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t in' committee will be in position to

Narberth Y. M. C. A. Drive' Melll9rial Hall Propos- i tuke- action so thai pbm, be immmli'
,liately made for raising u fund to
ed for Narberth I ,'on'!' either this memorial or one of
to Open on Monday Tribute I
til(' othprs that have been suggested.
TIll! fol1<l\\'ing- list. g:iYP~ the names
of the Gl'neral 1\femorial COlllmittee,
ana it is suggpsted that the readers of
BIG CORPS OF INTERESTED AND PUBLIC-SPIRITED CITIZENS TO TIIl'n' i~ I'xlti1>ill"! ill t:'(· ['ost Of\i('e
Our Town consider the idl'as that hnve
ASSIST-STRIVING FOR A T LEAST $40,000. willdu\," a ~lu'tl,jl :-"hll\\'ill~' :i jlrIIJH)~ed
hpl'n proposed and exprpss their opin-
\11''',orial 11:,11 ful' ~arl,,'rth.
ion to any ot' the Illembl'rs of the Mo-
Th,· P:Illl "tllll'lllplall's a"'lnirill)! tlll~
morial COlllmittee before this import-
I'rt'~:I'Jlf Firt' Ifoll:-i", building a 1lt'\V
8u"rl''''' 100111" alt"ad a" tlte 10l'al Y. it til h,'li,'\'(' that thi,; is a l'0"sibility "" t me,eting is held.
fr01lt in an'hil"elun' "illlil:lr to tli,' l'n':i-
::'If. C. A. l'allll'aigll apl'l'oarh,'s tlte e\'e
of its dl'h"l' to """Iln' at !l'ast $40,000
\(';y ,hllrtly to he r'-alizl'd.
.:\ "t'J',\' 1:lJ;..~·l· 1I11lld'('I' of iIi l('l'l''ll
THE FIRESIDE "llt Y. :\r. C. A.; huililillg a tOWI'!' on
Narberth Soldiers' and Sailors' Recep-
tion and Memorial Committee.
11", sOllth""'~I eorn('1' 10 take car'.' til' a
for a,I,litiolls all,l illl]>I'O\'('IlIl·IlI". :lild puldit'-:-pil'itl,tl l'ilizl'll~ ha\'l' ,·ulun- General Committee-Carl B. ::'I[etzger,
..Jo"k, ha\'ing fOlll' fa,"'s which will he
The ob,i,·"tin' is l'l'l'tly 1\','11 kllo\\'n- 1, ,·I,·d 10 as,i,,! il1 the dri\"', 1\'hil"h Dn ynn ""jny th,· /'xlra hour's sleep ChairIJl:lll; T. Noel Bntler, Secretary;
illlllllillatl'tl at night, also to eoutain
a 8willilll ill;! )'001, Auditorilllll, ;\[ot iOIl ~t:ll'1~ ~roll(l:lY \,YVllilig, :-\0\'(,111hl'l' ;~I'd, ill : 111-' mOl'uing'? E,]wal'l] S, Haws, TrellRurer; William S.
I :tn "[elO1 ri,~ siren for calling out thJ
l'ir!url';. Jal'g('r all'! hl't1l'r Galli" all'\ Hud art' (,olltl'ihtltillg thl\il' ('{i'orf, tillH~ ~l:ll]dox. ~[rs. Fletcher '\V. Stites, A.
fin' ,·olllpall~'.
Cluh HOUIJI:--, iHt'rt':l:--l'tl slll't'l"vi:.-ioll, ex~ :llld 1Ilt'an:" to Illa!.:.:t' it a slll·I~I'S~. '1'1,,' Hed CI'OS, Hull Call starts to- ! l't'rry He,lifer, nIrs. -Walter 1. Dothard,
A sui lable hl'onze tahld 10 he p]ae,·i\
pand"d adidti,·". Illol't' fa"iliti,'s for Till"" \\'ol'kl'I''' aI'" 1"'il1g' k,! by ;\[1'. 1l10l'!'O,,", .:\o\'l'llIhl'r ~, ,r oscph H. X ash, :i\hs, Cln r('lll'e P. Fow-
in the front of the buil,lill;.! ShOW;II;.! Iii"
ea ring for t Ita t :-'11 rl'lu:-i ('Ill\rgy of out' Fjl'll'h,'1' \\" ::it iI"" \,llt. ha, al\1'ay,; 1('1', Robert J. Edgnr, Mrs. Charles W.
Ilan,,'s of all the boys who ",,'lit from
:rOllJlg l'l'Opll'--~'Olll' hll~' til" YOllr 1I1'igh- I" ,'11 a ,1:llllll'h I'al'ker of Ihe A,:'ul'ia- ~ll's, n. 'r, \\'hit,·, of -l:?:? Du,ll".\' aye, \'ollng. William ./. Peebles, ,\Villiam D.
:\:11'Iwl'th to the ~World's \V:II'.
hol"s ho,\', ""I"·"iall.Y-dul'illg t]ll,il' idll' t iOI1; hy :II r. A. ,I, Luos, till' .l'n'"i,I"1I t JllIl', j:-; \'i~i: iIlg J'r:l'lItb in GaiIH's\·illL' :'111 ('111<',\', Arthur n, Compton, Charles
By sqnarillg up the pl'''''''llt buildillg,
hours, all'] for tit" ']t'n'loplllellt of I r till' ~\:--:--tJ(·iatitlll :lIld :llltllht'1' or the al1d ,Jaek~OIl\'i)lt" l.'la. \', ;":",'1. W .•1. Haiky, I'~d\\'al',l C, Gris-
a ne\\' room \\'oul'l lw 1"'o\'idl'11 Oil the
COllllllllllity "l'irit alld al'ti\itirs. Sll"nll~ ('itil.l'llS wilo i~ lil'l·pl.... ('tlll(,t'l"lIl'll wold. Clarencr ]J, Smith, Dr. Harry
(jr~t Hoar 1'01' CoulI,'il ml'('lillg-s, "'hi":1
E\"'1l 1111\\' tht' A",""'iation is the foral ;11 f:Il' \\"(11 1':1 I'l' of ~~:lrlH'l'tlJ ':-- yuullg 0111' TOWIl :lI'killl\\'l(,t!gp:-; \vith thank:-: ll:lIlk,\'. .1")111 ,/, Cabn'y, ~\lill('!' Burk-
\\'f'ul,] 1ll' ,'oll"i,ll'rabl~' larger than 1.h"ir
poillt of th(' \a"t Illajorit~' of horough ]H'opll'f and hy a hll~',i 01' utllt')':';, W!tll, ;-1 11tlllatiilJl of $;~.Oll frolll Eyallgl,l eirelp, hal'll!. ,\VilJiam E. Waters. Walter Y.
prcsen t qua rters. Direc Uy over the
l'\'PlIt,,-tltl' hlliidillg' i" fl'l"\lH'ntly tax- 1 (II' l:u'l..: of ;--P:H'l'~ (,:IIIHot hI' llll'llt.iollt'<l King's Dan;!ht"rs. I"haw, ])1'. Clan'II('(' T, Far;,'", Clarence
room ,,'oul,] 1>1' :t gootl sized room call,'t!
ell to {'ap:l('ity in (,:ll'illg fill' lIJ('lltiJlg~ IIl'I"'. L, :Met z;!ar. W, Loxl,'y Teebl,'~, Fletch·
the "Trophy Boolll," to he uspd for
':lJltl t.~\·l'llt:-:. ot' our I()(,~II a:-;;-;ot·iatioJ\s, ~Ir~, II. l. ;\[d.'0'"1l'll, 01' ;\lerioll a\'('· "1' \\'. I"!ilt-s, Vincent. ]0'. Cnnningham,
,""'II lilt' t.Ill' tJr tht'~e 1'1'UPtl:';l·tl fllatllrl'~ "1l1:tll 1I1l,,'t illl!s of the American Legion.
hut "till lit" f,al'iliti,'s fall far "ItOl't or lllll', "ut"rtait,,'<1 h,·1' "ard "Iuh lJll \\','.1- ]~re,] C. Patten, William .1. Henderson,
t1:,lI l dli':t'I •••\" :lpl't1:d:'o 1',1':"Jllal;y to l11u;-;t The i,ka II1'illg that any large llIPl'ting's
the ,]emallds of thl' "Ollllllllllily.
(If t1.",-:1l ll':l~t
1,,'solayafl'·l'nool1. Th,·I'!' ",,'J'(' tl.n'l' la- n. M, Da\'is,
\ \\'1'y Di,l' ill :Iii 1l1lSl·l- of' t lit' L"i~inll wouJ,! lll' 11l'!,l ill th,'
'I'ltl' proposl"] illlPI'O\"'IIl;'lIt, aJ'(' Illlall' hl,'s, Reception Committee--Bouert J. Ed·
H<l way tlit,y :ll'P.':11 :u all :t:-- ntl'urdillg /,I'l'''''111 l:trg(' 1'00111 (Elm1Iall).
illloll"ly "llul'e']l',1 to Ill' \I"",th-,, hik il1 ;'''1', ('ltail'lllan; ::'Ilr~, Chll'l'II('" P. Fow-
l:-;'l"'inLy thus,' .. :I,·iliiil·...: w}lil']1 a ('0111· Thl' property now has II value of at
e\'(~ry partirular, al1'; 10 I'rll\'idl' fa"ili- ;\11'''' T. B, i'Otrill;.;f"llIJ"', \\'ho has Ill'PIl l,·r, FIl'lt-h,,'r W, titi",s. William E.
J..lllli:y (IWl':- III it:-:. ;"':'l'owing yOllng' Pl'O~ !t'a"I Jiflt'l'n thou~alll] dollars, anti
ties all Ill' \\'hil'h aI'" hadl," 1Il',',I"d hy \i~i: illg- ~Irs, B. 'I'. Whitl', ill ])II,]h'y Watl'l's, Fn'l1. C, Patten.
idl' IIII' tlil'il \\l,lral't' alli!!l', a:-- Wt'II :1:-; \\'h('11 Illl' ]>rop.o~ed illlpro\'ements have
our tlJ\rn. a \'1'111"', ha~ retllrll,·,1 10 h('r hOllle ill
;1:1' In'1l11i! tll till' lidill' t"tlJI:lIlUIlltJ' 1"'('11 a,],l,'d ''''0 Itl ,] I'l'pl'l'"ellt at It-ast a
Thl' A~"oeiation has rl'l\l'll"d th" posi-
i \' :j i,", (~Il ' i ~ Il . \ it: l J I j , . i l' ,-: 1i 1t ,
tion WIH'I'l' it 1II11:--t :,!;O ahvad or go ll:t{·k.
:111,1 tll,' of1i"l'rs alld din·,'tnrs f,·l'1 l'ol1li,
\ \ ; j

