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Welcome' Home Reception Tennis Celebration to

Be Held Nov. 14th
and Parade Today ENTERTAINMENT

Complete Program Below- Parade to Assemble at Narbrook MONTH - PRESENTATION OF
Park Entrance and Windsor Avenue, at 3.45 P. M.
THE FIRESIDE All Illl'mbers of Ihp .N:ll'berth Tenni"
Assol'iation are urged to reserve Fri-
Our l't'I"l'an~, in unifol'lo, will all be committee to reqnest th rough Our Towll lIa\'e ~·ou contri'bute<l to t11e Hospital
in lin .., ao<! Narlwrth is heing gaily that all members active ill war work Pllnd'? day p\'pllillg', Xol't'llIber ]4. On that
Jecol'alt'<! for the oe('a~ion, Programs take part ill the parade and meet at ,late thl' assoeiation will celebrate the
n'el'nt tOUl'l1alllent with a big party at LEGION.
hal'e I,et'n distrihut('d to p\'ory family the ParI, entrancp at 3AG in their uni- ~Ir, anti ~Irs. Harold C. Fenno ha\'e
in the horough and additional copies forms. Elm Hall.
r"tnl'lll',1 from a t 11'0 we"ks' motor trip
can be seellI'l'll hy applying in writing Automobiles ",ill he provided for the through Ih,' Ikrhhil'l's allll the Adi- Prize" won h.y the various players in Service Men, Join the Narberth Post
to the COlllmitt('e, carl' of P, 0, Box workers who arc unable to march the I'Ondne]i:".
the aunual tournament recelltly com· of the American Legion Now
601. entire length of the parade ancl any pleted will be awarded; there will be
Being Formed!
other persons who feel that they should Among the ne,\I"('I))nerS in .Narlll'rth is dnuciug to the music of a regular zip-
Line of March. be in the line of march. h:lug jazz orehestJ1l, and oue or two
:lliss Margaret Sqnier, who formerly
Narbrook Park ontl"lln,'O and \Vindsor other surprise features which t.he En- Offi.cers.
rl'sided in Bryn ~[a WI'. :0.[ iss Squ;l'!"
avenue to Es~ex, Addresses. t t,rt ai Ulll('11 t ('am III itt ee, under the chair- G,'or!!e O. Smith, Cllairrnan.
will take up the pl'tlf('ssion Of \l'ach-
Y. M. C. A.. Forrest A \'el1tH'. ing music in Narhel'th and d,·inity. She IlJan"hip of Hohert E. Pattison, is plan- Irdn T. \Vanl, Vire-Chairman.
To lIa YorfOl'll to Iona, ning.
5 P. :M. is organist of the Lower :I[erioll Bap- HaIT.\· A. Simp"on, Secretary.
To \\' oOIl'11iue to N :nhert h. All in all, it lI"ill bl' a mighty good
t ist Church, Bryn ~[a \IT. U. Xewton Compton, Treasurer.
To Chestllnt to ~Iap1<', ReI". .John Yan ~pss th(l Tl'Jlllis .A:-;·
('\'t'lling" for 1l1l'lllIH'I'S of ~[et'tilJg, "'il! he announ,:"t! through
To Woodside to .Narherth, lIon. FI"t<, ht'r \Y. St il,'s sO"iati"l1 ali,] th"ir \I'i\'e~ an,1 friends
Elm Hall can h,' rl'llt,',l for ,Ian('es, th" ('olmnns of "OUI' 'fown." The men
To \Vinllsor to Porrl'st, Re\'. Prallk ~r. Gray th{'~' ('al'p to bring
"Iltertainlnent:-. ulld ot lil'l" o('{'asioJl:-:.
WhOJll llIuy a::; who ha\'e scrvl"] through th~ Wlir
To lIa n'rfortl. Hon. Carroll ])owne,s ,!..:.lI(l~tS.
-\I'plieation to he lI:a<! .. to .\11'. Dani"l "i1olll.] not los,' fh,' opporluuily to he-
(0111' Burgess) Hl'lIll'lIJ bpI' t ht, tin t (>.-Frill:l.\" ('\'l'lIiJq..!,", (t:llll' 1I11'1I11)(ll's of thi:-: orgallizatinn, :IS
The Par:lde in Order. !.,'it('h, o1Tice 'pholi" :'\alhl'l'lh ::!l~,
Re\', H, F. Cowh'y :'\O\"(IIIIIH'1' 1·1, lll'g"ilillillg at <'..1 .• :-:1Jarp, it i, :III honor for lYilieh lll:lIl\' would
,., ,-itl .. Il"1' 'phon" :\ a rlll'r! h ] :!~;},.I; 01'
~ 1', :If. An 1'I\'il,',1 Sp"aker iii I,:ltll II:dl. :'II a t;., !I" ,,11t,'r t'lI!,!a.~l'­ ,~:i\,' :I wJI',],' JOI 10 attain. .
;" .\11', Yinl"'nl 1,', ('lInnil!~'halll. ,\ar-
TiJp ... \Jlll'ri(':111 Legion lilt'lll" for tlla: ,'I'('lIing', It i, It"l','d
Police 1"'1'111 fj,I!J..\f.
R"I'. ""'('1',1' 1:'. D"l1lll1y that 1'\'4'1'.\' lIlt'Ill1H'r rd' t]Il' :I:-::-:lt('iatioll
Borough OOi('t'I''; ant! ~1J('akers ,.. ill al te!ltl,
CiI'il 'War VPlrl'ans
S"Jecfiolls 1>y tlle ehaillher of Commerce
Band of Ardlliore
.John \\",tz"J nnd
\Ii" ,\Inry :\. ('1':1.1;'01"11,
Ill' ::II,)
Council Meeting
Indian 'War Vptcrans
:\arhl'l'th :lY('IlIIl I • :f!'l) ::--pt.'lldillg :l few
:Spa ni,;h \Var Vet crans 6 P. ~r. BAND CONCERT.
days ill .\tlallti,· ('it ,I' Ilith :\[1". all,l Til" r"gular 1ll0IJthly ml",ting of tile
World War Veterans
The Dinller to "The Boys" \11'';. Willialll G. 'l'orl'hialla. 'rhO' I:"ruugh Council was held Monday
Band Torl'hiaua family "ill shortly oeeupy 13:IIHI ('olll'l'rt, ulH]pr th,' auspices of "\'t'IJilJg, the l:Jt.h instant.
Y. III. C. A., 6.30,8 P. ~I.
tlll'ir Ilew home f,t lona allll 'Vin,]sor the Xarberth Pirl' l"ightl'r,! Friday 1'1'011<'1'1,)" owners and all \\'hol11 it JIl:.y
Home GuarJ The dance a t Elm Hall in the even- :IYClllH1 S. ('olJ('el'Jl should make a note of the fHct
('\'l'!ling, XOl'ell\ber 7, Fin' HOllse Hall.
Red Cross ing is open to the scn'ice men and their t ha t thpse lIlel'tings are called for tI",
Admission, tWl'nty'fil'e ('ents. To pay
Emergency Aid . ladies, Timp, 8.30. ~[ember~ of OlIr JO~:il fire ('ompany "econd ::\[onuay of eae,h mon t.h. Ta x-
for nell' roof for Fin' COIl1I':ln:- Buil'l'
Liberty Loan a 1'0 going to ra ise some mOIlI',\' and t111'n paycrs at least 'would do well to he
Boy Scouts The committce will appmciate the the roof; a hand l'oncert to be the prest'nt. when possible. It is an
Girl Scouts co-operation of business houses and resi- means of raising the money, amI, inci- ackuowledgment due President Hall
School Children deniCes along the line of march in decor- dentally, the roof, the idea being that WOMEN'S AUXILIARY RUMMAGE ant! the other gentlemen for the ef)'orts
~otor ~esscngers ating their buildings. t he proceeds of the ~oneert arc to be SALE. th",)' are constantly and consistently
Automobiles inve~te(1 in a new roof for the firo making. Tax l'ol!eetions in September,
The heads of the organizations par- RECEPTION AND MEMORIAL honse on Forrest avellue.
The runlJuage suk recently directed
:r 21 ,!l80.!l7.
ticipating in the parade have asked the COMlIrITTEE. Treusurer 'shalances aggregated $11,-
h.\- :'III'S. D. D. Stiekn('y :111,1 :III'S. ,I. T.
The \Vomell's Anxiliary of t.he Nar- S91.67.
Darlington for the \V"Il1,'n's Auxiliary
berth Presbyterian 'Church is engaged Th,' CommulJit.y Club has been re-
will net that organization about tll'O
Third Annual Red in a campaign to eollpct cast-off cloth-
ing to fill its Relief Chest, from which
IlulI,lrl'd and fifty clollars.
'1llt'sll'd to co-operate with the Bureau
of ~ral'kl'ts in I'l'specl to public mar-
Two cents per word each Insertion. cub
10 advance. No advertisement accepted un-
leu accompanies copy.
Cross Roll Call contributions are ma,le to the ne,'dy
poor of our community and vicinity. NOTICE.
kets ilJ the horough.
Till' ma ttl' I' of tree pruning is being
GARAGE FOR RENT-200 South Nar· Any donations to the cause may be follo\\'('<! up \\'ith ~Ir. \Vohlert.
berth ave. Eo V. Smith. (3-p) Annual Event to Be November 2 to 11 brought to the regular meeting next 'r('111 porary loans lire to be liquida ted
