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Cry, the Beloved


by Alan Paton


Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
Cry, The Beloved

1. apprehend a pre HEND to seize, arrest, take into custody; to understand; become aware of
Synonyms >> Antonym >> turn loose
Fortunately the police apprehended the man who stole my television.
Derivatives >> apprehender, apprehensible, apprehensibility, apprehension
2. articulate are TIK yuh late to speak distinctly; expressing oneself clearly
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to speak indistinctly; to mumble
An announcer must be articulate. A good politician must be able to articulate his views.
Derivatives >> articulated, articulating, articulation, articulateness, articulative, articulately, articulator
3. congenial kun JEEN yul characterized by friendly sociability
Synonyms >> compatible, consonant, genial, pleasant, attractive Antonym >>
The family decided to settle in the congenial little town.
Derivatives >> congeniality, congenially, congenialness
4. corrugated KOR uh gay ted bent into folds
Synonyms >> Antonym >> smooth
A corrugated box absorbs shock and helps to protect its contents.
Derivatives >> corrugate, corrugating
5. desolate DES uh lit deserted, without inhabitants, barren
Synonyms >> Antonym >> populous
Some of the western states have large areas that are desolate.
Derivatives >> desolately, desolateness, desolater, desolating, desolation
6. dubious DOO be us doubtful; not clear
Synonyms >> Antonym >> distinct, doubtless, assured
Since he had not read the document, he was a little dubious about signing his name to it.
Derivatives >> dubiously, dubiousness, dubitable, dubitancy, dubitate, dubitation, dubitative, dubiety
7. expedient ik SPEE dee unt appropriate for a purpose but not necessarily moral, right, or just
Synonyms >> Antonym >> disadvantageous
In trying to increase political support, the candidate found it expedient to change his stand on taxation.
Derivatives >> expediate, expedience, expediency, expediential, expedientist, expediently
8. gravity GRAV eh tee seriousness, importance
Synonyms >> earnestness, sedateness, sobriety, solemnity, staidness Antonym >> unimportance
The gravity of the situation was heightened by the death of the president .
Derivatives >> grave, graver, gravely
9. humility hyoo MIL eh tee the quality or state of being humble in spirit
Synonyms >> Antonym >> pride; arrogance
The humility of the man was astounding: he gave no sign of having excessive pride or arrogance.
Derivatives >> humilities, humble, humbly
10. innumerable in NUM er uh bul very many; more than can be counted
Synonyms >> Antonym >> very few
There are innumerable ways to succeed in life.
Derivatives >> innumerability, innumerably, innumerous
11. irresolute eh REZ uh loot indecisive, unsure of how to proceed
Synonyms >> Antonym >> sure; decisive; certain
The confused child stood irresolute, waiting for some instruction.
Derivatives >> irresolutely, irresoluteness, irresolution

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
12. muse MYOOZ to ponder
Synonyms >> meditate, ruminate Antonym >>
I have often mused about life on a tropical island.
Derivatives >> mused, museful, musefully, museless, musing
13. muted MYOO tid toned down or silenced
Synonyms >> Antonym >> amplified
The conductor wanted the music to be muted at one spot in the performance.
Derivatives >> mute, mutedly, mutely, muteness
14. obscure ub SKYOOR difficult to see, vague
Synonyms >> abstruse, ambiguous, cryptic, enigmatic, equivocal, recondite Antonym >> clear; apparent
Because the meaning of the play was obscure, I was unable to enjoy it.
Derivatives >> obscuration, obscurative, obscuredly, obscurely, obscurement, obscureness, obscurity
15. prestige pres TEEGH a high standing or reputation; influence
Synonyms >> Antonym >> lack of influence
There is a lot of prestige attached to graduating from that college.
Derivatives >> prestigious, prestigiously, prestigiousness
16. prodigal PROD uh gul wasteful, a person given to extravagance
Synonyms >> lavish, lush, luxuriant, profuse Antonym >> thrifty individual
The prodigal son squandered his inheritance.
Derivatives >> prodigality, prodigally, prodigalize
17. profundity pruh FUN deh tee profound knowledge, intellectual depth
Synonyms >> Antonym >> shallowness; stupidity
Einstein had a profundity that was admired by all.
Derivatives >> profound, profoundly, profoundness
18. quaint KWAYNT unusual in character or appearance
Synonyms >> eccentric, peculiar, queer, unique Antonym >> ordinary
When we go to New England, we like to stay in a quaint old inn that gives us the flavor of the area.
Derivatives >> quaintish, quaintly, quaintness
19. reconcile REK un sile to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to alienate
The family will never be the same until Mom and Grandma reconcile their differences.
Derivatives >> reconcilability, reconcilable, reconcilableness, reconcilably, reconcileness, reconcilement, reconciliate
20. renunciation reh nun see A shun the act of renouncing; ascetic self-denial
Synonyms >> sacrifice, rejection, repudiation Antonym >>
The board member made a renunciation of his chairmanship.
Derivatives >> renunciate, renunciant, renunciative, renunciatory
21. repress reh PRES to restrain, to hold back
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to release
I feel that I need to repress my desires for him since he obviously does not like me.
Derivatives >> repressed, repression, repressive, repressiveness
22. reproach reh PROCH to blame for something; a disgrace
Synonyms >> admonish, castigate, chasten, chastise, chide, rebuke, Antonym >> to praise; accolade
Her conduct was reprove
so good that it was beyond reproach.
Derivatives >> reproachable, reproachful, reproachfully, reproachfulness, reproachingly
23. reverie REV uh ree daydreaming
Synonyms >> Antonym >> attentiveness
Spring seems to lend itself to reverie.
Derivatives >> reveries, reverist
24. rue ROO to be sorry for, to regret
Synonyms >> Antonym >> to consider happily
He will rue the day that he tangles with me.
Derivatives >> rueful, ruefully, ruefulness, rues
25. scrupulous SKROO pyuh lus very principled, very careful and conscientious
Synonyms >> meticulous, punctilious Antonym >> unprincipled
The scrupulous police officer never took a bribe, and he ceaselessly tried to prevent crime.
Derivatives >> scruple, scrupulosity, scrupulousness, scrupulously

