Tugas Topik 4

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Nama :

Nim :

Kelas :

Tugas :

1. When does the comversaton occur?

 Conversation takes place in the morning
2. What topic did the woman ask the nurse?
 The woman ask about the costs at the hospital
3. What health problems does bina have?
 Health problems that have thyroid bina
4. When do doctors open practice?
 Doctors open practice in the afternoon at 3 to 8
5. Has dina ever checked her health to the doctor before?
 Dina had previously checked her health to the doctor
6. Why doesnt dina have sugery at harapan kita hospital?
 Because in the hospital we hope without or whit long waiting list insurance and a lot
af patients
7. What depens on oprtating costs?
 Which depends on the cost of sursery is the severity of the case and the type of
surgery chosen the doctor.
8. What are the oprating costs?
 Operating costs of 30 million .
9. Does the fee include room,medication and doctors visit?
 Costs do not include drugs and doctors visit.
10. Depending on what the doctors costs?
 Doctor fees depend on the room chosen for the recovery period.
11. How long will the thyroid patient stay in the hospital for recovery?
 Approximately 1 week
12. When will dina meet whit the doctor?
 Dina met the dotor at 3 o`clock in the afternoon.
13. What botheret dina whit her thyroid?
 Which distutbs dina with her thyroid,it is difficult to breathe when he lies down it is
difficult to swallow.
14. Write down as much medical vocabulary as you find from the dialogue!
 Nurses,doctor,patients,hospital,operation,checked,thyroid,bump,rather hard,of the
case,difficuh,recovery,swallow,treatment,breath, list ,problem,bothers.

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