Our Town December 27, 1919

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Christmas Club AFine Old·Fasbioned Christ- I I Fine Program for

Developes the mas Day in Our Favorite I the Big Concert
Saving Habit Year 'Round Home Town THE AFFAIR PLANNED FOR JAN. 9
A Great Day for the Children, with
Ha "e you hought YOllr tickcts for
thp conel'rt. allel (lallc,c' to be gi"en undrr
School Notes
the auspice'S of the Xarhertll 'fpnllis
Tho popularit.,· Iwcl sUccpss of its Thcir Toys and Sleds-Many
Associntion in EIIII Hall, }<'ridav e,"en- "Without hall ing, without rrst..
Christmas Cluh has h",'n ph,'noJII('nll J. JoUy Christmas Parties. iug'• .fanuary nl . Lifting hl'tter lip to hest."
'fhis Cluh gi ves en'I)'hody a ,·Imnce to E",'I'\' lIIelllhpl' 01' the Asso('iatiou is
save regularly, for tllc' hanl, is williJl~ lIO\\' sujlp1ipcl with tiekets. and there is
to Heeept. small aJllounh. I';",'n hoys 1';\'('11 Bill 11 all, who rl'gal'lls willtl'r AMERICAN LEGION DANCE (I,'pry I'l'asoll for lll'liedng tha t there AtWetic Notes,
and girls an' invitl'd to hecoJlle nH'lIl- as a. lIe,'('ssary evil through which we will Iw au unuSllnlly hig (1<'mancl for
hers, for it is a wl'II,kllown fad that must all pass iu orcler to rt)ach sllm11ler ELM HALL admissioll to this coming' eV(lnt. Tile Girls' Baskethall Team have
tile saYillg hahit n'...."ls to h,' fostl'rcd 1111,1 !l0 in the shade, admitted, thl' NEW YEAR'S EVE ii:cxt wpeI; we expl'd to announe,l' in plannrtl the following s('hedule for the
in this eountry. Onee thl' youtllful mind morning after Christmas that it was all aliI' 'I'own the conlpll'\t' prog-rnm. :\[rs. season I!lI!)-~O:
reali7.l's how pleasant it is to have icll'al ('II ristmas Day. }<~or, sa icl Bill: DECEMBER 31 .Tallll's G. Footl', who is (lirel'ting the .January 'i-Alllhler, hOIlll'.
money in bank. the sadng hahit will {,oncert for the Tpnnis Asso('iation, rl'-
"If we IlIUst have col(1 wl'atller, alld .Jauuary 16-IIacldonfield, away.
hecome life,long. suow and ice, it was a perfe('t Christ, ports that thl' progralll will prohahly be
fhl' 1II0St illtpl'l'st ing :lIIcl elljoynltlc t11llt January 23-
A largp numlwr of proplp, whl'th"1 lIt:ls.' ,
their ill comes are larg" or small, fill'l it has e,'er h(','n gi""11 ill Narherth. Shp .January 2'i-Hadnor, away.
'fhe light suowfall oj' \Vl'cln"Sllay. GC'orge H. Gift'orel aud lUI's. Gifford. has hePII fortunate in sl'('nring thp Phil- ,January :1O-LTppc'r Darby, night
dilncult to "gl't ahpacl" fillallc'iall.v.
'fhey postpone thl' timp wlll'1I tllp~' will
whi('h llIl'relv addl'(l t.o np 11111(1 in thp or Lal{eviIlC', ~[ass., :Ire visiting- 1[r. Ilnrmoni" QuartC'tte, illC]IIClilll! such pap-
strl'ets of l'ililaclelphia, spread a vNit, :l1Id ~Irs. Eclwarcl S. Haws, of Du(lley Illar PhilllClplphia siug'prs as ~[iss ~[ay hOllle.
sLart saving to prodcll' for the raillY lo'l'ltrlJary :l-\Voodhury, away.
ahle white mautlp, 0\'('1' :'\arhl'rth alld fL\"CHl1~. Io';lrll'.", Dr. .John B. Beeker, and :[\[1'.
day hecausl' tlll'y npvl'1' st'., 11 I to ha ,..,
thp surroullclillg' country. Christlllas E"I' .fohn Ya11111'rsloot, allll ~[iI'S Plorenc,' lo'l'hruar~' t1-IIaddon H"ights, home.
enough spare mOlH'y to start a hallk
acc,onnt. Thp Christmas Cln!> is a grNlt
lhp thermollll,tl'r clropped dowlI arOlln,1 'I'he AllIeriean Legioll l'laim that. thl'y IT;lclull', t111' \·ioli'llisl. nllcl ~[iss ~[uy Pehruary l'i-Ilar"y, !IOIlll'.
211. IllId tllp willd rosl' a 1111 frnzp till' han' the ja7.ziest ja7.z ort'lll'stra dil'ed 1"'1Il' Hagen DIII'h, thp ('pllist. ~fr. \Vil,
l)('npfit to thl' pl'oph, ill this way, I'm p,'hrnal'~' 2.J-Hatitiollfit'lel, !I o III I'.
t()\\"I1 III' har'l, c·old. anel whilt·. fl'ollJ .Inzzblld for their ?\ew Y('nr's 1ialll Syh'ano Tllllllell'r, who rUllks high
thl'Y ,lon't need any more capital to Jo"'hruary ~/--Lo\\'t'r lI-[l'rion. night
~(.t· starlc'd than tll'e first sJllal1 pay- Th,' lig-htl'd e:llldlcl' in the willdows En' clalll'l'. Bdt,'r he there. :llIlolIg' P!Jil:1l11'1phia's hpst. musicians,
(If llIallY (If Olll' hOllll':-' ('a:-;t s}larkling- will hp at 111p piallo. homt'.
;nrnt, anll aftl'1' all, n" start is 1111'
stl'l'a],s oj' 11I'ight yl'lIow light on'r tlJ(\ COli II eils have passed a I'I'Sollltioll 'I'hc' 8('('011,1 pari of thc' prograul will }!an·!1 :l-Wooclhlll'y, hOllie,
important thing.
~hnttiJlg off Esst'x aV('llUt'S, hpt.Wl'PJI prohahlv Ill' ill "oshullp I'xPlnsi"l'h', nncl
g;1is1('II ing" :--1I0W. On tll(\ :-;1J'l'('1~ lIIen, :\[ar(·h ;;-111'111'1' Darh.,·, Ilight away.
Altllllugh III" first pa)'llll'lIt was ,Ill',
WOIlIt'1I all,l c'hillln'lI hllrril'd alollg- 1;1l1ell Priee and 'Villd;qor. whenp",'r I'oastillg th(' lllll;lhprs that ~[rs. Foote' is' plan-
l>ecplIIhel' 22, IIIl'mhel's lila," still joill. is good. A man will' he statiollell at nillg nS:,l1l"n :l ral'p 11"(1:1 t.
}I a l'c·1I 11-llarhy, aWll~·.
\rilh pa('l{llg,'(':-; of (1\'PI",\' siz(· alld d(l-
as th(' c'luh is still op"n. 1'h,' ,·luh rUIlS l'ither end of t.he st rl'et with a 1'<,,1 Jo'ollo\\'iu!! thl' c'OIIl'prf. l!Jprc' will lw ~Iar,·h 12-Ha(ldon Heights, away.
St'ri p1 illll.
for fift.\' weel{8, so tllat pal'h nH'llIhc'l' lalltl'rn to warll traflic' awl protl'I·t thc' a clalll·'·. all'e1 p\'l'n'OIIl' who has Ilttl'nlle,l ~1:lr,·!1 11)-:\lIIhler. away.
will r('l'('in' a I'hl'I'l; ill tilll" for Christ- Till' .. nllll'hillg' of th,' slloW IIl1d,'1' foot, (·oasters. This is grl'lltly app)'('(·ia!<',l h.,' Tl'llllb AR:-Io(·inti;)I] (l:1JI('(':' lUlo\\':s how
.\[ a rc·h 21i-Ha<1nor, night home.
lIIas l'hopping. \Vhrn payments aI"<' IlIade tht' SIlIOkt' ('111'1i1l~ :from tll{l ('hillI1l1 YS, 1
I1le yOllng folI;s of )(arlll'rth, I'll ioyah1e tliC'sP affnir' arc.
J'('gularly the hank allows ill1<'I'I'sl Oil tIll' IH'(':lsioll:ll jillgll' of sll'ig'h hells. a'lId ·n;'Hlf'lllhf' r, tlli~ ('OIl('l'l"t and dan(lf' Thl' ho.,·s' "asI;t'I"all schedule is as
Thp ac'c'oullt, whic'h is alwa.vs all I'll, tIlt' shollts of 1:llIg'lit','r that I'allll' frOll1 1a1{p pl:u'p Frida.\' PV('lJillg, .JU1IlWI''y !l,
l'onragpllll'nt to sa\·ing. fhi' 1101l:-'I'S. as fhp doors \\"PI"{' lllH'IIPd Till' \Volllall's C"1I1 1111111 il\' Cluh will ill E1111 Hall. 'I'hp l'III1I'"rt starts at ,<;.1;'
A JllIlJlI,,'r of plans III'<' otl'l'rl',] an ll to ;llhllit tlil' (·hl·isllll:JS E,'" ,·isitOl·S, ~h'(' nil :l f'tl'J'1l0fJll Ill' hl'id~(l :11lfl (h"l' sllarp. nlld ti,·l,,'ls 111;1." 1)(' lind 1'1'0111 .Jallllary D-
111crnhcl',s Illa.'- :-;l'lt~l't <lIH' of III 0 I'C' of
I'ollll>illc'd to ]'t'I':l1I "jvi,llv to thl' Illilld hlllltll'l't! Oil .'allllan' 1:;th. at :.l o'elo"l:, :1I1\' 111('1111)(,1' of flip TpTllIis AS~Hl('iaHolJ ./nllllary Hi-Hadnor, away.
Id' Ihl' Ira\'r1l'r throng-II '0111' to\\'11 thr ;11 thl' 1'1"idplll'l' oj- ~[I'S. Holll'rt Doth- nll;1 frOIll ~frs. Footl'. .Innunry ~::-\\'est Chestl'r, away.
('hri~dlll:IS E,"C' :-'/'('11(':-; ill \Vashillgt"nll ;11'/1 011 \\' VIIII('w(}("l a vl'n Ill'. Tickl't s
.Inlluar~' 2'i-
In the Ullifol'lII (·1assps lIlIP Illay pa.' In illg-'s ,ll'lightflll sket"hc's of Christ- ilia." 1..11 1'J'(~{'"1'('11 ror 7;) (lPtlt:-; P:I .. l1 af
2G('., 50c., $1.00, $2.00 or $;;.00 wI'c'ldy. 111:lS tillie ill olcl EIIg-lallcl. Alld Sallta t I", lIext 1I1l'<O\illg- oj' thc' eillh. whi('h ANNUAL MEETING OF NARBERTH .In 11Iln ry ::O--Uppl'r I)arby, night
tho totals amounting resppcti",'I.,· 10 (1l ans \Ul$. gOCH] to t1\(' ('hilI1!"(l1l of X:ll' nlTlll":-". :I1'X: rr-:'i'-'.;~~.,,:,·. ])('t'(III]-.(·j' :;O:h. hOIIl(I.
$12:50, $25,00, $50.00, $100.00 alltl herlh. Y. M. C. A. WILL BE INTER-
'I'ilis ,'al'd party 'Ul, postponl'd fl'Ol1l ]i\'hl'ual"y -l--Low,'r l\lerion, away.
$250.00. Another way is what is known 1l1'I'c'll1hl'l' 12th h"I'allsl' oj' thl' lllllllV ESTING EVENT.
as the progressive class, in whit'h the Christmas ])ay was c'll':II', I'old :11111 P['hruary Ii-Huntingdon YaUey,
:-:lIn:·dlill~·-:ls 1I10:..; f of' our l'p:lflpl'l" pJ'fll •. I'llristlllas at'lh'itil" of th(' mI'1Il11('1'~.
payment inereases c"'er;}' week. Onl' oj' Hl'lIll'llIhl'r thl' 11atp. .Jallual'\' 1iJtlJ. 1I0me.
thesl' elasses starts at 2,'" next '\'l"']; ahl.\- ohsprn',l! 'I'hl' traills allil anto,
1I10hil,'s hrollg-ht 111:111,'- relatiyps all,l PIp:!...;", )'(1:--('1""1' YOIlI' tnh1fl:' (1~1J'ly, :1~ Enjoyable and Profitable Evening Be. }'t'I>runr.... 10-.JellI;illto\\,u, hOllle.
,Is., aile! so on. The :.!('. progTessh'" c'luh '111')'(' "ill Ill' " lilldtl',l II II lid 11' 1'. !,'t'hl'uary J2-lllllYuingtown, aivay.
natures at $2G.;'0. Thl'1I therl' is a til'. friplId ...; 1'01' 1'n11lih' n'lIldotls. Thp hl\\'~ ing Arranged.
progressi\"p cluh maturing at $fi:1.'i;;. and girls-hig- ;11111 littJco-wl'l'l' 0;11 }i'\'hnw I'y ] I--I)arh.,·, hallie.
1'hcsl' progr('ssi"e cluhs ma.v hl' rC'\"'1'5' ell 1'1.,' with th"ir sle,ls. all11 till'.\' "lIjoy,' }o'['''ruary 2/--1.11\\,['1' ~["1'ion, night.
e,l, starting at the highest allloullt first
and finishing with the I()\\'('st. 'I'h(' ;'C·.
pI! tlH\ (·o:l:--:tillJ.! w('11 into 11](· (""Plling'.
Amollg" thp Jll'()JIl ill (lilt l'nnsh'l's on Es
Women's Community 'I'hc' alillual J11l'etillg of til" :'\arlwrth
Y. :\T. C. A. ",ill Ill' hl'lcl Oll ~[on(lav
~["rch ~-
P"C'lIillg. l)coeemher :l!ltll, at S P. ~(,
n'(ltll'ing "lass starts at $2.;;0 au(l WlIrl,S
down to ;;e., whiJco thl' 2('. starts at
SI'X a,'ellUI' might hl' IIIc'lIlionrll Bill
Kil'kl'atriek. while OW('II Hnllljlh,'c'ys,
Club Notes :I( (h,' Assoc'iatioll rOOIlIS. ~[nr('h [i-Up!,,'r P"""y, night away.
.\larch !J-Darhy, away.
$1.00 and ('omes clown to 2". as thl' last I,:I('I; fnllll thl' :'\av:J! Aeacll'Il1" 111 AII- Plans are Iwing mad,', h,Y 1 hI' Asso-
payment, 1I:lJlIdis for thl' l)()li,lars, kll ;1 ,1l'l,'g-n, .. iation 10 Inal;1' this a ",'n' I'lljoyahll' ~[a reh 12-\" ilia :ii: "'n, Iioult,.

