Our Town September 27, 1919

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~[t'sSl's. Shaw and Warwiek again The sunllllury of the JlllItehes pluyed
pro\'l'd their skill :ulll prow... ss as dJ:lJII- durillg the past week follows:
Announ'· ... IIl"nt Illade last weck hy the engnged drawing in the \"arions strings
pion douhles playl'rs last Satunlay,
local Y. 1>[, 'C. A. of their proposed
plans for expandillg th ... ir preseut plant
that go to make up the rope which will
tic the entire plan together, after which
THE FIRESIDE when tlll'y wou the tiual mateh iu thl' Men's Singles.
donbll's tournameut of the Narberth Sl'lIIi-finul round-Kirl<patri ... k ,Iefeut-
were h,'artily supported iu (,xpl'ession, the /iurd ,Ietails nIll] data will he ready
~rr. \Vm .• 1. .1(lIll's has returncd after Tl'nuis Association. It wa, a good ",] Newell, 6-], 6--4, 6-4.
made to oJlicl'rs of the Associat iOIl. for auuo11llcemeuL
a two w('e]{:,,' r('~t at ""1'1'1l L'r:q" illp, IIla1clt throughout, aud many of Ih,.
The plans arc to mak,' th(' Associa- The Ul:lJlY ho~'s of our comlllllldt~· are Men's Donbles.
ganll'S \\'('rl' hotly pon\('st ... d.
tion somethiug that will nHI1,e en'ryone waiting with ,'ag... r aUlicipatiou the
au,] ~(rs, B. G. Simpsoll al'l' spl'ull- lu the siugh's toUl'llaJlll'Ut it is hop... d Filial r01md~Shuw :ll1d Warwick de-
want to joiu aud boost :l1ong a worth- cOJlsullllaatioJl of this hig work. Thpy
ing Ihl'ir \"aeation at O"l'au Cily, X. ,I. Ihat the liual mateh will Ill' played this feate,] Kirl<patriel< a1111 Staples, 6-2,
while ci\'ic mo\"elll ... nt, anll to s"ellre th ... ,Il'sen- ... all thc 'l'own can gi\'c them,
Saturday afteruoon, Sepll'mhel' ~i. The H-2, 2-6, 6-2.
benefi ts to 1ll' oJl·cred. these bo~'s of ours, aad ~arberth will
Li,'ut. Jl arry 1(,'lso, of ~r L'l'ion a \-e- "outestauts will he W . ./. Kirkpatri('k
A natatorium will he popUlar with not he fouud laeking when it coml'S to Mixed Doubles.
nul', has retlll'll("] fl'OUI Camp Hum· all'] th" \\"iuul'l' of thl' Wanl"id,-Yaa
both young and oJ,1 anll Illany a day pro\'i,]ing iutelligent, healthflll and up- 1li" HlIlllphrl'ys anll ~Ir. R. To\~n
I'hl'l'Ys. ..\uk"11 sPllli-liual, wltieh it is ,'xllI,,·t,'cl
anl! e\" ... ning will no llouht fillll li\"ely huilcling f:ll'i]ities to l'nterlain, instl'lll'l ,]"f('ated :\Ir. alld Mrs. Grugall, 6-2,
will lin Ve heen playl'll lH't \\'('('11 ,. going
groups splashing to their he-art's con· and guidl' Ihe youth 01' the eomlilunity, (i-a.
~Ir. W. H. D. Hall g;:I\"l' a small hridg" 10 pn'"s" time aud Sallll'da~' :JI'll'rlloou,
tent. Th,'n, too, the enlarg.. d an,1 \\'ell whi('h is not only "s""lltial for thl'ir
part~' la,,1 1I"'l'k ill honor of his hirth- The ,]ouIo1,'s ('ouso!a I iOIl lilla Is w ... n, COllSolation Singles,
Tegu]ut(lcl gault' )'ounlS arc ~onH'thillg gonel, hut 1'01' 0111' OW11 good as a Town,
,lay. wou Io.\' DOlllll'Ily au,] "[usehamp ill II '8l'I'O II ,I ruulI,I-DuBn'" defeated
that will appeal to hoth men alld ho.\·" a ~tat", au,] a ConJltr~'.
"\Jr"ad,\' a goo,1 Jlullll,,'r of pllhli,'- lin' "l't l1l:ddl agaillst WilliaJII' allli 1'holJlas, (i-4, 6--4.
who will he proddl',1 for sl'parall'1y in
spiritpd citizl'us Ila\"l' gotten hl'hill'] ~II', IIar\"I'~- n. XIIl'l'igan, one of our \\'hitul'.\', ill \I,IIi,"1 thp hOHOI'S \\"PJ"l'
lille with Illodem and apl'ron',l lIlelh- Consolation Doubles,
f01"l!1L'r Coun,'ilml'n. is ill at his honle ,hal'<'d ,'qllall.\· h.\· Iooth teams, ~[r.
Olls. Thl' pro.ket with g,'nl'ron" oll'cl" 01' as-
OIl \\'oo,bidl' a\"enlle. DIlBn'l', th,' ouly olle of the thr,'(' S""OIl'] roulI,l--Willialll' alld \Vhit-
"istaucl'. 11 i' Ilol,,'d allll "Xpl'('lt't! tllat
The al1<litorilllll fealure is 0111.' Ihat 1'l'1'('l'l'l':"\ who "suryiv('ll'" thp ('oIIfL'~t, Ill'." lI'on frolJl TOIll pkins :uHI Kruse by
all will W:lnt to Ill'lp in th"ir 011'11 way,
appeals to tlll' entir... "tlllllllllnily, 1",- ~Ir. :1111] :'I [I-s. C. I', POII'kl' ha\'e 1','- "lIll'rtaill"'] th ... ]11a.\'''rs :IIHI thl' onlu01,- ,I" fa III t.
rlllt! opportnuity willI", all'ol',1<'t! shortly,
,'ailS'" it will aO'on] a pIa .." for all illl- tlll'lIl"] to :;-..'''l'h''l'th afkr a \'isit 10 n'la- ,'rs with bits of hrilliallt rl'parl"", tILlIs FillalrllulHI-llollllelly alld ~Ius .. hulllp
In th,' JI"'antilll", think thl'''c thing"
portallt gathering=-- of OUI' 'rOWll, \\'h('n~ I in's ill Cana/]a. ll':lillt:lillill~ his plI:-:itioll as Ollt' of thc' <ll'f"at,'d Williaills aud Whitlley, 6-3,
o\'pr. 'I'all, about th"11i 'I"ilh ~'ollr ul'igh-
llIt.ll)tin~:-;. (,lltertailllll(lllt:-;, elt" (':Ill hp thn'l' "hid' .i,'''ter" of I]", ,·ourls. I-ti, H-:1, 0-6, 7-5.
hoI', alld 1,,' sllrprised at th,' Illlil'orillity
J1<'ld in a "afl', ,'IIl'.. rful an,] ,·olllfortah1 ..
pIa,·". Bl'side", it will IIl'o\"i,h' fa('ilili,'s
of opinioll ill fa\ol' lit' :t ('1I11111111ltit,\' ~Ir. all,] ~II" ..Iallll" p, nonnl'll,\' l\"i!1 ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _._--------
I", III hOll'" at ~Ii,,, 1'0'l"\,,s arl,'r O"to,
for Illolioll pidllres of high md"r whi"h
('Puter thaI will 1I0t lI;:ly 1", a "r",]it
to thp aln'ad.\~ st rOllg l·j\,jt' :"\pil'it of I "'I' l"t. Main Line PRAISE FOR NARBERTH GROWN
it is pxpel'lpd will I", "htl\\"n two or
1hJ'('(' ('''l'llings e:H'h "cl'le
Onr '1'011'11. hilt will Illark :;-..'arllt'rth alollg
th .. ~laill Liul', "lid ill Il,c ~tat", :1" th" :'Ill'. 11. \Y. Kal'"I"ll:' alld I'alltil.\- aI'" Bowling League It i" 1"0 lat .. 1l0\\' I'llI' th ... ]!II!' "':<SOIl,
8l'vpral ('Ollllldttpt'S of tll\' ..:\~s(H,ia­ h':tllp1' H1HlIJlg' thost' fllrt\sightl'll ('011)- setlll"] in tlll'il' 111'1\" hllllie 011 \\'ood' Thl' :'Ilain Lill" Howlill,~ L,'agu" will hut u,'x: 1S"l't"IIlI,,'r WI' will "L'rtainly
