Our Town February 1, 1919

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Narberth Guard


~ 111111111t:lrtl'II,'ill1:1111tI11IU'II:flIlllll'I'llIIIIUllIIlI11111IlllUUII1I111111mmUIIIlUIUlllllIllIlllllllllllllllllllllllttllllll1lllll1IIIlllI'II

~I r~. I';. H. COekrl'll.

~Irs. ~I. Lanigan.
B. .\1. ~rnrray.
Unitl'd States 1}ailroad Adndnistratioll,
PplIIl'yh"an ia Ha il road,
Phi1:Hklphia Diyi~ion.

,V,,, the ppople of ;\arherth, through the Ciyic Association, request

that thl' train passillg at 7A8 P. :\1. stop to take Oll passengers. ,Ve
haye noticed tllat this tmill, consisting of thrpe coa,"hes, is llOt usually
filled, alld if it wpre pl'rJlIit 1l,•.1 to stop at l\arberth, it would be a great THE FIRESIDE On :Fridny e\'l'llillg- ~-Ifter the regular.
husille~s llad he,'n eon"lnded Scout ~fas·
],pnefit to your ::'\arl)('rth l,atrons, who, when they miss the 7.~8 P. :\I.,
t.'r J'at!<'u lin'~d ul' th'l troop in the
hayl' no train until one 110m later.
llet !,'r th:tll JlJOlll','" "p('all~" tlley carll 11]('.'1 ing- 1'00111 :11") man·hpd thelll into
,\Tn would like to know, furthpr, if the Pcnnsylyani:t Hailroad eY!lt
cOllsidcrell ,,"hat a conycllience it woula he to the patrolls of the entin' 1lIOIl"y. BUY:t \\'ar Stanlp to"day. Illl' dilli11g- hall of th" Y" :\L C. A., "The Object of this Association
(\ h.'re t hpy \1"1'1'1' t n'all'd to hot dog~, shall be to improve and beautify
:\fain Line if the last train at llight Il'ft Broad Strpll( Stati(Jn at about the Borough and vicinity; to assist
..:\ :->lll'il':-; of Yf':"l'l'f' JlJl't't ill.~s will be l('e ('J'eam, ('ak":,, pte. Theil' hosts were
]~":1O? Jt wonl,1 1)(, well patronize,l, as the people who aUena loag-e and co-operate with tho authori-
h,'I<I in thl' I'rp~],yt"l'i"ll Churdl, he· .\11'" G. ~r. Day;s. Chid' Scout Director
llll",tillg~. sopial fUJll"tioll~, 0pera, etc.. llnye to stay in town o\"er night, ties in enforcing !aWf/ and ordi-
or leayc parly in order to get thc ]1.5;3.
gillllillg' tU-lllOrI'U\\- at ...I: r. JL of the ;\arl,,'rth 'I'roop. an,l I~(hntrd S.
nances relating thereto; to pro-
I/all"s. Assistant Dil'edor. As :\fr. Dads mote any project having for its
'1'lIe Pellllsyh"auia Hailroall is, indeed, a wOllaprful organizatiou,
CorporalI'. A. Qn;lln ha~ rt'tI1l'lll'a to Il"as unable to he present, :\1r. lIaws purpose thc betterIllcnt of the com-
hut your Imtrons lll',',1 a f,'''" IIlore traius. ,Vhat can you (10 for us~
:\al'lH'rth frOlil thl' Or:dllallel' Ilt'par 1 " II":IS rt'quesll'd to talw !'harg-e of the nUUlity as a Whole; to provide a
THAFPJC CO~D[lTTEE, lll('nt ,\rs"nal at A'1g-nsta, Ga. Jllt1ptillg". Hl~\·. jo"rank ~L Gray ga.ve means of acquiring and dissemi-
XAmmHTJI CIVJC A:SSOCL\'1' lOX. th,' hoys a Hry interL'stin.i talk iu his nating infonnation on any subject
.:\I'r~, .John W . . Ioy('" ,'ntertaineo. at usual pl,'a~iug manner. Oth,'rs who of general interost; and to foster
.J. H. Xash, and maintain a fraternal spirit
lunl'1I1'on and ("anI,< \Vp,ho'sday after- spoke hrietly ""Cl'e ~[r. Bowcu, Assistant
R. J. Ellgar, among the people of our commun-
flOOIl. Seout :\fa~t"r; :\[r. Haws al1\1 ~[r. Pat- ity.' , Dues for Voting Melllber-
II. H. Hillegas. t en. Roscoe Smedley ga \"e an in terest. Slli~ for one year, $1.00. Every
§' "JIIII"JI"IIIIIIl'II"ll"11111'U1"'lltl,'I':,,'IP"":"1'11"111"""'''''1'''1111'''''111''''''"1'''1111111111""1111':111111:1111""11"1,"'1""'1""'11:""""I":""";!"IIIII"'.))IIIII':"'I"1111111111U11I1'1lI1111~ ~ A nell" fjnartettl' choir will rel1acr ing' llxldanution of a Frl1Ylch "75." Carl resldent of Narbertll and vicinity
lllusie in the I'n'shytl'rian [(rl'lller awl :\[errit Dad~ also took part eligible.
Chun·h llL'xt Sunaa J•. in the meeting.
COUNCIL ACTS ON FIRE COM- :\1'1'. Palll Tnrnhull. ~ou of tho Rcy.
:\1"lnh"r~hil' suhs('ril'tions art' poming
in rapidly.
PANY QUESTION '1'. B. Turnbull, or Philaill'll'hia, has
takpn up his rpsid,'nee in i\arberth with