This alt mdi\'l' ml'thot! oj' sa"ing has t io" of sl"ddprs 1'1'0111 1hl' ?'arh('rth a~'l'­ The H(lXt. 1't'f!,lllar tll('(ltillg" of t!l(' allcl profitahll' mC'ptillg. ' ~[arell ](}-Huutillg-tloll \'all,'y, away,
proven llIOst popnlar. 1I11P hl'itlg't 1 (loWII :tl'Olltlll \Vood:-·;jdt' :1'"(l. \\'0111('11 's COIlllllunitv Clllh ",ill lw hl'lri It is I'xpref ('cI t ha t. Oil" 01' f wo g-oocl night.
II Ill' Itt \Vn1nl'\\,ood 1'11:111, Allcl Hill "II Tllesday. DrcplIJ1;er :lOth, at :: P. ~I., spl'ak,'rs will allcln'ss 0111' Y. .\L C. A. , .\Ian·h ]O-\\'I'St (,h,'slt'r, hOIIil'.
\hlddllX t1lltl'd llt'aditlp: BII il'j' ~kHt.
\\":1:-: ill til .. Y. ~r. C. A. The speakpr will I,,' fl'il'nc1s. :lIIel good mu,il' to hl' furnished
illg- p:ll"t"'· fill Xarlwrth :t\"t'lIllC'. ~I r..Johll Ihlclrl', of thl' HOllsillg' COIII- h~' th" Y. ]\f. C. A. QllartI'! tl' an(l
:\lare1l ~Ii-llalhortl, lIigllt home.
III itt l'1' of 1'lliladelphia. }fl's. LC'wis IIthl'rs must 1I0t 1)(' lIIissrcl.
MAIN LINE EMPLOY- flil'l,:F\'lnJo W:I,s :--P0l't ing-
:llId wllitl' sc'ad. aud Postmasll'!' lIaws,
:l 111'\\· l.l:l<·l{
;";Jllith. Yil'I'·Prl',icll'TJt of tI)(' ::Hat .. As- ~\ ,'('r," g-n'nt. nllmher of fri"lIcls of
MENT BUREAU ,illstl~' proud of thr way his post o11i,' ..
for,'l' 111111 h,,"<111'Il thr III:lil, slJlill'll a
~()l'i:l tiOl! ot' Pellllr-;Y'l\"a 11 i:l L(lagup of
\\'01111'11 Cilizl'lIs. \\'ill also sp,'aI;. outlin,
1111' Assoeialion ha\'I' ,jl1s( l't'I'I'lItl~' e"i-
,1l'lIc'I'Il their sYlllpath~' alld illt"rl'st hy ROVERS.
,( :\TI'l'J'y f~h I'is1IlJ:l:-- .• :\ t P'"Pl"YOtH" all,l illg tlll' ('otn~l' 111 "Citiz(ITl:-:hipq to ht l
a~sisfiJ1,!! ill the r('('('llt (':IlIlpaig'tJ, :t II 11
Weekly Bulletin \\"hl"]ll~'f'r :lll~'nl](l :-;aid :lllyth·inp: :lhoul ,~i"I'1I ill I'ldla,ll'lphi:1 ill .'allllar,'·' sllh~('rihitlg 10 the fund ht'ill!! rai~-H'(l 'fhe Narhc:rth Bo,"s' Cluh .. asily el,'·
till' lOll! rll'h. thl' Postllla,stl'r Slllill'(l Sill I'" III1t1ollht,'dh- '\'01111'11 "ill hI' for thl' l'xtl'lIsion of thl' worl~ of lhl' I"'atpcl th,' strong- Ho,,'r team 011 Ihe
Positions Open ag"ain :I1111 said. "Xt1YC'1' t0l1t'hpf1 liS!" ~i'"1'1I flIp \'nh' in :1;t I1P:l1' flltllrl'. it i:-;
1 Assc1(';atiol1 allll iIlIJII'O "1'111 I'll f ill its fa- y. ~r. C. A. all(',·s last ']'u",t1'I\' lIi"ht,
~l) ~·Otl (':111 fnl' :vou1'self, ta1dll~
illli,ortalil tllat thc'.'· shollltl III' ahl .. lil ('ilit iI'S. tnkillg- two out '01' t1tn'e gall":s. .fohn
3 COOKING AND DOWNSTAIRS it 1'1'0111 HIIY :lllg'lp, if ,nls a fi1'st~(ll:Is~ do so illtplIig-,'ntl,v. l~or this pU!']lllSC) ')'hC'I'I' will 1)(' illlc'I't'st illg- I't'porls I):c,l;;t' hacl lIig-h a "l'I'agl' 1'01' flil' ,'il·tors,
WORK Christll"IS na,\' ill 0111' Yl':lr Ronucl HOIIIC (·1:ls.. . I'S arl' ht'ing fnrlllt)(l. afl,l it :-:f'I'lIlj\c1 III a dl.' ('()\"('ring 111P }It't':'':t'llt ,";"OJl(1 of ,,'hiJco f'1I)('(lIcoy anti Bul'!I('l'Il1nll \\,('re
TEMP. COOK FOR 2 WEEKS TowlJ. lilll1'1,v IIlld wi,'" to 1"'('SI'lIt this sllbjr-I·t. work; thl' stalu, of thl' sJ1['eial eatll- I it'd for high H"e1'agt ' for t-h~' Ho\"e1'~.
GEN. HOUSEHOLD ASST. 10 thl' ..Inh:1t Ihis tilllt,. ~fr,. nllv (·l:trl{ p:ti!.<11 1'111111; thl' lIopl's lIllcl "XI"'l'Ia (iolls ~I'his is tlit fir:--.t gaUlt' of tIl(l ~ar·