J:: :111 I p. II :-i.:ILl':;lt'll; t .:-'l·\\'!lt'n' t;ll~

;\11'-. H, 1 l. :"Iha ':'l'I'. ;\11'", ti, I'. ~Inr­
1 w"llly-flvC' thuusand dollar memorial.
H.\- tlnpillg' th,' }f"llIorial II:dl 0\'('1' Anent Joining
deut t'nllll tl){~ t~xprt'~sioll:-' ot' flll' frit'llds
of the A,s,)('ialion that the til1\'I1 w,"tld
"\:- \o\·::;l~(.ll
;:.;,' uf
:.:-'"Ilrl' .... til till' '!'O\\H full
i,:"- f:II'ililil':-:' ill :t ill't1ad :llld fail'
1,',\- all,1 ~ll'" C. ~;', ;\I,,('ral'l"'ll aI'!' Ilt-
Il'lldiTli-!' th(' \Vtllll:In'~ ~Ij:-:~i(lll:ll~" .Julli-
to lit,· I"·,,pl,· of '\:1r1"'rtll, it \\'oult! he
gll\"('l'llt'd hy tl\!' HOI'l'I1;.:;h CtltlfJt,jl, who the Legion
";Iirit of :IPJll't'I,i:it;uII lIl' t1ll' :"':llJlport of ,,"ouid nhr:ly:"': Ill' lIt'n' tu ill~l1l't) tIll'
not pl'rIllil the \\'ork of the A,sl1l'ialiol1 :1'(' ill Bn)'toll.
:L" !'lJlllil.lIQiiy \\i:j;';l :: i:-: l'Ollli(:i'lltly Jlllildill.~' hl'ill.:..!' l\t'Jd ill g:ood ('olltlition
to he \\'ilhdra1\'ll, \\'('Il kllo\riu)! thai '1'11,· Ilt'X! Illl't,ting- td' tLt, .'\:Irhl'rth
l'XjH'(·tld \\ ill 111.' gi"'l'Il, ~Ir~, \Y. .l'l'ar",tll, who ha, h"I'1l Yi,,- :111,] tli,' IlIal01"II:1:"',' \';ollld he paid i'd.";: tit' tlIl' AIlll'ril':l1l "L('f.!:t111 '.rill he
ey('n \\'ith ils Jilliited f:Il'ilitie's aud I'l"
II is 11,~,'d titai all :'\arl"'rth :'It:dl i:i".!'; h,'r sish'.!', .\[rs, n. 8. llra<1ley, of h,\' tl>,· tax payprs of th" borough. il,·ld OIl Frid:I,\P ('\'l'lliIlg~ :\U\'i'!llltt'J' 7:h,
SOl1}'('P~ it h:l:-i ({Olll' a gotHl ,,"'ork.
llJi:-i \\'t'l·k gi\'v :\:tt'll!ioll to tlJi:-; \"VI}' ":,,,.,, a \"'Illll', Ita" retlll'llell to It,'r hOllle 11 i, Il""l's:':lly tli:lt th,' 1>llrllll,l!h haye :if H (I ·(,J()l,k. 11 i:-:. 111(lst 1';!l'lll·:-;.l}V (ll~-­
'fhl' lIl:IJlHg'l'lIll'IJ t'.. 1IO\\'llvel', hopp~
.~oo,] fir(' fighlillg' appal'atus 111111 yolUIl'
"'ith tllt· ai,l of all our I,,'''ple to make l11II:()rtallt 1l1l':l'l't:ll~ill!-!·, Ijl'lp \\"jtll Ytllil' i:i Bay City, ~[i(·ltigall. :-;irct! 11\" t'\'l''''" 111:11\ lin\\" :' ~ll('!Il1J~" (jf
rlll,lI~llt, illtt'['v:-:t :tlld lll('all~ iu Illl(l~t 1'.1 1'1' lir\ 1l1l'11. Tb l , tiJn(~ ha~ ahout nr p

1111' 1'0,,,,: that all :-:t'l'\,i('t' 1I1t'll who !lave

this COllll1lullity C,'lItl'1' 100 per e"nt.
tht' plan:-- \\"llil'li are ~I) hadly Ilt't'dl'll. Th" allllllal nIH'l1ing' 11ll1cheon of the ri\,·,] "]"'11 ltl,'11 s1","1,1 I,,, l,,'pt oil ,1ut~­ !l"! .... '·1 b""/lIII(' alljlill!,'d "ilh tit,· or-
cOlllpleh' alld efliciellt, all,l e\'l'llts 1";1l1
"tl~;l d:ly :tlld ni;"::I! In :111;0;',\'1'1' fin'
\YOIn"11 's C"llllllllllily Club will he Oil g:lllizatioIl will 1Hal'I' all :It!l'lllpt to he
"',·dll'·,,!ay. :'\O\'elll],er 12, at 1 P. ::'IL, :,]:11'''1-, ,\ part 111' tli,' ,lut~- of thPH' !l:·'.'-';1'1l1 OIl ihat ut't':l~illll,
Making Plans lor il1 llit' Y, ;\1. C, A, All II1Cllllll'rs
I1r,~"11 to I,pcp Ihis ,~atl' in milld, as
Ill/'II \\,.,u1d h,' 111 ]«"'1' tl'" 1>lIi1,lillg ill
.~IH)(1 (·()Jlllition.
TIJl' ~-\,·tiIJg· ~1'l'JI·t:\I.\·,
i\'t,~ Ill' t lit'
ing ...:. h:t~ had oIlly
....;\·lldill.!! out

~1l)lld:',."" .. \\'YIl1l1'\\tHHl :1\ I'll Ill', (.'011· Tennis Celebration t'Ollllllittt,p ill ('h:1rgl\ l'al'Hcstly uesiT('s By 1111' hOl'ollg-h o\\'lling" thl~ 1111illl-
;'1',~', illl' J')'("';f'lll I'l'lit p:!id to 1hl\ }'ire