LOST-Some\yl"'r<' in ~arl)('rth, a
his wifc ana baby. Dr. Wilbur Re-elected President at
par kag-e of 1.000 hlank melll hership
At a ~1H'eial meeting- of the Borough at. a latcr date, whcn the ~inking fund Reorganization Meeting. cards. Anyon" who "an hell' locat~
Couneil, hl'lll on ,lallual'.'· ~~, the ordi- ohligations ha\"o l)('cn met as they There wiII bl' a lIIessago read from
1'he Board of Health of Lower :\1erion thpm \\"ill ponfpr a fa'"or hy ealling
n:l!ll'p to take over the huil,ling-. appar- ~hould 1)(' ml't, th"re will" 1)(' gooll reason the pen of the Iate:\1r. H. C. Gara, at
1'ownship met for it~ annual meeting on Xarhprth ]~"J!)-W.
atus and property of the ::'\arherth Pi]'" for thc Borongh to aC']lIirp title to the thp YC'sper serdec in the l'resl'yteriun
Company was aefpated 1Jy a Yotc of 2 huilding, bnt in my opinion that time is January 15 at the rooms of the TOWIl-
Chmeh uext Sunday. Tho atlpnd:lnr,' at th" J"('gular mcet-
to:l. Those prcsent were :\1"ssrs. Hl'n- lwt as yct a t hand." ship Coulillission. Dr. B, K" Wilbur wa~
elected Pn'~i,l"nt for his ,,1p\"ellth sne- ing of the Ci\"ie As~oeiation on Thurs-
']erson, l,eitch, :\Iadllox, Redifl'l' and The young- people will celebrate the
Imllle,liately following the announce- ces~iYe year and C;porg-e C. Anderson day eYenin!!, tlle ~:lnl, was small owing
President Hall. Mcssrs. Henllerson anrI 38th unni\"(,J'~IHJ' of the organization ;)f
lllPnt of the elefeat of this bill, :\1r. \\"as J'e-elected Spcretary. .A Idter from to the inelelHent weather.
Redifer vote,] in the allil'matiY<' on th~ the Christian Endeavor movement in
],pit.'h aske,] and obtained unanimous Hohley A. Warner, \vho has bcen IIcalth
final passage of the hill and ~[essrs. the Presbyterian Chureh next Sunday
"om"ent for the introduction of an 01'- Ofl1cer for thc past ten years, was pre- :\1r. Joseph n. Xash and Mr. Hobert
Leiteh, Malldox aud Hall in the nega- '''"l'ning.
rliaan(",· 1I111("h]ing" th(' appropriation or- ~"uted rpque~tjng that his llame be 110t l. J~l1gar Wl'I'O appoilltt1U t~ represent
th"e. In ea~ting his vote, Presillent
dinanCl' passed on ,January 13. The again o/fered for the position of Health the Ch'ic Association on thc Soldiers'
Han fi]Pel with the Sp('l'l'tary the fol- We arc still hearing about tho Lle-
anlellflll1ent propo~ed would increase the Ollieer, and :\fan"in Eo Heynollls was ~femorial Commit tee :11 III instructcd to
lo\ying statl'nl('nt of his re:u,ons: lightful nlllsi('al an,l ent<'rtaiuin~ pro-
nlllount sd :u-ide for fire }lrotection pur- elccted Health Ollicer for the year ]!)]9. a tlend a ml'eting" in thc Borough Coun-
"I Yoll' in the nl'gative on this bill gram rpndercLl at thp ,\'oIlH'n'~ COlll-
l"'s,'s 1,y $;300. It is understood that ~fr. ,VarJIer has hel'n in poor health for eil Cham1H'r on '1'hur5(lay c\"clling, the
hecausc 1 am oppflS,'d to haying tho munit.\· Cluh at t1u'ir last Illeding, Jan-
Couneil will eonsidl'r thi~ bill as soon some p'ars past, and he felt that h" :>Oth. A motion was madc, seconded
Boroug-h inpnr any additional financial uary 21. 'l'hauks to all \vho participated.
as it. is reported out hy the Committee !'ou1l1 not go on \vith the work. ~fr. and passpd to I,lac(' on the rolls of the
responsibilit~-, other than nel,essary
on Ordinance anll La\\', to which it was Heynolds has been Deputy Health Of- Association the nanlps 01' former active
maintenanee ,'xpellllitures. at this time. 1',' fprred. Alan Ki rk, son of :\fr. and :\[rs. ,V. Ji"cr of the Boanl sin!'e the BoaI'll was membl'rs \,"ho have siuee mo\"cc1 out of
A carr'fnl stud~- of thc condition of the Kirk, ,\'ouLlsiLle ayel11H', has arrived
'1'he hill woul'l appear to indicate a /irst organize,1 in ]!IOS. and e~pecially our ueighhol'hoo,l, and to kcep them in-
sinl<ing funels eonyinel's mc that the hOllie, aft"r se\"p]'[[1 llIon ths in the serv-
willinglless on the part of those who is well fjualified to disf'harge tho duties forlllPd of Our I'rogl"'SS an,] adivities.
most important ohliglltion restiug on i('e of Uncle :Saln. havin~ he en station-
the Borough Council at the IH'espnt time 0PI'OSf',l Ill!' original hill to have the of this important ollice. 'I'he annual
,,<1 at :\[onte"id,'o, Gutamala. The
i~ tIll' J'I'Opl'r rr'plenishnll'nt. of these !loroug"h assume a~ much of tho expens,' Irupi("al climate ha~ giYen Alan a rcal
rpport to the '1'ownship Conllni~sioners FLOWER SHOW.
fund~. ,Vith th .. I'nnning l'xI,,'nsl's of of th,' Firc Company as possible, with· aud to the C(Jlllllli~~ion,'r of Health of Wc imagine that quite a littlc intercst
ta IIniug.
the BOl'ollgh at thl' I,resent high fil!urc, out eOlllmitting Coullei] to the main- :he Stat" ,,"as thl'll read and adoptet] by is being lakt'n ill thc coming floly.'r
eyen thou!,h thpy an' k,'pt down to ab- tpnallcP I'1wrges on the huildinO' Elm the Board. Jt eontainf'd many intcre"t- show, but thu~ far "",, have not recciv-
Hall.' ." The following' ,mh:ied, "Social
solut" e~sent ials, it is not possiblc for in,!.! facis J'l'g-ardinl-; the 11l'alth of thl' I'd any Sll!_q.;cstioli~ or ideas. Surcly
lI~'gien('," \yill he di~eourse,1 at the
me to east nly YO!<' in favor of any Thl' nl'xt lIlepting of the Ordinance lo\\'n~hip, ,,"hieh \rill he llla,k pubE"
\Vullll'n's COlllllluuity Cluh on 'l'upsL!ar, sonle 011<' has 1111 idea as to \\"hen and
furtl\('r ill<-rl'aS" ill thc finau"ial re- aua La,," Committee will he hell1 on after t hI' rl'port is aeeepte,] by the whNe the ~how ('an 1](' l,est arranged.
Fehruary -!th. at ;; P.:\1. 'J'his is one
sponsihilities \yhi("h the Borough JIlu.,t \Vedllesday e\""lling, February 5, in the Town~hip COlnmission. Thc other mem·
of thl' forelllost topics of the prescnt \Yritl' a notl' 01' a "ar<l to the Civil' Asso-
helll'. Purtherulorc. I am opposed to Conncil Chamher, anll it is likely that hers of tho Board arc: Edward B. Jor- piatiou, P. O. Box :No. 9~6. "
thc hill ],ceaus,' it "}lnts upon tlll~ Bor- the hill to amend thl' appropriation han, of C~"llWyl1; William P. Landi~. of
ough the soIl' responsihility for the orrlinauee will he considerpd then. Thc Ardmore; Andrew :\faedollald, of Ard-
Tho aunual nIl'diug of the :\Iain Line
maiutenanee of the huilaing awl gives nl'xt llH'eting of Conncil \vill bo on more; Dr. All'xallll"r R. EyallS, of Glad- NARBERTH WEATHER REPORT
Citizl'us' Assoeint ion was held at
to thn Boroug-h title to an encllJnbered ~[onday eyenillg, Fehruary 10. wyn. FOR WEEK ENDING JAN. 26.
Roherts' HalI, lIaY,'rford College, on
propl'rty. Th" rl']1ort of the Auditors for the \Vedl1psl]a~- eH·ning'. :\[rs. Prednick
"In "iew of thp presl'nt fiuaneial ypar was ft'a,l at the special meeting oJ' W. HO('kll"ell ~pol", on the sllh.ieet of VACANT LOTS FOR GARDENS. IIi)!h. Low.
eondition of thc Borough, I eonsWer Conlll'il alll] \I"a~ I'.'fl'rrcd to the Finance "Occupational 'I'111'rapy and a }'Iag j'O
t his to he unwise. It may wcll he that ('olllmil tl'e. Baromet"l', sea 1<'\",,1".""""" 30.27 ~9.57
the Rehahilitation of Wounrl"d' Sol-
'1'he Community Club has again start- Tht'l'mometer ... "".".".".. 5-1 ~5
di('rs.' ,
thusiaslll allt] pl('asing personality ha\",' e,] tho ,,"ork of s,'euring the lise of the 1[llmi,)ity, pl'r ,·put. ." ..... ]00 liO
l1('l'n happy ('ontrihutiOlls to our fa('nlty. Y'll'an t lot ~ inNarhcrth for gardens.
lJOI1 '1' fail to a1'1"'ar at thp h:"kl'lhall Thel'c is no relief in ~ight from high
and danc.. at the High Sehool to-
'1'he Athlet i(' Association now has a food prief's, anll gardening this year
nll'mbel'ship of 175. night. Tho baskethall game, Narhertll should he on a larger ~cale than cvcr. 'rotal for \I"eek " 1.20 incr.:
High Ys. the Narherth AII"Stars, \yill The sepa house~ rl'port thc largcst Total for nlonth to aate""". "L02 inches
~tart at S sharp. Thc game will bc pre- husinl'ss in their hi~tory for this time
A hrief pal riotic pxereisp will he held
(leded h~' a g-alll" hetween two picked of year.
in tho High School Auditoriulll on Feb- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE~Il:~TS
tl'am~ of the Sc\"cnth and Eighfh Tho CIuh has made arrangements to
!'lIary l~th to COllllllcmorate the birth
Grades, The hig game will he followed hu~' s",'d at wholl'sale ana soll it to
of Lincoln. Thc eXl'rcises will begin Two cents per word each tneertlon, curio
hy n danco. town and country gardeners at cost. In advance. No advertisement accepted u....
at. SA5 am] close at lUO. The public is
Jeello cash uccompanlee cOPY.
eorlliully invited. Rcgular class work Thc purpose is to encourage ~ardeIling
- ....