1 COOK (Whitc) will hI' 1111' IlIlStpss ill l'11:tr!.<I', 11""1 will of thc' Asso"intioll for illiprovillg- its "1'1'111 Boys' ('Ill" Bowlillg 'l'I'anl wllich
1 WAITRESS llr'o\'illl\ 1"t·fl·P:..:hJlll'llt ill l\('('I'ill.~ witll tl,(~ work ill thl' C'01ll11l111Jit~·. C'sj",,'i:l1ly ",ilh had jnst hern organizl'd. William
1 CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS Iltiliela," 8('11 SOli. tht' ~'''lIl1g pc'opl,'. 'I'h,'", !'l'I,orts will IlulIl],hrit's is eal'taill anel Edward 0<1l'1I
1 CHAMBERMAID-LAUN- 1I1:lkp an illt('r(l~t-illg' and inspirillg' tillH' lila IJ:lg-l' r. \V'l c'''IIt'1'! to ohtain a lIIale'h
DRESS (Prot.) ClUb Spreads tlle ClItistmas Cheer. for all. IlIIcl taken in ('Olljlllll'lioll with "l'Om thp ArliJllorl' Y. ~r. C. A. to hl'
Two cents rlcr word jf ('ush HeCOIn.
1 GEN. MAID till' sl'l'akers allllllll1sic', will (l1't"'icll' all 1'011(\(1011 ollr :111('y~ next- TlIc:-;l1ay lIi~ht,
paules lId\,ertls('llI('nl; olh"I'\\'ls(', Ih'r ThrOIlg-h the Plforts of the club fifty
1 PERMANENT LAUNDRESS (llJjoya hlt\ (l\"pning. a IIcl wonld IiI,,' til n rra nge gamcs whll
eruts POI' \\'ol'd. ejJildrell in Philadelphia wpre '·ivell a
1 PRACTICAL NURSE ,Illy othl'r tc'nllls that were in the samo
Christmas party and fi fty litt!; Jll'arts At this mpl'tillg will also o"('ur the lc'agnl' with Ih,' ];0\'(01',' to he rolled OIL
made gllld. The lo('nl "shut-ins" of ('lcdion of ofTi,'prs of th" Asso(',iatioll, :llC lewa1 allpy:--. R,~or(':
Posilions Wanted FOR RENT-Large furnished roolJl. 20,; our OWIl communit~· werc also rPlnem- as wl'lI as sr"I'1I elirl'etors, ill whieh 1I0
Pon"t a ,·euue. hl'rC'd willI fruit alld flowers ns well douht l','pI'\' 1I1<'IlI]ll'r flf thl' Assoeiatioll Rovers.
:lS Christmas cards' henriug lh(' greet. will dpsin,' to takl' part. lst 2u[1 :lrd
1 CHAUFFEUR AND OUTSIDE GIRL OR WOMAN wlllltpd to takl' fuil
MAN (White) lIIgs of tIle season. Thl' plel'! iOIl of flflic','rs is, of course, f:all1t.'. Game. Gallle.
adi\'(, (,lIargl' oj' an Art and Girl 8111('(111'\' I G2 1;)4 Ii!)
3 GARDENERS AND OUTSIDE l'onfilled to th,' IIll'I111wl's of thl' Asso-
~lIop. \Vill pay salary 01' ('1111 take oue, \hlgpl'!;lall ,. 156
MEN eilltioll. hilt othl'l'\visl' thl' !lll'l'ting is 1S5 154
111111' intel'est. Narberth, purty with ex, Officers of the Women's Community Donahut' '" 1]() IG4 157
1 AUSTRIAN COUPLE (Cook op,'n to n 11 fril'lIcls nlld it is hoped. n
!ll'l'i"u,'l' prefenec], Stat<' salarr waut, ClUb, Narberth. Fl('('k H;) liS 129
good 1I1l1111H'r will avail thl'lIIsC'1yes of
and Houseman) l'd. Aus'H'r hy mail olll~', .T. R ..~IKf;N, La ('." ('apt.) 120 1:\0 1'i0
3 HOUSEMEN (Colored) Xarl1l'r-th, Pn. Pn'sident-Mrs. C. P. Fowler. enjoying t1l(' (lV0tI1I1g', getting' aequnint-
3 COOKS (COlored) Vice·Presidpnt-l\Irs. Charles W. l'cl with tIll' Asscwiatioll, its work ancl
its otTic'C'rs, as \\'l'11 as ",it h ('nl'h othpr. 1'otals fi!l!l 'iH is!>
1 COOK (Wllite) Young.
CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS or Corresponding' Spcrctary-lI[rs. Ed- A morl' ,ll'finilt' stalt'nll'nt oj' th .. pro- Narberth BOYs' ClUb.
CHAMBERMAID-NURSE \\'ard Batchelor. gralll will Ill' pllhlislll'cl IIl'Xt \\'l'eIL Til Cooke , .. , 1;'') 1.JS 1G:I
(Colored) Hecol'ding Secretary-Mrs. N. Ander, the ml'antimr mark dow II til,· date aile] ,fcllldns ,.. I.W lti:l 140
2 TRAINED NURSES (Colored) :-iOn. 1'('sel'\'o it. CCllIptlln 114 1:;;; ]09
RESIDENT LAUNDRESS (after '1'reasurer-M:rs. .Tesse E. Harris. (lipldl' 20!l 1/1
Jan. 1st)
Have You Paid Chainnen of Committees. WOMAN'S AUXILIARY.
HUlllphries (Capt.) .. 120 14S
ity Man) I·;,lupntional-l\'[rs. 'VIlI. Living-stall. 1'otals i:16 'i64 G95
Your . Subscription Hospitality-Mrs. H. A.•Tacohs.
Lpg-islative~Mrs. A. B. Hoss. The managers of the Auxiliary for
MaiD Line Employment Bureau Mnsic-Mrs, .Joscph Barelay. 1919 are:
ROOM No. 6 :\fembership-Mrs. W. J. M~ll1lO11and.
Telephone, Ardmore 1163 to "OUR TOWN "? Publicity-Mrs. Edgar Cockrill.
Finance-Mrs. Charles W. Young.
Mrs. D. D. Sticknoy, President.
Mrs. C. E. Kreamer, Vice-President.
The reg-ular meeting of the Narberth
Bnilding' and Loan Association will be>
MERION T. & T. BUILDING Decorations-Mrs. ,r. W. Joyce. Mrs. C. L. McLean, Secretary, held Thursday, ,Tanuary lst, 1920.
ARDMORE 'Cluh Chorus-Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs. Mrs. Hervey Keim, Treasurer. THOS. C. TROTTER, .JR.,
Tillman O. Lane. Mrs. 'C. L. Smith, House Manager. Secretary_
Ot course, we

