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Narberth Guard

Fertilizer lor Commun- That 27th Series AChallenge Worthy 01

ity Gardens w,~ woul,l lik,' to keep the mlltter
frl'sh iu youl' mind-that a nl'w series
A price has Iwen ohtained on a cllr· of stock will he opl'ned in the Xarberth To thl' Editor of,Our Town:
load of ahout :W tons of gra,le Building' and Loan Association on •• The All Stars of Narberth' ,
horsl' manul'l' for vl'g"l'tahle gardens of :\[art·h (lth next. The Board of ]lil'l'd-
:j;~.I.i Ill'r ton. ShipnH'nt can he m:llle ors will he at the Council Challlher, Charles :\!"('art,'r ,Forward
hy thl' ,It'all'r promptly from Philadel- Thursday en'ning', :\[art·h nth, from 1 Prank :\r. \\Tinne Forwanl
phia. ~Ir. 'C. 1'. Cook has kindly agreed until !l til \'('(·['i\'o subsl'I·;ptions. This II o I'll Cl' Smedley Cen tre
to wcigh :lIHI ,h'liH'r the manure to tho: nl'll' seril's will he the twenty-seventh Colwyn Humphries Guard
gllrdl'ns at eost of ml'n and {eam, figured
at $1.0n Ill'r hour.
Oil" of tlw Association, lIIHI should he

tll(' IUl'g(}:-;t P\"l'l' i:--sucd.

THE FIRESIDE A. Perry Redifer
LI's'ter ./ etrei·ies
Forwarcl (Suh.)
William Winne Forwal'll (Suh.)
F('J"l ilizing the groun,] is just as iln, Onl' of the l'('a,lers of Our Town sa;i]
Sorority Dancc to-night. K"lIneth Walton Cl'ntre (Sub.)
portaut as sl']('etioll of good ~eed:->. th,' otlll'r lIay that his home had hoth H
'rhosl' who wish to avail th"lllseIH's of first :ulll secoJl(1 mortgage a III I Ill' hatl
"j)I'«'" IJalTi" \fallagl'r all,l Train!'r "The Object of this Association
"Baron" Harris .. :\[allagl'r and Coal'\l shall be to improve and beautify
this opportunit~· shou!,l eOlllllluni"ate 1"'l'n IHI~'ing in'!l'rest on these mortg~lges
~[r. and :\[rs. 1-1. ~r. Train ar" ne\\' ., Ban k"r" Kril'bl<' T"alll BnJi"'r the Borough and Vicinity; to asSist
with :\Irs. A. B. Hoss,Chainllan Foo,1 for :-i(l\"en 01' (light years, hut 11£1\"(11' Se('Bl-
nl'ig'hhors at Xo. ~(j Elmwood al'ellue. ,. Afri"an " Kirk :\[IISCO( and co-operate with the authori-
Conservation COllllllittee \Volllan's COlll- I'd to g'et what he considere,] enough ties in enforcing laws and onti-
munity'Cluh, IO-l Forrest aH'nuc, phonc mone~' to make a payment on the prin- The ahove "olleetion of men reprei'ellt nances relating thereto; ta pro-
1\:lJ'herth ] (i:\!l-W. Two of our local eipal, that while t,he mortgages werc :\11'. and :\[rs. Ro!>"rt :\1. Barr ha \'" a haskethall tcanl known as "The All mote any project haVing for its
gardeners have 1IIrcad~' requested that not larg'e, he hesitate,l to ask the owner moved into No. -l7 ~lontgolJlery avenue. Stars." rrhis t1ggre~ation, representing' p~ose the bettennent of the com-
they he listl'd for S tons. Orders should of t.helll to 1'1""';\'" small sums on 1I'" lh,' ereanl of Xarherth's haskethall mlUlity as a Whole; to pravide a
be for one or lllOI'l' tons, and casll "aunt at th,' int"re~t peri'l(ls, and eonsI" players, al'l' dl'sirous of a game with means of acquiring and dissemi-
should ae"onlpan~' tl1l' or,ler. S"tt!t'· qUl'ntl.\· Ill' \I'llS st ill waiting until he Do not nli" th .. cat'll party at the th" Xarhl'rth High School tea III an,l nating information on any subject
mellt for "ost of delivery ('an Ill' lllade h:lll an amoullt large enoug'h so that he (h"I'hrook Golf 'Cluh on ~londay af,tl'1'- hope to pl'oellre said gallle throllgh thp of general interest; and to foster
later. ] f one ton should Ill' tuo lllueh and maintain a fraternal spirit
\I'otJld not he ashanll'd to of1'<'r it on t.he noon, :\[arch il. h,']p and kindness of the l'tlitor in thl' among the people of our commun-
for one gardl'll, <1ol1hth'~:-; arrall;.!,tlllll'nl:' prilll·ipal. II" has now dee ide,] that tIll' 1I,'II1'1'St po"ihll' fnture. ity." Dues for Voting Member-
eoul'l 1)(' nlll,le hy adjoi II ing gardl'lIl'rs Oil 1~' wny he \"i 11 ('\'er get these mort-
'I'h('ir llIallagl'rS, D('te Harris and ship for one year, $1.00. Every
for a didsion. gng"s paid ofl' will Ill' to put thl'm hoth ~rr.
anl! ~Irs. G"Ol'g,' ('unlitI" nrl' h,'- resident of Narberth and vicinity
Barol1 Harris, han' Slll'('eelle,l, lifter eligible.
The time is I'llpidly approaching for in the :\al'1)('rth Building and Loan "ui'ying one of thl' ~Inedl"y huuses un
II'pl'ks of pll':Hlillg allll lhe USl' of ph~'si­
making' thl' g'ardens I'l'a,],\' for t hI' "0111' "\"o"iatioll, w that he will have to pay Avon Haul!, Anthw,\'nFarJlls.
I'al stl'l'n).!'th. whil'll lhl'.\' a 1'(' quitl' cap-
ing ,,'ason; therefot"l' no tillll' should h", a "l'rtain sum each month, whieh wiB ah'" of a'lministerillg if necessary. ;n
lost. in making arrangelll,'nts thruugh "0\'1'1' a part pa.vlllent on hoth intere;,t
~[r. C. F. Austin al"l family ha\'e
t r:rilling th,'sl' nll'n into the pink of OUR TOWN will gladly print
:\lI's. Hoss for seeds and fertjlizei' at and pl'incip:d so that at the end Jf ("oIHlit.iou. Tl}(~ rC':-:peetiYc JlHlllagcrs,
taken up their resitl"nl'1' at ]()~ Che>"tnut any news item about any subject
cost.. e1<'\'en an,l a half ~'I'ars I\(' will own his with fllll eon'(idl'nee in their OWI1 I1H'n,
a\"cnuc. that is of interest to Narberth
hOIll(' deal'. He has wailt'd eight ~'ears f('{'l that the Xarhcrth High Sehool \I'ill folks, but in Order to meet the
to come to that d{'cision, anll he now ill SOllll~ way fin,l it inlpo".jlJle to play printing schedule, all .. copy"
CIVIL WAR VETERAN CELEBRATES wonders if he \\'ouldn't he hetter off $l.;iO is tIll' priee of t\\'O :\(lmission~ till' All Stars, \\"hi"h wOllld S"l'lIl I'l'r.\· -manuscripts-must reach the
to-day if he had start",l the Building to t,he Chi ..Pi Sororit,\' dance in Elm plallsihll' after til(' wondl'rful rl'eord
BIRTHDAY. editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday eacb
and Loan plan eight ~'ears ago when he Hall Satlll'da~' e\·ening'. the 2~nd. the All Stars h:l\'o estahlishl"], htl\-ing week.
purt'hased his home" as he said the lost onl~' one game this "':lson!
:\[1'. Thomas Mnnroe, a vetel'lln of the lllone~' he will pa~- eaeh month will not
][o\\'e"er, the people of Xarh(,l'th ha\'e
Ch'il War, celebrated his se\'ent~'-sev· sl'em the In11'lh'n that the int('r('st pay- Washington's Birthday DlInl'e in Elm
enth birthday on Februar,\' 14th at the
homo of his daughter, 1\[rs. Fl'llzi,'r
m('n tl' were, cum i ug ina lump sum every
six mont.hs.
Hall given hy th,' Chi-Pi Sorority.
Xuff sed! (
pyery right to in:--i1"lt 011 a g:l111C hpt'Y(icn
these h\'o teallls, \\"hieh thl',\' most em· Sullrage Notes
phatieally do, :lIlll I, as the champion
Pursc, on Elmwood ave. Mr. and Mrs. Another man, ha dng many large in- and admirer of the All Stars, ask the
Munroe formerly resided with another terests, with 1\11 in',oll1c requiring him There is one '"thl-;i;oing mail for all Xarberth Bran"'l of Woman Suffrage
('ditor to help bring these t.wo versatile
daughter, ~Irs. William H. Cohic, of to continually seek new investments, Party:
points from Narherth on Sundays. teams on the fie!l1 of battle not only
:\ferion avenue. The day was a lh'ely said that. he has always been a believer Time of closing is 5.20 P. 2\1. Leader-~[rs. Charl(,,. W. Young.
one for him, as a number of his grand- to decide the "hampionship of Narberth,
in Building and Loan, and that the VieeJLeader-~Irs. Wnl. H. Pugh.
children were present to enliven the whieh is no I]lIestion of doubt be,
money he has pa id e\'Cry month <lid not; Treasurer-l\Irs. E. H. Cockerill.
occasion. Many cards of congratula· longs to the All Stars, bllt to eon"il1cc
seem to make any difference in the size ~Iiss Huth Haws, who is attendin" ISecrotary-Miss Anna l\[aeKeag.
tion were received, and numerous friends the High School that their skill in this
of his bank account, but. tha,t. when the Goueher College, spent. the week end
called to clteer him and wish him nUln,\' manly game is far inferior to' sueh a
stock matured and he rcceivel1 a lump with her p:1r(,1It,s on Dudley a\·enue.
more snch occasion~. eollection of st.ars as Narberth's ad- CARD PARTY.
sum, he always wondere'd how in the lIlirl'd All Star team.
:\Ir. Mnnroe served during the entire world this money could be his, as it
four years of the 'C;vil 'Val', in the All knitted gannents MUST be re- Hoping you will gi\'e this your deep The Narberth Woman Su(l'l'llge Part,.
l'ame to him so easily.
28th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun· turned to the Red Cross before the end consideration lind thanking you for wiII givo a card party on :\foll<lay after-
Anot.her man started his children SUIJlt I,
teers, and was in many of t.he greatest of February. l
noon, March :{, at the O\'erhrook Golf
when young to Sa\-e enough out of their
hllttlNI, among them Antietam lIn,l Get- Very sincerel~·, Cluh. The t.ickC'ts are 7;') I'ent". includ-
allowunce to curry some Building and
tysburg. He was wounded twicl' whiil' 01\ E [NTER]<)STED. ing tea. There will be fh'e hundred
Loan st'Dck, and now that they ha\"(~ ali Leslie Smith is home from Franel'.
in the scnil'e, onel' very se\'erl'ly, hut and hridge tahles lind a priz,' fOI' each
grown up and married, he is taking out He arrived Tuesday; is looking fine
recovered and retnrned to his home. P. S.-The All Stars, showing their table.
shares in the nanle of his grandchildren, and says he is glad to be home.
During Benjamin Harrison's adminis- big hearts and sportsmanship eonduct,
saying th'at sOIlle of these days, 1I itEr he
t.ra t ion :\1 r. l\[ u nroe ree('i \'ed a conlin is- agree to play on any Hoar and an,\'
has paid on tIll' stock for a fe',I' years,
sian from the President to he Post· tinle it SO suits the High School. They The COrrect way to ha \'e your mail
he will have a nice Christmas pn~s,~nt You will enjoy an afternoon of cards
also agree to turn the receipts of the directed, if you live in Narberth and
mllster at GlIllitzl'n, Pa., whieh ollice he to give to t.hesl' grandchildren of his. with ~'our friends and a cup of tea at.
held for several ,\'I'ars. the Overhrook Golf Cluh on ~Ionday game o\'er to the High School, prodd· hllye a P. O. hox, is to )'our box num-
It s('{'ms that eaeh st.ockholtll'r has a her. Thero are lIny number of the
\Vhilt' he is not as spr~' as hI' wa~ af1ternoon, l\furch:L Tickl'ts, 7S cent;. ing, of cou:-s", that all of the aho\'e
different reason for earrying his Buil<l· patrons who have all their mail thus,
some years ago, hl' is ..till ahle to he out IHlmel! men are adntittild free of all
ing aud Loun stoek, hut all t,hink alike, ,lin'eted. Jt. a\'oids errors and delay.
on nice day.l and enjoys going to the charge allll wit.h the pri\"ilege of heing
that of all the investments they have
Post. Office, and his many friends lire Smith's Drug Store, of Ardmore, wHl on the contested floor at the time of sai'l
el'er made, th"ir Building and Loau ha\'e a brandl in Narberth at the cor'
always glad to see lJim on the street. game, to represent us as time-keepers,
stock is the mo~t satisfaetory. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
\Ve all wish him and his good wife man,\' ner formerly occupied hy \Y. F. ,T. scor('rs, etc. The All Stllrs also agree
}<'iedler. to the High School's eoach, ~Ir. Emmitt,
more years of hllppiness. Two cents per word each Ine"rtloa. caal>
as referee, he :t1one to dl'cide the rules In advance. No advertisement accepted Da-
BASKETBALL. lee. caah accompanlee COpy.
to be played and length of time of the
Joha C. XU8h has heen granted an
MAIN LINE BOWLING, indefinite lea Ye of absenee from the FOR SALE-A sewing maehine in good
On last Friday ('\'elling, the :'\ arherth condition. Price, $10. Also 2 sleds
High School hasketball t.eam journeyed 1:. S. Marine 'Oorps. He has been ,.ta·
tioned at Paris Island, S. C. and a blackboanL -l20 Essex a\·c. (20p)
Standing of the Clubs. to Jenkintown nnd \\,on in a fast game The annuul meeting of the Narberth
hy a score of 54 to :I:l. 'l'he game was Tennis Association will be held Friday, LOST-H'ough coated fox terrier, wIlite"
Won. Lost. P.C.
exciting and until the middle of the
The outgoing mail on Sundl[ly from :\[areh 7th, at 8 P. ~r., Narberth Y. l\f. spot.ted hInck. Answers to name of
Ardmore Y. l\L C. A .. , . ;; .8:3iJ second half .Jenkintown kept. only a few C. A. Viek. Reward. Box I, Xarherth. (20p)
;..rarbel'th closes at ;i.20 P. ~r. This in-
Wayne 2\f. 'C. 0.· .. · ... 4 2 .667 point.s hehind, but the local boys' speed
forma tion is on the leUer box in front
RlIdnor F. C. ••••••• 0. 4 2 .667 was too grc'at. und the score soon be·
Bryn Mawr H. 'CO. •••

