Modals To Express Different Attitudes in The Past Workshop

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Modals to express different attitudes in the past workshop

Please express a different attitude according to the following

situations using modals.

1) You had a quiz on Monday but you only studied Sunday night
for about 20 minutes because you fell asleep. Obviously, you
didn´t pass the quiz.
I should have studied for the quiz

What kind of attitude did you express?


2) Patricia was supposed to receive the new sneakers she

bought online yesterday afternoon, but her mail box is empty.
Apparently, she didn´t.
The package could have been lost

What kind of attitude did you express?


3) When Phil arrived at his house all his house was soaking wet.
There was water all over his floors and furniture. He saw
buckets everywhere and Laura´s shoes right over the kitchen
There must have been a flood inside the house
What kind of attitude did you express?

4) Imagine you are Juan´s classmate and you have been assigned
a project in groups together. You did all the work and Juan
didn´t do anything. You told the teacher and he gave Juan a
bad grade. Now Juan is angry with you. Here comes Juan, tell
him your opinion on the situation.
You should have worked in the project

What kind of attitude did you express?


5) Your neighbor is a really loud person. He plays music loud and

disrespects people all the time. He doesn´t take care of his
trash and parks his car wherever he wants. Last night when
you arrived home you saw him arguing with your next-door
neighbor and the police was there. What could have
The neighbor must have had an argument with the other

What kind of attitude did you express?


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