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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.

For controller with software version of 0007 or above


1. PARAMETER NEED TO SET BEFORE INSPECTION RUN................................................................. 2

2. MOTOR INITIAL ANGLE TUNING (ONLY FOR SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE) .................................... 4

2.1 MOTOR INITIAL ANGLE TUNING WITH NO LOAD ......................................................................................... 4

2.1 MOTOR INITIAL ANGLE TUNING WITH LOAD ............................................................................................. 6
2.2 MOTOR INITIAL ANGLE TUNING WITHOUT HAND OPERATOR ........................................................................ 7

3. INSPECTION RUNNING:.............................................................................................................. 8

4. HOISTWAY PARAMETER LEARNING:........................................................................................... 8

PARAMETERS NEED TO SET BEFORE HOISTWAY PARAMETER LEARNING:........................................... 8

4.1 PERFORM HOISTWAY PARAMETER LEARNING WITH HAND OPERATOR ............................................................. 9

4.2 HOISTWAY PARAMETER LEARNING WITHOUT HAND OPERATOR. .................................................................. 10
4.3 HOISTWAY PARAMETER LEARNING FAULT DIAGNOSIS ................................................................................ 11

5. START-UP COMFORT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT................................................................................ 12

5.1 COMFORT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT WITH WEIGHING DEVICE ............................................................................. 12

5.2 START WITHOUT LOAD COMPENSATION SETUP ........................................................................................ 12

6. ADJUSTMENT FOR START/BRAKE SPEED CURVE....................................................................... 14

7. ELEVATOR SYSTEM FAULTS ....................................................................................................... 15

8. DRIVER FAULTS ........................................................................................................................ 17

9. PARAMETERS........................................................................................................................... 18

10. INTEGRATED CONTROLLER TERMINAL WIRING DIAGRAM ....................................................... 31


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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

BL-U series Integrated Controller Test Commissioning:

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

1. Parameter Need to set before Inspection Run:

Parameter List Setup Medhod

Parameter Use BL
Name Use Non-BL Sync-machine
No. Sync-machine
Set motor type (0:sync- outer rotor,
F5-00 Motor Type
1:async machine, 2:sync-inner rotor)
In blue-light
F5-01 Poles Follow motor nameplate
machine input,
Automatic Generate

F5-02 Sync Frequency Follow motor nameplate

these parameters
F5-03 Rated Power Follow motor nameplate
can generate
F5-04 Rated Speed Follow motor nameplate
automatically, see
F5-08 Motor rated current Follow motor nameplate
instructions below
F8-00 Encoder PPR Follow motor nameplate
for detail.
PG card type (0: Incremental encoder,
F8-02 PG card Type
1: Sine/Cosine encoder)
F1-00 Car Speed Base on site condition

F1-01 Motor Speed Motor speed at elevator rated speed (calculated)

Manual Input based on Site Condition

Only for asynchronous machine, no-load excitation current,

F5-09 No-Load Current
normally set for 25%-40% of rated current.

Only for asynchronous machine, follow the nameplate.

F5-10 Rated Slip Calculation method: Rated Slip = rated frequency -(rated speed
* poles/60)

Select motor running direction

F6-03 DirSel (direction select)
(0/1:Motor rotates anti- clockwise, car move down/up).
Load Compensation: 1 enable; 0 Unable. If use incremental
F9-11 Load Comp Enable encoder set this to 1; if use 1387 encoder at no-weighing
mode, set this to 0.

When using Blue-Light Integrated Controller, if the traction machine is also made by Blue-Light, you
only need to input the machine model number and encoder information on the machine name plate to
finish the parameter setting of the machine.

The interface of the Blue-Light machine input is showing in figure 4.24(a). The input content has
three parts, separated by “.”. The first part is the model number (separated in 4 digits), the middle part is
encoder resolution information, the last part is the PG model. The detail information is showing in figure

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

Use [UP] or [DOWN] key to set the content of the pointed area, then press the [ENTER] key to
confirm. The cursor is then moved to next bit. If the pointed area is not set, the cursor will not move
even you press the [ENTER] key (Except the 4th number of the machine model, e.g. S1.0D- as the last
number is empty, you can press the [ENTER] key directly to set the next bit).

The flow chart of the Blue-Light machine input is shown below in figure 4.25 (i.e. S0.75D)

2. Motor Initial Angle Tuning (Only for Synchronous Machine)

With hand operator:
For machines without attached steel rope and no load, please follow section 2.1 " Motor Initial
Angle Tuning with no load". For machines attached with steel rope and have load, please follow
section 2.2 "Motor Initial Angle Tuning with load".
No hand operator:
If use Blue-light synchronous machine, please follow section 2.3 to perform motor initial
angle tuning without hand operator.
(The above 3 tuning method could achieve the same tuning purpose, please select one based
on site condition.)

2.1 Motor Initial Angle Tuning with no load

For this tuning method, make sure the motor have no load and brake is released.
Procedures required before tuning:
1. Ensure synchronous motor (traction machine) has no load (DO NOT attach steel ropes);

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
2. Connect running contactor output Y9 (J4-7) and COM3 (J4-6) to make it close;
3. Connect brake contactor output Y6 (J4-10) and COM3 (J4-6) to release the brake;
Set tuning method parameter FX-20 to “0” on digital operator (0: rotation tuning, 1: static
tuning), after setting motor parameters (F5) and encoder parameters (F8) correctly, perform motor
initial angle tuning based on the following procedures shown in Figure 7.3:

Incremental Encoder: After pressing “Enter”, tuning starts. Motor vibrate at beginning or runs
forward / reverse a little, then it accelerates forward to a certain speed(facing to traction sheave,
anticlockwise rotation is forward direction), after 20s of constant speed running, motor stops; Then it
accelerates forward to a certain speed, and after 20s running in constant speed, it stops again; Then it
accelerate forward to a certain speed in third time, and after 20s running in constant speed, it stops and
indicates “Success”. The whole tuning procedure lasts around 80s.
Sine/Cosine Encoder: After pressing “Enter”, tuning starts. First, motor rotates to a firm position,
then it rotates forward(facing to driving shaft, anticlockwise rotation is forward direction)in a constant
speed, rotation speed and time depends on the pole number and initial position, it stops after maximum
one round rotation, then it rotates to one position and remains for 2 s again, motor stops and indicates
success. The whole tuning procedure lasts less than 20s.

Motor Initial Angle Rotation Tuning Fault List (Incremental Encoder, without load)

Error Code Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution

1. Motor with load; 1. Make sure motor has no load;

RF1 Rotation tuning error 2. Motor phase is not correct; 2. Correct the phase of motor;
3.Encoder damage or wiring incorrect. 3. Check the encoder and wiring.

1. Motor parameter setting error;

1. Check motor parameter setting;
2.Encoder damaged or wiring
RF2 Auto tuning data error 2. Check encoder and its wiring;
3. Reduce interference.
3. High interference.

1. Encoder damaged; 1. Check encoder;

RF3 Z-phase pulse lost at tuning
2. Encoder wiring is incorrect 2. Correct the wiring of encoder
1. Check motor parameter
1. Motor parameter setting incorrect;
Auto tuning result is not 2. Encoder and its wiring is incorrect;
RF4 2. Check encoder and its wiring;
correct 3. Auto tuning motor with loads;
3. Make sure motor has no load;
4. Speed circle P/I set too large.
4. Reduce P/I parameter value.
Auto tuning UVW repeated The encoder UVW wire have short
RF5 Check the encoder and wiring
input circuit or disconnected
Motor cannot rotate 1. Motor with load; 1. Make sure motor has no load;
normally 2. Motor phase sequence is incorrect. 2. Check motor phase sequence.

If drive has fault, it cannot perform

Others Check controller for fault. Check the drive is fault or not
auto tuning, and it will give fault code.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Motor Initial Angle Rotation Tuning Fault List (Sine/Cosine Encoder, without load)

Error Code Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution

1. Encoder connection fault; 1. Check encoder signal connection;

2. Motor has load or brake close; 2. Motor parameter input correct;
Motor does not rotate
RF232 3. Motor parameter input error; 3. Check motor/controller connection;
at auto tuning
4. Motor & controller connection 4. Make sure motor has no load &
error. brake open.

