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1. Relative masses of atoms and molecules
2. The mole, the Avogadro constant
3. Calculation of empirical and molecular formulae
4. Calculation on reactions
5. Volumetric AnalYsis
6. Redox reactions (oxidation numbers, balancing redox equations, redox titrations)

Assessment Obiectives
Students should be able to:
(a) define the terms retative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula rnasses, based on the seiale

(b) define the term mole in terms of the Avogadro constant'

(c) calculate the relative atomic mass of an element given the relative abundances of its

(d) define the terms empirical and molecular formulae.

(e) calculate empirical and molecular formulae, using combustion data or composition by

(0 write and/or construct balanced equations.

(g) perform calculations, including use of the mole concept, involving
(i) reacting masses (from formulae and equations);
(ii) volumes of gases (e.g. in the burning of hydrocarbons);
(iii) volumes and concentrations of solutions.
deduce stoichiometric relationships from calculations such as those in (g)-

Recom mend ed Textbooks : -r-r-


1. chemistry in Gontext 1+thistn Edition)

By Hill & Holman 540 HIL

2. Chemistry for Advanced Level i cqryri 'r'i'

J r

P. Cann & P. Hughes 540 CAN :i i !:

New Understanding chemistry for Advanced Level (3rd Edition) l:ir i

By T. Lister & J. Renshaw 540 LIS ,.

4. A-LevelChemistry (4th Edition)

By E.N. Ramsden 540 RAM

5. Calculations for AS/A Level Ghemistry,

Bv Jim Clark 540 CLA

JJC 2008 Pagel of25

1. Relative Masses of Atoms and Molecules
Candidates should be able to:
(a) define the terms relative atomic, isotopic, molecular and formula masses, based
on the 12C scale.
(c) calculate the relative atomic mass of an element given the relative abundances
of lfs rcofopes.

Atoms are too small to be weighed directly and it is inconvenient to express masses of atoms
terms of kg. Instead chemists compare the masses of atoms with the mass of a standard
atom: the Carbon-12 atom (lUpAC Agreement 1960). i ,i \, i i.i '...\ r
On this relative atomic mass scate, an atom of 12C is assigned a mass of 12 units which
thatlll2themassofanatomoflzCis1unit. /,_ : , ,/.;, ,i,+i.-.
._r.\: - !,. .

1.1 Relative lsotopic

lsotooic Mass /Nn
(No unitc\
Ratioofthemassofoneatomoftheisotopecomparedtotltzffitom. Relative

lsotopes are atoms of the same element'having the same number of lsotopes
protons but different number of neutrons. e.g.: 3uc/ &.tcl ttBr utBr

Relative abundance of the isotopes refers to the percentage of the isotopes as they
formed in the naturally occuring element.
e.g. Relative abundance of 35c/ and itc/ is TS% and 2s% respectively.
:) In a sample of c/ atoms, \2, is made up of 3sc/ atoms and 7gp6-is made up of 37c/
atoms. t5-'1.

. Examples:
t,;.fir I , \ 1rf- ': f'"(
lsotope Rel. isotopic mass Rel. abundance / \ *,,r(, :i !'',. t{",.., i 1- .t
""cl 34.9689 75.77 '<.\-;tt 1,".
"'ct 36.9659 24.23
IH 1.0078 99.985
:r1;*q:t+L'' ,H
2.0140 0.015
,.\r-.rit.\ r'\\'r 'uo 15.9949 99.760
,o 16.9991 0.040
17.9991 0.200
1.2 Relative Atomic Mass: (Symbol: A,., No units)
Ratio of the average mass of an atom of an element cornpareO to 1112 of the mass # Relative
mass, A'
Ratio of the average mass of 1 mole of atoms of the element
compared to 1112 of the
mass of 7 mole of atoms.
. A, = X (relative isotopic masses x isotopic abundance)

r: 1'' !!a /'\/\'-r\\''i'1

r \.,1,.', "),"\

JJC 2008 Page2of25

The Mote, the stant: Definiiion of "Moie

-- - " : e consists of two isotopes naturally, 3sC/ and ttc/. The relative abundance
. -: ; c and 25% respectively. Calculate the relative atomic mass of chlorine"

