Our Town November 29, 1919

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Why Music is Such a Women's Community Memorial Question .~' ,... i

Help to a Community Club Notes Must be Settled

THE VIOLIN AN ESPECIALLY IN- 1'he seeond regular nleeting of the "THE SPECTATOR" DISCUSSES
TIMATE MEANS OF EX- \Vonlen'S Commnnity Cluh was held THE RIGHT AND WRONG OF
TUl'srlay aftel'lloon at the Y. :\1. C. A.
Building. :Meeting opened with a short .
bnsiness session, followed by reports
All Are Invited to the Community of work acc,omplishea and future plans.
Violin Concert Given for the People
of Narberth December 4th, in
The :Music Committee asks all mem-
bers interested in a Club Chorus to THE FIRESIDE
To the Editor of Our Town: School Notes
As the men who conceived and who
the Y. M. C. A., by Miss please communicate with ~Irs. A. B. are furthering' the plan to rl'juvenate
Hoss, phone Narberth IG39-W. ~Irs. , •I Thank Thee."
Mary Fulton Gibbons. the Fire House as a \Var 1\Iemorial have
Hoss is very anxious to have thi:- chorus ~[r. and Mrs. Edward S. Haws and
applied themseh'es to the project with I thank Thee, Lord, that I am straight
as larg" as possible, so it is hoped that ::\[is" Hnth Haws spent the week end
great interest anll fine intention, in an and strong,
In ofller to finu her way from Yienna each melll bel' will join. with i'ri"nds in Br')(lklyn, N. Y.
l'a rnest ell<lea VOl' to secure for the bor- \Vith wit to work an<1 hope to keep me
hacl, to America durillg the most in- The Legisla1 i\'e Committee plans ough a worthy elllblem of a tremendous hra \'l';
tense fighting of the war, it was neCl'S' Perry Hedifer, .11'., was operated on
classes in legislation, dates for which ocea~ion, it would not be fair if those I thnnk Thee that I love the things of
snr)" for Miss Gibhons to wait more for appendicitis at State College about
will be lInnOUllcea later. As al"o will who ea nnot becomo reconciled to this earth-
thun a year hefore the Austrian author- ten <.lays ago.
the program of study. The classes will partieular form of memorial-expression Ripe fruits and lnughter, lying down to
ities would consent to her leaving the be free to all members. \\'ere not equally constrnctive in their sleep,
country. While studying in Bohemia ::\[1'. W. C. Poor left for Andover, purpose to ha ve a ditreren t viewpoint The shine of lighted towns, the graver
The Hospitnlity Commit tee will give ~\[:lille, 011 Tlles<1ay, to spend Thanks.
and Yienna she made her home with aeeepted, and the first claim we would worth
a eard party at the resiaence of )Irs. giving.
tllC family of a high oillcer in the Aus- ha ve anI' friends consider is that the Of beating human hearts tJlllt lnugh
Dothard on the afternoon of December
trian army, a mcmher of the general rehabilitation idea is altogether too and weep.
12th. Will members bear this date in
staff. Plans anr1 papers disappeared All workingmen of Narberth are urg- confusing, too invoh'ed, has to do with But more than all, and through all
mind and make the party :l real suc-
from the officl'r's tlesk one night, and crl to reall the arti"le in this issue, "A too muny clements \\'hieh are l'xtrelllely the,,,, should go-
cess 1
Miss Gihhons was slislH~etel1 of taking On'at Opportunity." remote from the main issue, and is Denr Lord, this on hended knees,
them, knowing as the officer did that The ~Iembership COlllmittee reported much too hybrid in its nature to even I thank Thee for my friend.
her heart and soul was with the Czecho- ten ne\\, members anll sixteen nppliea- ::\Tr. Gerald Hust spent Thanksgidng give it the "emhlance of a free,hearte<1
Slonl1( idcals for freetlom and not with tions to he ncted on n t the n ext Execu- with Mr. and ~ITs. Charles Churchill at lind \\'hole-soule,l commemorntive of- ThanksgiVing Exercises.
tllC Austrian plan of continuing Bo- tive Board meeting. \ViIkes,Barre. fl'ring. And that brings us right up to
hemia's subserviance to the house of Thanksgi\'ing Day in the Narberth
1\11'. Henry Gideon, chief of the Bu- wIlli t II ::lfelllorial is or should be, the
Hapshnrg. To reaeh a seaport, she Schools is always a truly THANKS
rl'au of Compulsor.y Education of Phil- Mr. Samuel T. Smith, who is station, Right and ""rang of the matter, and
traveled to Bergen, Xorwny, speIJ(ling GTYIXG. The pupils from the first to
adelphia, gave a 1Il0~t interesting arl- l'd in the Xavy Yard at Norfolk, wal in <1iscussing this primary question let's
weeks on the way to observe the temper twelfth pra,le gave us a good program;
dress on the "Child Labor Laws of the guest of Dr. and ~Irs. Hoffman. make sure that we are governed by
of the peoples through whose countries the teachers had given thought and
Pennsyh'ania," which was very much those philosophica I fundamen ta Is \\'h ich
she passed. cffor( before; thc Directors gave us
enjoyed by those present. our training and experience have indi-
Dissention, discussion, fear, loyalty, Work has been started On the new good speeches; the parents gave us a
!'nted must form the nU(',leus of any
uncertainty, bitterness, confidence, love, The Club has also received an in- $700,000 bridge across the Schuylkill good audience anel inspiration; every-
movement in which the choicest feat-
'hate-in fad, every emotion of the vitation for an open forum under the Ri vel', conIlecting I~ast and 'West Call- hody gave something to make some-
ures of human nature are involved,
nuspices of the City Club at their club ~JlOhoc ken. hody else thankfu!. The donation was
human spirit seethed within every man where the nobility of mankill<1 must
and woman with any red hlood in his rooms, 313 South Broad street, Decem- the largest in the history of the school.
pass in review, now and in the times
veins. A normal conversational inter- ber 4th. The morning session 10.30 Tired business men of \Vayne who "November is a gray old month,"
to come, and don't let's be swayed by
course with the peoples of Europe, until 12.30 and the afternoon session arc members of the Men's Club, the and it brought its dreary coat of rain:
every transient idea nor even by those
therefore, :Miss Gibbons found to be al- 2 to 4.30. It is free to all of our liYl'li('st orgllni7.~tinn in the Main Linr "But underneath his sahel' coat, his
inten"ely practical notions advanced by
most impossible. Music, tIle language members who care to avail th-emselves town, arc forming a gymnastic class of heart is blithe and gay, and he it, is
woman journals wIlich men seem to
which expresses and consoles where of the privilege. The subject is to be fifty men, with forty applications 0.1- who brings the glad Thanksgiving
read so zealously and quote so fondly.
words fail, provc<1 to be the only means "The High Cost of Living" in its 'really ill. Day. " How happy the children and
various phases.
* * *
of intercourse among the people which On the premise indicate<1, therefore, parents were as one song and rccitation
quieted their spirits and took their There is also an invitation to all of The wedding of Miss Grace Lumis, the claim is made that the True War after the other presented pictures of
minds away from the Ilarrowing per- our members from the Women's Eco- of West Philadelphia and Henry Ains- Memorial is distinctly a spiritual tIling turkeys, nuts, fruit and pnmpkin pie,
plexities and tragedies of war. nomic Club for a hearing of the" Plum worth Smith, of Narberth, Pa., took in its conception, and that its erection but abovc all the true spirit of Thanks-
So Miss Gibbons feels about music Plan." This also deals with the' I Cost place at the Asbury Methodist Epis- makes manifest the most admirable giving Day-Thanks giving and Thanks
in every-day life here in America in of Living." The meeting will be hel<1 copal Church of West Philadelphia Sat- blessings of Christian ci\-i1ization, of living that COmes from the heart. All
the family, in the church, in the com- December 12, 8.15 P. l\I. at the Lu Lu urday, November 22nd, at 7 P. M. On love, gratitude, patriotism, sacrifice, of the numbers rendered were force-