will continue throughout thc day. ,Vith a population of 1,100, Merion and to furnish ~ecd of varieties which FOR SALE-4S-iu. Oak Extension Ta-
furnishea 1,0][l ml'lnbers for the Red J:ield well and 11avo superlative quality. hIe. Telt'phone Xarberth 1274-R.
,Vo arc glad to announco that all Cross in tho 'Cluistmas membership Tho experience at tho Curb Market
Miss Nellie Wethcrill, who for ycars mcmlJers of thc faculty who have becn drive. Tho :Merion Red Cross, sinee showed that Narberth people want qUlLl- COMPETENT COOK, with little girl 3
May 1, 1!l17, haH rl'paired 543 articlcs ity and know whcn thl'y nrc gctting it. y('ar~ old, wants position. Good home
has so faithfnlly ~cr"cd nil intercsts absent beeausc of sickncssaro again
of thl' ~c1JOol, is still unahlo to be with enabled to resume their duties. For- of soldicr~' e!othing, madl' 4,04a knittetl At tll(l request of this committee, Mr. in prefcrencc to high wages. (17e)'
us. Her duty to-day lies with her agod tunately, Narberth School has had com- articles, 8,336 hospital supplies and A. B. Ross, A:.,rriculturist of tho U. S.
rOR SALE-A modern Singor Sowing
invalid futher. Everybody connccted paratively so fcw sick teachers that it 104,000 surgical llressings. The commit- Department of Agriculturo, is prepar-
Maehine, $25.00; 2 pairs Keen :s.:ut-
with the school misses Miss Wetherill. has becn able to continue regular school tee is being kept intact and the women ing' n list of tested varieties of secl!
tel' Scissors, 50c. each; 1 Keen Kutter
Although not with us, she daily has the work, while many less fortunate dis- arc still working. whicll we will buy. Arrangements will
Penknifc, 50c. These things are all that
sympathy and support of directors, tricts have been unable to do so. bo nlUdo also with local florists to grow
llre left at the Rcd Cross Room. Apply
faculty and studcnts. We are fortunate Mrs. Chester R. Smith, of 119 Wind· plants of the varieties we recommend.
Miss Mazic Simpson, Narberth.
in hnving in her plnce Mrs. Royden Dircctors l\fcCarter and Shaw have ~or avenuc, and! baby Dorothy left Mon- Let us know your seed requirements
Hunt, who for somo timo was a mem- been reccnt visitors in our school. day evening for San Francisco, Cali- quickly. If you want seeds or ll. lot, W ANTED-A Clerk, young man. Morion
ber of our faculty, assisting Miss Weth- President McCarter spent an entire dny fornia, to join her husband. Mr. 'Smith ilOtify Mrs. A. B. Ross, 104 Forrest Title and Trust 'Co., Narberth. (17e)
erill and other lower grade toachers. last week in addition to part of an went to Slln Franeisco the first of the avenue. Phone 1639·W.
Mrs. Hunt is thoroughly familiar with afternoon a few dnys previous. Mr. year to install and manage ll. root beer FOR SALE-Baby Oarria.ge, Bassinet,
FOOD OONSERVATION COMMTrTEE Reed Sulky and spring seales. Tele-
the school system. Her interest and en- (Oontinued on Page 3.) (Oontinued on Page 3.) WOMAN'S COMMUNrry CLUB. phone Narberth 1293. (17p)
or cout'Se, we

citizens that should not be permitted
Cub's Weekly Letter 1267
deUver - any
p I a c a - any
OUR TOWN to come to pass. A remedy must be
found, moro particu1arl~- because only a 1268 time
few will be benefitted by the change. To the Editor ef Our Town:
An EXpel"iment in Co-operative The Fire Company will not get any The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Journalism-No Paid Workers. more members by rC'ducing the dues, the Should you find your mail mixed up
Fire Company will get less revenue and, with another's don't get pee\·ed. You A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Owned and Published every Saturday as said before, the non-paying members know thc acoustics of our Federal

by the Narberth Civic Association. will save only $UiO, where they saved Building arc such as to make the slight-
three hucl,s hefore. A. E. W. est sound audible to the Postmaster Essex Ave. abo Haverford
Subscription price onc dollar per and his assistants. The clerks aro A venue Na~~~~lh
young and so was Ed-once-and yell
year in advance.
'To the Editor of Our Town: cun't expect them to work 'wel1 while Overland Sales and Service Agency
'Considerahle publil'ity has heen given
progress right in the sume room. Y Oll
President-,Joseph II. Kash.
to the collection of 'l'han k Boxes to
just try to concentrate on a columll of L. C. SHAHAN
contain eontrihutions for the entertain-
Vice-presidents-A. C. 8hand, James figures or properly distrihutemail while
mpnt of the returning' soldiers to Nar-
a. couple of ,,-omen six feet a way arc Phone. Ardmore 967 W Dey .nd Night
Artman, A.• 1. Loos.
Secretary-'l'rcasuf('r-Hobert J. Ed-
))('rth and the balance thercof to be ap-
plied to a permanent memorial.
discussing loudly some of the hurnin~
questions of the day and you'l1 he sur-
Suffrage Notes JOHN MARMORA
gar, P. O. Box 601. I would suggest a IllPmorial by ope u -
Directors--J. J. (labrey, ~Irs. C. P. prised at your wonderful mcmol)' for
Fowler, W. H. D. Hall, George M.
ing Essex avenue under the railroa'l
cuss words. Karberth Brancl.l of 'Woman Suffrage Hanling and Moving
and cst ablishing a bridgeway, the sup- Party rC'gular meeting the second Fri- A~YWBERE
Henry, H. H. Hillegas, Charles E. Dogs arc "\'erhoten" according to a
ports or sidewalls of which could he day of each month at 3 0 'cIocl, in tho Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.
Humphreys, F. A. Lanahan, Daniel sign on the door, hut regardless of that,
de('orated in memorial fashion in Rueh Comlllunity Boom of the Y. M. C. A.
Leitch, E. A. :illuschamp, :Mrs. A. Perry the otlll'r day a woman dragged in a
a way as to make a permanent and usc· Leader, Mrs. Charles 'Valter Young;
Redifer, :l\I;rs. A. B. Ross, Fletcher W. pup at the end of a six-foot chain. Tho
Stites, Walton M:. Wentz, A. E. Woh-
lert, Mrs. Charles 'W. Young.
ful addition to tho town.
Ne more puhlic spot could be secure'l
pup had the asthma. or something l)f
that Idnd and heing considerate of Ed ':;
Vicc-Leader, :Mrs. Wm. H. Pughi Treas-
urer, :illrs. Edgar H. Cockerill; Secre-
on which to display the names of our feelings tried to get out in the open .tary, Miss Anna :il1acKeag. Raymond "eiss, Proprietor
HARRY A. JACOBS, heroes. a.ir. But weman's inhumanity to man
Editor. I feP] sure that the eontrihutions to and woman and dog was again <,xl'mpli- At the nC'xt lIleeting, to he held on GASOLl,NE, OIL, SUPPLIES
I~ri<1ay afternoon,
such a cause will 'bo large and much
larger than wou1<1 he received for a
fied by the action of the pup's mistresi'.
She kept him there exactly 40 minute"
February 14, Mrs.
Ward, leader of Chester Count~', will
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose, speak. The pnblic is invited to be pres' T.lephone Narberth 1633
useless lIIonument. while she told her troubles to a /leigh-
W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos,
:Mr. CommittPl'man, plpase consider hor-amI to everybody else in hl'aring. ent.
Associate Editors.
this proposition hefore reaching a de· Xaturally all was not joy hehind th" A COMPLETE LINE OF
CITIZEN. partition. The 5.15 was about due antl
S:LMPSON, eision.
a big rush of business was expeded, but,
what with the wheeze and coughing of