Motor rotate in Motor phase sequences does not 1. Adjust motor phase sequence
wrong direction match encoder 2. Adjust encoder A-, A+ or B-, B+

1. Check wiring for Z pulse signal;

Encoder Z pulse signal 1. No detection of Z pulse signal;
RF234 2. Make sure motor has no load.
error. 2.Motor/Controller connection error.
3. Check motor/controller connection.

2.2 Motor Initial Angle Tuning with load

For this tuning method, tuning can be carried out with steel rope attached, but please make sure
the following procedures are finished correctly before tuning:
1. Wiring in control cabinet is completely correct, and system under inspection state;
2. Set running parameter (F1), motor parameter (F5), encoder parameter (F8) correctly ;
3. All mechanical faults in hoistway are eliminated; cabin and counterweight locate at center of
Set tuning method parameter FC-13 to “1” on digital operator (0: rotation tuning, 1: static tuning),
perform motor initial angle tuning based on following procedures shown below:

After pressing “Enter”, tuning starts. When digital operator indicates “running” , press jog up or
down button , contactor KDY closes, motor will vibrate a little and give a noise, the duration depends on
motor rated power and rated current, but no longer than 5s, this is static tuning period. (Make sure jog
up or down button is pressed constantly, DO NOT release the button during this period.)Motor will then
start and run in inspection speed , jog up or down, until digital operator indicates success, this is test
running period. Finally, release the jog up or down button and finish the tuning procedure.
Please note the following items at motor static tuning:
1. To ensure safety, during tuning process, people are not allowed to stay in car/hoistway;
2. Press up or down jogging button can base on the current cabin position;
3. The whole tuning procedures can be divided into two steps: static tuning and motor test run,
make sure there is no gap between two steps. If no fault happens, before digital operator
indicates success, press the jog up or down button constantly;
4. If car running direction is opposite to inspection run button, correct this through F6-03

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

2.3 Motor Initial Angle Tuning without Hand Operator

When using BL series integrated controller with Blue-light synchronous machine, just fill in the
machine type at factory, every integrated controller will perform the corresponded angle tuning at
factory, save site test time and maximize the site commissioning efficiency.
Note: At factory, integrated controller must fill in the related machine parameter (F5) and PG
card parameter (F8), set tuning method to static tuning.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Motor Initial Angle Tuning with load error code (same for section 2.2 & 2.3)

Error Code Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution

If motor can running, check the
Encoder Z pulse signal No encoder Z pulse signal detected
RF235 encoder wiring; otherwise find out
lost. after motor tuning for 7s.
why motor cannot run.
1. Check the parameter input
RF236 Internal counting error. Internal counting error.
2.Check motor/controller connection.
Motor brake is not close or brake
RF237 Motor is not held still Check motor brake.
is too loose

Detection current is Motor/Controller connection is

RF238 Check motor/controller connection.
too small incorrect.

Tuning results have too After tuning 3 times, tuning results Check motor and encoder wiring
large errors have large differences. ground condition, then try again.
For incremental PG
The encoder UVW wires have
RF240-RF249 tuning, UVW signal Check the UVW wiring with encoder
wrong sequence or disconnection.

Check encoder feedback signal;

RF252 Auto tuning failed Test run failed after auto tuning.
Check power cable phase order.

3. Inspection Running:
1. Things to check before inspection running in machine room.
(1)Inspection switch in control cabinet is at “inspection” position, inspection switch on car
top and cabin should be in “normal” position.
(2)Safety circuit/door interlock circuit are normal, DO NOT short door interlock.
(3)After power on, KJT emergency stop contactor in control cabinet, KMB door interlock
contactor, KMC power contactor are closed, check if the controller is normal and
parameter setting is correct, in LCD indicator, elevator state is “INSP”.
(4)Connect the brake to control cabinet properly.
2. Inspection running in machine room
When the conditions for inspection running in machine room are satisfied, press the Jog Up/Down
button on the control cabinet, elevator will run up/down in set inspection speed. If car running direction
is opposite to inspection run button, correct this through F6-03.

4. Hoistway Parameter Learning:

If have hand operator, please follow section 4.1, for learning without hand operator, please follow
instructions in section 4.2. Both learning methods have same effect, choose one based on site condition.
Parameters need to set before hoistway parameter learning:

Para No. Name Setup Method

F0-00 Total Floor Set floor number based on actual site condition.

Normally set 5 for synchronous machine, set 20 for asynchronous

F9-03 Speed Deviation Set

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

4.1 Perform Hoistway Parameter Learning with Hand Operator

Hoistway parameter self-learning means elevator runs at a self-learning speed and measures every
floor height and record the position of every switch in the hoistway. As the floor position is the
foundation for elevator normal running, braking and floor display. Therefore, before normal running,
hoistway parameter self-learning must be performed. Before hoistway parameter self-learning,
inspection running in full trip must be performed too; elevator must be able to run normally from
bottom limit to top limit.
Hoistway parameter self-learning procedure is as follows:
1. Make sure elevator meets the conditions for safety running;
2. Make sure all the switches in hoistway are installed and connected correctly, traveling cable and
hoistway cable are connected correctly, and finish setting the HOP/display address;
3. Elevator in inspection mode, jog elevator down to the bottom limit (bottom limit is valid);
4. Enter elevator hoistway self-learning menu through digital operator, follow the learning
procedures shown below in Figure 7.4

Figure 7.4 Hoistway Parameter Self-Learning Procedures

5. The results of learning can be seen from hoistway position parameter U00-U69 under monitor
menu with unit of meter, please check the switches position after hoistway learning.
6. In self-learning process, if control system detects any abnormal phenomenon, self-learning will
be terminated and give fault code, please refer to troubleshooting table in chapter 8, find out the
reason and solve it accordingly, then start hoistway parameter self-learning again.
Note: When self-learning process stops, only when LCD indicator shows “success” on digital
operator, self-learning is completed successfully.
After hoistway parameter self-learning is completed successfully, normal speed running can be
carried out. Procedure as follows:
1. Switch elevator to attendant mode (Manual)
2. In floor selection parameter D0 through digital operator, target floor can be set (details refer to
chapter 4.5 Commissioning Parameters Setup). Then it is possible to perform single floor
traveling, double floor traveling, multi-floor traveling and full trip traveling test. Through D1
parameter interface, input door open / close instruction to control the door.
3. Make sure elevator can start, accelerate, decelerate, leveling normally in normal speed.
4. If running is abnormal, please check for parameters setting.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

4.2 Hoistway parameter Learning without Hand Operator.

Integrated controller could also perform hoistway parameter learning without hand operator.
Note: Before learning process, please make sure all switches in hoistway are installed correctly.
Finish the installation of safety circuit,
door interlock circuit and hoistway/
door zone switches/flags. Enable
elevator test run in normal speed.

Inspection mode, run elevator to

bottom terminal position, short J1-1
and J7-2 on controller, X25 input
indicator should light up.

Press slow up/ down button together

and hold for 10s.

After 10s,controller LED will


Release button, enter hoistway If no operation in 10s, system

parameter learning initial state, LED will quit hoistway parameter
flash “-UU-” learning process.

Remove jumper on X25 in 10s to confirm the start of hoistway No

parameter learning


LED Display normal Floor Number,

elevator run up in inspection speed, This
means the hoist way parameter learning
has started. Motor start Rotating in 5S, just
Remove fault
wait for LED notification. If an error
occurs during the learning process, LED
will flash the error code. Remove error
and repeat the learning process.

If learning failed, LED will

display error code, such
Error after learning? as“E**E”,based on error
code“**”,follow user guide
for troubleshooting.

LED will finally display“-nn-”,meaning

learning success. After 10s LED will display Yes
Continue learning?
normal floor number.


Hoistway parameter learning finished.