Paoli l\L 'C. 0" ' •• 0. ' 0 '

0 • :1
came one--sided. At half time Narherth
of the PoSIt Office.
Calendar of Coming Events
led, 19 to 18.
Narberth Club il :1 .;')00 Date. Time. Organization. Purpose. Place.
•••• 0 •••
Dickie marred for Narherth and The Women's Community Club of
Rosemont. l\L C. ...... 2 -l .:l:{:1 Hiltobeitel for Jenkintown. Xarberth will gi\-e a dmlee in Elm Hall Feb. 22 X,'edll'work Guild. Bake Sale. Old P. O. Building,
Autorar Club 0 6 .0'00 Fl'h. 21, S P. l\I. ~Iemor;al Committee. Spol'iul l\Iel'ting. Council C}ullnber.
'fhc line·up: ~[onday evening, ~Iarch lith. Further
•• 0 ••••••

partieulars to fonow. :\[ar. 1,8 P. M. :\'arberth Tennis Asso. Annual :\[eeting. Y. M.e. A.
Narberth. ,Ten kin town. :\[ Elm Hall.
Wumen's Com. Club. Dance.
Dickie " Forwurd Hilteheitel
.Tenkins Forward Waters Tho Narberth 'I'ennis Association will
BRIDGE TEA 500 \Vard " Center Dolan hold its annual meeting Friday e\·en·
CARD PARTY Nolan ........• Guard
Harsch Guard
ing, ~fnrch I, in the Y. l\f. C. A. A
number of important questions will
Use This Blank in Sending ill Announcements of Coming Events.

To be .Iven at Date
Field gauls-Dickie, 11; Jenkins, 6; come up for discussion and settlement
GOLF CLUB \Vard, 4; Harsch, 2; Hiltebeitel, 6; and ever)' member is urged to be pres·
Waters, 1. Foul goals-Dickie, 8 Ollt at
So reml-m bel', members of the N ar·
Monday, March 3, at 2.30 P.M. 16; HiItebeiteI, 19 out of 30. Sub-
herth Tennis Association, put. down in
OrgllJlizntioll .
B,. Martin for N olulI. HefNee~Ca\'is.
~'our engagement book "Tennis meet- Purpqse .......•....................................................
Narb.rth Breach .f Th. WomlUl
Suffr... Part,. ing, at Y. l\f. 'C. A., Friduy night,
:\[ureh 7." Pl:we ., .
TICKETS 75 cents Better than money becuuse they earn
money. Buy a War Stump to·day. (Oontinued on Page 4,)
Telephones. or course. w.

An Expel'iment in Co-operative
to-day's wages or salary, should ho
savcd for to-morrow. It will illves,i your
monthly dues for :roll ut a rate which is
practically douhle whut the suving
Cub's Weekly Letter
To the Edi tor of Our Town:
1268 HOWARD'S deliver -' an,
p I ace - any

banks pay, lending money for gilt-edgo The Brightest Spot in Narberth
Journalism-No Paid Workers. mortgages only, alld it will return to Among 'the most ard('nt of
you $200 for el'/'f.\' share of stock which National Prohibition is our capable A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Owned and Published every Saturday you carry at $1 p('r month. All tho Street Commissioner-at l('a8't. such is
by the Narberth Civic Association. tho impression, aUlu a \"ery lasting Olll:,