Send all letters and news items to Some Kicks Against the the dog and the declaiming of his hos;:,
work for Uncle Sam's hirclings was un' Thl' suh,jp!'t "Soeial Hygiene" is one
P. O. Box 966. del' compulsory suspension for the tim~ of the largest, grayest and most "ital CIGARS ICE CREAM CANOY
Send all Advertising Matter to P. O. Y.M.C.A. heing. That's the night you diun't find prohlenH' that has ('ome to our atten-
Box 39. any mail in your box. It was delayed t ion as a rl'sult of this war. That we
Our Town is on sale at the depot should no 10ngC'r pcrmit oun;elves to be
Before buying anything as
until morning.
newsstand, and at the store of H. E. "If e\'Pry kil'k ano knock against (Dear Editor: This is just a ROp to l'nvl'lopC'd in this conspiraey of silence
important as a home, look
Davis. the Y. M. C. A. service overseas could Ed. Haws, who has bC'en sore en'r since that has reigned so long is the stolid the following over
Entered as second-class mattiJr have ))('en hun died as an American Cap· we bully raggC'd him into ('hanging opinion of eyery thinkillg man and
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at tain I know treated one case in his those doors. But it's trup ,just the woman. This grpat country-wide drive
No. 500 Woodside
Narberth, Pcnnsyhania, under the act company, there would be 1110re in the
same.) for propaganda and propC'l' information " 6 EI:anwood
of March, 1879. air of what the 'Y' did and less of what Oil this suhjeet that is now in progrcss
" 14 Avon Road
they failed to do," said J ohn ~I. Currie,
of Melrose, Mass" who is just home
Gosh. Angnst En'rg1'l'<'n's hrol"'n out
again! Do you know, I admire that
hy the ".omen's Council of K a tiona!
lll'fl'USl', uuder the (Iircction of the Go\"-
" 16 Avon Road
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1919 from operating Hed Triangle huts in thl)
man's livo interest in Karberth's af· l'rnment, is to hC' of the grC'atl'st benefit and the White Colonial
Calais and Ypres sectors. fairs and his evident desirl' to be a to all. House on Anthwyn Road.
EMERGEKCY PHONE CALLS "The censor ono e\'ening came across
useful citizen, although h<' often SUI" The ahon' snh,jcl·t will he l'respntcd
Pire, 350 a letter from a boy to his folks hack ('eeds in being somethIllg else. I can't in a most a.hle manuel' by one of the
Police, 1250 home in which the' Y' was panned anll help hut like his fearless manner of doetors from the DiYision of Social
scn"ed on toast with a garnish of all saying out loud just what is on his Hygiene and HecrC'ation of the Wo-

the Scotch blessings and reverse Eng-
lish the boy had on hand. 1'Iow the
mind-that's when he knows whereof
he's'speaking. The trouble is he gets
ml'n 'sCound] of Kational Defense at CALDWELL & CO.
thl' 'Vol1lC'n 's Community Clu1) on Tucs·
censor is a prC'tty tired man and I
should not have blamed him if he had
his wires crossed. lIe writes a letter da~-, Fl'bruary 4th, 3 P. M. Real Estate
CIVIL SERVICE JOBS FOR SOL- let that letter go. But there was an ex-
to Our Town, tells us that teachers aro
underpaid as C'OInpared with munition At the last )llel'ling of the "'omen's
tra strong touch {)f exaggeration in it
DIERS AND SAILORS. "'orkers, janitors, etc., and we are all (Jommuuity Club nC'arly a hundred wo- SOU~~t~~d;talion NARBERTH, PA.
that roused the censor's sense of jus- inclined to agree with him. Our hope is llIen had tho priYilC'ge of listening to It
tice. that some day we'll be able to help him
The United States Civil Sen'ice Com- most splendid array of n1l1s'ieal and
m18SlOn is perfecting arrangements
whereby men who are about to be dis-
"So he sent the letter to the 'Cap-
tain of the hoy's cOll1pany and thC' Cap-
bring out many reforms; in fact, 1'1'"
form the whole world. But, when he
other talent.. The program, whicli was
so ahly arranged by the chairman of
Frank Crist
tain calh'd the boy in. This is the con-
charged from the Army an<1 Kavy may
versation that followed:
begins to quote figures, Ach HiJUmel!-
whi('h t rans!a ted mcan:; "Oh piffle."
llIusic, ~Irs. Joseph Barclay, offered a MEATS & PROVISIONS
charged first-hand information concern- tli,"ersity of entertainment. All were
" 'Did you write this letter?'
artists and w<' are indeed grateful to
Hilh Grade Butter
ing opportunities for employmcnt in
I' 'Yes, sir.' Narlwrth is beginniug to resemble Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
the Federal civil service. Thc Commis- each one for their liberal part icipation.
" 'Read it o\"el'. Is there anything Venice in the number of its bridges.
sion has received authority from th'J A delightful social hour followed and
t)J('re you'd like to changc bdore it is Our St reet CouJlnissioner probably
Secretary of 'Val' and the Secretary of W(lS most ably cared for hy the hostess,
senH' hasn't any gUIll shoes, hClwe this epi-
the Navy to appoint its representatives
at all establishments where enlisted
" 'No, sir.'
"Then there was a short pause in
demic of hridge buildiug- at all stroet
('rossings. And there's that crossing at
~Irs. E. S. Deubler, as~isted by Mrs.
Charh'~ ,Y. Young, :.\1rs. Eo Cockerill Meat Market
men arc assembled in considerable num- a11l] ~Irs. J. 'V. Joyce.
which the Captain studied the boy, and Sabine and Essex for which the school Choice Meats, Best Grade
bers. These representatives are now
tho boy set his jaw stubhornly. Finally: ehildrcn will he duly thankful. Strange at lowest prices
being appointed. They will be prepar-
" "VhC'r(> liic1 you write this letter ' he didn't huild a hrillge tl1l're, too.
ed to inform the men fully concerning
also High Gradel of Butter and
positions wllich arc open, to supply them
with application blanks, to assist them,
" 'The Y, Rir.'
" "Vho ga Vl' you the paper!'
Save and Bundle Eggs and Chickens
if nccessary, with the execution of their
applications and to advise them rela-
" 'It's warm and cosy, and something
like hOllle there, isn't it"
TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS YOUR NEWSPAPERS Try our Ilood. an,d b. convinc.d