Eq 1.2. The relative atomic mass of copper is 63.54. Calculate the relative abundance of
63cu 65Cu.
its two isotopes, and
63Cu 6sCu
Let the relative abundance of be x . (i.e. relative abundance"of = 1- x)

1.3 Relative Molecular Mass: (SYmbol: M', No units)

ttC atom. Relative
Ratio of the average mass of one molecule compared to 1t12 of the mass of a
mass, llf,
I M,=Z (A, of all atoms present in the molecule) {a
I Eq 1.3: M' of oxygen gas, 02 = \

) M, of octane, CaHre = --

1.4 Relative Formula Mass: (Symbol: M,, No units)

Ratio of the average mass of one formula unit of an ionic c_oqrp-o-und compared to 1112 ot formula
the mass of a atom. mass, Mt.
. M, = X (A' of all atoms present in one formula unit)
. Eq 1.4: Relative formula mass of MgC/, = - I

2. The Mole, the Avogadro constant

Candidates should be able to: (b) define the term mole in terms of the Avogadro constant

-2.1 What is "Mole"? \'..-l;''
i-' ;':1' l ;-" "|t


A mole of any substance is the amou4t of that substance which contains Avogadro's Mole
number of particles (i.e. 6.02 x 1O21partieles). {mo4
e.g. 1 mole of carbon consists of 6.02 x 1023 of carbon;
1 mole of water (H2O) consists of 6.02 x 1023 i* ' "' i of water;

1 mole of sodium chloride (NaCf) consists of 6.02 x 1023 '4 t

of NaCi
i.e.6.O2x 1023
t and 6.02 x
of sodium ions 1023 of chloride ions
,.'', 1

. Note:
Since 1 mole of particles = 6.02 x 1023 particles,
The Avogadro's
number is the
number of atoms
found in 129 of the
'"C isotope.

JJC 2008 Page 3 of 25

constant: Molar Mass

Eq 2.1: Calculate the corresponding number of mole of particles and number of particles.

No. of moles No. of particies -I

(a) 0.300 mol He atoms I' '-l
'\ I l Ir.
= Hgator-:
(b) '|,
I-! (i r;.+ )
' t. '' !

moles N2 molecules = 1.23 , 1022 N2 molecules

(c) 0.050 moles CO2 molecules -'i1'",1 CO2 molecules
li-1 :l-:,1f,, C atoms
l-- X.
O atoms

E.s NHs:N=3H
No. of moles of N atoms = 1 x no. of moles of NH3
No. of moles of H atoms = 3 x no. of moles of NHa

2.2 Molar Mass

. Molar mass is the mass of one mole of the substance. Unit: c.l lw., I Molar
' The molar mass of a substance is numerically equal to the A, or Mrof the substance.
(g mofl)
e.g. mass of 1 mole of H2O molecules = 2(1.0) + 16.0 = 18.0 g
molar mass of H2O = 18.0 gmol-1
mass of 1 mole of COg2- ions = 12.0 + 3(16.0) = 60.0 g
molar mass of CO.2- ions = 60.0 gmol-1
Note: 1 mg = 1x 10-t g;
Mass of X
No. of moles of X= 1kg=1xlO3g;
Molar mass of X
I tonne = 1000 kg = 1"106 g

' " Eq 2.2: Calculate the following in 12 g of ethanol, C2H5OH.

(a)Mrofethanol=,i( t --,.r,-{'-),'i r '"i b1;
* q nr']*r'v'! oJ A
:- lrAl{.^\{fir u\ ro4Eol ::'

(b) Molar mass of ethanol = '*l t'.'rf-. r:"* a

(c) Amount of ethanol
T ,_ , .i
\ - -\-
'; i-",-.'."{
(d) Number of C atoms = (. ., "-? . i, :
'a 4

2.3 MolarVolume /- \ -. - "'_i
For GASEOUS reactions:
: )

Avogadro's Law: At the same temp & pressure, equal volumes of any gas contain the same no.
of moles of gas particles"
i.e. Mole ratio = Volume ratio
. At r.t.p (25oC, { atm), 1 mole of any gas occupies a volume of 24.0 dm1-
--: i"