profits go to tlw "to('ldLOI,lers-the plan
is wholly co-operath'e-an,l no hetter ca.rrieu away hy a strung('r who hud the Essex Ave. abo Haverford
Subscription price one dollar per means can h(' IIdol)led to 11I'0\'ide a com- miRfortune ,to appear within the sacre<1 Avenue Narl~o~th
year in advance. petence fOI latcr years than l11('ml:cr- pl'ecin('ts of our oruPl"ly and llL\\'-ahi(l-
ship in a hnil,Hng alld loan associat ion ing- Borough in n. somewhat intoxieated
condition. Pa.te was unkin<l ,to the
Overland Sales and Service Agency
strang('r in tha·t his path erossed the
Ncw s('ries op"ns n('xt month-$1 pl'r
President-Joseph H. Nash. shan'-and n'nl('lllhl'r the mon('y is suh-
OIJ(, tra\"ersl'(l hy our Super\"iRor of L. C. SHAHAN'
Vice-presidents-A. C. Shand, James RoadR, Ashes, etc, The lat.ter's right,
ject to ~'our illlllll'diat(' "all shoul,1 yOll
Artman, A .•J. Laos. ('ous ire wa" aronsed hy the sighot of Phone. Ardmore 967 W Day .nd Night
desire it. for siekn,,:,s or :1l1\"(,l'sity, any t.helll hy their ellll'lo,\'''I', :1l!lliug that the
Secretary-'i'reasurer-Robert J. Ed- the inebriated wretch who so defiantly
gar, P. O. Box 601.
Direetors--J. J. Oabrey, :Mrs. C. P.
purpose at all, or "holll,1 ~'ou <I,'sil'c to
discontinul' memhership on a('count of
hral'cd tho wrath of this hone dry com,
mllnity one ,lay last \I'"ek. Controlling'
latiN "ollld wcll :tfrol'l!' to pay high
wagl's, iu dew of the prices he was JOHN MARMORA
moving from Xarhel'th. ~lake sure, ~t inging his eUS10111el':O;.
Fowler, W. R. D. Hall, George M. then, to ('nroll youl'R('lf at thp lIpxt
himself with an efrort, our COlllmission-
If uly opinion were asl<ed, I shouhl
Hauling and Moving
Henry, H. R. Hillegas, Charles E. lIl('ding, Thllrs,lay, ~ral'eh 6, ]!l]!l, aot "I' endeavored to expostnlllte with the AI'IYWHERE
say that the :'\al'hel"lh sehoul is for-
Humphre.ys, F.. A. Lanahan, Daniel wand('n'r al1l1lToin,t out to him thc l'rrol' Rates Reasonable ARDMORE, PA.
E111l Hall, N"arl)('rth, and seclIre as wallY tnnal<' ill its f:ll'lIlty and that the (('ach-
Leitch, E. A. lIuschaIllp, Mrs. A. Perry sh a 1'(\:-;, fe\\~ or J11a1J~p, rtR yon ean <,arry. of his following the "'ide and crooked
el's eam their Inodest stipend,;-in spite
Redifer, MIS. A. B. Ross, Fletcher W. T\\"o or thrp(' Rhar('s for each ;>1' the
way, pietnring \"i\"i,lIy the horrors that
Stites, Walton lL Wentz, A. E. Wah-
lert, Mrs. Charles \V. Young.
chil']l'ell is a popular alHl i']eal plall.
TIll' he,.;t \\"a~- to sa\"('. th,' JIIO"t pf-
:Lwait('d hilll at th'l end. BlIt. alas! all
of this "Iof{ul'oce waR as so nllleh water
of what An:-:n"t. "ai,1 a yl'ar ago. And
to l'lml'. J \von],] add 1'1Iat if tax('s were
incl'l'as('d so as to allow for a,],litional
on a dnck'" h:rck. rt rollerl right "n', Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
f""t i\"l' IIll'ans of pllrchasing y01l1' hOllle, school l'XIH'Il<I'itul'l's, I \\"ould pay IllY
HARRY A. JACOBS, whi,'h i" ('ontrary to the usual action
the formidahll' hal'ripr agailltit a tl'ouhle-
some futllr(', is a lIll'lIlhershil' ill a high
of watl'r on the a \'"rage roof, (',.;pecially
share cheerfully. Angns't can't say the
sallie, for the \"el'Y goo,l re:rson that
Mrs. Roy E. Cluk, Henry Rose,
gra,l(' huildillg' and loan asso('·iation.
jnst aft('r you hn \'e paid a hill for re-
he isn't a tax payer. It's so ('asy for EXPERT REPAIRING
And tIll' Xarlwrth Building amI Loan these Bolshe\"iki to spend the other fel- Telephone Narberth 1633
W. T. Melchior A. J. Laos, Now you 1010W, and in fact all of us
ARsoeiritioll is "tl'ietly high-gnllll', as its lo\\' ~s lIloney.
nati\'('s knowth" pow('r of that. rigllt
Associate Editors. rl'eol'dplainly pro\"!'s, an,l it \\"ill lIlost anll-llu' arm whi"h visiting- ha";l']mll
cordiall~' \\"('It,olll(' ~'Oll as a lIleJllh(,I'. Ho\\"al'd Da\"is, ollr le:l<l'iug lIIel'l'hant, A COMPLETF LINE OF
t"alllS hail 1<'al'n('(1 to ]"('''Iwl't.-th(' arm
non't forg!'t. 1hp dat(' of the 'le\\" whi,'h was the talk of the eoll"ge hase- sa~'s: "Tl((' ('O:--t of e"crythitlg' has gOlle SCHOOL SUPPLIES
Oashier. spl'il's-Thul's,lay, :'Ilardi 0, l!l1f1. up ex,,,'ptillg t,hat. of ullaskl',1 :1l1l'iel'; AT
hall fraternit,\' ill th" days, man,Y, muny
Y(lars ag'o, \\'h(\11 our 1J1'l\~cnt 'COfllJuis· tha t 's jnst :l:-:' fl"{,(\ as it <,,,el' wns."
Send all letters and news items to :-doner ,,-as known' as the "PriUl;Cf"(l!l DAVIS'
P. O. Box 966. 'I'o thl' Editor of our To\\"n: Sensation." BlIt the slrangl'r didn't Doc. Howal'll had het-tel' look to his CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
Send all AdYCrtising l\Iatter to P. O. kllOW, Slwh is thl' 11l'nall~' of ignorance. lanrels. The" Brightest Spot in Xar-
Box 39. '\'l' ha\'e oft.en Ill'ar<l of thp hl'ight-
In his hlin,1 folly. the \"isitor totally hel't h" is now on CIH'st unt :n'cuuc,
n('ss shown ·hy till' \\"ell,kno\\"11 .'ohllny
Our Town is on sale at the depot
newsstand, and at the store of II. Eo
Bo"toniall. hut. \\"e dOIl't allnlys lwlie\"l'
all \\"(' h,'ar, :lllll \1"0 had our douht,.; :.t~
unappl'l'"iati\"(. of the kl'ture which our
loeal Triphamnll'r \ras ,klin'J'ing,
taunl('d the latt"r with th" remttrl.
thrl"t' dool'=-, W(ll'it of Es~('x. Party win·
dow", ('aeh one lightl'd np "\"('I'y lIig-hL
Chl'l'I'ful sig-ht, hut. think of the hilb
Entered as second-class mattJr to whethpr Bo"tOlli:llls had allY thing- on In the following up-to date homes:
\\'hieh h:lll J'('epntl~- app"ared in a h'a,l- for light!
-October 15, 1!l14, at the Post Oflice at the' I'hil:lllell'hi:l1Is. It. IIs,'d to he sai.l
to a"k a Phil:ll]l'll'hia la\\"yl'1' \\"hen the
ing p:qler. Pf'rhaps ,\'on'lI rcmemh('r it. CUB. 14 Elmwood Avenue
Narberth, Pennsyhania, under the act It. was to th(' ('(red that nothing has
,of :l\farch, 1879. ljupstion \\"as I",yonll thp anal.ytical 105 Greyling Avenue
as many PIll'mil's in puhlic nor as 1IlUny
1"l\H'r of ntlll'I humans. Bill. here i~ 5 Woodside Avenue
frif'nlls in pri\"atll as hooz('. 'VplI, it WHAT A STATE EXPERT SAYS OF
onl' \\"hi"h shollid nl:\kp u" sit up \\"ith
\\"a" all off th('n. BilI!
500 Woodside Avenue
SATURDAY, F£BRUARY 22, 1919 tho lIli,llIig-ht oiL and ruh 0111' h:lll'h NARBERTH SCHOOL LUNCH.
14 Avon Road
TIll' "ra"h was h,'ar<l from 1'1Inx"n-
throllgh our hail', and to hrillg Ollt thp cra k"11 frlllll 1he ])o~'ks(own lutelli,
t:!\\"IIl',\" t(, ~1"sllOpp,'n and fr"m \Vya, 16 Avon Road
goo.l old hooks of alg,'hra and al'ith-
lU:-iillg' to .:\lanHyullk. Thl'~: rall~Cl' lUll]
Fire, 350 lIH,tic :lllll locatl' a forlllllla to ekar ollr
minds of how it is that ~'ou can rido
]"("'kOlU'd \\"ithont his ho"t 01' ral'1H'r hi~ WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
Police, 1250 hr:-;t \; fbt. For a while our zf'alons
frolll Bo:"ton to 'Vinch,'stl'l'. a ,liRtallco' lot I: i._hi h· of inh'l'(sl (0 h,'al' \l"hal
"}I:llllpioll of t hI' wall'r wagon was plain- all pXI,,'rt told lIIe ahollt thl' hot school
of i.S Illill's, on a >trip liekct of tl\"('l\"il
EDITORIAL rides for $1.2~, while \\"p rid" ahout i
I,Y \\'orril'd. 'Vorri~d hecause his Inte
antagonist sho\\"ed no "i:-:ns of revi\"al,
11IJl'(·h('s talked of for the local sdlOols,
an idp:L aheady a,loptl'll in somc schools
miles on a strip tipke,t of tell rid,"" for
$1.riS. SilllplC', of ('Ollr",'. to ansl\"er ;1'
:l1ul for a timl' it sePlIH,d as thollgh the
Coronel' 's s('r\"i,·('s \\'ollld h(' in demand.
of th(' (,oullty. Real Estate
"1 \'e se('u the plan \\"ol'kl'll on'l,'" r
A timely annoulll'ement is made in
nnoth('r column regarding the import-
the 1.1\"0 raill'o:llb \\"('r,' IInd,'r pri \"a l,'
managem('nt, hilt h('l"l' \\"(' ar!' 1I11,I('r OliO
Happi}~-, h'HI'''\'cr, .John Barll'~','orn 's
\\'as tol<l, ,( anrl one of tIll' lIlost ren'nt
diseiph' r('eon'red in ahout 10 minutes,
ance of preparing at this time for OUI gl'p:.t awl pflipipllt"olltl'oL It ma~- ho snceel-;ses 1 '\"0. had till' ph'a>ure of wit- SOUlrt~~~talioD NARBERTH, PA.