tinH ha\'l' IH'('II \\'()rl\i)q,~' Oil tlIi:-; J'I'OjL'('t Iliuniti .., ',.]Ii,'h prol'it!" 1'01' tl,,' proppr ~idf' :n"C'lltH'. 'Iarl th" lir"t gallll' 011 W,',111(·,,<la.\', U,·· Jil"'" to ha\"(' a \"arlll'rlh Dahlia bhow.
for 111:111.'" month:--, and :ll't' HO\\" hll:,i1:v d,·\'p!opIIlI'1I1 of it:' 011'11, f"i,,'r Sth, Ihltlill" growu i UOUI' 10ll'U \\'pr par-
~Ir. \\',Jll"r ..\, Fox. "I' \"arhrollk Park, ..\1 H J'('l't'lit lllt'l'ling' iht' following lieul"r1y JiIlL' this s,'asou, aUII th re i~
i~ att(\lldillg' tlip ~\d\·t'rtbil1g COI!\"(lnt-ifJll ollkl'l's \\"('l't' t'l('I·t 1'(1 for t lit' l'IIS\li Ilg "I'('ry ilid il':< t iou t ha t next .\"l'a I' there
i,,"'" .. ight, ,'xl'1u"i\'" of the tl'aeh ... rs of ill X(l\\~ Or](1:lns., .\'I':lr: Pl'l'sicll'lIt-, Hoht'rl f:. ~ayil11'~ will Ill' 1'\'('11 JllOn' ilJ1.('fCl-it :-iho\\'H in
PJI.";-.il'al Trailling, ~lt1;-;ic alit! Art aud
I~irst Yi('e-l'n'sid"lIt, G,'org'e K ~Iat­ tJli:-; linl' ~l\IJt('lIIh('1' Hower.
J )UIIIl..':-.t i(, ~('it·Ill·l·. Erl'!'." 1I1l'IIIhl'l' of
~ll's. W, ..\1'11,"1' (""1,, lI·ill \'lSlt :'III'S. thi:lS; ::-;I'/'ll II ,I "i,','-Pre,idellt. \\'. Law- "\"{llllg Ih,' I,,,,:" d:Illiia L'1I1!Jusiasts
rl", II i;.;'11 ~ .. llool facult,'" has had l'xp... ri-
\Vm. S, HIll'lll'l' Ill'Xt \l"l'l'k aft<'1' ha\"ing n'1I1',' AII"II; ']'1'1'11"11 1"1'1'. I)a \" id :'II. UlIIIl- \rt' 1uight 1Ill'lltioll, lin,,;!, 'Of (·t111I'~P, the
C'IIL'" prior to ,'oluing to :;-..'arlll'rth, and
.'/,"11 t ,'"nll' t illl" in :;-.."'1\" York Ci Iy, "".\'; '<';",'r,,!al'.\", Charles ~1,·Cn'a. "l'lf-''''l'I:Ii''\l,,1 •• Duhlia Killg," :::;ir
the eolh'g"'s r",pl'l'scnl .. d are COI"1Il'II,
Hl'}H)l't:"\ 1'1'0111 the' yarioll:-i 1lI:lllag-('l':"\ lI"llri Bo~L', w!Jo 1,'1 il Ill' kllOWIl is he-
Tl'a .. hl'r'· CoIll'g,· l'olllillhia ['nin'rsiT.I',
:,n,1 ~Ir". AlI,,'rt Eyl'l' :In,1 ,Iaugh- illlli,,:lte Ih ... tl'allis will 1", slrellgtlll'lIpll iIlg 1,11 I'll pl'l'sSL'd hy the followiug pre-
\\-ib')JI, Haticlitre, All,'gh,'ny, \'assar,
tpl' :trl' hOHlt , again anf')' Spflllilinf,; the owillg to Illany of thl' hoys ha\"iIlM re- !l'lld,'r, to th" throllL': .Iohn B. Wil-
:--\WHl'tllIll01"l', IJl'l'xpl Ill~tittlh', ~.\·ra('lI:-'l·
Sl11111ll('1' at O('t'~111 Cit-y, X . .1. t nI"JIC"] fronl ll\"l'l'Sl'as.
t'nin'rsily, ::;t. La 1I'l'l'nc ... Cnil-el',ity, lilllllS, Bob Etlg:<r, DoL' Pi"dkr, Il ... rh ... rt
,],here are llIallY MOlHI hllw!Prs ill Xar- Yowl'Il, anti, \\'l' have uo ,Ioul>t, Illauy
l·nin-rsit.\" of l'enn"yh'ania aud Oberlin.
~ll's. Hl'h:l lIofl', of \\'.\'(·omh,', 1':1.,
School Notes Tht, ~arhl\rth ~('huols art' Ol'gHllizl'tl
011 the six-"ix pIau; th,' 1011''''1' six grad,'s
s]1l'nt "l'n'ral days with ~Irs, H. A.
hpI'1h 11'110 lla\"" 1101 lJl:ld" any :IIII'lJlpt
iu past ~'ears 1ll elllllP out allll h"I'Olnl'
Ll't's ke"p Ihis iu JIIiuti alld plan for
.la,·oh", of Ell1lll'o'HI an'nue. lle'luaillted an,1 Iry for th,' \"arh"rtlt a Dahlia :-;ltow n,'xl. Sl'plelJl"er,
l'f1IIlIH'i~illg- the EleJll(llIt:ll'Y ::;tlwo), the
School Motto. t (':1111, Ll'l id I \\'h 0 ('a 11 how I "on,,' Oll t
uPI,,'r six the .Juuior aud tlPlIior High.
"Withont 1laltillg, without H'st, ~ll's. S. L .. 10111'" :llld hpl' son GI'Ol'g" alll] \"i,it Ihe !o!'al Y. ~I. C. A. howling
I';'l'r,'" 111l'nd,,'r of Ih .. faculty of the
Liftiug hetter up to hest." han' )'l'lul'll"'] to their hOll1l' on \Vill,l- all",\'" lllH] eXJlI"'"'' Ih"ir ,h'sire to howl The new aeriea of the Narberth
1';lplIll'lIlar.\" ::;,'11001 i" ,'xlll'ri,,",'(';1 an,l
\V I~ 'HE OFF.
.... OJ' :IVl'nnr. lI'illt ~urlH'rth, Building A ..odation opened at
holds a 1,,'I'lnaueut :-;t"t" ""rtilil'llt" 01'
Ell('h all'] "\'I'r~' jwrsoll lI'ill han' a the September .meeting; but new
The WI';lJCO~IE sigu that gn"'ll',1 C\orIlla! diplolllll.
:'I[is;; '.Ial·,\' Chalfallt, of Chpstnut a\'('- fair, ('qual "11:11)('" to howl on th ... :\'ar- aharea can be taken oat at the
pnpils, teachers and par"'lI1s iu en'ry
Athletic Notes. 11\1(', js attt-'1Hlill~ "~iboH Cnlh1gp, at ),,'rth t"alll this year. October meeting, lirat Thur-day
1'00111 sp"'lls th ... ).;arberth School spiriT-
A lIl""tillg of thl' '1Ild"lIls wa" hl'ltl eha nll)('rshnrg, Pa, COIJll' on, ~-ou howlel's lllll] l"I'I"','s"lIt in October, at the Fire Houae,
Well Come.
1111 Frit!ay to launeh th ... ]!ll!I-~U Ath- Xal'hl'rth alld nssist iu hringill~ hOlnl' from 7 to 9 P. M., by the payment
\Ve han' \Vell Come. Th,' S ... hool I
It,t i(~ A;,,;:-;ol'iatioll. <'\lIl1lllittel's arc be- Thl' Hp\'.•1. E. Ni<l",'k('l', of \Vc)(lIbi,l ... of the September and October
thl' hal'oll, nanll'l~', the trophy I'Up.
stands for moral, phy"ieal allli mCIlI al a \','nnp, had a hil'lhda.\- part~· last \\'I'ek, duea.
de\'eIopllll'nt. En'ry pupil SOOIl realiz,'s
ing appoint"d to a ... cept IU"'lllh ... rship en AS. 'r. WEAVp.n, ~[angl'r,
dues, alit! to ,. roun,1 up" t hl' careless Thl'I'P W(lrf..l SC'\,PlIh'l'lI g'u('~ts at the Nal'herth Bowling Cluh.
that. :In<l iuditl'l'I'l'ut. \\'" hesitatl' to say, l'''lehration.
The incli\'idnal anll 'his relation to bllt lllll;;t admit. :\'arherth, likl' all other
the group is the shoje('t of lirst COII- SOLDIERS' LETTERS VLAlSSU'lEIJ AIJ\'EllTlSKME~T~
s('hoo!:', '1l11'l'I', b"I'auS(' of a fl'1\" iudif- Thl'J'(' a n' now tl\'('I\'" housl's (,olllpl!'t-
si,leration. L ... I t!'lS of soldiers wl'itten to home
fl'rl'nt pUJ.ils, l"ortullall'ly, th,'y ar... p,l in :;-..'al'11rook Park alld work is und"r
I'wo c~ntl! per word each lnlll'ruoD. oub
foIl,s frolll C:lJlll' and th ... fi ... ld will