Tuesday or sent to the home of Mrs. Ashes will he eollected on the North to the extent of $11,700.
to Perpetuate Spirit of Devotion,
FOR SALE-Baby carriage and basin- Pepble8, 109 lona avenue. Side on Tuesday and \VeJnesdny, Oc-
Service and High Ideals. Th,' Finance, Poliee and Health and
ette. 'Phone N arbert'h 1293. (2-p) tober 28 and 29. On the South Side,
other committ"es ma,le reports, which
Would you tuke a chance on a chick- Th ursday, October 30.
ROOM FOR RENT, with or without were accepted. Space £lops Ilot permit
1'his campaign is an annuul event, the en ~ If you arc inclined to take chances Starting Monday, N o\'ember 10,
board. Box 290, Narberth. (2-p) tll'tails to be ginn here. That is
Red Cross Roll Call, in which the on poultry, members of the fire eom- weekly collections will be resumed.
"onll'thiJlg we should kno\\' ahout, hut
FOR SALE-,On{J No. 8 Improved American Red Cross submits its record pany arc selling tickets for a "turkey :Sl'hedule of route to he followed will
lliiss hy our abst'nee at these mC'Cting~.
Spear Range, slightly used'; bargalll. to the people, an<l seeks from the peo- raffle," camouflaged as a donatioll. A he published in next issue.
'rile Ordinance and Law Committee
Cook Bros., 250 Haycrford avenue, ple a renewal of their allegiance and 25-cent ticket entitles ~'ou to a BaJld C. E. HU~[PHREYS, l'l'ported a bill, "Pro\'iding for the
Narberth. (2-c) u mandate for future activity. The Concert, to be gi ven in the Fire House St reet COlllmissioner. establishment of rules and regulatiolls
Red Cross needs people quite as mueh Hall, Friday evening, November 7, and for the eonstruction of sidewalks, "UrlH-1
MUSIC-Miss Margaret Squier, grad- as money, an<l wants not only your also entitles you to a chance on three allll; gntters; fixing the width th('reof
uate teacher of the Philadelphia 1I1:u- dollar, hut your heart und your he:\(l, regular turkeys. HOSPITAL FUND. and d"signating the materials of which
sical Academy, announces the opening anJ your service. the same shall he constructed."
of a studio in Narberth. Pupils re- During the war fhe American people Rex Beach's pOll-erful story of tllO
ceivccl in piano, organ and theory. 'rhe total fund of the Brpl ;\Iawr
contrihuted nearly four hundrecl mil- Xorth, "The Girl From Outside," to THE REV. ANDREW S. BURKE.
Thorough foundation in technique and HospitHl Maternity Buil<1·ing is $151,200
lion dollars to war activities through he shown at the Palace Theatre, Ard-
artistic interpretation. Pupil of Camille -only half of the $:lOO,OOO is nOw need·
t he Red' Cross, but many millions of more, on Wednesday, is an aJventure
Zeckwer und Ralph Kimler. Ayailuble I'd. The actual dril'e has ~topped, hut Rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church,
people gavo, in addition, themselves in tale of the life that gravitates nbouL
for concert and recital; coaching choir thp eonllnittoe will l'ontinne their work Wynnewood, Buried Monday.
loving labor, and the value of this con- a new settlement whel'l~ gold is within
and cllOrus. 305 Grayling avenue. un til $300,000 is rn ise,], as the nIa tern-
se{'ration cannot be eomputed in fig- the grasp of adventurers, and then the
'Phone Narherth 1616-W. (2-p) it.\- HOb-pital mnst he built, ('quipped
ures. Labor is not a commodity, least "girl from the outside" llnd what the The Rl'\'. An,lrew S. Burke, rector
alld eudowed, llnd thpy will 1I0t e"ase
of all thut labor, which is promptted by girl ,lid, lIlaldng It most l'xtraonlinary of All Saints,' EpiscOIJal Church, Mont-
ESTATE OF MARY L. GOUGH, Dec'd. 1111 t il this is accomplishe<l. It is not
a de\'otion to a cause. Money given entertainment. R"x Beach, the muster gUl1ler J' anti Wynnewood avenues, who
Letters Testamentary on the abOve 1Il'I'l'SSary that this 1ll0llPY he paid no\\'.
by the American people ancl aclminis- historilln of the North, better than any ,lied at his home in Wynuewood, was
estate llll Ying- been gran ted to the un- I~uture pledgl's toward Endowment
terecl by American business genius has other mun, has sensed. its romance in buried on :M llllclay.
dersigned, ull persons inclebted to the Pund ~an he paill an~' time lluring 1n~0.
macle the Red Cross u stupen<lous husi- hi~ n,'\\'('sl piCtllft', ill whi"h he has Re\'. Burk" \\"as oruaincd in HJ11,
said estate are requestecl to make pay- when he graduate,l from the Episcopal
ness organization, but tliC loyal enlist· £01111(1 a nell' wealth of possibilities.
ment, and those haying legal claims,
nll'nt of the people themselves has THE WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB diYiHity school hc1'('. He was placed in
present the same without delay to
made it a spiritual force difficult to O\'er two hundred names arc on the charge of the All :-:aints' Mission, and
parallel in tIle history of organized en' Xarberth Honor Roll of service men, when it was made a parish a year ago,
:1l1(1 it is 'believed t ha t the list is not he WllS ele\'a ted to rector.
The Red Cross desires to perpetuate a~ y<'t eompleted. It will be appre- llis widow, Mrs. ~Iary Forbes Fay
Or to their attorneys, CHAPMAN &
this spirit of devotion and' seniee, .. iatl',1 if serl'i~e III!'U will ~en,l their '1'11(' anuual opening luneheon of the Burke, and one daughter sun-ive. AI'-
CHAPMAN, 1420 Widencr Building,
both for the accomplishment of defin- Ilame, with the nmul"'r or lullue of th,' WUlIll'n's Community Club will be on l':Ingements for th,' funeral have uot
Philadelphia. (2-c)
ite welfare work among the inhabitants unit with which thl',\' Wert' COIllll'cte,!. Wl!llnl'l'day, NO\'Cll1'hcr 12, at 1 P. :'11:.. heen completed.
of America and for the influence which gi\'ing thl'ir local address alld post of- ill the Y. ~r. C. A. All memhl'rs are \Vhen he as'sumed elwrge of the mis-
Mrs. Howunl C. Pierce und daughter enlistment in a lofty elltel}lrise exerts fi('!' hox nlllllltl'r. to :III'. I~,lward S. IIrgl'd to ke('p this date in mind, as the sian, senices were held in :\11'. Burke's
Cynthia, formerly of Nurberth, visited upon the minds and characters and so- Haws, our postmllstel'. ('ommittl'e in clInrge l'al'1lestly desh'es hOl1le. He huilt up the congregation
friends here last week Since leavinll, cial consciences of the workers. The The Stu te authorities a 1'0' compiling a full attendance. and witllin II short time a eornerston,~
Narberth they have ma<le their home Red Crof;s needs the American people a complete record of l'ennsyh'aniIlIls in The usullI notices will be issued Hnd was laill for the present church, a
in Harrodsburg. Kentucky, where Mr. and the American people need the Red the service, and it is necessary thut furt.her details of the program publish- stoue stl'lll'lure with a seating capac-
Pierce is now engage-d in business. CroS8. their records be complete. ed ill a Inter edition of "Our Town." ity of 900.
or course, we

