Questionnaire JIT & TOC

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María Fernanda Ruiz Padilla

A01610219 – IIS
Project Management

Questionnaire JIT & TOC

1. The theory of constraints is fundamental to proper use of the assignment method of loading jobs.
2. The theory of constraints is a body of knowledge that deals with anything that limits an
organization's ability to meet its goals. TRUE
3. Substantial research has proved that the only successful method of dealing with bottlenecks is to
increase the bottleneck's capacity. FALSE
4. The theory of constraints has its origins in the theory of finite capacity planning FALSE
5. The increase of the capacity of a constraint is not a technique for dealing with a bottleneck?
6. Rerouting work, changing work sequence, and accepting idleness at other workstations are some
techniques for dealing with a CCR. FALSE
7. The rope is the resource, usually inventory, necessary to keep the constraint operating at capacity.
8. The theory of constraints is the body of knowledge that deals with anything that limits an
organization's ability to achieve its goals. TRUE
9. Kaizen" is a Japanese term meaning “setting standards” FALSE
10. Product storage is an example of waste, in the sense that no value is added. TRUE
11. A push system means providing the next station with exactly what is needed when it is needed.
12. Increasing inventory exposes variability in production processes. FALSE
13. Reducing distance is a common JIT goal. TRUE
14. Many suppliers feel that having a variety of customers is better than being tied to long-term
contracts with one customer. TRUE
15. If setup times and costs can be reduced enough, the JIT ideal of "Lot Size = 1" can be achieved.
16. A Kanban system requires little variability in lead time because shortages have their impact on
the entire productive system. TRUE
17. Employee empowerment is unnecessary in the Toyota Production System, because automation
and powerful information systems reduce the need for employee creativity and decision making.
18. A push or pull system, depending upon the rate of demand, is generally found in most of JIT
environments. FALSE
19. The rapid throughput is not a benefit of the implementation of JIT. FALSE
20. Which of the following is specifically characterized by the elimination of waste through a focus
on exactly what the customer wants?
a. Just-in-time (JIT)
b. Toyota Production System (TPS)
c. Lean operations
d. Material requirements planning (MRP)
e. Kanban

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