After making sure hoistway parameter learning is successful, elevator can test run in normal speed.
Please follow section 4.1 for detail.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

4.3 Hoistway Parameter Learning Fault Diagnosis

Hoistway Parameter Self-Learning Fault List
Definition Possible Solution
Press "ESC" to exit learning, check fault record shown in table
LER=0 System running error
LER=1 Pulse input phase reverse Exchange phase A and phase B in encoder.
Bottom terminal 1 switch installation error, causing multiple
LER=2 Bottom terminal 1 switch input repeat. terminal switch input or bottom terminal 1 switch signal shake.
Check related switches.
Bottom terminal 2 switch enable before bottom terminal 1
Bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost
LER=3 switch or bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost. Check related
(elevator >2.0m/s)
Bottom terminal 2 switch installation error, causing multiple
Bottom terminal 2 switch signal repeat.
LER=4 terminal switch input or bottom terminal 2 switch signal shake.
(elevator >2.0m/s)
Check related switches.
Bottom terminal 2 switch signal lost Top terminal 2 switch enable before bottom terminal 2 switch
(elevator >2.0m/s) or bottom terminal 2 switch signal lost.
Top terminal 2 switch installation error, causing multiple
Top terminal 2 switch signal repeat.
LER=6 terminal switch input or top terminal 2 switch signal shake.
(elevator >2.0m/s)
Check related switches.
Top terminal 2 switch signal lost Top terminal 1 switch enable before top terminal 2 switch or
(elevator >2.0m/s) top terminal 2 switch signal lost.
Top terminal 1 switch enable before bottom terminal 1 switch
LER=9 Bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost
or bottom terminal 1 switch signal lost.
Top terminal 1 switch installation error, causing multiple
LER=10 Top terminal 1 switch signal repeat terminal switch input or top terminal 1 switch signal shake.
Check related switches.
Top limit switch enable before top terminal 1 switch or top
LER=11 Top terminal 1 switch signal lost
terminal 1 switch signal lost.
Check total floor number match actual floor number.
LER=12 Total floor setting error
Check leveling inductor plates on every floor.
Leveling inductor plate on this floor cannot cover both
LER=14 Two leveling inductors cannot trigger together
inductors or missing one leveling inductors.
Press "ESC" in the middle of hoistway
LER=15 Cancel the learning by pressing "ESC".
parameter learning process.
Wiring of two switches is parallel connection by mistake, or
LER=17 Up/Down leveling switch enable at same time bottom limit switch is installed close to 1st floor leveling
LER=18 Hoistway data saving error ▲Please contact supplier at once.
Both leveling switch signal enable together
LER=19 Move up top limit switch.
when arrive at top limit switch.

LER=20 Bottom limit switch too high Lower the bottom limit switch.
When elevator reaches top limit switch, bottom
LER=21 Check the switches position and their wirings.
terminal 1/2 switch is valid.
When elevator start from bottom limit switch,
LER=22 Check the switches position and their wirings.
top terminal 1/2 switch is valid.

Note: System has 2 top and 2 bottom terminal switches for elevator speed >2.0m/s

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

5. Start-up comfort level adjustment

5.1 Comfort level adjustment with weighing device

There are 3 weighing devices available for BL series integrated controller: 1. Blue-light CAN
BUS weighing device; 2. -10V to 10V simulated signal output weighing device; 3. 0-10V simulated
signal output weighing device.
Parameter F9-13 can be used to choose the weighing device.
Before adjust elevator start-up comfort level with weighing device, make sure the weighing
device is tuned and it can respond the correct cabin load situation.
Adjustment method (See picture below for detail):
1) With cabin no load, adjust F9-00 till car does not slip at empty load condition: When car has
no load and brake open, if counter-weight goes down, then increase F9-00. Otherwise if car
goes down then decrease F9-00. Normally F9-00 is set between 45% to 70%.
2) Adjust F9-19 & F9-20: When elevator balance coordinator is 45%, if F6-03=0, then set F9-19
& F9-20 to -(50-45)=-5. If F6-03=1, then set F9-19 & F9-20 to (50-45)=5.
3) After empty load adjustment, if full load condition is different, then adjust F9-21: When car
has full load and brake open, if counter-weight goes down, then decrease F9-21. Otherwise
if car goes down then increase F9-21.

Good comfort level could be achieve with adjustment shown above.

5.2 Start without Load Compensation Setup

When using BL3 series integrated controller with Sine/Cosine PG card, it is possible to achieve
comfort start without load compensation by proper setup in FA group parameters. (It means elevator can
reach the same effect of load compensation even without weighing device.)
1. Note for starting without load compensation:
a) PG card type, F8-02 is set to “1” (Sine/Cosine PG card)
b) Weighing compensation invalid, confirms F9-11 is set to “0” to disable weighing compensation
and enable FA group parameters.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
c) Drive software version, confirm version is 0005 or above.
2. Adjustment method for elevator starting without load compensation:
1) Principles: As can be seen in figure 6.16 below, when brake open, based on the position
feedback from Sine/Cosine PG card, system can calculates the necessary torque required for
motor to remain the steady position under current load, and it gives corresponded torque at
once to minimize the traction sheave movement and to achieve comfortable start.

Figure 6.16: Flowchart for elevator starting without load compensation

2) Parameters: Parameters related to function can be seen below in table 6.5.

Table 6.5:Elevator start without load compensation parameters list

Parameters Display in Chinese Factory Fast Brake Slow Brake

No. Display in English Setting Recommendation Recommendation
FA -01 750 KEEP KEEP
无负载比例 1
FA -08 3600 4800 3600
FA -09 900 700 KEEP
无负载比例 1
FA -11 800 KEEP KEEP
FA -12 125 KEEP KEEP
F2-00 0.5 0.9 1
Brake ON Time
Max Torq Comp
F9-11 1 0 0
Load Comp Enable

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
3) Adjustment method: Main parameters used are FA-08, FA-09 and FA-11.
FA-09: This parameter is the working time for starting without load compensation after brake opens, it
must be set according to the actual brake opening time, if the time is too short, elevator will slip
as this action will be over before brake fully opened; Also the value of F2-00 (brake opening time
before running) must be 100ms longer than the value of FA-09, so that this action can finish
before speed curve start.
FA-08 and FA-11: Two gain parameters for the starting without load compensation action, these two
parameters can be adjusted according to the elevator slipping condition and comfort level, if the
slipping is too much please increase the value of FA-08; if the traction machine gets vibration,
please reduce this value; during the period of torque keeping, if there is slight slipping or small
back-and-forth movement on traction sheave, please increase the value of FA-11, if there is
vibration, please reduce this value.
1. During commissioning, besides the mentioned 3 parameters, other FA group parameters can be
kept with factory setting.
2. For different versions of program, the name of FA group parameters might be different, but their
positions remain the same. As a result, only adjust FA-08, FA-09, FA-11 despite the operator version.
3. The setting value of above parameters is just for reference, as the PG card is not same in different
job side; please adjust above parameters based on site condition.
4. F9-00 is the pre-set torque when the starting without load compensation function is enabled.
Generally there is no need to change its value, please keep it with factory setting (0)

6. Adjustment for Start/Brake Speed curve

Elevator running speed curve is shown below.

To achieve the maximum level of comfort, integrated controller must control the motor and make
feedback speed strictly following the change of running curve. Proportional gain on the speed circle
F6-04 and integral gain F6-05 or F7-05~F7-12 for PI section parameters also influence the motor tracking

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
ability to speed curve. Generally, increasing the proportion gain will improve the reaction of the system
and promote the tracking speed. However, if proportion gain is set too big, it will cause system vibration
with high frequency and large motor noise. Increasing integral gain can improve the system
anti-interference/tracking ability and improve the leveling precision, but set integral gain too big will
make system vibration, speed over adjustment and wave vibration.
Generally, it is recommended to first adjust proportion gain, increase it right before system vibration
threshold. Then adjust the integral gain, enable system with quick reaction and no over adjustment.

Speed Loop PI Recommend Value:

Type Recommend Value

Proportional 700

Integral 260

If system performance is not perfect at start or stop period (low speed period), try to control in
multi-section PI, detail can be seen in 6.19.2 in the complete user guide.