hI' has the support of lIIany of his fel- To the Endorsers of the l\Iain Line Telephones,
OUR TOWN low eitizens. Employment Bureau: 1267
deliver -
p I ace -
WI' Ill'ed have no com plain t for days 1268 time
Financial Report from ,Iune 2S-0ctober
An Ex~riment in C(\-operative 0" evening" of during thp com-
1, 1!l1!l.
Journalism-No Paid Workers, iI'!-: winter. Our borough is growing The Brightest Spot in Narberth
---------- ---- V 1'1',\' fast, lind, naturlllly, the various Resource8,
Owned and Published every Saturday a"ti\'ities are growing' along with it; Balance in Bank ,'.'" .. , .... $554.38 A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association, ,'oll";"fjueatly, there is work for all of Contributions ,." ..

---------,--------- us to do, and it is just the matter of Fees Emplo)'ers , .. , . 218.i5
Su bseription price one dollar and fift~, selecting that work in which we can Fees Employees , . 140.2;'5
cents per year in advance. ,:" the most good, then turn in and do Telephone and Interpst . 4.55
0111' hest.
Total $!l1 i.93
April 24, 1919.
Salaries ,
Expendi tures,
, ,
i 3
To the Editor of Our Town: $310.00
l'resid'ent-;'IIr. Joseph H. Nash. Rent .. ' ' , . 22.50
In these brigh t October days the
Vice-President-Mr. Jamc.s Ar,t'man, .Janitor \Vork ., " . 20.00
walks and drives along the Main Line
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R. J. Dothard. Petty Cash, Refund, etc. , .. , 7.00
arc 1110re attracti\'(, than ever, in vary-
Secretary-MI'. R. J. Edgar. Ben Telephone , . 21.85
ing color glows in thl' foliage, an,1 they
Corresponding Secretary-Miss Frieda Advertising .".'., , . 6.89
should be more appreciated as the
Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson,
<lay" of frost and snow draw near.
To those not familiar with them,
Total $:188,24
......... .
Directors--Mr, .r. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. sonl(' outline hints lIlay he welcollle.
Total Resources , , ,$917.!l:l -00'

P. Fowler, ~1r, H. R. Hillegas. Mr. Chas. Actunl Total Expens1's ".,. 388.24
Th,' lIe<lrCl' \\'alks O"N Woodhine lIve-
H. A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. F your car could tell you when it felt ill you
A. Jacobs, Mr, F. A. Lanahan, Mr.
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R.
J. Nespcr, Mr. K A, Muschamp, Mr.
11111', t!nwn Old Gulph road to )fill
C!'L'l'k, thl' lIopl'l'r road, I'll'" are <louht-
11''''' kno\nl to Illost. Ill'idng out ::\1ont-
Balance in Baillt, Oct. 1, HIUl, $029.6!l

To the Endorsers of the ;'IIain Line

I wouldn't be apt to run it until engine trouble
or some other failing rendered it helpless. Let
gOIll I' 1'," pike, past thf' forks, und on to
Fletcher W, Stites, Mr. A. E. Wohlert,
Spring ~1ilI road, OIl(' tnrns to the Employmcnt Bur!'au: us inspect your car and make sure it is ready for the
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M.
right and shortly ('nters thl' domaill of
Wentz, Mr~, C, W. Young, :Mrs. James Following is the repolt of the ~[ain road.
the Stoke flog-is Estnte oj '800 acres,

Foote. Line Employment Bureau from .July
I'lInliing- to thl' "ulllmit or ;\Iount ~Iol'l'o
2kth until Octoher 1st, ilwlusi\'e:
bet \\'el'U walks of hedgl' for II wi<lb
HARRY A. JACOBS, Number of Telephone Calls .. ,., ;~;12
,'ipw of the ,'alle~' o[H'nillg' to the
Editor. Placement's ., " .. "., .... , .. loa
Sl'llu.,'lkill, 'with the "~[ount Vernon"

'rl'lIlporary " , , .. ,., .. 6:1
hou'" I'onspil'uously on a hill-top. An-
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Henry Rose, Applications (mu!L-), ineluding III
othl'r road ('arries you down into n
W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, Sen'iee ~Ien ., .. ,., ,., ;;;\
\\'0,)(11',1 dl'file filled with nlilisual rocks.
Associate 'itors. Continuing on the ,pik,' fo where the
l'IPd I'i(' 1'0:1Ihnt.'· (,I'OSSe8 it, \\'1' turn to
App!i('ations (fl'male)
Interdews .. , ... ,."
,., ..
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, tJ,,' Il'ft along a smooth I'oad skirting RI'"p"ctfull~- suhmitte,l,

cashier. thl' ntlh',v of th!' Gulph; thell right, BLISABETlI Y. CLOUD,
th!'n left. through deep shading woods;
Bend all advertising and news items to tlwn right again, and with several other
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot
turns we I' a nlL' at last to thl' est~te of
\\'allllarthon (often pictlll'l"[ in the To the Endorsers of the :\[uin Lin!'
Enlployment Bureau:
newsstand, und at the store of H. Eo pl'e,s), with its three lakes, its water
Entered as second-class mattor
\\'Ill'l'l, it" log cabin, an,l finally the
"tatd,\' Illansion O\'"rIookilig the UI~­
Following is the report of the ~Iuin
LillI' EIIl)lloYlnent Bureuu frolll .lullp
For Good Taxi Service
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at
Narberth, Penllsylvania, under the act
1"'1' lakl', when' neighhol'hood young
"I'UpIP bathl' ill SUllllller and skat!' in
2::1'(1 until .July 28th, inclusive:
Calls from Employers ,., .. , ... , ]:HJ
Call Narberth 1633
of March, 1879. \\'i IItl'r, l'alls from Employe('s (mall') ,. ;l!l 24 Hour Service
J~t'l11rlliq~' to tIlt' l"C,ad first l11l'lltiolH:d, Calls fronl Employ,'es (felllale). I~l
\\'1' IIln.'" l\t't'p ~1t":liglil ;11'1'0:-;:-; to Old EmploYlIlents sent for intL'J'\'iews. U
OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news it~m about any subject
('III1I'"tO;!a road, thl'll O\'l'1' th" Chllrch
1'11:1<1, \\'hil'h hl'illg'~ liS 111 01,1 SI. 1)a-
1'lal'I'ments ' ".,.". ;ji