tive to civil service matters generally. ELECTS OFFICERS. JOHN B. HERTZTER

It is the plan of the Civil Sen'ice Com-
" 'Yes, sir.'
" 'Where do yon !ret your' cigarettes,
For the Y. M. C. A. 205 Haverford Ave.
mission to entl'11st this work to educa- The l'lection of oilieers of the :Mont.-
candy, etc.?' gomery Coun tj' J<'ederation of 'Volllen's
tiunal directorR of welfare organizations
" 'The Y, sir.' Clubs took place at Ambler, Pa., on
already operating at the camps, can-
tonmentR! etc. The representatin's of
"'You're always sure of finding
what ~'ou want therc"
Thnrsday, J'anuary 2Jrd last. The fol-
lowing olllccrs ,,-C'n' ell'dctl for a term
For Rent and Sale
the Commission who ure appointed from
.II 'Yes, sir.' OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED Fire Insurance
the personnel of thrsC' \\'C'lfnre organ- of two years:
" 'You ge to the mo,-ies and a real UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
izations will hm-e the henefit of the Presitlent-~Irs. H. J. Holston, Port BeD Phone 862 W.
advice and assistance of the ComInis-
,sion's local boards of examinC'rs at
show occasionally"
" 'Yes, sir.'
YicC'-Pl'l'si(1ent-:\lrs. D, '1'. Jenes,
Pasteurized Milk
"l,D BuDding. Narberth, Pa.
" "Vho 1'\1I1S them" Pottstown.
near-by 'cities, in addition to the in- (Pedrlallc Soddy) OVERBROOK
" 'The Y, sir.' Secrl'tary-~Irs. C. P. Fowler, Nar-
structions reeei ved from the Commis-
" 'Doesn't cost you a cent, doC's it~'
Special ,. Guernsey"
" 'No, sir.' Treasurer-:ilIrR. ,V. II, Pugh, Merion.
"There was another pause, and the (Roberls' & Sharpless'
:Dear 'Cub:
hoy's face was redder and his expres·
Cream Bullermllk ARDMORE l~.l QUALITY
sion softer. Then:
As our champion for just ice auu " 'If you don't mind, sir, I'd like ~o Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
equity, we look to you to right the sec that letter again.'
THE Narberth Guard ICream.

wrengCouneil and the Fire Company "Without a woru he took it from the drills every Thursday
apparently contemplate putting across
on many of our citizens.
I have learned that Council intends
officC'r's hund, torC' it once across, and
dropping it into the basket, made his
evening in the Fire House,
to or has appropriated a sum for the
salute, turned 011 his heel and walkcd 45th and Parrish Sts.
out.' '
support of the Fire Company, and on
the strength of that promise the Fire
Company will rcduce the dues to $1.50 OUR TOWN will gladly print
CHARLES SCtlWARTZ Has Sold His Tailoring Establishment to GARAnteed Roofs
from $3.00 per year, whereby ~'ou and
I will save $1.50 per annulII. But how
any news Item about any subject
that Is of Interest to Narberth
about those who never paid anything folks, but In ord.er to meet PRACTICAL TAILOR HARRY B. WALL
into the Fire Protection Fundt They the printing Ilche4ule, all "'copy" Work called for and delivered. Ladiea' and gentlemen'a clothing Prea.ed,
have so far been able to save three -manuscripts-mullt reach the Scoured and French Dry Cleaned. Firat-cia.. work done. Suils made to me.aure- Plumbing, Gas Fitting
donal'S a year, and now they are able editor by G P. M. Monday each ment. Fit and workmanahip guaranteed. Moderate price.. Give me a trial. and Heating
only to save half of that, or $1.50-1) week.
bnrdship on that large class of fellow Bell Phone 1254 J 234 Haverford Avenue NARBERTH. PA
================ 11 A. IlL as a ,iubilelJ llervice and fifth stood 21 to 16 in favor of Darby, but
You will find it convenient to anniversary of the local hraneh of our in the second half the local boys made
Plenty of exercise, fresh air,
regular hours-is all the pre-
church. Miss Alberta -Sprowls,' ot a great spurt, which put them nino
Japan, will speak, probably in costume, points in the lead. Darby was never scription you 'need to avoid
have an account with and other ladies wiII assist in tho serv- able to catch up.
The passing and cleverness of the
Influenza-unless through
ice and act as ushers anu take the of· neglect or otherwise, a cold
fering. Tho following wiII sing: Miss Karhrrth boys featured. Though almost
gets you, Then take-at
Prescott, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Worden and e\'ery boy on Darhy's tealll wus bigger
THE MERION TITLE &TRUST CO. Mrs. Foote. The .Tunior Missionary So- than the largest on Narberth's, the vic-
tors' speed and ele\'{'rne~~ carried them

eiety, "The King's Heralds," will tako
part. Everybody welcome. A special out on top.
(jllartette will sing. SipleI' and Rpahr starred for Darby,

Narberth Office, Arcade Building while Dickie aJld l\[artin played bril- CASCARA QUININE
liantly for Narberth. ~/iOM\O~
THE FIRESI DE Tho line-up:
Standard cold remedy for 20 years-in tablet
form-safe, sure, no opiates-breaks up a cold
NarlJPrth. Darby. in 24 hours-relieves grip in 3 days. Money
(Continued from Page 1.) back if it fnilq. The genuine box hns a Red top
Dickie Forward Collison with Mr. Hill'. picture. At An Drug Storeo.
Checking Accounts Saving Accounts plant for thp Charles E, Hires Com- .fenkins , l~orward Carpenter

