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Skor Nilai:


STUDENT NAME : Gloria Rosanna Pasaribu

NIM : 1193311026






Praise and thank you, the writer says to God Almighty, because of His blessings and
Grace, so that the writer can complete the assignment of English Critical Book Report papers.
The author thanked Mr. / Mrs. the lecturer concerned who had given his guidance.
The author realizes that this "Critical Book Report" paper is still lacking and we
expect constructive criticism and sran from every reader for the sake of this "Critical Book
Report" perfection. Hopefully the "Critical Book Report" can benefit us all.

Medan, April 2019



TABLE Of CONTENTS..........................................................................................................ii

BOOK IDENTITY ..................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................2

A. Backgrounds....................................................................................................................2

B. Objectives........................................................................................................................2

C. Benefits...........................................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II BOOK SUMMARY.........................................................................................3

A. Main Book.......................................................................................................................3

B. Comparative Book..........................................................................................................7

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION...............................................................................................11

A. Advantages....................................................................................................................11

B. Weakness.......................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER IV COVER.........................................................................................................12

A. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................12

B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................................12

BLIBIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................13

BOOK ATTACHMENT ……………………………………………………………...……14


Main Book

Title : Integrated English

Author : Naeklan simbolon, Eva Betty Simanjuntak, Mariati Purnama
Simanjuntak, Kristina Gloria Simanjuntak, and Janner Simarmata
ISBN : 978-602-53015-4-4
Publisher : Jaya Pangus Press
Year of publication : 2019
Book Thickness : 202 Pages

Comparison Book
Title : Communicative Grammar Focus And Exercise For Easier Conversation
And Better Assesment
Author : Drs. Pardiyono
ISBN : 979-731-259-3
Publisher : ANDI
Year of publication : 2004
Book Thickness : 180 Pages

A. Background
Critical Book Reoprt is a mandatory task given by the lecturer to students as
learning material for the IQF. CBR rationalization is often confusing in choosing
book references for us to read and understand. Sometimes we choose one book but it
is not satisfying. For example in terms of language analysis and discussion about
Therefore, the author makes this Critical Book Report to make it easier for readers
to choose reference books, especially on the subject of English language learning in
elementary schools.

B. Objectives
1.Fulfill the task of Educational Psychology courses
2.Train individuals to think critically in finding information in each book.

C. Benefits
1.Add reader insight into Educational Psychology.
2.Add to the knowledge of authors and readers about Critical Book Report.
3.To find out more about books.


Unit 1: To Be

Subject To be

Present Past

I Am Was

You Are Were

We/They Are Were

He/She/It Is Was

S + to be + noun

 Is

He IS a football player (dia adalah seorang pemain sepakbola)

She IS an architect (dia adalah seorang arsitek)

 Are

They ARE teachers (mereka adalah guru)

We ARE students (kita adalah murid)

 Am

I AM a dancer (saya adalah seorang penari)

I AM a singer (Saya adalah seorang penyanyi)

Unit 2: Subject Pronoun, Possesive Adjective, Noun, Verb, Adverb

Table Subject Pronoun

Subject Pronoun tobe Short version

I Am I’m
He Is He’s
She Is She’s
It Is It’s
We Are We’re
You Are You’re
They are Thes’re

Example: I am going to school

We students are going to have a vacation

Table Possesive Adjective

Subject/person Possesive adjectiv

I My
We Our
You Your
They Their
She Her
He His
It Its
Example :

My bag is pink (tas saya berwarna merah muda)

Your house is beside the post office (rumahmu ada di sebelah kantor pos)

Their children are always in the first rank at school (anak mereka selalu ada di peringkat
pertama di sekolahnya)
Our cake is the best in town (kue kami adalah yang terbaik di kota)
His cat was died two days ago (kucingnya mati dua hari yang lalu)

UNIT 3: To Be: Yes/No Question Short Answer Possesive Nouns

Possessive noun is a very useful way to show possession or ownership of something.
We can use Possessive noun in any context, be it academically, professionally, or daily
context. Mostly, we form a Possessive noun by adding “ the apostrophe + S ” or only the
apostrophe at the end of a noun, depending on the noun type. In comparing things, we can use
simple comparative, that is between two things.

UNIT 4: Preposition and Comparative Adjective

Another important element of English language is the preposition. It tells us the

specific information about the object on our sentence, therefore, the preposition is commonly
found before the noun or the pronoun. We can categorize the prepositions to five categories,
simple / common prepositions, double prepositions, compound prepositions, participle
prepositions and phrase prepositions.