Hesl'el'lfull~'. "ulll.nitted,
that is of interest to Narberth \id's Chlll'l'h, \\'itll it, hi,tol'il' a,soeia'
folks, but in order to meet the tiOfl:-\. ",1I1'1"P \\"p 111:1y well ling-t'l' :nrhilp, ELISABETH \', CLOI'Il,
pl;nting schedule, all 'Icopy" H"tllmillg 0\'1'1' lhl' Ilal"hy road, with its Sl'cretary,
Phone, Narberth 1687
--manuscripts-Illust reach the \\il<l1'1' "'l'lIel'y, il IIII'I';!"S into Bl'yll
editor by 6 P. M, Wednesday each
;\Ia\\'r ,1\ I'll Ill', lilll"[ \\'ith 1'lIltinlterl
l'stn tp~.
Allllthl'l' l'i,le i" to follow ~rontgoJl1'
Xitll' ""teruns of the Ci\'il \Val' arl'
I",ident" of :\arlH'rth, and we have J. A. CALDWELL
alliong liS one veteran of the Inllian
"I'y :l\l'llUI' to the forI,s II1'yolld BI',"II
~I a \\'1', lUi'll Il'ft a lid folio\\' the Hoh-
'\til 0', and llIuny who were in the S('J'\'- GARAnteed Roofs REAL ESTATE
SATURDAY, October 25, 1919 "1'1' road 0\'1'1' hi,~h latl<l, affording
i.,,, dllrin).! the Spallish-AlIIl'rie:tn \Var,

lllagllifi"l'lIt de\\'" Thl' wall is lined aDd INSURANCE

Fire, 350
I\'i t h ,'xtl'lI,he I"ta't I'S. The return by
t ht., Co II p:o:f og"a road is 0\"1'1' Ol1C of the
Police, 1250 hL'sl kept and 1ll0,t iutl'l'l'Slillg I> j roads,
]0'01' "al'il'd I'oulltry allll farm dews
,.lIl' ,hollld folio\\' tIll' l'xt,'lIslOn of :\'ar-
The Hack Service Man Has Changed
Editorial III'rlh a\'('IIU,' to till' Hol ... rts I'statl' of
l'l'lln,hullt. lU1'1I kt't dO\('n thl' Stnt"
His Phone Number to Narberth 1229 J NARBERTH GARAGE
'rllday will willll'" tIll' WI''''<lnll'
road illlo ~Iill ('''''I'k, fo III> '" alollg- till or Narberth 625. Raymond Weiss, Proprietor
JIUllll' 1~"l'pplillll gi\'l'll tu uur ~oltlil'l':-;
thl' road stl'ik,'s np intI> (;1:1<11(',\'11(', alld
over to Spl'illg' ;\lill I'Ilad, 10 ~rol'l'i,
and sail"l's hy tltl' pellple lIf :\arIJel'th. road, alld hal'k b,\' Ihl' pikl'. Thl'se Please do not call Narberth 1633 EXPERT REPAIRING
ha\'l' lllade it pu~sibll' for
s" .. 1t a

all'ail' tll hI' g'i""11 ,It,-
I'oa,l" \\'illd all,1 twi,t throllgh a lll'uuti-
ful fanniJlg l'nulllry, jlltt\I'~Il\II':-'t.'c1 ,,"il1l
For my serf:Jice. T.lephone Narberth 1633

S.'l'\"t' JillIl'il erpdit, and slIl"pl,\' tlll\ir l·f- l\:-otatp:-, that show :-,O!lIP lW:lutif1l1 l'X-
------_ -.-.
1'",.1.' \\ ill I','el' Ill" appl'l,,'iatl'<l hy tltl'
11l)Y;-; w11() ~l'r\"t~d t1lpir ('oulItl'y ill tlil'
great ,val' ju:o:t eul1l'tl.
:lIl1plp:-:; of Ia.l1l1SI':I~J1t.l gal'lll'uillg.
nllillg I'ast frolll Xa rlH'1'1 h 01"1'1' ~Lel'­
illll roll<l to City Lit\(, a \'I'll tll', ana
It is 1"1'1')' gratif~'ing to !;now lltat
In the following up-to-date homes:
'n", "jtizl'lls or :\arbcrtlt, through thl'
lhl'III'I' til thl' Sl'huylkill, hrillgs liS to DENTIST
l'hilalklphia '" r'I\'ol'itl' rid,'. th,' Wis- 208 Grayling Avenue
T1:ank 1l,'XI'" madc thi, undertaking
J"):-iF.ihIl·, and l'flnsl\qtlPutly a R\lt.'('(lSS,
,ahil'kon all,l Lilll'olll Dri\'l', l'IILIIl's" ill Corner Grayling and Windsor Avenues 34 Avon Road
it" willllillgs. I'idl ill ,'al,<'l'ull,\' 111'('- 36 Avon Road
'Phil dl'wil, of the d1ly \\'ill he fouIIiI "1'1'\'1',[ willI lH'auty, alld I'll,lillg \\'ith NARBERTH
1,j,I'whl're in the COIUIllIlS of this papl'l'. '1'01'1''' of wl'lI·hllilt 1\Iodl'l'Il hOlllL'S
too Avon Road
OFFICI: HOURS-Until 9.30 A. M. 4 until 9 P. M. Sundaya, 9 until 12
We sltoul,l nil I'oll"idel' it a day lon~ ""1'('1'11<"[ \\'ith 'Vhllllllant shl'llhl)('r,", The nOOD. OTHERS BEING BUILT
tl' 1)(' 1'l'menLhered ill thl' annals of the "Olllll'dillg- l'i,','1' alld parlt dri""s ,10 not PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-310-311 Perry Bldg., 16th and Cheatnut St••
bllnlug'h of :"llrhprth, 1I",'d dl''''l'iptioll,
T./ephone, Narb.rth 31tl W
Th .. \al'ious activities of 1I111' horough Greenhousel Nurseries
are fast shnpin!-: thl'lIlsl'I",'s. ~rOl'l' Thl' Inl'1ll1ll'rs of the \Vomuu's COlli'
IIlIl11ity Clllh will h(' pleased to !l'arn 30,009 ft. of alau 12 houa.a
thall I' \'1'1' befol'" \\" will he kl'pt '-l'I')'
husy indeed with t hI' \'lll'ious organ' that thl'ir pl'l'Sirll'lIt, Mrs, C, P, Jo'o\,",er, Pencoyd Narberth
imtions currying- out thl'il' well-laid
phns for the eOllling lIlonths, each
\\'orlting- fOl' n c:tuse wOl'thy of thl' sup-
ha, I'd II 1"11 I'll fl'olll Callada an<1 is 1I0W
ill a position to takl' lip the regnlar
al'livitie" for the year,
Automobile Laundry John Albrecht
1"'1'1 of ,!\'er)" citizen of :"Iarherth.
All)' lllldertuklng to be suel'essful 1'\'-
(luir"s thoug-ht unll worlt, and it is
only through thc effort" of the nHlny Cotter's Market
and Garage Look about the home arounda and bave
your plantina done now_ The aea.OD i.
here again, and the weather condition.
t Itat n n ticipu ted result" will ma terial-
ill', as one mun is quit I' hl'lplt'-'ls in Iln~'
of Narberth are advantaaeoua.
I\!\llertaking- of a pu'hlil' natlll'l' llnle,s Prime Beef, Sprin£ Lamb,
Country Dressed Veal and H. E. ARMSTRONG, Operating
Pork, Sugar Cured Hams A COMPLETF LINE OF
TlJosc who provide for aftcrwartls live ;\
longer life than those who llon't-and statistics PHONE us YOUR ORDER TO·DAY AT
prove it! Don't attempt to gu on without
enough Life Insurance-it's 111ucil too ch('ap
:lnd 100 ;;oocl! When shall we lalk is over?
You wl1l find our prices right Repairs and Accessories DAVIS'
IH\.:"llAHAN, 203 Fort'sf An~'nll~ Groceries and Provisions CIGARS ICE CREAM CANOY
1', n, 1I"l< :Jij~, Phonl', Nllrhl'l'th :\,H n,
• NARBERTH, PA.-OUR '.('OWN _.- - -- 7'1 -~-