:;:-':;-; oj' :l

fr:q~:Il(;llt:Jry alld IlJisJ(':ldillg

,yay :L\l'lllll\ .• lllldll'y :1\1', \\"l':...:t :--idl' o( a full alt"lIdalll'e, 1·11:1l':1('1 i'l" t Cl ;.1.uidl' 11 i :11. j1 l::t:.; IIl'ell
E:--Sl'X :1\'1'11111', Itark, \\'iIld~(11' ;1\"I'l1l1t', Til{\ lI:"':'U:I] llot i('l'~ w.ill hl' is:-'llC'cl Hud ('OIll]':lIl,\' "'0111.1 hI' ,aYI',l :11"] all\' ill- hi, Ilhj""I. :1" \1',·11 :I' 11::11 .. I' ;h,' 1'0111-
from E~:,,'x Wl\St, .:\lollt,~olll.. ry :1\ ('lilli', ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE AR- Llrth,'r .I .. tails "f th .., program publish· ,'''"l'' ,."",'i\',·d 1'1'11111 n'llt of hall :lily 0;' tt'l' (Ill lI:tl!ldH'J'~hip. to 1'1':11,11 l~\"cry
\V,\'IIII1'''',",,1 to Xa,1>"rlll a \"'11 "". 1':1111 RANGING SPECIAL PROGRAM t'll in a Intl\!' ('tlitioll of "Unr Town.'~ II: hI'\' rOllm WlllIl,l "0111" to Ill<' horollO'l'1 "t'l'\'it,t' 111:111 ill tht, hllr()l1~:1J. :tlld if in
~'tlrl'an' :Itld tia!)illl' ;}Yl'lllIi', FOR EVENING OF NOVEMBER 14 a tlirl'et IH'IIelit to all tax ]'a.'-,·r,. ,." Ill!' :-:t'r:tlllitil' :ttl"ilt::tllt 011 '[It,lI IH)cdlc-
Tl11' t,h:~ 1'111 of \\'ill Hogl'r:-; is ill hi~ TIll' huil'lillg \\,oull] be a 1'Ipasillg ill-a-}I:!y:-'!:I,'l, 11l'(1l'C't·dillg~. :,IlIllP have
Tll"s,II'y--I':a,,1 ,-iol,· 01' E,'",·x. \\'ayll" -SEND ACCEPTi'_NCES TO ROB-
la"k of 1,lay-III'! illg-, hilt he is genuine, ,i,~ht. iu ils Clllllllial sinlp1ieil~'; tlip llt't'll o\-t·r1tlrJ!'t'd. ",11:11 1,Isl' i~ t1I1')'(1 for
:l\'Plllll', Ill'it't' :1\'1'11111', :\ltllll~~'(lr;li·l·.\·, ERT E. PATTISON J3E:t'ORE NO-
III i ' All11o"t a HIISliallt]," Opi" Head's "]Ilek \\'fllll,] he a ]'raetica] Orllall1e'nt. 1111'11l to till hut 10 :!J'Ili';11' :11 th, III t' ..... t·
1'\ a 1'1)('1'1 11 to I'ril'l' a\"('I111{', ":\:lI'lll'rllI VEMBER l2.
,','li;.!]lll'ul "tory, to l,e shown in the the pI""lril' alarm is now badlv need- :l1g Frill:!y night alld l"t titl jj' \", il'l' go
:!\'t'llllt', .F.lI"1't'~1 :l\"1'1l111'. Gl'a,\'lill~ aVl\~
''':o'!':'',\- al Ih,' I'ala,'" 'I'h"atl'l', AI·d· "d: t h...\III1'rieall L ..gion would haye forih HlIltllI!l'st the i11111titlllk? I~':-; th(,'ir
JllIt', Ila\'l'rrllrd :1\'Vlllll', Craylillg' ttl I,>·
1l;1:1". "ll \\·t',IIIl'sda.", Hugt'l's ,]ispla .... :· a hOlll" of tlll'ir own, rl'nt free, us P:II'~,\" :I: 111111'11 as :lllybtll:.'" I';~-I' 'S-Of
:-;PX. \\'lIodhillt-' :t \'I'1I111', .:\:irlJ(..'rth to Till' l'1I1111lIiltl'l' ill ellargl' oj' thl' Tour-
J:lk~1 Ill' tll(' (·\"l\l'~·"d:l,\·f ortlill:lry, l'l'al IIlII.!.:' :I~ thpJ't, is a borough of Narberth sllollld \\"t' ~:IY anyhody's t']:-;l"?
]olla, 1111111l'IIt L\'kl>ratioll of tlit' :'\"1'1>"1'11,
"'I't lIl' Ihill,~'" :1I1l1 ",ith his talenletl al"] all Ampriran IJegion. WI' thillk tltat at Ihis ,htl' it 'is 1111-
T"lllli" .\"~U,'i;ltiulI, at l~lm Hall, on
\\""!III'"ol:ry-llalll\"I"1I a\','I1II1·. 101111 ~,qlp"rt hl'illg:-:. lIUt.its lllost eXl:pllcnt 'I'ho hronze ta h]ct wonlll show to all !l(\('lll,;:-:al'." to dl~~(':lllt UpOll tIll' ()!,\'ious
Priday "\'('llin~', XO\-"lItlwr 1-1, has I'ra,'·
:1\'1 1 11111', .:\Il'l't'illg" llo11:-;P LallI', \\'iIli:lIlls 11111Illll', \,''" IIl1d tilt' puhlie :Ire 11101',' \\'ho nIl' hra\'e hays Wl're who left /Ilt'rits,:lCl\':lntagl's alld attl'a('iioJl~ of
I il':rlly ,'onlpll'1l'd armllg"l1lents for the
U\'(\I1I1(" \roodlJillt' :l\'l'IlIlP, JOlla to .\Iollt· 111:11I:L d ll1o \"il' t':lll.~' yoUlll'eOllle ()llt' th"ir :'\:lI'herth homcs for the war and :ht' AlI\('l'il':l1l Lpg-ioTl, E\'('l'ylHlll,Y ad-
alrair, w!,;,'h prunli,,'s tu h,· one of tli,·
gOIlIl\I',v,:\[Olltg'IIJlH"'I'Y a\'I'lllH', Prirc to or tll(' pt'0]'1t' tllt·!'('. a]'pl'opl'iat!' sIal'S woultl show those llIits 11mt it's a gllod thillg, alit! Ihpy're
lllo"t "lljuyalII,· ('''''Ill:; In II,,~ Iti"tol'\' of
l[a\'I'l'fnnl :l ""t'll lit', ll:l\'l'l"t'llrd :I\"t'II111', l"'rors who did not return. ,~oi Jig' to join SOTHO day (lool\i ng d 1'(':\111-
till' a,soeia tiOll, .
Montgollll'!',\" to Graylmg, ::lllirlcy Road, Borough 'CoulIl'ils would ha\'e a suit- ily oot of the sIlIol,,,r \\'ill'],'\I' :Il tlI"
.\I:llly til' Ih,' Ill"nlll('r~ ha\'1' :lln'ady
n Vl~IlUll, '" (l()(hdtll\ a y(IBtl(', G ro\yc
a \"'IlUC, ),[a pIc
Sl'lIt ill thl'ir :ll"'l'l'tall""s, but th,'re an' Montgomery Co. Feder.. a hit- JlI" .. t illg plal"', Na rhert.h would
ha \'(' a }["llwria I an,] ll. :i\[ullieipal
t1yillg )Jallo!':lIlla ,)f Merion 01' kill,ll'(',]
hili!"rlan,],), hnt that's ahollt as far
still a lIuml,,'r who Ita,-I' 1I0t yet J'e-
Fritlll."-('Ii,·"llIul a\"'II1It', ~1l'rioll
n\·('III1l'. H')('ldand III-eIlU('. :'\arherlh aYe-
"poll,lt-d. Cliainllan l'atli~oll, of tIll' ation Women's Clubs Buil,lillg' thaI 11",.\- wnul,] he prout] of,
alld the Pin' ('olllpallr woul<1 ha\'e
:1' th,'y god, \\'i!h it, :1I1l1 Fl'ida,- ('yell-
ilJ,c:' rolls al'onn,l lIlI('(' IlIore, to fil;d th"IlI,
EJltl'l'taiJlIlIl'IIt. COllllllittt'(', i~ anxious to
1111(', Chest Illlt to HOl'ldand, I,,'al' from all n"'IlII",l's, :l1l,1 all a('eq,t- Holds Meeting th"ir fillallt'ial ,ljlli"1l1til'~ all "Illllllt);,.t!
out, so that all." dut's ,'olllillg ill \\'oul,]
'lI"ir ('(Hllo\--:Ins ,'xt"Il']"ll t .. 1111' I'heery
gas log. thl'ee )J0IIIII]S alld a half of
C: Eo JIIi;\lPlIREYS, all"I'S 1I1u~I n'aeh hilll hefure .::\o\-eml1l'r
he us,'<1 for elltertainllleIlt pnrposl's ill R:tlllrtlay E\'l'ning Post in their lllnch
Stre('l COlllllli:-;sioll('r. Th,' fall mel'ting of the Montgom· place of the fe,w IIIl'llllJers maintaining-
The dalll'illg' \\'ill start promptly at hooks, allowillg- th,' flltllre ,],'still ies of
el'~' 'County Federation of 'Woman's a huilding- as at lHe8ellt, for the good
,~.;:O 0 ."lol'k to th,' Illu"ic of olle of tlte tllt' org-anizatioll Utey illt,,"d to make
Cluhs waR held at ::'\orth '\\'al"s, Odo- of all the tax payers of the borough. Ih"il' o\\'n to hI' 1Ilollld(',l WitllOllt their
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1II'st--Bill Kirkl'atril'k says it is tlte
I.eI' :!:ll'd. XarlH'rth \\,as, 1'l'11I""l'nt(',] A lIIe~ting of the General Memorial "a I,nlihle-nay. in \'a ]Ilahh'--assistance
I""t-jazz o1'('h,'"tl'as in Philllllelphia,
h~' a: dell'gation from th,-' COlllmullity COlllmittce will he called for 'l')nlrsday
Two cents per word eaoh Insertion, CUb Aftl'r a few ,Jan,'l's "all adjournment" :11 III snpport.
In advance, No advertisement accepted un· Cluh. The prO!!l'alll \\'as \'Ilrip,l and cYening, Noyelllher I:l, at S P. M. in
leu cash accompanies copy, "ill lie takl'lI all'! then will follow the ls thi" rig-It I : i... this' .il'st: i:i this
lno~t interl'stiJlg, hpg-iuuing with a lnlsi· ('OUlll'iJ Chmuhl'rs, whl'n the dl'tails at'
jln'st'lltatioll of th,: priz,'" WDll iu the snpportah]r? WI' fp"bly 1I!1I1'11lllr, nnll
lless session, durillg' whh'h "l,.lpgi:.:. la- this propos"d 'j\-[enlOrinl will hl' suhllli!-
GARAGE FOR RENT-~OO South Nur- rerPlIt toul'nanll'nt, and two othel' fell.' Reasoll. tottpring 011 JIl'1' thn11l", months
b('rth a\'('. E. V. Smith. (3·p) tioll," "Ci\'ic Sllgg,'stions," "Our Du- ted, and it is 10 he hopl'<1 tbat th(' ell'
t UJ'es of the e\'ening's (ll'OgrUIll whil-h a frllllti,' XO!
ties to Our Foreig'n Population," lIlld
tlieCollllllittee belie\'es tlte members of Wh('rl'fo!'l', WP rt'itl'rate-\Vill yon
FOR RENT-T,,-o rooms for stOl'agl\, "'fhe High Cost of Lidng" were most
the association and lltl'ir wi\'l's alld ont, to t)", Y, M. C, A. Ill'xl Fri-
('0 Ill('
A'ltln'ss Box 5Sli, Xllrlll'rth. (::-p) ahly discussl'd·. Thp la ttt'r subjecl, eS]le-
gu,'"ts will enjoy thoroughly.
LOST....--!Cortluro,Y bnok hag, with mllllll- So, remember, mellll1,'rs of the Nar·
,'inlly inciting II most interesting dc- THIRD RED CROSS ,by at S llll,l :IS""I'! YOllr ri;!hts liS an
('x-goh or ,'x-,longhlloy (or e'\"'11 an ex-
script. ~[rs. W. (.;. Yost, :!Ofl Chest· 1",rlh 1'<'I1I';s Association, J'I'Sl'r\'e Fri-
ba te, the opinion bt'ing that if the ]lllr-
('ha8e of anything hUl actlUlI necessi-
ROLL CALL OmeN; for, aft<~r all, we s'llppose they
nut ny,'. Phone, Narberth I~S5-'\V. '!ny e\'ening, )io\'l'lIIh,'r 14, for the big November 2 to 11, 1919 haye some rig-ht,;), or tlo yon illsist on
ties could be curtuiled for It short period
I"llIlis "ell'bration at 1~lm IIa]], and lwiug' fetehed lly II ,'omrnitt('e of pronii-
until the production of real necessities In this Red Cross Campaign,
LOST-!\fasouic mark; findl.'r please re- s"llll your aC"eptam','s prol1lptly to Rob- nent citizells llull a band 1
caught up to the ,lelllllnd, c,onsit!eruble we may make a thank-offering
turn to 'Charles E. Kreamer, 11-1 Forest el't E. l'attisou, Box 1:::1, Xarberth.
could be accomplished. Ana that is for victory and rededicate our·
nve., Narberth. Rewanl.
,omething we can all do. selves to the principles for which
Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. McConnell on·,
HOUSE FOR SALE-Montgomery It ve. Band cancer I, un,]er the auspices of The llfternoon ~e8sion was given to n our men at arms laid doWn their
Seven large rooms and buth; four tho Narberth Fire FiglIters, Friduy report of the State Federation Conven- lives, that people everywhere, Icrtaincd llt curds all Mon.dily evening..
e\'ening, Nove-lIIber i, Fire House Hall. The guests ineludetl Mr. and Mrs. R.,
sleeping rooms. hot water heat, el~ctric tion held at, Scranton, Octo'ber 13, 14, first at home and then abroa.d,
Admission, twenty-fi\'e cents. To pay might be given an opportunity C. Brelleizl'r, Dr. 'nni! 'MT8. Irvin C.'
light8" gas. coal, gas range, hot wuter 15, :tJ1d an address br 1\£rs. Ruymond
for new roof for Fire Company Build· Senulte] and Mr. und Mrs. Alex. D.,
heate-r. Addres~ P. O. Ball: 116, Nar- Brown, btlt recelltly re-turned from hos- to live and be happy.
, berth. (3-c) ing. pital service in Fronce. Cnertnn, of weSt PlJiladclpbia.
Of course, we