munity. Music lifts us out of ourselves, Temple, 1337 Spring Garden street. their return from a Western trip Mr. service, immortality, the most exalted ful; special comment mIght be made
out of that" earth of the earth earthy" and 1\bs. H. A. Smith will reside in emotions of which the human mind is upon all, but possibly the finest produc-
atmosphere which so often is the com- Also bear in mind the evening of tion from the standpoint of technique
West Phila<1e1phia. capable, and any effort which is made
panion of struggle, competition, that December 4, 8 P. M., our violin recital, was the rendition of "God's Glory il'l.
to contaminate this holy and whole-
material side of "getting along" in which promises to be a real treat, Miss N-nture," by Beetho\-en, renderc<1 by
Mr. un<1 Mrs. E. N. Smith, of 200 some impulse by intruding on it with
the world. ~Iary Gibbons being the \'iolinist. This the High School Chorus.
Narberth avellue, South Narberth, spent features which are in nowise kindred to
She will play her violin to the com- recital is for all of our members and 'Besides the part the ch Hdren took,
friends. last week with friends in Cleveland. it must be construed to in<1icate that
munity of Narherth Thursday evening, only imperfect thought has been given Directors McCarter and Dothard gave
While there they attended the Austin
December 4th, in the community spirit; LOUISE VOSS COCKRILL, to the facts of the ease or tha t the con- short addresses, which, as usual, were
Can \'en tion in the Hotd Statler, the
that spirit which brings us all together, Press Chairman. summation so de\'outly wished has not enthusiastically rccei\'e<1 by the stu-
dance at the Windmore Masonic Tem-
to trust, sympathize and hold together, been properly comprehended. For- dents. Rev. Gray closed the exercises
ple, East Cleveland, and the banquet at
the spirit which America needs at this tunately, an examination of the <1etai1s with prayer.
the Cleveland Athletic Club. Mr.
time in her history quite as much as of the Fire House plan can be ma<1e in
Russia needs, that Italy needs-that
the whole world needs.
The Women's Auxil- Smith a<1dressed the convention on en-
gineering subjects. an outspoken fashion, as the men sup- Mothers' Meeting.
port ing it need yield to no one in their
We Americans do not understand the
Czechisl1 language, the Russian or Pol-
ary Narberth Y.M. C. A. ::\11'. Poor entertained his Sunday
loyalty to the best interests of the
Mothers' Meeting on Tuesday after-
noon proH'd to be the largest similar
community, and they will appreciate
ish languages. But the voice of these Sehool class on Thursday evening of meeting that tl'l\chers, directors an<1
that when views run counter to their
peoples expresse<1 through their music The annual meeting of the Women's last week. Among those present were mothers lUl\'e been privilegcd to enjoy.
0wn, the outlining of the opposite posi-
brings us all closer togethpr, helps us Auxiliary will be held on ::\[fllltla~' e\'cn- )\'elson Kriebel, A. C. Brown, Norman .\fr. ~[l'Carter, President of the Board,
tion can best be made in terms which
to become acquainted so that we arc ing, December 1st, at 8 0 'clock. The Kriehel, Nellie Cook, Marion Haws, opened the meeting with an informal
are free from confusion if the progrcss
able to sympathize ana frel with each hostesses will be Mrs. Romaine Hoff- ::\[adeline McCoy, Wayne Harris, Don- addrcss of wcleomc. For fifty-fh'e min-
of the generul movement is to be facili-
other an<1 to realize tho. t we human be- man, Mrs. Hugh Brown, )Irs. A. Hirst, ald Kirk, Philip Knutzen, Lillian Hed- utes follOWing this, the motIlers asked
ings the world over arc all strh'ing for ::\Irs. C. 1\[ l\IcCracken, and ~[rs. Earl ifer, Sydnie Bolich, William Durbin, questions whi(~h were answered by tho
the same ideal-to live, let Ii\'e ana be \\"a Iker. Officers will be electe<1 for Betty )[cCaig, Bob Mueller, Margaret '*' * * ['rinripa I or teachers. The answers were
happy. Eyre, JD. J. Humphreys, Doris Von 1. The Fire Company offers its prop- gi Ycn in such a way ns to first supply
1!l20, and it is hoped tllat thcre will
Culin, Eleanor Eyre and James Cool;:. erty subject to encumbrances for me- tlll' information rerluested, and second-
Music can help us to our gonl more he a representative gathering of the
membership. Each guest WliS supplied \\-ith pencil morial purpose", hut tIl<' fact that a ly the underlying principle involve<1.
often tllan we reulize if we can hnt
and papl'r lind euch sent a note to Per- similar di"position to forpgo its e'luity ~[r.•JllJlleS R. Houston, who genl'l'ally
hear more gooa music and cOllle oftener
under its intimate edifying inflnrnce. :l\Irs. G. Merritt Davis wishes to re- ry Redifer, who is a member of the has heen indicated on a previous occa- mal,,'s it a point to be present, spoka
minll the ludies to come prepared to class. sion, and for Ull altogether llifferent in behalf of the parents present, urg-
The concert. is a free puhlic open one
carry out the social program postponed purpose, depri\'Cs the tender of that ing that. the fathers :Illll mothers who
to he held ill the g)"II1na,iUIlI of tIle
from last ilion tho un'lu!'stionell (lignity whieh must aI'- make it a hahit of \'i~itiug tIll' sehool,
NnrlH'rth Y. 1\f. C. A. Thursrlay even-
::\femhers and i'l'iell<ls of the \\Toman's pOlllpany ('\'cry f"a turl' of a true me-
ing, Dccemher 4th, at 8.1;;, En'rd)()(lv Mrs. J. Taylor Darlington un<1 Mrs. anl1 who attend thpse 1Il('eting's. and
Forpign ~Iissionar~- Society of the morial unl!l'rta king. Therefore, the plan
is im'itell. old a nd ~'OllIlg, rich an;l Homaine Hoffman would like to have throu~h thl'se 1Ill',liullIS arc :l('f(u:linted
::\fl,tho,li"t Episcopal Church lire invit- starts \\'ith a sl'l'io\ls disadvantage with
poor. :Uiss Gibbons "'ishes to say tha t all aprons and dolls returllerl "0 that with adllal conditions in tIll' ~ehool,
cII to the hallie of Mrs.•Tames A. Scott, I"'~l)('l't to th!' ethi!'al oh;t('l't ill vi,'w,
lhcy may he priced for the Christmas shoul,l take ''\'('r~' opportunity to s1'ren(l
X O. 110 \\Toodsille a Vl'lllle, on Monday a JIll no nleillori,d quality l'llll he dis,
(Continued on Page 4.) sale. the nilldy,nillc goo'l points of tho
nflel'lIoon, DeCl'lIIher 1st, 2.:10 o'clock. ('('1'1)('(1 in thl' off,'r whi('h has been sehoo!. He l'l'grdt,',l that ,;0 much WUB
An attracti\'e, interesting and in' ma,l.,.
taken from hl'ill'sny by people who
structi\'e program has been arrunged 2. \Vith the ,'xception of the two ne\'l'r get ma ttl'rs first hunl1ed, un<1
CL ASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The 1\arherth Branch of the Needle- IJ.\, the progrum committee. 'rhe third small rooms whie-h are to he addeii to that these distorted ideas arc circulat-
work Guild will meet on ~[onday after- l'ltllpter of our shl<ly hook, "The Cru-
T\yo cpnts 1)1'1' \Yor(l If cash uccOIn- the present building to provide perma- ed.
noon, December 1st'. nt the home of sade of COlllpassion," will Ill' gin'n hy
punlcs ndYertls('lllcnt; otherwIse, 11\'0 Ill'nt quarters for the American Legion, TI\l' social hour tha t full owed was
cents IlPl' WOl'(1. 1\frs. William I-I. Pugh, .Jr., Sycamore Mrs. George Merritt D:n'is. ~rhere will .the facilities shall remain precisely as J"'rhllps as lH'neficial as the more formal
a venue and Cross Roads, :\Ierion, Pa. also he a Christmlls tree, where a lo\'e nt present, ana the only differenc.e shall hnur. While some girls 1IIlller the direc-
Bring your sewing bags, so that we offering wiII he placed for tlte Exchange he tha t the town shall lin ve a lIIore 01'- tion of Miss Fry('r sern'd refreshments,
FOR RENT-Space in private garage. may begin our winter sewing for the Fund. Come and, hetter still, bring a
,Apply 203 Ess('x Ave., Narbel'th.(7.p) I"eisure Hour table•. friend with you. (Continued on Page 4.) (Continued on Page 3.)
Of course, we