Ille plensure to sound at least one joy- Duvis' countcrs nfter their strenuous
Ask for
LEARN TO DO BANKING ful note in this dirge; namely, tha t
t'here is one of the immortals Icft. Yes,
labors of the day. This gives Ed. two
filll' subjects, or rather ob,iects of at-
one, and he's no slIlall figure in local, tack, and a very qUlct, lllthough per-
No matter how small your busir ~/JS may be. have a bank account. and as' he would us 'believe, na- hap" not what you might tenll an en'
tional affairs. Of course, you know thusiastic aul! ience. After Ed. gets
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his who I mcan-yes, thut 's right-Charley well startell tllC audience ill creases and SiLL'S
credit. has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a Noel. Charley silllllly can't stay away. in a short time a considerable crowd
business manner, ~ij:(ht aftcr night he dissccts the fire
engine--he "fixes" it all righ t. The
gathers. Sometimes Ed. \"llries things
by blowing the gang to ice cream soda
You are invited t D open an account with us. fact that these great intellects do not -he does that by way of paying rent
foregnthcr as of old, may explain the for the space occupied 'by him and hill 8aOMlD£
dclay in scttling this Lcaguc of N a- listencrs. I llln only telling you this Standard cold remedy for 20 year.
-in tablet form--safe, lUre, DO
tion's business. With the Forum gone, !lecause a good muny peoplc have usk- opiates-break. up a cold in 24

THE MERION TITLE & TRUST CO. where ean we turn for counsel i Even
Frank Zentmayer, who has to his cn'dit
an attendance llIark of 100 per cent.
cd the reason for the nightly guthcring
on lla vis' cu~b.
* * * _.
hours-relieve. grip in 3 da,..
Money back if it f.U.. The
geDulne bolt ha. a Red
top wit b Mr. Bill'.

Narberth Office, Arcade Building for the IllSlt twenty years, is a con-
spicuous absentee. Perhaps Frank de- Juek Wetzel, one of Narberth's lat·
At All Dr_ Steree

cst acquisitions, was heurd to remark:

A~s~ur~.E !A
eided to get murricd before ·his seven-
ter Peters. Su'bject, "The Tree of tieth birthday. If that's the cuse, "Well, after this when we henr a guy
Life." One of t.he best meetings we however, it would only explnin his ab· say, 'Whnttuwe goin' t' have, boys,'
FIDesl PholoDlay The-
hnve hud this season wus held last spnee for a short time-married men un- there won't ·be uny misunderstanding. alre ollis SIze lD Ille
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. \\Te'll know he means rain or snow'" Eallre World.
Sunday evening. Come and be prepared derstalHl what T mean.
to tuke part. And just then Ray ,Jones chimed in: PI>"'opb.".. -Conlinuous 10 A. M.
. P.M.
'0 1 ••3tl.
Bu t for every cloud there's usually "As long as everything l'lse is llry.
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Plio. 7.45 P. ilL-Evening worship. Short
a sih'er lining-only sometimes it's ',penrs like we might. as well dry our
sermon by the pastor; subject, "Im- Phila., Pa.
hard to find the lining. Ed. Barker- tears an' malIC it u·nnnuy-mous."
portant Convictions" (Romans 8:
Merion Meeting is open for worship ~'ou know l'id.-Iives over in one of
38, 39). The young people will he on CUB_
every First-day morning at 11 0 'clock. ~arherth 's buck woods suburbs some-
We cordially welcome any visitors who
the plntform and sing. Special Illusic
where. Ed. is full of ideas, but the PROGRAM
by the Quartette.
desire to worship with us. population of his builiwiek is SO smull
Wednesday, 8 P. M.-Song and NARBERTH BRANCH OF THE
Our friend Russell Greel1 has taken
Prayer Service.
that he has no one much on whom to
up his residiCnce in N al'berth and will ;;pring t'hem. So Bd., who likl'" ~ar·
associate with Merion Meetiug. lIe Church Notes. herth, and especially its "Grent \Vhite
will attend next First Day (~6th). The :Men's Association had a gooa
nJC"Pting on l\fonday night. Mr. Jo-
Way," feels that the Year HounG
Home Town should be the first to re-
Leader-Mrs. Charles W. Young. Jack Pickford
Viee-Leuder-Mrs. William H. Pugh.
spph E. !layton gave us an interesting l'eh-e the beneoilt of his w.onderful Secretary-Miss Anna MacKeag.
talk on "France and Its People." thoughts, especially so now thut Nar- Treusurer-Mrs. Edgar H. Cockerill.
The \VollJen's Missionury Society lH'rth is depri I'ed of the Forum. Thut's Meeting-The second Friday of each
Rev. R. F. COWley, Rector. held 1111 aU-day session and hnd a very
finl' llJPeting.
~arberth 's goal! fortune-till' silver
lin inj:( to its cloud us it were. Hpnce
month at 3 0 'clock in the Y. M. C. A. "Burglar by Proxy"
Ea rly l\las; on Sunuuy from April 1 .,·ou ean see Ed. '" car almost p,-ery
I'I'f'ning Ipurked in front of Da,-is' Em- WOMAN'S AUXILIARY.
to Octoher :\1 lIt tJ.30 A. ;\1. Frolll C\o-
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. porium, where they sell rubber boots, ~IAIN l'nOVUCTION STAUTS AS NEAR
velllbl'r 1 to March :11, at i A. l\1. Latc
l\Ia;s, 10.00 A. l\1. throughout th" year. pickles, gum drops, shoe strings, etc. AS l'()SSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 31.. 12:.00, 2.00.
The managers of the Auxiliary for
l\fasses on hoiy days, 6_30 and 8.30 Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. lf yon look closely, yon will sec Ed. 3.-J5, 5.~5. 7.~5, 9.30 P. lIl.
1919 are:
A. l\1. Weekdays at 8. E,-elliag de,-o- in the cal' surrollllllcll by his bodyguurd,
Mrs. D. D. Stickney, President.
lions and other services at regular J lll' Darkcr and Bob Compton_ Joc lIfrs. C. E. Kreamer, Vice-President.
Next Suud:ly: a 1111 Boh arc >"ery glad of this oppor-
t imps. 10 A. l\f.-Suu,lay Sl·hoo!. ~4i pres- Mrs. C. L. McLean, Secretary.
tunity (0 ,'nry their usual p\'euing occu-
"n t last SlII\(lay. l\frs. Hervey Keim, Treusurer. Casll Business and Low Plices will
pation of Ipanin~ up against Howard
ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. 11 A. IIL-Puhlic wori'hip. SerJllon Mrs.C. L. Smith, House Manuger. enable you to
Ih"u\(', "Thp Deity of Christ."
Rev. Gibson Bell. Rector. -; P. l\1.-Christian Eudea\·or. Senior
Sl,etion led by Agnl's Hose. .Junior sec- MAIN LINE EMPLOY- The Narberth Electric Shop I
t ion l' o11(1 U l' ted hy l\lrs. Tro,,-brillgp. Will .oIve all your electric trouble.. I
t-i.l.) A. M_-Holy COlllnlullion. 7.4;) P. :'If.-Organ Heeital hy Mrs. MENT BUREAU We wire old houses like new quickly and without
!t.4;) A. l\l.---,':;unday ::>dlOOI. damalle- Let us estimate on your work. We can i
I J.()O A_ l\L-:\I_(jrr!i_ng pl'~lyer and ser-
\\'iIliams, followed hy sermon on "An
Ohseured Vision." Weekly Bulletin save you money on fixtures. portables. floor lamps
and appliances.
111011. Npxt Week: W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave. i
Bus wiIl !t'a\'(' C\arbl'rth Slation ut Tuesday, 10 A. :\L-Wulnen's Auxil- Positions Open Phone. Narberth 395 W I Meat Market
10,411 A. l\L iary. ~ P. :M., \Vomen's l\lissional'Y So- 3 WOMEN (Cooking and DoWll-
eie.ty. stairs)
"'ednesllay, S P. l\1.-Annual Chul'ch
~Iecting. Election of Eldl'l's and Dca·
John Be Hertzler
, 'The Little Church on the HilL" eons; burning of church mortgage;
presentation of plans for enlarged Sun-
COOK BROS. 205 Haverford Ave.
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor. clay ~ehool rooms; refn'slunents. WAITRESSES 150 HAVERFORD AVE.
'rllUrstlay, i.:lO P. l\1.-Christinn En- MOTHER'S HELPER (Resi Deliciou. Meat..