course, I expect you to look 'elll over, A RECORD ATTENDANCE. Telephones,
OUR TOWN weigh 'elll anll then strike 1111 average.
But, fox~· though they be, they can err
1267 deliver - aDJ
place - aDJ
.iust like the rest of us ordiuary 11ll- At. the Sunday School entertainment 1268 time.
An Ex~riment in Cfl-operative mans. And thereby hungs u tule-not in the Presbyterian Chnrl'!l last Tues
Journalism-No Paid Workers. b.l· any IIleall~ a fairy tule either. day evening therl' were ,no presellt, The Brightest Spot in Narberth
I t has Ill'en the cnstOI1l for Dan whil'h is the largcst lIumlwr of Jlersons
Owned and Published every Saturday Leitl'h, the well-kllown statesl1lun a Ill] c\'l'r cl'owded into that edifiee. The A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. hanker of Haverford aveline, to [lut ~llIgilJg und recita t ious hy the school
the 1Il1lnthl~' recpipts in his pocket after and the charming Christmas ,·antllt.'!,
f'lubscription price one dollar and fifty eal'h JII"ding- allll take charge of then: "The HOllle-madl' Salltn," were all
o\'er night. 80llletinleH Dan doesn't get most excellently l'l'llIlered. :lIudl credit
eents per year in adyance.
around, that Iwing thl' ellse whenever for the sue cess of the e\'ell i ng iH due
lodg'e IIlpl'tillg" alld B. & L. Asso('iation [0 t.ho~l' who SO faithfnlly drillell tl,,'
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH Jllectillg ('OBle on the :-lame night. Dun children, illl·luding- :III'S. .f. G. Walton,
CIVIC ASSOCIATION. dOl'sn't allow anythillg to interfere ::\frs. L. :If. Keim, Mrs. E. S. I-laws, Mr".
April 24, 1919.
with his fratl'l'Ilal Hl)(,jety ,lutieH. Last K G. Sehanroth alld ;1;[1'. W. Loxley
1I1l'ding night Dall was a\\'a)- llnd tlw
hank Hent llnothl'r Illllnall 1110111'" l'X- La~t SlInday also wa,' a ,lay 10llg to
Pres-ident-Mr. Joseph H. Nash.
Vice-President-Mr. James Ar,t'man,
prl'Hs wagon with a Idter of illt;'odne-
tioll. Bill GOllt'rey, Trl'a~\ll','r, nsnally
hI' l'elllelllherell ill the anllals of' thl' RATTLE HALF iJ.lE 0
,,!lurch. The llIlIsi,' !"l'lIdered hv the
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R. J. Dothard. gnanls till' 1':Ish with jealons ean', hut
Wlll'lI th., hank 11l1'SSl'lIg'I'r al'pl'an',! aIlll
Chur('h Quartettl', lIs~isted h~" :III'S. BATTLE
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar. :3t:IIII aud <lirectl',1 hy the orgllui"t, 1111'.
sho\\"(>d hi~ ere,Il'lIt ials, Will'H \'igilallce L. \V. ~iekl'J'son, \\"as \\"ell desenillg of
Treasurer-Miss Maizic Simpson. rplaxed for the lIIolllent and hl' prompt- "'pcl'ial ml'lItioll. 'I'he cOllgregatioll"
Directors-Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. ly I'lIshl',1 th(' pill' aeross the tab1<>, say- \\'l're l:uge at eVl'ry melltillg; :1l1 \\'('n'
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Cbas. ing-. "rrakp it away." Now the Prcsi· 1'1'1"1'111' at the mornillg worship. A" n
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. I]ent of the A~sl)('iatioll, .1. Howard Jittillg al'compallillll'lIt -to the day's lIe-
\Vilson, Esq" known as the "Hoths- ti\'itil's tl1l' oJ1icer~ of the thrcc chllrch
A.. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr.
('hilll of l\'nll Sljnarc.·' happelled to 1>,,;11'(15, eldl'l's, delleOlIS alld trllstees, met
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. ~l'" whal waH going on (\\'hl'1I anything

ill 1he afterllooll alld made plulls for tIll' HERE is no such thing as a rattling good car-
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muschllmp, :M:r. gl't~ h\' that fox\' indh'idnal let 1111' 1'lIlar~l'mcllt of thl' ehllrch building to
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E, Wohlert, iO)(l\\'),: and hl'fon: the l1loney "onld 1)(' ;l('('OllltllOda te the (lyer increasing at· cut out the rattle. Or rather let us do it. We
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. trallsfl'rre,l he qui('kly hlocllell the pro- t(\)lflanCl\.
",'eding'H h.\- inqniring' if anyhody in know how to make your car behave and will
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James
thl' IIll'l'ting' roolll ('onld idclltify thl' give you a lot of free advice on the subject if you ask
Foote. Ille~~eng'pr. :\ oho,h' conId. The mllll
,Ii,lll't gd tIll' 1ll01;e~', hnt I'robnhly ill ASH COLLECTIONS. us. Free air also.
HARRY A. JACOBS, ord,'r to 1'1'O\'p that hI' WllS well l'ljnip'
Editor. I,,'d to takl' g'ood I'arl' of it, he whipped
ont a hig ,Hi calihre revol\'er. :I[istak- ~[onday-\\'yulle\\"ood avenue, COII-

Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry 'Rose,

ill)! his intpntion anll fpeling for the
IIIOlIlI'lIt that the,' \\'1'1'" \'idilllS of a
way a vellue, DUIlll'Y ave, \rest side of
Essex avcnue, Park, \Vill<lsor a \"('11 IlC,
W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, holll-nl', most of 'thl' worthy ,lireetors
Associate 'itors. lo~t 110 time in throwillg' np their hands, frOlH E~:-;ex west, ~[ontg01ncry a\"CJlll(',
,,"me yellillg "Kal1ll'r:1I1," \\'hill' others \\'YIIIII'\\"OO<l to Narl)l'rth avellue, EIJll
"Jaw1<',1 U11l1,'r thl' tahlps. The \'i"itor TeJ'rac(' alld Sahille a\'elllle.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, "0011 "a]lIle,1 tllI'ir fl'ars, ho\\'e\,(>r, h~'
Cashier. a"snring l1Jl'ln that he onl.\' 11r'~il'l'd to TUl·Sjl:1."-Ea~1 ~j(IC' of E:-;~l)X, \VajOIH' -...;;
,'xhihil thl' gnn. IIOt roh or ~hoot any- n \'cnue, Priel' a \'elllle, :llolIlgolller.\',
hod~-, \\[p]] , it was a "nrious silnati;ln

