Sylvia Eschbach Nancy Randa Carole Galati
Selma Falloon Mark Ratner Barbara Gentile In Memory of Edward and
Wyn Fitzpatrick Van Rayburn McLean Nurseries – Bill Kuhl Consolata Amatucci
Mrs. C. A. Fontyn Fu-meei and Richard Robbins Phil Normandy John and Sandra Irish
Serena Fossi – Gardening & Ellen Ross Pleasant Run Nursery - Rich and
Gentle Redesign Eva Roswell Heidi Hesselein In Honor of June and Bill
Leonard Friedman and Randi Barbara Shidler Janet and Jim Senft Anderson’s 50th Wedding
Passamaneck The Sign Shop Anniversary
Peter and JoAnn Gale Nadine Sparer LIBRARY BOOK DONATIONS Alida Anderson
Barbara Gentile Kathy Stevens and Sam Danelia Dashiell Eric Anderson
Alda Giusti Rosenbaum Emile Deckert Frederick Anderson
John and M.T. Goiovanelli Joan and Peter Stogis Simone Fary Donald and Marijane Harper
Claudia Golenda Terry Strayer and John Gratz Judith Graef
Claudetta Harding Sylvia Suarez Una Pearl Jarboi In Memory of Margaret Bancroft
Ruth Harper Ursula Sabia Sukinik John Kemper Douglas and Gertrude Bushey
Katie Henley Peter Talty Betty Mackey Mr. and Mrs. Peter Magoon
Angela Hitti Richard and Ann Terrill Martha Moulton O’Hehin Angel and Duane Moe and
Shelton and Lily Jackson Betsy Thomas Martha Lee Ralphe Family
Bill Johnson Nancy and Dick Traubitz Mark Richardson Kelly Pinto
Susanne Karacki Teresa Tretter Dorothea Russell Kenneth and Jennie Pinto
Carol Karl Lynn and David Vismara Joanne Schmader
Edward Karpoff Ira and Marcia Wagner Donald M. Simonds In Memory of Wendy Campbell
Audrey and Sheldon Katz Sarah Wagner and Steven Puglia Kathy Stevens Susanne Karacki
Christine Kelly Helga Wappaus Sarah Wendel
Marianne Kuhlthau Sammye Williams In Memory of Chin-Che Lin
Sandra Lange Al Wilson and Ethel Dutky PROGRAM SUPPORT Liang
Mimi Levine Michael and Daniela Wolf 2010 Children’s Day Helen Allen
Samuel Levy Maria Wortman Friends of Brookside Gardens Kenneth Shueh-Shen Chang
Sheila Lindveit Jin Yang Dr. and Mrs.Chuntung
Cathy Lonas Ken Young 2010 Fall Lecture Series Changchien
Martha and Ron Lubet Friends of Brookside Gardens Chihmei Lin Chen
Frances Lussier and Patricia Dr. and Mrs. His Chen
Smith Mr. and Mrs. Chun-Nan Chi

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    5

Thank You, Donors!

Mr. and Mrs. Hua-Shan Chi Dr. and Mrs. Jiin-Shiang Su In Memory of John St. Clair TRIBUTE BENCHES
Theresa Lin Chung Mr. and Mrs. David W. Tsai John and Janice Leffler In Memory of Maurice and
Cynthia Dickinson Dr. and Mrs. Bernard W. Tsai Margaret Bassan
Edith Ferrante and John Beasley Holly Tseng In Memory of Susan Laurie E. Bassan
Paul Hshieh and Meiyun Hshieh Mr. and Mrs. Kuo M. Tsu Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hsu Taiwanese Youth Arts Dick and Anita Garner In Memory of Joanne Bintz
Fu-Lian Hsu and Susie Z. Hsu Foundation Thomas McCombe
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Hsu Czau-Siung Yang Ron Taddei Memorial Perennial
Li-Hua Hsu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yieh Garden In Memory of Esther and Sam
Su-Jan Huang Henry H. and Jia Huey Yu Donation on behalf of parents, Furash
Mr. and Mrs. Shyh-An Huang Rudy and Delores Taddei and Judith Furash
Mr. and Mrs. Tai L. Huang In Memory of Jeanne Moulton entire family Toby Furash
Dou Huey Jean Friends of Brookside Gardens Sydney Rodgers
Rong Song Jih Sara Moran ROSE GARDEN
Rosemary Johann-Liang COMMEMORATIVE BRICK In Memory of Tom and Jean
Thomas Y. Ko and Meiyun H. Ko In Memory of Thelma Mueller PROGRAM McCloskey
Immuno Group of BDRD/NMRC Alden and Jane Munson Honoring the Life of Nancy Susan Cheselka
Mr. and Mrs. Chunyen Lai Benedict Teri Emig
Mei-Mei Hsieh Lai In Memory of Rosalyn Roddy Leslie McDermott and Patrick Joan Lyon
Vincent Lai Michael and Linda Frost McDermott Joseph McCloskey
Chun Sheng Lee and Huei Ying VA Maryland Healthcare System Tim McCloskey
Lee - Trauma Recovery Program Eternal Love and Life CH PB CL Sharon Snellings
Henry Y. Lee Clatterbuck WR Gillette III
Ray Fong Lee In Memory of Milton J. Seidel Carol Clatterbuck In Memory of Vasan
Dr. and Mrs. Tung-Pi Lee Katherine Seidel Ramaswamy
Mr. and Mrs. Wu-Lang Lee In Memory of Dick Johnson Shoma Ramaswamy
Mr. and Mrs. George Li In Memory of Jerry M. Seigel Kay (Michaela) Johnson
Li-Shiang Liang and Georgia Susan Canada TRIBUTE TREES
Sassen In Memory of Bill Richards In Memory of Bill Hussmann
Li-Ting Liang In Memory of Dan Shepherdson Margie Richards Katherine G. Hussmann
Ma-Li Liang Antonia Chion
Yung-San Liang STORM RESTORATION FUND In Memory of Polina and Yukov
Ai Jeng Lin In Memory of Robert P. Stalter Gail Gee and Vincent Zengin
Ching Kuo Lin and Chia-Chi Lin Blue Heron Wellness Family Campanella Georgiy Burtsev
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lin Walter G. Edmonds Eugene and Julia Horman
Yie C. Lin Wilson and Marian Marshall Sally and Bob Newcomb Correction:
Dr. and Mrs. Chia Ching Liu Zane and Wilma Stalter Pat and Ray Sumner In Honor of Edith Gutkin
Mr. and Mrs. Zurnpeeng Ngg John and Louise Swink Daman
Sharon Tong Pan Janet G. Farbstein
Tai Sassen-Kiang

Benefit for Brookside Gardens at Gail Gee’s Garden

Saturday, May 21 9:00-11:00am 12:00-4:00pm
Preview Party Open Garden
Morning Preview Party guests will be treated to an exclusive,
Private guided tours, Self-guided tours,
personal tour of the spectacular private garden of Gail Gee
complimentary refreshments available
in Fulton, Maryland. Begun in 2001, this three-acre paradise
refreshments and $5 per person*
was created as her personal pleasure garden and features
signature plants for sale Event number 138849
spectacular color combinations in the English Style. Her
$35 per person* Drop-ins welcome
extensive collection of rare peonies should be at peak bloom
Event number 138799
in time for our visit, and there will be selected varieties of
Registration required
hard-to-find cultivars and other signature plants available for
purchase. Gail’s garden will also be open for self-guided tours Register at
in the afternoon. *All proceeds benefit Brookside Gardens.

