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MECHANISMS IN LABOR A. Initial Fetal Assessment

✓ Although fairly passive in labor, a fetus is
MONITOR VITAL SIGNS subjected to extreme pressure by uterine
✓ Body temperature contractions and passage through the birth
➢ Temperature of the body; normally 98.6 canal, so it is important to ascertain that the
F or 37°C in humans; usually measures FHR remains within the normal despite these
to obtain a quick evaluation of a pressures
person’s health
B. Auscultation of Fetal Heart Sounds
✓ Blood pressure ✓ Fetal heart sounds are transmitted best
➢ Pressure of the circulating blood against through the convex portion of a fetus
the walls of the blood vessels; results because that part is the part that lies in
from the systole of the left ventricle of closest contact with the uterine wall
the heart; sometimes measured for a
quick evaluation of a person’s health C. Initial Electronic Monitoring
➢ Normal: 120/80 mmHg ✓ It is noninvasive, easily applied, and does not
require cervical dilation or fetal descent
✓ Pulse rate before it can be used, so it can be introduced
➢ The rate at which the heart beats; at any time during labor
usually measured to obtain a quick
evaluation of a person’s health
➢ Normal: 60-80 bpm

✓ Respiration rate
➢ The rate at which a person inhales and
exhales; obtain a quick evaluation of a
person’s health
➢ Normal: 16-20


A. Passage
➢ Woman’s pelvis
➢ Gynecoid (ideal)
➢ Adequate size and contour

B. Passenger
➢ Fetus
➢ Appropriate in size and in an
advantageous position and
➢ Cephalic (ideal position)

C. Powers
➢ Uterine factors
➢ Should be adequate

D. Psyche
➢ Psychological outlook
➢ Which mother can view labor as a
positive experience


PAIN 2. The length of the labor

✓ Sensation of discomfort ➢ Prolonged labor (medical term:
✓ Subjective and personal symptom dystocia), labor that occurs very slowly,
✓ Only the experiencing person can validate the is associated with worse labor pain than
presence of pain expected, leading to greater use of
✓ It is a protective mechanism that alerts a person epidural analgesia and risk of operative
that something is happening somewhere in the interventions
body ➢ Contractions tend to become longer,
stronger and more frequent as time
1. Uterine contractions
➢ Uniquely, contractions cause pain 3. Position of the fetus
(unlike the all involuntary muscle ➢ Fetus in an occiput posterior position
contractions: heart, stomach, and cause intense or nagging back pain,
intestine) due to anoxia to muscle even between contractions much more
fibers. Anoxia occurs when there is than if the fetus in occipitoanterior
constriction of blood vessels, reducing position
the supply of oxygen. ➢ Baby’s head can painfully press against
Anoxia – absence or deficiency of oxygen the spine and tailbone of the mother –
reason why it is causes more back pain
2. Stretching of the cervix and the perineum when the baby is faced up.
➢ This phenomenon is similar to intestinal
pain when accumulated gas is 4. Presence of fear, anxiety, worry, body image
stretching the intestines and self-efficacy
Perineum – area between the external genitalia ➢ Woman who believe that they can
and the anus control situation (self-efficacy) are
reported to have a satisfactory birth
3. Pressure of the surround tissues and organs experience than those who are not in
➢ Fetal presenting part can cause control.
pressure on the tissues, surrounding ➢ fear, anxiety and ability to cope at labor
organs such as the bladder, urethra, affect the severity and perception of
and the lower colon women’s labor pain
Fetal Presenting Part – part of the baby that
leads the way through the birth canal. It is the 5. Availability of support persons
baby’s head but it can be a shoulder, buttocks ➢ Support persons can be a husband,
or the feet depending on the fetal position mother, friend or doula
➢ A doula is person who is experienced in
PERCEPTION OF PAIN childbirth and postpartum support.
1. Expectations and preparedness of labor ➢ These type of support persons provide
➢ Woman who expected pain to be physical emotion and informational
horrible are usually surprised because support prenatally, during labor and
the expected agony never materialized birth, and even postnatal period
while woman who expected pain to be ➢ An effective doula can increase self-
minimal would be overwhelmed by the esteem, speed of the labor process, and
intensity of the pain. improve breast feeding success
➢ Unrealistic expectations cause tense,
making labor pain worse than when she
is relaxed

6. Production of Endorphins
➢ Endorphins are chemicals produced
naturally by the nervous system
(primarily made in the hypothalamus
and pituitary glands) to cope with pain
or stress. (Berry, 2018). This may
influence the amount of pain a person
receives at a given time
➢ Production of endorphins vary among
individuals. Therefore, a person’s
overall pain threshold is different

7. Cultural Expressions
➢ Refusal of pain medications during
labor, which affect the perception of
pain due to limited pain relief measures
or treatments
➢ General cultural beliefs about labor pain
are associated with racial biases
➢ Cultural influences in pain management
can contribute to cultural conflict,
miscommunication, misdiagnosis,
inappropriate care and ineffective
patient care


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