Send alI advertising and news items to .:\arlll'rth to Prit·" avellll", NarllertJl
and lIoho,!\' Hl'l'lIlc,1 to kno\\' what to
P. O. Box 966. a \'(1UUl', Forrest :\\"C11\1(', Grarling" a '"('-
,10. Pillall,~- Carl :If,'tzgcr. who ha~ a
Our Town is on sale at the depot I'l'glliar ;joh no\\, wilh the B. & L.-in nul', lla\"l'rfOl'l1 a\'enul', Grayling to 1,:.-
newsstand, and at the store of H. E.
Entered as second-class mattiJr
fal'!, III' IlIIs a goo'l paying- ;joh of SOIll"
Idll,l I"'ctty n"arl," ('\,pr.\' night-o!Tpred
to lakl' SOIllI' "I' th .. 1'1'0\\"11 an,] all of
\Voodhille a \'I'lI Ill'. Xarlll'rtli to
tIll' 1Il0n,'.\- to lh,' saf.. ,],'po"il \':1II1Is \\' I'dn('sl1ay-Ilam]lllell a \"(>IIU". 101111
October 15, 1914, at. the Post Office at
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
ill hi~ IIl:U'hilll', a\'('nue, lIIl'eting Hou"l' Lalli', \Vi]Jiam~
a \'(>nue, \Voodbilll' a 1'1'11 ue, Joua to:'ll 0111'
For Good Taxi Service
Bo that \\'as "l'ltll',!. Oil" of tl1(> di-
of March, 1879.
r"",tors rail arOnl1l] to Ilis "lli,·,' on HII\'-
l't'nrd :\\"(,11111' to gilt his gllll. Jltl.want·
gomery. lIlontgomery avenue, Price to
lIa \'erfol'll a \'ell Ul', lIn 1'('1'1'01'11 II \'l'lInl',
Call Narberth 1633
"d til play ,a 1'1', ,'u~l lhink I\hld \\'onld :lloutgollJ('rj' to Graylmg, ::;lrirl"y HOlu],
OUR TOWN will gladly print 1<:1\'1' h:'i'I"'n,'d if lh:lt bnlll'h had g'ot' 24 Hour Service
any news it'lm about any subject Il'n into trouhle all,] had 1""'11 hron"ht Thursl1ay-Elmwood aVI'IIUe, :Maple
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but in order to meet the
printing schedule, all • 'copy"
into a 1'0lil'l' station. 'rhl' I'llpers w0711d
ha\'e ['rintl"l a spn"lIlional "till',\' aholll
II hig' halll of gnnllll'n. W,'lI. ,,\','ry,
Ihillg rlln S1l1oothh· :lIlll th,' nlllll,'\, al;d
ll\,,'nUe, \Voodsidl' llVl'nUe, Grove Place.
Frida~'-Chestllllt a \'I'UIl(', :lll'rioll
avellue, Hocklalll] a\'enlll', Narberth aYe-
-manuscl'ipts-must reach the if,; :lJ'loerl 1'''('01'1 'arrin',1 at thc'1>:III1;, II U", Chestnut to ROckland.
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each lien' Bill Godfl'l'~-, to IIlllk .. III' for his
lax!lpfo;s pnrli(·)' ill tll(' t'\"I'lJill g-. illsi:".;fpd C. E. HUlIlPIIREYS, TION OP WOMEN'S CLUBS
Phone, Narberth 1687
Ul'0ll a 1'l"'l'ipt for th,' ,'xa"1 ,'on!l'1I1s Strpt'l COHlmis:doIiPr. President-Mrs. R. ,r. Rolston, Fort
of lhl' hox, IIl1d hI' got it, althoug"h

SATURDAY. December 27,1919

:-;o1l1Pll1Hly W:l:-' takin.!! <>11:111('(';'; l)(l~'al1:-:;{1
till' hox \\"ns 1101 opellcll 111111 ,'xlllninl'<l
11111 il IhI' u,'xt lillY.
Vice-Presidcnt-1IIrs. D. 1'. Jones,
So \'011 "I'l' that nail Ll'itl'h 11\' lakill"
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS II II i;.!h I on' \\"11" thc illllo("'lIt ;'nIlSI' of LEGION. Sccretary-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar- REAL ESTATE
all awful rll(·kll". nail hll'] IJl'tter ;joill berth.
Fire, 350 a lollg-I' thnt d,)(>~n 't m('l't 011 TIIIlrslln~-.
Police, 1250 Service Men, Join the Narberth Post
Treasurer-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Merion. and INSURANCE
* *
of the American Legion Now
Prom ohscn':ilion I gat'hl'r that thl'
We have been delayed NARBERTH, PA.
Editorial n](II',' s1l'1I111'1' his pO('lll'thoo1<. thl' great-
1'1' II niall's ahilit,\' to ,10 full .i1l~licp to
Being Formed!
opemng our new
:I :-:ql1:tJ'f' H1PUl.


IN BElIALJo' 01" ALL 'I'll E
\Vish the Rllrg"l'ss \I"olll,l hllrn- hi"
Gcorgl' O. Smith, Chairmau. CANDY SHOP NARBERTH G!RAGE
allllllal 1lIl'''SIig-1' to C'olllleilH. An al;xioll"
Irdn T. \Vard, Vice-Chairman. Raymond Wei.s. Proprietor
('QUllt!"y i~ p:t:~prl.\~ :l\\"aitjl1~ thro v(>:1l'lv
o(]jeial ntter:IIII'" Ill' :\arh('rth 's . Chi,,'f HaITY A. Simp"oll, Secretary. and formal opening will GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
:'Ifag-istrat<'. hl'sides whi"h the ~I'ttle­ H. Newtoll Comptoll, 'freasurer.
The Borough ('oulI('il did a mighty Illl'nt of thl' 1'('11('" 'Preat,\- is of «uitl'
not be till January. EXPERT REPAIRING
good turn for the ho.vs and girls of ~l'('otl(lal'~·
::\[eetings will he annoullced through
illlportan('I\' T.lephone Narberth 1633
Narherth-and reli,'ved the worry alld \Vollldll't it hI' tl'lTih]p if ollr lO"al the COlUllllIS of "Our 'fown." 'I'hc !II<Jn But we will open tem-
COllcerll of mall.Y pan'nb-at th~ Ia~t Rllll'r shoull] forget to i~slle II XI'\\' \\'ho ha\'c served through the Wllr porarily for the sale of our
1ll1'e,tinlr, hy pn~sing' a r,'~olntion pro- Yl'ar'~ prol'!nlllatioll? ITo\\" \\"oulll WI' should not lose thc opportunity to be-
viding for the protedion of l'oa~ter~ on
Essex UYl'lllll'. 'rhe rp:-\cJ!\1tioll proyidpf'
that, w)wneyer thl'l'l' i~ snow on Es~'ex
kno\\" \l"hclI ]0:20 was with ns'?

cOllle members of this organizntion, as
it is an honor for which lIIallY would
large stock of Christmas
candies. GOOD VALUE
llVCnUl' from the IlOrth ~id,' of \Villl!sor gi\"C a wl101e lot. to attain. In the following up-to-date homes:
to the south ~id,' of Pri,'e aWII\le, all
Here's a fUlIlIY Oil". A \'isitor to Xar-
Ill'rth 1\'l'nt illt~ II loeal gro('1' 1'.\' store
From now until the Holi-
vl'ldcnlar tratlie along that part of Es- laHt Frilln,\" 1'\"Cllillg anll ohtained n days you can secure the 208 Grayling Avenue
sex a\'enue must Ill' 'livertl'll, from the 34 Avon Road
half Jlolll1l1 of sligar, III' rl'lJl'atl'd the
time the ~CllOOl dos,'s ill the afternoon
perfonll:lI1l'e SatIJr'la.v morlling at the ,best of confections at spec- 36 Avon Road'
until 10 P. M.
Thi~ stretl'h of gsscx avenue from
saml' "torI'. Nl'ithl'r timl' ,lill he hu\'
anythillg (>Isl' or \\'(>1'1' 11I1~- qnpstion's
ial prices. 100 Avon Road
Price down to Windsor is, perhaps, the
best l'ollsting hill in the borough, and
asked. Anll )'d most IIf thl' mothprs
".f this to,~'n ha\'e h:1l1 ,]ifTj,'nlty ill get-

it. was a fine anll thoug'htful act on the
tlllg' snml'lcut sugar for their ehildrl'lI.
part of Counl'il to make this provision
for the protc,dion of the "hildren. if- * Prime Beef, Spring Lamb, WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
"GeorgI' ./, Dnhhll'ig-h took III' law. Country Dressed Veal and
Stn(lil'll hard all ~nmnll'r. Pork. Sugar Cured Hams Greenhou.ea
Club's Weekly Letter The.\· hal1l1l'd him his I,L. n.
Alld spoill'd a Ilarll good plnmhl'r.
and Bacon
30,OOQ ft. of alaas
12 hou•••

To the I';,litor of anI' Town: :Iris,; Katl' lIil'Pl('igh thought that she
You will find our prices right
IVY CANDY SHOP Pencoyd Narberth
Narberth is pront! of h,,!, Buil,ling \VIIS "ll'\'l'r anll hl'witchill' Opposite Railroad Station
Shl' fizzIl'l1 as n llIovil' qll('ell,' Groceries and Provisions
and Loan Association, IUlll sh,' ought
to be. At no loeal gath"ring-, pulllil' 01'
pril'at.e, Illay one han' the privil('gl' of
Rnt Wl' llIi", hl'r ill thl' IdtehcII."
NARBERTH, PA. John Albrecht
vicwillr r n 1llOl'C a1"tlltl' or intel1iu('ut
group (;f men than at th" monthly u~l'et­ Look about the hOlile arounda and have
Christmas Clubs
ings of the Narberth Buillling alld Loan
Association. In,lidduully at II I eollect-
ivcl)", tl1('y're a ~afl' n'0~\',1 with whom
to entrilst your spare uJa~ullla. Of