Note: 1 dm = 10 cm >jl dmt = 10q0_en3 = 1000 m/

JJC 2008 Page 4 of 25

il : ,r,.rt"te the number of NH3 molecules in 16 dm3 of NHs at s.t.p. [4'30 x 1023]

I !..
-:-niofNHs= -

No. of NH3 molecules =

Eq 2.4: What is the volume, in dm , of 1.00 x 1023 CO2 gas molecules at r.t'p? [3'99dm3]
r-. \/-.i- I

,, i.---t \ I '.1
:. 'lr'
I t'

2.4 Molar Goncentration

For AQUEOUS reactions:

No. of moles of A = conc. of A (in mol dm-3; x vol' of soln (in dm')

q Eq 2.5: Calculate the mass of HzSO+ needed to prepare

i ''. ),
(i) 500 cm3 of 4 mol dm-3 of HzSOr. t196 gl
(ii) 500 cm3 of 2 mol dm-3 of H* ions. [49.1 g]

(i) = '-h \r \- 'l

Amount of HzSOq

Mass of H2SO4 needed = .i* \' ; , il ,.

'' I l, it;
(ii) WV ,4r3{,,'^'" : ir -.1 r,rz r.O

rn-"lt}r'-''' t I t rjr'^l
n,'*{"iif- . )-
' :l":

r :)':

Cr, r
) i!.\.Ll l@: i' -!; - i l- l']u -U !^
"f' Af-.?-Ar'b bt
r! . ' ).r r'-tr I I
/> i.
- t' '{rl,a, g:r
i, - 't ',' r"1 .:
;j /1
_t '*-:::"::='
V,O: , 2.1 i 1, . ]'i y-.Ot:.! r.', O .< l), J /
a tr

Conce tration
r"---' r
I r-'.r
I I ,...

. ".1nr
'){ X
No. of particles
Vol. of gas

y''\.' l
- I;

Mass of substance

JJC 2008 Page 5 of25

3. Galculation of Empiricar and Morecurar Formurae
Candidates should be able to:
(d) deflne the terms empiricat and molecular
(e) calculate empirical and molecular formulae,
using combustion data or composition by mass.

Empirical formula is tne@ formula that shows the Empirical

number of atoms of each element present in the substance.
element in one molecule of the compound. tt is a simpe
m-nttiple of the empirical Formula

Empirical Formula Molecular Formula

Methane: CH+ CHq
Butane: CzHs C+Hro
Glucose: cH2o C5H12O5

' Eq 3.1:
The o/o
by mass of elements in compoun d X (Mr=114) are
C: 63.2%, H: 12.3o/o, N:24.6%.
Find the empiricar and morecurar formurae of compound
x. [caH7N, c6H14N2r

(OvLOr^ H I

% by mass 6?,-1*-1, Q - 1"1, 1.4 's {'

No. of moles
ffi -_( rbi rl. ( 1_y h
d+ -i€
Simplest mole ratio 5 tbl * j

Empirical formula of compound X is: Cg H ,N
or (.rl

Let the molecurar form ura of compound X be i :^l . ^ ]' Jn.
rrx3 {l I -
i$ : ll
{r+_ i-l 1,
.'.Molecular formula of compounO X is C6H tr.+ N i J
. Eq 3.2: -'
The % by mass of elements in compound y are
Mn:72.0o/o, O:2g.0%.
Find the empirical formula of compound y.

( -3rt*

Empiricalformula of compound y is: tg^i 0 t

JJC 2008 Page 6 of25

'rrnose is a sugar that containQ only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and has a relative
- clecular mass of 180. A 2.36 g sample of mannose was found on analysis to contain
O 944 g of carbon and 0.158 g of hydrogen. Find the molecular formula of mannose.

O .}'!tl 1!i -', I

r1 I) ), .:lt'- :\ -\r5,il " i i l.t-,, ].

r- \ r 'fll,
i-.Y r

ie i Llb . , -\

r\t) f*.){t(''r lt .'':.r'-'

-l- h

Calculations on Reactions
- Candidates shou/d be able to:
(f) write and/or construct balanced equations.
(g) perform calculations, including use of the mole concept, involving
(i) reacting masses (from formulae and equations);
(ii) volumes of gases (e.9. in the burning of hydrocarbons);
(iii) volumes-and concentrations of solutions.
(h) deduce stoichiometric relationships from calculations such as those in (g).