A ~S~UT~.E!A
pany, of Philaddphia. Ward , Ccnter Spahr
Mart in .. , Guard ., .. , .. Beacher
\Vomen's Poreign Missionury Society Nolan Guarcl " _ Sipler
7 1'. IlL-Christian Endeavor Rally. Finest Photoplay The-
of the Jllethodist Episcopal Church will atre 01 Its Size In the
.Joint Illcl-ling of the Seniors und ,Juniors have fifth anni\-ersary service Sunday Field gnals-Diclde, G; Jenkins, 2; Entire World.
ill the main anditorium. Special music Ward, 2;. Kolan, 1; JI[artin, 1; Collison,
ST. PAUVS EVANGELICAL morning, February Dth, at 1.30 0 'clock, Pb.toplavs-Continunus 10 A. M. to 11.3e
h." yOllng- )ll'ople's chorus. Addrcss by in connection with fiftieth anniversary 1; Spahr, 5; SipleI', 2; Beacher, 2. Foul P.M.
~l iss Plorl'ncl' Norton, one of the Seer3'
of the organization of the society. The g-oals-Dielde, 15 out of 24; Beacher, PhUa.,Pa.
Organized l'i'6/}-Ardmore, Pa. wries of the Department of Religious ladies of the church ,,-ill havo charge of 15 out of ~(j. Time of hah'es, 20 min·
II"true1ion of the Presbyterian Church. I he sen"ice and have arranged a full utes. Referee-Fred. Guettcr, Phila·
Rev. Charles Walker Ansehntz, D. D., Tho public rordially iuvited. program, to which all arc welcome. delphia Board. PROGRAM
Pastor Church Notes.
SE'l'vices every Sunday. The greatest travl'1 picture, if not
Cotblge Prayer Meeting next Wednes- WEEK OF FEBRUARY 3ed
Morning at 10.45.
Evening, 7.45.
day evening at the home of Mr. Ell-
wood II. Sickels, 21:1 Woodside avenue.
the most interesting, is Martin John·
son '5 ,( Cannihals of the South Seas,"
Dr. Francis H. Greene
Sunday school at 9.45 A. M.
Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.
The members of the Session and their
wives will bo entertained at the home
to he shown at the Palace Theatre, Ard·
more, on 'Vednesday. Johnson and his
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening plucky little wife traveled thousanus of -IN-'
at 8 o'clock. of Dr. H. A. Banks on next Friday
miles alone, visiting the savages of the In\'itations haH\ heen issued to the
You are most cordially invited. to
come and worship with, 'us; the pews
lonely South Pacific Islands, where- the
blacks had never before looked' upon n
('\'ening's elltertailllJlent to be given on " Sandy Burke of the U·BAR·U "
are all free; you will be most wel- l\fonduy evening, February 10th, at S
come. BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE white man. Once captured by canni· P. 1IL, in the Community Room of the Added .- " PRIZMA .,
EVANGEL. bals, only to escape by a hair's bre,adth, Y. Jlt C. A. It is ulld,~r the auspices
they uiscovered a tribe of pigmies and of the Women's Community Club and
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. often stood besido death in filmilig their
Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. is in the form of an informul reception
most wonderful adventures. or n. "get-together" evening of mem- MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAB
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa. AS PossmLE TO 10.15 A. M., 12.00, 2.00,
:'lunday, February 2: hers, their husband lUHl representatives
The ,( Than k Boxes" delivered to S.41i, 1l.41i, 7.411. 9.S0 P. lIf.
!1,45 A. lIf.-Bible School. of local organizations.
Merion Meeting is open for worship ('ach hOllle in K arberth and collected
11 A. M.-Communion service. SCI" The lecture to be given by Dr. Francis
overy First·day morning at 11 0 'clock. .T anuary 19th, contained $899.27 when
ilion by the pastor on the subject H. Greene on "Tho Value and Worth of the Garden COJllmittee who will give
We cordially welcome any visitors who the committpe counteu the contents. Ad-
"Those Who Shall Not Die," John 10: Wit and Humor" will be followed by you full particulars. '
desiro to worship with us. ditional hoxps lUlve since been collected
26. sprcinl l11usic anel a social hour.
On First-day, First month (Jan. 12), containing $71.21. This makes a total
7 P. IlL-B. Y. P. U.
the Quarterly Meeting Visiting Commit· of $970.51 now in the hands of Treas·
7.45 P. I1L-E\'ening worship. Ser·
tee: William Hagaman, Mary C. Dirk- urer Haws. There ure still a few boxes
mon by tho pastor on tho suhject.,
inson, Aquilla Lim'ill and Sarah Lin- which ha \'e not heen turned in. Those PLANT A TREE TilE WAR CUEST FUND
"Se\'en \Vonuers of the 'Vorle1-."
v ill, will be with us. holding them are requested to leave Your pledge for the War Chest
Ohurch Notes. them at the Post Ofiice if convenient. Fund is due' and payable to the
For the Boys Who Have Enlisted from
ALL SAINTS' P. E. OHURCH. The subject of t.he Young People's The amount contrihuted in theso boxes Treasurer, Chas. V. Noel, or the
Narberth. Merion Title and Trust Company,
:\feeting Sunda)' will be "The Best purely voluntary and without solicita-
Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. tion, is considered a very liberal col- The Cidc Association has arranged at Narberth.
Things in This Kind of Work." Lender,
:L plan wherehy a tree can be planted
If you pay by checle, make
The services at All Saints' P. E. Mr. Lester Peters. Mr. David Dabbll.ck lection, after all the war-time calls
checles payable to the War Chest
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood will tell about Silver Bay. The roll which huve been so successfull)' met in for eneh boy in thl' serdce. If you
Fund, or mall direct to Chas. V.
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol- will also be called. Karherth. The important matter now want a tree for a partieular boy, get ill Noel. Treasurer.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening before till' Narberth organizations is to touch with H. H. Hillegas, Chairman vf
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. at 8 0 'clock. Subject," Our Christian sec that. their delegates attend the
9.45 A.M.-Sunday School. Hl'ritage," Rev. 21: 7. meetings called to dotermine how the
11.00 A. l\L-Moming prayer and ser· A suppcr will be given for tho benefit returning hoys are to be received, and
Any Episcopalians who have not af-
filiated with any other Church arc re-
of the Baptist Institute on Thursday
evening, the 13th, in the Belmont Ave·
nuo Church. This will be followed by
what form the permanent memorial shall
take, which is to be established in
mPlnor~- of our heroic dead.
Narberth Register
Two Linell, IOc per illllue; Sc For each additional/ine
quested to deposit their letter at All a sketch for which the Institnte girls
have a great reputation. A good num-
The Rector will be very glad to call
her from here will attend.
On Frid~IY evening the 7th, Dr. Harry
SCHOOL NOTES Kelm, H. O. Certified Public Accountant.
202 Dudley ave. Phone, Narberth 300-W.
Scott-Powell Dalrle8. Phone, Preston 2398.
See display adverllsement In thIs losue.
upon strangers or any new corners in (Continued from Page 1.) ADVERTISING IIIUSIC
Emerson Fosdi~k will address the Bap· Cole, W. Arthur. Phone, Spruce lS38. T. Stuart Cowin. 206 MerIon ..ve.
this vicinity. Ideas. Plans, COpy. Art. Typograpby.
tist Social Union of Philadelphia and See dIsplay advertisement In thl. laue.
The winter work of the Sunday Shaw, Chairman of the Instruction AUT()~IOBILES Loos. Fanny n. Plano teacher.
Vicinity in the First Baptist Church. Committee, devott'd a forenoon to a gen· Lees' Garage-RepaIring. Etc. Phone. 1605. StudIo. Arcade Bldg. Phone, 316-J.
School is progressing nicely, and it is A limited number of tickets arc avail- See display advertisement In this losue. SJoholm. Miss Ebba. MusIc Teacher and A.c-
urged that parents seo that their chil- eral review of I~onditions in the Ele- Narb"rth GarB!:'e. Pbone Nurllcrth 1033. eompanlst, 228 Iona ave.. Narbertb.
able, and if there are any of our friends mon tary Depa rtmen to On Franklin's ~ee uls1l1u~' 11l1\"el'tlseUlent in tllts issue.
dren attend regularly. NOTAR11 rUBLI0
in Narberth who desire to hear this DANKS Jeft'erles, J. 11. III Narbertb ave.
birthday he gave an instructive and in- Merion TItle & Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore 3. Phone. 666-111.
Try and follow the Brotherhood of famous author and distinguished Bap- See display advertlsllment In thlo losue.
spiring talk on the life and work of T"son, Warren It. 200 Woodbine ave.