6  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

PROGRAM GUIDE     Special Events

Brookside Gardens Welcomes Edible Landscaping Guru Rosalind Creasy

B rookside Gardens is pleased Rosalind Creasy is an internationally recognized

to announce Rosalind garden and food writer, photographer and landscape
designer with a passion for beautiful vegetables and
Creasy will join us this spring
ecologically sensitive gardening. She began her career
for two programs – first, a
in horticulture in the 1970s as a landscape designer and
benefit program on Thursday, restaurant consultant. By 1982, she had published her
April 28 from 6:30-9:00pm; all first book, The Complete Book of Edible Landscaping, which
proceeds will support Brookside won the Garden Writers Association’s Quill and Trowel
Gardens and Montgomery Parks award, was chosen as a Book of the Month selection

Community Gardens; second, a and hailed by The Wall Street Journal as the best garden
book of 1982. Considered a classic, it coined the term
morning lecture
“Edible Landscaping,” now a part of the American vocabulary.
about Gardening with Children
on Friday, April 29 from 10:00- Rosalind recently published a completely revised edition of her first book,
11:30am. entitled, Edible Landscaping: Now You Can Have Your Gorgeous Garden and Eat it
Too! Join us for an evening with Rosalind, the first lady of edible landscaping!
Check page 9 for more details.

Earth Day Festival

Sponsored by Friends of Brookside Gardens
Summer Twilight Concert Series
Celebrate Earth Day at Brookside
Join us in the Gude Garden every Tuesday evening throughout the month of
Gardens on April 17, 2011, 12:00–4:00pm.
June for a series of performances set in the beauty of the gardens! Brookside
Look for more information at
Gardens offers all concerts free of charge; no registration is required. Don’t or
forget your chairs and blankets!
call 301-962-1470 to request information
be sent to you via email.

Conservatory Displays The Gremmies

Spring Display: Spring Preview Maryland’s premier Surf/
Saturday, January 22 - Sunday, April 10, 2011 Instrumental band
10:00am-5:00pm daily; FREE Tuesday, June 7, 6:30-8:00pm
Brookside Gardens Conservatory
Justin Trawick
Summer Display: Summer of Food Arlington-based Urban Folk
Saturday, April 23 - Sunday, September 18 Rock band with a range from
10:00am-5:00pm daily; FREE folk/bluegrass to funk/hip hop
Brookside Gardens Conservatory Tuesday, June 14, 6:30-8:00pm

We’re celebrating food at Brookside Damon Foreman

Gardens again this year! Enjoy edible Jazz, Funk, Blues and Rock

plant displays throughout the gardens Tuesday, June 21, 6:30-8:00pm

this season and join us for

educational programming Bad Influence Band
focused on growing, cooking Washington, D.C.-based, blues-

or displaying food in creative ways. Look infused, high-energy music

for the tomato graphic to find our food- Tuesday, June 28, 6:30-8:00pm

related programs and events.

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    7

Special Events and Group Tours

Plant Shows & Sales Camellia Society Show & Sale Dahlia Tuber Sale
Brookside Gardens hosts local, Sponsored by the Camellia Society of Sponsored by the National Capital Dahlia
regional and national plant society Potomac Valley Society
events throughout the year. Many of Saturday April 2, 10:00am-4:00pm Saturday, April 30, 11:00am-2:00pm
the societies’ events feature judged Sunday April 3, 10:00am-4:00pm Outside the Visitors Center
competitions; each of them features Visitors Center
passionate collectors, eager to share their Annual Silver Spring Garden Mart
enthusiasm with others. Daffodil Show Sponsored by the Silver Spring Garden
Sponsored by the Washington Daffodil Club
Orchid Sale Society Saturday, May 7, 9:00am-3:00pm
Sponsored by the Friends of Brookside Saturday, April 9, 2:00-5:00pm Outside the Visitors Center
Gardens & the Brookside Gardens Orchid Sunday, April 10, 9:00am-4:00pm
Club Visitors Center Daylily Show & Sale
Saturday, March 19, 10:00am-4:00pm Sponsored by the National Capital Daylily
Sunday, March 20, 10:00am-3:00pm Azalea Show & Sale Club
Visitors Center Sponsored by the Brookside Gardens Saturday, July 9, 10:00am-5:00pm
Chapter of the Azalea Society Sunday, July 10, 9:00am-5:00pm
Ikenobo and Ikebana Exhibition Saturday, April 30 Visitors Center
Sponsored by the Ikenobo Ikebana Society Show 12:00-5:00pm
of Metropolitan Washington DC Chapter Sale 9:00am–5:00pm Cactus Show
and the Ikenobo Ikebana Society Baltimore Sunday, May 1 Sponsored by the National Capital Cactus
Group Show 9:00am-4:00pm and Succulent Society
Saturday, March 26, 9:00am-5:00pm Sale 10:00am–2:00pm Saturday, August 6, 9:00am-5:00pm
Sunday, March 27, 9:00am-3:30pm Visitors Center Sunday, August 7, 9:00am-4:00pm
Visitors Center Visitors Center

Free Garden Tours Group Tours

Enjoy free, springtime strolls at Brookside Gardens Consider bringing your garden club or other adult group to
in Wheaton or McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda. Each Brookside Gardens for a guided tour of our beautiful spring
of these first-rate gardens merits a visit this spring! display. Sure to please gardening novices and seasoned
Brookside Gardens is an intensively managed display veterans alike, our knowledgeable volunteer guides offer
garden, featuring an abundance of annual and perennial horticultural-focused strolls through the gardens. Guided
displays throughout the season. McCrillis Gardens is a tours must be arranged in advance and are offered for a fee
naturalistic strolling garden, offering shady woodland of $5/person (5-person minimum). Contact Diane Lewis at
walks and splashes of color in spring. Highly trained, 301-962-1407 or to arrange
knowledgeable guides offer engaging horticultural tours, your group experience.
focusing on the plants that make each garden unique.

Brookside Gardens
Free Garden Walks every Saturday afternoon in
May – 7, 14, 21 and 28, 2:00pm
Fee: Free; no registration required
Meet at the Visitors Center (outside doors exiting
the rear of building)

McCrillis Gardens
Free Garden Walks every Sunday afternoon in
May – 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2:00pm
Fee: Free; no registration required
Meet at McCrillis House in Bethesda
(call 301-962-1455 for directions)

8  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Register online at Lectures

Art Xhibits April 11 – May 21, 2011 Snapshots of Summer

The Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Spring Color, Summer Dazzle Deborah Starobin-Armstrong
exhibitions showcase affordable Washington Metropolitan Art Society
original works or giclée prints of
original works on horticultural themes May 21 – July 9, 2011
by area artists. All art exhibitions are
Botanica 2011: The Art of Science
free-of-charge and most of the works
of Plants
are available for purchase.
Brookside Gardens School of
Botanical Art

February 7 – April 10, 2011

July 9 – August 28, 2011
Tangled Tulips & Poppies Three
Flowers, Gardens and Bouquets
Carol Vorosmarti
Judith Prevo
The Art of Spring
Floral Exuberance
Olney Art Association
Mimi Whitcomb

Spring Lecture Series Spring Fling: Getting Ready for urban potager uses every inch of
Thanks to the generous support of the Your Next Garden Party available space, growing edibles and
Friends of Brookside Gardens, we offer Adrienne Cook, Danielle Navidi & Karen ornamentals on balconies, patios,
an excellent lecture series in spring and Nelson Kent, AIFD porches and rooftops. Cindy Brown
fall. Lectures have traditionally been Whether you’re planning a Mother’s will eliminate excuses for excluding
offered on Friday mornings at 10:00, Day brunch or a May Day luncheon, edibles with suggestions on what
but we’re offering more varied dates it’s fun to dress up the menu with edibles to grow, unusual ways to
and times this spring to accommodate the abundance of spring flowers at grow them and how to do it all with
our patrons’ varied schedules. your fingertips. Join the Cook Sisters style!
and Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD for a Course number 134099
Cultivating the Garden Artist fun-filled presentation of the perfect Friday, April 15, 10:00-11:30am
Within spring recipes and decor that can Fee: Free; registration required
Pam Baggett, Freelance Garden Writer & make them sing! Visitors Center Auditorium
Photographer Course number 133199
How do you create the garden Thursday, April 7, 10:00-11:30am Special Benefit Event
you want without having to hire Fee: Free; registration required
expensive professional help? By Visitors Center Auditorium Edible Landscaping - The New
learning to cultivate the garden American Garden
artist within, you will be able to see Designing an Urban Potager Rosalind Creasy, Garden &
like a professional designer, then Cindy Brown, Smithsonian Gardens Food Writer, Photographer
translate that knowledge into the A traditional French kitchen garden and Landscape Designer
scenes you envision for your garden. - potager - mingles vegetables, During this mouth-
We’ll consider possibilities from fruits, flowers and herbs to make watering presentation,
playful to formal, talk about how to the function of providing food for Rosalind Creasy, pioneer
be a passionate plant collector and the table aesthetically pleasing. An in the field of edible
still have a strong visual design, landscaping, will
discuss solutions to some common cover an A to Z list of
design problems experienced by her recommended
home gardeners and look at ways beautiful edible plants
to use the grand scenes in public for home gardens, an
gardens to provide tips for our own overview of the wide variety
small private spaces. of edible landscapes, as well as
Course number 132951 the principles of landscape design
Thursday, March 24, 6:30-8:00pm particular to edibles. All proceeds
Fee: Free; registration required will benefit Brookside Gardens and
Visitors Center Auditorium Montgomery Parks Community