7. Elevator System Faults

Definition Possible Solution
Door inter-lock faults: Door inter-lock circuit open at Check the work condition of door vane and door interlock circuit.
elevator running Roller should have enough space at both side of the vane.
Er3 Driver faults Based on error code, check details in table 8.3
1. Exchange phase “V” and “W” on motor
Er4 Elevator running in opposite direction with command 2. Exchange phase “A” and “B”, on encoder terminal block or
change in parameter setup.
System does not receive brake open feedback signal
after output brake open command: 1. Check the traction machine brake detection switch and wiring;
1. No X17/X15 feedback after Y6 output 0.5/2s. 2. If no feedback switch, should set feedback enable to OFF
2. X17/X15 enable when Y6 has no output.
During elevator running, leveling zone input signal X9,
Er6 Check leveling zone signal circuit and induction switch
X10 is always on.

Er7 Inverter pulse not enough at elevator running. Check the wiring from encoder to controller.

Contactor KDY output not matching feedback signal:

Er9 1. After Y9 output X16 no feedback in 0.4s. Check the contactor KDY coil and output/feedback circuit wiring.
2. X16 is enable when Y9 has no output.

Er10 Safety circuit open, input X13, X29 is invalid. Check all safety circuits.

Leveling switch signal missing: Elevator is running pass

Er11 Check the leveling switches and its wiring.
the floor, but there is not input at X9 /X10.
Er12 Elevator pass top limit switch (X5 is invalid) Check encoder, top limit switch including its position / wiring.

Er13 Elevator pass bottom limit switch (X6 is invalid) Check encoder, bottom limit switch including its position / wiring.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Elevator System Fault List (Cont'd)

Floor counter error from encoder deviation 1. Check encoder wiring and related circuits;
Er14 accumulation: after this error, elevator will return to 2. Check the leveling switch and related circuits;
bottom floor in inspection speed for recalibration. 3. Possible reason: traction rope slip /door drive shake at start.
Er17 No drive output after running command. Check parameters in controller or contact supplier.
Floor number error: after this error, elevator will
Possible due to sudden power drop & elevator slip. Check the
Er18 return to bottom floor in inspection speed for
encoder and its wiring.
The deceleration distance for target floor is not
1. Decrease “Least Speed” in user menu;
Er19 enough, elevator did not perform hoistway parameter
2. Do hoistway parameter learning again.
learning after changing terminal switch location.
When elevator reaches top/bottom floor and get
1. Check the braking resistor specification
deceleration instruction, but elevator doesn’t slow
Er20 2. Increase controller PI gain parameters.
down; elevator did not perform hoistway parameter
3. Make elevator running curve more smooth.
learning after changing terminal switch location.
1. Check the traction rope for slip or car jam.
Er21 Single running time is over set time 2. Check related parameters in drive;
3. Check value of parameter “Over Time”.
Elevator has inspection signal input (X10 invalid) at
Er22 Check inspection switch and related circuits.
elevator normal running.
One of two leveling switch (X9, X10) is invalid at
Er23 Check leveling switches and wirings.
elevator normal running.
Heat sensor protection: Braking resistor or motor is Check heat sensor circuit. If this error cannot reset in 90s, Y10
over heat (X21 invalid ). relay on controller will output KMC contactor open signal.
Door inter-Lock contactor working state does not Check door interlock contactor terminal & coil and their related
match to its coil ( X14, X30 input different) terminal on controller.
Emergency stop contactor working state does not Check emergency stop contactor terminal & coil and their
match its coil state. (X13, X29 input different) related terminal on controller.
Top/bottom terminal (1st or 2nd) switch fault. (X7 or
Er28 Check for terminal switches location and their wirings.
X8 valid when elevator outside their floor)
1. Check system ground condition.
Communication interference too much (In system or
Er29 2. Check COP/LOP for possible damage that may influence CAN
in duplex communication).
BUS communication.
1. Run elevator in inspection mode, give door open command
and check Y4 for output signal.
Er30 Door open fault (car cannot open door)
2. If Y4 has no output, need to check door open, close limit
switch and related signal.
Normally due to door not installed properly and short circuit
Er31 Door close fault (car cannot close door) door interlock circuit. Check if door close and door interlock
circuit are output at same time.
A sudden power break may affect terminal/limit switches and
Er32 Floor number counting error. cause floor number error. Elevator will then return to bottom
floor for recalibration.
KDY fault: KDY command not match feedback signal:
Er33 Motor star short circuited contactor fault 1. Y8 output, X11 has no feedback in 0.4s
2. Y8 has not output, X11 is valid

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

8. Driver Faults
Display Definition Possible Causes Possible Solution
1. Phase lost on input supply; 1. Check input power supply;
DC bus under voltage (for 400V 2. Instantaneous power lost; 2. Check input power cable
drive, 380V at UV protection) 3. Excessive input voltage fluctuation; terminals.
4. Loose terminals at input.
1. Too short deceleration time,
1. Increase deceleration time;
DC bus over voltage (for 400V 2. Excessive motor regenerated energy;
DF2 OV 2. Connect brake resistor;
drive, 760V at OV protection) 3. Supply voltage too high
3. Check power supply.
4. No connection to braking resistor.
1. Excessively ambient temperature; 1. Reduce ambient temperature;
DF3 OH Heat sink overheated 2. Damaged cooling fan; 2. Remove heat source around;
3. Existence of heat source around. 3. Check the fan and wiring.
1. IPM over current/short circuit; 1. Check output short circuit;
DF4 IF IPM fault 2. IPM over heat; 2. Check motor short circuit;
3. Abnormal IPM control power (UV) 3. Contact supplier.
1. Inverter output short circuit; 1. Check motor short circuit;
DF5 OC Over current 2. Machine over-load; 2. Check accel/decel time, slow
3. Accel/decel time too short. down if needed.
DF6 CF CUP faults Too much interference. Please contact supplier.
Elevator over speed. The speed 1. Max speed /last time set incorrect; 1. Check speed limit setting;
DF7 OS feedback exceeds the speed limit 2. Speed over-tuning; 2. Check the P/I parameter;
and last longer than set time. 3. Encoder feedback incorrect. 3. Check encoder
speed over deviation. The speed 1. System overload; 1. reduce system load;
deviation exceeds the allowable 2. Accel/decel time short; 2. Increase accel/decel time;
range and last longer than set 3. Parameter setting wrong; 3. Check the parameters;
time. 4. encoder cannot work properly. 4. Check the encoder.
PG disconnect, did not receive 1. Encoder wiring break/ loose/ wrong; 1. check encoder wiring;
encoder signal at operation. 2. Encoder damaged. 2. Check encoder.
DF10 FF Flash memory fault Data fault at saving parameters. Please contact supplier.
1. Wiring at X14 is incorrect; 1. Check the wiring at X14;
DF11 BF Base block circuit error
2. Setting electric level for X14 incorrect 2. Modify the parameters.
Motor overload, current output
1. System load too heavy; 1. Reduce system load;
DF12 OL exceed 150% (200%) rated value
2. System power rating too low. 2. Change a more suitable controller.
for 60s (10s).
Controller main contactor MC not Try to reset the power, if this error
1. Wrong wiring for MC contactor;
DF13 MC close after given close command come again, contact supplier for
2. MC contactor damaged.
for set time. replacement.
1. Brake cable/elements issue 1. Check brake resistor;
DF14 BR Brake unit fault
2. External brake resistor disconnected 2. Replace the controller.
1. Output cable break or loose terminal. 1. Check output cable/terminal;
DF15 OF Output phase lost
2. Motor stator cable disconnect. 2. Check motor stator cable.
DF16 SCF Current remains at elevator stop. Controller damaged. Change the controller.
1. Brake/encoder loose; 1. Fasten brake/encoder;
DF17 SRF Elevator slip after stop
2. Encoder interference. 2. Remove interference source.
DF18 UF Signal U of encoder wire lost Encoder damaged or wiring incorrect. Check encoder and wirings
DF19 VF Signal V of encoder wire lost Encoder damaged or wiring incorrect. Check encoder and wirings
DF20 WF Signal W of encoder wire lost Encoder damaged or wiring incorrect. Check encoder and wirings
DF21 DF Parameter setting error Parameter setting error Check parameter setting
DF22 SDF Internal programmer check error Internal data setting error Please contact supplier