tirml~- eondnc('l1 that th('rc \\'as a tre-
community gardens. PO(Hl prices arc that the aecollnt1lllt" aI'!' working in n('ssiug is at N"al'lll'rth.
lIIl'ndons l"l\n'r hphind tIll' Prohihition
still high, and ('\"('Q' ('eonom~' in pur- ollr dil'pdion llllll w.' hopp tlll'~- an', 1"01 "There th(' plan, althollgh the sl'11001s
:'I[on'nll'nt, and ,It'part(',l from th"sc dig-
chase of seeds and fertiliz('r is well
worth while. 'I'he r('sult" ohtained hy
thl' sake of ollr illeollle tax, heealls(' wo
do like to consi,lpr sll .. h it('ms income
gins a sonle\\"hat rl'i'ol'llled persoll.
in this l'ase pay a \\"olllan a salary to
take ('hal'ge, has 1HO\'(l11 ~e]f·slH';ltail1ing.
Frank Crist
0111' amateur ganlenl'rs during the i)ast
two "easons ha\"e lwen excl'ptionalJy
rather l,han ('xpell"e, yOll \\"ill all agn")
with nil' on tlmt POillt, wh,\' of eourso
You lIl:1~' rl'eall 1I1~- :!ssel-tion that onr
'fhat is iutpresting, of eOlII'S", to folks
who fear tho plan is lilu'ly to all'eel the
1000a! Post 0111pl' SPl"\'ic~" would he \\"('11
fine. 'l'he gardens han' not onl~' yiel,kd you will: it.·s IInanilllolls. But for till' tax I'a'll'. Aud a" 1 watehe,1 thl' ehil,lre:l Hiih Grade Butter
llit!h JI(ll'ff'l·t WCl'l' SlIJulay ':-; outgoill~
generollsl~- in products. hilt then' has , 'Io\'e of 1'('ct" <lOll't let the "I lo I\" II at the hlll('h hour 'tlll'I'l' was not a thing Telephone-NarlJerth 644 A
ilia il to lPa \"(' :'\ a rhpl't h hefore 8.:\0
been a sl'h'llllid di\"id('lId in im!,1'0\"l',1 Easter" pull o\'er allythillg on liS dow<1 that 1 eonld cl'iti"is(', a1though dose to
~roll(la~r IIlOJ'llillg-. TIll' Po:-.d JIl:u",h'J' win"'·
health of tho garden('rs. this I\"a~-. D. t\\"o huudl'(',l ('hildJ'l'n aYaih'd thelll-
Jp"""s 1I1l' that a ",ail h'a\'"s :-Iarl)('l'll1
seln's of the sen·i.·(, of thl' 11lltl·h ('oun-
e\"('ry SlIlIda.\" at ;\::11 I'. ~r. alld wishl'S
ttlr. rrhp,\"' wpn' Ull('Oll:-:(·iOll:-il.," g'pttin~
NARBERTH WEATHER REPORT FOR to ('01'1"1"'1 thL' fal,,1' illtpl'l'~sion eon\'('r-
ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY FOR training: in (}is(·iplil1(l. Thp,,' W('I'C or· Pr ,pertles For Bent and Sal.
WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 16. ('(1 ill lIIr fOl'llll'1' (,1I1111l1tllli":l,tioll. Ro 1)(' Fire Insurance
NARBERTHITES. it; alll g-lad to lll'ar it. ~ow, hO\Y(\\'(lr~
(ll'J'l,'·' The',\" \\'(lI'P t'lIJ'ihpl'llloJ'('. ,!!1'1tillg
J)I':IC'fi('al hu:-;-illt's:'\ tl'aillill~ all11 ("'xperi· BeU Phone 859 W.
Hi:-:h. Lo\\". I shall I", pl,'a~l'tl to 1"':11' froltl th.- "J:lll
('Jl('('ill (lXPl"('l:·dIlP: their juclglllPJlL 'rh('y ",aU RulldJng. Narberth, Pa.
"It's not W11[1.1 ~-Oll ('arn thal eOllnts ill Barolllet ('I'. S('a h·\"(,I. _.. " ;1O.lli ~!l.::·l who told 1I1l' that 1,1' Iltaik.[ :I l"t'I"1" 'II
\H'I'l' h('ing trainpd in till' sl'!l'dion "f
:the long rlln, hilt \\'hat ~-Oll ":\\'l'. 'I'hel"lIlOllll'll'1' '. li~ Hi Iloon Oil SUIll!ay :1I1l1 that it wasn't
:akell Ollt of the box h('fol'e S.:10 all the foods frolll a di"tl'ti" "tandl'oint. and in
And that's a fad that "all't he 1'111- Ilumi<lity. J"'I' ,·pnt. ,. _ IIIIl 0).,
phasized too oftI'll.
Consistent, per~i~tl'J1t. ~~·l"h'lllntie ~aY­
j'-~II()\\"jIlg- 1l10fJlill:r-hC' ~ay~ la' was right
thl'I'l', SOIlH''11o,ly's-I\"('II, llIistakl'n.
addition 10 all this thl'J'l' \l"as th(' "",,i:I'
hilit~- it e!'('all'd through 1I11"'ling- ill a HOWARD F. COrfER
Precipitation. ('OJIIIIIOll c1ining 1'00111 uudcr Pl'll}H'l" COJl-
ing is tho soli 1:1I"~-. dl'IH'lllla I,ll' sa 1'.,-
dit ions.
guard against th., n',hll'l'd "al'llillg pow-
. ers of middle and old ag-e. alld IH"'au"'l
Total for \\"l'pk
Tulal for III00dh to date
, l.(i! ill.·h
LSi illch
LI'\\' Iress. wholll ulallr or us hal'f'
I"-,,It WOllt to look IIPOIl as a 1":1,1.,1' of
';'''hpl1 T :-;ay tlH',Y \\"('1'(' g'l,tt-illg; train" I ,l QUALITY
the ol'portuniti,'s of earli('r lif,' ar(\ ing in th,' ",'Il'dion of I'I'O!'(,!, foods I
"asldolt, stal-th'd Illl' "OlltlllUllity last Y. M. C. A. BUILDING
~!leglccted, hecau"" UIl'lI a lid \I'OIlIl'1l do III('an that th('y w,'n' allo\\"(',1 to ('Xl'I"'
I·'rida.'" lIlol'lIillg h.\- al'!"'arillg ill \\'h'lt
THIRTEEN YEARS' RECORD FOR ei",~ their o\\"n jllllglll(,llt after pro!'l'1"
-not set aside a fix".1 amoullt ":Il'h allll hl' "alb all ElI:.;Ii"h 1I1s1l'1'. 'l'his gar-
every "'('ck or 11lOllth to JH(\"idt~ a;!aill~t NARBERTH. training. rrlwir ~l'lel~tiuJl wa:-; :--ill}H'r-
I1lt'ltt, th" pl'odul'I of th,' sartol'ial gl'lIillS
\"isl'll so that. the littl(' folks, "specially,
the unccrtain flltur." is re~pollsihk for of :Ill 1I111uIOWll al'tist, lIlay prop"l'ly he ral"a.':M~Ginle~tO
the fact that fift~·-thn'" Pl'I"SOIlS out or Births. Dl'alhs. "all(',l all ul"t.'r-what 's ill a nanlL' alty-
\\"onl'll l",t eat nnwisely; hut. it wa" all
,lon(' tad flllly."
U 123 South 17!1! St PhiiadelPhJa: ~.
everyone hundn',l who arl' li\"iug- at tho InOli .. , :!O I;) \\"ay?--hut a.'conling to nlllior thl'rc's
age of sixty-fi\'" y,'ars an' d"lH'uden,t on a cOIl'tro,'l'l':-;y lIOW J'ag·iJ1:.r ill tht~ P0l'1ll11 Sound" int('r"F'ling. pradical. s('lIsi,
ln07 '.' ::7 1!1
·,their relatives or ehal'ity for SUppOI-t.
'That's a poslurc of atl'air:- that only
Inos , .. ;\~ Hi as 10 whdl,,'r it's a hoI'S" hl:llllwt or a
lap ro'11('. Lcw says that W(1 ,loll't
hie andlll'lpful, do('sn't it'?
GARAnteed Roofs
I !IO!l. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. -t 1 Vi
, a foolish man or woman will a \'oi,1 con- lil.lO ;;;) ~I rccog'J1ize gooll tlothes WhCll we Sl'C
templating-or guanling against, '(,Ill,
1!1l I. -t·l I::
An,1 not. onl~- ,lol's systl'lllatic sa\"ing
insure immunity from the \"isit of tho
l!l]~ , ~4
IlII;\. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :I i
:\:; X ow wlty dol''' Aug-ust E\"ergrel'lI 1'L'S-
wolf, hut thl' ste:lllin!'ss of ,']wral'tel" it
WI-I. -t4 t.,1' llIe abollt sehool lIlatt"rs Why 1I0t Young 1II('n 's Class-~Ionday alld OUR PHODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED
produ"('s, the exeell"llt ,'it izen"hip it de- 1!l];), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ;\8 go to the Directors with hiE' trollhl"s7 Thursday, 7.30 to 9 P. M. UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL
Yelops, th" fill" s"nsc of n'spllllsihility Ilo\\'l'\"pl', just to he sociahle alld help
Hllli , 51 I:! High School Boys-Tuesday Illl.]
which always eOIIl"" forth as a I'l'sult of I:! r"lip\"l\ his llIilld, 1 asked one of the PasteurIzed Milk \ DELIVERIES
1!1li , , .. , .. 40 Thursday, 4.30 to 5.30 P. 11.
5elf-impo,.;ed ta,.;ks of a worthy Ilatllrl', ;\i Brync:l°'rJ~lkCertlUed WEST PHILA.
Hl1S ........•......... -ti BO:l1'l1 what Ite thought of AIIg-lIst and
all thl's,' thitlg-s an' It:ltural "(lI11'Ollli- Grammar School Boys-'Vednesduy,
his illtel'est in the school. Par he it (Pedrlnllc Soclet;vl OVERBROOK
·tnnts of a properly conducted thrift 4.30 to 5.30 P. l\Li Saturday, 9.15 to
1'1'0111 lIle, how('\'"r, to writ<· his 1'('l'ly- Special .. Guernsey" MERION
:habit. 10.15 A. 11. Milk WYNNEFIELD
Y. M. O. A. APPOINTMENTS FOR .\"I1lI WOllldll't prillt it. He state,] that
The hcst people ill a ('Ollllllllllity all' Grammar School Girls-Saturday, (Roberls'a, Sharpless' BALA.CYNWY
FEBRUARY. this salllL' )l('rson frolll Brest Litoysk,
"those who spend l('ss than they makl'- 10.30 to 11.30 A. M. Dairies) NARBERTH
'Valla \V all a, or \\'I,,'re\"('r it is, rUl'h('d
"the hes-t ('mploy('es are nlOs(' who do n'1t Boy Scouts h:n-e the usc of our gym- Cream Bultermllk ARDMORE
illto the' "chool hOllse n'hout n year ago
li\"e £Tom hand to mouth. "Them that nasium each Friday from 7.30 to 9 Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
22. Saturday-A. J. Loos. alld storllled aroll\1l1 shoutillg thut the Cream.
:have usually g('t!" 24. Mondny-J. G. Foote. tenehers weTe not earlling their monpy. P. M. for their business meeting, tests
25. Tuesday-Thpllwoll n, Coggeshall. and play period.