privileg" of doing a fox trot or "shim' of llny centraJ organbmtion of the com- Telephones,
OUR TOWN mil'," or \\'halt'\'l'r he had in .mind. :nunity? 1267
dellver - _anJ
place - aDJ
A plllJltlgral'hl'r took pictul'l's of the The Association re"og'nizes the neec1 1268 Ume.
Ar. EXll~riment in C~-oi.lerative ;-;.oI.lipr:; alllL :-,ailnr:-; in oJle gronp ana of II Community Center and feeJs it is
Journalism-No Paid Workers. thL' Hl'fi Cro~s workers in another, the and cun still hettl'r he a real eentcr The Brightest Spot in Narberth
------------- - - - - Bo,\' ::It'outs anti GirJ Scouts and scv, of the town's aeti\'itics, combining all
Owned and Puhlished every Saturda~' ,'ral \'i,'''''; of th" Illain streets in the l'ssentiaJ arlvantag!'s, nnd a\'oiding in- A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the =,arherth Civie Association. tOIl'Il. Th,'s,' arc exhibitcd in the win- herent amI ine\'ituhle ,lis:llh'antages of
,Io\\" lit i:iil:ith '5 drug store and can be 'I,
F:lIbscription price one Ilollar :\nd fifty ho 1I gh t a I a fair price.
the' "Community Cent!'r"
CL'nts per yl'ar in advlInce.


Thl'I'l' is n'l1lnining a quantity of
:,IlU\·,·]:ir I'r,'grallls which will be maiJ·
.<1 1" f"i,'u,j,; awl rdati\'cs intcrcsted
Appreeiation of the lll','d of snf·h a
('enter, a sense of rl'sponsihility to our
f r"l"n-i t S young pl'Op1l' "~lll'l'i:dl~'-a nrl
CIVIC ASSOCIATION. ::, t~llr S:·J'\"j(·" J,J{'II :lilt! thl'ir 1"(\('Pl'tiol1
,lu<' apprceiatioll of the anticipate,l sup'
11,\· :'1I!,ly!Il~-: 111 0111' Pllstll;H:·.;t(\r~ :\rl'. E.
April 24, 1919. p,.1'\. of our townspl'opll', inlJ,<,I, the
~. 11:i\':S. Ill' hy atldri':'sill~ :t eanl to
Il'an:li!'-lIlent to glarl1y ta1.L' the oppor-
Prt'sid~nt-Mr. Joseph H. Xash.
:h,' "OH1]llilll"', .. ar~ of P. O. Box 601. tunity of again giving as,u!'ance that
.\ 11('11' :Illli Illll',,1 fl':tf un' of thc day's
Vice-Presillent-11r. .1 ames Artman, 11:<, polir'~' of till' AssoI'iation is thnt
('~;tt'l't:l:'ll:.{lllt W:l:-- tIll' il:llll'itl].! in tllt"'
~rr. A .•J. Laos, Mr. H. .J. Doth:lTd. all of it" faf'iliti"s antl ul'th-itiL', ,han
I::'ecretary-;\[r. R. J. Edgar. . ,,\ 1'1"'\ ill frollt of the Pin' House aud 111' llnlilahle to all our peopJe, its or-
Correspomling S('cretar~'-~IissFrieda Y. :'or. C. A., to th(' Illnsie of the Ard·
!.!·nllization, antl dnhs.
Schubel. Il'on' Chautl",r of OI1Unll'n'(' Bal"J. This
\\:l~ :i ft\:L!urt\ thaI tllt\ l'Ollllllilt(\(\ ,lill Thi" ('nrl1l'mpl:Jtl', tile USI' of the
'l'reasurer-l\Iiss -Maizie Simpson.
Illlt prol'idl' fnr, the expense of the balld "winlll!ini! pool nnrl all othl'r f:ll,jlities
Direetors--~lr: .J. .J. Cabrey, l\[rs. C.
l,t :"-~. I,nid 1,," Sll II II' lit' OUI' puhlil',spir- or the 1'1ant h.\- all of )\urlll'rth pl'opll',
P. Fowler, 1111'. II. n. Hilll'gas. Mr. Chas.
it<',1 "it;zl'lIs who lI'allt.ed to sec c\'cry- all,] USI' or the an,litorinlll h~' an~' of
H. A. Chain, J\Ir. W. H. D. Hall, J\Ir. H.
A. Jacobs, ).[1'. F. A. L:1llahan, 1\11'.
Daniel Leitch. 1\11'. G. Knutzen, Mr. R.
.J. Nesper, ]\11'. Eo A. Musehamp, ).\Ir.
(lllt~ 1I:I\"l' a t!0od tiull' allcl ,:..!jYt' t})(,111 a

"h:""'I' III dan"" an,l make lllt'l'!'Y. It

1I,ight I"~, 1'1I~~ible Ill'xt sumlller to havo
our to\\'llslll'0ple or their o1'gallizatillns
for allY ]Jllrpose naturally to he ex·
I'(,l·tl',l an,l J'('qniJ'l'fl ill a 1'01l11llnnity
I F your car could tell you when it felt ill you
wouldn't be apt to run it unlil engine trouble
or some other failing rendered it helpless. Let
musi,' "n th"t the foJks ahout town :-:lH'h fif' ours.
Fletcher 'V. Stites, 1\11'. A. E. WohJert,
,'Ilul,] ,1allCl' as has hCl'n dOlle during us inspect your car and make sure it is ready for the
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, :Mr. WaJton M. '['his. thl'J'('fore, ean, shouJd anrl is
Wentz, 1\[rs. C. 'V. Young, Mrs..Tames tht' past sunlnl('r in Ardmore. TIll' Illem- intenlll'tl to he ~-our own ('enter of the road.
Foote. 1)(\1':-'- of t~1(" .AlIl('ri(':ln T.~l)g·j()n ::tHl thl,il' fOW11'~ n(·tiyltifls. and as such is en..
I:lllil's ""l'!'t' :-:n pll':ls('(l winl tllt' 1:":111('(' titl,'d to antl it is hopI',} \\'ill re"l'i"e

HA HHY A. JACOBS, in ":1,,, 1l:i11 lit:! I 1111'.\' ",ill I'ro],abl,\' aI'- '-onr J1l0~t thou,!.!"htfu] and aethe sup·
Editor. rang:' to h:1'·(' :l :-;f'ril's Ill' "anl'l's (1111'- l'flrt in (\YPl'Y "·flY.
ing !lll' ,,-illt:']'. TT,,!p to hoost :"arllerth h~' putting
~[rs. Hoy Eo Clark, J l""llry Hosc, "nos, this plan \\-ldeh ,,-ill place Nar-
W. T. Melchior.
A .•J. Loos,
-itors. Narberth Y. M. C. A.
h('rth in f-l]e forefront US a eOl\llllunit~,
of inr1(nnitnhlp PJ'(l.t!T('~sh·(l1l0~~ in car-
in,:; ror the \\'l'lfare of its ~'011l1g j)('npk
apt! it, community intl'rests.

cashier. A STATEMENT. X ATIB F:RTII Y. :\1. C. A.
Tn tilt< Citi7.ens of Xarberth: A . .T. LOOS.
Send all advertising and news items to Pre,irll'n t.
P. O. Box !l6ti.
Our Town is on saJe at the depot
On l\[OJl(la~', 1\ OY~ndll'r :lnl, :I d rhe
",ill bp ~t:lrtt'cl hy tht' ,,\ssllciation, as-
~i~tcd hy ahout a hunuJ'l'tl of our pubJic-
Vk,,- Presi,len t,
newsstand, and at the store of H. Eo
Entered as second-class matt~r
spiri1ed citizens, 1'01' a fuud of at Jeast
:HO,DOO to l''1uip US \I'ith many facili-
For Good Taxi Service
October 15, 1914, at. the Post Office at
Narbcrth, Pennsylvania, undcr t.hc act
til'S wh ieh the horough hadly needs for
the propl'r "arc of ils ~'onng people
Call Narberth 1633
an,l th,' hest interest of our tOWIl.
of March, 1879. A lllt'('ting of the Xarherth Building 24 Hour Service
'Ve earne~tly s{Jlicit the thouglt1ful
consideration, illten'~t, ('o-operation and and Loan Association will he hL'Jd at