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

9. Parameters
U0 Monitoring Parameters
Para Display (In Chinese)
Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English)
下限位刻度 The location of bottom limit in hoistway. Data will
U0-00 m --
Lower Limit be recorded after finishing hoistway learning
上限位刻度 The location of top limit in hoistway. Data will be
U0-01 m --
Upper Limit recorded after finishing hoistway learning。
下端站 1 刻度 Location of bottom terminal switch 1 in hoistway.
U0-02 Data will be recorded after finishing hoistway m --
Lower Slowdown 1
下端站 2 刻度 Location of bottom terminal switch 2 in hoistway.
U0-03 Data will be recorded after finishing hoistway m --
Lower Slowdown 2
上端站 1 刻度 Location of top terminal switch 1 in hoistway. Data
U0-04 m --
Upper Slowdown 1 will be recorded after finishing hoistway learning
上端站 2 刻度 Location of top terminal switch 2 in hoistway. Data
U0-05 m --
Upper Slowdown 2 will be recorded after finishing hoistway learning
1 层刻度 … 64 层刻度 The location of floor 1-64 switches in hoistway.
… Data will be recorded after finishing hoistway m --
U0-69 Floor Data 1…64 learning

U1~U5 Monitoring Parameters

Para Display (In Chinese)
Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English)
输入状态 Controller input data show in decimal type. It will
U1-00 be turned into binary type to show the logical -- --
Input Data status of the input port.
输入状态指示 Input port data show in binary type .Each data
U1-01 -- --
Input Bin correspond to logical status of one input port.

Each line correspond to one input port, ”On/Off”

输入状态评价 states the current port status, the following “n”
value states the signal appraisal to input level.
U1-02 -- --
Value from “10” to “0” refers to interference
Input App condition from good (less interference) to bad
(large interference)

输出状态 Display the output port Y0-Y15 current status. The

U2-00 valid output port has the corresponded indication. -- --
Output Data Port without output (invalid) will be hidden.

轿厢信号 Display car input signal status. The valid input port
U3-00 has the corresponded indication. Port without -- --
Car Input Data input (invalid) will be hidden.
运行次数 Show the elevator accumulated running times.
U4-00 次 --
Run Times Adopts 10 digital decimal figures as indication

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
U1~U5 Monitoring Parameters (Cont'd)
Para Display (In Chinese)
Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English)
运行时间 Show the elevator accumulated running hour.
U4-01 小时 --
Run Hours Adopts 10 digital decimal figures as indication.

并联通讯 1 Signal send appraisal for Duplex and group control.

U4-04 -- --
SendApp1 Large number means comm send more mistakes.
并联通讯 2 Signal receive appraisal for Duplex and group
U4-05 control. Large number means communication -- --
ReceiveApp2 receive more mistakes.

电磁干扰评价 Appraise the value of interference strength at site.

U4-06 The big value refers to strong interference,”0” -- --
Interfer Apprais states no interference and good GND condition.

编码器评价 The interference degree of encoder signal. When

U4-07 elevator runs steady, large value states the encoder -- --
Encoder Apprais signal weak with heavy interference.
U4-09 The current elevator stop timer -- --
Lock Timer
控制软件版本 Show the elevator control software information.
U5-00 Provide the current software version for factory -- --
CtrlSoftWare NO maintenance and software upgrading.
驱动软件版本 Show the drive control software information.
U5-01 Provide the current software version for factory -- --
DriveCodeVer maintenance and software upgrading.
底层驱动版本 Show base drive control software information.
U5-02 Provide the current software version for factory -- --
CpldEdition maintenance and software upgrading.

U3-00 Cabin Signal Content & Definition

Cabin signal Symbol signal Cabin terminal No. Content
C00 IGM1 J3-4 door close 1 input
C01 IKM1 J2-4 door open 1 input
C02 IGM2 J5-4 door close 2 input
C03 IKM2 J4-4 door open 2 input
C04 GMV2 J10-6 door close limit 2 input
C05 KMV2 J10-5 door open limit 2 input
C06 GMV1 J9-3 door close limit 1 input
C07 KMV1 J9-2 door open limit 1 input
C08 SZY J10-1 Special Use Input
C09 IGMYS J6-4 door open delay input
C10 SZH J9-10 Attendant input
C11 -- -- Empty (for Backup use)
C12 SZS J10-2 Bypass drive input
C13 MZ J9-6 Full-load input
C14 QZ J9-8 Light-load input
C15 CZ J9-5 Over-load input
C16 KZ(50%) J9-9 50% Full-load (No-load) input
C17 KAB2 J9-7 Door safety plate 2
C18 KAB1 J9-4 Door safety plate 1

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
U6 Drive Monitoring Parameters List

Para Display (In Chinese)

Content Unit
No. Display (In English)
U6-00 Rated power class kW
U6-01 Reference Speed RPM
Ref Speed
U6-02 Feedback Speed RPM
Feedback Speed
U6-03 The current load in % of full load %
U6-04 DC BUS voltage V
DC Voltage
U6-05 Output Current A
Output Current
U6-06 Drive internal temperature ℃
输出转矩 .
U6-07 Output Torque NM
Output Torque

Building Setup Parameters List

Para Display (In Chinese) Factory Live

Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting Change

总楼层 Total floor number (same as door zone

F0-00 2~64 6 -- N
Total Floor plate number)

基站层 Without landing/car call elevator will 1~

F0-01 1 -- N
return this floor. Total Floor
Homing Floor
At fire-linkage circuit close, elevator
F0-02 enter fire mode and return to this floor 1 -- N
Fire Floor Total Floor

锁梯层 When close electric lock in the process

F0-03 of running, elevator return to this floor 1 -- N
Parking Floor Total Floor
and stop.
VIP 楼层 1~
F0-04 VIP floor setup 1 -- N
VIP Floor Total Floor
F0-05 1
1~64 层显示设置 Set indication 1-64, customized
… --- … -- N
character/figure display available
F0-68 Set Indication 1~64 64

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Running Setup Parameters List

Para Display (In Chinese) Factory Live

Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting Change
Elevator speed at motor rated speed.
Calculate through motor rated rev,
F1-00 0~4.0 1.6 m/s N
traction ratio, deceleration ratio and
Car Speed traction sheave diameter.
折算转速 Motor speed at elevator rated speed
F1-01 1~9999 1450 RPM N
Motor Speed (Calculated)
检修运行速度 Car running speed at inspection cannot
F1-03 exceed 0.6m/s based on relevant 0~0.6 0.3 m/s Y
Insp Speed standards and regulations
For large resistance at motor start, the
starting speed can have smooth increase.
F1-04 0~0.2 0.00 m/s Y
The start smooth speed is invalid if set to
Start Speed
When elevator park outside door zone 0.01
due to fault, if satisfy running condition,
F1-05 ~ 0.3 m/s Y
the elevator can level to door zone with
Leveling Speed this speed. 0.6
F1-06 Steady speed on the lowest speed curve. 0~1.0 0.5 m/s N
Least Speed
提前开门速度 Car speed when elevator open door in
F1-07 0~0.3 0.15 m/s N
Open Door Speed advance is allowed.
The speed limit for re-leveling. If speed
再平层保护速度 exceeds such value in re-leveling process,
F1-08 0~0.3 0.3 m/s N
the re-leveling will stop with #03
Relevelst Speed protections.
F1-09 Elevator running speed at re-leveling. 0~0.10 0.05 m/s N
Relevelrun Speed
B1 refers to the acceleration speed curve
加速斜率 B1 changing rate, smaller value means 2
F1-10 0.1~1.0 0.7 m/s N
elevator start with smooth and gentle
Acceleration B1 increase of speed.
B2 refers to the deceleration speed curve
减速斜率 B2
changing rate, smaller value means 2
F1-11 0.1~1.0 0.7 m/s N
elevator brake with smooth and gentle
Deceleration B2
decrease of speed.
P1: Acceleration speed increase rate at
S 曲线 P1
beginning of elevator start; smaller value 3
F1-12 0.1~1.0 0.6 m/s N
means beginning of elevator start with
S Curve P1
slow and steady movement.
P2: Acceleration speed decrease rate at
S 曲线 P2
end of elevator start; smaller value means 3
F1-13 0.1~1.0 0.6 m/s N
end of elevator start with slow and steady
S Curve P2 movement.
S 曲线 P3 P3: Deceleration speed increase rate at
beginning of elevator brake; smaller value 3
F1-14 0.1~1.0 0.6 m/s N
means beginning of elevator brake with
S Curve P3
slow and steady movement.。

