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Oficina de Bilingüismo

Fundación Universitaria Tecnologico Comfenalco

Week 1-3

Teacher: Juan Carlos Gutierrez Gonzalez

Welcoming paragraph:

Hello my dear students. I would like to welcome you all to this new experience,
first of all by letting you know that you can always count on me for whatever you
need through-out this process. I am sure we will have a lot of fun and also learn
many interesting things.


 As you already know we will be developing our classes online. For which
we will be using the platforms Teams and Ferrum.
 I will schedule meetings every week through the platform Teams.
 I will upload all the information regarding the classes on Ferrum.
 We will develop our classes in 10 weeks. Each week we will work on a
different communicative subject.
 Every three weeks I will share a self-study guide with you on Ferrum, such
as this one, with different activities in order for you to work
autonomously. The guide is divided into 4 stages.

Stage 1: Warm-up.
Stage 2: Topic presentation.
Stage 3: Practice. INTERACT App
Stage 4: Project.

 We will cover each aspect of the guide each week in our meeting on
Communicative objectives:

 Describing your house and people

 Talking about your hobbies

Stage 1
Warm-up space:

The main purpose of this space is to introduce the different activities that this
self-study guide intends to develop.


 Should – Shouldn’t

 Enough and Too

 Zero Conditional

Sede A. Barrio España. Cra.44D No.30A - 91

PBX: (5) 672 3700 |Email: Cartagena - Colombia |
Stage 2
Topic Presentation

Presentation of the unit’s function and language space:

The main purpose of this space is for the teacher to present the communicative
objectives using contextualized examples that allow students to understand the
different functions and language of the unit.

Functions and language

 Can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where
he/she lives
 Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and
clearly and is prepared to help
 Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic
phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type

Week 1:

Sede A. Barrio España. Cra.44D No.30A - 91

PBX: (5) 672 3700 |Email: Cartagena - Colombia |
Part 1:


1. He feels too scared (c) a. It isn’t interesting enough.

2. Your hands are too dirty (i) b. It isn’t long enough.

3. This jacket is too large (f) c. He is not brave enough.

4. My classmates are too silly (h) d. She isn’t calm enough.

5. These streets are too narrow (j) e. She isn’t diligent enough.

6. These socks are too wet (g) f. It isn’t small enough.

7. This skirt is too short (b) g. They aren’t dry enough.

8. This story is too boring (a) h. They aren’t sensible enough.

9. Mrs White is too angry (d) i. They aren’t clean enough.

10. My sister is too lazy (e) j. They aren’t wide enough.

Part 2:

Complete the sentences with TOO or ENOUGH.

1. Can I open the window? It’s _too_ hot.

2. Please can you turn up the CD player? It isn’t loud _enough____.
3. My ladder isn’t long ___enough___. Can I borrow your ladder?
4. Can you read that again, Jane? This reading isn’t good __enough___.
5. My bag is __too____ small. I can’t fit all these books in it.
6. Can you speak up, please? Your voice is __too__ quiet.
7. Today’s homework is __too___ easy. My five-year-old sister can do it!
8. Could you all stop talking, please? It’s not quiet __enough__.
9. Can I switch the heating on? It’s __too___ cold.
10. This computer is old and slow. It’s not fast _enough_.

Sede A. Barrio España. Cra.44D No.30A - 91

PBX: (5) 672 3700 |Email: Cartagena - Colombia |
Part 3:


1. I can’t do this test. It’s TOO difficult!

2. She wants to buy this dress, but she hasn’t got TOO money.

3. You need another computer. This one isn’t fast ENOUGH.

4. My little brother can’t lift this bag because it’s TOO heavy.

5. Nobody can’t solve the problem because it is TOO complicated.

6. My family had to move a new house because the old one wasn’t big ENOUGH.

7. My brother failed his exam because he was TOO lazy.

8. It’s TOO dangerous to climb up this tree.

9. I don’t the like the weather in winter. It isn’t warm ENOUGH.

10. My friends don’t want to walk home because it’s TOO far.


Part 1:


1. I want to become stronger and healthier. What should I do?

You should go to the gym

2. My neighbors make too much noise. What should I do?

You should ask them to be quiet

3. I think I saw a ghost last night. What should I do?

You should not go out at night

4. I want to live to the age of 110. What should I do?

You shuold eat healthier

5. I want to improve my English vocabulary. What should I do?

You should study more

6. I’m bald. What should I do?

you should wear a hat

7. I want to make more friends. What should I do?

You shuldn´t be so boring

Part 2:


1. You __should work___ (work) so hard. Have a holiday.

2. I enjoyed that film. We __should go__ (go) to the cinema more often.

3. You _shouldn´t park_ (park) here. It’s not allowed

4. What I should cook_ (I/cook) for dinner tonight?

5. You _should wear_ (wear) a coat. It’s cold outside.

6. You _shouldn´t eat_ (eat) so many sweets. They’re bad for you.
7. We _should arrive_ (arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight.

8. Do you think I _should apply_ (apply) for the job?

9. What do you think I _should write_ (write) in this space2 on the form3?

10. I _shouldn´t eat__ (eat) any more cake. I have eaten too much.

Part 3:


take medicine / take up swimming / worry about it

Eat so much sweets / do little jobs or go babysitting /ask your
teacher to explain it again / study harder / watch too much
television / practise a lot / get up earlier

1. We are often late for school.

_______we should get up earlier___

2. My friends laugh at me because I don’t have expensive clothes.

______you souldn´t wory about it

3. My mother has a terrible headache.

______she should take medicine_

4. I don’t understand how to give advice in English.

____you should ask your teacher to explain it again

5. My brother gets very bad marks at school.

______ he should study harder_

6. We’re going to write a Maths test tomorrow.

_______we should practise a lot___

7. My sister can’t swim and she wants to go to Greece next summer.

______she should take up swimming
8. I always feel tired.
____you should watch too much television

9. My friends love eating and they’re very fat.

___they should eat so much sweets

10. I want to buy some new clothes but I don’t have any money.
_____you should do little jobs or go babysistting


Part 1:


1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)

If I wake up late, I be late for work______

2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food) ______

If my husband cook, he burn the food_________________________

3. (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke) ___

If Julie doesn´t wear a hat, she get sunstroke___________________

4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy) ___________

If the children don´t eat well, they not be healthy

5. (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock) ________

you get a shock if you mix water and electricity_________________

6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat) ____

if the people eat too many sweets, they get fat_______

7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers) __

You get yellow finger is you smoke____

8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight) ____________

9. If the children play outside, they not get overweight________

10. (you / heat ice / it / melt) _____

If you heat ice, it melt______________

11. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed) _____

If I speak to Jhon, he get annoyed______

Part 2:


1. What happens if you don’t study for a test? If you don´t study for a test, you lost

the subject
2. What happens if you eat too much candy? If you eat too much candy, you sick

3. What happens if you mix red and blue paint? If you mix red and blue paint, you

get purple paint

4. What happens if you talk loudly in a movie theater? If you talk loudly in a movie

theater, you are rude

5. What happens if you fall out of a tree? If you fall out a tree, you break a bone

6. What happens if you forget your umbrella on a rainy day? If you forget your

umbrella on a rainy day, you get wet

7. What happens if you lose a library book? If you lose a library book, you have to

pay it

Stage 3
Practice App / classwork

In this space the teacher has the opportunity to assign exercises from the
textbook INTERACT using its APP in order for the students to practice all of the
functions studied above.

Teacher may also assign worksheets to be completed throughout the class so that
the students can reinforce the studied topics.

Stage 4
Project / Evaluation Activi
The project is the last part of the development of this self-study guide.
In this space the teacher will suggest an activity that allows the students to find
relevance to all of the above studied topics in a creative way.

Sede A. Barrio España. Cra.44D No.30A - 91

PBX: (5) 672 3700 |Email: Cartagena - Colombia |
Project 1
Record you voice saying what a good politician should and should not do in the
country, you can use zero conditional if you want

A. Barrio
A. Barrio
- 91 - 91
(5) 672
(5) 3700
672 3700
- Colombia
- Colombia
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