UNIT 5: Simple Present Tense and Preset Continous Tanse

Use simple present tense and present continous tense as part of the English language. simple
present tense and present continous tense are showing the current activities. Present continous
tense is a tense where a speaker is stating some activities which are currently occurring while
the speaker states it.

UNIT 6: Simple Past Tense and Past Continous Tense

Use simple past tense and past continous tense as part of the English language. In real –
world conversations, we always need to talk about or to share what we have done or
experienced before. The simple past tense and the past continous tense are used to describe
some activities that happened in the past.

UNIT 7: Present Perfect Tense adn Present Perfect Contious Tense

Use present perfect tense and present perfect continous tense as part of the English language.
We use present perfect tense and present perfect continous tense to say about something that
happened in the past, but it still has connection to the present. Often, we need to share about
our activities that we have started in the past and continue to occur in the present and maybe
ended in the present time.


Use the past perfect tense and past perfect continous tense as part of the English language.
When we talk and discuss something with our friends or colleague or new acquittances, we
often ask about the other party`s information, such as what they have done in the past and
other kinds of stuff in their past as we want to know more about them.


Use the simple future tense and future continous tense as part of the English language. Simple
future tense explains or states some actions or activities to be performed by the subject in the
future. Example : I will meet you tomorrow morning.


Use the future perfect tense and future perfect continous tense as part of the English
language. Future perfect tense is a tense to declare an action or activity that will have been
completed or done in the future or near future.

UNIT 11: Question Words

Understand and implement integrated English language skills especially in forming some
question words. In everyday conversations, we always involve in communication in which
we need to confirm our understanding or to seek information form others. It is a requirement
to use the proper “ Question Words “ to communicate with others in that context.

UNIT 12: Passive Voice

Use passive voice as part of the English language. Passive voice used when we want to put
the object that experience an action becomes the main character in our sentence or
conversation. We use “ by “ to show the one who done the action.


Chapter 1 : past Tense for Narration Used To For Habitual Actions

Simple present tense is one of the four tense in the past tense group, besides we have
past continuous tense, past perfect tense and past perfect continuous tense. In the daily
functional conversation, it proves to have relatively high frequency in the us. One of the most
common uses of this tense is to convey any events or actions done in the past time. The us of
verbs is part from is unavoidable. An in English we have regular and irregular verbs, we have
to recognize them very well. In a conversation, sometimes you need to tell about your habits
in the past; things that yourregulary did in the past. For this function, we use this verb pattern;
used to + verb 1. To tell about a lot of things that you didn’t usually in the past, use the
negative pattern, didn’t use to + verb-1. To tell about your attitude towards something, which
is usually expressed using adjective, use the formula : used to + adjective.

Chapter 2 : Indirect Questions Sequence Markets and Imperatives.

In the daily communication, we don’t just need to tell or inform a lot of things to other
people. In a certain condition, we need to ask about a lot of things because we need to know
more about them. In English, as we have recognized so far, there are several types of
sentences :statement, question or request, imperative and exclamation sentences. In this
chapter, we are going to learn about the use of indirect question and imperatives.

Direct Question Indirect question Imperatives

Where is the bank? Could you tell me where Go down this street for
the bank is? two blocks. The bank is
on your left

Is there a post office Do you know where the Go to the traffic. Cross
around here? post office around here the traffic and turn left
What time does the bank Could you tell me what
open? time the bank opens?

To ask for some information about anything that you want, including places.
Locations or buildings, we can use direct questions and indirect question. The use of indirect
questions in suggested as it is considered to be more polite, especially to whom we haven’t
familiar with. In indirect question , it consists of two clauses and questions from direct
questions become statement in indirect questions.

Chapter 3 : Comparison Degrees Adverb and Adjectives

This chapter will talk about the notion and use of comparative sentences, in the daily
communication activities. One of the most common function of learning, comparative
sentences in that we can use them to convey our choices upon some available options or
alternatives in English, we have three kinds of comparative sentence:

1. Positive degree, to show the similarities between or among objects or options. The
pattern is marked by the us of paired preposition as….as….;the same….( as)
2. Comparative degree, to show one between to objects which is more or better in the
matter of number, condition or characteristic.
This pattern is marked by the use of preposition :more… or the use of suffix /-er/
3. Superlatives degree, to show one among a number of objects which is considered to
be the best, to be1, the top, etc.
This pattern is marked by the use of preposition of “ she most…..” or “ the est”

Chapter 4 : present Perfect vs Past Tense Imperatives and Two-Part Verbs

Present Perfect tense is one of the four tenses included in the ‘present group’, besides
present tense. Present continuous tense, and present perfect continuous tense. One of the most
common use of present perfect tense Is to ask and tell about experience, ask and tell about
any activities we have done so far. Look at the following examples :

1. Asking about experiences :

- Have you ever eaten gudegyogya ?
- Have you ever been to lake toba ?
- Have you ever lost your wallet?
- Have you ever got lost to some places?
2. Asking about things we have done so far :
- Have you eaten breakfast today?
- Have you seen the ‘Twister’?
- Have you taken a computer course?
- Have you called your old girlfriend?