A Heception COlllmittee of upper •• fl'1\" all,1 far betl\"een." wa~' for six oth ... rs, to 1)(' ('Olllplctl'll Ill'- In advance. No adVerU.emenl I<Cc.pted Un-
1'01'1' wint ... r.
1'ro\"e of gr...at inter...st all,l nllll,h his- Jt!8& CAsh accompanlell copy.
c!lIsslilen an,] teadl ... rs gr...... te<1 pupil>; A H'-"l'ption aull Sodal Commit Ie... is
toric:d ndue in future ~· ...ars. The P ... nn-
n... w IlIll] old. 1>lotlwrs dill not n",,'d to b ... ing earcfully ehoS('n. Ush ... l's an,1 WANTED-;l[arried couple wants din-
~yJyauiu War Histury COlIIlJlis"ioJl, the
wandel' about hUllting roollls. N ... w stu- dooJ'kee]JPl's are to be electlld. ~Ir. Samupl p, Bo\\"man and family
uJlicial hody for the gathering of such ner (e\"ening). South side preferred.
d ... nts w ... re 1I0t "lost in the crowd." The footh:J11 squIIlI ... Jl'clell Gus En1- ha\"e rl'tuTlll'<1 to thl'il' ElJllwood ave. Box !l6G, Narberth.
Jllutl'l'ial, is anxious tu cIIlarge it~ cul-
Yes, ther... is a ~arb ... rth High ::School. JJlan as JlUlllng-pr. The ti(~h('ullll' of g:lIllf.l:-; 11111' home fl'olll O('l'all 'City, whl're they
han' IH'pn spen'lillg the SUIII JIIl'r. 1e"lioll of .Ul'11 lPtt ... rs. ]t will w ... lcolJle WANTED-A refiued yOIlllg wOlllan to
This is in aUS'\'er to frelJuent illC\uiry is lll'i ng completed.
n ... \\"spaper clippings 01' original letters help in care of hoy Two years old ill
hy n"'w eonl ... rs. Narherlh can bl' proud 'l'he hask ... tball s'lualls han! l'ledl'd
I'rOIJl lIIen who weI'''' in the s ... r\'ic.... ]n Itollle three Illi!es from Narherth. \Vrite
of a Pl'nnsylvania lirst-clas" High La 1\"!'L'nel' Houston and Emma ~rulll'1' as TIll' Dohson alld Lansllowlll' haseball
!l'ams arl' til"] for thp :'I1'ain Line eham- ease th ... retul'll of originals is d sired, 1', O. Box 7G;l, Narberth. (50-p)
School. 'fhis mcalls a fnll foul' years' Jutlnagcl's.
l'ionship, th!' L:lIl",lown,' Cluh Imdllg th,' Conllnis,ion will copy th ... I tters
COllrse \vi I h an Illlt"luate faculty, ade- Hl';.:n!al' practilO" in foothall hegins
and r"tul'll th ... original 10 the o\\"n,'r. WANTED-Board and rOOIll in pri\"uto
(Inat" faciliti"s allll "ljuipnll'lIl, prepar- n,'xt week. tm'ne,] tIll' t:dlil's on th" Dohson Cluh
'Thl' COJllluissiull Jllay at :-JOllIe tillIC jn family for youug L'ouple, Oct. 1st.
ing pupils 1I0t ollIy for hettl'r l'it iZl'lI- Girls' haskdhall work he;.;ills Odo- at Stl"Uwhri,lg;e & 'Clothier fil'l<1 last Sat,
t h fut IIr... publish a eolIcction uf sui· 1'. 0, Box no:!. (50-c)
ship, hut for entrancc to college. bel' 15th. unlay.
di rs' I... ttl'rs. ] f this is uIll.!prtuk ... n,
The nllnllllUIll gralluation r""I"ire- Literary Society. DAHLIAS-Cut Plowers for sale. Or-
H('nr~' A, Pryp, who has he!'n spelld.
it is l]l'sirl'd that all couuti ... s and ,lis·
lIlents will adlllit a ).;arb ... rlh High der roots now for ,1l'li\"ery next spring.
There will he two Literary ::S'H'ieties, triels of th ... :-;taTe ,hall b ... repres... utell
School pupil to 1Il0st of onr' smaller col- ing the snUIIl1l'r at the hOIll(' of his Hl'rlll'rt Yowell, S, E, Cor, Windsor and
onl' ('omposell of 7th unl1 8th grade )lu- in the colke/ion upon which the puuli-
leges; the regular I'<'l)uireml'nls will ad- unl'lP, H. ~r. Chalf:lIIt, of Chestllut a\"l'- Couwuy :I\"es, (50.c).
pils, till" other of gnuh's !l to 1~, Thes,' ,'aT ion was based,
lIlit to any s ... cond or third rank collegl', HUl'. Il'ft this \\'('l'k 1'01' H~ll'\-al',1 Uni-
will med on aItemat ... Fridays. Onl' l\!auy sollli ... rs' letters hu \'e appl'are,1 ESTATE OF MARY L, GOUGH, Dec'd.
and the maximum course a,lndts Nar- vcrsity, wher(' he is taIling a coursl' in
Frillay th ....Junior Soeil'ty 1\"i11 meet aud iu u ... wspap ... rs. Persons possessing a IJett ... rs T,'stamentllry on tho abOvo
berth High School pupils to allY first inll'l'IIationallaw.
the upper foul' classes will have a mass tile of local Iww,papers will perform a cst a te ha dng heen l{ranted to the UIl-
rank college or uni\'ersity on certilicllte ph~'sical tmining drill. On the next s,'rvi ... e 1'01' the Peunsylvauia War His· dersigned, all persons indebted to tho
priVilege-excepting such colleges as Friday the S ... nior Society will llle0t, The Rlliney-\Voo,] "Domestic" Coke, tory Comlllission if they will se11(l ... opi ... s sa id estate arc r...quested to make pay-
grunt no cr.-rtifieute pl'ivill'ge. alld the other grudes will meet for drill. whieh has been extensively ndver,tised of uny prin tl'd letters to the COllllllls- ment, lind those 'having legal claims,
Our gradulltes dllJ'ing the past f ... w Th ... mass dl'iII, or exhibition physi,!ul by the W .•J. Rainey offices, sales agents, sion. present the same without delay to
years hll \-e been found in Sm ith, l\It. truining work, coming thus twiee lIlonth-. is now on the markct ready for dis- The Comlllis,ion is heuded by Gov- '8. SPENm}R CHAPMAN,
Holyoke, Bryn Mawr, Dartmouth, Penn Iy, should interest and stimulate every tribution through C. P. Cook, dis- ernor -Sproul, and correspondence rela t- JOHN ABROWN,
State, Unh'ersity of Pennsyh-anill, stUdent. Uost rigid disl'ipline will, how- tributor for Ntlrberth, Wynnewood and ing tO,its work should be addressed to Exc,'utors.
Swarthmore, Wilson, Haverford, ,Ielfer- ever, be enforced in the- mass drill. ~ferion, and orders should be placed
ALBEJRT E. :MeKINL0Y, Or to their nttorneys, CHAPMAN &,
SOil, Colgate, Simmons lind others. at once to assure early delivery. Many Secretllry, CHAPMAN, 1420' Widener Building,.
The faculty of the High School num· (To be Oontinued Next Week.) (Oontinued on Page 4.) ]:100 Locust street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ph,iladclphin. (2-e1
Ot course, we