S 曲线 P4 P4: Deceleration speed decrease rate at

end of elevator brake; smaller value 3
F1-15 0.1~1.0 0.6 m/s N
means end of elevator brake with slow
S Curve P4
and steady movement.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Running Setup Parameters List (Cont'd)
Para Display (In Chinese) Factory Live
Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting Change
Motor speed less than set value, system
F1-16 considers elevator speed as zero and 0~10 1 RPM Y
Zero Speed output brake signal.
F1-17 Adjust differences of up/down leveling 0~100 50 mm N
Leveling Adj
Normally used in synchronous machine
system, compensate elevator load based
F1-18 0~20 0 -- Y
on steel rope weight difference on each
Load Adj
Selection of driving mode ,when setting
驱动模式 “1”, attendant/VIP mode close door
F1-21 manually; when setting “3”, elevator 0~9 0 -- N
Drive Mode automatically do test run ,other value is
Setup rear door mode, based on
F1-22 customer requirements, set from 0~5 0 -- N
Two Door Mode mode”0” to”5”.
Three Fire modes:
消防方式 1.Mode”0”: Elevator run fire-mode
after returning to fire floor;
2.Mode “1”: Elevator stop running after
F1-23 0~2 0 -- N
returning to fire floor;
Fire Mode 3. Mode “2”: After elevator return to
fire floor, depend on fire switch to
run/stop in fire mode.
并联梯号 Set “YES” in duplex enable. Set elevator
F1-24 number 0-1 in duplex; 0-7 in group 0~7 0 -- N
Parallel No. control.
并联使能 Elevator duplex control:
F1-25 0/1 0 -- Y
Twins Control 1: On 0:OFF

群控使能 Elevator group control:

F1-26 0/1 0 -- Y
Group Control 1:ON 0:OFF

远程监控使能 Remote Monitoring System:

F1-27 0/1 0 -- Y
Far Monitor 1:On 0:Off
自动开关梯使能 Auto parking:
F1-28 0/1 0 -- Y
Auto Parking 1:ON 0:OFF
称重使能 Load Weighing:
F1-29 0/1 0 -- Y
Load Enable 1:ON 0: OFF

开门延长使能 Door open/close delay:

F1-30 0/1 0 -- Y
Open Delay Able 1:ON 0:OFF

闸臂反馈使能 Test brake feedback signal:

F1-31 0/1 0 -- Y
Brake Feedback 1: open 2: close

F1-32 Password to release elevator stop. 0~9999 0 -- N
Rerun Password

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Time Setup Parameters List
Para Display (In Chinese) Factory Live
Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting Change

提前开闸时间 Brake open first then run elevator speed

curve. This is to improve the elevator start
F2-00 0.00~9.99 0.50 s Y
comfort and match control system with
Brake ON Time
different machine brake on time.
抱闸时间 Brake close first then disable elevator run.
F2-01 This is to improve elevator stop comfort and 0.00~9.99 0.50 s Y
Brake OFF Time avoid slip at elevator stop.
检修抱闸时间 The time delay in inspection mode before
F2-02 0.00~9.99 0.05 s Y
Insp Brake Time brake close.

零速时间 The time delay when system detects

elevator stop. Adjust this parameter to close
F2-04 0~9.99 0.30 s Y
brake after elevator reach 0 speed
Zero Time
completely, increase elevator stop comfort.

开门保持时间 In Auto mode, elevator automatically open

F2-05 door when stopping at one floor, door will 0~999 3 s Y
Open Door Time automatically close after set time.

开门延长时间 Enable door open delay function, press open

F2-06 delay button, door open time will be 0~999 30 s Y
Open Delay Time delayed.
返基站时间 The waiting time before elevator return to
F2-07 homing floor without landing/car call, Set 0~999 60 s Y
Homing Time value to “0” to disable this function.
1. The door open/close command run time;
开关门保持时间 2. Door open/close relay run time for door
drive without open/close limit switch.
F2-08 0~999 5 s Y
3. For door drive with open/close limit
Door Run Time switch, this run time should be 1s longer
than the door actual open/close time.

到站信号延时 After elevator change speed to target floor,

landing signal is delayed by set time, arrival
F2-09 0.00~9.99 0.15 s Y
Beep Delay Time gong /voice synthesizers are also delayed by
set time.

使能延时 Drive enable signal given/drop is delayed by

set time after drive direction signal is
F2-10 0.00~9.99 0 s Y
given/drop. During this time, drive output
Enable Delay
current is decreased to reduce current noise.
关照明延时 In Auto mode, if have no car/landing call
F2-11 during set time, system will cut car light 0~999 15 min Y
Lamp Off Time power from COP.

To prevent wire rope slipping or elevator car

运行超时时间 stuck, time from elevator running to stop is
limited to set value. If elevator is running
F2-12 longer than set value, system stops 0~999 45 s Y
immediately and enter protection mode.
Over Time Need to re-start the system in order to exit
from such mode.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Time Setup Parameters List (Cont'd)
Para Display (In Chinese) Factory Live
Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting Change

F2-13 The time to keep elevator start smooth. 0.00~9.99 0 s Y
SmoothStart Time

自动开梯时间 00:00
F2-14 System will automatically start the elevator
… 00:00 时:分 Y
F2-15 (Electric lock: ON) at set time.
Start Time 23:59
自动关梯时间 System will automatically stop the elevator 00:00
(Electric lock: OFF) at set time. This function … 00:00 时:分 Y
F2-17 Stop Time is disabled if same start/stop time. 23:59
不停层开时间 00:00
F2-18 System will run bypass the set floor start
… 00:00 时:分 Y
F2-19 Start Time1 from this time.

F2-20 不停层关时间 00:00

System will run bypass the set floor start
… 00:00 时:分 Y
F2-21 Stop Time1 until this time.

Note: The elevator automatic switch: F2-14, F2-15 F2-16, F2-17 were set separately as per hours and
minutes. Please follow the operator indication for this setting.

Input Type Setup Parameters List

Para Display (In Chinese) Factory

Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting
主板输入类型 Setting the input type on main control panel.
Each bit corresponds to one terminal. Set 0~
F3-00 3974102631 N
Input Type default level of main board input port. 4294967295
ON: Close enable, OFF: Open enable.
轿厢输入类型 Setting the input type of cabin. Each bit
F3-01 corresponds to one terminal. 4294573839 N
Car Input Type ON: Close enable, OFF: Open enable. 4294967295

输入功能 1
F3-02 X19 Input Function Selection 0~32 19 N
Input select 1
输入功能 2
F3-03 X22 Input Function Selection 0~32 22 N
Input select 2
输入功能 3
F3-04 X23 Input Function Selection 0~32 23 N
Input select 3
输入功能 4
F3-05 X24 Input Function Selection 0~32 24 N
Input select 4
输入功能 5
F3-06 X25 Input Function Selection 0~32 25 N
Input select 5
输出功能 1
F3-07 Y0 Output Function Selection 0~32 0 N
output select 1
输出功能 2
F3-08 Y11 Output Function Selection 0~32 11 N
output select 2
输出功能 3
F3-09 Backup Output Function Selection 0~32 12 N
output select 3

Note: When using X22 and X23 as multifunctional input port, please make sure the re-leveling device is NOT used.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Service Setup Parameters List