Saint Andrew plan and make an effort tist minister, kindly let us know. There BUILDERS Phone, 1202-W.
l~ranklin. He has kindly consented to Bmedley, Wm. D. Phone, 600.
each week to bring some person to wiII be no charge. See display advertisement In tblo Isoue. OI'TICIA~1!l
talk on Abraham IJincoln Wednesday. Fenton, Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Phone. 618-W
'Church or Sunday School. If we all This church most kindly invites all CANDY, ETC. Phlis. addreea, 1806 Chestnut .t. Locust IU.
morning, Fehruary 12th. Da\·ls. II. E. Phone. 1254-W.
would do thill All Saints' would have to people of Narherth not attending sen'- See display advertisement In thlo Isoue. PAINTERS
be enlarged to twice the present capac· iCllS elsewhere to worship with us. CAlll'ENTlo;nS AND BUILDERS Cole, ,Jallles R.
,Jenkins. ebas. L. 246 Haverford ave. Phone. Spruce lUI.
ity. BASKETBALL. 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M. W. G. Cummer. Phono. 12-62 W.
The Church 'bus leaves Narberth and 210 Ehllwood ave., Narberth
Wynnewood Stations at 10.40 on Sun· METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH dUffieI'.
117 WInsor ave, Phone, 1247-J.
Narlwrth High School won its sixth 23\l Humpuen nve.• Nurllertb. Box 2iO.
day mornings. ••The Little Church on the Hill." DENTISTS PAPER IIANGERS
straight game \\7('dnesday afternoon, Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, U3-W. Witte. Goo. A. FaIrview ave.
when Lower Merion High School fell Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4252, KeIth Bldg. Pbone, Cynwyd 778·J. Flrst·class work.
Rev. F. M, Gray, Pastor. bcfore the lowl boys, losing' by a score DRUGGISTS
Sunday, February 2nd': of ~G·](i. See display advertisement In tblo looue. "Arcadia." 16th and Chestnut ets., PhllL
ELECTRICIANS See display advertisement In thlo lo.ue.
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector 9.45 A. M.--'sunday Sehool for all The Ardmore boys led at half time Pugh, VerI 225 lona ave. l'I,VAlBING. ETO.
ages. Mcn's Class taught hy lion. F. W. by a score of 12·11, but this lead was Nar. Phone. 660-W. Ard. Phone. 168-J. BUlllee, Goo. B. Phone, 1289.
ljllickly overcome hy Narberth. FISn AND OYSTERS See display advertisement In tMs loou•.
Early Mass on Sunday from April Stites. \Vomen's Class taught hy Mrs. Imperial Gro~er,' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Wall, n. B. Phone. 819-J.
McCracken. The gamo was dose and fast, and the See dIsplay advertisement In thlo looue. See display ad vertl.ement In this lesu•.
1 to Ootober 31 at 7 A. M. From GAltDEN NURSERIES
11 A. lIf.-Sacrament of tho Lord'~ clever handling of the hall h~' Narberth nEAL ESTATE
Novemlber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M. Wohlert, A. E. Caldwell &I 00. Phone. 127l-W.
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout the Supprr and rcception of new members. glwe them the dctory. Montgomery ave. Phone. 696 Narberth. See display advertisement In tbl. Isou•.
The line-np: GROCEItS Fritsch, II. C. Phone, 252-W.
year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 a.nd :l P. M.-Children's Church. Vested Imperial Grocer,· Co. Phone, Narbertb 606. See dIsplay advertisement In tblo lo.ue
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Ev~ing Choir. Object talk by pastor. We hope See dIsplay advertisement In thl. Isoue. Godfrey, Wm. B. .
Narberth. Lower ?[erion. IIAULING. ETO. 114 Woodside ave. Phone. 685-W.
devotions and other services at regu- to have 125 present. Nash, Robert J. Phone, 605.
lar times. 7 P. M.-Epworth League. Pastor or. Diclde J<'orward Rountree. ,John. Al'dulOrC, Pu.
S"e (llsI>IIl~- n<!\'ertis"lUellt in tbis issue. Money for First and Second Mortgage•.
Walton Uros. Phone, 672. ShnJ)!!lUJI, Junles C. 232 Essex ave.
gi\'es second talk on" Christian Crusaile Jenkins , Forward Stillwagon Phone, 636, or 1420 Chestnut .t.
See display adverUsemont In thlo looue.
for 'World Democracy." Ward , , ., Center ' Ryan INSUItANCE ltOOFING, ETO.
THE PRESBYTERIAN OHURCH, nowman, SamuelI'. (LIfe.) Gara-McGlnley Co. Phone, 1258-W.
Martin. . . . . . .. Guard Powell
7.45 P. IlL-Sermon b~' the pastor, 116 Elmwood ave. Phone, 668-W. See display ad vertlsement In this looue.
Nolan , Guard Derham lnrkhardt, M1I1er. General Insurance. IIl1l1er, John A. 248 lona ave. Phone, 861-J.
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. (, Abrallam." 'I'hese great characters 100 Maple ave. Phone, 669-M. Shop. 246 Haverford ave. Phone, 1226.J,
of the past arc full of interest nnd in· Substitutions-lit Dickie for Jenkins; Jones, Chus. It. SIIOElIlAKERS
305 S. Narberth ave, Phone. 682-J. Good Wear Shoe Rellalr Shop.
Meetings for next Sunday: spiration for the present. Heston for Stillwagon; Stillwagon for Jones, Wnt. J. 103 S, Narberth ave. Phone, Constantine, D. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldg,
680-J. Phlla. address. Penn Mutual Bldg.
9.30 A. M.-Men's Bible Class. Dr. Wednesday, February 5th-Praye:- Derham; Tyson for Powell. Field goals !fr.tter Br08. (FIre. etc.) The abave department should be ot tb.
H. A. Banks, teacher. meeting. The pastor will speak on "The -J. Dickie, 3; Ward, 1; Stillwagon, 2; 209 WoodsIde ave. Phone. 1262-8. I:reatest use to the communIty. the list con·
LAWYERS talns the name of every profe...lonal man,
10 A. I1I.--'sunday School. Everybody Master '5 Endurance." lIfrs. Joseph T. Ryan, 2; Powell, 1. Foul goals-Dickie, Gllro,', John 211 Essex ave. Phone, 1246-8. tradesman, mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., who
welcome. Barela)" will be the soloist at this seT\" 18 out of 24; Stillwagon, 6 out of 8. Phlla. address. Lincoln Bldg. does or can In any way oerve hIs tellow-
Stites. Fletcher W. 418 Haverford ave. townsman, and who Is progresolve enoul'b
11 A. IlL-Public worship. Sermon ice. Rountree, .0 out of 3. Phone, 372-W PhUs. addreos. Crozer Bldg. to add name to list of Regloter.
theme, ",Tustified, Freely, Forever." IMonday, February 3rd, 2.30 P. M.- Again Narberth High SCl1001 '5 bas- LIGHTING FIXTURES Ao It Is dlfflcult tor those· contrlbutlnl'
&leDonald Jobn. Narberth phone, 1288. their time and errorto to the production 01
4 P. Y.-Vesper service. The pastor Moeting of Women's Foreign Mission- ketball team triumpheu when the boys 1538 Cheot. st.. Phil... Phone, Spruce 1118. "Our Town" to personally either know or
MEATS, ETC. IntervIew all such, It would be mo.t help-
will preach on the theme, "The Heaven- ary Society. defeated tho Darby High School t(}am Cotter, Howard F. Phone, 1298. tul If those not now found In the prInted
ly Manna." Organ recital with violin On Sunday, February 9th, the Wo- last Friday by a scoro of 37 to 35. As See dlsolay advertisement In this losue. list would oend In a memo of th.lr nam.,
Orl.t, Frank. Phone, S68. address, phone numbers and bu.lne_•.. 01'
and 'cello ll.ccompnniment during the men's Foreign Missionary Society will tho scoro shows, the game was close. See display adverU~ement In thlo laue. protesslons tor listing. ThIs w111 co.t as fol·
first fifteen minutes. have charge of the morning service at lIertzter, .John D. Nnrberth. lows: 10 cento each leaue, tor J line.: 6 c.ats
At tho end of tho first half the score See dtsplay advertisement tn tbls Issue. tor e..cb addItional line.
================== 11. Tuesday-H. C. Obdyke. A Meeting of the Stockholders of the
Wednesday-Charles V. Noel.
Thursday-Daniel Leitch. Narberth Building & Loan Association will
14. Friday-C. L. Metzgar.
TAXI SERVICE 15. Saturday-W. J. Bailey. be held at Elm Hall, ·Thursday, February 6,
17. :Monday-WlII. D. Smedley.
Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight 18.
Tuesday-H. C. Obdyke.
Wednesday-Dr. Harry Hartley.
at 9 P. M., to nominate Officers and Directors
The expectation of a full attendance
is evidenced by tho ~tting aside of a
Thursday-Charles K Kreamcr.
Friday-'f. C. Trotter.
to be voted for at the Annual Meeting in
larger meeting rOom for them.
\Vatch for the report of this meeting
Saturrlay-A.•J. Loos.
;\fonda;y-J". G. Foote.
March. THOS. C. TROTTER, Jr.
in next week's issue of Our Town. 25.
Tuesday-Thl'lIw,,]] n. Coggeshall.
Wednesday-W. N. Mills.
HOSTS ARE URGED TO REMEMBER 27. '1'hursday-:'filler Burkhardt.
THEIR APPOINTMENTS. 28. Priday-He\". Frank )f. Gray.