pulled off this trick, and held out the Telephones,
OUR TOWN lifty-ccnt cignr, requcsting that tlie
war tax, wMeh docs seem very little,
doesn 't it~
deliver - aOJ
place - aOJ
Cnh gin him back the two-for-fiver. The members of the committee are 1268 time.
An Exp~riment in Co.operative It Iyas at this point the Cnb bccame the following gentlemen: E. II. Wipf,
Journalism-No Paid Workers. snspil'ions, and said: "Not on your 1. T. Ward, R. A. J\iueller, D. P. Trot- The Brightest Spot in Narberth
life. Y(lll ean 't lIIake llIe think you did ter, J. J\I. Trotter, Norman :Magill.
Owned and Published every Saturday a thing like that unknown to mel" A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. Cub immcdiately hrought forth the
Subscription price one dollar and fifty
two-for-/h'c, wliich was gaily decorated
with the fifty-ecnt ban,l, and proudly
(Oontinued from Pa.ge 1) AUTO NOVI!!:.
cents per year in advance.


lighting it walked from the firehouse
forulll, rcmarking: "A eigar always
tastcs l'qual to the amount you paid for
mothers exchangcd OpJlllOnS :ql1ong
themselves and consulted teachel·s.
CIVIo ASSOOIATION. it. Thb is a wontIerfnl eigar-the best ;\Tany of the mothers prescnt eagerly
1. ha I'e el-cr smoked." It was then Hskcll whcn the ncxt meeting would be WHATDOYOU I\IIEAH· t TOOK ITS RA1'TLE
Ap111 24, 1919.
that thl' Ilo:,'s at the fornlll lit the fifty- held. The announcement lllll.de by J\l'r. YoUR CAR'S A WELL AWAV AND IT
President-Mr. Joseph H. Nash. ccnt Porto Rieo, anLl a, they sat around J\Tc1choir that arrangements would be BEHAVED BABY NEVER CRIED ONCE
taking tums in puffing at the cigar made for a fathcrs' meeting to be helel
Vice.Presidcnt-Mr. James Ar,t'mau,
whicli th,'y hatI takcn 'frolll thc Cuh in somp. evening at 8.00 0 'clock, and also
Mr. A. J. LOOB, Mr. R. J. Dothard.
"uch an ungentlcmanly way. However, a general meeting of fathers and moth-
Secretary-Mr. R. J. Edgar.
Cub has n<'\','r known thc Llitfercnee, ers ~ome evening at the Sllllle hour, met.
Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson.
Direetors--Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. and Bill CUlllnlcr sa~'s tllat "'Vhere with llearty approl'al.
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas. ignorance is bliss 'tis foli,\" to be wise"
applies eyen at the firehouse forum in Important Notice Relative to Admission
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H.
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. Xarberth. of Beginners.
Begilll]c]'s will he admit.ted to the
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. ETS take the rattle out of your car and put the
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Musehamp, :Mr. first grade during the week of .January
5th, but 110 child will be a,lmit!ed who joy back into your automobile. The chances
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert,
Yr. Wal'ter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M.
,Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James
AGreat Opportunity docs not prescnt a cert.ificate of vae-
('illation. This State law will be strict-
are that the tightening up of a few nuts will
accomplish this result. Bring your car here and let us
ly udhercd to. The local school uuthori,
tips have no option in this matter; it examine it.
Do ,\"ou want to improl'e yonr spare
HARRY A. JACOB8, i;; thl'ir dnty to ohe~' the law, and to
time and hecolllc a pract ieal engincer?

