Exam-Topics-French-2020 6

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Exam Topics

1.The upside and the downside of the technological revolution (the Internet,
mobile phones, computers).
Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over the last few decades, but has it
really made our lives easier?
Some of the most vociferous critics of the Internet predict that it will produce a
generation of couch potatoes or, worse still, ‘a generation of idiots’ (Albert
Einstein). Do you agree?
To what extent do you rely on technologies?
What is social networking?
In what way can the internet be detrimental to one’s wellbeing?
What precautions would you advise people to take?
Should the use of social networking sites be banned at work?
How has the internet changed the way we communicate?
What negative effects has the internet had on our social lives?
Are you keen on talking on the phone? Why (not)?
When was the last time you sent a personal letter?
Which forms of communication will become obsolete?
Is it possible to become a social networking addict?
2. Growing up with the media. How far can a couch potato intellectually
grow? Discuss the role of the mass media in modern society.
3.Computers will soon render books obsolete.  How far do you agree with it?
Speak about your reading preferences and the changing role of libraries in the
digital age. Would you rather read a conventional book or an e-book? Why?
3.The television – a mixed blessing? Certain media messages are detrimental to
our society. Do you agree that the mass media and TV, in particular, have an
adverse effect on moral standards?
4.Honesty is the best policy.
Can you think of occasions when people are dishonest?

What professions are sometimes accused of giving misleading information or half-
Do you always tell the truth?
Should people always tell the truth regardless of the circumstances?
Is dishonesty ever justifiable ?
5.What is an addiction? What types of addictions do you know (shopaholism,
workaholism, etc.)? What should be done and can be done to overcome an
6.What are the major causes of stress and anxiety? What advice would you
give to your fellow students to cope with exam stress?
7.Speak about character and personality traits you like and value and those
you find annoying.
What are the things you cannot put up with?
Do you think you have some bad habits which may interfere with your work and
spoil your relationship with others?
Do you wish you could get rid of them?
8. Give your own view on the importance of learning foreign languages.
9. Give your own view on taking up teaching as a career.
Speak on the difficulties awaiting young teachers at school, the problem of school
violence, bullying, peer harassment.
10.The greatest sweetener of human life is friendship. What is a true friend?
Have new technologies made us more or less sociable?
Would you say you value the opinion of your friends or family more?
Do you get on with all the members of your family?
Do you need to cut down on the amount of time you spend with anyone you know?
How can your family help you cut out behaviour that can be detrimental to your
11.Travelling broadens the mind. Give your opinion on the best way to travel.
What is the importance of travel?
What is the most memorable trip you have ever taken? Why was it special?

Do you feel travel can provide educational benefits?
Are you keen on travelling alone (solo) or with others?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of package holidays?
What are the possible difficulties faced when travelling abroad?
Is travelling to a different country the best way to learn a language?
Have you ever had a nightmare trip? Why?
Due to the improvement of living standards, has travelling become easier in recent
12. Give your opinion on healthy life style. Point out the greatest health
hazards of today.
13. Sport and leisure. Why has sport become a world-wide obsession? Give
your own view on extreme sports.
How often do you get around to working out?
What are the pros and cons of doing physical activity?
Have you ever had an amazing sporting experience?
Are there any times that you would rather relax to unwind from the stress of your
routine rather than be active?
What has been your greatest sporting achievement?
14. Vocational Training: a boon or a bane?
What is the value of education?
Is it essential in today’s society to get a degree in terms of employment?
What are, in your opinion, the characteristics of a ‘useful’ university degree is?
Which types of degrees are better, vocational or academic?
How can you account for the proliferation of the university courses which are
devoid of academic rigour – the so-called Mickey Mouse courses? How can you
explain a significant surge in interest in these courses?
Would you dare say that you are a good student?
What can students learn from failing exams?
How could the education system be improved in your country?

15. Our attitude to work is highly ambivalent. Work has become the
scapegoat for all our ills. How far do you agree with it?
What should be the ultimate focus when it comes to work?
What is more important when it comes to a career: salary or job satisfaction?
Do you agree that some jobs which are intrinsically unsuitable for women? Glass
ceiling – reality or myth ? Discuss the concept of (sexual) equality at work.
Do you believe people can successfully balance work and family? How would you
do it?
Is it a good idea to stay in the same job your whole life or to try different things?
Have you ever experienced great success at work?
Would you ever consider changing career paths?
Have you ever been fired from your job? Why?
Have you ever been unemployed for a long period of time? How did/would you
How would you define success?
Do you have the same idea of success as your parents?
Is money an essential part of success nowadays?
To what extent should children be encouraged to become successful?
Do you think failures can contribute to a person's success?
Can you think of any famous people who encountered failure before success?
What would you consider to be your greatest achievement?
Have you ever failed miserably at something?
Can massive failures ever contribute towards a person’s success?
16. News coverage in the media today
Do you think news coverage accurately depicts what is going on in the world?
What do you think there should be more/less of on the news?
Do certain types of events get too much/too little coverage?
What events do you consider newsworthy?
Should all people watch the news on a daily basis? Why or why not?

Do you trust everything you hear or see on the news? Are you sure the information
given is always true?
Is it important to keep up with current events?
17. What is the impact of computers on contemporary leisure patterns? Do
you think today’s digital world really adds a new dimension to the concept of
work, leisure and socializing?
What are the benefits of having a fixed routine?
Are you a fan of taking up new activities?
Would you say you are more of an early riser or a night-owl?
When was the last time you made drastic changes to your daily routine?
What are the pros and cons of working flexi-time ?
Are social networking sites changing our daily behaviour?
18. In many modern societies and throughout the human history, tattoos have
been used to represent age, cultural milestones, personal achievements, or
social status. They can also be purely decorative.
What are some common stereotypes surrounding people with tattoos?
Do you hope to get a tattoo some days? If so, what image would you choose?
Can tattoos be considered a form of art?
19.Social networking sites like Facebook are seemingly all over the place. Do
you see this as a good thing or bad thing? Why?
If all social networking sites were shut down forever, how would your life be
Apart from socializing with friends, what other uses do social networking sites
How can social networking sites be used as an agent of social change in Ukraine?
20. Sherry Anderson said, “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are
worthless, but because they are priceless.”
Why do people volunteer? Would you like to work as a volunteer?
Have you ever benefited from someone’s volunteer work?
What situations need volunteer workers?


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