Life Insurance
ANNOUNCEMENT your plantinlr done BOW. The .ea.OB i.
here again, and the weather conditioB.
are advantageou••
DR. J. H. LUDWIG announces the opening of an
THE "BUYS" OF YESTER YEAR Be wise and devote some portion
office for the practice of DENTISTRY at
A fi\'c-~'enr-olt! '!OIlUI' Is worth Ii hlllf- of the money you have received A COMPLETF LINE OF
(lolJnr now. lIul)'Lu' hiSS. nnd Illil'wise tlw from the Christmas Club to a yearly
lIf" Insurnnl'" (lOlll'r of othl'r ,llIrs 1I0W
rnlls fill' short of Its orlgolnlll I,nrllo,,'. It deposit on a protective policy- 109 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa. SCHOOL SUPPLIES
won't 1.JI' ~'11\1 who w!ll Il'l It
1"'11111111 this Buy an Endowment. AT
"'Hr. ror tlWl'l"S un eosy 111111 eht'uJI \\'n~' to Office Hours-8.30 A. M. to 5.00 P. M. Sundays and Evenings
In'llIlt It rlll'ht UII to wh,'rl' It 111'lougos.
Dou't forgol't til "1111 IlII' up. LANAHAN by appointment. Telephone. DAVIS'
LANAIIAN, 201l Forest Avenue 2015 For••t Ave•• Narberth, Pa. CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
P. O. Box 352. Phone. Nnrberth 3-44 n. Pho".344R

................... ~ .. . .

Qtqrtstman 8'autU!lS Qtluh

Offers you an opportunity to accumulate a fund for Christmas or to save a certain amount out of your earnings during the year.
It is open to everybody. Ther~ is no membership fee, or any other cost to join. All that is necessary is to call at our
bank, make your 6rst club deposit and secure adepositor's card. Deposits may be made weekly (or in advance.)
WE HAVE SEVERAL PLANS that will make it easy for you to save as you earn:
Deposit' 25c. weekly and get $12.50 plus interest
" 50c. " U u 25.00 66 , U
" $1.00 " <6 6' 50.00 U "
" 2.00 " U U 100.00" "
" 5.00 " " "250.00" "
Or join the 2c or 5c progressive class. The 2c progressive class, for inStance, Starts with a deposit of 2c the first week, 4~ the second week and so on.
The reducing classes start with the largeSt payment and reduce each week. BE SURE TO JOIN.

THE MERION TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY • Narberth Office: 205 Haverford Avenue
~ ••••• _ • • • __ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • __ • • sa ••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• as •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• as . . . .

rara-M~Ginle~lQ 48,000
U 1)3 South 17~S!, PhiiadeljJlliC1:~ DrugStores SeJllt.
Five million people
use it to KILL COLDS
Merion Meeting House, Merion, pa.
The Sweeper you've GARAnteed Roofs SILL'S
Merion Meeting is open for worship
every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock. CASCAR~QUlNIN[
We cordially welcome any visitors who
desire to worship with us.
been waiting for- BllO~110E
NOTICE! Standard cold remedy for 20 year.
-in tablet form-safe, sure, no
ST. :MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
We beg to announce to the hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
Money back if it fails. The
automobile owners of Narberth, eenuine box has a Red
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. that the top wit h Mr. Hill'.
Early ]\fass on Sunday from April 1
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From £\0-

vember 1 to March 31, at i A. 11. Lato located at

A ~s~ur~.2 !A
Mass, 10.00 A. nI. throughout the yoar. lona and Montgomery Ave.
Masses on holy d(lys, 6.30 and 8.30 i8 now under
A. M. "Weekdays at 8. gvening dovo-
tions aud othor scrvices at regular
NEW MANAGEMENT Finest Photoplay The-
atre 01 Its Size in the
We appeal for your patronage, Entire World.
and assure you that it will be our PI>.toplays-Continuous lOA. M. to 11.311
hi~best aim to serve our patrons P.M.
PhUa.• Pa.
Storage rates very reasonable.
• •The Little Churcll 011 the HilL"
Service day and night.
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor. [n a short time we will handle PROGRAM
Sunday, Deel'mhcr 2Sth: a full line of standard supplies.
!I.-l5 A. 1[.-Snnday School. We also expeet in the near
11 A. 1[.-i:"'rlllou hy the vastoI',
"The lnl"rcase of His Go\-ernlllent.'·
future to install a thoroughly WEEK of DECEMBER 29th
modern machine shop, with a force
Special ulllsic. of highly skilled mechanics for repairing
:1 1'. 1I.-Chilllrl'n's Church. We had
our !'L'l"ol"ll a ttl'ndall('e last Sun<1ay, IS!I,
Write or call for particulars.
Wallace Reid
an<1 hope to have a large att,'ntlanco to
this spl'l'ial s('rdl"l'. Ohjl'et talk hy For Demonstration Inquire at Our satisfied customers will be IN
our best advel'tiser8.
237 Essex Avenue c. L. CLEGG
7 P. 11.-Epworth L,'agul'. [P,l hy
I\Ir. (luincl'y YOlllell.
P. O. Bolt 523 Narberth, Pa.
7.45 P. 1L-].;\"euiug s,'n"i("l'. SOrIllOn
by the l'astOl' Oil "Thl' Ikst Is Yl't tll F. X. PURCELL, Manager of the U.S.A."
Be." Spl'l'ial llIusi .. hy l·hoir.
. On \Vellnl'sday e\'eniug at 10.BO P.
1\1. thl' aunnal \\~at("h \"ight sl'rdco will
hI' hl'll!. All aro w..I,'oml'. "The Object of this Association
The Narberth Electric S'bop ~IAIN I'RODUCTION STAnTS AS :NEAR
AS l'OSSIDLE TO 10.00 A. ~I •• 12.00, 2.00,
MOllday, IJ<>cl'lIIhl'r 2!lth, 7.:10 P. M.- shall be to improve and beautify Will aolve al ....our electric troubleS 3.·J5, 5.~5. 7.,15, 9.30 I'. ~I.
Flcctioll of Lay Dl'le"atl's to Lay E[P,'- the Borough and vicinity; to asSist We wire old houses like new quickly and without
t~ral Cunfl'l'l'n~e. l- and co-operate with the authori- damall'e. Let U8 etltimate on your work. We can
save you money on fixtures, portables, floor lamps
S 1'. ~r.-Pourth Quartcrl.\· Confer- ties in enforcing laws and ordi- and appliances. Cash Business and Low Prices will
t'nee ill the ehlln·h. nances relating thereto; to pro-
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave. enable you to
TUl'sdar. H r. 1['-1'0\"{'rtv SOI'ial in mote any project having for its
Phone, Narb.rth 395 W
the cll1l1·,:h. Til"kl'ts, 10 l,pnt~. A great purpose the betterment of the com-
happy time for all. munity as a whole; to provide a
means of acquiring and dissemi-
nating information on any subject

Rev. John Van Ness, Minister.

of general interest; and to foster
and maintain a fraternal spirit
among the people of our commun-
ity." Dues for Voting Member- ZSO HAVERFORD AVE.
l\Iel'tin)!s for next Sunday: ship for one year, $1.00. Every
1 0 A.~r.-SIl1l(lay School. All grades.
resident of Narberth and vicinity
NARBERTH Meat Market
:;58 preSI'nt last Sunday.
11 A. .l\L-Pnblil' worship. S('rlllon
thplII(', "'I'ho Past, tIll' l'rpsl'ut aud the
Futurl'.' , 'l'he Church Quartette, assist·
I'd hy 1Irs. Stam, will roppat sOllle of Plumbing John B. Hertzler
the Christlllas music.
6.45 P. 1I.-.Junior Endeayor med- 205 Haverford Ave.
ing, .Mrs. Trowhridgc suporinten<1ont. Heating
Why Not?
7 P. :\L-Sonior Endl'ayor ll1l'eting. Deliciou. Meata
Mr. Ralph A. El'atty, of Pcnn Stntc
Collego, will I"tlll. l\liss I rone BougluH'r,
of Hazlplon, Pa., will sing.
Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
and Al Hiah Grade Chickens