hoost a town than to talk about it, Telephones.
deliver - aD,
OUR TOWN rlream about it, and work for it. 1267 place - an,
An Exp"!riment in C(l-operative To the Editor of Oar Towa:
Journalism-No Paid Workers. In the·issue of Our Town September
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Po..
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
:!O there appearel1 un announcement of
Owned and Published every Saturday several proposed improvements in thc A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
by the Narberth Civic Association. local Y. ~L C. A. Merion Meeting is open for worship

Subscription pril'.e one rlollar and fifty

Since tIll' :\Il'morial COlllmittce seems
to he sort of "up u tree" tor a fitting
every First-day morning at 11 a 'clock.
We cordially welcome any visitors who AUTO MOVIES
cents per year in advance.


and propl'r me,J1Jorial tllllt would be a
rl'al token of appreeiation by the pl'ople
of ;\arberth for the sen'ice the young
desire to worship with us.
men rendered ill the war, might it not ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH
he possible to consillpr combining both rM LOOKING" WELL ;rOST fIIE6lfGT
April 24, 1919.
thl' projects IUlll giving ~arberth an ReT. R. F. Cowley, Bector
President-Mr. ,Toseph H. Nash.
auditorilllll, whieh is a real necessity; YOU'LL GeT ALL
Vice-Presidcnt-Mr. James Ar,toman,
a swimming pool, whIch will surely be Early MlloS-s on Sunday trom April
L to Ootober 31 at 7 A. M. From
a pprl'cia t l'11 a nll pa tronizc1l; large ~ame LOOKtN(i
Mr. A. J. Loos, Mr. R. J. Dothard. Novemlber 1 to March 31 at 7 A. M.
rooms for men and hoys, particularly
Secrctary-Mr. R. J. Edgar.
for boys who might he kl'pt off the Late Mass, 9.30 A. rd. throughout the FOR.
Corresponding Secmtary-Miss Frieda l'ear. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and
street C'Hners, anll moving pictures sev-
Schubel. 8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening
l'ral nights a week, whieh ,'an he wcll
Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson. elevations and other services at regu-
supportl'd hy a community the size of
Directors---Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. lar times.
~ arlll'rth.
P. Fowler, Mr. H. R. Hillegas, Mr. Chas.
Till' Ill'esent iuact;\'c Y. M. C. A.

H, A. Chain, Mr. W. R. D. Hall, Mr. H. ALL SAINTS' P. E. CHURCH. HE old saying goes "Look for trouble and you'lI
A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A. Lanahan, Mr. building, with the plot. of ground ad-
joining it on Haverford avenue, is cer-
find it." The man who neglects his auto is
Daniel Leitch, Mr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R.
J. Nesper, Mr. E. A. Muschamp, Mr. tailtl~' an itll'ltl 10l'ation for fiuch fl'atnres Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Rector. looking for trouble and don't know it until after
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr. A. E. Wahlert, and it appears thnt the project coul,1 it happens. Employ us as your car experts and don't
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton M. he appronl1 and financell by the people From now on and including the first
of Xarberth, provided it w('re lllllllaged allow the trouble to occur.
Wentz, Mrs. C. W. Young, Mrs. James Snnday in September services at All

in (l mannl'r to suit the large majority Saints' will be under the auspices of
of the people. the Rev. Gibson Bell, rector of Mont·
HARRY A. JACOBS, Woul,! it not be possible to build a gomery School.
"omhination of S\,-imming pool, fire Any member of the parish wishing

house an,l game 1'00ll1S on the present his administrations will please notify
Henry Rose, plot adjoinin;! the Y. ~r.C. A. on Ha\'- him.
Mrs. Roy E. CIIHk,
A. J. Laos, "rford a,'enue, and makl' a l'l'al Il\Hli- Services will be: 8 A. ",i.-Holy
W. T. Melchior
toriull1 out of thl' present Y. ~L C. A.? Communion. 11 A. M.-Moruing Sen"
Associat" 'itors.
With tltis plan, the re\'l'nue from tlH~ ice.