4.1 Reactions and Equations

I Chemical equations should always be balanced, with all state symbols when required.
I lonic equations are chemical equations that show only the reacting species. lons that are "ne!_Lre.LY-eg
in a chemical reaction are called spectator ions.
Some basic chemical reactions are qiven below.

a-(a) Reaction
Metals above Mg
in reactivr.ty series
Reactive metal + HzO(l) -+ metal hydroxide + Hz(g)
(Table 1) react with cold water.
(b) Reactive metal + acid -+ salt + Hz(g) atals above H2 in reactivity senles
able 1) react with dilute acid.
Metal hydroxide or metaloxide + acid + salt + HzO(D
(d) Metal carbonate or metal hydrogencarbonate + acid
-+ salt + COz(9) + HzO(i)
aal NHa* salt + base-----+ salt + NHa(g) + HzO(D
(0 Pb(No3)2(aq) + 2NaC/(aq) -+ Pbcl2(s) + 2NaNos(aq) Precipitation of insoluble compounds !

or Pb2*(aq) t ZCf(aq) -+ PbCI2(s) (Table 3).

(g) Burning of hydrocarbons like: plete combustion
C,H" or C*HyO, + excess Oz(g) -+ COz(g) + HzO(g)
(h) Mg(s) + zn'-(aq) --> Mg'-(aq) + Zn(s) Displacement reaction (Table 1)

C/z(aq) + 2I-(aQ) -+ 2Cf(aq) + Iz(aq) Displacement reaction (Table 2)

(i) z(g) + 3Hz(g) *2NHs(g) ., j, Haber Process: reversible reaetion

JJC 2008 PageT of25

Calculation on

Table 1 Table 2 Table 3

Reactivitv Reactivltv of Water
of Some Metals Some Non-metals
Reducing power of Oxidising power of non- t. Ail Group lmetal ions like Na*, K* and all NHa* are
metal decreases from metal decreases from soluDle. bYf\ . e+ho,^J;r
Ki F2 . All NO3-, HCO3- and CHaCOO- are soluble. '
Na '. Clz
Ga Bre 3. All Cl-and Bi are soluble except that of Ag*, Pb2*.

Mg i" l2
4. Alf SO42- are soluble except that of Ba2*, Pbz*. ' ',

At ,-

ZnL 5. All CO32-, OH- and 02- are insoluble except that
'FoI Group I metal ions and NHa'.
r,,. (H) lr
."r Au
ruofdtnat Table.s 7,2 and 3 above are NOT exhaustive and they areiust a general guide.
4.2 Stoichiometrv
'A balanced equation indicates the proportions in which reactants must react to give fixed
proportion of products.
. The equation does NOT indicate the actual amount in which the reactants are present in the
pJ,^\t.u{ i1 Pfi']!
mixture. <,'
' "-r r "
"- Lu,{ crr,l
t bc1\c,r:ll;-l 1 t7{4^ : 4b
. e.9. 2Hz&) + oz(g) ->2Hzo(f)'
Stoichiometric ratio: mol
2mol 1 2 mol o{ kr.,o*
('lbi+^NLl K\,.l".|
(which can be represented as: 2Hz : Oz = 2HzO ) \\--lda:il i

3CuO(s) + ZNHa(9) -+ Nz(9) + 3Cu(s) + 3HzO(0

tt -39!rn: gI-M
is reacted at r.t.p, calculate the no. of rUgl9S-olN:-produced and mass of Cu
ploClqced. [0.625 mol, 1199]

Amount of NHs reacted = ft - I 25 "tol

i , ., r.' ,, i.r\;
Since 2NHa = N2 = 3Cu,

Amount of N2 produced = 0. bll *'\ n u,/

Amount of Cu produced = J- I l '-:i
*l r1:

.'. Mass of Cu produced = b5 : 11 ,0!