the bcst, of their abiliy they will do so.
Editor. The PCllll:'.I-ll'llllia State College lias a
It is snggcstell that parents expecting
Homc Study Plan, owing to special
Henry Rose, to scnd childrC'n, have them vaccinated
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Statc appropriations, to prol'idc nceded
A. J. Loos, nO\l' so that certificatcs will be rcady
W. T. Melchior instnll'tion for mcn who hayc never
for prescntation all the day of Cluoll·

Associate 'itom. had an opportunity of getting a prac-
mcn t.
tical course of study in t heir direct
line of work anti who hal"e interest and
ambition enough to study at hoine.
Professor C0l!ge~ll:lll, of Xarbcrth, IdlO
Dates to Remember.
Tnrn to your calcnLlars and memo·
randa, an,l mark "closed date" the
Send all advertising and news items to is one of thc faculty of State College,
cvcning of DeeC'whel' ~2nd, marking
P. O. Box 966. is enablillg- Illcn of Xarberth to hal'c
back of it Christmas Carol, High School
Our Town is on sale at the depot this pril'ikl!c of taking eourscs in shop
new85tand, and at the store of H. E.
aritluuet ie. ,;hop skt'tehing. lIlcchanical
drawing, Jll:1chine tlc;o;ign, ad,·anced
Auditorium. This notice is bcing gil'en
in good time.
Hcre is anothcr date-Tuesday ufter-
Entered as second·elass mattilr shop mallll'lllatics, strcngth of materials
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at and shop organization an,] manag-emcnt.
A nlllul)('r of courscs gil'iug instruction
noon, Decembcr ~:1\'(1, 1.30, Christmas
eXl'rcises b~' the children of the Ele-
For Good Taxi Service
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act
of March, 1879. in other branchcs arc also available.
Our loeal y. ~L C, A. has g,'nl'I'OUs]Y
lI11'ntary School.
.Call Narberth 1633
XO\l' pcrhaps thc Sophomore hoys will
ofl"'r(',1 the use of their building in. Na;-
('eaFC their hOllsling'. The;)' harl a fair 24 Hour Service
OUR TOWN will gladly print hl'l'lh for tho:,!' l'1ass,'s. It i:, planncd
uud squarc' \I'hipping on the grilliron on
to hegin thc clasSl's ahout ncel'mbcr
any news it'lm about any subject
that is of interest' to Narberth
folks, but· in order to meet the
:;111 It, a nL! so th,'r" is n!'ed for quick
dccision so ,,'c c[ln ll\'ail oursell-cs of
W crlnesLlay forenoon hy their chaffing
opponcnts, the Frcshmcn.
Of coursc if results had bcen revers·
printing schedule, all "copy" thi~ opportunit.I·. Classcs in !'aeh sub-
ell, we would say thc samc ahout the
_manuscripts-must reach the jt'd [In' hpld onee a wcek. Each sub·
other fcllows. Thc score was 12-0 favor Phone, Narberth 1687
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
j"d is ,Iid']e,l into tll'cntr Il'ssons, and
sO IlI'cn 1.1' wCI'ks arc required to eom-
of Frcshmcn. Cotter's Market
pl!'t!' a gil'en suhj!'t'I. There is a small
ehargc of *,').00 for each suhjl'ct whieh NOTICE TO GROCERS. Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
cOI','rs thl' l'OSt of hooks also. Simple Country Dressed Veal and
SATURDAY, November 29, 1919 equipmcnt for shop sketching l\lll] draw- Oombination Sales of Sugar with
ing for builders ('an he sCt'u-rcd at cost Grocel1es Must Stop.
Pork, Sugar Cured Hams REAL ESTATE
price, A dcposit of *~.no is rcquired
and Bacon
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS Thc continual complaints brought to
. Fire, 350
on time of l'cgistra tion and the balance the notice of United States District At- PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO·DA.Y aad INSURANCE
in installmcnts of one <lollar a week. torncy Kane reganling the forced com- You will find our prices right
Police, 1250
A hanllsolllcly cngral"e<l certificatc of bination sale of sugar with othcl' grocer- NARBERTH, PA.
proficil'nc~- will he issucd by the Penn-
Groceries and Provisions
ies causl'd him on TucsLlay to scrvc a

Editorial syh'[lnia State College to each person

satisfactorily completing a eoursc of
,,'arning to the managers of all storcs,

tll'CHt.l· lcssons. Somc of thc finest

young men of our town arc now stu-
cspecially those of the two prominent
chain stores, that the practice must
ceasc by Friday or arrcsts will follow.
To thc Editor of Our Town:
In regard to corporal punishment in
dcn ts at Sta te College. and it is hoped Thc complaints show, said Mr. Kanc, U [~South 17~S!, Phila~na:~' Raymond Weias, Proprietor
,our schools, I am sure there is very
a good number will take this Home
Study Plan. For further particulars
that the custom gencrally was to sell GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
little of it, except iu extreme cases, alHl rcgistration consult :III'. Dayton,
half a pound of sugar with 50 cents'
and what a blessing it is to our COIU- Ihc Sccrctary of our Y. 1II. C. A., or
worth of goods and two pounds of sugar
with $5 worth.
GARAnteed ·Roofs T.lephone Narberth 1633
munity, while therc arc boys in our Prof. Coggeshall,. ~~n Dudll'y a I"enue.
town who necd it, let. us not ,;pare our
dignity at the cxpense of our boys.
There is lIIany a ,lignificd looking boy
and Illan in prison today who might American Legion Dance
In the following up-to-date homes:
have Iwcn savcll.
Prom a motl",r who appreciatcs the December 5th The Hack Service Man Has Changed 208 Grayling Avenue
Iiigli h1eals of our school faculty. His Phone Number to Narberth 1229 J 34 Avon Road
INTERESTED. 36 Avon Road
Thc Dance Committee of the Amer- or Narberth 625. 100 Avon Road
ican Legion eal'llcstly request that all
To thc EtIitor of Our Town: OTHERS BEING BUILT
A funny story is told about the Cuh,
those devotees of the Tcrpsichorean art
\I-ho wish to attend the first of their
'Please do not call Narberth 1633
and the writer is ut a loss to under- scrics of dances, address themselves to For my serf:Jice. WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
stu1ll1 Iiow sueh an affair could havc the nearest a I"fiilable member of the
been pulll,a off so successfully 'HI the Lcgion, or to one of the conlluittee, uS
popula l' l'l'porter of Our Town. Cub soon us possible. Greenhouael Nurseries
was recently gh-en-~'es, given-a
fifty-cent cigar, antI iI11lllediatel~- put It is obYiously impossible, with the DR. JOHN SCHEMBS, Jr. 30,OOQ ft. of gla•• 12 hous••
it ill a ycry conspicuous pocket where limitcd 11001' space of Elm Hall, to ac-
DENTIST Pencoyd Narberth
the gold' hand would cause, he thought, commodate comfortabl~- all of the
extrc'mC' envy alllong some of thc boys membcrs :\lul thl'ir fricnds who are
Corner Grayling and Windsor Avenues
at the firehouse forum. Some cruel
friend g,'ntly lifted the fifty-cent cigar
anxious to indulge t\heir balletrusse
proclivities, so that the situation is olle NARBERTH John Albrecht
frolll th,' Cnb's pocket and substituted of "first come, first sen'ed, and the
OFFICI: HOURS-Until 9.30 A. M. .. until 9 P. M. Sundays, 9 until 12 Look about the home Irrounds and have
ll. two-for·fi I'e cigar in its place, after dedi take the. hindmost," as J\iarcus nOOD.
Aurclius puts it so pithily in his your planting done DOW. The ae••on i.
having exchanged, unknowingly to the PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-310-311 Perry Bldg., 16th aneI Che.tnut Sta.
"J\bxims of the :Meau-footed." here again, and the weather condition.
Cub, the band. But this cruel friend
T.I.phone, Narberth 3Ul W are advRntageous.
had n conscience, and a few moments The diYertisselllcnt under (Hscussion
later confessed to the Cub that he had take~ plaM on Frid:iy, the 5th of De-