OUR TOWN will gladly print

any UC\YS it~m about any subject
a~~istallce of all our townsfoJk.
ThL' ASflOciation is not unmindfuJ of
the scntiment L'Xlll't's,etl h~- ,ome bear-
the Fi,'c House on Thursr1a~' "\"l'lling,
N o\-embel' 6, from i until 9.
This will he the last chnllce to take
that is of interest to Narberth out stock in tho new serit's liy payment
ing Oil a so-ca!lL'd "Collllllunity Ccn-
folks. but in order to meet the Ilf three months' ducs.
printing schedule, all "copy" ter," 1ll1d while it is feJt that that Phone, Narberth 1687
-manuscripts-must reach the spn timcnt, as gL'nerally understood, docs
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each not propcrJy represcnt a ma.jority of
~rr. w. C. Poor, who has been with
the community, it neYl'rtheJe,s deserve&
due consilh'ration, anll has had t.he a party of friends huntiug in the
:\[aine woods, h'as returned to Narberth,
though tful considL'ra t ion of this Asso-
ciation. al\(I r('ports exccllL'nt luck for his party.
1'111')" kilh',l eight deer and two bears.
SATURDAY,~November I, 1919 A strict" COll1mUllity Center," oper·
ated hy the" Comll1unit,\'," is an ideal-
EMEH<JI';;'\CY PHONE CALLS istil' plan sehJom sne",'ssfuJ, and then and INSURANCE
}'ire, :J50
only iu eentt'rs II'hl'I'L' the support,
linanl'i"Il,Y, is lIlu"h str01l1.!·I'r than
Police, 1250 woul,l he possible in. Narberth.
'The "Comlllunity Center," so-called, The Hack Service Man Has Changed
WelcomeIHome Recep- is wi t hout perman en t resjlonsihili ty; is
una,hlt' to maintaincd intert'st after the His Phone Number to Narberth 1229 J NARBERTH GARAGE
tion Big Success nO\'I'ltj' Jl:IS worn ofT, and is never as
]'('~ponsi\'(, to the J1et'd~ of the mo~t in-
or Narberth 625. Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
tl'rl'stPll plPJllPIlt. thp .young 11l10plt· of GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
On i:ia lurtla,v a ftL'rnoon a 11.1 I'\'l'lling,
thL' eommunit~·, a~ this AssoL'iation is
and ean he.
'Please do not call Narberth 1633 EXPERT REPAUUNG
October ~;), from :;.·~;i to 11.::0, there
was :-iOllll'thing doin.g- e\·l'ry Juinutc for
The oflict'rs and directors of this In- For my serVice. Telephone Narberth 1633

Narberth ~el'\'iee ml'n.

"titutiou arc IIL'Yoliug tht'ir 111'st ef-
forts aud lIleaus to maintain thl' work ....... --_ ... _- .
Eighty-fi\'(' of thelll linL'd up for t.he
i>:ll'at!e, in uniform, lLII,1 lillL',l the stand
during the Rpl'l\l',hps. The sante llUll1~
\1" i t h a spl'da I though t for the moraJe

Ill' our young peoplp-thp futu('(' 11IL'n DR. JOHN SCHEMBS, Jr. GOOD VALUE
anlJ won]('n of Narberth. In the following up-tO·date homes:
bL'r sat at thl' tlinll('1' taJole with a fl'W
Thl'rp is nothing a "Collllllunity Ct'n- DENTIST
llIemlwrs of the cOlllmittee anll ahont
tL'r" afTol'lls, that cannot he prod,ll'II
208 Grayling Avenue
fort)' or tiftj' l'njoyL'd th(' llalll'L' in Elm
h~' t.hL' As~oeiation and in addit.ion, the
Corner Grayling and Windsor A venues 34 Avon Road
Hall \\ ith thl'ir wives :lIld Iwst girls.
Assoeiation worl.!'> with the atlnlntage NARBERTH 36 Avon Road
j t S('I'JlIl'tl as jf the eOllllllil kc trit-d
ttl tak l ' partieul-arly good eare of the
of 1"'l'lnanpnt organization, backed by 100 Avon Road
loeal nll'n illlpl'lied by an ineenti\-e hI'- OFFICE HOURS-Until 9.30 A. M. "until 9 P. M. Sundays,9 until 12
Cid! \\'ar \"I-tl'rans, as th,')' called at.
hinll thpjr pfrurts which for years ha"
thl'ir h"l\lI's for them ill automobiJes PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-310-311 Perry Bldg., 16th and Chestnut Sta.
ami took thl'1lI bllek aftl'r the dinner.
stood the galT of inadequato support
an,l helpfuJ int.l'rest, and which would T.lephone, Narbnth 316 W
TIlt' \'et L'rans expres~ed their apprL',cia-
not ohtain in the ('ase of the ~tri('tly
tion of the \\'a)' they were ellt-L'rtailled,
, , COlllm un ity Cl'nter" as generally
RUt! from wlmt has Iw,'n h"41 rli 1'1'0111 Greenhouse. Nurseries
I<no\\'n_ and intcnlled.
the sl'rdee men, they ('l'rtainly seL'lIled 30,OOQ ft. of ala.. 12 hous.s
To he profoundly frank, the first and
to have enjoyed and appreciated thL'
whoho perfOl'nHlIH·_e.
main ohject of tho Association is UIC Pencoyd Narberth
It ",[IS mighty plc~lsing to sec the
way th:lt lIll the organj;.·.ations, t,h~ mer·
chunts, and in fact eve,ryone in town
eare of and benc'fi t to our young people,
a 1111 will it not be cOlleeded thut this
inlleed should be the forcmost ohjective
Automobile Laundry John Albrecht
wodted togL'ther to entertain their boys,
The rnJe that onJy scrvice lIlen were
to be admitted to the dl3.ncCo wail really
necessary, as there wu only room for Cotter's Market
and Garage Look about the home arounds snd have
your plantin!f done now. The season is
here a!fain. and the weather conditiops
about forty to fifty couples, and even
the Burgess himself was denied tho
of Narberth are advanta!feolls.
Prime Beef t SprinR Lamb,
Country Dressed Veal and H. E. ARMSTRONG, Operating
If the folks have to get along on the pro- and Bacon SCHOOL SUPPLIES
.c:eeds of a $5,000 pot icy. they won't get a10ltl
"ery long. Figure out juat what you think they PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO·DAY AT
. tfught to have every year, altd then aee how
. : cbeaply ample provision ca. be aeeured. Steady
. up with Life Inaurance I
You IDOl find OUT prices right Repairs and Accessories DAVIS'
LANAHAN. eG5 P • ...,.& A,,_•• Grocerie. and Provision. CIGARS 'ICE CREAM CANDY
~p; O. Box llG2. PbOite, Narberth 3-•• K.
presl'nt at the Sunday School last Sun-

slipper in the Y. M. C. A. in Narbcrth.
Tickets, :30 cents. day. INFLUENZA
starts with aCold
No matter how small your busi[' ~I)S may be, have a bank account. Kill the Cold. At the first
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. aneezetake
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his tllLeS
The ::\[et.hotli"t Church Choir has been
credit, has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a Next SUlltIay:
reorganized, under the direction of ~rr.
business manner, 10 A. l\L-Sunday Sehool. Brip[ all-
Bussell A. Cuthbert, who unt il rl'l'cntly CASCARAQQUININ
You are invited tlJ open an account with us. ,lrt'ss hy a native of Palestine at the
was a very progressive leader in a
"lose of the scssion.
11 A. l\L-Puhlie Worship. Sermon CI,'H]and Metho<list Churt'h, with abont BllOMID£
Standard cold remedy for 20 years
on "The Dt'it.y of the Holy Spirit." t well t.)" good voices. Th " choir startcd -in tablet form-safe. sure, nO

THE MERION TITLE & TRUST CO. i P. l.L-Christ.iall Ell,lpavor M:et>t- opiates-breaks up a cold in 24
oIT the season with a surl'ris" I'art.\· til hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
iIII-:. Senior Spdion led hy Elizahl'th Money back if it fails. The
l.[rs.•Jallles Foote, who has lll'l'n one genuine box has a Red
:\letzg-ar anl1 1"rnllct's Keim. .Junior top wit h Mr. HiIl's
Sed inn t'on<lut'lt'l1 hy ~[rs. Trowhrillgl'. of the forlll"r most ad iyc Illt'llIlwrs picture.
f Narberth Office, Arcade Building iAil P. :\L-E\"l'ning Worship. 1>P' anll soloists of the choir, Oil last 'fhul's- A t A 11 DrUB Store.

.NrW!i 1II0hilization of Serdce Flag. George day e\'ening. Jokes and tripks wert'

A~S~UT~.2 !A
i.45 P. l\L-A ::froul' of young men "T. Bra<Ten, Gporgl' O. Smith, W. 1... on- pla.Yl'd on all, e\'pn all 'i I'a rson" Gray,
nf tllr ill111trdlCS who ~rc planning to l'llt,'r th,' millistry h'.\- P"p,hlps alld Robert A. Mueller will
who accepted it in hi,; usual l'ong-pnial
of <li'Ten'nl. d,'nolllin'll iOlls will l'olldul'1 spl'nk. Lil'utenallt Sparks will sing. Finest PhotoplaY The-
Illannt'r. The g"I'tIJltl finalc of the even- atre 01 Its Size In Ihe
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. onr c\"l,ning service. 'fhey arc "Thc Church Notes. Entire World.
Thl,ologit':d 1"ratel'llily of lht' Telliple ing was, of COIII'Se, Ilepicll'd in the Ilill- PI>r,oplavs-Continuolis 10 A. 11.38
i'Sonl!' Home :\[i,:sion Problpms" will
l"llin'r... jty." '1'111' pas:or hopI'S 10 ha\'!' illg rOOIll of the I-:raeiolls hoste,;s, with P.M.
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa. Ill' ~'ollsidel"l',l at. t.he Prayer :Meeting
:1 large attcndance.
111'Xl. 'VCllnesllay evening. lhe help of :\[,,1n(ne's "goatl cats." Phila., Pa,
Tuesoay, 2.3U 1'. ~r.-W. F. )r. So- 1"ri,lay, at -! P. M., the Light Bear- It is expl'l'Ip,l that ~rrs. ]):I\'ill Stick-
Merion Meeting is open for worship
I';,'I~' lllt'ctillg" in thl' han\(' of "[rs. ers will mect. lie)" will h t, 1he l":lIjpr for the coming
ever)' First-dny morning at 11 a 'clock.
Darlington, 212 T-Talllj)(lpn avcnue. The mcmlwrs of the Session and thpir
We cl>ldinlly welcome any visitors who
"'in's will be entertained next Friday
winll,r, which IIll'allS in itself t·hat the PROGRAM
desire to worship with us. WedJlpsday, S 1'. ~r.-l'ray,'r Illpl't-
"horus could hc naught hut sucecssfuI.
iJlg'o A larg8 a1t{,IJ(I:lllt'(~ i:-, 1lI'gP(1. evening at the home of :Mr. and :Mrs.
On Thursdu,\', :'\ol'Vlllher l:lth, thl' I.l'Ssl')", ~Oi ::\[erion a\'cnue" 'l'hl' sppcial soloists to assist the choir WEEK of NOVEMBER 3rd
ST. MARGARET'S R. C. CHURCH. L:"lips' AitI Soeil,ty will gh'e a great 'fwo hnn,T rl'l1 a nIT SC':CII ty-six \I'l'rc will hp :\frs..lanll's ]0'001", :\frs. lIowanl