!- i!r'l 1 \4

JJC 2008 Page 8 of25

Calculation on Reactions: L'mil

reactants are not added in the stoichiometric proportions. One or more of the reactants
:: used in excess and is not used up completely in the reaction. The amount of produa;t rs
- oetermined by the amount of the limiting reagent used. Limiting reagent is the reagent that
-ot used in excess and hence, will be completely used up in the reaction.

Eq 4.2: When 0.230 g of sodium metal is reacted with excess water to give sodiunn
nyOroilOe and hydrogen gas, find the volume of gas evolved at s.t.p. [0.112 dm3]

Step 1: Write a balanced equation for the reaction

I 1'l-, \
Step 2: Determine the limiting reagent
I r. is the limiting reagent.

Sfep 3; Do the calculations

Amount of Na = ) -LJ; r, r

) Since
Volume of H2 Produced at s.t.P =
-l I (
*t'i"j t" '"ll'l'-'t: 1
./"Eq 4.?: What mass of AgC/ will be formed when a solution of 10.0
,\--/' " cm3 of 0.100 rnol dm-3
NaC/ and a solution of 15.0 cm3 of 0.025 mol Om-3 ngryOr.are mixed? t0.0538 gl

Step 1: Write a balanced equation for the reaction !

Sfep 3; Do the calculations

\crlt {.r,:,
'+ A".11N.. l.,:.,',
Step 2: Determine theJimitlng reagent

i "'')''' /is the rimiting reagent.

-.- ,.1
| '

t ,I

IOO cm3 of lead(ll) nitrate solution of concentration 0.0500 mol dm-3 was treated with an
excess of chloride ions in solution. The precipitate of lead(ll) chloride formed was dried and
weighed and a mass of 1.1558 g was recorded.
(a) Calculate the expected mass of lead(ll) chloride precipitate. [1.39 g] iil:
0 f l:.'
:i,y--tt i '. t
t' I a.
0 !l)< i^ i
,7 ^
(':- '
-_. {-,,r. j

lfll !li,: -
' i,.'
,/' :
' - ii\'
: tt

. :..?

(b) What percentage yield does this represent? 183.2%l

Percentage yield = .l
\-' \i'
!';il-/ r-: '

JJC 2008 Page 9 of25

>< e tt
tion on Reactions: Calculations on Combu-=

Ethene reacts with oxygen according to the equation

CzH+(g) + 3 oz(9) + 2 Co2(g) + 2 Hzo(l)
15.0 cm3 of ethene was mixed with 60.0 cm3 of oxygen and the mixture was sparked to
complete the reaction. What is the final volume of the reaction mixture (measured at r.t.p.)?
[45.0 cm3]
C2Ha(g) + 3 Oz(g) -+ 2 COz(g) + 2 HzO(l)
Given/ cm3 : 15 An equal volume :'
gases measured unde"
Used/ cm3 :
the same temp &
Remained/ cm3 : pressure, contain the
Limiting reagent is
same no. of mol. of gas
."? ^,
Vz")*'\^ Na a
.'. Volume of CO2 formed = .'. Mole ratio = Vol ratio

iowr' :,- L
Note: The question asks for "final volume of the mixture" at r.t.p:
Since HzO is a liquid at room temperature,
Final volume of reaction mixture = Vol. of excess Oz + Vol. of COz formed
= lt | "lr+|C
"l' i r-,-
4.4 Calculations on Combustion Reactions
. General Equation:

.&$;t$*ft+ :at r-t-p

**Jo;tet*:ffi,{s}'* }**;o6l
Points to note:
1) COz and H2O are the only products formed upon complete combustion, i.e. in the
presence of large excess of oxygen.
2l HzO formed immediately after combustion exists as water vapour. However, when the
: mixture is cooled to room temperature, HzO will condense as liquid water which
I occupies negligible volume compared to the other gaseous substances. Thus, volume of
HzO(| is ignored in calculations as allvolumes are measured at r.t.p.
3) Usually after the reaction, at r.t.p, there will be a contraction (i.e. decrease) in volume. C
frWffi# *cl = Initialvolume - final volume
'i, rffi'#:#ffi#*',Jsffi1:#1J3#l"T;*essoz)
4) lf the gaseous products were further reacted with a base like NaOH(aq) and KOH(aq),
there will be a further contraction in volume because GO2, being acidic, will be reacted
away by alkaline bam. (GOaG) + 2NaOH(aq) -+ NazCOa(aq) + HzO(l))
lberease In vol after treatment wilfr basG a yd ef COr formed in aotnhrftion