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    9

Lectures/Horticultural Talks & Workshops
Garden program. Fee includes delicacies. Now, we grow naranjillas Horticultural Talks &
admission to lecture, reception, plant as ornamentals and drink acai juice! Workshops
sale and book signing. What once was exotic becomes
Course number 132906 commonplace to the next generation. Rain Garden Workshop
Thursday, April 28, 6:30-9:00pm Today, the variety of supermarket fruit Montgomery County Department of
Fee: $35, FOBG: $30; registration is astounding. Some you expect to find Environmental Protection Staff
required year-round; others are unusual enough Transform your yard into a natural
Visitors Center Auditorium that you’re almost afraid to try them. ecosystem to help capture and filter
Learn about both the common and the rainwater. Learn the techniques to
Gardening with Children exotic tropical fruits you find in the evaluate your yard and create a rain
Rosalind Creasy, Garden & Food Writer, grocery store through this illustrated garden that uses native plants and
Photographer and Landscape Designer lecture. enhanced soils to create a watershed-
Rosalind Creasy believes gardening and Course number 133250 friendly garden full of beauty and life.
being ‘green’ is best caught, not taught. Friday, May 13, 10:00-11:30am —OR— Course number 130103
In this slide-illustrated lecture, join her Course number 133249 Friday, March 11, 10:00am-1:00pm
neighborhood children and grandson as Thursday, June 2, 6:30-8:00pm Course number 130104
they harvest wheat, plant peanuts and Fee: Free; registration required Saturday, March 12, 10:00am-1:00pm
blue potatoes, track insects with a hand Visitors Center Auditorium Fee: $10; registration required
lens, find their way in her Alice and Visitors Center Adult Classroom
Wonderland maze, and even help raise Delicious Color for Your Garden
baby chicks. Children are welcome and Karl Gercens, Indoor Section Gardener, Vegetable Gardening Basics
can pot up a strawberry plant to take Longwood Gardens Session 1: Site Preparation and
home afterward. A bland landscape can always use Crop Selection
Course number 132907 some spice. Explore what you can do Carol Allen, Horticulturist
Friday, April 29, 10:00-11:30am with rich Merlot, buttery yellows and When starting a home vegetable
Fee: Free; registration required silver, the icing on the cake. We’ll look garden, the first thing to do is choose
Visitors Center Auditorium at how foliage color can lend a zesty a site. Learn about what to consider
punch and which edibles can garnish in choosing the best location and
Tasty Tropicals with Diane Lewis the top for a savory finish. start thinking about soil preparation
Diane Lewis, Brookside Gardens Staff Course number 130852 and choosing crops to maximize your
Bananas once were shipped on slow Thursday, June 9, 6:30-8:00pm harvest each year.
boats from distant ports; before Fee: Free; registration required Course number 132909
refrigeration, oranges were exotic Visitors Center Auditorium Wednesday, March 16, 1:30-3:30pm
Fee: $18, FOBG: $15; registration

Papercrete Troughs
Ellen Hartranft, Brookside Gardens staff
Create a beautiful, lightweight trough
for your garden. Take it home with you
the same day you create it and then
register for course #133149 to plant
it with a variety of plants under the
guidance of garden trough expert Betty
Mackey. Fee includes all materials.
Course number 132899
Wednesday, March 23, 1:00-4:00pm
Fee: $55, FOBG: $49; registration
Visitors Center Adult Workshop

Spring’s Floral Nest

Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a Party
Welcome spring into your home like
the birds do-with a nest! This twig nest

10  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Register online at Horticultural Talks & Workshops
Wednesday, April 6, 1:30-3:30pm Course number 133149
Fee: $18, FOBG: $15; registration Wednesday, April 27, 1:00-3:00pm
required Fee: $55, FOBG: $49; registration
Visitor Center Adult Workshop required
Visitors Center Adult Workshop
Make & Take Rain Barrels
Montgomery County Department of Hanging Basket Workshop
Environmental Protection Staff Joan O’Rourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens
Gather water from your rooftops, help Create your very own display of flowers
control storm water impacts from your and foliage in a hanging basket.
yard and store water to use in your Beautiful new plant color introductions
perches in a vase and holds a color- landscape. Limited to one rain barrel will add surprises to this perennial
coordinated mix of spring’s brightest per household. favorite. Instructions will cover how
flowers. Choose from one of two Course number 130099 to line a 14-inch wire basket with
different design styles and top off your Friday, April 15, 10:00am-1:00pm sphagnum moss and planting tips for
design with a resident bird. Recreate Course number 130100 best results.
the display each spring and use it as a Saturday, April 16, 10:00am-1:00pm Course number 130199
low table centerpiece or a lovely indoor Fee: $10; registration required Friday, May 6, 10:00-11:30am
focal point. Visitors Center Adult Classroom Course number 130200
Course number 134901 Friday, May 6, 1:30-3:30pm
Thursday, March 24, 10:00am-12:00pm Mother Nature’s Moss Shoe Fee: $45, FOBG: $40; registration
Fee: $44, FOBG: $40; registration Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a Party required
required Found on a woodland trail, left as Visitors Center Adult Workshop
Visitors Center Adult Workshop Mother Nature hurried to avoid
detection by approaching hikers: One
Simply Chic Glorious High Heel Slipper, not of glass,
Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner of Floral but of moss! Create your own one-of-
Diversity a-kind treasure to display prominently
Learn to create contemporary floral in your home. Or, make it for one of the
designs you can make at home. This shoe fanatics in your circle of friends.
3-week course covers basic know- This project brings fantasy alive with
how about flower arranging, choosing bright little dried flowers, glittery things,
the right flowers for your home and butterflies and cute critters tucked
creating great visual effects with simple down in the little world of Mother’s
skills. Fee includes materials to create slipper. Butterfly Container
one arrangement each week. Course number 134900 Kathy Stevens, Brookside Gardens Staff
Course number 133150 Wednesday, April 20, 2:30-4:30pm Create a beautiful, functional container
Thursdays, March 31, April 7 and 14, Fee: $44, FOBG: $40; registration garden that will support the entire
1:00-3:00pm required butterfly life cycle in this enjoyable
Fee: $139, FOBG: $125; registration Visitors Center Adult Workshop workshop. Plant a container that
required encourages butterflies to call your
Visitors Center Adult Workshop Garden Trough Planting garden home. Fee includes a 14-
Workshop inch container, butterfly plants and
Vegetable Gardening Basics Betty Mackey, B.B. Mackey Books instruction about butterfly gardening.
Session 2: Plugs, Packs or Seeds? Whether you made a garden trough Course number 132908
How to Buy Plants this spring, or have an older one at Wednesday, May 11, 1:00-3:00pm
Carol Allen, Horticulturist home that you’d like to replant, bring Fee: $44, FOBG: $40; registration
Take the mystery out of buying your trough, your garden gloves and required
vegetable plants. Some are best direct- your love of nature to this trough- Visitors Center Adult Workshop
sown in your garden, while others are planting workshop with Betty Mackey.
best bought from your local garden Combine a dwarf shrub with creeping Flowers for Your Home
center as starter plugs. Learn how to or flat perennials with tiny leaves in a Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner of Floral
choose healthy plants and plant them weatherproof trough. Fee covers plant Diversity
at the right time to ensure success. material and soil — you must bring your A home isn’t a home without flowers.
Course number 132910 own trough. Let your flowers be an extension of