oltl fire hou,;l' huilding and hall woulll On the first Sunday of the month Holy

he put into the new proposition, which Communion will be held at both tllC
Cashier. nlight hl'Ip materially in finanl'ing it 8 0 'clock and 11 0 'clock services.
and at tlte same time gi,-e thl' Fire Sunday School will open the third
Send all advertising and news items to
P. O. Box 966.
Our Town is on sale at the depot
('ompan~' an up-to-rlate hOlI,;" for their
,·quipnH'nt. There would be no trouhle
Sunday of this month. A goodly num-
her of classes will be formed and par-
in disposing of tlte pl'l'scnt fil'l' hom'e at l'nts arc re'l1lested to tHing or send
newsstand, and at the store of H. K
a good figure.
If tltl' peopll' an' wiIlin)! to raise the
their eltildren when the classes open. For Good Taxi Service
Entered as second-class mattilr
October 15, 1914, at the Post Office at
Blonl'y for the propm;ell Y. ~L C. A.
inlJHo\'l'nll'nts, aud allow tltl' y, ~L C. A.
•• The Little Church on the Hill."
Call Narberth 1633
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under the act to Slll'o,l it for thl'BI and manage the en-
of March, l8i9. tire proposition, '-ery good, but. might it 24 Hour Service
Rev. F. M. Gray, Pastor.
not Ill' Ill'ttl'r to turn tlte whole C01'll1'1'

OUR TOWN will gladly print

any news it~m about any subject
into a community centre which could
he participatl'd in hy evcry resident-
man, woman, -boy or girl-regardle"s of
Snnday, September :!8th:
!lA.) A. ~I.-SlIuday School. Classes
for all agl's. A ,wide'llwake class for
that is of interest to Narberth sel't or creed men taught b~ Hon. Fletcher W. Stites.
folks, but in order to meet the
printing schedule, all "copy"
ThPl'e is a question in the writer's
mind as to whether tltere is room in our
11 A. ~L-)[orning sen-iee. Sermon
by the pastor on "~[y Father's Busi, CALDWELL & CO.
-manuscripts-must reach the
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
town for an institntionof this ma~ni. ness. "
:1 P. nL-First meeting of the Chilo
Real Estate
tude that is primarily limited to Pro·
week. testant young men. Of course, the scope dren's Church with vested choir and Insurance
l'an be enlarg('d to take in others; but object talk by the pastor. All children , Soutb ~Ide NARD ERTB, PA.
would the rcstril'lions of the Y. ~L C. welcome. GARAnteed Roofs At the Stallon

A. be in this case extended to make it a (Continued on Page 3.)

SATURDAY. September 27, 1919 !'l'al Inorlenl ,lemol'ratic proposition?
Till' w ri t PI' 's idl'a is not to knock the
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS Raymond Wei.s, Proprietor .
Fire, 350
Y. :\L C. A. improven1l'nt, hut rather to
show thl' nl'eessity of features that they SABlE CENSORE GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
Police, 1250 ml'ntion 1II1l1 try to promote the whole
proposition 1Il'('or,ling to the spirit of
The Hack Service Man Has Changed EXPERT REPAIRING
til,' tillll'S, IIIHI at thl' saml' timl' to l'on- Telephone Narberth 1633

Editorial si,ll'r a soldiers' memorial whielt will

Ill' a substantlal impro\'ement to the
His Phone Number to Narberth 377
A suggestion is a good thing, l'\·l'll
town, a (,l'l',lit to tltl' ho,vs themSl'h-l's
allll tltl' Jwople who supported thl'1Il in
or Narberth 625. GOOD VALUE
lhl' war for ri~ht. In the following up-tO' date homes:
at times when the suggl,,,tor is not ac-
quainted with the cireumstances, for his
BHrGHT IDEA. Please do not call Narberth 1633 208 Grayling Avenue
6uggl'stion does, at Icast, show that h,' For my sertJice. 34 Avon Road
is giving thl' mattcr some construdi,'e
though t. CLEAN···SAfE···WHOLESOME - - .- - - - - - - - 36 Avon Road

T 11. e l~ ri1ft"-
Criticism has its place, parti"ularly 100 Avon Road
when he who l'rit ie.i;o;es is \\'illin~ to put OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED OTHERS BEING BUILT
his shoulder to the wheel anll help. But
to criticize, a 1111 wonder wh.y "the,"" An olcillating Washine Machine WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
do not do t,his thing or that thing, and of unusual merit. Phone for
Pasteurized Milk \ DELIVERIES
why a ccrtain thing is not done a cer-
BrynclO~ilkCertllled WEST PHILA. demonstration in your home.
tain way, unll then slanll back unas-
(Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
Greenhou.ea Nurserie.
sistingly, is lackin.g everything that 30,OOQ ft. of Illalll
Special "Guernsey" MERION Phone NARBERTH 1255 W 12 houe.e
makes for ,the least bit of progrl'ss.
With the Editor, suggestions aud crit-
Milk WYNNEFIELD Pencoyd Narberth.
(Roberts· '" Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
icisms regardin~ Our Town are in order Dairies) NARBERTn E. Q. SMEDLEY
at all times. They are welcomell; but
a little assistance with thl' l'riticis:u
is more than weleome,l, aad to sa:' the
CreBm Buttermilk
Table Bnd Whipping
Electrical Devicee for the Home. John Albrecht
least, encouraging. Look about the home arounde. nd hav.
This little paper has 1I particular duty your planting done DOW. The ee.eOD ie
for you. It is not a "stay-away-and'
SCOII-POWEll DAIRIES here Bgain, Bnd the wealher conditione
criticize" spirit that thl' E'litor Ill'l'ds.

Have )'OU en'r gonl' 11lll'k ill YOUI'

45th and Parrish Sts. Montgomery Garage are .dvant.geoue.

thoughts to about Kcvcn years ago and Iona A"enue South of Montgomery Pike H. C. FRITSCH
pictured how the.' business srdion of Pupertle8 For BeD& aDd Salt
Narberth looked at that timeY
Of course, those who ha"e come to Cotter's Market Tires Storage'
Fire ID8uraDCl8
BeD PboDe lillY.
our borough since that timc ,'annot ap-
preciate the great change,-a change
very marked, indeed.
Prime Beef, 'Sprinr Lamb, Repairs Accessories ""U BoUdJDg. BarberO, Pa.

Where new stores have not hel'n Country Dressed Veal Ind
erected, great· imprO\'ements have been Pork, Sugar Cured Hams A COMPLETF LINE OF
made in nearly everyone of the older Ind Bacon Open f}ag- and Night ."
bUllincss places, and to-day our 'business SCHOOL SUPPLIES
section is very mode'rn and up to the Bell Phone G. A. KUHN, arcl
You wI71 find prices right
minute in every ,rcspect. We Ilhould be
proud of our rapidly increasing little

Groceriel and ProviaioDI

Narberth 1624 Prop. DAVIS'
town, and there is no better way to
church quartette will sing "The Reel'''' 11 A. M.-Morning worship. Sermon
A ~~ur~.2!A
sional," by DeKoven, and MI'. Taylor theme, "The Sending Forth of the Sev·
• will sing "Christ in Flanders," hy en ty." During this service the group Finest Photoplay The-
Stevens. We extend a hearty invitation leaders will be set apart for their work atre 01 Its Size In tbe
Entire World.
No matter how small your busir ~lis may be, have a bank account. to this service, especially to those who by prayer.
were in our country's serviee.
Pb.toplaya-Contlnuous 10 ~ M. to u.a_
The small merchant who has a bank account establishes his 7.4-;} P. l\L-Evening worship. Senllon P.M.
credit, has safety for his cash, and pays his bills with a check In a Church Notes. thellle, "What Our Chief Work Is, and
Deacons' meeting :Monday evening at HOI\' to Do H."
business manner,
8 0 'clock at the home of the pastor, 202
Church Notes.
You are inuiteJ t D open an account with 118. North Narberth avenue.
Meeting of the Snnbeam Mission At the opening exercises of the school
Band in the church Wednesday at 3 last Sunday :Mr. W. J. Peebles was
formally inducted into the office of su- PROGRAM
P. M.