::;Illl,lay, Oetljhl't' 2tith:

Ileavor Hallowl' 'en SocinJ. dent) NARBERTH
Friday, 4 1'. l\1.-Light Bearers' Al Hish Grade Chickens
!1,4;) A. l\r... . . . "llllday
. Sehoul. Cla.-ses :\Ieeting. GARDENER AND OUTSIDE
for all ages·. i\1l'lI's Bihl,' Class laught Egga and Butter
Oil SHuda,\" p\'(luing, 1\ oVPlllhef ~, our MAN
h,\' HOIl. ]<'. W. Stitt's.
11 A. IIL~'3I'rnlOll hy t hi' pa,;tor,
S('I"'i('p Flag- will hp "dplIlO'hilizP(l."
(iellrg-l' \\._ Braden, George O. Smith
Plumbing ------------------------
"lliphasizing "(;"llt! Li t t'r:! 1lll'l' Day_"
:Illd othl'rs wiIl speak. DAY WORKERS
::;pl'pial IIl1lsie hy ollr Chllrll,; Choit' alit!
dlld h~- Miss HlIlh I'rl'Sclltt Hlld Lit'll-
Positions Wanted
t 1'lHlll t Sparks.
;1 j'. :\L-Chililn'lI's Ohlll"l'h. ::>pl"'ial
ohjl'''' talk by thl' I'aslor. VI'sll,,1 ,·j",ir COLORED CHAUFFEURS AND
"ill sillg. '1'0 the Ellitot' of Our Town:
i 1'. l\L-Epwort h Ll'aguc-a Ii \-l'
Illl,pting for yOllllg peopJt>. SOllie tilllC ago 1 caIled atleation to
MEN (Italian) Roofing Pasleurlzed Milk
i.45 P. M.--8l't'llIOll 'hy the pa,;tor 011 thl' llppal"l'nt Ih.dine of out' famous 10- GARDENERS AND OUTSIDE
MEN (Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOti
.• Wl'leOllll' HOlIIl'.' , A special ill\'ita- ~al dehating" institution, popularly
I i011 to the retllrlll',l soIllil'rs alld Hailor~ kllowll as "'rhe ForulII." It is now
of :\arlll'rth to hi' l't'l'Sl'lll. 8pl'dal
with a heavy heart that 1 chl'OlIicle the
\-,'rifi"atioa of Iny earLier lIIisgivings.
Fortune Gas Milk
(Roberts' &< Sharpless'
:\rOllillty, s I'. ~I_-" HaUowl' 'Cll So- To a !'l'g-Illa,' alld admiring attendant at COLORED DAY LABORER
dal" by the Epworth V'aglll' ia the
('hlln'h basement.
Ih,'" rl"l'I!,Il'llt sl'Hsions of 1\arbert.h's
wi"l'al'l"l's Ihis nart'atioll of the pnss-
ODD JOB MAN (to take care of
Ranges Cream Buttermilk
Table and Whipping

ill;! of t h,' FO(-UIII is llO pleasaat task. furnaces)

\Vl'r1nesday, oS 1'. ~L-l'ra~-I't' l\feet-
\\'1Il'1I looking for lig-ht on liI-e topics FIRST-CLASS CHAUFFEUR
illg. 'rhl' IHlstot' will hegin a Sl'ril's of
talks all "What An' :\rl,thotlists?"
Last Montl..y thco l\11'll'S Billlp Class
of the day. sud) as, say, the ShantulIg
all'air, Ihe stel'l strikl~, the miracle hy
(mechanic do all repairs)
Day Phone.
Night Phone,
Narberth 302 J
~a \"C' an ideal t illl(' fot' mpn and boys
wh il·.h 'lIlUl' of our loeal high Hiers l'Ull CHAMBERMAIDS AND WAI- 48th and Parrish 8ts.
autouwhih's Oil whel'1lJarww salaries or TRESSES
ill tIll' "Big Brothel' C\ig-hl." Ask aay-
the real reason for the perpetual youth WAITRESS
;)(11' who WllS thel'l'.
of Ll'w Hes;' lIlustnche, I hud only to COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER


slidt' 0\"('1' to the fire house and pro-
pouud Illy que.,tiou. I ne,-er luckeu for
an ans"oer, believe Uil!.
Why Not?
But what has beeolnl' of Nal'berth's DAY WORKERS (5 colored) Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
Solon,,? St'areh mc! ~tl more du I CHAMBERMAID AND LAUN- est spot in Narberth. It is. and the service is the
Avery S. Denuuy, Pastor. DRESS (colored) best in town. The various refreshing drinks are
sec Swan-Ill'ck ~a\-ill, Hoariug Bill
CUlllmer. Count du Marais, Zephyr COOK AND DOWNSTAIRS mixed by those who know and whose business it
Sunday, Octoher ~6th: Cllwall, lit' ,/Ohll, the Battleship Agl'llt, HELPER i. to give you the best Sod•• Sundae or Ice Cream,
ll.-!-fi A. M.-Bible School. Classes sl'a tpd at the pillochlo table 'presided GENERAL HOUSE WORKER you ever had.
1'01' all. Men's und \Volllen's Bible o,-er by the world's hugest consumer of OR ASSISTANT COOK
Come in aDy time. Make our fountain your place
Class. New song llooks. Sl'llsntion Long Cut, the Hight Honor- HOUSEKEEPER
of rest. At the same time
11 A. M,-l\1ol'lling worship. Ser- ahle .J. Howard Wilson. No Illore do
Illon by pastor, "A Call to Ad,-ance," I Iwar thl' l'loqlll'nt silence of our Main Line Employment Bureau " TAKE HOME A BRICK"
Ill'ut. I: 6-7. Speciul Illusic by the ~t n'et COllllni"sionl'r, whom I under- ROOM No. 5 of our delicious Ice Cream
Quartette, directell by Mrs. T. O. Lune. stalul is now interested in the dog Telephone, Ardmore 1163
~Irs. Trowbridge will sing a spl'eiul se'
Il'diou to the children.
hllHilll'SS, being" ownel' of the Hum-
phreys Kennels, the bmw of his neigh-
T. B. SMITH, Druggist
i P. IIL-B. Y. P. D., Lpader Les- hors on tht' South Siue. But it givcs NARBERTH and ARDMORE
. 'c"to ".
Phone 672 100 ESSEX A VENUE :~ .."l! 8~
" ~'"
._'" .."" .c." " ..""

.. ..!:!
...8"= 0. ""...u
~ " ~:
-.c .....
u" .
:/" ~8
..... .!~"
~e::; ~

0 ril
8< p."cn
~8 iil
oS .e8
:s Labor Yards Labor Material Labor ~rii
"u :s.~
Automobiles meet all trains tbroughout tbe day and evening.
JaD. UOO 00 89930 $1 08 $115 15 $1 44 8187 60 434 $5 41 $53 19 $3441 $53 48 $610 97
After 10 P. M. by appointment. Feb. 100 00 3960 80 11078 I 04 1256·1 885 768 1600 7047 471 91
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. March 100 00 2500 100 51 10646 804 12 38 10080 2033 136 56 602 03
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. April 10000 1665 8946 1 75 112 20 266 55 00 734 28 17 6776 468 33
May 10000 32.20 15098 1250 6,122 134 93 18 160 44 1060 5042 12869 703 13
June 100 00 47 45 19748 2278 ~i4 50 70 177 55 27561 1297 2750 5664 11329 1061 77

Thinking of Building Your Own Home Some Day? July

100 00
100 00
89 80
191 3f>
214 15
2·1 19
10 92
:n 00 flH 11~

41:1 :39
l:!·U~, Hi
:n .15
11 00
21 70
41 118
65 ,10
1066 70
2012 05
One of the First Considerations Should be Location, and Sept. 10000 17804 14367 1500 37 121 78 22:1 gil ~nl HI 3 67 65 50 111 91 1770 06
Good, Available Locations in Narberth are
Getting Scarcer Every Day
We have for sale at this time at reasonable prices two choice
Frank Reginelli George Alexander
Whitewasbing by Spray or Hand
sites that merit your serious consideration:
Jules Junker Inc.
Northwe.t corner of Narberth and Che.tnut Avenuel, a little more
Narberth Shoe Store Hou.e Cleaning Rug. Beaten
H ••tera Taken Care of
than eeventy·five feet front on Narberth Avenue, one hundred and twenty
feet on Ch••tnut A"enue, and a little deeper on the north line. and 53 Pro.pect Ave., Bryn Mawr, Pa. FR.ENCH BAKERY
South .id. of Che.tnut Avenue, nearly oppolite Maple Avenue, .bout
fifty front, one hundred and twenty-five feet deep. Repair Sbol? JOBBING ALTERATIONS
Real Estate Broker
209 HAVERFORD AVENUE Clarence A. Speakman ROLLS T.. t.phon. NARBERTH, PA.
Narberth 6-05 1001 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA Carpenter and Builder
g,""l condition', and Street Commission- Pholle 1652-R Narberth
104 Forrest Ave., Narberth
PI' Humphrr)',; and his IlIPn an' dc~cl'\'­
Repairing Appliances
ing of congratulations ou their work.
EARL E. SNOVV 'rhere .are, of course, sections of some
For convenience of our
Electrical Contractor of our avenues that were includetl in patroms in this Vicinity.
the original rf'l'air program, hut which, 6041 Woodland Avenu.... \ Philad,,!phia
5007 Westminster Avenue on account of the roadway l)eing iii Auto Service Tuesday ar.d Friday
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. fairly goo" ('OJIl1ition aud our borough DROP A CARD AII'll WE WlLL CAl.!.
I .. ·jng 'l,nll',what limited, will
JI:l\'P til go O\"l'l' l1n111 next yeaI'. HARRY B. WALL
For - Good - Work - See Plumbing, Gas Fitting
30 Jobs within the last 2 months are 30
reasons why we should do your work
E\TJJt:"' :lfP (·ro\Ytling l'aeh otlll11' nt nUl'
The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
MARTIN & HENRY Y. ~r. C. A. as tIll' fall ,,,'ason or adiyi-
tit's eOJIIIlI(lJlel':-i.It is 0111' de:-;il'c tu nf-
fOI',1 faciliti.·s to all our organizations
234 Haverford Avenue H. C. FRITSCH
Decorators for their Illeetings, hut it "'ill he qnite
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed,
Cleaned, Pressed and Remodeled
PnpertJes For Rent and
Fire Insurance
necessary in the future for a,ll organ- Work Called for and Delivered
Interior and Exterior Painting
izations to confCT with our Gencral French Dry Cleaning a Specialty BeD Phone 109 If.
153 MONTGOMERY AVENUE Secretary at the building for reserva· Bell 'Phone 1284 J "LID BondIng. Narbertb, P..
Phone Cynwyd 895 CYNWYD, P A.. Time of meetings and demand for
rooms must not eon'fiict. To avoid dis- The Misses Zentmayer's
appointment, pleaS() mako your engage-
We are showing a full line of '919 Imported
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes
ments with the Socretary in definite SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN
form and in time to insure the best of
service to all.
Will Reopen September 17, 1919

Good Work Being Done

by Our ShadelTree A DOLLAR SAVED IS Narberth Register
Commissioners A DOLLAR EARNED
Two Linea, JOe per inue; Sc for each additional line

Ke1m, H. O. C.rtlfied Public Accountant.
Loos, l"anllY H. 1'1:11I0 teacher.
During the past couple of weeks a lot
of excellent work 1ms been done
BURN 202 Dudl.y av-. Phon•• Narberth 100-W.
Lee.' Garaee--Repalrlng, IDte. Phon., 1806.
StUdio, Arcadc moll'. I'hone, 31<l-J.
throughout our borough by tho Narberth 310ntgomery Garage. Phone Narberth 1624. Jell'erles, J. H. III Narberth aVe.
Shado Trbo Commission, under the di·
rection of 'Chairman Wohlert. Low
Rainey-Wood "Domestic " Sec display udvcrtlsement In this issue.
Sarberth Garu!:'e. Phone Narberth 1633.
See displu ... ud\'ertiselllent In this issue.
Phone. 668-H.
Tyson, Warren R. 200 Woodbin. ave.
Phone. 1202-'W.
hanging tree branches that have for a Cculo;ore, Sallie. Phone, G25.
long time been not only on eye-sor~ Sec displu~' advertisement In this issue.
Fenton. Carl F. 606 Eesex ave. Phone, 818-W
Phlla. addr.... 1808 Ch••tnut at. Loouat "I.