Rev. R. T. Cowley, Rector. ..- -----

_---- .. _---
--_ .. __ .-
lIoO'man, :\[1'. :11111 :\[rs. 1';,l",a1"(l Stanley,
Miss Ruth PI't'seott, I'll'. Bryant Washburn
Enrly ~fass on Sunday from April 1 Goodwear Shoe Repair Shop JOBBING ALTERATIONS IN
to Octoher ill at 6.30 A. H. ]<'rolll ~o­
Clarence A. Speakman "Why Smith Left Home"
vember 1 to March :ll, at i A.::\[. Laic
Mass, 10.00 A. ::\L throughout the year.
252 Haverford Avenue
Masses on hoiy days, (1.;)0 and 8.30
Carpenter and Builder
A. M. Weekdays at 8. E\'ening devo-
'Prompt, Satisfactory Ser'tJice Guaranteed Phone 1652-R Narberth
tions and other services at regular
times. Work Called For and Delivered AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. )1.. 12.00, 2.00,

We Buy Old Shoes

H. C. FRITSCH 3.·J5, 5.·15, 7.·10, 9.30 P. III.

ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. Narberth 1706 W Pnpertfes For Rent and Salt
_.. -_ .. _.- -
___ •••••••••••••••••
_----_. ._a

._ ••• _. __ a_
. _ • • • __ a • • _ • • • •

••••••• _
Fire Insurance
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. BeD Phone 169 W. Cash BusineSS and Low Prices will
"l,D Building. Narbertll, Pa. enable you to
8.1:3 A. M.-Iloly Communion.
9.4:3 A. "L--Sunllay School. Is this Hallowe'en BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS
11.00 A. 1\L-Morning prayer and ser- Tbe Narberth Electric Shop
Bus will lt~a\'e i\'arbe'rth Station at
Trick on You? Will solve al "our electric troubles
We wire old houBes like neW Quickly and without
10.40 A. M. dsmBlle. Let us estimate on your work. We can

- -------
- ,---._ ...
Bave you money on fixtures. portables. floor lampe
and applianceB. UP.TO-DATE, SANITARY
W.G.CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE Plaone. Narberth 395 vy
EVANGEL. Meat Market
Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor.

John B. Hertzler
Sunday, Novemher 2:
9.30 A. M.-An Upper Room Prayer
COOK BROS. 205 Haverford Ave.
9.4:3 A. IlL-Bible School. Special 250 HAVERFORD AVE.
service of Song 'Classes for all. Delicious Meats
11 A. lIL-Morning Worship. Mr. NARBERTH
Dayton will speak for the Y. M. C. A. A 1 High Grade Chickens
Communion Service. Reception of new
Eggs and Butter
i.45 P. l\L-B. Y. P. U. Leader, Mr.
•John Hillegas. Sllbject, "How to
Avoid Pailure."
7.45 1). l.f.-Evening Worship. Spe
cial music hy new Qnartette, Mr. F.
C. Pa tten a IHI Young People's Chorus.
Sl'rlllOll hy Dr. A. C. Hageman on the
Ruhjeet, "The World's Nl't'd of Chris-
tian Education."
'Vedllt'st1':ly, 8 P. :\L----'Song a nd Pray-
cr Scrviee.
Roofing Pasteurized Milk \ DELIVERIES
BrynclO~lkcerlllled WEST PDILA.
'l'hc Illusi(,al and Roe.ifr] gi Yl'n Inst (Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
Friday evelling waR a real t.reat and Special .. Guernsey" MERION
sel. a stulJllanl of pxcl'llenee in the best
things, Vve exppct to have another
SUt'l1 eYf'11 iug ill a few ,,·cel<s as a
Fortune Gas Milk
(Roberts' &: Sharpless'
thanksgiving expression.
'Wn arc delighted to BPI' many ne\l' Ranges Cream Buttermilk
Tahle and Whipping
WYNNEWOOD in our eongl'(lg'ation and ('xtetl(1
a ht'llrty welt'olllo to all nl'W pl'ople in 36 100 he won't finish the game
58 in 100 he will lose in the end
JIIarhorth to onr sl'rYices.
6 in 100 ~e will be lucky and win
Day Phone,
Night Phone,
Narberth 302 J
Statistics prove that of every 100 healthy men aged
, 'The Little Church on the Hill.' , 25. only 6 are self-supporting at age 65; 58 depend upon
others after 65; 36 (ie before reaching 65.
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor.

Sunday, Novcmber 2nd:

9.45 A. M.-Suntlay Be.lwol. Classl's
But Here is a Good Bet for You-a
Why Not?
for all ages. Mpll's Clas3 tuught by Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
Han. F. W. Stites. (1) to about $27 that you, age 25, will live another
$1000 est spot in Narberth. It is. and the service is the
11 A. ?I.-Morning service. Sermon year; (age 35. $1000 to about $33; age 45, $1,000 to best in town. The various refreshing drinks are
by the pnstor on "SOIllO Parts of the about $42. etc.) mixed by those who know and whose busIDell it
Christiall Body." Mr. Goo. Braden will (2) You have option of renewing the bet for each of the
is to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ie. Cream,
8110ak in behalf of our 10Cllol Y. Y. C. next 18 years. you ever had.
A. We heartily approvlJ of tho plans
(3) If you loSe all bets, your money will be returned Come in any time. Make our founte-in your place
to snlarge our local Y. ¥. C. A. build- of rest. At the same time
inl and make it an emeitlnt commun-
to you.
ity centre. "TAKE HOME A BRICK"
J P. Y.-Children's Church. Object
talk by pastor. Vested choir. 130 were
SAMUEL P. BOWMAN of our delicioua Ice Cream
prllent last Sundar.
f P. Y.-Epwor,u. League. A. live
PboD.I-Narberth 653 W Lomurd 37.80
T. B. SMITH, Druggist
.~ll~ng for young people.


Phone 672 100 ESSEX AVENUE ~
Labor Labor Yard. Labor Material Labor Labor Material
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
JaD. $100 00 89930 $1 08 $115 15 $144 8187 50 434 $5 41 $53 19 $3441 $63 48 $610 97
After 10 P. M. by appointment. Feb. 10000 3960 80 11078 104 125 54 885 768 1600 70 47 471 91
Packages and Trullks promptly ca1led for and delivered. March 100 00 2500 100 51 106 45 804 12 38 100 80 2033 13666 602 03
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. April 100 00 1665 8946 176 112 20 256 5500 734 28 17 6776 468 33
Ma,. 100 00 32.20 15098 1250 6422 134 9318 16044 10 60 5042 128 69 703 13
June 100 00 4745 197 48 2278 34 50 70 177 55 27561 12 97 2750 5664 113 29 1061 77

Thinking of Building Your Own Home Some Day? Jul,.

100 00
100 00
191 35
214 15
31 00 66 11807
250 93
413 39
1248 15
31 45
11 00
21 70
41 68
1066 70
2012 06

One of the First Consideration. Should be Location, and Sept. 10000 17804 143 67 1500 3712 78 223 96 . 891 19 3 67 6560 111 91 17711 06

Good, Available Locations in Narberth are

Getting Scarcer Every Day
Frank ReginelJi George Alexander
We have for sale at this time at reasonable prices two choice Whitewashing by Spray or Hand Jules Junker Inc.
sites that merit your serious consideration:
Narberth Shoe Store Houae Cleaning Ruga Beaten
Heatera Taken Care of
Northwest corner of Narberth alld Ch..atnut Avenue" a little more
than aeventy-fiv .. feet front on Narberlh Avenue, one hundred and twenty
and 53 Prospect Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. FRENCH BAKERY
feet on Chealnut Avenue, and a little deeper on the north JI"e.
Soulh side of Ch..alnut Avenue, nearly opposite Maple Avenue, about
fifty feet front, one hundred and twenly-live fooet deep.
Repair Shop
Real Estate Broker 6041 Woodland Avenue.. Weat Philadelphia
Relidenc~ T.tlltJJhone NARBERTH, PA.
Narberth 6-05 1001 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA Auto Service Tuesday and Friday
DROP A CARD AND WE WILL CALL 104 Forrest Ave., Narberth
Repairing Appliances
Belgium's Queen Visits
EARL E. SNOW" Narberth For - Good - Work - See For convenience of our

Electrical Contractor H. PREMOST patroms in this vicinity.