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    11

Horticultural Talks & Workshops
your personality in this 3-week course Vegetable Gardening Basics to get that vintage look! Fee includes
by creating fabulous arrangements Session 3: Life Underground - Soil materials for one arrangement each
and bouquets for your home. From Microbes and You week.
traditional European design to minimal Carol Allen, Horticulturist Course number 133152
and baroque, this is a course for all Harness the biology in your soil to help Tuesdays, June 14, 21, 28, 1:00-3:00pm
flower lovers. Fee includes materials for your garden succeed. Learn how best Fee: $139, FOBG: $125; registration
one arrangement each week. to improve your soil and make it easier required
Course number 133151 to grow robust, healthy and productive Visitors Center Adult Workshop
Thursdays, May 12, 19 and 26, vegetable plants.
6:00-8:00pm Course number 132911 Think it Build it Willow Furniture
Fee: $139, FOBG: $125; registration Wednesday, May 25, 1:30-3:30pm Workshop
required Fee: $18, FOBG: $15; registration Bim Willow, Furniture Maker, Artist,
Visitors Center Adult Workshop required Gardener…Clown
A perfect Father’s Day activity! Bend
Hosta Container Workshop Strawberry Jar Sedums fresh willow into heirlooms. Come with
Joan O’Rourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens Joan O’Rourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens a hammer and leave with your choice
Don’t give up on hosta because deer Sedums come in an abundance of of a Historical Bent Willow Loveseat
have taken over your garden! Deprive colors, shapes and sizes. In this hands- or Chair, a Garden Bench, Ladder Back
them of this tasty delicacy by keeping on workshop, Joan will help you plant a Chair, Garden Arbor, or Potting Bench/
the perfect shade plant out of reach. strawberry jar with a beautiful variety Baker’s Rack! Class starts at 9:00am
Join Joan O’Rourke, Friends of Brookside of these versatile perennial plants that for chairs and loveseats; 1:00pm for all
Gardens, to add drama to your deck add year-round interest to your garden other projects. Price varies depending
or patio with a unique container of with very little care or attention. on project chosen. Project must be
beautiful hostas in the best colors. Fee Course number 130253 chosen in advance.
includes all materials. Tuesday, May 31, 10:00-11:30am Course number 133099
Course number 130251 Course number 130254 Saturday, June 18, 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday, May 17, 10:00-11:30am Wednesday, June 1, 10:00-11:30am Fee: $60-$390 depending upon project
Course number 130252 Fee: $49, FOBG: $44; registration choice; check for
Wednesday, May 18, 10:00-11:30am required specific prices or call 301.962.1451 for
Fee: $44, FOBG: $40; registration Visitors Center Adult Workshop more information; download a color
required brochure at
Visitors Center Adult Workshop A Bit of Brookside Registration required; Brookside
Joan O’Rourke, Friends of Brookside Gardens Gardens Service Area (Directions
Conservation Landscaping Back by popular demand, this hands- provided upon registration.)
Techniques on workshop will feature some of our
Montgomery County Department of best PERENNIAL plants this year. Fee Mosaic Bird Baths
Environmental Protection Staff includes all materials, including a Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a Party
Learn how conservation-based 14-inch container. Release the artist within and make
landscaping techniques can beautify Course number 130255 some wonderful garden art while
your yard and neighborhood, restore Tuesday, June 14, 10:00-11:30am helping the environment! Make a 12”
native habitats and help improve the Course number 130256 x 12” square birdbath from recycled
environment. Develop a site design Wednesday, June 15, 10:00-11:30am glass ceiling light covers. Choose from
tailored to your yard and learn about Fee: $49, FOBG: $44; registration a large selection of decorative items to
the County’s rebate program to assist required incorporate into your mosaic. Go for the
with funding. Visitors Center Adult Workshop natural style with stones and earth tone
Course number 130101 ceramics, whimsy and glitz or choose
Friday, May 20, 10:00am-1:00pm Vintage Garden Style sweet pastels and flowers for an English
Course number 130102 Karen Nelson Kent, AIFD, owner of Floral cottage look. All mosaics, adhesives,
Saturday, May 21, 10:00am-1:00pm Diversity grout and hardware are provided.
Fee: $10; registration required Capture the essence of the informal Course number 134899
Visitors Center Adult Classroom country garden through this 3-week Sunday, June 19 and 26,
course covering basic knowledge 10:00am-12:00pm
about garden style flower arranging, Fee: $72, FOBG: $65; registration
choosing the right kind of flowers and required
pairing them with different containers Visitors Center Adult Workshop

12  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Register online at Garden Photography & Writing Workshops

Landscape for Life Series

The U.S. Botanic Garden is a partner in the Sustainable Sites Initiative
(SITES) together with the American Society of Landscape Architects and the
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. In conjunction with a diverse group
of stakeholder organizations, SITES has established and is encouraging
sustainable practices in landscape design, construction, operations and
maintenance. A homeowner web version of SITES has been created for use
by home gardeners. Join staff from USBG to learn about how you can apply
the principles of this exciting new program in your home landscape.
Concrete Leaf Painting
What is SITES for Homeowners? Ann Baker and Nicky Beadle, Brookside
Ray Mims, USBG Conservation &
Gardens Staff
Sustainability Horticulturist
Registered for the Concrete Leaf
Landscapes Give Back! A sustainably
Sculpting Workshop or have an
built and maintained garden need
unpainted or tired-looking concrete leaf
not compromise aesthetics or great Health & Well-being/Water, Soil & at home? Finish that unique piece of
plant material. Learn how your home Materials sculpture with some acrylic paint and
garden can follow the guidelines Holly Shimizu, USBG Director a sealant to help preserve your leaf and
of the Sustainable Sites Initiative. Learn why human health is integral add interest to your garden for years to
Understand the basics as well as to a sustainable landscape and come.
information on soil, water and how the appropriate use of water, Course number 130899
minerals. soil and materials is crucial to your Wednesday, July 20, 10:00am-12:00pm
Course number 130153 success. Course number 130900
Thursday, July 7, 11:30am-1:00pm Course number 130799 Wednesday, July 20, 1:30- 3:30pm
Fee: $10, FOBG: $5; registration Thursday, July 21, 11:30am-1:00pm Fee: $15, FOBG: $10; registration
required Fee: $10, FOBG: $5; registration required
Visitors Center Adult Classroom required Visitors Center Adult Workshop
Visitors Center Adult Classroom
What plants should I choose? Garden Photography &
Bill McLaughlin, USBG Curator How should I design my Writing Workshops
Truly successful gardens provide sustainable landscape?
beauty, require little chemical Nick Nelson, USBG Landscape Architect Garden and Nature Writing
input and give back to nature. By Put into practice the techniques Workshop
emphasizing native plants and of sustainable design, without Pam Baggett, Freelance Garden Writer &
understanding their requirements compromising aesthetics using Photographer
(and eliminating invasive species), techniques like grouping plants with In this one-day workshop, we’ll
the homeowner can have it all! similar cultural requirements. discuss tools for making your words as
Course number 130155 Course number 130800 powerful and inspiring as those that
Thursday, July 14, 11:30am-1:00pm Thursday, July 28, 11:30am-1:00pm have resonated most deeply in your life,
Fee: $10, FOBG: $5; registration Fee: $10, FOBG: $5; registration with a special emphasis on capturing
required required the intricate detail inherent in plants
Visitors Center Adult Classroom Visitors Center Adult Classroom and gardens, birds and other aspects of
nature. We’ll talk about ways to revise
your work without stamping the life
Concrete Leaf Sculpting Workshop out of it and chat a bit about getting
Ann Baker and Nicky Beadle, Brookside register for the next course on July 20 to published. Whether you’re interested
Gardens Staff paint your leaf. in publication or simply recording your
A unique piece of sculpture adds Course number 130849 private thoughts, this class will help you
a whimsical accent to any garden. Wednesday, July 13, 10:00am-12:00pm produce work you’ll be thrilled to have
Learn to create your own masterpiece Course number 130850 written.
by turning a live leaf into stone. Fee Wednesday, July 13, 1:30- 3:30pm Course number 132950
includes all materials to make one large Fee: $20, FOBG: $18; registration required Friday, March 25, 9:00am-4:00pm
or two small sculptures. Don’t forget to Visitors Center Adult Workshop Fee: $97, FOBG: $89; registration