Egga and Butter

7.45 P. I\L-EI"('uing \\-Olllhip. Scrlllon
est spot in Narberth. It is. and the service is the
thome, "And Peter." The Church
Quartot!" will rl'peat SOlllt' of the
Christmns musil·.
best in town. The various refreahing drinks are
mixed by those who know and whose business it
Nl'l\" Ypar 's l\Icl'liug"-J'\ext Thurs,1a~­ is to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,
at 9.BO A. 1\[. thl'ro will he a l'rnyer nnu you ever had. Clarence A. Speakman
pruisc llleetiug". All cordially welcome.
Thp el,lcrs and their wives will IIlcet
at tho hOlllc of Ro\". anti "[rs. Van Nc~s
Come in any time. Make our fountain your place
of rest. At the same time
Fortune Gas Carpenter and Builder
next Fridny e\"pning. Phone 1652-R Narberth
Re\'. H. W. Hathawny, pastor of the
Covenant Presbyterian Church of Gl'r·
nmntown, I\"ill ,lelh-er the sormOll at
of our delicious Ice Cream
Ranges H. C. FRITSCH
the prcpnrntory ml'eting on January 7, 'Pnpertles For Ben& and Sal.
1920. Communion on the following Sun.
day. T. B. SMITH, Druggist Day Phone, Narherth 302 J Fire Ins1ll'llnlle
NARBERTH and ARDMORE Night Phone, L'arberth 344 J BeD Phone au W.
(Oontinued on Pa.ge 4.) ".ill BuDding. Narlterua. Pa


.9 8
Phone 672
~... <l

b" m:ll
Labor Labor Yards Labor Material Labor Labor Material
Automobiles meet all trains thr~ughout the day and evening.
JaD. $100 00 89930 $108 $115 15 $144 8137 50 434 $5 41 $53 19 '3441 $63 48 $61097
After 10 P. M. by appointment. Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078 1 04 125 r;.l 385 768 1600 7047 471 91
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. March 100 00 2500 100 51 106 45 894 12 38 100 80 2033 13656 60203
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. April 10000 1665 8946 1 75 112 20 256 5500 734 28 17 5776 468 33
May 100 00 32.20 150 98 1250 64 22 134 93 18 160 44 1060 5042 12869 703 i3
News of the Churches. June 100 00 4745 19748 2278 34 50 70 177 55 275 61 1297 2750 5664 11329 1061 77

(Continued from Page 3.) THE LOTTERY Ju\y

100 00
100 00
191 35
214 15
24 19
10 92
31 00 66 118 07
250 93
413 39
1248 15
31 45
11 00
21 70
41 68
1066 70
2012 05
Sept. 10000 17804 14367 1500 37 12 78 223 96 891 19 3 67 6560 111 91
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE By a Rising Young 177006
EVANGEL. Oct. 100 00 21 75 18871 639 64 00 176 117 72 426 32 3433 6020 9756 204 23 1320 21
Narberth Authoress
No.... 100 00 22200 274 62 260 108 93 283 18 62 261 12 2300 10541 4250 153 03 1311 83
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor.

Services Sunday, Decemhor :!8:

!l.:lO-Praver sl'l'\·ice.
(Con/nillcd fr01ll IsslIC of DI'cc11lbcr 6) "Yes, I can picture 'little me', not
only hoycring, but got1ing away with
it! Whcre did you meet this biind
GLEAN···SAFE--·WHOLESOME Frank Reginelli
n.45-Bihie School. " y ps, Mrs. BelIn ires, just a minute."
]]-]\foI'lJing worship. Spl'l·.ial lIIusic Eros, may I ask'" OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
.\fa ry callie Ollt of h"r room and <1own
Narberth Shoe Store
hy the choir nnd Sl'rlllon hy the pastor "Oh, you bad girl, speaking so flip- UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
th .. stairs.
on thl' sub,ject, "Lifo in All Its
Tenses. " "My ,lpar, " gurglpd the widow, "I'm pantly of my future husband," ]louted and
the widow. Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
7-YOllllg lH'opll' 's meeting lInlll'r t hl'
leac1ership of :lfiss Chnrlottl' Hilhogas.
silllply thri1lcd to death. Guess, ,just
gIIl'SS, whnt I '\'e done now! I've in-
BrynCI°'Pl~lkCertilied WEST PHILA. Repair Shop
"I met him this afternoon and made
7.45-Evpning 'I"Orship. By rl'fJucst (Pedrlallc Soclet~) OVERBROOK
the ('hoir will rp]H'at mllsic nlllllhers vited the most fascinating, the most ltim promi~e Illl' the week-end. :M:ary,
and the pastor will sp"nk on thl' sllh- adorable, thc most ahsolutely wOlHlerful love, I'IIl glad you don't like' lllen
Special •• Guernsey" MERION 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE
,jed, "Nl'w Yl'ar Chinws." hlind a\'iator imaginahle to spend the 'cause it's' han'ls off.' He's minc."
Thursday.•Jnnuar~' ]st, from S to n (Roberts' &: Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY NARBERTH, PA.
\\'''ek-end here in this house. Dairies) NARBERTH
in the m01'lling, Nl'W Yl'ar's pra)'"r "Yes, indel'dy," drawleu the perfect
senil'p, allll from II to !l in 1111' 1,\'l'lIing "Talk ahout romanco! 'V,,])- And companion, winking at the late l\Ir. Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
the regular mid-week meetiug. hp also has mon"y. Cnn't you ,just pic- Bellaires, whosc knowing' eyl'S gazed Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
t 111"1' litHe me ho\'nring tenderly and serenely down from the wal!. For -Good - Work - See
WOMEN'S AUXILIARY NARBERTH ~olieitously about, soothing llis manly
Y.M.C.A. hro\\' and rcading ~Irs. Browning to The week-en,l dsitor arriYed in due H. PREMOST
him'?" slIP finished hl'l'athlessly. timl', and was, In sooth, hovcred over
The next regular meeting will he
hpJ,l on }\fonday evening.•bnllary lith,
"Wcll, 1 should think you would he
out of hrenth, U"len Be]]aires, after
and read to by the energetic Ii ttle
widow. 45th and Parrish 5ts. The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
at 8 o'cloek promptly. PlPasl' rl'III<'IIl-
that cxplosion. Hather than hl'ing otremll'd hy these 234 Haverford Avenue
forced scdusions caused by, as Mary
called Mrs. Bellaires' admirers, "ne\\"
HARRY B. WALL Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed
Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled '
worlds to confjlll'r," the girl \vas only Plumbing, Gas Fitting Work Called for and Delivered
Narberth Pottery Shop too glad to Ill) left to hl'rsdf that she
might dl'\'ote more timo to the book
and Heating French Dry Cleaning a Specialty

104 Forrest A Venue Bell 'Phone 12154 J ,

on which sht) was working; so not e\'I'n NARBERTH PA
a !!Iimpsl' hllll ~h,' ('anght of the blind
A New Shipment of Pottery gucs,t.
Came Too Late for Chriatmas Trade ~rar~' 111':1)',1 thl' \·oiel'~ of a m:ln an,l

Bargain hunters call week beginning December 29th and end-

ing.January 3rd. Will make it interesting.
:I womall, dos!'ly followed hy the hang-
i II!! of thl' outer door.
~o thl'~- hall dccic1p,l to lna\'1' the
Narberth Register
Two Linea, JOe per iaaue; Sc for each additional line
sloJ'll'. 'V"l], she W:lS glad she didn't
COME AND SEE J. R. 1\IKEN ha\'p to go out in the rain. Shc wou],l
go down and rl'ad by the fin'.
Ke1m, U. C. CerUfied Publlc Accountant. J.. oo,,", FUJUI)' II. Piano teaclJer.
202 Dudley av.... Phone. Narbsrth 300-W. SIUlllo. Arcadl' Bldg. Phone, 31(J-J.
Carase 1605 PHONES -:.. Residence 333 R :'Ira ry pil·,k!',l up her book and ran
dowllstairs anll into the cozy library. AUTO~IOBILES NOTARl' PUBLIC
HARRY ROSER "lhulll, how eOlllfy it looks," shl'
Lees' Garq_Repalrlng, Etc. Phone, 1605.
~arberth Gura!:,e. PllOne NnrbertlI IG3:l.
oJelrerle., oJ. II. 111 Narberth ave.
Phone. 666-M.
All Kinds of Hauling and Moving See dlsplny nd"ert!sement In tills IS8ne.
"Ii ,1 aloud. :-;UHSJo:UU';S
By the Hour or Trip Day ·or Night Local and Long Distance Albrecht, .J"hn. ppnco~'tl llllli NnrbertlI
" Y I'S, dOGsn't it, and, pray, who a r() Cells ore, Sauie. Phone, ij~r;. S.'e tllsl'lll~' ac1vprliselllent In this Issue:
119 CONWAY AVENUE NARBERTH, PA. ~'ou?" cume a man's voice from thl' See dl8pluy nd"el't18ement In this Issue.
"lain l.4inc Auto Lu.undr~p and Garage. OI'TlCJA~S
,l"ptll'; of a chair. Phone. lii2.
See displny a,lvprtlsl'lIlent In this Issue. I'enton. Carl F. 506 Essex aVe. Phone. 618-V\'
.\rary started. \Ynltolt Brol'i. PhOIlP u7:!. PhllL addre... 1808 Che.tnut at. Locuat III.
See dlsplu~' n,l\'ertb"lIll'nt in this lS8l1l'. Zentmayer, Jose,)II. 2~8 S. 15th st., Phlla.
Yes, We Have 1920 Calendars! IIer first impulse was to tUl'll
1'1111. hut the mall evidently senspd
thi~, BANKS
Walzer. Fred.
IIlerlon Title &: Trust Co. Phone. Ardmore a. 117 Wln.or ave. Pholle, 1247-.1.
And we will gladly send you one if for he said: See dIsplay advertlsement In thl. I••ue.
you will just give ua a call on the I'Il'aSl' show your forgh-eness by com- Smedle~'. Wro. 11. &: 11. '1'. Phone, UOO.
See display advsrUsement In thl. I••ue.
Witte, Goo. A. Fairview aVe.
Phone. Cynwyd 778-.1. Flrat-claa. work.
Telephone or drop us a card with ill!.~' ()\'l'r and talking to me."
Aud, seeing no way to "scnpe, lIfal')' Dln'I•• 11. E. Phone, 1254-W.
your Name and Address. (':11111' ael'oss the roOlll 'lIHI glanced at tho See dl.play advertisement In thl. I.aue, "Arcadia," 16th and Chestnut lit.
See display advertisement 1n tbl~ ift8ue.