THE MERION TITLE & TRUST CO. Song and prayer service 'Wednesday
enning at 8 a 'clock. Snbjeet, "Sub-
traction," the second on the theme,
perintendent of the school, and Mr. A.
G. Compton, assistant superintendent.
A substantial leather bag was present-
ed by the school to Mr. R. L. Bcatty,

" Di vine Arithmetic." These meetings

Narberth Office, Arcade Building are well attended and very helpful. the retiring superintendent, and a lland·
some basket of flowers to Mrs. Beatty.
Madge Kennedy
Rally Day will be held on Sunday,
October 12th, morning, afternoon and The entire membership of the church IN
has beon divided into twelve groups,
DR. JOHN SCHEMBS, Jr. evening.
Communion service next Sunday and during the coming woek a "Social

DENTIST morning. Visitation" will be made by twenty-

four group leaderS'. The prayer meet-
"Strictly Confidential"
You will be welcome to any or all of
desires to announce that he has opened his dental office at the th ese services. ing next Wednesday evening will be
held in the intcrests of this work.
S. E. Cor. Grayling and Windsor Ave•., Narberth -Rally Day in this church will be ob- 1I1AIN PRODUCTION STARTS AS NE&B
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. served on October 5. It is hoped that
OFFICE HOURS-Until 9.30 A. M. .. until 9 P. M. Sunday, 9 until 12 AS POSSIBLE TO 10.00 A. 111.. lZ.OO, 2.00,
noo•• every memiber of the church will be in S•.JIS, 1S.41S, 'l'.4IS, 9.30 p. M.
Rev. JOhn Van Ness, Minister. his plnce of privilege and duty on that \
PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-310.311 Perry Bide., 16th and Ch••tnut Sta.
T.I.phon•• Narb.rth 31tl W Meetings for next Sunday:
A number of tllC Indies are expecting
10 A. M.-Sunduy School. Mr. W. J. NORIUIITOWN, PA..
to nttend the Fall Rally of the Presby-
Peebles, superintendent.
terian :Missionary Society, to be held candidate for the Republican Nomlna1lol
News of the Churches EVANGEL. After alterations, we will
next Thursday afternoon and evening
in the Market Sqnare Presbyterian Register of Wills
of Moat'omery CoaalY
(Oontinued from Page 2.) have an Church, of Gennan-town.
Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor.
7 P. l\L-Epworth League. A live UP.YO-DATE, SANITARY
meeting for young people. l\Iusic in
chargc of Capt. Tamblyn. Hours of Service:
Meat Market
7.4!5 P. lvL-Evening service. Sermon
by the pnstor on "The Final Govern-
Sunday, 9.45 A. :M:.-Bible School.
11 A. lvL-M:orning worship. Sermon
h~· the pastor on the subject, "Lif!' 's
Why Not?
llIC'nt." Special music. Why not concede that our Soda Fountain is the cool.
Widening Visions." Text, John 4: 28. est spot in Narberth. It is, and the .ervice is the
Tuesday, 8 P. l\L-Free entertainUlent Oash Business and Low Prices will
The Children's Choir wiII sing and the beat in town. The various refreshing drink. are
for th!) men of the Bibl!) Class and their enable you to
('hureh quartette will give "Lord of mixed by those who know and whos. business it
wives by nrst-class talent. "The best BUY MORE THRIFT STAMPS
Upaven," by Rossi. is to give you the best Soda, Sundae or Ice Cream,
entertainment given in Narberth," is
the, description given by the President T P. M.-Yonng People's meeting. you ever had.
of the Men's Class, ::Ifr. Edgar Thorn' Leader, Mr. Laurence Houston. Sub·
ject, "The -Christian Athlete and His JOHN B. HERTZLER Come in aDy time. Make our fountain your place
IC'r. All men are specially welcome. of rest. At the same time
Training," I 'Cor. 9: 19-27. Report of
Wcdnesday, 8 P. l\I.-Prayer meeting. MEAT MARKET
,",ominating CommitteI'. The new song "TAKE HOME A BRICK"
The pastor wiII continue his talks on hooks will bc used.
the Book of James. 205 Haverford Ave. of our delicious Ice Cream
7.45 P. M.-Demobilization Scrvice.

Thursday, 7 P. 1L-Junior Choir re·
hearsal. 8 P. 1r., Senior Choir rehearsal.
Sunday, October 5th, will be Rally
Welcome home to our soldier boys by the
pastor. Response by Sergt. Harry A.
Simpson. Address, "The Call of the
Dellcioua Meata
Al Hlah Grade Chickens
T. Bs SMITH, Druggist
Day. . Eggs and Butter NARBERTH and"ARD"MORE
Hour, " hy Mr. George W. Braden. The



Specializing AUTOMOBILE LUSTRE RECLAMATION-where cars are thoroughly washed
and poIished.-Tops and Interiors Cleaned by Vacuum


An inatitution in connection with U HONEST TO GOODNESS" GARAGE where every attention ia served
and your fee is INVESTED not SPENT

The installation of every MODERN facility employed together with CAPABLE employeea to MAKE for popular price.. The proper application of
such methods is your SERVICE. Believing that "He Profits Mo.t Who Servea Beat" we will appreciate COMPETITIVE CONSIDERATION. We are as
near you aa your phone. Our. ia NARBERTH 1210.

of Narberth, Penna.
ASK H. E. ARMSTRO"NG, Operating
... , ." •C;f?" .._. • .'>.
~ -. .
. ,



Phone 672 100 ESSEX AVENUE b
j .It"'"
Labor Labor Yard. Labor Material Labor Labor
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
J_. $100 00 89930 $108 $11515 $144 '137 50 434 S5 41 $63 19 $3441 $68 48 161097
After lOP. M. by appointment. Feb. 100 00 396Q 8Q 11078 104 125 54 385 768 1600 7047 471 91

Packages and ~runks promptly called for and delivered. March 100 00 2500 100 51 106 45 804 1288 100 SO 2033 13666 602 03
28 17 5776 468 33
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. April 100 00 1655 8946 1 75 112 20 256 5500 734

Ma,. 100 00 32.20 150 98 1250 64 22 184 93 18 160 44 1060 50 42 128 69 703 13

June 100 00 4745 197 48 22 78 34 50 70 177 55 276 61 1297 2750 6664 11329 1061 77

Thinking of Building Your Own Home Some Day? Jul,. 100 00 22 67 191 35 2419 3100 66 118 07 413 39 31 45 9300 4168 1066 70

