Texto Ingles

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Blue jeans are the most popular types of clthes in the world; but they are not
modern! In fact, jeans heve existed for over 140 years.

In 1996 someone found some very old clothes in the old mina in nevada U.S.A;
they included a pair of dirty old jeans, those jeans are very valuable and they are
now in the Levi Strauss archival collection in san Francisco. The jeans which are
over 120 years old, are the oldest pair of levi’s 501 jeans in the world.

They are almost the same as a modern pair of 501’s there are just some small
differences in the details. For instance, today’s 501 have two back pockets, the old
pair just has one.


Jeans were the classic clothes of the american west. In 1853 a Young tailor from
germany, called Levi Strauss began working in San Fransisco, Levi sold thick
canvas to miners; the miners used the canvas to make tents.

One day a miner told Live that he could not trousers that were strong enough for
work in the gold mines. Live decided to make some trousersout of canvas.

Very soon he had sold all the canvas troursers he had made, they were just what
miners wanted. Homewever the canvas was rather heavy and stiff, Live therefore
began looking for a different textil; soon he found a heavy textil from france, it was
called them nimes, and then this name son got reduced to denim.

Denim was a bit lighterthan cavas, but it was very strong; ¡it was ideal for mines.
However original denim was almonst White and miners did not like the color!
Because denim trousers got dirty as son as they began working.

Levi Strauss therefore decided to use color denim and he choose dark blue. En
1873he began to make denim trousers with metal riverts to make them stonger.
This was a radical new idea: “Blue jeans” had arrived!.

Levi’s jeans were so popular, that this company got bitgger and bitgger and soon
athers firms were marking blue jeans too. Miners liked them but so did cowboys
and other working men. Jeans became classic american working trousers.
After second World war, jeans became popular all over the world. Today blue jeans
are all over the world, most of them in Asia. Very few jenas are mde now in U.S.A
because of the cost; but it still posible to buy blue jeans that are made in San
Fransisco… if you have a lot of money to spend.

Today there are hundreds of diffent brands of jeans. Many top fashion brands like
Armani or Benetton, their own blue jeans but for real authentic jeans, Live’s are the
most popular Brand.

1. How long have jeans existed?

a) Jeans have existen for 120 years.

b) Jeans have existed for 140 years
c) Jeans have existed for 150 years
d) Jeans have existed for 199 years

2. Where was the first pair of Live’s 501 found?

a) In Texas
b) In San Fransisco
c) In nevada
d) In new york

3. A difference between the old and the modern Levi’s 501 is:

a) That the old Levi’s 501 has one back pocket and the modern has two.
b) That the modern Levi’s 501 has two back pockets and the old one doesn’t.
c) That the old Levi’s has two pocket and the modern one has only one.
d) That the old Levi’s 501 has zero back pocket

4. Why did Levi Strauss decide to produce trouser made of cavas?

a) Because the miners prosed Live to make trousers out of canvas.

b) Because the miners didn’t want to have canvas trousers to work.
c) That the old Levi’s 501 has two pocket and the modern onehas only one.

5. Did live sella ll the canvas trouser that he made?

a) Yes he did.
b) Some of them
c) No, he didn’t.
d) Sell man.
6. What kind of textile did kate canvas place?

a) Systhetic textile.
b) Serge de nimes.
c) Strong leather.
d) White canvas.

7. Where is denim from?

a) It’s from france.

b) It’s from U.S.A.
c) It’s from germany.
d) It’s from Riohacha.

8. Why was denim better the canvas to make trousers?

a) Because denim was lighter canvas.

b) Because denim was stiffer then canvas.
c) Because denim was heavier the canvas.
d) Because denim is large.

9. Why didn’t miners like the original denim color?

a) Because their trousers got warm quickly.
b) Becauser they did’t like light colors.
c) Because their trousers got dirty quickly.
d) Because the colors are red.

10. Levi change the original denim color for:

a) White.
b) Dark.
c) Black.
d) Yellow

11. What did Live do after he changed the deim color?

a) He took the metal rivets off the trouser.

b) He put metal riverts to the denim trousers.
c) He made trousers with canvas and denim.
d) He put it Stone and sand.

