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Critical Story Review

I. Bibliographic Information

2nd Year - Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English and Literature
Major 8 (The Teaching and Assessment of Macro Skills)
September 25, 2020

II. The Best Teacher He Ever Had : A Critical Story Review

Reference Material: The Best Teacher He Ever Had. pp 1-
Author: Fr, Bel R. San Luis, SVD

III. Introductory Paragraph:

There are certain situations in our lives which we found very hard to accept, even if
it's necessary. Maybe it's because of the investments we have shared with them, examples
are time and memories. Losing one of our loved ones could be one of our downs. Getting
over it would take nth tries, but not helping ourselves get over it was much harder.

It's okay not to be okay in the meantime. But it's not okay being not okay for a long
time. We must not forget the true way of living. Find a way to recover. Look back to your
habits and practice your interests. We fall, but we rise. We stop, but we carry on.

A. Plot

Mrs. Thompson found out that Teddy was not really the Teddy that he knew from a fifth-
grade class. Teddy was then an excellent and active type of student. What caused his
deficiency was his mom's death. From then, Mrs.Thompson became driven of bringing
out Teddy's life again. She realized the full potential of Teddy, it's just that he only needs
enlightenment and guidance from someone.

B. The Characters and their Roles

1. Main Characters

Theodore "Teddy" Stoddard

• The student of Mrs. Thompson in fifth-grade class. who suffered in deep lamentation
after his mom died. 
• One of the brightest students of Mrs. Thompson.
• Teacher's pet of Mrs. Thompson.

Mrs. Thompson
• Fifth-grade teacher
• One who changes the sad kid inside Theodore Stoddard.
• The best teacher Teddy ever had.
2. Minor Characters

Mrs. Stoddard
• The mother of Teddy who died of a terminal illness.
• The strength of Teddy

Mr. Stoddard
• The father of Teddy---oblivious with his academic matters.

Teddy's fifth-grade classmates

• Ones who laughed at Teddy's gift made out of brown packaging that was taken from a
grocery bag.

C. Setting

The entire run of the story situates in school, particularly in a classroom setting. The
story happens at class hours, inside the four corners of the classroom surrounded by
classroom designs and filled with fifth-grade students. 

D. Conflict

1. External Conflict
Teddy vs. Time
Teddy had a struggle picking up himself after his mom died. He had a conflict with
his time. He had a hard finding joy in his living, ending up losing interest at most things
he used to love doing.

2. Internal Conflict
Teddy vs. His fellow classmates
Teddy did not play nor interact with his classmates. He felt like someone like him
did not belong to the group. One instance, his classmates laughed at his prepared present
for Mrs. Thompson where he recycled the grocery bag as a gift wrapper.

E. Climax

Mrs. Thompson found the previous scholastic records of Teddy. She was surprised at
how excellent his remarks and the teachers' comments were. Mrs. Thompson realized that
perhaps the child needs a helping hand. From there, Mrs. Thompson held an eye for
Teddy. She gave attention to Teddy, boosting his potentials, and helping him be back
from being mentally and emotionally stable. Thereupon, Teddy restored what he really
was. He became one of the brightest students of Mrs. Thompson.

F. Denouement

Teddy, as he writes letters to Mrs. Thompson for years telling her she was the best
teacher he ever had, Teddy gradually becomes successful. The Theodore Stoddard before
has now an extension title of MD. At Teddy's wedding, he invited Mrs. Thompson to be
with him and his bride's special day. Mrs. Thompson did not disappoint, she went there,
worn the bracelet with incomplete rhinestones, and the perfume Teddy gave. Mrs.
Thompson had tears in her eyes, dignified that Teddy has come so far. Teddy made her
realize that she could make a change. Teddy taught her mind the real deal of teaching.

IV. Summary of the Story

There was a child from fifth grade named Theodore "Teddy" Stoddard who stood
peculiarly over the class. His bad smell, untidy looks, unpleasantness, in general, catches
everyone's eyes. With his previous scholastic records, his excellence manifests. He was
both a student of character and superbness, but when her mom died out of terminal
illness, everything changes. The boy turns out to be unconscious with himself now: in
studies, hygiene, and all. It's as if he loses one of the greatest pillars in his motivation. In
effect, his grades slide. X's and F's which he used for not having, appears on his papers.
His father as the last hanging treasure he has seems not to care about his academics
either. He has to help himself rise and be back chasing his dreams. Mrs. Thompson made
a great influence on Teddy's academic journey. She inspired and made Teddy believe of
what he was capable of as a student and as an individual. Teddy would write letters to
Mrs. Thompson from time to time, telling her she was the best teacher he ever had. 

V. Personal Point(s) of View

I found the story relatable to my part. It somehow recounts the same history as mine,
the same feeling as Teddy.

I was 6 when my mom left, but she did not just leave me and my father empty, she
left with a promise, a promise that she would come back when everything becomes
alright. Both my parents agreed for separation, and me, being the first child chose to be
with my father's side. I was not the excellent type of Romel that I was today. I remember
when I was in 3rd grade despite being in the star section, I did earn failed grades. Failed
examination results, inactive class performance, absenteeism, no projects---I did all those
things. Those years of my childhood, I longed for a mother's love. I longed that I ended
up losing interest in the things around me. Nothing seems to suffice my emotional needs.

4th grade, when I began changing my ways. At a young age, I realized no one could
save me from this miserable prison of life, but me. Thus, I started became studious, and
eventually became an honor student up until 10th grade. Senior High School was a
different path for me. I know nothing about these senior years, but these years pushed the
driven personality in me. I became active in class, school organizations, which helped me
grow from good to best. I graduated with High Honors and became awardees of the
Conduct Award---award for being a responsible student who embodied the 4 core values
(Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Maka-kalikasan, at Maka-bansa) and the Research Award---for
having a contribution on the research and science field.

I could vividly spell out the character development I made from then to now.
Improving what I have started from the bottom, really was, possible. Now I only had 1
left treasure in me, my father. Despite him being bedridden, I did promise my father to
give him a good life at some later time, and that this situation of us being unprivileged
will end soon. The hardships we have been enduring was what empowers me and my
dreams. I know my time will come, and all these dreams I have with me will be gained---
speaking this into existence!

VI. Theme

The lesson I learned from the story was: When you lost yourself, look back, find
yourself, and redeem it.

The good thing about redeeming yourself from being lost on the way was it can make
a powerful comeback in your life's history. After losing yourself, you would have certain
realizations about the chances you have missed while you were out of track. And by
thinking of those missed chances, you would come up of having a reform, a powerful
reform to rebuild yourself and maintain that current haves you have.
On the contrary, the bad thing about picking yourself up after a dark break was you
could get into mental trouble once more by contemplating your prior mistakes, dreadful
series, and unhealthy ways. This could influence your thinking, one counterproductive
avenue of winning yourself back.

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