100 00 8980 214 15 1092 250 93 1248 16 11 00 2170 6540 201205


One of the Firat Considerationa Should be Location, and

Good, Available Locations in Narberth are ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING & SHOE SHINE PARLOR George Alexander
Gettinr Scarcer Every Day JOSEPH COZZONE Whitewashing by Spray or Hand
6041 Woodland Avenu... W.at Philadelpbia
Jules Junker Inc.
We have for sale at this time at reasonable prices two choice \ Hou•• Cleaning Rug. Beaten
Auto Sonico Tueaday and Friday H•• tera Taken Care of
sites that merit your serious consideration: ...
Nortbwe.t corner of Narberth and Che.tnut Avenue., a little more
than aeventy·five fe.t front on Narberth Avenue, ono hundred and twenty
feet aD Ch.atnut Avenue, and a little deeper on the north 1I.e. JOBBING ALTERATIONS
South .ide of Che.tnut Avenue, nearly oppo.ite Maple Avenue, about
fift;r feet front, one hundred and twenty.five feet deep.
Frank Reginelli Clarence A. Speakman ROLLS
ROBERT u. NASH Carpenter and Builder
Reaid.nc. Tel'phone
Real Estate Broker Narberth Shoe Store Phone 1652-R Narberth 104 fGrrelt Ave., Narberth

. _... _--- ---- and Phone. Ardmore 967 W D.y .nd Night
For convenience of our
Repairing Appliances Repair Shop JOHN MARMORA patroms in this vicinity.
EARL E. SNOW 209 HAVERFORD AVINUE Hanling and Moving
Electrical C ontractoT ANYWHERE
5007 Westminster Avenue Rates Rea.onable ARDMORE, P A. _
House Wiring Philadelphia, Pa. HARRY B. WALL
lI"II'S, l:'ydnil' E, Bo]i('k, Dorothy ~r. FOT - Good - Work - See Plumbing, Gas Fitt~ng
Dnrhin, Elha S.iohollll, E,lith ,I. Hnlll- H. PREMOST and Heating
30 Jobs within the last 2 n10nths al e 30 "!In'.,':,, )!t'ssrs, Wm, Durbin, B. B-
reasons why we should do your work
RuntZI'll, Philip l~nutz('n, \Vaynl' lIar-
. ris, Lcsli .. \Y. 811lith, C. O. 1I1II1Iplltpys,
The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
Phone 1210 J JOBBING
(". H. Tay]or, ])ona1<l Fai1<', A. B. 8n;I"I'- 234 Haverford Avenue
MARTIN & HENRY l.\" .•Ir" Ut1ol';.!.e L. TOWJls(?lld, Collwyn Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed, WINFIELD H. COOK
Ilnllll'hn'y" A \""1'," pl,'asalll ("','ning Cleaned, Pre8sed and Remodeled Plumbing and Heating
Decoratdrs ·,'·a' "II.i".I-P'!. :\11'. I'lllll' stat('s that ('I'"l'y
Work Called for and Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty Essex and Haverford Avenues
Interior and Exterior Painting : young lady and glllltll'Ul:l1l ill XarlH1l'th Bell 'Phone 1284 J Walton'. Carage JIIARBERTH, fA.
who is Ilot "llIlIlCl't,'<1 with auy other
Phone Cynwyd B95 CYNWYD, PA.
Hihlp SpllllO] an' C'onliaIly
.illin tll!' plass, ~Ipl'ts PV('I"Y
iUI'itl"] to
The Misses Zentmayer's "


We are showing a full line of 1919 Imported
and Domestic Wall Hangings and Cretonnes
I;:::' :~;: :;: ',:~; :: ~: :l '~:~:;,::': : : :,:;::~: ,; ::~; :'; Will Reopen September 17, 1919
i S(J('ial "\"l'lIillg is hpl,1 Olllll' n llIonth. 125 WINDSOR AVENUE

The Fireside Narberth Register

(continued from Page 1.)
ASH SIFTING ELIMINATED Two Lines, IOc per iuue; Sc for each additional line
(Jr(lers have thus far heen I,Ia('e,1 for Because
this l'tOIlOmical fuel. Kelm, 11. C. CerllOed Public Accountant. Loos, l"lll1l1)o' ]1. PinHO tl'ucher.

A story suitl',1 to 11ary Pickford '"

Rainey-yYood "Domestic" 202 Dudley av~. Phune. Narberth 300-W.
Lee.' Garae_Hepalrln!:, ~lC. Phone. 1605.
StlHll", Ar("n<l" Bill;:. Pilone. 3W-.T.
SJoholm, MI •• Ebba. IIlu.lc Teacber and Ac.
companl.t. 228 lana a\·e.. Narbertb.
~lulltJ:"omer)' Gllrllj(e. 1'honc Nnrllerth lu:.!4. NOTAUI ..UDLIO
YerRatilt and a lllusing cxpJ'(\'~siolls of
S,'e llisplllY ullYertisement In this Issue. JeO'erle8, J. U. 111 Narberth .Ve,

herself, "'l'he Hoodlul1l," to be showu Sllrberth GllrIlj(e. Phone NUl'berth lti:l3. Phone, 666-M.
S,'e II isplll~' udl"ertisemeu t III this Issue. T)·.oo. Warren R. 200 Woodbine ave.
at the l'ala'Cl' 'l'hcatrl', Anlmore, for At:"J'O~I()IIILI, :,mUnCI, Phone, 1202-W.
two uays, \Vl'dul''tlay 1111,1 Thurs,lay, is et'llsurt·, Snhll'o PllOnl', li:':::'. OI'TICIA!'ol!l
i:'\l'e db:ipluy atln'l'tisplllt.'nt ill this iS~l1l'.
a vchicle with mallY bright spots, Ilota- :Ullin l ..int' Auto J.. uuItdr~· lllld (iUfllJ;C. Fl'nton. C...I 1<'. 506 E••ex ave. Phone 618- VI'
Plume, U'j~. Phil... addre... 1806 Che.tnut .t. Lo~uat IU.
illy a "shimmy" l'xetutl',l hy ~lary and Zentlltll)'er, JOHel.h. 2:lS S, 15th st., Phil...
See ,lls!,'"Y a<lYl'rtisl'U1ent In this issue,
a smaIl hoy in a hal'!, alll'y. The idea UANll.S PAINTERS
Merion 1.'ltI~ & 'J'ru!6t Co. Phone, Ard!l1ore a. Walzer. Frt·d.
of the plot is that of a youug girl who Is Practically Pure Carbon, and When Burned See display ad vert18~rnent In tbts lIUlue.
117 Wln.or ave. Phou., 1247.J.
1<':lVI'S a life of luxury .(0 live in the UUlLlJERtl PAPER UANGERS
slums, but. t.his is forgott.l'n wlll'n )Lary
Properly is Entirely Consumed :;me<lle~·. WPl. V. 8: U. 'I'. I'lloue, UOO. WUte, Goo. A. Fairview aVe.
See display ad YerUHenu~nt 1n tbl6 lallU8. Phone, Cynwyd 778-J, Flr.t-cla.. work.
bel'oml's the wil<h'st, uirtiest, anu most
out.landish of thl'l1I all ill tllC tenCUll'nt THE RESULT IS CA1\; Vi', ETC.
1l1l\·I.. JI. E. Pholle, 1254-W.
See display advertisement '0
tbls luue.
uArcadla," 16th and Chestnut It."
See dl.play advertl.~ment In tbl. le.ue.