ilia II in thn chair. CAIU'ENTEltS AND BUILDERS

oJenIUn.. Chas. L. I·I.UMnING, ETC.
11 W:l~ ,la rk. She could not sce. 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M. Cook, Wlnflehl 11. Phone 1210-J.
ROBERT J. NASH Th"11 slld,ll'III.\· an l'1III.,'1' splutlc!"l'd,
Speakman. Clarence A. Phone IG52·R,
See displllY nu.\'el'tisement In tlIis Issne.
See display advertisement In tlIIH Illue.
Wall. II. n. Pbone. 319-.1.
Real Estate Broker 1I:1I'''d full a ull died. See display advertisement 1n tble Issue.
1001 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA "Oh, God, it (,:111'11,,'-" shl' hr,'ath, l~rn.tlllltoDil .JullIes, &, SODS.
2:l!J Hllmpden uve.• NnrbertlI. BOl< 270. Cnltln-ell, ,J. A. l'hone, IU87
MEMBER. PHILADELPHIA REAL ESTATE BOARD "d !l'nsely. See dloplay adverllsomsnt In thl. I••u.,
Reaidence, 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth TJlllJ'(' \Va~ SOJIl(lthing elpctl'i(~ in the \lEN1'18TS I·'rll."h, II. C. Phone. 252-W.
See display adverll.ement In thl. I••ue.
;IiI". Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood av. Phone. 3V3-W. Godtrey. 'Vm. B.
'Phone: Narberth 605 Phlla. Phone. Filbert 4252. Keith Bldg. 114 Woodside ave. Phone. 886-W
Th" Illau s,'usl'd it instantly. 8('hcnlb~t ])r. ,Juhn. PlulJ)(' Xurlwrth :nf)- \V. Saoh. Robert J. Phone. 605. .
Cor. Gl'n;rlillf.: HIlt1 \Vill{]:;or 11\'('8. , Monsy tor Firat and Sscond Mortgage•.
.. "'hat is it?" h,' (·OIlIIlI:tU,kd ... ]0'01' om('p lIolll's nnlll!1 1'. ~1. dnily, fSlmJ)~oll, dnlneH C. 232 Eftsex ave,
Phone. 636. or H20 Cbe.tnut .t.
Repairing Appliances Gllll··s ~:I1\t\ tpIl nl(~ ,,,hat it ii"." 1>RUGGISTS
4'l\'othill'g-llothillg-it ':",-I-yo.II." lIoward'o. Phone, 1267. HOOFING. ETC.
EARL E. SNOW' "Tell mc."
See dl.play adverUsemerJt In thl. la.ue.
Slulth, T. n. ,Ardmore, Pa.
See dlSpluy advertisement In tills Issue.
(;llru-lIlcGloley Co. Phone. 1268-W.
Seo dleplay lldverU.emsnt In tbl. I••ue.
IllIIer. John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone. 861-oJ,
Electrical Contractor The IIL,X! 11101111'11'/ foulIll th,' ~:rl ou
ELECTRICIANS Shop, 246 Haverford ave. Phone. 1226-J
5007 WestD'1inster Avenue hpl' kIlPI'S ],,,sid,, thp man. "Arnold," ('uNe. W. G. 1'hOlH'.3!Jij-'V. SIIOEMAKERS
sh" ~obl)('d, "oh. Al'llol,l, wh.\' ha ve yOIl Spe 'llsplaY allvertiselllPnt In thIs Issue.
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. "ugh. VerI 225 Iona ave. Good Wear Shoe R'lIIalr Shop.
l'OIllC hal'k! I 10\·",1 yOIl so lilliCh, so Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard. Phone. 168-.1. Con",tnutine, B. G. ::m:! IInvertord ave.
Sno\\', I,url ].;. Phila,lelphtll. I'ilou". Nlirlwrth 1700- 'V.
IIlIH'h. J tholl!!l!t. you h:Hl gou'I' out of See display Iltlvt'riiselllpnt in thts issup. n"ld[)('lII. Frank. 20!J 1I1l\'erfortl ave.
Illy Iife and no\\' you ha \'t' ('Ollie bade ll"JSI1 AND OYSTERS ~ec 11Isplll~' lIdvertlscment lu this tssue.

30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30 AIl,1 yOIl art' hlilll1. Oh, IllY poor, poor Imperial (;roccr~' Co. Phone. Narberth 606. TAILons
bo."." INSURANCE Premo.t, II. Phone. 1254-.T.
reasons why we should do your work 'rhp man drl'\\' hpr tl'lIdl'rly illto his bowman, Samuel P. (Life.)
116 Elmwood ave. Phono. 65a-W.
See dtsplny llll\'ertlsemcnt In this issue.
arms. "Mary," hI' \\'h ispl' 1'l,,1, bis lips oJoneo. Chao. R. WAI.L PAPElt
305 S. Narberth aVe. Phone, 682-.1.. ~I ..rtln it Ilenr~·. Phone. Cynwyd 8!J5.
ag'ainst her~, "I ,lon't Iwo\\' how this
MARTIN & HENRY all ('lime to pass; ],ut God is gool1. I'vo
prayed for Ihi~ 1I101l1L'nt 1I11t! it has been
Jones. 'Vm. J. 103 S, Narberth ave. Phone.
680-.1: Phlla. add res.. Penn Mutual Bldg.
!'rotter Bros. (Fire. etc.)
209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. U62-R.
~pc displaY utl"ertlsenlt'nt lu this issue.

Decorators g'ranted me."

"But the oth,'r WOllla II?" ()uestioncd
Gilroy. John 211 E.sex ave. Phons. 1246-R.
The above c1spartment .houlc1 be ot tho
Phlla. addre... Lincoln Bldg.
Interior and Exterior Painting :lrary. Stlteo. Fletcher W. 4' 3 Havsrtord ave. greate.t u.e to the community, the lIet COD-
taln. the name of every profe""lonal maD.
Phone, 372-W Phlla. addre••• Crozer Bide.
tradesman, mechantc, shopkeeper. etc•• who
153 MONTGOMERY AVENUE "S\\'edl1l'arL fOI'/,.:i \'t' 1111'. There wus LIGIITING FIXTURES doe. or can In any way .ervs hi. fellow-
town.man. and who I. proere.alve eDoulrh
no otller woman. )"ollr Idters grew so McDonald John. Narborth phone. 1288. to add name to lI.t of Regl.t.r.
Phone Cynwyd S9S CYNWYD, PA. 1533 Che.t.•t.• Phlla. Phone. Spruce 1138.
eold I ill\'entptI hcr just to pique you. A. It la dlMcult for tho.e contrlbutlnlr
Can you forgh'c mo~" MEATS. ETC. their time and eltort. to the production of
Cotter. Ho"ard F. Phone. 1298. "Our Town" to perBonally .Ither know or
"Can I forgive you!" See dl.play adverU.ement In thl. I••ua. Intervlsw all .uch. It would be mo.t help-
We are showing a fUll line of 1919 Imported lIertzter••John B. Narberth. ful If tho.e Dot now found In the printed
A tired head sa uk on a man's big See displuy advertisement in thIs Issue. It.t would aend In a memo of their nam...
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes addrea.. phone numbera and bualneuea or
shoulder und a tl'ary voice sighed: MILK profs.elona for lIating. Thla will oo.t aa fol·
, 'Arnold, my own huslbuud, a.t last." scott-Powell Dairlea. Phone. Pre.ton U98. low.: 10 centa each I..ue for I IIn.l; I cent.
See dl.play advertl.ement In thl. I••ue, for each additional line.

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