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Reading and Writing
a word which is used before a noun,
a noun phrase or a pronoun, connecting
it to another word

“Sebuah Kata (dalam bahasa Inggris) yang

digunakan sebelum kata benda, frasa atau
kata ganti dan berfungsi sebagai
kata penghubung antara suatu kata/frasa
dengan kata/frasa yang lain”
Preposition of

at on in
The use of Preposition “at”

Specific Time Holiday Period

… at specific time … at holiday period
“We start English virtual class at 8 am
this morning.”
“Will you have a class at 10 am
—Specific Time
“We shall be happy to see you at the next
Eid Mubarak.”

“There are a lot of competition at

Independence Day.”
—Holiday Period
The use of Preposition “on”

Day Date
… on day … on date
“Will you join biking on Sunday?”

“We have an English class on


“We have a English mid-term test on
the 19th?”

“She was born on March 2nd.”

The use of Preposition “in”

Months Years The Decade

The Century Season Time Period

“Nadhir will go to Japan in January?”

“His birthday is in February.”

“The Titanic sank in 1912.”

“I started working here in 2018.”

“Westlife was famous in the ’90s .”

“Life was difficult in the 1940s.”

— the Decade
“Life in the 19th century was very
different from what it is now.”

“Peru was colonialized by Spanish

in the sixth century.”

“We always clear out garage in the
early autumn.”

“Many bulbs bloom in the spring.”

“The class will start in fifteen

“The guess will arrive in an hour.”

—Time Period

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