~Iain Line Auto L"undry and Garage. ZentmaYer, Joseph. 228 S. 15th st., Phlla.
and a nuisance, but a positive menace IJhone, ViZ. PAINTERS
to the eyesight of pedestrians, have Sec dlsplu~' udvertiselllent In this issue. Walzer, Fred.
BANKS 117 Winsor aVe. Phone, 1247-J.
been cut down. This trimming has also Merion Title '" Tru.t Co. :Phone. Ardmor. I.
See display advertisement In this luue. PAPER HANGERS
imprcved tlle gcneral appearance of our Witte, Goo. A. Fairview av••
BUILDERS Phone, Cynwyd 778-J. Flr.t-ol... work.
various aven,ues aud is a splendid mo\'e Smedle,'. \Vm. D. '" H. T. Phone. 600.
in the right direction toward beautify- See display advertl.ement 1ft this tuu•. PIIOTO PLAYS
And You Will Sa.... Maoy Doll.... CANDY. ETC. ·'Arcadla," 16th and Chestnut st•., Phil..
ing our home town. Da,·b. II. E. :Phon., 1264-W. See display advertisement In tbl. I••ue.
The Shade Tree Commission was ap' See display adverlliement In thl. luue. PLUMBING, ET().
pointed by Burgess Downes under the
tlenkln., Chas. L.
Cook, Wtnfleld H. Phone 1210-J.
See display advertisement in this luae.
103 Dudley ave. Phone, 182-M, Wall, H. B. Pbone, US-J.
authority of an ordinance passed some H .. a Hiaber Perc.ntag. of Carbon and Gi'l'•• Lei. A.b. SII_kman. Clarence A. Phone 1652-R. See display adv.rtl••ment In thl. luu•.
time ngo by Council providing rules and See display advertisement In this issue.
regula tions for the cnre of sh ade ~r'ces I'ratantonl, James. '" Sons. Caldwell 6f, Co. Phone, 1271-W.
within the borough. Under this ordi· OCTOBER PRICE- 23!J Hampden ave., Narberth. Box 270.
See display adv.rtlsement In tbl. luu•.
FrItsch, H. C. Phone, 252-W.

nance plans made' by the Commission Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood avo Phon., 193-W. See display advertisement In tbl. I••u•.
Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4262. Keltb Bldlr. Godtre7, Wm. B.
lUld expenses eontemplatell must be ap DRUGGISTS 114 Wood.ld. ave. :Phone, 886-W.
Howard's. Pbone, 1267. Na.b, Robert J. Pbone, 606.
proved by Council.
(Nut Size) See display advertlsement In thl. I••ue. Money tor Flrlt and Second Mortlralr••.
Simpson, James C. 232 Essex aVe.
SmIth, T. B. Ardmore, Pa. Phone. 836. or 1420 Chestnut .t.
Sec dlsplny ndvertlsement In this issue.
Repair Work Puts Bor- Per Gross Ton. "Chuted In." PUlrh, Veri 226 lona ave.
Nar. Phone, 660-W. Ard, Phone, 181-J.
Gars-MeGInley Co. Pbone, 126S-W.
See display advertisement In tbl. Is.u•.
Hiller, Jobn A. 241 Ions ave. Phone. 881-J.
Smedley, E. Q. Phone 1255-\V.
See display advcrtLsement In this issue.
Shop. 248 Haverford ave. PhOn.. 1226-.1,
Good \Vear Shoe Repair Sbop,
Good Condition If He Can't Supply You, Call
Imllerlal Grocery Co. Pbone. Na.rberth 608.
:\Iu.rmolnal, ,JOIlll. Al'dlllOre, Pn.
Constantine, B. G. :!!j:'! I-Inverford ave.
Xext to CoolCs Coni Ynl'd.
Sl'E' dlsl,lay utlvertlscment In this issue. TAILORS
PremONt. H. Phone. 1254·J.
With tho exception of Dudley and
Distributor ~or Narberth, Wynnewood and MeriCln INSURANCE
Ilo\\,man. Samuel P. (Lite.) See display advertisement In this issue.
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 663-W. WHITE W ASJIING
Conway avenues, between Windsor and
Haverford avenues, where the work will C. P. COOK, Narberth JoncH, ChaB.
305 S. Narberth ave. Phone, 682-J.
"'ones, \Vm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,
Alexan.ler, Geor/re.
See display advertisement In this lune.
bo finished as soou as possible, Street 680-J. Phlla. address, Penn Mutual Bldlr.
Trnth'r Bros. (Fire. 'etc.)
Commissioner Humphreys has practi- 209 Woodside ave. Phone. 1262-R. The above department SDOUld be ot tho
cally completed the qnite t'xtensiye pro- Sales Agents: W.]. RAINEY LAWYERS
Gllro,'. John 211 Easex ave. Phone, 1246-R.
createst use to tbe community, tbe list con-
tains the name ot every proteaalonal man.
gram of street repair work lllappt'd ,n;t Phlla. address. r.lneoln Bldg. tradesman. mechanic, ebopkeeper. etc., Wbo
Real Estate Trust Building, Philadelphia Stites. Fletcher n·. 4Ja Havertord ave. does or can fn any way serve blM tellow·
by Council at the 'beginning of the "IPll- Phone. 372-W Phlla. addre.s. Crozer Bldlr. townsman. and who Is progresalve enoulrb
Telephone 8483 Walnut LIGHTING FIXTURES
mer. But for the set-hacks in July to add name to list ot Regl.ter.
1Ilcl>llllaJd Jolm. Narberth phone, 1288. As It Is dlmeult tor those eontrlbutlnl
eaused by the rainy "'eather an,1 the 1533 Chest. st.. Phlla. Phone. Spruce 1118. their time and etrorts to the production of
~IEATS, ETC. "Our Town" to personally either know or
delay in tllO nrrival ill Narb'J:th of Send for Free Descriptive Booklet Cotter. Boward F. Phone. 1298, Interview all such. It would be mo.t help·
See dlsDlay advertlsement In this ISlua. tul It tbose !lot now tound In the prlnt.d
shipments of stone, the street work : "How to BUID RAINEY. WOOD 'Domestic' Coke" Hertzter, ,John B. Narberth.
~ec display advertlRement In this issue.
n.t would .end In a ot tbelr nam••.
would all have been finished some tillle. : address. pbon. numbers and bu.ln..... or
llllLK protesslon. tor listing. Tbl. wll1 oo.t as tol·
Our borough streets are now in really I Seott-PoweD Dalrlu. Pbone. Preston 2398. lows: 10 cents eaoh Is.ue tor I line.: 5 oenu
See advertisement In tbl. ISlue tor eacb additional lin••

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