---------- - - , - - - -- cember, in tliat historic shrine, Elm

6% ON $5,000=$300 PER YEAR
Hall. Those famous jazz artists, "The
Scnators," who did so well by the Wel-
The Misses Zentmayer's· SCHOOL SUPPLIES
That's not much for times like these is it?
Better consider a policy which will give you
come Home danco of tlie sen-iee men,
will ugltin be the purveyors of melQdy SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN AT
all you ought to have, making sure of an
nmoul1~ calculated to cover entirely the exi·
gency IUvoh-ed. Life Insurance is a tine friend.
which will go far to assure a lively Will Reopen September 11, 1919 DAVIS'
time be-il1g had by all. The expens8 en- CIGARS ICE CREAM CANDY
LANAHAN. 20G Forest Avenue
P. O. Box 352. Phone, Narberth 3-44 R. tailed is two dollars aeouple, including 125_ WINDSOR AVENUE
"Thc Kingdom Four Square." Text, RADNOR BEATS LOWER MERION. ~neumonia
LEARN TO DO BANKING Rev. 21: 14. This wiII he an evangel·
istic service.
often follows a

Tnesday evening at 8 o'clock, in the

Radnor High School took full title Neglected Cold
• to the football suprcmacy of the Main
No matter how small your busir~lJs may be, have a bank account. Memorial Baptist Church, Broad and KILL THE COLD!
1\laster strcets, 1\lr. Henry Bond, chair- LillI' la"t Saturda~', when Coach Hunt's
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his man of the Promotion Boan] of the tealll, one of the greatest ever develop' tlILC.s
credit, has safety' for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a l'd at the Wayne institution, defeated
N art hern Baptist Convention, wiII
business manner, spl'ak on thc Nell" 'Vorld ::\Iovcmcn t.
Lower 1\[erion High School, 51 to O.
\\'ednesllay ev('ning', Deccmbcr 3rd, at The game lI"as played bl'fore a big
You are invited tD open an account with us. 8 () 'elol'k, onr mceting will he in the erowd on the Lower Merion grounds at
interl'st of Christian Enlistment. Let Ardmore. aaOMIDf.
evel'y abJp·horlied member of the can- The score breaks all records in the Standard cold remedy for 20 years
-in. tablet form-safe. sure. no
~l'{\g'atil)n he present. history of the annnal contests between op,ates-breaks up a cold in 24

THE MERION TITLE &TRUST CO. Strangers and visitors arc welcome the two schools, which began in 1898,
to any 01' all of our servicell. and the resnlt of the game sends the
Charles S. POlI"ell Cup back to Wayne
hours-relieves grip in 3 days.
Money back if it fails. The
genuine box has a Red
top wit h Mr. Hill's
A t A II Drag Stor.s
Narberth Office, Arcade Building THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.
for a year. It was a case of veterans
of three years' standing against a team
Rev. JOHN VAN NESS, Minister. of newcomeI'll.

A~S~UT~.E !A
11.\' 1 hI' l':,,!or on "~£y Cup Hunneth
O\·el'." l\[l'dings for next Sunllay:
:{ P. ~1.-Childrell's Church. Colonel 10 A. ~r.-Sunlluy School. All gl'lllles. Finest PhotoplaY The-
atre 01 Its Size In the
SOOIETY OF FRIENDS. :1I£r5. Herron, of Narberth, will speak
to the ehiltlren. This is a rare treat.
] I A. M.-I'nhlil' worship. Suhject of
sermon, "The Bihle in Modern Thought Narberth Pottery Shop EnlireWorld.
Pb.toplaYII-Conlinuous 10 A. M. to 11.S.
Merlon Meeting House, Merlon, Pa.. 'rhe vpstell choir will sing. :lllrl Life." 104 Forrest Aevtnue
I 1'. :1I1.-Epworth League, leu by li,4:j 1'. ~r.-.Jnnior C. Eo conducted Ph1la.. Pe.
~[rs. A. \V. Warll. on the suhject, by l\[rs. Trowbridge.
Something n~w ~vcry clay.
Merion Meeting is open for worship Don't delay, buy now. Christ-
" 1I in ts to Growing Christians." 7 1'. lIf.-Senior C. E. I"eaders, Philip
every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock.
,IA-:j P. :1I1.-El'ening service. The Kllutzell and .John Maguire. mas pr~l~nta to be s~nt away.
We cordially welcome any visitors who
He\'. Dr. RllVil Smith, of Philadelphia, 7Ail P. ~L-Evellillg worship. Theme, We. will pack. for you any PROGRAM
desire to worship with us.
will prl'llch. A large attendance is IUg- , 'The Gospel of Hard \V ork." piece of pott~ry or cut glass,
I'd to hear this g'00<1 preacher. Song
Next Week. to be sent free of charge.
ST. MARGARET'S R. O. CHURCH. sen'ice hy the choir.
\Vellnesrlay,8 P. ~r.-Prayer medinp-. Tuesday, 10 A. 1\L-Llll]ies' Auxil i-
ary, folIo'\"ed hy luncheon, and at 2
J. R. AIKEN Ethel Clayton
'fhe pastor will continue his talks on
Rev. R. F. Oowley, Rector. P. M. the meeting of the Women's Mis-
"\Vha t \Ve Belie\'e," sppakillg on IN
"The ~£l'ans of Grace." sionary Society. JOBBING ALTERATIONS

