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Think about your own research, and the research paper you want to
write for this subject. Consider the suggestions made on phrasebank
for this section, and start drafting your own Results and discussion
section, using the Academic phrasebank to answer some of the
following questions!

- Reporting Results; From an analytical study of a bibliographic

nature, information was collected that allows associating the
evolution of linguistic theory with the expansion and solidification
of Marxist theories. Checking the Saussurean theories present in his
writings and, mainly, in the General Linguistics Course, it was
possible to perceive a direct connection with the concepts
brought by Marx in texts such as "Alienated Work", "Grundrisse"
and "The Merchandise".
- Discussing findings; The discoveries made in this study confirm the
initial deductions, however, we are faced with a strong influence of
literature in the development of linguistic theories and in the
development of Marxist theories, a relationship that is only
mentioned in this work but that will be deepened in later studies. In
this way, the present research presents a great possibility of
expansion, since the linguistic / society / literature relationship is
very wide.
Reporting results

- Can you refer to data established throughout the work, like

objectives, purposes, etc.?
- Which were the important/significant/interesting data collected?
- How are you stating and reporting results? Through surveys,
interviews, sample analysis, tables?
- Can you summarize your findings?
Discussing findings

- Do your findings refer back to your research question and literature


- Were there unexpected results?

- What can be said if you compare your results?

- Is there a plausible explanation to justify your findings?

- Would you advise specific interpretations of the findings?

- Is there a suggested hypothesis?

- How do you see this study in the future? Is there any major concern?

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