January 10, 2011

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4:00 pm of Monday – January 10, 2011

Hebrews 4:12-13
“(Sharp + Dexterous)Weapon + Omniscient Wielder”

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to
dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart. 13Nothing
in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to
whom we must give account.

Honestly, I often neglect to read God’s word daily, at most only thrice a week – on prayer
meetings, devotion before practice and on Sunday service. I’m not proud of it, it’s my struggle.
Before, when I was in my 3rd year HS to 1st year college, I read God’s word daily in sequential
manner; I finished the 4 books of Gospel, Acts, some few letters to the churches, and from
Genesis to I Samuel. I can say that those years were my peak. But being pulled by the magnet of
the world, it faded unnoticeably.

But now, required by the Music Ministry of our local church (Word of Hope), I’ll force myself to
do it again daily, writing on this spiritual diary. I’m honestly too lazy for this. But then again,
after reading today’s text (Hebrews 4:12-13), I see the light of the old days coming back to me.
This time, let it not fade.

The author of Hebrew is addressing this passage to the believers of the time it was written. But
I believe that this passage is also addressed to every believer, and that includes me.

In this passage, God wants us to know that He is omniscient (All-knowing), and He is using a
sharp and dexterous weapon (His Word) that will surely hit our weak points.

At first glance, it would seem that the author used personification in verse 12, but I do believe
that the author didn’t do so, I believe that he is stating facts about the word of God, his simply
saying, “Its ALIVE!!!”. Yes it is, and not only that it is breathing, it is also active. The word of God
is on motion and it swings like a sword (v12b) but sharper than one.

I asked myself, “What does ‘it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow’
imply?” then I looked up what marrow means, it means “soft tissue in bones”. Then a new
question came up, “If it is sharper than any double-edge sword, then why hit the soft tissues,
joints or the boundary of the soul and spirit if it can cut through the bones, soul or spirit?”, then
God revealed the answers, perhaps it imply something. It implies that it is not only sharper
rather, it is also dexterous. Dexterity is the combination of quickness and accuracy. Aren’t joints
hard to hit? Joints are rather small compared to the two things they’re joining, so it is harder to
hit. Moreover, joints are considered to be the weak points of any object. So this weapon is not
blindly swinging around and hitting anything on its way, it targets our weakest points.

Which is scarier to battle: the sharpest weapon or a dexterous one? Or worst, both? Guess
what, the word of God is both. Who would want to go against the word of God? Well, the fools

Now to add more flavor, imagine that the weapon is being wielded by an all-knowing being
(v13), someone who can see every move that you make and will make. Scary isn’t it? Don’t get
me wrong, this one is not a formidable enemy, this one is unbeatable. And the wielder is no
other than God.

Who would go against His word?

Who would go against Him?

Not me.

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