Clarence A. Speakman "MORE DEADLY

Early Mass on Sunday from April 1 'Vcdncsday, S P. 1\1.-1'ra)'er mceting.
to October 31 at 6.30 A. M. From No- ThcllIe, "Some Foreign ~Iission Prob·
vember 1 to March 31, at 7 A. M. Late
Mass, 10.00 A. l\L throughout the year. EVANGEL. 'l'hursday leYening-Busilless meeting
an,l social of the Semper Fidelis Bible
Carpenter and Builder
Masses on holy day,s, 6.30 and 8.30
Phone 1652·R Narberth
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo- Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor. Class. MAIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NEAR
tions and other services at regular Pri<1ay, :l.:W P. l\L-Light Bearers' AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. )1.. 12.00, 2.00,
times. ~I ission Blind.
Serdel's Suuday, .:\o\'('lnher :W, I!!I!!:
9.:)0 A. ~r.-I'I·lIyer sen'ice.
Much preparation is heing made for H. C. FRITSCH 3.~5, 5.45, 7.45, 9.30 P. 111.

the Sunday School Christmas entertain-

ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. 9.45 A. ~['-BihIe School. Pnpertles For Bent and 881.
n1<'nt, which will be helu on Tuesday
11 A. ~['-:l[ol'ning worship. Chil- Fire Insurance
('\','ning, December 23.
Rev. Gibson Bell, Locum Tenens. ,lren's talk h~' the paslor. Suh.iect, "A
The ellll'rs and their wi\"l'S will 1)(' Bell Phone 86l! W. Cash Business and Low Prices will

,November :lOth:
\VOIllh' I' t'li 1 Ha"l'," Heh. ]2: 1. Suhject
of sprlllOU, "The Xc\\' 'Vorl<1 :I[OH'-
entertainerl at Ihe home of Mr. and
:III'''. I','ehll'" nl'xl Priday eyening.
".tIl BnlldJng. Narberth, Pa enable you to
llIent." T('xt ..Jllhll ]-1: 12.
8.15 A. :lL-Holy Comlllnnion. Cor- BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS
7 1'. ~r.-Yollng People's meeting.
pora te Conllllllllion for men.
9A5 A. 1\1.-Slinday School.
Suhject, "Christ iallity and the Health Knowledge. The Narberth Electric Shop
of Amcrica," EZl'k. ,17:' 1-12. Ll'ader, \Von],lst thon know th~·"elf, obser\"<' Will solve al .,our electric troubles
11 A. ~[.-Litany and sermon,. j he actions 01' olhel's. Wonlr1st thou We wire old house. like new quickly and without
~£r. George Stanh'y.
12 A. ~r.-Xation-\\'i,le Campaign damage. Let us estimate on your work. We can
7.'15 P. l\[.-E\·ening ,,"orship. Brief
sermon by the l'flstor on the slIbjel't,
othl'r 1111'11 know, look thou within thine
own hl'art.-St'hilll'r.
save you money on fixturee, portables, floor lamPB
and appliance8. UP-TO-DATE, SANITARY
Tlilll'"day, DeeI'm her .Jth, S P. 1\['- W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Nation~,yide Campaign lltet'ting.
9 P. M:.-Informfll discussion tlnd sup- ___ a •••••• - •••• •• • ••••• -1
Phone. Narb.rth 395 W
Meat Market
per at Montgomery Sehool. Automo-
biles wilI he fnrnishe<1 for all upon
application to :1£1'. Bell. Goodwear Shoe Repair Shop John B. Hertzler
252 Haverford Avenue COOK BROS. 205 Haverford Ave.
, 'The Little Church on the Hill." 'Prompt, Satisfactory Serf:Jictl Guaranteed Delicious Meat..
Rev. F. M. Gray, A. M., Pastor. Work Called For and Delivered Al Hiah Grade Chickens

Sunday, November :lOth:

Narberth 1706 W We Buy Old Shoes Eggs and Butter
9.45 A. ~L-SUJ1l1a~" Sehool. l\[cn's
Class taught by Han. }'. W. Stites. Plumbing
11 A. l\f.-:l[orning sen-icc. Sermon


Roofing Pasteurized Milk

(Pedrlallc society) OVERBROOK
Special "Guernlley" MERION

Fortune Gas Milk

(Roberts' 8< Sharplells'

Ranges Cream Buttermilk

Table and Whipping

Day Phone,
Night Phone,
Narberth 302 J
45th and Parrish 8ts.

Why ,Not?
Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
est spot in Narberth. It is. and the service is the
best in town. The various refreshing drinks are
mixed by those who know and whose business it
is to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,
you ever had.
Come in any· time. Make our fountain your place
of rest. At the same time

Main Line Automobile Laundry and Garage of our delicioul Ice Cream
Supplies -:- Courte8" -:- R.epaira
T. B. SMITH. Druggist


:; ~u
Phone 672 c
13 .. 2!
"c ,,"


m:S ~.~ z8
m rJl:S
Labor Labor YardB Labor Material Labor Labor Material
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
Jail. $]00 00 899 30 $108 $115 15 $144 8137 50 43·1 $5 41 $53 19 $34 41 163 48 $610 97
After 10 P. M. by appointment. Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078 1 04 125 54 385 768 1600 7047 471 91
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. March 10000 2500 100 51 106 45 304 12 :J8 100 80 2033 13656 60203
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. April 10000 1665 8946 1 75 112 20 256 5f> 00 734 28 17 5776 468 33
May 100 00 32.20 150 98 ]250 6422 134 93 ]8 160 44 1060 50 42 ]28 69 70313
June 100 00 47 45 197 48 2278 34 50 70 177 55 2756J 12 97 27 50 56 64 113 29 1061 77

Do You Want to Sell Your Property July

100 00
100 00
22 57
89 80
191 35
214 ]5
24 19
31 00 66 ]1807
250 93
]2·18 15
31 45
11 00
93 00
21 70
41 68
65 40

QUICKLY and for CASH? Sept.

