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Presented by Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

• Well-established technology (>100 yrs)
• 1st century: it was discovered that the force of moving water
acting on waterwheel could be used to ease human labor.
– waterwheel mechanisms were connected by rotating
shafts and cogwheels to mills for grinding grain and
sawing wood.
• 13th century: operate hammers in ironworks
• 16th century: Primary source of industrial power

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Moving water was one of the earliest energy sources to be
harnessed to reduce the work load of people and animals.
Earliest water-power device was the noria:
– Main purpose: Irrigation systems
The earliest water mills were probably vertical-axis corn mills:
Norse or Greek mills
Main purpose: Mechanical power

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Noria Water-wheel
The paddles tip into
the following stream
and the rotating
wheel lifts a series of
jars, raising water for

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Hydro technology
In 1832 Benoit Fourneyron patented a new and more
efficient water-wheel: the first successful water
New features ensured smooth flow of water: high
Half a century of development was needed before
Faraday’s discoveries in electricity were translated
into full-scale hydropower stations.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Types of Hydropower Systems
• Impoundment:
– Uses a natural or man-made dam for maintaining a water
• Diversion:
– Or run-of-river systems that intercept a portion of the
natural flow of a river
– May not require the use of a dam
• Pumped storage
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

The basic idea of hydropower is to use the power of a

moving liquid to turn a turbine blade and generate electricity.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Hydrological cycle
• Water power a consequence of the natural cyclical
transport of water between the earth’s surface and
the atmosphere
• Evaporation of the earth’s surface water when is
heated by sunlight
• Precipitation and downward course of the water in
rivers and streams under the force of gravity
• Water-power is indirect solar power.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energy
Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Hydropower plants take advantage of a naturally

occurring process
El Comercio 30 Marzo 2014

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Flow Rate of Water
Calculate the flow rate of water (in liters/sec)
required to provide 1kW of electric power if
the water falls a vertical distance of 90 m.
Assume 80% conversion efficiency
g = 10 m s-2
Density of Water: 1,000 kg per cubic meter
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Power Supplied (impoundment hydro)
P = Power supplied in Watts
Q = flow rate of falling water in cubic meters per
H = Height in meters
M= 1000 kg (weight of one cubic meter of fresh
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Power supplied (impoundment hydro)
What about energy losses?
Flow losses: In a real system the water will lose
some energy due to frictional drag and
turbines and the effective head will thus be
less than the actual head. (75% to 95%)
Hydroelectric turbo-generator: very efficient
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Power Supplied (impoundment hydro)
P = 1000 x n x Q x g x H

P = Power supplied in Watts

Q = flow rate of falling water in cubic meters per
H = effective height in meters
n= turbo-generator efficiency
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Power Supplied (general)
Power = (total hydraulic head) x (volumetric
flowrate) x (efficiency)

Power = (ρgH + ½ ρ Δ v2) x Q x n

Static head , kg/m s2 dynamic head , kg/m s2

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Power Supplied (general)
Power = (ρgH + ½ ρ Δ v2) x Q x n
Q = volumetric flow rate, m3/s
H = net height of the water head, m
ρ = density of water, kg/m3
g = acceleration of gravity, 9.8 m/s2
Δ v2 = difference in the square of the inlet and exiting fluid velocity across the
energy converter
For hydro installations that are impoundment structures with static
head providing the energy  dynamic head = Zero.
For low-head, run-of-river system, the dynamic head could be
comparable to or greater than the static head.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Power (impoundment hydro)
Assuming density = 1,000 kg/m3 and no
dynamic head  Power = 9.81x10-3HQ n (MWe)

For example, if a power plant has an output of 6,480 MW and a

height of 168 m. If n = 0.8 and H = 160 m, then the required flow
rate will be 5,160 m3/s

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Penstock: conduit where water is brought to the hydro plant
(Carriers water to turbines)
Source: USGS
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Types of Hydropower plants
Installations range in capacity from a few hundred
watts to more than 10,000 megawatts.
We can classify installations in different ways:
Effective head of water
Type of turbine
Location and type of dam

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Types of Hydropower plants
Two hydroelectric plants with the same power output could be
very different: one using a relatively low volume of high-speed
water from a mountain reservoir and the other the huge
volume flow of a slowly moving river.

