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Analyze a social issue through three sociological lenses to develop a clearer and

more complex understanding of it:

● the sociological imagination

● the intersectional lens
● social constructionism

Assignment Instructions
This essay will ask you to apply key sociological concepts to a social problem of your
choice. Choose a topic you are curious or passionate about. Possible topics include
but are not limited to immigration topics, gender/race/class dynamics in the social
media or in the beauty or sports industries, racial profiling, criminalizing
houselessness, drug use, or sex work; fake news; the list goes on. Narrowing your
topic will help allow you to achieve greater depth, so consider honing in on a specific
aspect of any of these topics or another of your choice.

Here are the instructions for the assignment. Follow them carefully and cover each
requirement to the best of your ability.

1. Describe​ your social issue/problem (no need to do extensive

research--just lay down a few facts from the textbook [and optionally up to
one outside source--but be sure to provide full citation information IF you
use outside sources]). This section will be brief.
2. Analyze​ it using all three of the following analytical frames, ​articulate
specific ways each analytical lens help you understand the issue
with greater clarity and complexity​. This section will comprise the vast
bulk of your essay.
○ the sociological imagination
○ the intersectional lens
○ social constructionism
3. NOTE: The analysis must refer to ALL FOUR of the following readings:
○ Mills ​(for the sociological imagination)
○ Actions

○ Crenshaw ​(for Intersectionality)
○ Actions

○ Reiman (for social constructionism)
○ Actions

○ Kang et al.​(for social constructionism and
○ Actions

Other Requirements
UPLOAD YOUR ESSAY In the following format by Saturday, March 21 at

○ 1000 words in length, minimum.

○ edited and revised for clarity, conciseness, organization, and
rigor in responding directly to the prompt.
○ written and edited to avoid plagiarism:
○ deeply engaged with the texts and other course sources. The
essay must engage with and cite:
■ all four required course readings
listed/linked above.
■ at least one other course source​—film,
peer discussion, or instructor comment
from Section I of the course
■ This assignment is geared toward
assessing the degree to which you have
mastered course sources​. I highly
recommend focusing on in-class sources.
No need to use outside sources here.
Dong so will take up precious time you
need for synthesis and analysis of our
course texts (linked above). You may cite
up to one outside source by way of
introducing your topic, if it is not mentioned
in course readings. Outside sources need a
full citation either intertextually or on a
reference(s) page.
■ Your references to these sources
should involve in-depth engagement
and show a comprehensive grasp of
them. ​Try to go beyond in-passing
mentions that do not delve beneath the
surface, and instead dig deeply into
■ Please BOLD *and* NUMBER all
citations to make them easy for your
instructor to find while reviewing
hundreds of papers this week (R1
through R4 (for readings, along with the
author's last name [Crenshaw, Mills,
Kang et al, and Reiman]), C1+ (for
Instructor comments), F1+ (for film,
along with title information), and D1+
(for peer discussion comments). Points
lay in the balance. Thank you!

Midterm Essay Rubric Spring 2020

Criteria Rati Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 55.

Basic Requirements 0
Does the essay meet, exceed, or fall short on length and citation pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 40.

Applies the sociological imagination--articulating how it illuminates 0
the topic pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 40.

Applies intersectionality--articulating how it illuminates the topic 0

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 40.

Applies social constructionism--articulating how it illuminates the 0
topic pts

Total Points: 175.0


Film Clip 1: Microaggressions on Campus
Links to an external site.

Film Clip 2: Cultural Humility

Links to an external site.
REQUIRED: The Origin of Race (Reviews the history and science; race has no
meaning in science)
Links to an external site.​HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Las Abuelas de Plaza de
Mayo and the Search for Identity (CW: violence)​A Message from the Future

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