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Reporting Task(a)

variable Identifier type test value

Response response String Yes
Name name String Ali
Age age Integer 24
Gender gender Characters Male
Number of platelet Integer 123
Number of White white_blood Float 5.8
Blood cells
Body Temperature temperature Float 36.5
Number of hematrocrit Float 42.0
Number of lymphocyte Float 0.54
Number of neutrophil Float 4.5

Reporting Task (b)

The inputs values from the user are obtained from the user first then processed into the decision
tree. I chose this way as it is convenient for the user to give the all the inputs needed to be used in
the program and the program will decide the outcome whether he or she is having dengue. It is
convenient as it does not require the user to give in each input progressively as it allows the user to
get the results by giving every input used for the program. A worse case scenario is a case that
causes the maximum number of operations to be performed. In terms of worse case scenario, it is
not any better than obtaining input values progressively as the bottom tree decision which requires
most of the input values. Thus, in the world of programming, a program code’s speed is tested relies
on worst case scenario.

Probable Dengue Result

Likely Dengue for low Platelets count less or equals 143 result
Likely Non-Dengue for high platelets count for more than 143 result

Likely Dengue for low hematrocrit less or equal to 41.2 result

Likely Non-Dengue for high hematrocrit more than 41.2 result

Probable Non-Dengue for high Lymphocyte more than 0.58

Likely Dengue for Low Neutrophil less or equals to 4.9 result

Likely Non-Dengue for high Neutrophil more than 4.9 result

Testing Challenge Task 1 and 2

When yes is chosen to add another patient, it will request the user to enter the new name of the
patient until Neutrophil.

When I want to not add a patient, the program ends.

If there are any other characters, program will notify the user that an invalid character is found and
request the user to enter name again.

If the age is less than 1 or more than 100, it will break and needs user to enter the age again.
If any other characters other than male or female, it will break and need the user to enter gender

The user need to enter at least 1 for the number of platelets.

The user cannot put 0 white blood cells as it is invalid and the minimum number of white blood cells
is 1.0

The user is not allowed to enter less than 30 and more than 50 degrees Celsius.
The user cannot enter less than 10 for haematocrit.

The user must enter more than 0.10 and less than or equals to 1.0 for lymphocyte.
The user is required to enter more than 1 for Neutrophil or else the it will break and the user is
required to enter Neutrophil again.

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