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    13

Cooking Demonstrations/Xcursions
required 8:00-10:00am best ideas.
Visitors Center Adult Classroom Fee: $44, FOBG $40; registration required Course number 134623
Brookside Gardens Conservatory (2nd Wednesday, April 20, 12:00-1:30pm
Inspired by Spring: Poetry in the session meets in the Visitors Center Fee: $28, FOBG: $25; registration
Garden Adult Classroom) required
Yvette Neisser Moreno, Local Poet and Visitors Center Adult Classroom
Writing Instructor Cooking Demonstrations
Write poems inspired by the blooming Join Brookside Gardens for this delectable Summer’s Bounty
of nature in springtime. We’ll alternate series of cooking classes, focusing on Adrienne Cook, Garden & Cooking Writer
class sessions between the outdoor healthful recipes prepared before you Danielle Navidi, Caterer
gardens and an indoor classroom. with seasonal and local fruits, vegetables Going back to the basics of summer
Draft poems while observing flowers and herbs. Enjoy samples of the dishes gardens, this class will present the
and plants, with expert guidance on made from easy-to-follow recipes that you panoply of summer’s best harvest used
honing images and language, creating can try at home. in imaginative and delicious ways.
metaphor and deepening meaning Plenty to please vegetarians in this
in your draft poems. The workshop Herbal Bouquet class.
will culminate in an optional poetry Adrienne Cook, Garden & Cooking Writer Course number 134624
reading on Sunday, June 5. Danielle Navidi, Caterer Wednesday, June 29, 12:00-1:30pm
Course number 132999 Fresh herbs are the essence of the Fee: $28, FOBG: $25; registration
Tuesdays, April 5, 12, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24 food garden and can translate into the required
and 31; 1:00-3:00pm essence of a sparkling spring or summer Visitors Center Adult Classroom
Sunday, June 5; 1:00-3:00pm dish. Learn some great ways to use
Fee: $135, FOBG: $122; registration these indispensable ingredients of Third Annual Tomato
required garden and kitchen and discuss what Extravaganza
Visitors Center Adult Classroom/ to grow and how to succeed with Adrienne Cook, Garden & Cooking Writer
Auditorium herbs. Danielle Navidi, Caterer
Course number 134621 Once again, summer’s favorite veggie
Focus on Butterflies! Wednesday, March 30, 12:00-1:30pm (or fruit) takes center stage.
Photographers will be welcomed with Fee: $28, FOBG: $25; registration Course number 134633
their tripods into the conservatory to required Wednesday, July 27, 12:00-1:30pm
photograph our live butterflies before Visitors Center Adult Classroom Fee: $28, FOBG: $25; registration
the Wings of Fancy Live Butterfly required
Exhibit opens to the public (limit 10 Sweet & Healthy Visitors Center Adult Classroom
per session). Sessions run from 8:00– Adrienne Cook, Garden & Cooking Writer
10:00am, starting on Saturday, May 14 Danielle Navidi, Caterer Xcursions
and running on variousdates through Spring and summer fruits make for
September 10. For specific dates and great desserts, as do tropical fruits. In Garden Photography Xcursion to
registration, search response to audience suggestions, we’re Takoma Park
for Course Number 132914 or call doing a whole class on healthy desserts Hop on the bus with camera in hand!
301.962.1451. that are adaptable to any occasion and Learn garden photography with Josh
Fee: $30, FOBG $27; registration required good at any time of the year. Taylor in several Takoma Park private
Brookside Gardens Conservatory Course number 134622 gardens, including the garden of
Wednesday, April 13, 12:00-1:30pm Washington Gardener Magazine Editor &
Butterfly & Garden Photography Fee: $28, FOBG: $25; registration Publisher, Kathy Jentz. Josh will guide
Josh Taylor, Archiphoto Workshops required you in techniques like capturing close-
Learn how to capture striking images of Visitors Center Adult Classroom ups, shooting garden and intimate
butterflies and flowers with a formal landscapes and using compositional
critique of participants’ photographs. Pick a Peck… elements to create striking images. This
Note: Participants should have a Adrienne Cook, Garden & Cooking Writer photographic garden tour is open to
working knowledge of their camera Danielle Navidi, Caterer all levels of photography. Limited to 12
and bring ALL photo equipment to both An entire class on peppers - sweet, bell, participants, so please register early.
sessions. A tripod is optional, but highly hot, piquant and the whole rainbow of Course number 134949
recommended. colors! If you ever wondered what to do Saturday, May 28, 8:00am-12:00pm
Course number 134619 with all those home-grown peppers, join Fee: $60; registration required
Saturdays, June 18 & 25, the Cook sisters to learn a few of their Meet at the Visitors Center Entrance