5007 Wesbninster Avenue BUT ONLY A FEW OF OUR RESI·
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. DENTS WERE FORTUNATE The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
234 Haverford Avenue HARRY B. WALL
"ROUTE OF THE PARADE" ON Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30 WOODBINE AND NARBERTH
Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Work Called for and Delivered
reasons why we should do your work AVENUES LAST MONDAY. French Dry Cleaning a Specialty and Heating
Bell 'Phone 12154 J NARBERTH PA

MARTIN & HENRY Oh, ~-IIII );lIl'tll I'hillulclphia Stalion,

In.II·!Il''',]I'll<·,' Ilall, Hog Islall,l ship The Misses Zentmayer's
Decorators ya I'd lind ot hpl' pl:lt'l':-'-.'"lltl ~]'t' lIot :-:,0
11I1I"h (1IIl'allill.~· llO ,li"·I'Spl'l't. at all) SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN
Interior' and Exterior Painting \\'111'11 it l'lIllll'S to "PlIlpJ'tainitlg"u roy-
;llt,\~ :11111 :,!:h·int..:: tlll't'l\ l'oll:-,illg ellf'lHs Will Reopen September 17, 1919
153 MONTGOMERY AVENUE 1'01' tIll' hran' Qll",'n I':lizahl'th ot' B"j,
Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, PA..
Y'Jll 'r!' ]lot :-:ll 11ll1l'lJ. "',\ l'fljleu t, he·
(':11l~1' WI', tllat i:-:, 0111' 'Yeal' ·'Ho\lllll
We are showing a full line of 1919 Imported
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes
I10lll" '1'11\\'11 of Xarhl'rt'h, IHl<l a hall,l
ill tlil' ]'i;! ,·"ll'hratioll Ins! ":'Ifnll,l:!y, all,1
Narberth Register
Two Lines, IOc per issue; Sc for each aJditionalline
ri.~11! proll111y it ,li,l its sharI' ill adllil1g-
to Ihl' \1"1'11""11" "Xl1'11111'1l to th" lIota]'1,'
\- i~·d f or:--, ACCOUNTANTS IIIUSIC
Kelm C. Cenlllp<l Public Accountant.
Evangel Circle of King's \1. E. La\\';
l'('!l0l': of :\Ofllill:ltiIlg' CtllIl-

I'l'pnrt of A.llllii i!Jg" ('11Illlllirtl'l';

.y ,' . . :--ir, alll1 :11:-,,/ ~'t'f' m:llll, X:ll'hpJ'th
\Ins \'isifl'll last ":'I11I1111a.\' ],~. th<' Qlll'<'11
~l)~' Dudley a"·-. Phone. ,L\;'arberth 300-\V•
,\ (;'1'0 .\Il/I:IJ.ES
J~O()!'i, Faun:,' JI.
~llltljtJ, .. \I'l'aclt'

;\iOT,\It r
Pialltl tl'at'!Il'I'.
Hldg", 1'1loHl', :1]0"1.
Daughters Hold I'l'purt of' :\nlldnating ('(lllllldttl1e for
Olli,·,'rs of l1oli,1:ly Hous,'; lIy""1 );0. of Bt'lg'il1l1l :11111 tllC yOll11,!! Prillrt\, \?Pl'~'
Lt.'eN' Gura'/.:t."-Ht'pall·lIlg, J~lC. I)holl~. IG05.
:"ul'lH'rth (.HI'age. l'hllll(~ 1\urlJertla llj;;;~.
:--l't' di:.:pla.\ ad'"('l'li:-;\'IlH,ul in tlil:-; Is:-;11I',
Jt'ffcric~, J. 11. III ~{u:,erth a V~.
Pbolle, 6,)6-;\1.
fl'W X:JrlH'rtllih""';, \\"l'l't' forfUJlatl' {\I1()lq.~·h T,"'''lCIn, \,"urrt'U H. 200 \\'otJdhtue a\'e.
Convention 1111; ad,iollrJlIlI"IIt. 1.1II1I'hl'01l "'1'\"('11 ill
tl,,' Y. :'II. C.•\. Buil,lill).!, to h .. nllt :J101lg- tIll' "rnlll<' of thl' pro-
(·(·II~t)rt·, :"alJ,l'. J '110111', ti~;-J,
:'('(' d bl'la,r ad \"l'rl i:-:I'lIH'lll in this issul'.
Phone, 1202- \Y,