Para Display (In Chinese) Factory

Content Range Unit
No. Display (In English) Setting
不停层设置 1 Set elevator stop/bypass at floor 0~
F4-00 4294967295 Y
Set Stop Floor1 corresponds to each bit. (1-32 floors) 4294967295
不停层设置 2 Set elevator stop/bypass at floor 0~
F4-01 4294967295 Y
Set Stop Floor2 corresponds to each bit. (33-64floors) 4294967295
分时不停层 1 Set elevator stop/bypass at floor 0~
F4-02 corresponds to each bit at the set time. 0 Y
TIM Stop Floor1 4294967295
(1-32 floors)
Set elevator stop/bypass at floor 0~
分时不停层 2
F4-03 corresponds to each bit at the set time. 0 Y
TIM Stop Floor2 (33-64 floor)
Set elevator front door enable /disable
前门设置 1 0~ 4294967295(1~
at floor corresponds to each bit
F4-04 Y
(ON/OFF: Front door enable /disable at 4294967295 32 floor)
Door Select A1
this floor)
后门设置 1 Set elevator rear door enable /disable at 0~ 4294967295(1~
F4-05 floor corresponds to each bit (ON/OFF: Y
Door Select B1 4294967295 32 floor)
Rear door enable /disable at this floor)
特殊功能选择 Set elevator functions enable /disable at 0~
F4-06 floor corresponds to each bit. 4 Y
Funtion Select 4294967295
(ON: Enable, OFF: Disable)
特殊功能选择 2 Set elevator functions enable /disable at 0~
F4-07 floor corresponds to each bit. 0 Y
Function Select 2 4294967295
(ON: Enable, OFF: Disable)

Special Function List

Number Instruction
After elevator stops, based on current floor, if there is no landing/car call ahead of the current floor in previous
running direction, system will cancel all the car calls.
ON: Disable ER29 fault;
OFF: If communication interference is severe then report ER29 fault.
ON: Two elevators in duplex control and not in service, when the same floor has both up/down landing call
registered, both elevator serve this call. OFF: Only one elevator serve this call.
F4-06-05 ON: Elevator disable cabin overload signal, this is used in elevator 125% load test. OFF: Overload signal enable.
ON: When the elevator cannot open door in current floor (OP fault in controller), it will automatically go to the
next floor and open door.
ON: Floor number display change after elevator enter landing zone;
OFF: Floor number display change after elevator change speed;
F4-06-08 ON: When elevator stops in inspection mode, brake close after receiving zero speed signals to reduce impact.

F4-06-09 ON: Elevator can cancel registered car call at running. If all call canceled, elevator stop in nearby floor.
ON: Enable elevator function for disabled people.
OFF: Disable elevator function for disabled people.
ON: In Fire mode when elevator leaves fire floor then disable fire linkage output, when elevator return to fire
floor then restore fire linkage output.
ON: When door lock is closed, door close limit must be valid too.
OFF: Door lock state is not related to door close limit.

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Special Function List (Cont’d)

功能号 功能说明
ON: When elevator stops in inspection mode, inverter direction given and brake are released together.
OFF: When elevator stops in inspection mode, inverter direction given drop is 0.5s later than brake close.
ON: In rear door mode, elevator only installs one set of door open& close buttons.
OFF: In rear door mode, elevator installs two sets of door open & close buttons.
ON: Enable re-levelling with door open function (Need to use SJT-ZPC-V2 re-levelling control board)
OFF: Disable re-levelling with door open function
ON: Enable door open in advance function (Need to use SJT-ZPC-V2 re-levelling control board)
OFF: Disable door open in advance function
ON: In inspection mode, door cannot open outside levelling zone.
OFF: In inspection mode, door can open at any position.
ON: 3-phase 380V 50Hz power supply (with back-up generator)
OFF: Battery power supply (disable BUS under voltage fault)
ON: Use SJT-300 weighing device through CAN BUS
OFF: Use SJT-150 weighing device through RS485

ON: secondary-terminal switch is adopted for elevator speed <2m/s (it is generally used in 1.75m/s elevator
F4-06-24 for two steps forced deceleration.)
OFF: Secondary-terminal switch is not adopted for elevator speed below 2m/s.

ON: In inspection mode door open/close switch in car is invalid;

OFF: In inspection mode door open/close switch in car is valid;

ON: Use light curtains/safety plates separately, the attendant up/down input terminal is used as front/rear
F4-06-28 door safety plates input.
OFF: Light curtains and safety plates have serial connection (Blue-light default Setting)

ON: Motor operation & internal SC contactor are used separately, X11 as Internal SC contactor feedback
F4-06-29 terminal, Y8 as Internal SC contactor output control (See wiring diagram for detail)
OFF: Operation contactor has internal short-circuit function (Blue-light default Settings)
ON: Integrated controller LED has reverse display. This is used for Blue-light G-series cabinet in roomless
F4-06-30 elevator (where control board is placed reversely)
OFF: Integrated controller LED has normal display. (Blue-light default Settings)
ON: When ARD function is active, system will open brake for 1s (when sliding speed >0.1m/s, brake will
F4-07-00 close again), it will then find the heavy load direction based on the sliding direction, use battery to land the
cabin on heavy load direction and reduce leveling energy cost.
ON: Enable elevator data recorder. Together with PC debugging software, after-sales/service team can
provide fault diagnosis
ON: Disable top/bottom limit signal, use another mechanism to detect limit signal:
F4-07-02 a. Top terminal/down door zone valid + up door zone invalid = Top limit
b. Bottom terminal/up door zone valid + down door zone invalid = bottom limit

F4-07-03 ON: Enable serial connected electric lock

F4-07-04 ON: Take negative for serial connected electric lock

F4-07-05 ON: Enable serial connected fire-linkage signal

F4-07-06 ON: Take negative for serial connected fire-linkage signal

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Motor Setup Parameters List

Display (In Chinese)

Para No. Content Range Factory Unit
Setting Chang
Display (In English)

电机类型 Set motor type (0:sync- outer

F5-00 rotor, 1:async machine, 0~2 0 -- N
2:sync-inner rotor)
Motor Type
F5-01 Moto poles (Nameplate) 1~99 20 -- N
电机同步频率 Motor synchronous frequency 0.001
F5-02 16 Hz N
Sync Freq (Nameplate) ~99.999
电机额定功率 Motor rated power
F5-03 1~50 6.7 kW N
Rated Power (Nameplate)

电机额定转速 Motor rated speed

F5-04 1~1999 96 RPM N
Rated Speed (Nameplate)

反电动势 Motor counter-EMF

F5-05 1~380 280 V N
V IN (Nameplate)
电机相电感 Motor phase inductance set. Auto-tuning/
F5-06 mH N
L_phase (Auto-tuning/ manual input) Nameplate
电机相电阻 Motor phase resistance set. Auto-tuning/
F5-07 Ω N
R_phase (Auto-tuning/ manual input) Nameplate
电机额定电流 Motor rated current. 0~
F5-08 A N
Rated FLA (Nameplate) 99.999
空载电流 For asynchronous machine,
F5-09 0.1~50 0 A N
NO-Load Current no-load excitation current.

滑差 For asynchronous machine

F5-10 0.1~10 1.3 HZ N
Rated Slip rated slip. (Nameplate)

F6-00 Set controller carrier frequency. 6~15 8 kHz N
Carrier Freq
速度压缩比 Speed Zoom (Reduce elevator
F6-02 0~100 100 % Y
SpeedZoom actual running speed)

运行方向选择 Select motor running direction

F6-03 (0/1:Motor rotates anti- 0/1 0 -- --
DirSel clockwise, car move down/up).

速度环比例 Speed loop proportional gain.

F6-04 (Valid for complete curve if not 0~65535 700 -- --
Kp used in multiple PI.)

Speed loop integral gain. (Valid
F6-05 for the complete curve if not 0~65535 260 -- --
KI used in multiple PI.)

Page 27 of 32
BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Multiple PI Setup Parameters List

Display (In Chinese)

Para Content Range
Unit Live
No. Setting Chang
Display (In English)

多段 PI 使能 Multiple PI parameters
F7-00 0/1 0 -- N
PIMulEnable 1: Enable; 0: Disable

PI 作用范围 1 PI available range 1 (Start 0~

F7-01 -middle speed running PI 0 Hz Y
PI1 Range Rated freq
switch frequency)

PI 作用范围 2 PI available range 2 (middle 0~

F7-02 -high speed running PI switch 0 Hz Y
PI2 Range Rated freq

PI 作用范围 4 0~
F7-04 PI available range 4 0 Hz Y
PI3 Range Rated freq

比例增益 1
PI available range 1
F7-05 0~2000 700 -- Y
Kp1 proportional gain

积分增益 1
PI available range 1 integral
F7-06 0~2000 260 -- Y
Kx1 gain

比例增益 2
PI available range 2
F7-07 0~2000 0 -- Y
Kp2 proportional gain

积分增益 2
PI available range 2 integral
F7-08 0~2000 0 -- Y
Kx2 gain

PI available range 4
F7-11 0~2000 700 -- Y
Kp3 proportional gain

减速段积分 PI available range 4 integral

F7-12 0~2000 260 -- Y
Kx3 gain

Encoder Setup Parameters List

Display (In Chinese)

Para Content Range Factory Unit Live
No. Setting Chang
Display (In English)

The encoder pulse count
F8-00 100~8192 8192 -- N
Encoder PPR per-revolution.