st.rel't where she has "hosl'll to Ii\'e tem· UAUI'M.TElt:; A:>OIl nUlLIJERol
a fine, flaky ash, similar to that of a cigarette, which drops "enklJll!lt CiUi... L.
Cook, Winfield II. Phone 121O-J·.
porarily. 103 Dudley ave, Phone. 3ti2-M.
inio the aah pit and requires no sifling Sllt'ul"mIUI, ell,rence A. Phone 1652-R.
Sce display nllvel't1sement In thIs lune,
::;,'e lllsplaY advertlselUent III this Issue. Willi, U. n. Phone, 3U-J.
l't':"'J'ItAl;'I'Olt 01" I'LAtl'l'E1UNG See dIsplay adverU.ement In thl. I••u.
Monday I'\"ellillg, Sl'ptem bl'r 15, .Mr,
alld 11rs, .Iames G. l~oot(>, of Mont-
SEPTEMBER PRICE fo"rntulltoni t ,JaUteK, &. SOIlH.
~av HUIllI"len u\"e.. NUI·berth. !lox 270.
Caldwell '" Co. Pbone, 1271-W.

gomery avenue, entl'rtailled a Ilumber UI<;NTIl;'l'b See dl.pJay adv.rU.ement In tbla I••u.
Orr, Dr. A. 1•• 101 Elmwood aV. Phone, 393-W. FrUBeh, 11. C. Pbone, 262-W.
of fril'lllls in honor of .:\1rs. }'oote's Philo.. Phone. Filbert 42.2, Keith Bide. See dl.play adverU.ernent In tbl. I••ue
IIIWGGISTS (;odf.ey. WPl. B. .
brother, Mr. Horace Stewart, who is i
011 his wny to his hOll1e in Hollywood,
(Nut Size) lIowllrd·.. Phone, 1267.
See dlsplu.)' advertisement In thls IlUIue.
114 Wood.lde ave, Phone 886-W
Na.h, Robert J. Phone. 605. • .
smith, T. n. Ar,llIIo!"e, l>u. . Money for Flnt and Second Mortlrall....
Culifornia, after having ~lwllt a ytlal' See dlspluy ad\'ertlsement In this Issue. 81R1IJ8on. dames C. 232 Essex ave.
.I>:I.ECTRICIANS Phone. or H20 Che.tnut .t.
and u half in Italy with the Y. M. C. Per Gross Ton, Delivered I'ugh, Vert 225 lana ave. .ttOOFING, ETC.
A. :\lr. Stewart's collectiou of Wllr Nar, Phone, 650·W. Ard. Phone. 163-J. Garll-MeGlnlt·y Co, Phone, 1258.W.
EI.I'CTIUCAL DEVICES See dlaplay adverUsement In tbl. I••ue.
reli'cs was fOllJll! I'xceedillgly interl'st-
ing to the compally, Amollg those Pl'(~s'
A Big Saving Compared with Hard Coal Smedle)', .1>:. q. l'hone l:.!55-W.
Sl'e ,1i~IJluy u,lI'ertlselIlent lu this Issue.
Miller. John A. 243 lona ave. Pbone, 661-J
Shcp, 246 Haverford ave. Pbone, 122&.J
ent were: lIlr. ulld 1I1rs. Hobert Cal· Iml,erllli Gro.'t·ry Co. Phone, Narberth 606.
Good "-ear Shoe Rt'palr tlbop,
houu, of GermantowlI; :\lr. Ilnd ~[rs. ORDER FROM YOUR DEALER HAULING. ETC.
.'IUrU1tHiul, ,John. ArUll1Ufl', Pu. ('olishlUfhu"_, ]1. (... ~.m:! I-Inv(lrforu five
If He Can't Supply You-Can S,'e 1Ilsl.lur IIfiv"rtlseuwnt in this Issue. I\','xt tf) Cooi,'s ConI l'llrll. .
A. D. Pugh, of Dl'l'xel HiIl; 1[r. und INSUltANCE TAlLO US
.Mrs. Hohert Puttcrson)
Margaret lIIuelll'r, Miss Huth Hoehling,

Mr. Earle Dickey, .:\Ir. Hohl'rt .1. Edgar,


c. P. COOK, Narberth
Ilo\\"man, 81lnlllel P. (Life.)
ItG Elmwood ave. Phon.. 653-W.
.loneli, Chati. R.
305 S. Narberth ave, Phone. 682·J.
oIoneo, Wm. J. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone,
I'remo.t, II. Phone, 12M·.J
See dls[>lll)' nd"ertlsement In tltls Issue.
A]('I~nnl1er, George.
See display ndvertlsement In tltls ISeue,
of Narberth. Distributor for Narberth, Wynnewood and Merion ij~O-J PhilO.. •ddre••, P.nn Mutual Bide.
'1'rotter Ur08. (Fire, etc,)

~09 Wood. Ide ave, Phone. 1262-&. The above department should be or tb.
LAWYERS ereat.et ue. to the community, tho lIet con-
Mr. \V. C. Poor, teachl'r of the Young
People's Bible Class of UIC Prl'sbyterian
Sales Agent: W. J. RAINEY nllroy. John 211 E••ex ave. Phon•• 1246-R.
Phlla. addre... Ltncoln Bldg.
Stlt... Fletcher W. 4' 3 Hav.rford ave.
tains tho nam. of every profeulonal mao,
trn.de.nnan. mechanic. shopkeeper, eto., who
doe• .or can In any way ••rve hi. feUnw.
Ohureh, entertaiued the class at his Real Estate Trust Building. Philadelphia Phone 372-W Phil... addre••, Crozer Bide. towllaman. and who Ie proere••lv. enougb
LIGHTING FIXTURES to add name to lIet of Regleter.
. bome lust Friday evening, The guests Telephone 8483 Walnut &h'Uonald Jobn. Narberth pbone, 1288, A. It Ie dlMcult for tho.. contrlhuUnl
,included the Misses 1IInduline 11cCoy, 1533 ehe.t. •t .. Phlla, Phone, Sprue. 1118, their tlme and e!forte to tbe production 01
JIEATS, ETC. "Our Town" to personally either know or
. Margaret K. Eyrl') Jessie D. BlillingliIl, WRITE OR PHONE FOR BOOKLET ()oUer, Boward F. Phone. 1298. Interview all eucb, It would be mo.t belp-
e!.e dl.olay advertl••ment 10 tbla I••ue. ful If thoe. not now found In tbe printed
Florentine Mueller, melinor B. Eyre,
Lilliun Reuifer, Betty McCaig, Agnl's
"How to BurD RAI14EY. WOOD 'Domeltic' Cake" lIertzter, ,John U. Narberth.
See lllspln~' ad\"(>rtlRement In thlll IlIlIue.
lIet would .end In a memo of tb.lr name••
addre.e, phone number. and bu.IDe.... or
MIJ.K prole.elone for lI.tlne. Tbl. wl\l coat as tol·
W. Hose, Annie D. Schaeffer, Marion F. Srolt-Powell Dalrle•• Phone. Pre.ton 2lt8
Sea dl.play advertleement In thla l••u..
low.: 10 ceotl eacb I..ue for J 1I0e.; ,. ceDto
for eacb addlUonal lin•.

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