High-head: effective head more than 100 m
Low-head less than 10 m

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Classification by range of We
• Micro hydro systems
– 1 to 100 kWe

• Small hydro systems

– 0.1 to 30 MWe Finca Mountain Villa Rica. 50 kW

• Large or mega-sized hydro systems

– More than 30 MWe
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Turbines as energy convertors
• Hydroturbines are rotating machines that
convert the flow of high-pressure water to
mechanical power.
– Impulse or Pelton-type turbines:
• Potential energy change into kinetic energy
– Reaction  Francis and Kaplan turbines
• Utilize hydraulic pressure and kinetic energy to create
rotating shaft work
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
A) Pelton B) Francis C) Kaplan

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Turbines as energy convertors
Pelton turbine: ideally suited for high head resources
and more typically used for smaller power outputs.
Francis turbine: large optimal operating range (40-500
m and unit sizes approaching 1,000 MWe).
Kaplan turbine: works well at low heads from less
than 10 m to about 100 m with power outputs up to
200 MWe or more.
Francis turbines are by far the most common type in
medium and large-scale plants.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Turbines as energy convertors

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

regions for
Francis, and

(Tester et al.
2005, Moreira
and Poole

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Turgo: Impulse Turbine

Source: Gilkes

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

The Generator
Synchronized with
hydroturbine installations
to convert mechanical
power into electricity

Hydropower plants normally

have more than one

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Statistics: Hydroelectricity

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2018

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D. © BP p.l.c. 2018
Hydroelectricity consumption by region
Million tonnes oil equivalent

“World hydroelectric consumption rose by

3.1%, slightly above the 10-year average
(2.8%). China (8 mtoe) and Brazil (4 mtoe)
posted the largest contributions. Asia
Pacific’s global share has increased
significantly in recent years: in 2018 Asia
Pacific accounted for 41% of global
consumption, 20 years ago it accounted for
only 20%.”

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019

© BP p.l.c. 2019

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019
© BP p.l.c. 2019

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019
© BP p.l.c. 2019

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.


Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Hoover Dam, United States


Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Hoover Dam, United States
• Hydroelectric facility completed in 1936 on
the Colorado River between Arizona and
• Has a total of 17 main turbo-generators,
each of which can generate up to 133
• Turbine Type: Francis
• Total capacity of Hoover Dam hydropower
plant is 2,1 GW.
• 220 m height
• Lake Mead, its reservoir, holds 35 billion
cubic meters of water

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Mantaro, Peru
• Colcabamba, Tayacaja, Huancavelica
• Tablachaca Dam: storage
• Tunnel: 19 km and 4.8 diameter
• CH Santiago Antunes de Mayolo (Mantaro
river, 855 m), Seven Pelton turbines 798 MW
• CH Restitucion, Three Pelton, 257 m, 210 MW
• 1008 MW
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

El Platanal, Peru
• Lima, Cañete, Yauyos (Cañete River)
• “Storage” Dam located in the Paucarcocha lake
• Capillucas Reservoir (operates only in dry seasons)
• Headrace tunnel: 12.5 km long and 5 diameter (From
Capillucas to San Juanito)
• 220 MW watch?v=pr5h35-6zks

• Two Pelton hydroturbines

• Net Head: 578 m Source: CELEPSA

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Chaglla, Perú
Location: Huánuco, Huallaga River
Headrace tunnel: 15 km long and 7.6 m diameter
Turbines Type: 2 Francis turbines, 225 MW each.
Installed capacity: 450 MW
Net head: 336 m
Cost: US$ 1.200 millions

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Diversion tunnel
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Rimac River
Name Installed Capacity Location Altitud Number and River Owner
(MW) (masl) Types of

C.H. Matucana San Jeronimo de 1,886 2 Pelton Rímac/Blanco EDELGEL S.A.A. /

120 903 Surco Private

C.H. Huinco Huinco 1,877 4 Pelton Santa Eulalia EDELGEL S.A.A. /

258 1,253 Private
C.H. Callahuanca Barbablanca 1,395 4 Pelton Santa Eulalia EDELGEL S.A.A. /
72 613 Private

C.H. Moyopampa Chosica 880 3 Pelton Santa Eulalia EDELGEL S.A.A. /

69 537 Private

C.H. Huanchor Tamboraque 2,925 2 Francis Rimac Hidroeléctrica

19 131 Huanchor SAC /Private

C. H. Huampaní Huampaní 650 2 Francis Rimac EDELGEL S.A.A. /

31 239 Private

In 2013, produced around 8.4% of the electricity in Peru

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Verán and Vázquez, 2019

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.


Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Environmental Concerns
• Hydrological effects: water flows,
groundwater, water supply, irrigation
– Any hydrological change will certainly affect the
ecology and thus the local community.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Environmental Concerns
• Dams flood large areas to create reservoir.
– Three Gorges Dam in China displaced 1.2
million people,
around 100 towns.
• Alters river and ecosystems
• Risk in seismically active zones
• Barrier to fish migration
– E.g. Salmon migration

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Environmental Concerns
• Has no polluting emissions into the air or
water. (Always true?)
• It changes water temperatures, chemistry,
and flow characteristics.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Environmental Concerns
“ In 1971, an earthquake severely damaged
the Lower San Fernando Dam north of LA,
leaving only “shattered wall of dirt”. Had the
reservoir been at its max height, some 15
million tonnes of water could have been
released on to 80,000 inhabitants of the
valley below.”
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
“In 1971, the near-failure of a dam during a magnitude 6.7 earthquake forced 80,000 people to evacuate their
residences. In 1994, the replacement dam survived an almost identical earthquake with little damage. Underlying
this progress Energy
in designing Ramzyare
critical structures Kahhat,
of research on the powerful shaking during large
Environmental Concerns
Aswan High Dam-Egypt: … the land
downstream no longer receives the soil and
nutrients previously carried by the annual
Nile floods… agricultural systems destroyed,
to be replaced by irrigation and the use of