PG 类型 PG card type
F8-02 (0: Incremental encoder, 0/1 0 -- N
1: Sine/Cosine encoder)

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Control Setup Parameters List
Display (In Chinese)
Para Content Range Factory Unit Live
No. Display (In English)
Setting Chang

最大补偿力矩 Maximum torque compensation (torque

required to compensate at no load,
F9-00 0~100% 0 % N
100% correspond to machine rated
Max Torq Comp
速度来源选择 Speed given source selection:
F9-01 0: Simulation; 1: Multi-segment 0~3 2 N
SPDSourceSel 2: Internal; 3: Operator
超差范围设定 Speed Deviation Set (100% correspond
F9-03 0~100 5 % Y
Spderr Set to machine rated speed.)
补偿使能 Load Compensation:
F9-11 0/1 1 -- N
Load Comp Enable 1 enable; 0 Unable

Weighing source (0:SJT weighing,
F9-13 0/1/2 0 -- N
Load Source Sel 1:-10-10V weighing, 2:0-10V weighing)

顺时针补偿偏置 Up direction (clockwise) Compensation

F9-19 -100~100 0 -- Y
UP Comp Bias Bias
Down direction (anti- clockwise)
F9-20 -100~100 0 -- Y
DOWN Comp Bias Compensation Bias

F9-21 Full load compensation proportion 0~200 100 -- Y
FULL Comp Pro

No-load Compensation Setup Parameters List

Display (In Chinese)

Para No. Content Range Factory Unit
Setting Chang
Display (In English)

启动段比例增益 Start-up proportional gain with no

FA-00 0~50000 30 -- N
StratKP compensation.
启动段积分增益 Start-up integral gain with no
FA-01 0~50000 750 -- N
StratKI compensation
无补偿比例 1 No compensation effect proportional
FA-08 1~6500 3600 -- N
PLKP1 gain 1
FA-09 No compensation effect time 1~1000 900 ms N
无补偿比例 2 No compensation effect proportional
FA-11 0~50000 800 -- N
PLKP2 gain 2
无补偿比例系数 No compensation effect proportional
FA-12 0~50000 125 -- N
PLKPMOD factor

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BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above
Special parameters (FC) are mapping a part of factory parameters (FX) in customer level; users can
access this part information by user level password. In these parameters, FC-00~FC-06 can only be
viewed but not editable, while other parameters can be changed. Special parameters (FC) number,
description and content are shown below.
Special Parameters List

Display (In Chinese)

Para No. Content Range Setting Unit
Display (In English)

Z 脉冲数 Result of motor angle tuning,

FC-00 0~3277 -- N
Zpulse_Init same as FX-00.
电流环比例 Current ring proportional (FX-07),
FC -07 0~65535 2000 N
电流环积分 Current ring integral (FX-08),
FC -08 0~65535 500 N

自学习方式选择 Sine/Cosine PG card auto- tuning

FC-13 selection (FX-20): 0/1 0 N
AutoTuneModeSel 0:Rotation; 1:Stationary;
负温度报警使能 Negative temperature alarm
FC-14 (FX-21) 1: Alarm enable at -15C; 0/1 1 N
N Temp Alarm Ena 0: Alarm disable at -15C.

When using Sine/Cosine PG card,

初始定位使能 whether need CD signal for
position at power up 0:Yes.1:No
FC-15 0/1 0 N
(Can only set to 0 for SPG-V33 and
InitTuneEnable above) Set to 0 can avoid electric
noise at first power up.
CD 信号方向选择 FC15 is available if set to 1. Set to
0 if AB & CD signal in same phase,
FC-16 0/1 0 N
CD DirSel otherwise set to 1. (Auto selected
at motor angle tuning.)

Environment Setup Parameters List

Display (In Chinese)

Para No. Content Factory
Range Setting Unit
Display (In English)

A0-00 Language selection -- 中文 Y
Language Sel
用户密码 000000~
A0-01 Input/Setting user level password 000000 Y
User Password 999999

厂家密码 000000~
A0-02 Input/setting factory level password 0000000 Y
Factory Password 999999

A0-04 Setting the LCD contrast level 0~10 5 N

Page 30 of 32
BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

10. Integrated Controller Terminal Wiring Diagram

Note: For all terminals with "*", except X5, are not needed in the "simple wiring solution". Detail can
be seen in appendix 1.

Page 31 of 32
BL-U Series Integrated Controller Quick MenuV1.2
For controller with software version of 0007 or above

Appendix I: BL-U Series Integrated Controller Simple Wiring Solution

For integrated Controller MU-V5 main board logic program with version 6020 or above support
the function of "Simple wiring solution". Detail can be seen below:
When F4-07-34 is set to "ON", up/down limit signal will not be used, this saves 2 hoistway cables.
Instead, the up limit signal is generated with up terminal/down door zone signal valid + up door zone
signal invalid; the down limit signal is generated with down terminal/up door zone signal valid + down
door zone signal invalid.
Note: When using this function, please short connect X5 (J3-3) & GND_IN (J7-2) as inspection signal
for outer circuit power cut, this is to prevent controller miss-register floor information at outer circuit
power cut.
For integrated Controller MU-V5 main board logic program with version 6020 or above together
with BL2000-CZB-V10 COP can support CAN BUS control COP open/close door. In this way the open/
close door signal in the hoistway cable (total 5 wires) can be reduced.
BL2000-CZB-V10 Serial control Door Setup: (through Jumper)
J1 J2 J3 JD


First use jumper 3,2,1 & D to setup the COP function, after COP buzzer ring twice, it enters function
setup. Door open 1 button shows the condition of this function: Button light on means serial control
door function is enable, button light off means this function is disabled; press the button to switch these
2 conditions. After setup, change the jumper, the set value will flash 3 times, buzzer will ring 3 times,
means COP setup is restored and quit function setup mode.
After enabled serial control door function, door open relay 1,2 & door close relay use the same
public terminal (J11-6), J11-5 is door close relay output, J11-9 is door open 1 relay output, J11-10 is door
open 2 relay output. Y2-Y5 relay on main board still output the door open/close signal and can be used
to monitor the door condition when command go through CAN BUS.
Integrated controller and LOP CAN communication can add electric lock and fire signal. Together
with BL2000-HAH-M1.1, FR2000-HAH-V9 & BL2000-HAH-B9 it could allow CAN BUS to control electric
lock and fire mode and save 2 cables in the hoistway. To enable this function, short DS jumper on LOP.
Note: Only 1 LOP for one elevator can short jumper DS and set as electric lock/fire service input.
If parking floor and fire floor are different, please connect a wire from this LOP to the other floor.
BY0-3 24V Public BY0-4 Spare Input 0
BY1-3 24V Public BY1-4 Spare Input 1
Default: Spare input 0 as electric lock input, spare input 1 as fire service mode input.
Parameters need to set on Integrated controller:
F4-07-35 set "On" to enable CAN BUS electric lock function.
F4-07-36 set "On" to reverse CAN BUS electric lock enable type.
F4-07-37 set "On" to enable CAN BUS fire service function.
F4-07-38 set "On" to reverse CAN BUS fire service enable type.
Note: After CAN BUS fire signal is enabled, its original terminal on the main board (X12) is still
valid, both signals could enable elevator fire-service mode.
Note: When controller enables CAN BUS electric lock/fire service function but without LOP or LOP
did not connect jumper DS or communication break, elevator cannot enter lock/fire-service mode.

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