The Narbel'th Bnildin:-:' and Loau As- The Board lIlellllwr also remrll'lwd that
~ociation has lin llttrul'ti\"e proposal to 26. Wednesday-W. N. Mills. th,' "lIlploye('s of the Garden NUl'sel'ies Suggestions will be welcomed thu t
~IIer cvery rosident of Narberth who 27. Thursdaj'-nliller Burkhardt. "'pl'e nO't noticen.hly rolling in lllxury will enable us to establish additional
1>clJe\'Cs tha't part of to-duy's incomc, 28. Friday-Re\-, Franl. 1IL Gray. or waxing rich from the sulndes paid classes llnd serve II larger number. 45th and Parrish Sts.
You will find it convenient to Community Club Seed Look out for Span-
Prices ish Influenza.
have an account with
Prices on seed obtained through the At the first sign of
Community Club arc quoted below. ] n
order to eo\'er the actual loss of re' a cold take
THE MERION TITLE &TRUST CO. I\"eighing seed sent to us in large quant-
~\ Ll.:t

Narberth Office, Arcade Building SCHOOL NOTES

ities, the Conllni'ttee has added one cent
pCI' pound to the wholesale price.
Variations in price arc due to nlric-
tie" of seed.
Prices arc gi I'en for ponnds aud
ounl'I";;, hut slllall packets can he had Standard cold remedy for 20 year&-In tablet
President MeC:trter and the teachers
also. The usual packet sold by seed form.-safe, eure, no opjates-breaks up Q cold
of thl' High SI·hool Paculty attcnl1'cd th,' In 24 hour&-relieves grip in 3 days. Money
nll-Ilay 1II('('t il1'g of the :'Ifont gOlllery houses holds only a SIllUl'l part 01' all back iCi t fail.. The genuine box has a Red top

Checking Accounts Saving Accounts County High SI'hool 1'e:u'hers' A,s,.ol"ia, oun'c·c. POI' the usnal 5e. packet our
priel' will be ~c., and for the usual 10c.
with Mr. Hill'. picture. At Ali Drug Stor.s.

t,iOlI, at Lowcr Merion High School, on

Satnnla~', Pehruary 15th. The mceting
CHESTNUT. Bel. 16th St
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE proved particularly hene1ficial hecausc of Per Lh. Ounce. Finest Photoplay The-
EVANGEL. nil) open dis('ussions, in which l\'arherth Beans ~4c~35c. 21'.,31'.
atre of Its Size In the
Entire World.
:11111 Lower ~ferion Directors and teach· Beans (pole lima) .. ~6c.-32c. ~c.
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. ers took sndl an a<'ti \'e part. 'rhc Lowcr Pb.topla:vs-Contlnuous 10 A. M. to 11.39
Avery S. Demmy, Pastor. [{pets 701'.-$1.00 61'.-71'. P.M.
:'Ifprion Paeulty entertaincd the 1-.'1lCsts Cahhage . 50c.,75c.
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa. PhUa.• Pa.
:-i('f'\'il" S nn SUllday: III liSt eonliallr. The program for the Carrots !lOc.-$;\.;jO 6l'.-~2('.

!I.-l" A. :'I1.-Bihle St'llOOl, doy waS' a~ follows: Gelery . 12c.-35c.