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
26. stipend STY pend normal salary
Synonyms >> Antonym >> bonus
The normal stipend for a good quarterback is a half million dollars a year.
Derivatives >> stipendiary, stipendium, stipendless
27. tenacious teh NAY shus persistent, holding fast to a position
Synonyms >> mettlesome, resolved Antonym >> fickle
England was tenacious in its desire not to fall to the Germans.
Derivatives >> tenaciously, tenaciousness, tenacity
28. transmutation trans myoo TAY shun a change into something different
Synonyms >> metamorphosis Antonym >>
The alchemist was interested in the transmutation of iron into gold.
Derivatives >> transmute, transmutability, transmutationist, transmutative
29. travail truh VALE difficult labor
Synonyms >> Antonym >> relaxing diversion
It took years of travail to build this business.
Derivatives >> travails

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.

Cry, the Beloved

by Alan Paton

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
Cry, the Beloved Country
by Alan Paton

These words which appear in Cry, the Beloved Country have been identified as words or
derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in alphabeti-
cal order.
1. apprehend 11. irresolute 21. repress
2. articulate 12. muse 22. reproach
3. congenial 13. muted 23. reverie
4. corrugated 14. obscure 24. rue
5. desolate 15. prestige 25. scrupulous
6. dubious 16. prodigal 26. stipend
7. expedient 17. profundity 27. tenacious
8. gravity 18. quaint 28. transmutation
9. humility 19. reconcile 29. travail
10. innumerable 20. renunciation

These words which appear in Cry, the Beloved Country have been identified as words or
derivatives of words that have appeared on past SAT tests. They are listed here in the order in
which they appear in the novel.

1. mute 11. muse 21. repression

2. gravely 12. dubious 22. reverie
3. articulately 13. tenaciously 23. expedient
4. reconciled 14. ruefully 24. prestige
5. stipend 15. apprehension 25. scrupulous
6. irresolute 16. prodigal 26. renounce
7. corrugated 17. reproachfully 27. profoundly
8. travail 18. congenial 28. humility
9. obscure 19. innumerable 29. transmuted
10. desolate 20. quaintness

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
Cry, the Beloved Country
by Alan Paton

Vocabulary Test
Directions: Match the word in the left column with the correct definition in the right column.

Exercise A
________ 1. apprehend a. doubtful
________ 2. articulate b. to seize, arrest, take into custody
________ 3. congenial c. deserted, without inhabitants
________ 4. corrugated d. appropriate for a purpose but not necessarily moral
________ 5. desolate e. seriousness, importance
________ 6. dubious f. to speak distinctly, expressing oneself clearly
________ 7. expedient g. the quality or state of being humble in spirit
________ 8. gravity h. bent into folds
________ 9. humility i. characterized by friendly sociability
________ 10. innumerable j. very many, more than can be counted

Exercise B
________ 11. irresolute a. a high standing or reputation, influence
________ 12. muse b. difficult to see, vague
________ 13. muted c. wasteful, a person given to extravagance
________ 14. obscure d. to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
________ 15. prestige e. toned down or silenced
________ 16. prodigal f. profound knowledge, intellectual depth
________ 17. profundity g. unusual in character or appearance
________ 18. quaint h. the act of renouncing, ascetic self-denial
________ 19. reconcile i. indecisive, unsure how to proceed
________ 20. renunciation j. to ponder

Exercise C
________ 21. repress a. to be sorry for; regret
________ 22. reproach b. daydreaming
________ 23. reverie c. normal salary
________ 24. rue d. to blame for something, a disgrace
________ 25. scrupulous e. persistent, holding fast to a position
________ 26. stipend f. to restrain, hold back
________ 27. tenacious g. very principled, careful and conscientious
________ 28. transmutation h. change into something different
________ 29. travail i. difficult labor

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.
Cry, the Beloved Country
by Alan Paton

Vocabulary Test 1

1. b 2. f 3. i 4. h 5. c 6. a 7. d

8. e 9. g 10. j 11. i 12. j 13. e 14. b

15. a 16. c 17. f 18. g 19. d 20. h 21. f

22. d 23. b 24. a 25. g 26. c 27. e 28. h

29. i

Copyright © 2002 by Advanced Placement Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Used under license by Laying the Foundation, Inc.

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