It seems to be impossible to use only one kind of tense in a conversation to convey a

massage. Thus, we need to combine a several kinds of tense together. To tell about our
experience in the past, the use of present tense, present perfect tense and past tense is
In English, there are several kinds of verbs, be :full verbs, regular and irregular
verbs, including two-part verbs. Some of the two-pan verbs will introduced in this chapter
with their own meanings in the context.

Chapter 5 :Request with Modals Imperatives

We surely realize that we don’t always feel satisfied over many things related to our
daily life, things in our neighborhood, our school environment, city or nation at general.
Sometimes, on purpose or by accident, some neighbors disturbs our privacy with their
business and activities. Sometimes, we have to complain about some rules or regulations
applied in our school environment, laws made by our state members in the house of
Respresentatives in Jakarta

Encountering any matters, which disappoint and disturb us, we need to make requests
and complaints. In English there are several ways of making requests and complaints. And
over some mistakes we have made, we need to make some apologies, that mean that we have
to apologize to someone else. Some of them will be discussed in this chapter. Look at the
following examples :

a. Requests
- Would you mind turning down the radio? It’s too load
- Would you mind keeping your dog inside? It’s baeking to much
b. Complaints
- Excuse me, but you are blocking me
- You’re late. It’s been 8;00. I’ve been waiting for more
c. Apologies
- Oh. I’m sorry. I missed the bus
- I’m sorry, didn’t realize that it was overdue.


In English there are several ways of making request and complaints. And over some
mistakes we have made, we need to make some apologies, that mean that we have to
apologize to someone else. Some of them will be discussed in this chapter. Before discussing
more, look at the following examples ; request, would you mind turning down the radio? It`s
too loud. Precede the sentence using infinitive for imperatives and modals for request.


A complete sentence always contains several elements that make up of it; subject
( noun ), predicate ( verb ) and object ( noun ). Furthermore, we have to put a verb
functioning as an object. Then, we must change the verb into noun by adding the suffix : / -
ing /. This verbs is called gerund. In a conversation, we often use such patterns.



That language ia a means of communication, it always carriesspecific message in

every sentence we utter. A long sentence is often identical with a complex sentence in which
sub clause is always employed in it. The sub clause it self can be an adjective clause or an
adverbial clause. Look into the following examples and compare them.


Past tense is used to talk



A. Advantages

The advantages of the main book are :

- The contents of the book is very related to the title of his book
- Have a good and clear material
- Coverage of the material expanse
- Use language that is easy to understand
The advantages of the comparison book are :
- Buku ini tergolong buku pelajaran yang materinya disajikan dengan bahasa yang baik
- Buku ini juga memiliki tampilan gambar di setiap bagiannya
- Judul buku sesuai dengan materi yang disampaikan pada buku ini
- Terdapat grammar practice di dalam buku ini
- Di dalam buku ini juga mendukung beberapa latihan conversation di dalamnya

B. Weakness
The weakness of the main book are :
- Each chapter has no competency standards and goals that want to achieve
- The placement of punctuation less effective
- Does not have a summary of every chapter
- The cover of the book that seem ordinary
- Too many images
- The contents of material very slightly
The weakness of the comparison book are :
- Design dan gambar pada buku kurang menarik sehingga membuat para pembaca
kurang tertarik dalam membacanya
- Buku ini kertasnya sangat tipis sehingga mudah rusak

A. Conclusion
Each book has its advantages and disadvantages of each content, there is no perfect
book. Books that have deficiencies do not mean that they are not good or not good to
read. Likewise, books that have advantages also do not mean good books to read.
Nothing in the one book we want to find summarizes all what we want, it can be just
that in book A the material we are looking for is more than in book B but these two
books are equally important for the material to be discussed.

B. Suggestion
As one of the learning resources, critics suggest that this book is owned by every
student and used as a guide in learning English. In this Critical Book Report critics
have difficulty in composing and determining the topic. Therefore, critics expect
explanations from friends and especially lecturers of English courses.

- Naeklansimbolon, dkk.2018 .Integrated English.Denpasar :Jayapangus

- Paridiyono. 2004. Communicative Grammar Focus And Exercise For Easter
Conversation And Better Assessment. Yogyakarta :Andi

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