12. What kind of people used to wear blue jeans?

a) Cowboysand miners.
b) Mniers and farmers.
c) Farmers and cowboys.
d) Sports an play soccer

13. Why did the producction of jeans lower in U.S.A. the in Asia.

a) Because of the denim.

b) Because of the materials
c) Because of the cost.
d) Because there isn’t sell.

14. What is the most famous blue jeans Brand in the wold?

a) Armani.
b) Live’s
c) Bentton.
d) Cocodrill

15. How is the information presented in the text?

a) First the need of trousers, then the denim transformation and finaly the
international denim rocognition.
b) First the denim transformation, then the need of new trousers and finally the
international denim recognition.
c) First the need of new trousers, then the international denim recognition and
finally the denim transformation.
d) First the need to use expensive trousers.


In 1957 an engineer companystarted studyinh the possibility to join britain and

France through a tunnel under the sea. It woluld have two trains for passangers as
well as small service train. In 1973 the ideas went into action and the hard work
began. A short time later, they were stopped because there wasn’t enough money
to complete theproject.

In 1984, several companies showed their ideas to re-star the Project: two variation
of railway, a road and dig brigde over the English cannel. The chosen Project was
the railway solution that was very similar to the one presented back in 1973. This
time with help from both the British and French, a private company began the

On January 20th 1996, the company transmanchelink (TML) said that a long tunnel
would be constructed. They chose a route from folkes tone in England to colais in
France. This wasn’t the shortest posible way and the company needed to work
harder tan .

It took seven yerras to complete the Eurotunnel and about 13.000 people worked
on it.

The two ends of the smallest platform met on december 1 ts 1990 and lot of
journalist and photographers went to the opening ceremony. Later, in 1991 the tow
long trains met. Teh work continued and three years later the Project was

a) Travel between two countries. V

b) Solve economic problems.
1. The Eurotunnel was bult to c) Receive help from countries.
d) Run on the beach
a) 1970
2. They first started to build the b) 1950
Eurotunnel in c) 1973
d) 1984
a) Finished the tunnels.
3. Some time after starting the b) Had problems with time.
construction the company building
c) Couldn’t continue
d) Had lunch early
a) Build more tunnels
4. What did companies want to do in b) Continue building the projecfs
1984? c) Change the Project.
d) The engineer is Young.
a) A long one
5. The way with the compa ny build b) Completed in 13 years
the tunnel was.
c) Imposible to build
a) Esier
6. Compared to what the firt company b) Shorter
did, TLM’S work was.
c) More difficult.
a) Smallest plataforma was completed.
b) Travelr’s train met
7. Ther was a ceremony when the c) Project was company not
d) Project was not completed
a) In 1990
8. When was the Eurotunnel Project b) In 1994
finished? c) In 1991
d) In 1999
El verbo to be, que significa ser, esta o tener, según el contexto, es seguramente
más utilizado en la lengua inglesa y también el más importante. Se utiliza como
verbo principal y como auxiliar, y es irregular en pasado y en presente.

9. De A a D señala la oración que es correcta

a) Mary and Jorge is friends.

b) Jorge are an exllent person.
c) They are walking on the beach.
d) You am good student.

10. Según el contexto.

a) El verbo to be se utiliza pocas veces

b) El verbo to be es el más utilizado
c) El verbo to be se usa algunas veces
d) El verbo to be no se usa.

Responde la pregunta 1 a 4 de acuerdo con el ejemplo.

¿Dónde puede ver estos avisos?

En la pregunta 1 – 4, marque A, B, o D en una hoja de respuesta.

A) At a school
1. Luch for teachers B) On a streest
From 12:00 to 1:00 pm C) In a flat
D) In a cinema
A) On a plane
2. How do I drive? B) On a bus
Pone: 0152067 C) On a boat
D) On a bike
A) In a house
3. New Toys: Green
B) In a shop
mansters. Angry dols.
C) In a zoo
And black helicopters
D) In a river
A) On a board
4. Please, take the one you B) On a computer
want t oread C) On a beach
D) On a bookcase

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