Pass the gas

through excess
COz formed +
unreacted 02

Before reaction After reaction & cooled to r.t.p: GO2 reacted away by NaOH:
a contraction in volume a further contraction in
Volume of water ignored volume
6lu 6.rrVe 1r\nf L* \,lqj^f+ JJC 2008 Page 10 0f 25
on Reactio s on Combust

;-*1 of a hydrocarbon was burned in 70 cm3 of ox-vgen to give 30 cm3 of COz 20 cm3 of Oa

remained at the end of the reaction. What is the formula of the hydrocarbon? [C3Hs]

c,H,(B) + (x *Z) or(g) -+ xcor(g) + L]Hro (t)

lnitial vol. / cm3 10 70
Final vol. / cm3 20

Volume of 02 reacted =

Compare CrH, :CO2 Compare CrHy :02 { rr.l . !-i:,

1-Y iie .- Fr,l


\-i1 r}( -:l

The formula of the hYdrocarbon is
. ,{q 47:10 cm3 of a hydrocarbon, C,Hr, was exploded with 110 cm3 of oxygen. The totai
-";lur" after the explosion was 85 cm3, which decreased to 35 cm3 on shaking with excess
sodium hydroxide. All volumes were measured at r.t.p.
(a) Write a balanced equation, including state symbols, for the combustion.
C u'-"" t"j
(b) Deduce the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon. [CsH1o]

| cm' I
10 f-----------
lI through^excess n

I t?f#" I ,.-5 l"o,'o''"0-*l --*=->

'r--ll;#rub;l 4
l"l#":J'b, |
Before reaction After reactol-l c:oled to CO, reactedwithl'laoH'1r"6:t;'"n *t

c,H,(B) + (x *]) orts) -+ xcor(g) + Zgro 0)

4' t- t-l
i^l l,(l ,.J)':
Initialvol. / cm3 {
,)- J&E
Final vol, / cm3
Volume of 02 reacted = (110-35) = 75 cm"

Compare C,Hr : CO2 Compare C*Hv


The molecular formula of the hydrocarbon is

JJC 2008 Page 1 I of25

'' Ft'l.g: 20.0 cm3 of a hydrocarbon, C,Hr, were exploded with an excess of oxygen. A
-.-contraction of 50.0 cmt occuri.ed. On treating the resulting mixture with excess sodium
hydroxide, a further contraction of 80.0 cmt occurred. All volumes were measured at r.t.p.
(a) Why was excess oxygen required?
.'..1..\'._1-. , rr_^.;l g.,1-1 ,.,.:rr .1,.,
r _.1. *+ h,Adrte rt?fur.
(b) Deduce the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon. [C+Ho]

rfl i s"" | n
| 2ocm' |
I t-l I
e"." tt'"
throughexcess I

| ***
"":*."" r:f lco,to*uo*l
"' I| --"*t--> l--l|
| - o'
| -:8oo
"'-t' I
Befor€ teaction After -l
r€action & cooled to

frr-!y!y()-?) r );- y ir.'r.. r ilzo ( [ \

lin f :-f c,.{ 2o ED
t ri^rr,l

d€.;-r<*fu i.^ rF[ ; iw''ttcp!, 4 C'r.&^tl i ',*t -+ g, rrrt4f

Q-t,i - w1 'r

<rl - 1rt- glJ + 'r':i '-s.[ aY ffr"s{<=-l

\Fl *B A I 'l-{ r'' t-lc " {

'LM.^ ?
\t o
(.t L/pl
I |
- t\l

X -. | , Y++
;^ rt .1

Y tl
(I !:

rr ' L)4
'';nK u\7
' _Y
Y\.'r\$&- z+ _r-

-- :.
zv q

f^Af-,L,.rrrtq/ rc\rv.-\,I-\..*. r,,f; {^q*\-.)c
-l 't
(\-q . -\rb

JJC 2008 Page 12 of25

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