:Merioll Meeting is open for worship J I "\. :'If.-~Iorning worship. Corn............. 241'. PROGRAM
(!I'ery Pirst-day morning at 11 0 'clock. 7 1'. :'Il.-l·nioll YOllng 1','ople's Sen', Cueulllher8 . (i!·.-IOe.
We cordially welcome any visitors who ice in ~1. E. Church. I. HOIIJuI Ta'hle Conferenee. B~g- Plant . ;\5c. WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24th
<lcsiro to worship with us. 7.4" 1'. ~L-l'nion scn'ice. Socializetl'Reeitations. Kohl HaM . ~;jc.
\\','dnl'sl::Jy. S 1'. :'IL-Sonl-( and praise X eCII for \'oerttional Guidance in LeUnee .
ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. scrviee l'I",t!\lel e,1 hr the pastor. High Sehool. Parsnip $1.50
Educational Measurement;;. Peas 24c.-40c. 4c. -IN-
Church Notes.
Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. The Prohlem ~[e'tholl in Te:ll'hin;:( P"pper .
The services at All Saints' P. K
The sulojl'l't of the "el'nlon Sllllllay
Illol'ning will bl' •. The Cost. of Disciple-
SO('ial Seicnce.
Oral English for Current and Pluent
Salsifr " ., "
$1.00,*~.~5 7c.-lIc.
"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab-
Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood
avenues, for next Sunday are as fol-
ship." Tl'xt. ~la(1. 16: ~4.
The sulojl'l't of the sermon at tho
Team \Vork in T ..aching'.
Spinach .,........
Swiss Chard .
bage Patch"
lows: UllioJl IIIl'Ptiug" ~lIJlday evening will be Signifi('ant )[o\'elllents in the Teach· Tomat,o $3.;jO,$7.00 ~4e.,45e.
8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion. ,. Th,' Gn'a t Surrendel'." '1'ext, Lulee ing of High Sehool :'I[athemati('s. Turnip $1.50-$1.00 10c.-l~e.
9.45 A.lII.-8unday School. ];,: IS. .0 Address. MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAB
11.00 A. lII.-Morning prayer and ser Hc\'..John \-ali:\es,", ga\'(' a \'err inter- .). "Illlportaneo of \Vonl ~rastery as an Stop at the olel Post Omce ]1('xt Sat- AS POSSIBLE TO 10.15 A. lU., 12.00, 11.00,
mono 3.46, G.45, 7.45, 9.30 P. M.
(l~tiJlp: :ulll ill~tn}(·th·e T(ltllpl'rallee ad- Educati\'e Proeess.' , unlay afternooli for further infol"luation
Any Episcopalians who have not af· <In'ss in t1u~ Bihle SdlOol last Sunday. Supt. Clwrles A. \Vagncr, Chester, in ]'('g:mI to 'prices. Sl'eds will he on
filiated with any other Church arc re- For ~l'I'('l'al ~'eal''' liOW a tempel'ance talk Pa. sale at that tillle.
quested to deposit their letter at All
Saints. '
ha" heen gi \"'n once a llionth in this 4. Continuation of RO\llIlI '1'able Confer- HARRY B. WALL
"chool alII] ever~' "peakeI' has been a res· enee.
The Rector will be very glad to call idelit of :\:.I'herth. ,j. )1 iseellaneous topics. BOWLING SCHEDULE.
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
upon strangers or any new comers in The :'I[en's Asso('iation h:III a g-n~at and Heating
this vicinity. e\'l'ning )IOIl(la,I' of this week with a nt'I'. O. II. )ft'!<·IJior, f:dht'1' of' OUI' Pebruary ~6-Ardllloro Y. 1\L C. A., NARBERTH, PA
The ,\'inter work of the Sunday hunlol'ous atldrt'"'' loy l{e\,. C. A. :'Ill'- prili,·il'al. "I,'nt a ,:a,I' in the sl'11Oo1s at Radnor Pire Co.; Bryn :Mawr Fire
School is progressing nicely, and it is Alpine on the subjt',·t, ., Say., I Ioogan." this wt'l'k. H,' Il'd d"I'otional I'xl'rcisrs, Co., at Narberth Y. ~I. C. A.; Paoli
l1I'ged that parents sec that their chil· :1I111 th"li listl'lll'll to tIlt' musil'. whil·h h,' :'I[en's Club, at Autoear Club; Rosemont JOHN B. HERTZLER
dren attend regularly. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. proliolili"ell a;; 011(' of t ht' I-!rpa t p1"as, :'lIen '5 Club, at \VaJ'ne Men's Club. MEAT MARKET
Try and follow the Brotherhood of ure,. of llis visit to the :\arberlh
:March 5-Rosemont ~Ien 's Club, at 205 Haverford Ave.
Saint Andrew plan and make an effort Rev. John VanNess, Minister. Ardmore Y. 1\1. C. A.; Autocar Club, at Delicious Meats
cach week to bring some person to Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Narberth Y. M. Al High Grade Chickens
Church or Sunday School. ,If .. we all Ml'l'l ings for uI'xl SuuIlay: The enl'ollment a't prl'Sl'nt iu the lIig-l; E'ggS and Butter
C. A., at Radnor Fire Co.; \Vayne ~Ien's
would do this All Saints' would have to A. ~L-)I eu 's Bible Class. Dr. Sehool is 174. In t hc Elemeutal'y
School, 375. Club, at Paoli Men's Club.
bo enlarged to twice the present capac· 1I. A. Banks, teachpr.
March 12-Ardmore Y. ~I. C. A., at
The Church 'bus leaves Narberth and
10 A. :'It-Suuday SdlOO!. A plaee au,]
a \I'eleoule 1'01' al!. There wel'e 208
l\'arberth Y. ~1. C. A.; Radnor Pire Co.,
at Autocar Club; Bryn Mawr Pire Co.,
Grand Opening
Wynnewood Stations at 10.40 on Sun· pl'eseut last Sunday. We wish to announce that on
at Wayne ~Ien's Club; Paoli l\.Ien's
<lay morning!. 11 A. :'II.-Public worship. Sermon
hy thl' pas,tor on "An Ohscure Vision." ~fl'etingwas 11l']11 as usual at the Y. Club, at Rosemont Men '5 Club. Friday, February 7, 1919
Siuging hy Chul'ch Quartette of trained ~[, C. A. and mallY important el'ents March 19-Paoli Men 'sClub, at Ard·
ST. MARGARET'S CIlURCII were discussed, illl']udill!-\, llUI' allnual more Y. 1\1. C. A.; Bryn Mawr Pire Co., We will open with a full line of
at Roscmont :Men's Club; Radnor Fire
4 p. )L-.Joiut uH'etiug oj' Boards of hilee to Valley forge and the delivery Fancy Fruits and Vegetables
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rect.or Eld('rs. ])pacous aud Trustl'l's. of the telt'phone hooks. All of the hoy'S Co., at 'Vayne ~Ien's Club; Narberth Y.
are expeeted to turu out in foree to :'If. C. A., at Autocar Club. Fresh Fish lod Oysters Every Friday
7 P. :'If.-l'uiou ull·('(iug of the )'ouu:;
Early Maas on Sunday from April !'('ople's Socil'1 i,'s iu thl' :'It E. ehun·h. hplp dl'liypr the hooks. The route of March 26-Ardmoro Y. ~r. C. A., at Orders delivered anywhere Free.
1 to Ootober 31 at 7 A. M. From L"adel', )[iss "\gnes )f. Hose. 1\11'. A. our pi1t!rilllage to ralll')" Forg-(~ was Ill" Autocar Club; Paoli ~[en 's Club, at Come in and let us try to convince
Novemlber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M. HI'is! Huth, fOrllll'l' Supl'l'iutenllcut of eidel] uptln alld Scollt Kl'l'IIl"1' Iras ap- Bryn ~[awr Fire Co.; Roscmont ~Ien 's you that we have ,. Fruits and
Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout tile I'uhli,· Sdlools. lI'ill spertle pointed ttl eOlllllllllld the troop, as Olll' Club, at Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne ~Ien 's Vegetables that you can eat, Prices
year. Masscs on ho!ydays, 6.30 and 7.,1;, 1'. ~I.-I·lIion ull'l'ting in t.he )1. Seoutlllilster ex peds to bl' \'('1',1' husy Club, at Narberth Y. ~I. C. A. and quality you C IInot beat."
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening with husilll'"'' afrairs ou the :!:!lId. We
Eo l.'hu1'l·h. :-ip,'akl'r furnished br the April ~-Bryn ~Ia\1T Pire Co., at An],
devotions and other services at regn-
B:q,ti,t Church. h:LYt' a large attt'11l1ull('1' at our nl('('t· morc Y. ~r. C. A.; Radnor Pire Co., at
Narberth Cut Price
tar time.q. Fruit and Produce Co.
ill.g°:-- ~ill{~l" the Ullllllllll('('lIlellt \ras lIHlt!0 Paoli ~[en's Club; Narberth Y. ~1. C.
Church Notes.
that all ,1t'lillqU"llt 1Ilt'lnl",rs hl' askell A., at Rosemont ~[en's Club; Autocar 228 Haverford Avenue
MItTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. :\ l'xt 'l'uc'illay the Lad'ies' Aid So- to halill in their I'esig-Ilatious, ImYillg Club, at Wayno )!cn 's Club. NARBERTH, P A.
., The Little Church on the Hill. ' , "ie,ly will IlIl'('( at III A.:'If. Luucheon :!:; pl'l',;('llt at our la:"t g'atherill;!. Scout
will he S('I'\,,·t! at 1:!.:W aud the :'IUs- April !l-Anlmore Y. )r. C. A., at
Smedk,l' has offerl'll the Kallgaroo
~iolial'y Soeirt~, will me'" at :! 1'. :'If. \Vayne l\Ien's Club; Bl'yn :Mawr Fire
PatTol the use of a slllall pushcart to
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor.
All ladies of the eougregation eordially
he cou\'ertcd illto a trek eart amI he
usel] I,y that pat 1'01 on its hikes and
Co., at Radnor Pire Co.; Rosemont
~rell's Club, at Autocar Club; Paoli
Sunday, Fl'hruary ~;\J'(l, l!lHI: l\'ext Weduesday eveuing the prayer :'lIen's Club, at l\'arberth Y. ~r. C. A.
other atfairs of importance.
!lA,j A. ~f.-Sund:lY Sehonl for all
a;res. ~[en 's Class taught. hy lIon. F.
lIleetiug ,rill hl' held at tl1(' houle of
A general "hall"up is plalllll~,1 ",I' our
April 16-Radl1or Pire Co., at Ard, I have purchaser!
)[1'. William Selfridgl', ~O;j Ha\'erfon1 more Y. ~r. C. A.; l\'arberth Y. 1\1. C.
W. Stites. \Volllen'sClass taught by :lYCllllC.
Scoutmaster and mallY IIlenllH'l's of the
\'inious patrols art' to he "hiftell to
A., at Bryn 1\[:\\\'1' Piro Co.; Autocar the DRUG STORE
)lrs. ~[cCraeken. The :'I[l'U ';; Bihle Cla"s will hold a Club, at Paoli Men's Club; \Vayne
11 A. )L-Sel'lnon h~' t he pastor on lIlel-ting at the home of MI'. W. .J.
others. S,'\'('wl of the S"Ollts hal'e been :'lIen '8 Club, at Rosemont )[e'n's Club. formerly owned
advaneing rapidly :--iu('c hel'Ollling' 111eIn·
"Returning to :'I[y 1"a,thl'r anll Your 1'cl'hlcs, Ion 101m a\'enue, next Frida:; April ~3-Ardlllorc Y. ~r. C. A., at by W. F. FIEDLER
hers, es'pecially th,' lICW nH'lnhl'l's of
:Pa tllcr, " eUlphasiy.i ll~ n :-il1hjcl't ~\1g­ cI'ening, to which all thl' UIl'n of the Hosemont ~Ien's Club; Bryn ~Iawr Fire
the Bear Patrol, who under tho tutelage
gestetl hr our l\'ational GOI'ernnH'nt. congn'gatioll arc in\"ited. All address Co., at Autocar Club; Radnor Pire Co.,
of Scout Do ll'g'C , t hl'ir pat 1'01 lea,kl', are
;1 p. )L-Chiltlren 's Chu1'('h wit,h wst- will hc made hy ReI'. Hohl'l't W. i'l'aeh,
rapillly gaining tlll'ir first and se('owl
at Narberth Y. 1\I. C. A.; Paoli Men's Your Patronage Solicited
I'll ehoir and oh.iel't talk hy pastor on D. D., Supel'intclldl'ut of Heligious E,lu· Club, at Wayne Men '5 Club.
elass 1':1ul(s.
"Trains." \Vl' had 1;1:; present last. cation i:! the Preshyteriau Chul'ch. 'April 3D-Narberth Y. 1\1. C. A., at
no n'l}t forget thl' lIlin"trel show. '1'he
Sunday, ot' whil·h lOS II'l'H' "hil,ln'n. \Vo .\rdmore Y. 1\I. C. A.; Autocar Club, at
hope La reat'h 15() in attendanee.
7 P. 1\f.-Uuion sen-icc of the Young
e:1"t is ntpillly het'OIning perfec1l'd by
our Seoutnlllster. AlIIong thost' pl'omi- Radnor Fire Co.; Wayne ~[en '8 Club, at
Bryn Mawr Fire Co.; Rosemont Men's
nC'nt in it arc G('rald 'SI'l'1'ry and Le"ter
Pl'opJe's organizat.ions of _,the three
01Iicial reports show :'I[ontgomery Pc·tCI'S, who arc llUlking a great :.;UCCl':'l3 Club, at Paoli )[en's Club. ARDMORE, PA.
Protestant churches of Xarlll'rth. The
County as seyenth in the list of I'oun· of their parts.
Preshyterian Chmch fmnishes the tics of the State in the saIl' of War
"peakeI'. Stamps :lnd 1'hrift Stamps for 1!11!l.
7.45 P. ~L-Union sen'iee of tho
\Ye should have a prilJe in IUl\'ing our
Baptist, Preshyterian :1II11 ~[l'tholli;;t SCOUT DODGI'J,
Ch1ll'ch in our ehul'l'h. The He\". A. S.
county make large ill\'estlllent. in these
\Var measure secul"ities,. '1'hl'Y pay Assistant Editor. The Narberth Tailoring Co.
Delllm~', p:lstor of the Baptist Church, (Twin D's)
4 4/10% int.erest and ma)' he eashed
will preaeh. \Vc hope to ha\'(~ [\ crowd·
on ten tIays' notice to Post master.
Will give Good Reductions on
ed church. Made-to-Order Ladies' and Gen tle-
)[onday, 8 P. ·1\L-~[eeting of the men's Snits, also reduced prices
Board of Trustees in Hte chmch.
8 P. 1\f.-BusincR; and social llleeting
THE Narberth Guard
Save and Bundle on Repairing and Cleaning and
Dyeing of your clothes. Work
of the Epworth League.
Wednesday, 8 P. M.-Prayer meet· drills every Thursday
evening in the Fire House,
YOUR NEWSPAPERS AI. Don't lose time in calling
up Narberth 305.
ing. The pastor will speak on "The
Master's Self-Restraint." l\Ii,s Uuth 7.45 to 8.45. For the Y. M. C. A. 234 Woodbine An. NARBERTH, PA.
Preseott will sJg 11 solo.
R. D. LOUIS. Prop.
================== Wayne Avenue. :'I[f'ClIig. Georgc Percy (Lieut.) Spl'r!'y, :'Ilerritt R.