14  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Adult Programs by Start Date
Date Title Fee FOBG Number
Spring Garden Jaunt
March 8 Trip: Philadelphia Flower Show $89 120629
Travel with us to historic London Town
March 10 Trip: Philadelphia Flower Show $89 120630
to enjoy 8-acres of rambling woodland
March 11 Rain Garden Workshop $10 130103
gardens set on a bluff overlooking the
March 12 Rain Garden Workshop $10 130104
South River near Annapolis. After lunch
March 16 Veg Series: Site Prep & Crop Selection $18 $15 132909
in an enclosed glass pavilion, we’ll
March 23 Workshop: Papercrete Troughs $55 $49 132899
head to a little-known 5-acre private
March 24 Lecture: Cultivating the Garden Artist Within FREE 132951
garden in Mitchellville, lovingly tended
March 24 Workshop: Spring’s Floral Nest $44 $40 134901
by owners Chuck Mewshaw, Geoff March 25 Garden & Nature Writing Workshop $97 $89 132950
Lindstrom and their dedicated “muster March 30 Cooking: Herbal Bouquet $28 $25 134621
of peafowl.” This former tobacco March 31 Workshop: Simply Chic $139 $125 133150
farm has been carefully transformed April 5 Workshop: Poetry in the Garden $135 $122 132999
into an arboretum-like woodland, April 6 Veg Series: Plugs, Packs or Seeds? $18 $15 132910
complemented by herbaceous borders April 7 Lecture: Spring Fling FREE 133199
and an ornamental pond. Finally, April 13 Cooking: Sweet & Healthy $28 $25 134623
we’ll stop at nearby Patuxent Nursery April 15 Lecture: Designing an Urban Potager FREE 134099
Club for some great deals on quality April 15 Workshop: Rain Barrels $10 130099
plant material. Fee includes coach April 16 Workshop: Rain Barrels $10 130100
transportation, lunch and garden April 20 Cooking: Pick a Peck $28 $25 134623
admission/tour fees. April 20 Workshop: Mother Nature’s Moss Shoe $44 $40 134900
Tuesday, May 24, 9:00am-6:00pm April 27 Garden Trough Planting Workshop $55 $49 133149
Course number 135949 April 28 Lecture: Edible Landscaping $35 $30 132906
Fee: $95; registration required April 29 Lecture: Gardening with Children FREE 132907
Visitors Center Entrance May 6 Hanging Basket Workshop $45 $40 130199
May 6 Hanging Basket Workshop $45 $40 130200
May 11 Workshop: Butterfly Container $44 $40 132908
Private Gardens of the Delaware
May 12 Workshop: Flowers for Your Home $139 $125 133151
May 13 Lecture: Tasty Tropicals FREE 133250
It’s summer! Let’s head to the Eastern
May 17 Hosta Container Workshop $44 $40 130251
Shore for a whirlwind visit to several
May 18 Hosta Container Workshop $44 $40 130252
special gardens. Back by popular
May 20 Workshop: Conservation Landscaping $10 130101
demand...a tour of Mike Zajic’s garden
May 21 Workshop: Conservation Landscaping $10 130102
on Red Mill Pond. Then on to a garden
May 22 Gail Gee Garden Party Benefit $35 138799
full of tropicals and unexpectedly hardy
May 22 Gail Gee Open Garden $5 138849
plants. Next is a smaller garden, but see
May 24 Trip: Spring Garden Jaunt $95 135949
what you’d grow if your family owned May 25 Veg Series: Soil Microbes and You $18 $15 132911
a nursery? The last garden is formal May 28 Trip: Garden Photography/Takoma Park $60 134949
and includes a tour of the historic May 31 Workshop: Strawberry Jar Sedums $49 $44 130253
1800’s home. Finally, a swing to Pepper’s June 1 Workshop: Strawberry Jar Sedums $49 $44 130254
Nursery and time to go wild discovering June 2 Lecture: Tasty Tropicals FREE 133249
interesting plants for sale. Fee includes June 9 Lecture: Delicious Color for Your Garden FREE 130852
transportation, boxed lunch and June 14 Workshop: A Bit of Brookside $49 $44 130255
admission. June 14 Workshop: A Bit of Brookside $49 $44 130256
Course number 135899 June 14 Workshop: Vintage Garden Style $139 $125 133152
Saturday, July 9, 7:00am-7:00pm June 18 Butterfly & Garden Photography $44 $40 134619
Fee: $95; registration required June 18 Willow Furniture Workshop Varied pricing 133099
Meet at the Visitors Center Entrance June 19 Workshop: Mosaic Bird Baths $72 $65 134899
June 29 Cooking: Summer’s Bounty $28 $25 134624
July 7 Lecture: SITES for Homeowners $10 $5 130153
July 9 Trip: Private Gardens of the DE Shore $95 135899
July 13 Concrete Leaf Sculpting Workshop $20 $18 130849
July 13 Concrete Leaf Sculpting Workshop $20 $18 130850
July 14 Lecture: What Plants Should I Choose? $10 $5 130155
July 20 Concrete Leaf Painting Workshop $15 $10 130899
July 20 Concrete Leaf Painting Workshop $15 $10 130900
July 21 Lecture: Health & Well-being/Water, Soil… $10 $5 130799
July 27 Cooking: Tomato Extravaganza $28 $25 134633
July 28 Lecture: How Should I Design… $10 $5 130800
Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    15
School of Botanical Art & Illustration

Brookside Gardens Core Curriculum

School of Botanical Art & The Core Curriculum must be taken in
Illustration sequence from Drawing 101 – Painting
Developed in collaboration with world- 310. A new “Stream” of students starts
renowned botanical artist, Margaret each fall. The classes listed below are open
Saul, the Brookside Gardens School to anyone who has taken the prerequisites
of Botanical Art & Illustration offers listed for each course.
botanical art classes that serve all levels,
from beginner to advanced. Follow the Painting 205
rigorous Certificate Program or take Kathy Lutter
individual workshops that do not require Prerequisites: Dimensional Study 204
prerequisites. For more information about Course number 117157
the School, visit or Wednesdays, February 16, 23, March 2 &
call Mark Richardson, School Manager, at 9, 10:00am-1:30pm
301.962.1470. Most course offerings are Course number 117158

held at McCrillis Gardens in Bethesda, MD. Saturdays, March 12 and April 9,
Painting White Flowers on Tinted 9:00am-4:30pm
Botanica 2011: The Art & Science of Paper Fee: $217; registration required
Doreen Bolnick
Plants McCrillis Gardens
Prerequisite: Painting 205 or equivalent
The Brookside Gardens School of
Course number 134768
Botanical Art & Illustration’s annual Botanical Art Intensive 206 - Draw &
Thursday, June 30, 10:00am-1:00pm
exhibition of student and teacher Paint a Flowering Hyacinth
Fee: $38; registration required
artwork. May 21 – July 9, 2011. Exhibition Diane Berndt, Doreen Bolnick & Kathy Lutter
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
entry deadline: Monday, April 18. Prerequisites: Painting 205
Students and teachers, past and Course number 134749
present, should contact Diane Berndt – Wednesday & Thursday, April 13 & 14, – for entry forms.
The Splendor of Iridescence - 10:00am-4:30pm
No entry fee.
Hummingbird Course number 134750
Kandy Phillips
Saturday & Sunday, April 16 & 17,
No prerequisites
Course number 134793
Fee: $217; registration required
Thursday, May 12, 10:00am-1:00pm
McCrillis Gardens
Fee: $38; registration required
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Botany 207 for Botanical Artists
Doreen Bolnick
No prerequisites
Master Classes Course number 135088
Master Classes are best suited for those
Wednesdays, April 27, May 4, 11 & 18,
students who have completed intermediate
and advanced level courses.
Fee: $217; registration required
Technique Showcases McCrillis Gardens
Pick up a paintbrush and after just
No Color…No Kidding!
Martha Kemp
three hours, take home a new painting
Prerequisites: Drawing 309 or an
technique learned from step-by-step
advanced level in drawing
painting demonstrations presented by one
Course number 134549
of our talented teachers.
Monday-Thursday, May 2-5,
Gilding the Lily
Fee: $420; registration required
Kandy Phillips
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
No prerequisites
Course number 134792
Thursday, April 7, 10:00am-1:00pm
Fee: $38; registration required
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult

16  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Register online at School of Botanical Art & Illustration
Workshops & Electives Fee: $93; registration required
Prerequisites may be required. Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Pen & Ink II: Illustration for
Publication Leaf Painting: Intermediate
Alice Tangerini Diane Berndt
Prerequisites: Pen & Ink I Prerequisites: Painting 205 or equivalent
Course number 114499 Course number 134759
Saturday, February 19-Monday, February Saturday, March 26, 10:00am-4:00pm
21, 10:00am-2:00pm Fee: $93; registration required
Fee: $217; registration required Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult Classroom
Classroom Course number 134760
Wednesday, March 30, 10:00am-4:00pm
Paint Orchid Flowers Fee: $93; registration required
Doreen Bolnick McCrillis Gardens
Prerequisites: Painting 205 or
equivalent Colored Pencil I
Course number 120560 Merri Nelson
Start Drawing & Painting
Sunday, March 6, 10:00am-4:00pm Prerequisites: Painting 205 or equivalent
Diane Berndt
Fee: $93; registration required Course number 134849
No prerequisites
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult Sundays, April 3 & 10, 10:00am- 4:30pm
Course number 134758
Classroom Fee: $186; registration required
Tuesdays, June 7, 14 & 21, 6:00-9:00pm
McCrillis Gardens
Fee: $150; registration required
Creative Composition – McCrillis Gardens
Botanicals Painting Studios – Advanced
Merri Nelson Goldfinches in Medieval
No prerequisites Lee D’Zmura
Course number 134850 Prerequisites: Painting 205 or
Kandy Phillips
Sunday, March 13 & Saturday, March 19, equivalent
Prerequisites: Botanical Illumination I
10:00am-4:30pm Course number 135076
or ability to draw in reasonable detail
Fee: $186; registration required Friday, May 13, 10:00am-1:00pm
Course number 134789
McCrillis Gardens Course number 135077
Thursday, July 7, 10:00am-4:00pm
Saturday, May 14, 10:00am-1:00pm
Fee: $93; registration required
Painting Studios – Intermediate Course number 135849
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Level Thursday, July 14, 10:00am-1:00pm
Kathy Lutter Fee: $45; registration required
Prerequisites: Painting 205 or Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Moths: Learning to Love Them!
equivalent Classroom
Kandy Phillips
Course number 135075 No prerequisites
Thursday, March 17, 10:00am-1:00pm Botanical Illumination I
Course number 135090
Fee: $45; registration required Kandy Phillips
Saturday & Sunday, July 16 & 17,
McCrillis Gardens Prerequisites: Painting 205
Course number 135074 Course number 134851
Fee: $186; registration required
Sunday, March 27, 10:00am-1:00pm Thursdays, May 26 (9:30am-12:30pm),
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Fee: $45; registration required June 2, 9 & 16, 10:00am-1:00pm
Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult Course number 134852
Classroom Saturdays, June 18 & 25,
Owls in Medieval Manuscripts
Kandy Phillips
Fibonacci Spiral - Draw Complex Fee: $186; registration required
Prerequisites: Painting 205
Patterns with Ease Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Course number 134790
Lee D’Zmura Classroom
Saturday, July 23, 10:00am-4:00pm
No prerequisites
Fee: $93; registration required
Course number 134778 Brookside Gardens Visitors Center Adult
Tuesday, March 22, 10:00am-4:30pm Classroom