100 00
178 04
21 75
143 67
188 71
37 12
223 96
]9 367 65 50
34 33
111 91
60 20 97 56 204 23
1320 21
Our list of properties for sale in this Borough is nearly ex-
hausted and we are in touch with a number of home buyers who ha" cOllle for us all to he unuerway,
are prepared to act quiclcly if we can find the right properties. anll le('" heartily as"ure the comlllittee
(hat the~' shall have the carnest support
Frank Reginelli
We will appreciate an opportunity to talk this matter over of e\'cry lI1au anll \\,ol11au in the com- Jules Junker Inc.
with you. We assure you of our very best and continuous munity in their purpose to proviue an Narberth Shoe Store
edifying expression of Narherth's par·
ROBERT ~. NASH tieipa tion in the most tremendolis and and FRENCH BAKERY
important event in all the world's his-
Real Estate Broker
tory. Repair Shop
* * *
Or 104 GrayliDlr Avenue, Narberth And, Mr. Editor, do you thiuk it 209 HAVERFORD AVENUE ROLLS
\\'ollld be quite the right thing if Char-
lpy )/ oel were to say, \vhen the alarm NARBERTH, PA.
goes in from my house, "That's where
Repairing Appliances the guy Ih'es who tried to scotch the 104 Forrelt Ave., Narbertla
Fire House plan-let 'er burn?"
EARL E. SNOW" THE SPECTATOR For - Good - Work - See For convenience of our
Electrical Contractor
5007 Wesbninster Avenue
H. PREMOST patroms in this Vicinity.
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. A COMMUNITY. The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
234 Haverford Avenue
30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30 ~he
(Continued from Page 1.)
i" taking great pleasure in playing
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
reasons why we should do your work for the people of Narherth. Her \'iolin Cleaned. PreBsed and Remodeled Plumbing, Gas Fitting
is a very fine )/icholaus Amati, made in Work Called for and Delivered
Cremona, Italy, iu l6in, and which for French Dry Cleaning a Specialty and Heating
200 years has heen one of a guanlp,1 Bell 'Phone 12154 J NARBERTH PA
MARTIN & HENRY collection in England. ~[r. Rocco
Stanco, a young Italian pianist, will
Decorators play the accompaniments.

Interior and Exterior Painting

Following is the program:

Sonate in A
Narberth Registe.r
Two Line., IDe per isaDe; 5e for each additional line .
Romance in G •.........•.. Beethoven
Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, PA.
KeIm, H. C. CerUfted Publlo Accountallt. Laos, I'Bllny H. Plauo teacher
We are showing a full line of 1919 Imported Rondo _, . . . . . . •• Mozart JOJ Dudley av-. Phone. Narberth 100-W. 8tudlo, Arcade Bldg. Phone,' 316-J.
Cavatina -Raff
and Domestic Wall Hanging. and Cretonnes NOTARlt rvuLio
Minuet Beethoven LeN' Ga~_Repalrlng,
Etc. Phone, 1105.
Narberth Garage. Phone Narberth 1633. .Jeft'erles, J. H. 111 Narberth ave.
Phone, 666-M.
III. See dIsplay advertisement in thIs Issue. Ty.on, WarreD R. 200 Woodbine ave.
spite its high cost, is likely to retard Canzonetta d 'Ambrosio Cell.ore, Sable. Phone, (l25.
Romance Wienia wski See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.
that real progress which is due the A.lbrecht, John. Pencoyd and Narberth.
town in the faeilities with which it Vision ....................•••. Drdla· lIlaln Line Auto Laundry and G';~~~~, (lj2. Sec display advertisement In this Issue.
See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.
(Continued from Page 1.) must ultimately provide itself, and if IV. Walton Br08. Phone (liZ. OPTICIAM
it is still insisted that utilitarian mo- See display ad\-ertlsement In this Issue. Fenton, Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Phone. 611-W
nate establishment in which to accom- Hwnoreske ...........•...... Dvorak
BAKER Phlla. addreu, 1801 Cheataut R. Loout "a.
tives must be recognized on aU occa- Mazurka Mlynarski Junker. Inc" Jules. 100 Forrest av.. Narberth Zenimayer, JOBeph, 228 S. 15th st., PhlJa.
modate its industrious and capable
sions, why not make sure to look for See display advertisement In tbts Issue.
municipal bureaus, and the fire depart- Walzer. Fred. PAINTERS
the disadvantages which might be im- BANKS
ment shall be in a position to operate 117 Winsor ave, Phone. 1247-J.
posed as well as the advantages which MERION'S TRIBUTE HOUSE, lIIerion Tlile & Truai Co. Phone, Ardmore I.
under the new conditions which it has See dlspla~' advertisement In this luue.
will accrue' PAPER IlANGEBS
so long desired. These latter features WlUe, Oeo. A. Fairview ave.
III the name of eighty-one young men BUILDERS
would unquestionably be fine accom- * * * from Pennsy I vunia 's richest communi ty Smedley, Wm. D. & H. T. Phone, 600. Phone. Cynwyd 771-J. "Ir.t-cl. . work.
plishments of themselves, but isn't it The proposal which has heretofore See display advertisement In this luue.
and the thousands of others throughout PHOTO PLAYS
obvious that when they are contemplat- receh'ed tIle greatest and most cordial CANDY, ETC.
the State who guve up or risked their "Arcadia," 16th and Cheltnut lte., Phil..
Davl•• B. E. Phone, 1264-W. See display advertisement In thl. mue.
ed in connection with a memorial plan eonsideration has been the clock tower, See display advertisement In thl. luue.
Ii ves in the great war, Eldridge H.
the governing impulse of the true me- but if the objections whieh have heell CARPENTERS AND BUILDJmS PLUMBING, :B'l'C.
Johnson, head of the Vietor Talking
morial project is at once rejected, in- made to it arc of sufficient merit to Jenkins, Cba.. L. Cook, Wlnfleld H. Phone 12l0-J.
~[achine Company, Monday presented lOa Dudley ave. Phone, lsa-H. See display advertisement In thll I.IUB.
asmuch as the community is providing warrant its dismissal, let's unite 011 SllI,alfman, Clarence A. Phone 1652-&. Wall. II. B. Pbone, US-J.
to Merion his $200,000 estate and an &!e display advertisement In thIs Issue.
exceedingly well for itself, and the new something else which will eorrespond See dl.play advertisement In thg luu..
agreement .to build upon it the finest CONTRACTOR OF PLASTERING
hall eould hardly. be regarded as "the with the moral standard by which we REAL ESTATE
tribute house in the country. Fratantonl, James, Ie Sons.
altar that silllctified the gift," but lIIust be governed on this auspicious oc- 230 Hampden ave., Narberth. Box 270. Caldwell, J. A. Phone, 1087
\Vork is to be started at once on tho See display advertisement In this lune.
ra ther as a real Yankee enterprise easion, even if tbat selection shall be DENTiSTS FrltlHlh. H. (J. Phone, 262-W.
tribute house. It will contain au audi- See display advertisement In thl. luue.
which succeeded in garnering the chief asIa b of gra nite, plain and unadorned, Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phone. In-w. Godfrey. Wm. B.
torium to seat 500 people, a tea room Pblla. Phone, Filbert 4262. Keltb Bld,!t.
benefits of tbe occasion. and make sure we give 110 tolerance to Sd,embs, .Jr.• Dr. John. Phone, 31G- \\ . 114 Wood.lda ave. Phone. 686-W.
('llui]Jped to serve soeial gatherings Naah, Rohen J. Phone, 606.
3. The desire to seclll'e a meeting the dictulII that because we adopt '111 See di8plll~- mlvcrtlsement (n this tssue. Money for First and Second Mort.....e..
throughout the cOJUmunity, lodge roOlllS Slmp80n, JameB C. 232 Essex aVe.
place for the American Legion is with- expression of bygone days we are den'- DRUGGISTS
for the American Legion and club com- Phone, 636, or 1420 Chestnut st.
out doubt a highly commendable one, Howard'B. Phone, 1267.
lict in our acumen and arc not faithful forts for the citizens of Merion. With- See display advertisement In this luue.
Smith. 'I'. B. Ardmore, PII. ROOFING. ETC.
but careful thought lilUSt make plain to the hristling' spirit of these enligh t- out the furnishings it will eost :Mr. See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue. Gam-llIcGlnle,. Co. Phone, 1268-W.
that such a purpose is as separate froIll ened times, not o\'erlooking that tIle See display advertisement In thl. Islue.
Johnson upward of $150,000. ELECTRICIANS IlIUer. John A. 243 Iona ave. Phone, 661-.1.
the memorial principles as are the souls of lIIen have existed in all ages. Shop. 246 Havertord ave. PlIone, 1116-.1.
CIl." ,V. n. Phon!'. 3!liJ- ,Y.
Poles in their relation to each other, 'Tis true the old tree would have to Se~ dlsplar llll\'ertlsl'meni In Ihis lsslle.
\' cry accept·able, handy to give- Pugh. Veri 226 lana ave. SHOEMAKERS
and furthermore, it is not likely that eOIll!' down to make way for the elol'k. Nar. Phone, 660-W. Ard, Phone, 161-J. Good Wear Shoe Repair Shop,
War Savings Stamps. Solve some of
the Legion shall suffer for quarters if and that would be II pity, but isn't it I'll tl\\' , I~llrl E. Philn ll"lphia. COllstontille, B. G. 2i:i2 Hal'ertord ave.
the troublesome problems of Christmas See displnr llll\'ertl"elllpul In Ihls IssllP. Phone. NllrlH'l'th 1iO(;- 'V.
the Fire HOll"e project is not accom- a fad that the mission we're on makes U"j;"llIelll, I··ralll.. 20n Huvcrford ave.
;..pVIJlg' hy ~eJldil1g or giving War FISH AND OYSTERS
plished. Don't forget, friends, that liS lli~posed to spend our emotions, not See dtS[>1:1~' lId\'pl'ti"pment In this Issue.
~t a IIl!'S or Thrift Stamps. imperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narbertb 606.
these fine fellows have never as yet to Save them, and \\'ouldn't this bit of TAILORS
been accustomed to wet-nur~ing, and it "a('l'ifiee 111' quite in keeping with the Rowman, Samucl P. (Life.) Premost. H. Phone. 1254-.T.
~~;~D~: -f::e- :h:;e: eaCh' :f·