Forrest Avenue.
:\[ic"l'n, Walter (Sl'rgt.)
.\lill!'r. Is:Il10re A. (:\Iajor)
Stull, Haymond
Smith, 'V. H., .Jr. (IJienL COI1l 'd '1')
.\1 <-Crea. C..r. Sll1Hly, :'II. l\£. (Capt.)
TAXI SERVICE Grayling Avcnue.
Xarherth Avenue. .\Ioro, Paul Stretch, ·ehas. F. (Lieut.)
.\1f'Caughc~·, .fumes To\\'n, Hohert (Sergt.)
Hauling Trunks, Baggage and Freight Wednesday. '''.\["Quistan, .John "'olert Thompson, William (lsI. Lieut.)
:'I11·qnif'tan, Samuel Thomas, Peter
ing :IIH1 banqul't hI' hel,1 in Xarherth in Hampden Avenue. :'Iff'Quii'>tnn, Hugh Ventnri, Francisco
THE FIRESluE t.he month of Fehruary, l!1~O, anti it is rona Avenue.
Woodbine Avenue.
Xa,lt, Henry T., .Jr. (S(,rgt.) Wipf, Edwin (Sergt.)
hopel1 that the Narberth fon,e ('an en· Nash. Walter H. "'inne, Frank
tel.tain thelll -in a 1itting manner. :'IIontgomery Avenue, Narberth to Ha v· W"schler, Panl (Sergt.)
Xieholsen. Le\\'is
(Continued from Page 1.) erford. 'V"ston, Alhert II.
Ne\'in. Walter S.
:'Ifeeting House Lane. "'an1, Irvin T.
011('1l, .fohn T. (Sergt.)
The memlH'r~ of the "'Iomen'~ Bihle Dori:-: Kenyon, star of Loni" .I0Sl'pll Williams Avenue. Wcschler, H. .J.
011<'11, Dadd
Vance'~ ~tory, "\\'jlll lIonl')'," to he Haverford Avenue. Wi],;on, .J. Gordon
Clnss of the Pre~hyte,rian Snnday O,lell, O,,;nr L.
Sehool were pll'nsantly entertailwd Inst shown at the Palace Theatre, Anlmor", White, ,John H.
I'nJ'(l~', lIarry G.
Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. looks too swc"t, and refinetl to idl'alizc Thursday. "'aIsh, James
thp charadpr of the danel' hall helle she ]','ehll'f'. "'iIIianl Loxley (Lient.)
H. D. Hnpp, 10i Prico a \'enue. Wright. Kirhy V. (Lieut.)
Narberth Avenue, south side. Pril'!', Hnsscl Earl
imperson.ates, hnt then' i~ ~ooll enter' Zorn, Ir\'in
Elmwood Avenue, Maple qninn, Thomas A.
tninlllpnt in "\\'i1.,l 1I0nl''y'' ofor the
'W oodside A venue. Quinn, Philip
:'Ilr. C. H. Chatfil'ld, the popular has., tilm de\'lltecs \\"ho likt' stil'l'ing- ad ion,
Grove Place. Quinn, Frnncis *KiIl"d in action.
singer in tIl!' Pre:;hyterian Chureh youthful ehann anti a nloral that eOllll'S
Q1HlJ1ettl', will repeat next Snnda~' without hl'ing- ground, in hy t·umlH~r~om·' Hillifl'l" A. Perry
If there arc namcs that shonltl bl'
Friday. Hitehi,', Theot]orl' R. (Sergt.)
morning, the solo that was reeei\'ed t i tll'~' :Hlded to the nhove li"t, kindly send
with snch favor a few \\'l'('k~ ago, Chestnut. Hose .•\Ian
thc11l to thc l'<litor of Onr To\\'n.
Hid~('. Ro~' S. (Sergot.)
"Shall I Elnpty HanllPd Be?" To-day, frol11 11 A. M. tn 2 P. lvI., Merion.
H()~s. Hohprt S. (Licnt.)
there will he a sale of home-made hread, Rockland A \'enue.
cakes, pies and candy. This salt- ",ill bc
Sillll"OIl, "'illial1l C. (Q. :'II.) For - Good - Work - See
The 1\('c(l1ework Guild are il1\'itl'll to If possible the routes for the days Sill1pHln, IIal'l'Y A. Sergt.)
sew on Tuesllay, Fehruary 25th, at the
hellI in the old Post Olliee Building, anrl specified will be followed out. When *Speakman, Harold (Lient.) M. PREMOST
wo alhise you to come early. it becomes necessary to change routing, Shinn. Geo. H. (Corp.)
Preshytl'rian Chureh as guests of' the
Lndies' Aid. Let us all try to he nt
the church at 10 A. :M. Lunch will be
Do you know how well the women of
the NeelIlework Gnil,l and their friends
ean cook? Come to onr sale and judge
due notice will be given. In case of
n severe storm or holidny interrupting
t he collection will be one dny late.
S,·hnlidt, Chas. C. (Corp.)
Stl'l1(,l1I, D. E. f,. (1st Lieut.) The Narberth Tailoring Parlor
sen·ed. This work is important. 'fry SJIle(lI('~-. H. T.
for yourselvl's. Smi tho G('o. O. (ht Lient.)
234 Haverford Avenue
to he with us. C. E. Humphreys,
This sall' is to rai,,' fnnds to h('lp us Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
Smith. Clll'ster H.
in onr work for the I1c('<ly children of Street Commissioner.
:'Ill'. Emmett, our l'hysieal Direetor,
Smith. L,'slie 'V. Cleaned. Pressed and Remodeled
Work Called for and Delivered
France. Small, Thomns A.
spent a few Ilays in 11IIr('ly mental gym· \\'e are hol,ling this sale on a Satur· French Dry Cleaning a Specialty
nastics npon his eot in thp Col!pg'(' lIo,· (lay, so that ~'O\l may have our delicious Bell 'Phone 1284 J
1"1I1ith. IT('nr~' Ainsworth
pital. Thp o!'pration on his lOll'p 1'1'0\" thing-s for ~'our Sunday Ill('als, thus Listed September 17-18, 1918.
ed \'ery sati"faetor~' and he hopes "oon sa\'ini! thl' goo<l mother in your home
to he ahout and into his harness. from a day's lahor and insuring you all ~\ rtll\an. Alvin C.
cakes an<l pips as goo<l as she ever
Bakel', Andrew A. (Corp.)
Bl'andilllort(', 'I'arquino "Big Cut In Prices of Coal and Wood"
of thp Sehoo1 Board anll till' Hannig-all, .John B. BUCKWHEAT $ 700 Per Ton
High Sehool Faenlty aecompanied the Brook~, Hezo (I~t I,ieut.) PEA 9.00""
bnskethall team t'o .Jcnkintown on Fri· MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDERA- EGG 10.25""
Bizzari, 1.[j)jat
day night. I n ~pite of the pouring' TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS STOve 10,50""
Bowman, Lp"tcr Y. CHE~TNllT 1060 ., "
rnin, cveryhody rCjlortpd a gootl time Burns, R F. CA.NNEL COAL 1200 " "
from Mart to finis·h. Wh~' not? Han: President-Mrs. R. J. Rolston, Fort Bartlett, C. B. (1st Lieut.)
you seen the score! Washington. KINDLING WOOD and GRATE WOOD $16.00 PeR CORD.
Brog'an, Michael
Vice·President-1\Irs. D. T. Jones, Bizzar, Att illio Our merchandise is the best that money can buy and in offer-
Pottstown. Burns, Richan1
The Ch'ic AssocIation has arranged ing them at the above prices we are pocketing a nice, big loss.
Secrl'tary-:M:rs" C. P. Fo\v1er, Nar- HmkhanN, Walter :'If. (Ensign)
a plan whereb;r a tree call be planted Make our loss your gain; for please remember that
berth. Cheney, 1.1. (Sergt..·l\1ajor)
for each boy in the service. If you Treasurer-Mrs. vv. H. Pugb, Merion. Cook'. Coal Comfort. and Cooks
CUlllmer, F. :'Ilar.tin ('Sergt.)
want a tree for a particular boy, get in
Clllnll1er, George R.
touch with H. R. Hillegas, Cb~innan (If
tbe Garden Committee, who will give
you full particulars.
Crawford, Harry P.'
Cook, .TanH's H.
Cook, Arthur L.
c. P. COOK
Monday. COlllpton, .Iames H. Narberth 302W NARBERTH, PAw
Conway A\·enue. Cowin, Herhert 'W.
Tho Women's 1\1issionary Society or Windsor Avenue, Essex to Wynnewood. Conley, Charles T.
the Presbyterian 'Church will hold its W~'nnewood Avenue. Conley, .fohn D.
regular monthly meeting ou Tuesday, Montgomery Avenue, Wynnewood to Outts, Alfred L.
February 25th, at 2.:10 P. 1\1:. :'IIrs. A.
E. Brown wil1 be in charge of the pro'
gram. :Mrs. Edmund G. Hawson, of Ard-
Essex: Avenue, west side, Haverford to
'Compton, Newton H. (Lieut.)
Corneri, Marino
Censori, Dominic
Narberth Register
Two Line_, IOc per i__ De; Sc for each additional line
more, will gi\'e a talk on the Golden Dudley Avenue. Derby, Winthrop B. (Sergt.)
Jubilee. Stuart Avenue. Daily, Lloyd H.
Elm Terrace. Dickie, Barl D. (COI'P.) Kelm, II. C. Certified Public Accountant. Scott-Powell Dairies. Pbone. Preeton 2198
Sabine Avenue. Doh1, .Joseph (Sergt.) 202 Dudley ave. Phone. Narberth 300-W. See display advertisement In this ISlue
The nnnual mellting and bnnquet of
the Main Lino Post.masters' Association Cole. W. Arthur. Phone. Spruce 1638. T. StulLrt Cowin. 206 Merion ave.
was held in Bryn Mawr and attended Tuesday. Du Marias, ::'lal1riee Ideas. Plans. COpy. Art. Typography. See dIsplay advertisement In this "'ue.
Loos, FBDD7 H. Plano teacher.
by our Postmaster and llis assist.ants. Essex: Avenue, cast side, Ha.verford to Drown, Haymond 'W. Studio. Arcade Bldg. Pbone. 31G-J.
Lees' Garal'e-Repalrlng. Etc. Phons. 1605.
It was arranged that the next meet· Montgomery. Ensinger, Charles n. (Sergt.) See display advertisement In this Issue. SJoholm, Miss Ebba. Music Teacher and Ac-
Narberth GILrllll'e. Phone Narberth 1033. companist. 228 Iona ave.. Narbertb.
Ensinger, E<1wal'l] O. Hee dlslJla~' advertisement In this Issue. NOTAR~ l"UBLIC
Foster, Franklyn .J. BANKS Jell'erles. J. II. 111 Narbertb ave.
Fle,ek, G(!orge 'v. Merion Title &: Trust Co. Pbone. Ardmore a. Phone. 666·M.
See dlsptay advertisement In tbls Issue. Tyson, Warren R. 200 Woodbine ave.
Faries, Clarenee 'f. (Licut.) Phone. 1202-W.
THEY LIE IN FRANCE Fi n nerty, Prancis
Smedley, Wm. D. Phone. 600. Ol'TICIA:!t1!l
See dlsptay advertisement In tbls Issue. Fenton, Carl F. 506 Essex ave, Pbone. 618-\'
WHERE LILIES BLOOM GiHeHe, Lelan<1 ~. (Corp.) CANDY. ETC. Phil&. addrellll, 180G Chestnut st. Looust lIa.
Greyer, Charh's Hall (Sgt.) Davis. II. E. Phone. 1254-W.
See displaY advertisement In tbls Issue. PAINTERS
HUll1phreys, 'Walter CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS Cole, James R.
They lill in France 246 Havertord ave. Pbone. Spruce 161a.
ITartmnn, C. B. "enklns, Chas. L. W. G. Cummer. Phone. 12-62 W.
Where lilies bloom; 103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M.
Haines, Arthur 210 Elmwood ave.. Narbertb.
Those 1l0wers pale CONTItACTOlt 01" PLASTERING ""alzer, Fred.
That guard each tomb Howes, Hcmye., .Jr. (Q. 1'11:.) l'"rntantonl, JUDiC". 117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247-J.
23!J Hampden ave., Narberth. Box 2jO.
Are saintly souls Hewett, Rowland K. DENTISTS PAPER HANGERS
Harsh, William Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone, II3-W. Witte, Goo. A. Fairview ave.
That smiling stand Phil&. Phone. Fll bert 4252. Keltb Dldl'. Pbone. Cynwyd 778-J. First-ClaM ...ork.
Close by them in 11ar:;h, Prederick DRUGGISTS
Jloward's. Phone. 1267. PHOTO PLAYS
That martyred land, Hamilton, Kenneth 'V. "Arcadia." 16th and Chestnut Stl.. Pbll.
See display advertisement In tbls IMue. See display advertlssment In tbls ISlue,
And mutely there the long night shadows creep Hallman, .John L. ELE(lTRI()IANS
Humphreys, C. Owen Pugh. Veri 225 Iona ave. PLUMBING. ETC.
From quiet hills to mourn for them who sleep, Nar. Pbone. 650-W. Ard, Pbone. 161-J. Suplee, Goo. B. Phone. 1289.
While o'er them through the dusk go silently HUlllphreys, 'Colwin K. FlSII AND OYSTERS See display advertisement In tbls Issu.
Hl.'rbcrt, W. C. (Captain) ImlJerlal Grocery Co. Pbone, Narbertb 60G. Wall, H. B. Pbone, 319-J.
The grieving clouds that slowly drift to sea, See display advertisement In this Issue. See display advertisement In tbls tiIU.
And lately round them moaned the winter wind Howenstein, Rowland Ross GARDEN NURSERIES REAL ESTATE
.Jaekson, Atley E. Wohlert, A. E. Caldwell &: Co. Phone. 1271-W.
Whose voice, lementing, sounds so coldly kind, Montgomery ave. Pbone. 696 Narbertb. See display advertisement In tbls luu•
Yet in their faith those waiting hearts abide •Toncs, Chester George GROCERS Fritsch. 11. C. Phone. 252-W.
.renkins, John L. Imperial Grocery Co. Phone. Narbertb 606. See display advertisement II' tbls Is.u.
The time when turns forever that false tide. See display advertisement In tbls Issue. Godtrey, Wm. n.
•Jacohy, Albert Gelder 114 Woodside ave. Pbone. 685-W.
In France they lie HAULING, ETC• Nash, Robert J. Pbone. 605.
Where lilies bloom, •rones, George E. (Scrgt.) )Inrmontll, .John. Al'duIOre, Pn. Money for First and Second Mortgal'el
Hee dlspln~' advertisement In this Issue. Simpson. JlUIJes C. 232 Essex ave.
Those 1l0wers fair •J iacomucei, ,Jolm Walton Bros. Phone. 672. Pbone. 636. or 1420 Chestnut It.
Kriebel, Nelson S. See display advertlsem"nt In tbls I.sue.
For them made room. INSURANCE HOOFING, ETC.
Not vainly placed Knntzen, ,r. E. Gil. (Lieut.) )lowman. Samuel r. (Life.) Gara-McGlnley Co. Pbone, 1258·W.
116 Elmwood ave. Pbone. 653-W. See display advertisement In tbls Issu•.
The crosses stand Knutzen, Hal G. Miller, John A. 243 lona ave. Phone, 661 J 0

