Subject: Should (Not) / Ought (Not) To Be

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UNIT 15.



In this unit we’ll see how to use the modal verbs in passive voice for expressing when you think something is a
good idea or you consider that it’s absolutely necessary. And also, the use of the tag questions when you are
looking for someone to agree with you.

1. Giving recommendations or opinions when you think something is just a good idea:
Subject + should (not)/ ought (not) to be + past participle verb
No one should be permitted to smoke in closed places
People shouldn’t be allowed to litter on the streets
Students ought to be required to arrive on time to all their classes
Politicians ought not to be permitted to steal money from the people

2. Giving recommendations or opinions when you think something is absolutely necessary/obligatory:

Subject + must (not)/have (not) to be + past participle verb
Mistreating animals mustn’t be allowed
Something has to be done to stop violence
People who don’t respect the laws must be punished
Students who are bullies have to be suspended

3. Tag questions
We use the tag questions when we want someone to agree with us or when we are looking for
confirmation about what we are saying. So, the tag question is going to have two elements: the
statement and the tag question after it. The tag question is formed by a verb in positive or negative and
the subject pronoun that substitutes the subject in the statement. The important thing in the tag
question is that if the statement is positive (+), then the tag question has to be negative (-) and viceversa,
both separated by a comma (,) Let’s see different cases:

a) If the statement has the verb to be, we keep the verb to be in the tag, it doesn’t matter in which
tense it is:
My brother is really kind, isn’t he?
(+) (-)
The store was located there, wasn’t it?
(+) (-)
The new cars aren’t cheap, are they?
(-) (+)
I am not in that list, am I?
(-) (+)
I am a good chef, aren’t I? (This is a rule and we have to use aren’t if the tag is negative)
(+) (-)

b) If the statement is in present simple, we use the auxiliary for that tense (does/do) and if the
statement is in simple past, we use the auxiliary of that tense (did). Remember to continue with the
rule of the (+) vs (-) and viceversa:

This cake smells delicious, doesn’t it?

(+) (-)
You drive a BMW, don’t you?
(+) (-)
Sarah danced with you, didn’t she?
(+) (-)
They didn’t like the movie, did they?
(-) (+)

c) If the statement includes a modal verb, we keep the modal verb in the tag:

The parents should pay more attention to their kids, shouldn’t they?
(+) (-)
John mustn’t be very excited, must he?
(-) (+)

d) If you have a compound tense like present perfect, past continuous, etc., you have to keep the
auxiliary verb of the tense. In these examples, I’m going to include an example in simple present and
simple past so you can see the difference:

Example in Past Perfect:

We had bought a pizza, hadn’t we?
(+) (-)
Example in Present Perfect:
We have lived here for years, haven’t we?
(+) (-)
Example in simple past:
We had a dog, didn’t we?
(+) (-)
Example in present simple:
We have a beautiful house, don’t we?
(+) (-)

Go to unit 15 in your book from page 101 to 103 so you can check the info given there and If you wish,
you can practice a little bit before these next activities.
Mauricio Gael Hernández Lom
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Group: __________ Pharmaceutical Engineering
Engineering: _______________________________________ 15/May/2020
Date : ___________________

ACTIVITY 1. Write in passive voice, 3 recommendations or opinios that could be a good idea and 3 that you
consider absolutely necessary to implement or to remove in UPIBI.

UPIBI should had special places to sleep
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
Students should been able to sell things
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
UPIBI ought to had recreation places where you can be able to express your ideas.
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

UPIBI should removed the scanner ID because is slow and innecesary
1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
UPIBI should had a better library
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
UPIBI ought to given acces to more safety public transport
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY 2. Complete the next statements with the correct tag question.
isn't it
1. The food cafeteria is terrible, ____________________?
2. aren't I
I am very intelligent, ___________________________?
didn't she
3. She ran with you, ______________________________?
wasn't he
4. Juan was at home, _____________________________?
don't you
5. You like chemistry, _____________________________?
will he
6. He won’t come back, ___________________________?
isn't it
7. The school provides the equipment, _______________?
hadn't they
8. They had been friends forever, ___________________?
didn't they
9. They had a good job, ____________________________?
doesn't she
10. She wears nice clothes, __________________________?

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