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Three Gorges
On the Yangzi River
Originally proposed in 1919 by Sun Yat Sen.
Approval in 1992 against unprecedented
opposition of a third of the Congress
Work started in 1993.
Planned capacity: 18.2 GW or 18,200 MW
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Criticism Three Gorges
Cost exceed official estimate. Defense
Investment unrecoverable.
The dam is within budget. Updating
transmission grid will increase
demand and allow dam to pay
Relocated people are worse than itself.
before and their human rights are 15 million people downstream will
been violated. be better off due to electricity
Water pollution and deforestation and flood control.
will increase, the coastline will be
eroded and the altered Hydropower is cleaner than coal
ecosystem will be further burning and safer than nuclear.
endanger many species Source: ChinaOnLine, 2000 and J. Ramage 2003

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Three Gorges Defense
Flood of historical sites and ruin the Many historical relics are being
legendary scenery of the gorges moved, and the scenery will not
and the local tourism industry. change that much.
Heavy siltation will clog ports and Shipping will become faster, cheaper
negate improvements to and safer as the rapid waters are
navigation. tamed and ship locks installed.
Advances have made hydrodams Alternatives are not viable yet and
obsolete (e.g. decentralized there is a huge potential demand
energy market). for relatively cheap hydropower.
Siltation will decrease flood storage The huge flood storage capacity will
capacity, the dam will not prevent lessen the frequency of major
floods on tributaries… floods.
Source: ChinaOnLine, 2000 and J. Ramage 2003
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Expected life-time of machinery: 25-30 years
Expected life-time of the external structures: 50-
100 years
The dominant factor in determining the total
cost per unit output is the initial capital cost,
and a major part of this can be the civil
engineering cost, which vary greatly from site
to site.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Civil engineering works: 65-75% total cost
Meeting environmental and other criteria: 15-
20% total cost
Turbo-generator and control systems: 10% total
Operation and maintenance costs: 1-2% of the
initial capital cost
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Major attributes of Hydropower
Positive • Impoundment of large
• Emissions-free, with amounts of waster with loss
virtually no CO2, NOx, SOx, of habitat due to land
hydrocarbon, or particulates inundation
• Can lead to silt built up with
shortened lifetime and
reduced productivity
• GHG emissions from
concrete used
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Major attributes of Hydropower
Positive Negative

• Renewable resource with • Variable output: dependent

high conversion efficiency on annual rainfall and
to electricity (more than snowfall
80%) • Impacts on rivers flows and
• Dispatchable with storage aquatic ecology, including
capability fish migration and oxygen
• Usable for base load, depletion
peaking, and pumped • Social impacts of displacing
storage applications indigenous people
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Major attributes of Hydropower
Positive Negative
• Scalable from 10 kWe-10,000
MWe • Health impacts in
• Low operating and maintenance developing countries
costs • High initial capital cost
• Long lifetime  50 years typical
• Multiuse dams often provide
flood control and stored water for • Long lead in construction of
agricultural irrigation and mega-sized projects
managed water supplies

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

What about a Hydroelectric
power plant in this

Credit: Thomas Muller

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Credit: Thomas Muller
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Credit: Thomas Muller
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Facts Criticism
• High social and environmental
• Inambari River: Puno, impacts
Cusco, Madre de Dios • Bahuaja Sonene National Park
• 2,200 MW • Changes in the “Interoceánica”
• Deforestation of 40,000 Ha
• 3362 displaced indigenous people
• Unplanned demographic growth

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Pumped Storage
During periods of low demand, the surplus
power from coal-fired plants could be used to
increase the stored energy by pumping water
up to the reservoir. This feature became even
more relevant with the growth of nuclear
power, as nuclear reactors cannot easily follow
the normal hour-to-hour daily variations in
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
Pumped Storage
Technological facts that make pumped storage viable:
Suitably designed generator can be run “backwards” as
an electric motor. (mechanical into electrical and viceversa)
Suitably designed tubine can also run either direction,
either extracting energy form water as a turbine or delivering
energy to the water as a pump.
Turbo-generator to electric pump

Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

Credit: Ramage, Janet 2003
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.
• Renewable Energy: Godfrey Boyle. Oxford
University Press. Second Edition.
• Energy and the Environment by Robert
Ristinen and Jack Kraushaar, John Wiley and
• Sustainable Energy by Tester et al. MIT Press.
Sustainable Energy Ramzy Kahhat, Ph.D.

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