Call Be Olle of the Greatest Aids to the

SPECIAL REI;) CROSS NOTICE. Try a ton of our
If your IJ:lIll" appearH on the list be- 'fhose ladies of the Narberth Hed
low make a note of the date, and if Cross Section who ar" working Oil Imit- Highland Buckwheat Coal at $7.50
:"ou are una],]" to till it, notify the Se,,- t",1 articles arc l'l'ljul'st,'d to fillish them,
1'<'lary. The Ill,lp you can render will if l'o,;sihle, hy or l,cfore the last day af per ton carried in. This low price will only last
..._-_ .. ,..... -_ .. ...-'-,. Ill' .C:Tcatly al'prceiatell 1.y tho Associa' .I:"lnllar~·, \\"hidl is Jo'riday of ncxt ,reek,
t ion. lnl·"illcnt:dly ynu spend an en· alld ,kli""r thcm to )lrs. A. P. Hedifer, until our bin is cleaned out. The coal can be
Y. M. C. A. Notes .ioyabh~ ('\"r'lIilJg n:-; ,,'ell a::-- n\Il(.1el'ill~
an ill\"aluable service.
wl,o is in eharg" or that departillent.
mixed with other sizes and thus bring about a
"l'h,' P"],ruary appointmcnts follow: TAX NOTICE. reduction of your heating bill.
CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES. I. Satur<1:ty-lla\"id D. Stickney.
Conforming' with t.he laws governing
;'Iron lay, Fcloruar~' ::--Boa1'd of Direct-
ors (Y. )f. C. A.) in ela"s roollJ.
Tue;;day, 1",'h1'nary ·t. :1 1'. :\I.\\'nmen's
;:. ~fOllflay-George ~r. Davis.
.!. Tucstlay-Thcll\\"l'11 H. Coggeshall.
ii. \Vcdn,'s.la~--T. XI,,'I Butler.
the coll('ction 01' taxI's in the Borough
of Xal'herth, liens will be fi1ed on all
c . P. COOK
(j. Thurs.lay-Clar<'nee L. Smith. properties on ,,"1)ich taxcs have not been
Conllllullity Clulo, ill COllIlllUllity Hoom.
Tu(';;day, Felll'uary "J, :: 1'. ~r.-Com· i. Friday-'f. C. 'frotter. paid by Fehrnary 3rd, 1919. Narberth 302 W NARBERTH, PA.
s. Saturllay-C. L. ?l1etzgar. RA \,:\[ON1) C..JO:\' ES,
munity llilolf' 'C1:I"", ill ('las, rOllll1.
10. ~fondaJ--Wm. T. Melchior. Tax Collector.
\Vl'dlle;;day, Felorual'Y !i-:\fol'lling
and aftprJlooll, l(ill~":-, l)aughtt'rs, in
ComllJunity Hoom.
\Vedncsday, Feloruary ii, ll.l!i 1'. M.-
Special gronp confcrcnce on Religious
Thursllay, Fehruary G, 7.:\0 P. )1.-
Mr. BowclI's Sunday Sehonl Class, ill
class room. .
Friday, Pehruary i, 7.:10 P. ;\1.-Boy
Scouts, in class room and gymnasium.
:Monday, February ]O-\Vomen 's Com'
munity Cluh SOl'ial, inComJllunity
TlIesllay, Fehruary ll-Hed Triangle
Committe", in Secretary's oflicc.



Stage Will Be Set for a Real Revival

of Bowling Interest.
The die is cast.! Our Diredors have
The Strawbridge & Clothier
now I'l'sponded to t hose who have so
often claimed that howling is a popular
sport and expreisf' in Xarherth. 'rhe
alleys arc at this writing being cleaned.
February Sale of
They will then he refinished.

The next step is up to the Jnembers.
Come in and tryout the NEW ALLEYS.
:Non-memhers arc :l1so ,,"cleoll1e to loosen
up their mllscles. \Ye al'l~ slIre tllllt ono
ovening as a visitor \\"ill lI1al((' yon de·
sire to ('nr"lI as a IlIcllIuer and como
The" Y" j~ maldng an eifort to bring
this sport to your home town. Don't Beginning Saturday, February 1st
stand hack with prejudice. Gin the
rdillished alh'ys a chance. vVe now have the lar.gest stoc);: of Furniture we have ever owned, and this en-
The howling tpam expects to rl'lul'lJ tire stock will be here in the February Sale at a substantial saving to OU!' C'ustOl1Wl'S.
to onr all,'ys for their home games.
Our regular stock-every piece and suit in the Store and our warehoufle-,yil!
be lowered in price, the reductions ranging ~:.ll the way from 10 pel' cent. on regular
\Valch for tlll'ir ~(-he<1ule announce·
ment. Come all,l se,- theIll roll away
from their opponents. numbers in constant demand, to about 45 per cent. on odd pieces and ~esigns to be dis-
WHEN THE BOYS COME HOME. As in former years, however, the greater feature of attraction \",ill be the SPE-
Red Triangle Conmlittee Reports a Plan
CIAL PURCHASES-the splendid lots of Furniture bought especially for this Febru-
of Welcome.
ary Sale, the average SAVING ON WHICH WILL BE FULLY ONE-THIRD. These
purchases were made many months ago-most of them in May of last year-long
Only the a]JIJ1'O\"al of onr Board of
Directors is n('eued to ]Jilt into foree :l
before anyone thought of the war coming to an end so soon, and when, in fact, some
mighty fine l'l:w for the HlIlll(' Town of our best manufacturers were diverting their plants to the producing of war
"Y's" 'V(\}eolllc to our boys retnrning materials, ~md dosing out large quantities of Furniture to clear their factories to
from th" ArlllY anll XtnT. facilitate the handling of their Government contracts.
That active Hell Triangle COllllllittee,
headed by ~[r. NQ(~l, is resl",](:,ihle fll1'
We expect and believe this will be by far our greatest February Sale-first,
the plan. It inell1des a JIl('mbership in· because our stock is larger and the values relatively 1110re attractive than ever; sec-
vitation and cluh rOOlll facilities for tho ond, because many folks have delayed buying Furniture until after the war, and
first fe'w months of their home-coming. because \ve shall have more than the usual number of spring weddings.
Furthl'r details ",ill he announccd
next week aft('r the plan has hcen Other hnportant Sales This Month-w.ill include-Housefurni~hings, Laundry Sup-
plIes, Enamelware, RefrIgerators, China, Cut
sanctioned by the Board of Dil'('ctors.
Glass, Lamps, Framed Pictures and Picture Frames, Metal Bedsteads, Springs, Mattresses, etc.,
DIRECTORS PREPARING TO IN- all crmsidel'ably undel' price.



Meeting on Monday, February 3rd, to

Be an Important One. Market Street Eighth Street Filbert Street
Not within tho last year has tho PHILADELPHIA
desire to go forward been so prevalent
in tho minds of our Directors generally
us it is now.
Every Director is expected to attend
the rogular February mecting next
Monday evening. An<1 that is not all.
He is expected to como with the ex-
press purpose of plunning a FOHWARD
STEP for !lur Association. The early
hour, 7.30 P. M., is a portent of BIG
BUSINESS which requires overy possi-
ble minute of time.

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