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    17

Children’s Programs
Children’s Programs Course number 135081 11:30am
Monday, June 13, 10:30-11:30am Course number 135217
Children’s Garden Course number 135082 12:00pm
“Nature’s Fun in Your Backyard” is Monday, July 11, 10:30-11:30am Course number 135218
down-to-earth fun. This children’s Course number 135083 12:30pm
garden exhibits many ideas that engage Monday, August 8, 10:30-11:30am Thursday, March 17
children’s imaginations and will put Fee: $5/child (adult free); registration Ages: 2-6
them in touch with nature and the required Fee: $3/child
earth. This garden highlights natural Visitors Center Children’s Classroom Visitors Center Auditorium
beauty and natural fun. See what’s
inside a gnome hut, follow stepping NEW! Garden Nature Club for Workshops & Classes
stones to a tea party, build and stack Families
natural wooden blocks, pretend you Join us the first Friday of every month Oranges and Lemons, Oh My!
are a farmer, climb into a tree house, for fun gardening activities and walks Cooking Class
observe life around a water garden and through the gardens. Let us help you Danielle Navidi-Kasmai
discover important pollinating insects. get outdoors, strengthening social Kids will enjoy the tangy flavor of these
and family bonds while enjoying the wonderful citrus fruits in a variety of
Children’s Discovery Benches health benefits of experiencing the ways. The versatility of oranges and
Hands-on activities, games, many varied learning opportunities that lemons shines in savory as well as sweet
books and puzzles fill the Children’s abound in nature. Come get inspired recipes including Lemony Chicken
Discovery Benches located in the and connected with us! Piccata, Dreamy Lemon Mousse, Spring
Children’s Classroom. Benches are Course number 135451 Greens with Oranges and Orange-
available depending on staff and room Fridays, March 4-August 5, 4:00-5:30pm Ginger Dressing and Oranges with
availability. Ages: 3 & up Caramel and Mint. Samples Provided.
Open Tuesday through Friday Fee: $24/family, FOBG: $22/family; Course number 135249
July & August, 9:00am-5:00pm when registration required Saturday, March 19, 10:30am-12:00pm
summer camp programs are not Register one child and the rest of the Ages: 7-12
running family is included Fee: $20, FOBG: $18; registration
September-June 2:00-5:00pm Visitors Center Children’s Classroom required
Visitors Center Children’s Classroom
Saturday Morning Storytime St. Patrick’s Day
Brookside Gardens Volunteers Green and Growing Scavenger Hunt Dig–in, Dig-out! It’s Spring Break!
Participate and listen to nature and Thursday, March 17, 2010 Get outdoors this week! It’s Spring!
seasonal stories that will encourage Have some St. Patrick’s Day fun Get inspired by our “Dig-in, Dig-out”
a child’s imagination and creativity. following the giant green leprechaun activity table. Discover interesting fruit
Each week a different story will be footsteps through the garden. He’s left and veggie plant facts and plant a seed
read followed by a hands-on craft. New some clues to help you through - to find for your summer vegetable garden!
session start time! where he’s going is all up to you! Along Cancelled in the event of rain.
Saturdays, March 5-June 11, 10:00am the way if it’s a nice day, leprechaun April 18-22, 10:00am-2:00pm
Ages: 3-6 helpers will trick you into some healthy Ages: 4-11
Fee: Free; no registration required activities, all good fun in the sun, of Fee: Free; no registration required
Visitors Center Children’s Classroom course! Guided garden walks leave on Outside adjacent to Visitors Center
the half hour beginning at 10:00am. Last
Flower Buds walk leaves at 12:30pm.
This once-a-month series will meet An adult must walk with
the second Monday of every month. We each child and assist
will feature gardening activities, stories, in the activities. Please
crafts and garden walks for children register for a time.
ages 3-5 with a parent. Course number 135211
Course number 135078 10:00am
Monday, March 14, 10:30-11:30am Course number 135214
Course number 135079 10:30am
Monday, April 11, 10:30-11:30am Course number 135215
Course number 135080 11:00am
Monday, May 9, 10:30-11:30am Course number 135216

18  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011

Register online at Children’s Programs
Start Your Gardens… Ready, Set, activity tables and learn how you can memorable time with you. Afterwards,
Grow! help protect our pollinators, essential you will have fun making a surprise
Lynn Richard, Brookside Gardens Staff insects for farmers and food production. just for your Mom while she is having a
Make it a family activity! Bring Mom, Cancelled in the event of rain. guided tour in the garden.
Dad or both to plan your veggie garden. June 20- 24, 10:00am-1:00pm Course number 135406
Begin by selecting your veggies and Ages: 5 & up Saturday, May 7, 1:00-2:30pm
planting seeds in starter pots just in Fee: Free; no registration required Ages: 4 & up
time to plant in your garden after the Outside adjacent to the Visitors Center Fee: $30, FOBG: $28; registration required
frost-free date of May 10. A selection of Visitors Center Children’s Classroom
different vegetable seeds will be offered
with a review of how to care for and Look for us during the Montgomery
maintain your garden throughout the County Farm Tour at the Red
year. Wiggler Farm
Course number 135349 Let’s see what’s growing on the farm!
Thursday, March 31, 10:30am-12:00pm Through hands-on activities and games
Ages: 6-11 we will help you learn about agricultural
Fee: $10, FOBG: $9; registration required crops, farming and food. (This activity
Visitors Center Children’s Classroom is an extended part of Red Wiggler’s
activities and the Montgomery County
Farm Tour)
Brookside Gardens Welcomes
Saturday, July 23, 10:00am-4:00pm
Edible Landscaping Guru Fee: Free; no registration required
Rosalind Creasy All ages
Rosalind Creasy, award-winning Red Wiggler Community Farm, 23400
garden and food writer, photographer Ridge Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871
and landscape designer will present
Gardening with Children. Afterwards your “Dig In” with a Brookside Gardens
child can pot a strawberry plant to take Birthday Party!
home. •  Pollinators & Garden Critters
See Xperience page 7 for more details! •  Garden Fairies
Garden Teas for Children •  Wooden Wonders
Herbal May Day Baskets…a parent- •  Garden Tea party
child activity You’re Invited to a Garden Tea Party We provide a one-hour interpretive
Lynn Richard, Brookside Gardens Staff Marina St. Clair, Tea Party Hostess program, including a craft. You
Celebrate the beginnings of spring Fanciful tables, tea and treats will provide decorations, tableware and
by surprising your neighbor or loved brighten children’s eyes when they refreshments.
one with a basket filled with herbs, come to tea. Children will learn proper 2 ½ hour party: $225
flowers and tasty treats! Using recycled tea etiquette, socialize and play Suggested times: Fridays, 4:00-6:30pm;
materials and decorative leftovers, flamingo croquet, weather permitting. Saturdays or Sundays, 1:00-3:30pm
make 2 lovely gift baskets incorporating Dress-up is encouraged. In case of Limit: 20 children
rosemary, pansies, mint and other inclement weather, tea will be followed Call 301-962-1404 for information and
treats; one to keep and one for you to by a rousing game of charades. availability.
give away! Happy May Day! This is a Course number 135400
parent-child activity. Saturday, April 23, 1:00 – 2:30pm
Course number 135399 Course number 135401
Friday, April 29, 4:00-6:00pm Saturday, May 21, 1:00 – 2:30pm
Ages: 4-12 Course number 135402
Fee: $15, FOBG: $13; registration required Saturday, June 4, 1:00 – 2:30pm
Visitors Center Children’s Classroom Ages: 6-10
Fee: $22, FOBG: $20; registration required
Dig-in, Dig-out! School is Out! Anderson Island Pavilion
Celebrate pollinators with us this week!!
Did you know every third bite of food Mother’s Day Tea
we eat is from the help of a pollinator? Enjoy a special tea today with Mom!
Stop by one of our “Dig-in, Dig-out” Moms will enjoy this precious,

Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    19

Children’s Programs

Summer Camp Programs Course number 131000 Botanical Art Camp I

Dates: June 27-July 1, 10:00-11:30am Doreen Bolnick, Botanical Artist
Garden Impressionists Camp I Ages: 5-7 Using plant foods from Brookside’s
Ivette Burgess, Artist Fee: $80/week; registration required vegetable plots and exotic fruits and
Children will explore beautiful Course number 131001 vegetables from local markets, campers
landscaped gardens, learn how to train Dates: June 27-July 1, 1:00-3:00pm will learn to use colored pencils to
their eyes, seeking out natural patterns, Ages: 8-10 draw, shade, color and create their own
shapes and color. Through short daily Fee: $90/week; registration required botanical art. We’ll enjoy a slide show
lessons and inspiration from the Visitors Center Children’s Classroom of classic fruit and vegetable “portraits,”
gardens, children will be encouraged to and weather permitting, wander outside
utilize different artistic techniques and to sketch wild fruits (pods, berries,
media to create their own works of art cones, seeds, etc.). Each student will
depicting nature’s beauty. receive a sketchbook and mat a favorite
Course number 130949 work at camp’s end.
June 20- 24, 10:00-11:30am Course Number 136249
Ages: 5-7 Dates: July 18-22, 9:00am-12pm
Fee: $80/week; registration required Ages: 8-12
Course number 130999 Fee: $125/week; registration required
June 20- 24, 1:00-3:00pm Visitors Center Children’s Classroom
Ages: 8-10
Fee: $90/week; registration required Botanical Art Camp II
Visitors Center Children’s Classroom Rita Pazelli, Botanical Artist
Botanical art is a superb way of teaching
Garden Impressionists Camp II careful observation and respect for
Debbie Vanegas, Artist nature’s diversity, and learn about
Children will explore beautiful Maryland’s natural history through its
landscaped gardens, learn how to train trees and wildflowers. Through careful
their eyes, seeking out natural patterns, observation and fieldwork in both our
shapes and color. Through short daily garden areas and the natural forest,
lessons and inspiration from the campers will learn how to journal,
gardens, children will be encouraged Farms, Food, Fun and Sun! collect specimens and make a pressed
to utilize different artistic techniques Lynn Richard, Brookside Gardens Staff sample, then sketch/draw/paint what
and media to create their own works of Have a week of gardening fun with they’ve found. Students may work
art depicting nature’s beauty. 3 fun-filled field trips visiting and in graphite pencil, colored pencil or
exploring different organic farms. Learn watercolor (sketchbooks and media
about good nutrition and farming. Each provided), then choose a favorite work
farm will have a different production of art to mat and frame.
focus. Find out what a CSA is, take a Course Number 131003
hayride, plant a container vegetable Dates: August 1-5, 9:00am-12pm
garden, participate in a cooking class, Ages: 8-12
harvest a few veggies and flowers, see Fee: $125/week; registration required
the countryside, shop a little and have a Visitors Center Children’s Classroom
great time.
Course number 131002
Dates: July 11-15, 9:00am-3:30pm
Ages: 8-11
Fee: $225/week; registration required
Visitors Center Children’s Classroom

20  Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011


Registration Form
Fill out a separate form for each participant. Friends of Brookside Gardens members enter the FOBG rate for each course.
Course No. Date Name of Program Fee

130099 4/15 Make & Take Rain Barrels 10.00

To register by mail, or in person: Important Registration Information

Complete the registration form and mail with payment 1. You must open a ParkPASS account in
(or drop off registration form and payment) to: order to register for any program.
Be sure 2. We regret that it is not possible to
our r
Pa include babies or children in classes
open y e 1800 Glenallan Avenue, Wheaton, MD 20902
t befor designed for adults.
accoun n
egins o
Make checks payable to M-NCPPC 3. All programs will run rain or shine,
ation b
registr ry 15 . To Register Online: unless a rain date is listed; for cancel-
Februa lation information call 301-962-1470.
To Register by Phone: Dial 301-670-6858 4. If paying by credit card, please include
24-hours a day credit card type, account number,
expiration date, and signature. FOBG
For registration information, call 301-962-1451. members should enter the discounted
FOBG rate in the Fee column. For
Already have a ParkPASS account? information about joining FOBG,
To register, just fill in the first three boxes. call 301-962-1435 or check
*Last Name *First Name *Customer No. 5. Confirmation of your registration will
be made by mail. (You must print out
your confirmation when registering
online.) If an event is filled to capacity,
Need to open a ParkPASS account? Please fill in all the boxes. your check will be returned and your
Middle Initial (JR, SR, II, III) Birth Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Gender: M/F name placed on a waiting list. You will
be contacted by phone if an opening
Street Address 6. Deadline for registration is 7 days
prior to event date, unless otherwise
City, State, Zip Code stated. Participants will be enrolled in
the order received.
7. Unless otherwise indicated by the
Primary Phone Secondary Phone
participant or a parent/guardian in
writing at the time of registration,
Email photographs of participants for use
in Commission publications may be
taken while participating in program
I wish to charge this to:    m MasterCard m VISA
Refund Policy: If a program is cancelled
Acct# __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ you will be notified and receive a full
refund. If you choose to cancel your reg-
Exp. Date __ __ / __ __ Signature_____________________________________________ istration from an event you must notify
the Registrar at least five business days
prior to the start of the class. A credit
For information on M-NCPPC’s Fee Reduction Program for Montgomery County voucher will be issued less a 20% admin-
residents, call 301-495-2530. Applications are available at Brookside Gardens istrative fee. The voucher will be valid for
Visitors Center Information Desk. one year from the date of issue. Use your
credit voucher for another event of your
The Department of Park and Planning encourages and supports the involvement and choice. Credit for trips and workshops
participation of individuals with disabilities in all programs/services. Register a minimum will be granted only if a replacement is
of two weeks in advance of the program start date and call 301-962-1451 to request a available from the waiting list. A thirty-
disability accommodation. five dollar ($35.00) fee will be charged for
all returned checks.
Brookside Gardens Xperience  •  Spring–Summer 2011    21
U.S. Postage
Gettysburg, PA
Permit No. 28
1800 Glenallan Avenue
Wheaton, MD 20902


E Printed on recycled paper

Live Butterfly & Caterpillar Exhibit

Saturday, April 30 through Sunday, September 18, 2011

10:00am to 4:00pm daily | Fees: $6 teens & adults; $4, ages 3-12
Brookside Gardens South Conservatory
We regret that we are unable to accommodate strollers
in the Butterfly Exhibit.

Wings of
Fancy Info Line:

Group Visits & Youth Tours •  All groups of 15 or more, call 301.962.1467 to •  Preschool, daycare, kindergarten and
of the “Wings of Fancy” schedule your visit adult groups learn about butterflies from
Butterfly Exhibit •  Elementary school groups, grades 1-5, receive knowledgeable docents in the exhibit (no tour
a guided tour with trained tour guides; tours provided)
are offered weekdays from 10:00am to 1:00pm

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