Jurkhardt, MUler. General Insurance. Shop. 246 Havertord ave. Pbone, an-J
Within that brave Klinger, .fohn, .Jr. (1st Lieut.) 100 Maple ave. Pbone. 659-M.
Jones, Chas. R. SHOEMAKERS
And stricken land; Kl'yser, 'Clarence Albert 305 S. Narbertb ave. Pbone. 683-J. Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop,
Kerrigan, Thos., .Tr. (Sergt.) Jones, \Vm. J. 103 8. Narbertb ave. Pbone. Constantine, B. G. Y. M. C. A. Bldl'.
Their h 0 nor lives, 680-J. Pblla. address. Penn Mutual Bldl'.
Lacey, Daniel Trotter Bros. (Fire. etc.) Tbe above department sbould be of tb,
Their love endures, 209 Woodside ave. Phone. 12G3-R. I'reatest use to tbe community. tbe list con·
Their noble death Lacey, J'ohn F. talns tbe name of every profeNlonal man
LAWYERS tra.delllman. mechanlc~ shopkeeper, etc., who
The right asmres, Lukcns, Russell 1\. (Rgt. Sgt. Maj.) Gilroy. John 211 Essex ave. Pbone. 1245-R. doea or can In any way serve his tello...·
Lukcns, Stanley :'Iferritt (Chief Q. :M.) Phlla. address. Lincoln Bldg. townsman, and who Is progressive enousb
For they shall have their hearts' desire Stites, Fletcber W. 41 a Haverford ave. to add name to list of Relrlster.
Light, .10s'''l'h Phone, 172-W Pbll... address. eroser Bldl'.
They who, unllinching, braved the fire, LIGHTING FIXTURES As' It Is dlmcult for tbose contrlbutlnl
Across the fields their eyes at last shall sec Long. Chu(lIcig-h H. (Corp.) McDonald Jobn. Narbertb pbone. 1288. their time and etrorts to tbe production 01
Lall~·. Anthony 1533 Cbest. st.. Phlla. Pbone. Spruce 1118. "Our Town" to personally either know or
Through clouds and mist the hosts of victo~. ~IEATS, ETC. Interview all sucb. It would be most help-
Larkin. Joseph Cotter, Howard F. Phone. 1298. tul If those not now tound In tbe printed
See dlsolay advertisement In tbl. IMua list would send In a memo of their nam...
1'1·;nCI Y AL ALLE~. ill th" N l'\\' York Times. :'Irilh'l'. E(lwllrd Crist. Frank. Phone. a68. address. phone numbers and buslneue_ or
:'Ilu('])er. Hohert A. See dlsplllV advertisement In tbls Is.ue professions for listing. Tbls will cost .. fol·
Hertzter, .John B. Narberth. lows: 10 cents eacb Issue tor a lines; & c_ntl
~fo\\'rel'.•1ohn A., Jr. Sec dlspla~' advertisement In this Issue. for each additional line.

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