..\Ihrt'(·ht, .John.
J'('1I1'O'"" :Il1d :\:IriJt'l'tll.
I"',,ion," hnt tho,,' \l"ho \\'I'J'(' ,Iii] th,'ir .'lllill J~jllt' .\nto J~:IlIll(Il'~' untl (iarug"t.·.
AftPrJ1tlCl11 ~tl:-;:-:i()l1~ ~ () \·lo(·h:. ill Bap- PIIOIlt', (ji:!. ~l'(' dispJ:lr :ltln'l'list'!;ll'lIt ill tltis i~sllt'.
h,1~t to lll'o\'i,lc :t tI impromptn 1'1\('C'p-
By One ot' Thosc Present. ~I't· display ad\'l'l'tist'Illl'llt in tllis l;o;sl1l'. OI'TICIA:'S
ti,l ('llur.. h. ][.\'11111, "./I"IlS Call, l's "; I illll, a 1111 that th,'il' "(Torts \I",'n' llOt \\altun BI'Ul'i, )'11011(' (jj:!. Jo~t'nton. Carl ~". 506 gssex ave. Phone. 63l'1~V1
dt,\Op:itJJl:ll ~(\J'\·it·{,. ~Ir;-;. 11-'rH1ti'is II. di:.qda.r ac!\"I·(,tbl'IIlI'1I1 In lIds Phlla, addreaa, 1806 Chestnut at. Locuat UI.
\"e lUI\"(' all h"ard folks S:I,\" tilal "lIa- nllappl'l"'ial<',l ],~' thl' l1istill;':llishl',l yisi, :-:1'1' i:-;SIIl',
ZentIlUl~'cr, Joseph, :!:!K~. 15th st., }Jll11a.
B,Il" 1'; solo,:'I1 rs. \"111. D. G,'i~:lI': nd- 1:.\ Ii E It
VI'1I1 ions anl t in'slln1<', hut tli,',\" sun,I.\· t-Ol'~ W:l~ t \"itlpnt from th(\ ~I'a('ioll~ :11111
'UIlI,a'r. IH(', ••'nlt'",. 101i FOl'l't,:-,t :1\', • .:\:11'111'1'\ II ('AINTJ,nS
llCYf'l' attputlt'll :l t'lll]\"l'1l1 iOIl h.,Id III dr"", ., A :\"1\" Era 1'01' thl' h:iJ1~"s t'l'il'l1l11.\' manlll'r ill whi,·It Ihl' Qlll'('n ~t'l' dh.pla," adrt'l'!!:-:I'IIII'T1t ill lids i:,:sl1l'. "'uhwr, Fred.
117 \V11180r ave. Phone. 1247-J.
Pallght,'rs," :'III'S. H, )[0'<1"',\' "ri,·v; BANI{S
I\'arlJl'l'th ulldl'r the allspi,·"s Ill' th,' la· slltil"ll all<l "'a\'",l hl'r gT"efing- ill re- :\It'rlOIl 'j'iUt' ,,\: 'J'ru~t Co. Phone. Ard!Jlorc 3. l'AI'1';lt 1IA:SGERS
dies of the E\"allgl'} Cirl'l,' of Kill;.! ':-, .~l"allillgs 1'1'11111 Ilolida~' JIOIlSl'. :'Ill'S. SllnllSI' to 1111' applnlls" fmlll th(' Xar- :-;ee (lIHpl:l\' sui \'~I,tist!menl 111 thl!l lSl'ue. Witte, G"". A. Fairview ave.
Pr:llJ(,j:-; IL .B:rkp,.: JlIIW hll:-;i!l(\s~; rt'Jllll"t II tJ ILIJ EltS Phone, Cynwyd 7is-J. FIrat-cia... work.
Da ugh II' rs, of "'honl )[ rs. Fred ]),'I"I,y 1wl'lh fnll" \"ho r(','og-llizl',1 It .. r a~ th,' Srul.'dlt\y. \\"111. D. & 11. '1'. Phollt'. tiOO, J'UOTO I'LAYS
is l'n'si,l,'nl. "\1 1<-ast this was t:lL' ot' 1I',',ollllioll Coulluitll"'j "losing :'"lo, i1\ tl", part~' pa~;;1'11 alOll;! "'0011- :-:iee diM-play advertisement In tnt.!- 1!18ue. "Arcadia." 16th and Chestnut .etB., PhlllL
thoughts, :'Iliss In'lll' Boy"!'. CAlI:DY, ETC. ~ee dJsplay adVerUtifUnent In this tr..ue.
unanimous st\lltilll(llit voil'l'd 11,\· tilt' 1;;0 hill(, all,l Xarlwl·th a\·l'nll('S. 11. 1" Phone, 12G4-W.
Ill\\·I•• I'LUMlll:-iG. ETC.
lady yisiliJlg llll'mhl'rs of King's l)allgh- .:-'ee dluplay aovt>rtlsenlent In this t88ue, COlll<, "'iuntold 11. I'hone 1210-J.
'fh" f!1l1'0'1l :\1111 Ih" Prilll'" nn,l thdr CAtU'I·;lI:TEU:-; AND nUIU)EltS
lcrs Cirdes from all oycr :-[011 tgomery ~ee display ad\'el'tlsetnent In this hsue,
"~Jlkin8, Chaa. L.
part:-' \\"'1'1' 011 tll('ir wn:-' to )Iawr \\'ull. 11. 11. Phone, 319-J.
County. Frolll ]0.·/;) ill lhe lllllrnill;':
unt il 4 0 'dock in the aft crnoon the}'
Annual Convention Collt1g"t""', Tllt' :lllfo:': \\'(\1'(' t!oing \\"l'fo't
alo".!! ":'Ilolllg-onll'r.\' Pik(' a.holll . Italf,
I ua Dudley ave. Phone, 3K2-M,
~Ilt.·nlimun. (:lnrc.H'c .:\.
Phone It);j~-H.
(lisplay ad \'l·l'ti.s('llll~l1t in this issue.
See dtBDlay advertisement In thlll taBU.
werc tertaiuly kept husy, onl,\" slop' ('oll:'rlt,\(''l'O U () F I'J.ASTEIUNG Coldwell &: Co. Phone; 1271-W.
past thr"l'. "'h<'n th,,~- r('n"It"a "'00,1- F.·utUlltuui, .'null's, &: Son!;. See dJsplny advertlsernent In thla laBu.
ping to ell.ioy the Illnch"on, consisting PENNSYLVANIA SUFFRAGE ASSO- ~:~~) 1-11111IIJllt'1l :1"P., i'lll'llerth, Box. 270. "'rltHeh, U. C. Phone, 262-W.
hinl' n\'l'nlll' 1hl'.\' fOllllll th" pil_" shllt dJs~lay advertisement III this 181ue
of oyster crolllll'!l"s, peas, Sl':111111','d Dl';STISTS :-;(>{'
(;odfr~)'f \\P m • B.
CIATION, NOVEMBER 9, 19, 11, 01T on a,'"ol1l1t of 1'0n,1 rl'pair work. So tlrr, Dr. A. I.. 101 Elmwood avo Phone, 393-W.
polatoes, fruit salad, itc cream, home- "hll8., Phone, Fllhert 4262, Keith Bldg. 114 Wood.lde ave. Phon., 686-W.
TO BE HELD IN PHILA- 111(,~' 1111'11",1 il1to \Yoo,lhil1l' n\'('nl1l' al1l1 Sdlt'Jl1hs, .Jr.• Ur••Iulln, PlintH', :n(j- \y. NIlNh, Robert J. Phone, 605.
made cake, coffee. 'rhe visiting Illlli,'s Money tor First and Second Mortgage.
11":1\-,,11',1 Wl'st nlong- W'Hlllhill(, 10 Nal'- ~l't' display nd"prf iSI'lIh'nl in tills iSSlIt', 811"II,,"on, JUlllel; C. 232 Essex ave. .
ill thankillg the Narherth ladies saill DELPHIA. IH{VGGISTS Phone, 636, or 1420 Chestnut .t.
],('rlh. a 1111 0111 Narh"rth to the pikl', lluwllrd's. Phone, 1267.
the 1nllehcon was far abo\'(' par, .IWO..'ING. ETC.
all,l 111(,1l 011 to Br~'n ?lIn "'r. ~f"P display advertitlenlent In this Issue. Oora-McGlnley Co. Phone. 126B-W.
Donations towanl the twenl.\'-lil'" :"\Inith, T. n. Ardmore, Pa. See dIsplay advertla.ment In thla loaue.
Amon.,,' till' Nnrhl'rlh folks WllO Sl'e Illsplnr ndvertisNnNlt In this Issue. Illiller, John A. 243 lona ave. Pbone, 661-.1
thousand dollar ellllownwnt fund to 1", Thl' Fifty-~irst Anuual Coun'ution of
ELECTRICIANS Shep. 246 Havertord ave. Phone. un-oJ.
th(' 1'1'IIu,.\·l\'unin "'olllau', Sull'rage ,,11 C'l'rl' ,1 tl1C' Qll(,l'n Oil h('r wn:,' wcr(' SIlOEl\IAKRJts
raised for the Holiday House were re- ('n"'.', \\'. (;. PllolH'. :fH;)· \\".
lbsol'ia t ion will 1Je 'o)ll'n SUllllay e\'l~n­ ":'Iri;<~ ":'IfaiziC' .T. Simp~on. ":'III'S. l\fnrion "'lOt' display af1"pl,tlsl'lIll'nl ill this bstll'. (·t~ZZtJIH·, ,JOl'it"I.h. "'{Ist PllihHlplphln.
cein'd from memlll'rs alia thc ditl"I'r,'nl '·uJ:'h, "erl ~26 lona ave. SI'C' t1lslll11r 'llh'I'l'lbpll'C'lll In this IsslIC'.
ing, XO\'l'lIl'll('r 0, wit.h a IIIl'eling at thl' FJl'rlc ":'Irrs, Horn,,1' R('('s!', l\frs.•T. W. Nar. Phone, 650-W, Ard, Phone, 168-J.
Cireh's from Pot tstown, Bri,lgl'pClr:, Ouod \\'eur Shoe n'-B.alr ShOI',
Rhinll. ":'Ifiss 'Smith nllll l\fr. Chnrll'~ "nil\\", Enrt I,. I'hlhHI .. lphla. <.'un~{llnthH.", B. (;. :.!:i:! Haverford five.
Colmnr, Glensid", '/l'lIkintown, Ogonlz, 'r1'1Il1'11' Au,litoriulII, Broad anll Berl", ~p{' tH!-iplu.\" this IS!'HII',
Ulh'prtil-H'IllPu( III Pilon, .. /I; al't",r! II 1701l· W,
in meluory of Dr. Anllll U<lward Shaw. ":'Iririt'k. ELI'CTHICAJ. DEVICES
Cynw~'d, Br!'ulllar, Amhl!'r alia abo U.·",illt·III, Fru.nk. :!O!) Iluvprforcl tn'p,
On :-Ionduy, November ]0, at 10 A. )[. l>medley, E. q. I'hone lZ55·W, S" .. ,lIsI01n~'
1l,IYl'l'tlsp'"l'nt III thIs IS8up.
NlIrherth and Philadelphia. Xee dls)llll)' 1I11\'Crtlsellll'llt In this Issue. TAll.ORS
and .) 1'. :M., there will he meetings lit FISH AND OYSTERS PremONt, II. Phone. 1254'S.
The convcntion spoken of was thO' .tnl.erlal,' Co. Phone, Narberth 606.
the, at which ;\Irs. TIll' W. F. ;\I. S, of l\Il'thol1ist Chnr('11 Spe dlspla~' alh'ertl~l'lUpnt In this Issue.
eighteenth anllual eonvcntion of the INSURANCE "'ALL l'APElt
•Iolm O . .Miller, :Mrs. George Piersol, will !II('d at. t11C 11 o!II I' of Mrs. ,J. T . IIU\vma.., Samuel P. (LIte.) Mnr!ln '" llenr~'. I'honC'. Crnwy<l fl!J:i.
Montgomery County lIlIion of the In, SPC' (IlS/l"I~' lld\'t'I'IlSl'lIIl'lIt In thIs Issul',
~rrs. Gifford Pincllot alld Willialll l. Darling-ton. 212 JIamptlen UYC'llue, TuC's- 116 1~lmwood ave. Phone, 663-W.
ternational Ordl'r of the King's Daugh, .Innes, ChaN. U. WHITE WASHING
Schaff!'r will speak. At 7 0 'clock a .'Iny, Xoyell1hl'r 4. at 2.:10 P. III. 305 S. Narberth ave, Phone. 682-J. Alexander, George.
ters and Sons, and was held in Nur- ""neo. "'m. J. 103 S. Narberth Phone,
llinner will be held ill tlw ballroom of ~80-J PhUa. addre.o, Penn Mutual Bldlr.
See display advertIsetnent In this I.. n~.
·berth on Saturday, October 25th, ]!l1!l, "rntter Droo. (Fire, etC.)
the Bellevue, tiekel'! for which call be
in the Baptist Church of the Evangel. 209 Woodolde ave. Phone, 1262-R.
ohtained from Mrs. Charles W. Young- NARB:E:RTH BRANCH OF THE LAWYERS The above department ahould be ot tb.
Morning session opened 10..15 0 'doek. Gilroy. John 211 Eaaex ave. Phone, 1246-R.
$3.00 eacll. ..reateat uoe to the community, the lIot COD-
Hymn, "0 Worship the King"; de- WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARTY Phlla. addreoa, Lincoln Bldg. talne the name ot every proto_lona.1 DIaD,
(lUtea, Fletcher W. 41 8 Uavertord ave, tradeoman, mechanIc. ohopkeeper. etc" wbo
votional service, Rev. Avery S. DemlllYi Speakers will include GoverllOl Phone. 372-W Phil&. addreoo, Crozer Bide. doee or can In any way eerve bla tellow-
welcome to delegntes, Mr. \ViIlium .T. Sproul, Hon. William G. 'McAdoo, Mrs. LlGIlTINO FIXTURES townaman, and who 10 progrealve enoueb
I\I..Dona.ld John. Narberth phone. 1288. to add name to lIat ot ROlrlster.
Jones; r~!'.ponsc, Mrs. •J. Hownrd Er- \'ernol1 Kellogg. alld Cloveland Moffett. Lender-Mrs. Charles W. Young. Aa It Is dlmcult for tho.. contrlbutlDB
,\'ien; of Spring Con\'Cnt.ion and On Tuesday meetings both morning Vice-Leuder-Mrs. William H. Pugh.
1533 Cheet. •t .. Phlla. Phono. Spruce 1118.
their time and etrorta to the production
"Our Town" to peraonally either know or
, roll call; solo, Mrs, William D. Gl'iger;
report of Pre.sidcnt, Mrs. Francis H.
and afoternoon will be held at the Belle-
vue, at which Mrs. Antoinette ~'unk,
Secretary-Miss Anna MacKeag.
Treasurer-Mrs. Edgar H. Cockerill.
(;ott"r, Boward F. Phone. 1298.
dlaplay advertlaement tn tbla 'aaue.
JI"rl7.ter. ,lohn D. Nnrberth.
Interview all auch, It would bo moat belp-
tul It thoae not now found In tbe Prtntod
lIat would aend In a. memo of tbelr nam••,
Spe IIlsl'lay all\'ertiselUpnt 'In tbls leeue. addreaa, phone number. and bualns_. 0'
Bnker; report of Vice-President> Mrs. Mrs. Art.hur Levermore alld Dr. Thomn~ Meeting-The second Friday of each UlI.K protea~lone for lIotine. Thla will coat u tol
Elwood IJand; report of Treasurer, Mrs. Fcnnegllll will speuk. month at 3 0 'clock in the Y. M. C. A. 8eott-Powell Dalrlea. Pbone, Preaton 21ts • Iowa: 10 cent.eacb laue tor I IIDoa: , oenu
See dlapla.y advertlaement In tbl. laue tor eaob additional line.

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