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Findings & Justifications.

save 3 to 4 hours due to changer of process measuring viscosity after cooling the temperature at
150 ̊C.

It concluded that above step number nine in the above flow chart of start measuring acid value
(A.V) & viscosity every hour till reaching an A.V value of 8mg KOH /g immediate after Re-heat
the mixture We need minor change in the process that start measuring acid value (A.V) &
viscosity after cooling the mixture at temperature of 150 ̊C instead of cooling material after
measuring viscosity.

This In view of the above discourse, obviously these viewpoints shape a pecking order, with the
problem solving point of view at the most minimal level, the basic leadership viewpoint in the
center, and the hierarchical point of view at the most elevated amount. Moving among these
three points of view compares to moving one's center from the generation arranging association
to one individual to one assignment step will at temperature of 250 usually viscosity is thick if
measure when material is hot.

We also need to improve heating and cooling time of the reactor by proper maintenance and
validation to keep the process standardized which can result saving of 6 – 7 hours in total
manufacturing cycle.

. Consequently, this order of points of view does not relate to a fleeting or spatial decay. It is
identified with an errand based decay of the creation booking framework.[ CITATION Her08 \l
1033 ]

Quality Key issue

XYZ is stronOperations director claimed that they have regular problems coming from quality
problems. He also added that they internally are facing some quality problems that need special
attention. Although all quality problems are r gly emphasized on quality and employees are
trained in quality concepts and the use of quality tools but they provide only on-Job training.

esolved before defects they discover to their supervisor. However, it appears that the time needed
to perform each step is critical for delivering products to customers in a timely manner.

reaching customers, they are still contributing in raising the costs of operations.

Employees are responsible for each with 5 observations) about the current timing (in hours) of
measuring acid value (A.V) & viscosity of 8mg KOH/g.

performing in-process quality checks (quality at the source), and to report any

The standard deviation of the process is 0.274 hours so, the quality team decided to collect a
sample data (20 samples

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