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10/16/2020 Quick Rubric :)

Oral presentation Rubric

Excellent Good Poor

10 Points 6 Points 2 Points

Content The presentation covers the The presentation covers most of The presentation does not cover
topic chosen completely, with the information required but all the information that is
important and understandable misses some important ideas. required.

Subject Knowledge Student demonstrates full Student knows what he is talking Student lacks the basic
Knowledge of the information, about but does not feel information and does not
was well prepared for the comfortable and gets lost when answer the questions.
presentation and answering answering some questions.

Language Spelling, grammar, punctuation There are minor problems in There are continuous errors in
and sentences were accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation spelling, grammar, punctuation
and understandable. and structure of the sentences. and structure of sentences.

Organization Well structure of information, Lacks some important facts of Student information is not
the presentation flows and is information but the presentation understandable and there is no
understandable. is understandable. flow.

Appearance Presentation is creative and Presentation is somewhat Presentation is not creative.

attractive to students. attractive by lacks some
important ideas.

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