is not probable they \vill like it in the 116 Elmwood aVe. Phone. 653-W. See dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.
spirit of the projecU And that situa-

.Joncs. Chas. n. \\' AI~L PAI'En
long run, and it's my notion that ono tion whidl ha~ bel'lI described as all 30u S. Narberlh ave. Phone. 682-J.
of thesc day" they are going to show Narberth Building and Loan .Jones, "·m. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone. ~lnrtil1 & Ilt·nr~·. Phone, Csnw3-"'d SUu.
iUI'OHgl'llOuS Olil', isH '( it the best uvail- 680-J, Phlla. addreBs. Penn Mutual Bldg. S!'!' dlsl'lllr ad"l'l'll"pmpnt In this Issue.
the town a thing or two in their ability aliI!' for any meHlorial and i"n't it likl'- Trotter Br08. (Fire.. etc.)
Association in following series: 209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R.
to take carc of tl1l'lllseh'cs, for who has. Iy to groll" hl'tter liS a result of lhl' 8th Series at $155.00 per share LAWYERS
had more eXIll'ril'ilel' or better success Hne prC'~'''l\nee of thl' towpr sng:gf~:-;tt,tl. Gilroy, John 211 EBBex ave. Phone. 1246-R.
in doing that \"Cry thing? Phlla. address, Lincoln Bldg. The above department should be or tb.
a 11<1 tlte pro"p!'el of olher good thillg.' 9th Series at 145.00 per share greatesl use to the community, the list con·
Stites, Fletcher "'. 413 Haverford ave. talns the name of every profe88lonal man.
4. The cost of thc project is alto- cOllling to I,a"s all about it is sUl'e!.'" Phone. 372-W Phlla. address, Crozer Bldg.
10th Series at 135.00 per share tradesman. mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., wbe
gether out of proportion to our means, exel'llellt ill its potelltial "lillie, a 1111 LIGIITING FL"'TURES does or can In any way serve his tellow-
I\leDonBld John. Narberth phone, 1288. townsman. and who Is progressive enousb
and extravagance is no concomitant of tlmt allgle shoul<l ha\"(~ enollgh of l'cal 11th Series at 125.00 per share to add name to list of Register.
1633 Chest. st., Phlla. Phone. Spruce lUg.
nobility or intelligence. practic:Jl lllerit to walTant thc tolera- As It Is difficult for thosB contrlbutlnl
16th Series at 85,00 per share ;\IEATS, ETC. their time and eltorts to the production of
5. If I have not precluded the admis- tion of those who might he ,li"pll",'d Cotter, Honard F. Phone. ]298. IIO ur Town" to personally either know or
sion of evidence On the praetieal side, See display advertisement In this Is.u,," Interview all such, It would be most help-
to regal'll (he hnsis of cOllsillera- 24th Series at 25.00 per share HertZler, ,John B. Narberth. ful If those not now found In the printed
can't we ngrec that this pro.jed. in\'o!\'- UOII ",hieh I advocate as entirely too See dlspla~- advertisement In this lasue. Ust would send In a memo ot their nam..,
address. phone numbers and bUlllne..... or
ing so many old things made over and aea<ll'mic and restrieted for thesc morc Address Box 302, Merion, Pa. IIIILK professions for listing. This will co.t as fol·
Scott-Powcll Dairies. Phone, Preston 2898 lows: 10 cents each I.sue for 2 IInel: 6 cent.
in a wretched, makeshift fashion, de- modern times. At an;}" rate, the time for Bach additional line..
See display advertisement In this l8Iue

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